Yıldönümü 4

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Mola yerinden sonra fazla oynaşamadık, otobüsün tüm ışıkları sönmedi ve bir müddet sonra gün ağarmaya başladı. İstanbul?da inince Neşe bir ara kaşla göz arasında kızın yanına gitti bir şeyler konuşup geldi. Bir taksiye binip evin yolunu tuttuk. Arabadan ini apartmana girdik ve asansörle dördüncü kata çıktık. Dairenin kapısın açtı içeriye girdik bavulları yere koydum ve kapıyı kapattım. Neşe hemen yere diz çöküp etekleri beline kadar topladı, öne eğilip başını ve omuzlarını yere koydu, bacaklarını iyice iki yana açıp belini aşağıya bastırdı. Aman tanrım bir manzara bu kadar güzel olabilirdi. Had. Düz beni. Yeteri kadar bekledim. Hemen şimdi burada düzmeni istiyorum beni dedi. Arkasında diz çöküp kalçalarını okşamaya başlayınca hayır hayır ön sevişme falan istemiyorum. Sadece izmir escort beni düzmeni istiyorum dedi. Ama daha sertleşmedim diyince olsun öyle sok içimde sertleşsin onu doya doya hissedeyim dedi. Fermuarımı açıp yarağımı dışarı çıkarttım ve iyice kavrayarak başını gelinimin amına soktum. Bastıra bastıra tamamını yerleştirdim ve bir yandan eğilip göğüslerini okşamaya başladım. Yarağım sanki bir kara fırına sokmuş gibiydim. Bir an tutuşacak sandım. Bu kadar ateşlenmiş olması hayret bir şeydi. Ben evlendiğimiz günden beri böyle sikilmeyi bekliyorum dedi, biryandan da kendini kasarak yarağımı amının içinde sıkıştırıyordu. Tamamen sertleşince kendimi geri çeki kafasına kadar geriledim ve tüm kuvvetimle köküne kadar tekrar geçirdim. Ohhhhhhh geçir babacığım, geçir becer gelinini izmir escort bayan kökle, kökle ki bu am yarak yüzü görsün diye çığlıklar atmaya başladı. Ben bir yandan hızla pompalıyorum bir yandan da komşular duyacak rezil olacağız diye çekiniyordu. Eğilip kulağına Neşe millet duyacak dedim. Duyarlarsa duysunlar. Evlendiğimden beri sessiz sinema oynuyordum kime ne, soran olursa ah kardeş kocam nihayet aşka geldi beni doya doya sikti derim derdi. Hem konuşuyor hem önümde kalçalarını kıvırtıp beni biraz daha kudurtuyordu. Bir iki git gelden sonra içinden çıktım ve Gelinimi kucağıma alıp mutfağa götürdüm. Masanın üstündekileri yere savurtup Neşe?yi yere indirdim ve masanın üstüne doğru eğilmesi için bastırdım. Bacaklarını hiç kırmadan eğilip masaya yattı tamamen. Bir bacağını escort izmir kaldırıp masanın üstüne koydum ve arkasına geçip yarağımın kafasını sulu amcığın dudaklarına sürtmeye başladı. Babam babam canım geçir hadi becer beni ne duruyorsun diye çığlıklar atmaya başladı. Tek hamlede yarağımı köküne kadar gelinimin tatlı amcığına geçirdim. Ihhhh ohhhh işte bu işte bu becerilmek düzülmek bu. Bir am böyle sikilir diye çığlıklar atmaya başladı. Her vuruşumda masayla birlikte bir miktar ileriye doğru sürükleniyorlardı. Neşe canım kızım ben sensin daha sonra ne yapacağım böyle tatlı bir am nerden bulacağım dedim. Sen beni böyle sikersen ben seni amsız bırakır mıyım babacığım kökle kökle yırt minik kızının amını diye çığlıklarla altımda gelmeye başladı. Bende geliyorum diye kendimi geri çekip çıkmak isterken hayır sakın çıkartma o fışkırma titremelerini içimde hissetmeliyim. Sıcak sıcak içime akıt diye kendini bana bastırınca daha fazla dayanamayıp gelinimin amcığının derinliklerine doğru fışkırmaya başladım.Gönderen: dagli53

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ahh Unutamadım

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben 20 yasında istanbulda yasayan sex delısı bır gencım… Ilk sex hikayem kız kardesımle yasadıgım gun basladı ve hep devam ettı o gunu hıc unutmuyorum!!!! Ogunu sızınle paylasmak ıstıyorum.. Benden 1 yas kucuk olan kız kardesım benı odasına cagırmıstı ve bende gıtmıstım odasına gırdıgımde kardesım banyodan yenı cıkmıstı we kulotuyla sutyenını bulamamıstı ve benden yardım ıstemıstı kahretsın bende porno cd ızlemekten yenı gelıodum yanı tam azmıs bıcımdeydım amaa kardesımde bahçelievler escort azmıs gıbı gozukuodu bı anda bornoızunu cıkardı ve erık buyuklugunde kı memelerı ortaya cıkmıstı amınıda yenı almıstı terıtemızdı offfffffffff… Sonra sırt ustu yatagı uzandı ve benı yanına cagırıp bacaklarını ovmamı ıstedı daha sonra tam ben ovarken bırden bıre kapı caldı cok korkmustuk gıttım actım en iyi arkadasım gelmıstı durumu onada anlatıım we kardesımın odasına türbanlı escort gıttık kardesımın amı bıze bakıodu kardesım ayaga kalkıp arkadasıma cırıl cıpkak merhaba dedı(fazla sexi 1 meerhabaydı) sonra ıkımız elınden tutup bızı yataga cekıp soydıu 3umuzde azmıstık we lkardesımı yuzukoyun cewıordık cunku o kucuk amına kıyamadık we gotten sıkmeye basladık ben once elımle kardesımın amını oksamaya baslamıstım benden sonra arkjadasım onun gotune sıkını sokmustu tesettürlü escort we kardesım ahhh ohhhhhhh dıye ınlemeye baslamıstı sonra yuzunu bıze cewırerek yattı we amını koklamaya basladık bı harıkaydı dorusu once ben sonra arkadasım dayanamadı we sıkıne prezarvatıf takıp sıkmeye basladı bende altına yattım kardesımın gotu nu sıkmeye basladım daha sonra yuzunu bana cewırdı we kardesımı altıma aldım kulak memelerınden melelerıne memelerındende amına ınmdım we yaşlamaya basladım ılk once am dudaklarınıyaladım sonraysa ıcıne gırdım offffffffff kardesım osırada ınmlıyodu we bırden agzıjma bosaldı bende onun azına sıkımı soktum we bosaldım o dollerımı yutarken aynı zamanda bırde arkadasımınkını yutuyordu arkadasım da benden once bosaldı daha sonra Gönderen: arkadasımın kız kardesı

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Annemle Yazlıkta

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Öncelikle bu siteyi yapan herkese tşkkr ederim Ben size geçen yaz başımdan geçen olayı anlatıcam ama benim hakikaten gerçek.Ben 17 yaşında 1.78 boyunda mavi gözlü kumral biriyim annem ise 35 yaşında mükemmel biri ğögüsleri ufak ama idare ederbiz geçen sene aile yakınlarıyla denize gitmiştik bizden babam ben annem onlarda çocuklarıyla geldiler..Tatile gittiğimizde babam annemi kimsenin görmediği yerde denize sokuyodu kıskançtı biraz annemle akrabamızın karısı kimsenin görmediği yerde denize giriyodu.Birgün bahçelievler escort ben sabah kalktığımda baktım ewde sadece babam ve akrabamızın çocukları vardı babama sordum nereye gittiler diye denize indiler dedi bende gidiyodum o sırada akrabamızın karısı geldi(tuvalete gircekmiş oyüzden geldi)sonra ben ona annemlerin nerde olduğunu sordum oda her zaman ki yerde yüzüyolar dedi.Bana sen git ben gelirim dedi..Ben de annemlerin yanına gittim annemler orada kimse türbanlı escort olmadığı için akrabamla öpüşüyolardı ben çok şaşırmıştım ben biraz bekledim ve durumu izledim bu arada benimki taş gibiydi annem karın gelcek diyodu akrabam ise olsun o sıçmaya gitti diyodu.. Ardından akrabam annemin bikinisinin altını çıkarttı annemin ki bembeyazdı ve kılsızdı mükemmel bi manzaraydı sonra akrabamız anneminkine sokunca benim içim gitti akrabamız anneme gidip geliyodu sonunda akrabamız tesettürlü escort boşaldı ama dışarıya..Ben de onlar toplandıktan sonra yanlarına gittim anneme neden denize girmediğini sordum oda soğuk dedi ben girdim sonra anne sıcak gelebilirsin dedim annemde geldi ve onla yüzdük açıldıktan sonra anneme sabahki olayı sordum babana sakın sööleme dedi sanada veririm diyince benim içim gitti Ertesi sabah herkes denize inince annemle sex yaptık annem profesyonel orospu gibi benimkini ağzına alıyodu bende zevkten ölüyodum sonra onun götüne sokmak istedim çok acır ama dedi bende babama söölerim dedi oda peki peki tamam dedi sonra annemi götten siktim ilk ben sokuyodum götten dapdaracıktı Sonra annemin üstene boşaldım annemle haftada bir kere sex yapıyoruz Mükemmel bi duygu herkes tatmalı bence….Gönderen: Anneci

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Teyzemi Çocuğunun Önünde Siktim

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Merhaba!Ben 22 yaşında üniversite öğrencisi bir gencim.En küçük teyzem Berna benden 5 yaş büyük ve manken misali bir hatun.Çocukluğumdan beri onunla kardeş gibi beraber büyüdük ve ben oldum olası onun yusyuvarlak kalçalarının hastasıydım.Ergenliğe ilk adım attığım dönemler,banyolarında gizlice külotlarını bulup koklar,mastürbasyon yapardım.Uyurken,banyo yaparken hep dikizlerdimZaten kendisi biraz da hafifmeşreb bir hatundu.Benim yanımda rahat davranır soyunup giyinir,açık otururdu.Tabi ben de kudururdum.Teyzem 3 sene önce Hasan diye bir iş adamıyla evlilik yaptı ama kocası kendinden hayli yaşlı ve ilgisizdi,ama zengindi.Benim de kocasıyla aram oldukça iyiydi.Ama teyzemin mutsuz olduğunu her zaman duymuş ve hissetmişimdir.Evlendiklerinden bir sene sonra Burcu diye bir kızları oldu.Bir akşam üzeri eniştem bana telefon edip şehir dışına çıktığını,Berna`nın bir süpermarkette alış-verişte olduğunu ve arabamla gidip kendisine yardım etmemi söyledi.Kaçırır mıyım,hemen atlayıp gittim.Vardığımda süpermarketin kapanmasına yarım saat vardı.Teyzemi bulduğumda alış-verişinin ancak bittiğini söyleyince eve geldik.Hemen bir duş alacağını söyledi ve beş dakika Burcu`yla ilgilenmemi rica etti.Banyo yaptığı süre içinde bırakın Burcu`yla ilgilenmeyi yanına bile uğramadım.Banyosu bitene kadar delikten o süper kalçaları izledim.Yıkanması bitince saten,mavi ve kısacık bir gecelikle banyodan çıktı ben de peşinden hemen tuvalete girip yeni çıkardığı sıcacık külotu koklaya koklaya 31 çektim.Çıkınca kahve içmemi teklif etti,yine kabul ettim.Saat 23:00 olmuştu.Bu sefer de yarın bir işi olduğunu Burcu`ya yine bir saat bakmamı istedi.Bu hoşuma gitmemişti ama peşinden bombayı patlatınca hemen kabul ettim.Aynen şöyle dedi “Hatta bir daha bir daha gidip gelme bu gece kal burda.” Evlendiklerinden itibaren ilk anadolu yakası escort kez onlarda yatıya kalacaktım.Bana yastık-çarşaf getirip istediğim yere yatabileceğimi söyledi.Televizyonlu odayı tercih ettim.O da kızıyla yatakodasında yatmaya gitti.Gecenin ilerleyen saatlerinde su içmeye mutfağa gittiğimde yatak odasının kapısının açık olduğunu farkettim.İçerden loş bir ışık geliyordu.Sessizce kapıya yaklaştığımda süper bir manzarayla karşılaştım.Burcu ile birlikte yatağa yüzüstü uzanmış ve geceliği götünün yarısını açık bırakacak şekilde sıyrılmıştı.İçinde beyaz slip bir külot vardı.Yarağım anında dikildi.Bu gece bir şeyler yapmalıydım.İçerde biraz daha oyalandım.Ama dayanamıyordum.Tekrar tekrar gidip o götü izliyordum.Sonunda karar verip emekleyerek odaya girdim.Yanına geldiğimde muhteşem kokuyuda algıladım hemen.Çılgına dönmüştüm.Yavaşça geceliğini biraz daha yukarı sıyırdım.Hissetmedi.Dizlerimin üzerine kalkıp burnumu götünün yarığına iyice yaklaştırdım.Bir elim sikimdeydi.Bu hareketim onu da hareketlendirdi ve yan yatarak dizlerini içeri topladı.O harika göt daha bir belirginleşti.Titriyordum ama bu fırsat bir daha elime geçmezdi.Yavaşça elimi götüne değdirmeye başladım,taş gibi ve soğuktu.Hafif hafif sıktım korkarak ama bir hareket yoktu ondan.Bundan cesaret alıp anlık bir kararla şortumu ve külotumu çıkarıp hemen yanına uzandım.Yavaş hareketlerle sikimi götünün yarığına yaklaştırdım.Biraz sonra tamamen yapışmıştım.Süper bir duyguydu.Hareketlerimi biraz sertleştirmiştim ki tekrar yüzüstü döndü.Yüzü Burcu`dan tarafa bakıyordu.Birden elini hemen yanımda görünce yavaşça bileğinden tutup kaldırdım ve taş gibi sikimin üstüne koydum.Yaptıklarıma ben de hayret ediyordum ama beni çok azdırmıştı ne yapayım…Elini sikimin üstünde hiç hareket ettirmedi ataşehir escort ama ben zevkimi almıştım.Sonra götünü sert hareketlerle tekrar okşamaya başladım.Uyanıp uyanmaması umurumda değildi,iş çığırından çıkmıştı.En sonunda o da yetmedi ve kalkıp bacaklarını bacaklarımın arasına alarak üstüne yatma pozisyonu aldım.Şınav çeker gibi üstüne inerek sikimi tam iki dağın arasına yerleştirip kalkıyordum ki bu sefer Burcu hareketlendi.Birden tırstım ve yataktan hemen inip odama kaçtım.Hem de giyinmeden.Ne yaptığımı şaşırmıştım.Birden gözüme cep telefonum ilişti.O an bu görüntüleri ölümsüzleştirmem gerektiğini anladım.Telefonumu kamera moduna alıp aynı hareketlerle yatak odasına girdim.Telefonu aynanın önüne yerleştirip en son kaldığım pozisyona döndüm.Eğilip sert bir hareketle teyzeciğimin götünü şöyle bir yaladım.Sonra ellerimi yana atıp yavaş yavaş külodunu aşağı çekmeye başladım.Dizlerine kadar indirdikten sonra girmeye karar verdim ama korkuyordum harbiden.Belki teyzem için artık çoktan iş işten geçmişti ama Burcu görmemeliydi.Gerçi daha iki yaşındaydı ama olsun…Birden aynanın yanındaki kremi görünce gidip biraz aldım ve yarağımı bolca kremledim.Çünkü götten sikecektim teyzemi.Deli cesaretiyle bcaklarını karnının altına çekip domalmasını sağladım.Bunları hissetiğine eminim ama sikecektim,kafaya koydum.alev gibi yanan sikimi kabak çiçeği gibi açılan göt yanaklarının arasından deliğe bastırdım.Olmadı.Bir daha.Yine olmadı.Sonra iyice bastırdığımda teyzem biraz kıpırdandı,çünkü kapı açılmıştı,ama dapdardı.Yavaş yavaş içeri süzüldüm.Yarısına geldiğimde teyzem derin nefesler almaya başlamıştı.Sonra bir den köküne kadar ittirdim.Yıllardır hayalini kurduğum teyzemi domaltıp yapışmıştım.Ellerimle kendime çekiyordum onu.Az sonra ileri geri yapmaya başladım,sonra hızlandım.Çok avrupa yakası escort harikaydı.Ama az sonra “anne” diye bir sesle hareketlerden etkilenen Burcu arkasını dönünce tuhaf şeyler oldu.Teyzem,Burcu tam döndüğü sırada üzerine kapaklandı ve dirseklerinin üzerine kalkarak Burcu`nun beni görmesini engelledi.Ben şaşkınlıktan öyle kalmıştım,hala teyzemin içindeydim ama…”tamam kızım,bişey yok pış pış pış” gibi şeyler söylüyordu yarı uyanık Burcu`ya.Sonra birden kafasını yana doğru çevirip “hadi sen de çabuk bitir işini” deyince öyle bir afalladım ki anlatamam.Ama pozisyon mükemmeldi.Burcu teyzemin kollarının arasında,teyzem domalmış bir şekilde önümde..Aayaklarımın üstüne kalkıp,girip çıkmaya başladım.Teyzem`den “uff..” sesleri geliyordu hafif hafif.Az sonra şap şap sesler çıkmaya başladı.Teyzem Burcu`yu pış pışlamaya devam ediyordu.Ardından teyzem yine dönüp “patlayacağın zaman haber ver” dedi.Şaşkınlıkla “ama arkadayım” dedim.Teyzem ne dese beğenirsiniz!”Salak!Sürprizim var”.Bir iki şaplamadan daha sonra boşalacağımı anladım ve teyzemin kalçasını sıkıp “evet” dedim.Teyzem hıphızlı bir hareketle kalktı,ben ne olduğunu anlayamadan,Burcu`yu kucaklayıp beşiğine yatırdı,sonra pikenin ucuyla sikimi sildi ve gırtlağına kadar yarağımı ağzına soktu.Seri hareketlerle sakso çekiyor bir yandan da taşaklarımı kşuyordu.Kudurmuştum.Tam patlayacağım sırada teyzeme “geliyorum,ne yapıyoruz!” dedim.Tam o sırada yine “Anneee!” diye bir ses geldi.Sese doğru baktığımda ne göreyimBurcu beşikte ayağa kalkmış bize bakıyordu.Teyzem sikimi ağzından çıkarıp sert bir ses tonuyla “hemen oraya yat!” dedi ve tekrar muameleye devam etti.Burcu söz dinlemişti.Burcu`dan dolayı çok utanmış ama teyzemin hareketine de o denli afallamıştım.O ana kadar teyzemin ağzının içine boşalacağımı anlamamıştım.Saçlarından tuttuğum gibi kafasını sikime bastırdım ve şiddetli bir sarsıntıyla teyzemin ağzına boşaldım.Tamamen boşalana kadar teyzem hiç ağzından çıkarmadan sikimi emdi…Az sonra bana “böyle sikmeyi kim öğretti sana!” deyince spermlerimin tamamını yuttuğunu anladım….Teyzemle o gece iki kere daha sikiştik.Gönderen: ernesto

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Abimin İsteği

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Selam ben uşaktan 26 yaşında gencim hemen hikayeme geçmek istiyorum Ben ve abim yıllarca gay olarak ilişkilere girmiştik. abim evlenince hiç fırsatımız olmadı.yengem tam bi sex ilahesi gibiydi 167 esmer balık etli idi adı sevildi.abimle yengem evleneli1 yıl olmuşlardı ve sex hayatlarına yenilik katmak istemişler.bende bu planın kurbanıyım tabii1 gün abim karısının evde olmicanı ve gece beraber kalarak 1 yıldır yapamadığımız sexi yapalım dedi. bende itiraz etmedimok dedim.eve geldimde abim bana anadolu yakası escort kadın elbisesi giymemi söledi. bende hiç itiraz etmedim ve mini etek siyah beyaz badi fileli çorap ve tanga vardı bide kızılperuk uzundu.makyaj yaptım dudaklarıma ruj sürdüm odaya girdimde abim zaten hazırdı 31 çekip duruyormuş. bana gel dedi bende hemen azıma 18 lik yarağı alarak emmeye başladım özlemiştim onu adeta içime çekiyodum.yalamıyor yutuyodum.bu arada abim göt deliğimi ataşehir escort hafiften parmaklamaya başlamıştıbile.bi an arkamda başka bi el götümü tokatlamaya başladı.arkama dödümde yengem beline bağlamalı yapay zenci yarrağını takmış götümü tokatlıyodu.utandım ama yengem merak etme ben istedim dedi dahada rahatlamıştım yengem götümü yalarken abim azıma boşalmıştı yengemle tüm menileri yuttuk ve abime dönerek dediki 2 nizde domalın dedi ikinizide sikicem dedi tabii bizde itiraz avrupa yakası escort etmedikk. yarrak 20 cmvardı.yengem ikimizede köklemeye başlamıştı.bi beni sikiyodu bi abimi sonra elbiselerimi çıkartıp (abi2nizide ben sikicem dedim)ve ikisinide sikmeye başladım ama yengemin harika bi amı vardıtam boşalıcam zaman azına vermek istedim hayır amıma boşal dedi.bende amına boşaldım.sonra götünü sikicem dedim ok dedi abimin azına vererek yarağımı kaldırttım ve yengemi götten sikmeye başladım20 dk sonra azına boşalmamı istedi bende boşaldım. sabah kadar böle devam ettik sabah kalktımızda yengeme neden amına boşaltırdını sordum hamile kalırsın dedim oda bana abisinin kısır oldunu ve benden çocuk istedini söledi.artık 1 yıldırilişkimiz böle devam ediyo bu arada hakan juniorum oldu tabii yengemdenGönderen: kız hakan

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My First Night at University

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


So for a bit of backstory, I come from a very conservative household. Neither of my parents agree with gay marriage or even gay people, really. Of course I was born as gay as they come, for whatever reason. I have a pretty high sex drive I’d say, but as I couldn’t ever go out and meet girls I was essentially stuck finger-dancing with myself whenever I got the chance, which wasn’t very often as I have two sisters who live at home. And yes, two of us share a bedroom. Needless to say that when my parents dropped me at university, hugged me, and left, I was pretty confident what I would do first:

Masturbate like it was the last days of Rome and I was the only Senator without a date.

But of course it’s never that easy, is it? I was getting unpacked, finishing off my book collection on one of the shelves, when one of my new flatmates knocked at my door and invited me to come into the kitchen to get to know everyone. I lived in a girls-only accommodation (no I did not choose it simply to perve on my flatmates (though that was a happy coincidence)) with four other first-years. It was Beth who was trying to gather everyone up for a flat meeting, and from the way she was all made-up she clearly planned to go out drinking tonight. She already had a strapless azure dress on; which hugged her slim figure well. Her modest chest suited her nicely, I thought. Her face was decorated with an average amount of make-up for a girl her age really, and her chestnut hair was brushed and ready to have blue WKD spilled in it at 2am while on the dance-floor. I acquiesced and accompanied her into our kitchen, where I met two more of my new partners in living: Zoe, a tiny tanned girl who wore sweats almost everywhere to hide canlı bahis that she was as flat as a board, and Geogria, an athletic Nigerian girl who wore sweats everywhere because she did so much sport, track mostly. As we got to introducing ourselves, what courses we do, where we’re from, etc, I couldn’t help but wonder if our final flatmate would be as attractive as the others had been so far. I don’t really have a ‘type’, unless you count ‘female’ as a type, so I wasn’t picky over race or hair colour. I was just thankful that I had such an array of lovely ladies I could stare at awkwardly in the kitchen for a year.

After about 20 minutes I was beginning to become restless, Beth’s leg was resting against my own and I couldn’t stop picturing Georgia all sweaty after a run in her sweats. I could feel that warmth grow in my lower belly, that swelling hungry feeling that any woman knows means she is going to lay in bed and stifle a moan or two tonight. Just as Zoe began to tell us about her ex-boyfriend, our final flatmate sheepishly walked in. Her name was Akari, and she was awkwardly stood against the wall. Her shyness was palpable, for whatever reason she was heavily playing into the ‘shy Japanese girl’ trope. Unlike most Asian girls however, she was built less like Zoe and more like a rather buxom Venus. Her jumper, try as it may, did not do much to hide that she was sporting a very large chest, balanced by her curvaceous figure elsewhere too. She often wore glasses but didn’t the first time we met her.

Now I was definitely feeling something I could scarcely deny any longer. The yearning warmth of my loins was now joined in sisterhood by that pulsing, rhythmic heartbeat that told me I would definitely bahis siteleri need to wash these panties after wearing them. Thankfully, Beth had to leave to get into the club she wanted to go to, Akari had little desire to stay longer than she had to, and with just three of us there we decided to head into our rooms for the night. Thank fuck.

I had never been able to relax while I masturbated at home, I was always worried I was being too loud, or I would be walked-in on, or even that my parents had cameras in the house to make sure I wasn’t doing it. I’d never done it fully naked, I’d never taken my time. Every time was a mad dash of quickly pawing-away at my little happy-button before I bit my lip, fixed my skirt, and pretended nothing had happened. Not this time. I undressed slowly, probably too slowly, lifting my dress over my head, unhooking my bra and gently cupping my breasts, pulling my tights off my legs one at a time. I had never allowed myself to feel sensual, I had never before felt like I was a sexual being. I remember looking in the mirror at my almost naked form, and almost tearing up at how I was finally sexually independent. Before I could get too emotional however I noticed my excitement was showing through my knickers, which made my soft, rhythmic pulsing feeling explode into a harsh desperation. I laid on my bed and peeled the thin pink fabric off of my sticky lower lips. I raised my legs up as a mother about to give birth, and allowed my hands to wander as they pleased. No conscious thought was needed, no active input. My body knew what it needed, my mind was simply along for the ride. I immediately found my way to my hot, swollen clitoris, and began to very gently rub it with my index bahis şirketleri finger. I audibly gasped, before remembering I could be loud, I could gasp and moan and laugh and cry. I moaned once, just because I could, and then as I continued to gently caress my clit my other hand made its way to my nipples, which I softly pinched. This drew out a moan naturally, and I had found my method.

I am not especially good at lasting a while at the best of times. My average time to orgasm is around a minute, less if I have been especially aroused or it’s been a while. So when I tell you that from start to finish, from touching my clit to being victim to an assault of orgasmic tsunamis, took around 20 seconds, I want you to understand that this was the quickest, most intense orgasm of my entire life. I had been masturbating for around 4 years at this point, and never once had I felt anything near this level of complete mind-wiping, body-locking, electrical storm emanating straight from my dripping slit. I could feel her trying to grip down on something, cramping almost, clearly unaware that the girl she was attached to was gay and wanted few things inside her. After another ten seconds of touching the same feeling returned stronger, like gunpowder igniting from within my most vulnerable and weak spots to the crackle of thunder in ever cell of my delicate being.

I slumped against my pillows, my body sweating and gasping. I realised that, for now, any more and I may genuinely explode. I pulled my blanket over myself and fell almost instantly to sleep. That night I remember dreaming about my new flatmates and I play-fighting whilst naked, wrestling on the floor and kissing. Unsurprisingly, upon waking I was, again, dripping wet.

I hope you have enjoyed hearing about the start of my university life, I might write about more things that happened during my time exercising my freedom to be gay soon. Stay safe everyone!


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Female Sexual Response: Subject 326

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The Study

When I was a college student, every undergraduate Psychology major had to volunteer to be a subject in a research project for a graduate student or one of the professors who was trying to publish his findings in some academic journal. It was a requirement for graduation.

As I was nearing the middle of my senior year, I realized that I was low on research credits, and I was also low on funds. I frantically scanned the research postings, looking for something that would be easy and not very time consuming. I was juggling two jobs and a full course load. I didn’t have a lot of extra time to spare. The descriptions didn’t tell you very much, they didn’t want their subjects to be tainted with prior knowledge or bias that would skew the results. But one study captured my attention.

“Female Sexual Response”

100 credits and $500 for participation in a month long study. Subjects will be given a medical exam, and be required to wear monitoring equipment every day for one hour and come to weekly appointments lasting 1 hour each. Phone interview required for qualification.

I scanned the rest of the studies, but I kept going back to the Female Sexual Response study. I could feel the dampness in my panties as I reread the description. It sounded interesting, and very exciting. I took one of the cards and put it in my backpack as I walked home to my dorm room. It would all be anonymous. All of these studies were always anonymous.

I called the number and answered a few questions to see if I qualified. Was I sexually active, did I have normal cycles, my height and weight. With excitement, and some fear, I qualified and an appointment for the medical exam was made for the next day.

I couldn’t think straight as I anxiously awaited 3:00. It would probably be just a regular ob/gyn exam. They would strap some heart monitors on me and…

And what? My heart raced as I thought of all the possibilities.

The Exam

I arrived and was handed a clipboard by the receptionist with pages I needed to fill out. I was the only one in the waiting area and I took a seat closest to the door, in case I wanted to make a fast escape. They were normal questions that a doctor asks before the first appointment. Family history, any medical problems, etc. I turned the sheet over and noticed the questions were more detailed. It was a good thing they didn’t ask for my name. Do you masturbate. Yes. How often? Daily. Have you ever experienced mutlitple orgasms? Yes. How many orgasms have you had today? Two. Have you ever had an orgasm with a partner? Yes. Are your orgasms strongest when you masturbate or when you are with a partner? Masturbate. Do you know the location of your g-spot? Yes. Which of the following do you fantasize about when masturbating?

Another girl walked in just then and I looked up briefly. She was handed a clipboard and sat down in the corner. I thought I recognized her, but I wasn’t sure. She was tall and thin and was wearing a tight white tank top and jeans. I didn’t get a good look at her face because I quickly looked down when she sat down to concentrate on my questionnaire.

What do I fantasize about when I’m masturbating? Wow, I realized I had to check almost everything on the list. Bondage, lesbians, group sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, rape, almost everything else. How old were you when you experienced your first orgasm? Twelve. Do you enjoy pornographic movies? Yes. I squirmed in my seat as I filled out the rest of the paperwork. Just thinking about it was getting me aroused. I looked up, embarrassed. I noticed the other girl was still filling out the standard medical questions on the first page. She had no idea what was coming. She flipped over the page and I watched her out of the corner of my eye as her eyes scanned through the questions. I noticed her nipples were now hard and straining against her top. It excited me to know that she was excited as well. She reached up and discreetly brushed her hand against her nipple, getting them harder. I wanted to touch my own but wasn’t as brave.

I finished filling the rest of the paperwork and walked towards the receptionist. She smiled at me, “No. You keep your paperwork. It’s all confidential. Give it to the doctor when you go in for your exam.” She handed me a card with a number on it. We’ll call you when it’s your turn. I returned to my seat and I could feel the eyes of the other girl watching me as I returned to my seat. I wondered if she could see my hard nipples through my shirt, and as I sat down, with dismay I realized she could.

Just then another girl entered the room from a different door. She was dressed in a hospital gown and she looked like she had been running on a treadmill. Her face was covered in a slight sheen and she was breathing heavily. Her hair had a wild unkempt look and she bit her lip as she walked unsteadily into the room and she quickly sat down in the nearest seat. She wrapped the gown around her tightly and crossed her arms in front of her but she was restless. güvenilir canlı bahis siteleri She would sit still for a few moments, and then squirm in her seat. She looked up and when we made eye contact, I was a little taken aback by the look in her eyes. There was a hunger or a desperation mixed with something else. Despair. I considered leaving but then they called my number.

I slowly rose and walked towards the pretty nurse, afraid to make eye contact as she took the clipboard from me.

She silently led me down a hall into a room that looked like a doctor’s exam room. She handed me a gown and told me to disrobe. She left and I stood there, my heart racing, wondering if I should back out now. But I knew I would regret it if I did. I would lie awake at night, wondering about all the exciting things they would have done to me as I quietly fingered myself next to my sleeping roommate. I undressed. As I slid my panties off, I noticed how wet they were. I quickly put on the robe and looked around the room to see if I could find some Kleenex or paper towels to wipe away the proof of my excitement. There was a knock on the door.

“Uh, come in?” I said tentatively.

Two young women entered the room, dressed in white lab coats and carrying clipboards. They were beautiful. Too beautiful. Would they be doing things to me?

26. Thank you for participating in this study. Please come with us. I glanced at my clothes that were neatly folded on a chair. They saw my hesitation and told me to leave everything there, explaining something to me about outside bias based on the clothes I had chosen to wear, etc.

I clutched the gown tightly around me and I was led into a larger room that looked like another exam room, but it had a lot more monitors and machines. Things were beeping and wires were trailing along the ground.

“The doctor will be in momentarily, but first we’ll be doing an initial medical exam,” one of them said, instructing me to get on the table.

They checked my blood pressure, my reflexes. They verified my height and my weight. I started to relax a bit.

“We’re going to do a breast exam now. If you can take off your robe and lie back on the table here.”

I lay back and stared up at the ceiling as I lay exposed. I could feel my nipples automatically harden. She got a bottle from a table and squirted some warm clear gel onto my breasts and started to rub it in, startling me. “This will help once the monitors are put in place,” she explained, although I had no idea what she was talking about. She started on the edges of my breast, moving in ever smaller circles towards the center.

“Do you do self breast exams?”

“Yes,” I whispered as she pinched my nipple, sending a shock through my core.

She moved on to the other breast, expertly rubbing in small circles as I tried to keep my breathing even. The breast exams I’d had were nothing like this. Those were clinical and cold. The anticipation of what would happen later sent a tingle through me with every touch. When she reached the middle of my breast, she paused and I drew my breath in, trying to prepare myself for that delicious pinch. As I felt the bolt of lightning course through her fingers into my nipple, I let my breath out, slowly trying to relax. Trying to stop the wetness that was increasing between my thighs.

“Okay, everything looks normal.” She smiled at me. I could only nod.

They started hooking me up to all the machines. Monitors that would check my heart rate, brain wave activity, my oxygen levels and my breathing. They asked me to move down further on the table and put my feet in the stirrups. The monitors showed that my heart rate increased as I lay prone and open. This would be it. Something was going to happen to me down there. Where my secret petals flowered.

“We’re going to do a routine pap smear now.” They inserted a speculum inside me and stretched me open. I felt an uncomfortable ache as they gathered samples from my cervix and placed them in a vial. The monitor showed that my heart rate was slowing down as my initial excitement faded. This was very clinical. I started to relax, although the speculum was still holding me open for all of them to see.

The door opened and a young man walked in. A beautiful, handsome man. Too handsome. “How are you? I’m Dr. Matthias,” he said as he picked up the forms I had filled out. I could see his eyes move back and forth as he read the answers I had filled out. This stranger was reading about my sexual habits. About my fantasies. It was unnerving, and yet, so very exhilarating.

“The orgasms you had today, were they through intercourse, oral manipulation or masturbation?”

I swallowed. “Masturbation,” I said softly. Mortified.

“By what method?”

“Excuse me?”

“Vibrator? Manual stimulation?”


An assistant jotted some notes down as he glanced up to look between my legs. “Check the pH on that fluid. We need to know if she’s ovulating güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri or if that’s arousal fluid.” I felt myself blush. A hand slipped between my legs as she swabbed the opening of my vagina.

“It’s arousal fluid,” she said. I closed my eyes, fully embarrassed.

“Okay, let’s have a look here.” The doctor pulled up a stool and put his face between my thighs. He started touching me with his gloved hands, as if I was a speciman. Which I was, really. “Outer labia are normal. Inner labia, normal pink and moist with an average amount of arousal fluid. Internal shows no evidence of injury.” He removed the speculum, leaving me feeling empty. “Caliper please.” The assistant handed him one of the tools from the table.

“Clitoris is normal, currently measuring 55.” He ran a finger up and down my clitoris, making me gasp. I wasn’t expecting that. He rubbed it a few more times and I had a hard time just lying there. My breathing was coming in quick little gasps. He finally stopped. “After 10 seconds of manual stimulation, it is now measuring 58 and has emerged from the clitoral hood.” The assistant wrote all of this down.

“Subject 326?” Was he talking to me? I looked down to see his face between my thighs. “At various times, I will ask you to rate your state of arousal. A 10 means you are in the middle of an orgasm, and 1 means you’re not aroused at all. Do you understand the ratings?” I slowly nodded and put my head back down. Middle of an orgasm? Would I be manipulated into having an orgasm here? In front of everyone?

“What is your state of arousal at the moment?”

I had to think. “Four” I managed to get out.

“Okay, let’s start.” They brought down a monitor in front of my head. Words appeared on the screen. “You will see a series of images. Your monitors will check your state of arousal. It is important that you not move at all until this portion of the study is completed.”

One after another, I was shown images of sex. There were scenes of intimacy, and brutality, and close-ups of women and men in the middle of their orgasms, their faces grimaced in pleasure. Images of every kind of sex and every position. I could feel the familiar itch rising inside me as I watched these scenes unfold in front of me. If I had been alone, I would have touched myself, thrusting my hips into my hand for some relief. But I couldn’t. They were watching me. Then the images stopped and the monitor retracted back towards the ceiling.

“What is your state of arousal?”


“Clitoris is now measuring 62.”

“Okay, turn on the visual monitor please.”

I turned to see a different television screen next to the table light up with the image of my pussy, dripping wet and filling the whole screen. I couldn’t look at it.

“Subject 326, it is very important that you lie very still during the rest of the exam. Otherwise we won’t be able to get the proper measurements that we need. If you feel at any point that you are unable to lie still, we can offer you restraints. Otherwise, we won’t be able to continue.”

An assistant smiled down at me. “Are you comfortable?”

I nodded.

“Okay, let’s start with the breast stimulation.”

Two suction cups were placed on my nipples and I was curious to see what would happen.

“Subject is ready doctor.”

“Okay, 3, 2, 1,” he counted down.

The suction devices started licking and slurping away at my nipples, they felt like two hot mouths eagerly sucking and bringing me to the edge. It took everything I had to not cry out. Then suddenly, they stopped.

“Would you like the restraints? Remember you can’t move. We need to gather at least five minutes of data.”

I nodded, my breath escaping in heavy gasps. It was so hard to keep control of myself. Not being able to move or cry out was torture. They wrapped soft straps around my thighs, around my belly, my arms and my ankles.

“Subject was restrained at 2.35 seconds.” An assistant jotted this down. “Shall we continue?”

I nodded and held my breath, waiting for the pleasure to begin again. “3, 2, 1.”

The expert mouths began sucking and licking again. A mechanical tongue twirled around my nipples in slow then fast circles. I was breathing in fast and shallow bursts, not wanting to moan or cry out. The mouths just went on forever, swirling and sucking. I wanted to rub my clitoris or push the mouths away, but the restraints were holding me down. Then finally they stopped.

I could hear my heavy breathing, and all the monitors were bleeping like mad.

“Subject 326, what is your state of arousal?”

“Six?” I said, softly.

“Clitoris is now measuring at 67.”

“Very good. Okay, let’s move on.”

I lay there, taking in deep breaths, willing the machines to slow down their beeping. They were taunting me, letting me know how excited I was to be touched like that in front of strangers.

“Subject 326, I’m going to insert something into your vagina güvenilir bahis şirketleri now. It won’t hurt, although it may be a little uncomfortable at first. Remember we need at least five minutes of data.” I felt something slide inside me, and then it began to fill me. Was it getting larger?

“Subject is ready, doctor.”

“Okay, 3,2,1.”

Whatever was inside me started fucking me. It pistoned in and out rhythmically. I wanted to move with it’s rhythm, meeting it’s thrusts but the restraints prevented me. I could just lay there as I was fucked. The rhythm increased, and then I felt it. Something inside me was stimulating my g-spot and I couldn’t help crying out. It was bringing me closer, oh so much closer, but I needed something on my clitoris to take me over the edge. Or my breasts. I just lay there, taking it. My hands gripping the sides of the table, unable to contain the moans that escaped my lips. It went on forever. And then it stopped. They removed whatever had been inside me and I felt disappointed and somewhat relieved.

“What is your state of arousal?”

“Seven or eight.” I gasped.

A hand brushed against my clitoris, making me jump.

“Clitoris is now measuring 73.”

“And add that subject started vocalizing at 2 minutes, 42 seconds.” I cringed.

“Now for the clitoral stimulation.” The monitors bleeped excitedly.

“Subject 326, it is imperative that you not reach orgasm during this next part of the study.” He handed me a black cylinder with a red button at the end. “When you feel that you are about to achieve climax, you need to stop by pushing this button. Do you understand?”

I nodded as something made out of a thick piece of rubber was placed on top of my pubic bone. Expert hands rubbed and molded it and I felt something spread my lips and rest just on top of my clitoris.

“Subject is ready.”

I held my breath, anxious for what was to come.

“Okay, 3, 2, 1.”

A vibration started, slowly at first. Then it circled around and concentrated on my little bud. Then the whole pad started vibrating. It alternated like this, the vibrations increasing with every circle. Then, it felt like a million tongues were lapping at my clitoris. I gasped and cried out as the tongues teased and sucked my clitoris into their eager mechanical mouths. I wanted to push it away but I couldn’t. I closed my eyes, gripping the button as I came closer and closer, unable to stop the moans that escaped my lips. Then I had to push the button. It was too much.

“Subject stopped at 1:48.”

I was practically hyperventilating.

“What is your state of arousal?”

“Nine,” I hissed.

“When your arousal is back to an eight. You may continue. But please stop before you reach your orgasm. Otherwise you will be disqualified.”

Continue? They wanted me to continue? I looked at their faces. They were all watching me. Taking notes, and watching me. Waiting for me to tease myself until what? Would they let me reach my climax? Would I want to come? In front of all of them? My mind was screaming no. The monitors and my body were all saying yes, yes, yes! I took a few more deep breaths as the monitors slowed down. I felt myself come down and I wanted to push the button to start it again, but I was scared of letting go in front of them. Exposing myself in front of them. But I knew I wanted to feel that delicious release.

I took a deep breath and pressed the button, as the hum started again. I could feel myself going higher and higher and I closed my eyes. Just allowing myself to feel it. I could feel the familiar waves coming closer. I wanted it to come closer. I wanted to touch it. Feel it wash over me. I pressed the button again. And it stopped. I kept my eyes closed as my breaths came in quick gasps.

“Subject stopped at :58 seconds.”

I knew they were all watching me. I knew they were all waiting for me. I kept my eyes closed, trying to pretend they weren’t there. I listened to the beeps, coming slower and slower as I tried to relax. I took a deep breath and pressed the button again.

I let out a long deep moan that surprised me as the assault started again. The wonderful delicious attack on my clitoris. I could only hear the low animal cries that came from the center of my being. I couldn’t handle this. I stopped.

“Subject stopped at :32”

I wasn’t sure I could continue. I was so close. Just a few more seconds and I would be there. I tried to slow down my breathing. Just one slight touch and I would be coming. I wanted to come, I needed to come, but I wasn’t sure I’d be able to press the button in time before I was overcome by the pleasure. And I wasn’t sure I wanted them to witness such a desperate loss of control.

I opened my eyes and opened my mouth to say something, but I didn’t know what to say. They all looked down at me, waiting for me.

“Would you say that an orgasm is inevitable at this time?”

I nodded.

“Would you be able to attempt it just one more time?”

I hesitated.

“At this point, we haven’t collected enough pre-orgasmic data. If you can’t continue, our session will end here and you won’t be able to take part in the rest of the study. And I’m afraid you won’t receive the credits or the payment.”

“I… I think I can go one more time.”

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Fortune Favours The Brave

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This is my April Fools’ Day 2019 competition entry. Everybody is eighteen or older. They also exist in a completely fictional world that doesn’t really bear close scrutiny. But I hope you enjoy it.


“No,” I said firmly. “I’m not going to do it.”

“But come on!” said Rory. “This is your chance for immortality! Your name will live on forever.”

“So will pictures of your dick,” said Jeff, helpfully. “People will be looking at pictures of your dick for like, millennia.”

“Exactly,” I said. “I do not want that kind of immortality. I want to be a lawyer when I get out of here. You think anybody will hire me if this kind of story gets out about me? I don’t think so. Plus… I could get arrested.”

“Fortune favours the brave,” said Rory. “And we’re offering a fortune, remember?”

“Hardly a fortune,” I said. “Not nearly enough if you ask me.”

There was a whispered conference between Rory and Jeff.

“All right, we’ll double the stake,” said Rory. “Four thousand.”

I hesitated. It was all very well wanting to be a lawyer, but if I couldn’t afford to stay in school I wasn’t going to be doing anything except flipping burgers.

“Five thousand,” I said.

“Done,” said Rory, without hesitation.

Damn. I should have asked for more.

“And it has to be tomorrow night?”

“Yes. That’s always been the challenge night. That night, and no other. We’ll meet around two, OK? That gives me time to get a copy of the first edition.”

And with that they departed, leaving me to reflect rather miserably on what I’d just agreed to.


I shivered in the cold. It was a dark night, with just a sliver of moon giving a small amount of light over the lawn. The hall loomed out of the darkness nearby, taunting me.

We were waiting for Rory. He was late. It was nearly three when he finally turned up.

“Sorry. Took longer than I thought. But here it is.”

It was a first edition of the local newspaper, a breathtakingly dull chronicle of the minor achievements and activities of the local community. But the key thing was the date on the front. The first of April.

“You’d better get ready,” said Rory.

“I’ve been thinking about that bit of it – can’t I take them with me?”

“Nope. That’s not the challenge. You have to be all in — no changing your mind half way through me.”

Reluctantly I stripped off my clothes, put them in a bag, and handed it to Rory. All of my clothes.

“Take these.”

He handed me two little blue pills and a bottle of water. I swallowed the pills, took a swig of water, and handed the bottle back.

“Probably be about thirty or forty minutes before they work.”

I nodded.

“Good luck. Got the phone?”

I held it up to show them.

“Good. Sun comes up around five thirty. We’ll be waiting here. But if you’re not here by six, we’ll have to go. Can’t risk being spotted. But we’ll leave the bag here.”

They both shook my hand gravely. I felt like an Allied agent about to be parachuted into occupied France. Then I took a deep breath, and began to slowly walk towards St Agatha’s.

Fortune favours the brave, I told myself.

When I turned around and looked back they had been swallowed up by the shadows.


St Agatha’s was by far the most traditional and conservative of the eight colleges that made up the university. It was still women only, for one thing — two hundred of them. All lights had to be out by eleven, for another. Men were not allowed to stay on the premises after 9pm, and indeed no men were allowed in any young ladies’ room unless the door remained open. It might be the twenty-first century, but St Agatha’s was quite happy staying in the nineteenth, thank you very much.

And I was about to break into it, in the dead of night, naked, and take at least half a dozen photographs of me in different and recognisable parts of the college. With the newspaper as proof of the date, just like in hostage photographs.

That was how the rich young men of neighbouring St Luke’s amused themselves, by devising April Fools’ challenges and pranks like this and then kicking in the money to find some poor sap desperate enough to undertake them. Last year an unfortunate individual called Eustace Harris had climbed to the top of the college spire stark naked. Unfortunately, there his nerve had deserted him, and the fire brigade had to be called to get him down. Eustace was sent home in disgrace and had not been heard of since.

Sorry, did I say the photographs had to be of me naked? That wasn’t quite the whole story.

I also had to be fully erect.


I had been promised that a corner downstairs window of the library would be left unlocked. They had somebody on the inside, they assured me. That would be my point of entry. As I slipped along in the shadows, teeth chattering, I rather hoped whoever it was had forgotten or changed her mind. Already I was regretting this. Five thousand wasn’t enough. Hell, fifty thousand wasn’t enough.

But güvenilir canlı bahis siteleri a window was open. I could see a small gap at the bottom of it. I reached over and gingerly raised it. It squeaked noisily and continually as it slid upwards. I froze. I expected to hear the barking of dogs, the wail of an alarm, floodlights clicking on, jackbooted soldiers with rifles running towards me…

I waited. None of those things happened. I breathed again.

The good news was the window was open. The bad news was that I now realised that clambering in would be no simple task. There was a hedge running along the outside of the building, just below waist height, and to get in I would have to get over that and onto the window sill. If I’d been clothed it might have been an awkward few moments, no more, but to do it naked without any injuries or scratches… that was a more formidable challenge.

I placed the phone on the ledge and tossed the newspaper through into the dark room beyond. Then I lifted one leg up and managed to get that onto the window sill. I grabbed one edge of the wall with one hand and tried to pull myself up with sufficient clearance to avoid any potentially unpleasant contact. But it was just too much of a stretch. I found myself stuck with one leg on the window ledge, the other still on the ground, and my groin precariously placed about an inch above some rather unfriendly looking hedgerow. If I’d been found at that moment it would have looked like I was trying to commit an indecent act with the shrubbery.

I cursed the college gardeners. What a stupid place to have a hedge.

I tried bouncing the one leg that was still on the ground a few times. Perhaps I could generate sufficient momentum to rocket myself through.

“One… two…. three!” I muttered to myself. And on the three I sort of launched myself sideways and up and through the opening. Something sharp and thistly scraped against my testicles. The top of my head made violent contact with the bottom of the window. My knee banged violently against the wall and then I hit the stone floor, hard. No carpets for St Agatha’s. Of course not.

I spent several moments whimpering to myself and checking my nether regions for any signs of permanent damage. There seemed to be none, though I did feel what felt like some nasty bloody gashes on my inner thigh, perilously close to my ball sack.

But amazingly, when I returned my attention to my surroundings, I found that I was, indeed, inside.


You have probably never found yourself naked in the middle of the night in the dark library of a young ladies’ college. I decided I didn’t like it much. It was extremely tempting to find an exit, chuck the phone into the middle of the nearest lake, and head for home.

But still… I was here now. And five thousand would make a big difference. If I was quick, and lucky, perhaps I could get all this done in less than an hour.

I retrieved the phone and the newspaper. Would the library suffice as my first photo opportunity? I decided it would. The lending desk was the obvious place. I made my way carefully through the maze of desks and book stacks towards the front of the room. I sensed the ghosts of generations of former students looking down on me in stern disapproval.

I reached the desk. It was broad and expansive and looked ideal. I arranged a few items for authenticity — a finger-wagging sign about fines for overdue items, a small stack of books from the returns trolley. Then I laid myself along the table, arranged the sign and the books and the newspaper, and turned on the camera.

It automatically turned on the light, of course, and I was momentarily dazzled by the brightness. I fiddled with the camera and put it into “selfie” mode. Then I tried to get the shot perfectly lined up. I needed the newspaper in the shot and it also needed to be recognisably the library. And it needed to include my cock, in case you’ve forgotten that key piece of information. And I was also very keen that my head should not be visible.

It was unbelievably difficult. The only solution I found in the end was to position the newspaper over my stomach and put the sign between my legs. I moved the camera carefully, looking at the screen to make sure everything was just right… perfect!

No. I realised it wasn’t. One key element was not in place.

I blamed the cold.


I don’t know about you, but I’ve always preferred masturbating in bed. Or perhaps on a couch. At a push, some carpet will do. The point I’m making is I like to be comfortable, and ideally warm. I am easily distracted by any kind of discomfort when trying to focus on my sexual pleasure. Male readers would probably also agree that once you start to worry about not becoming erect, the chances of you becoming erect plummet to effectively zero.

I lay on the cold, unyielding lending desk of St Agatha’s library, cock in hand, frantically pumping myself up and down and trying to summon up some favourite güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri erotic memories that would help me along. Surely the Viagra would kick in soon? I thought about Julie, the Canadian exchange student who’d sent me such dirty messages before her arrival the previous summer and then, tragically, had to cancel her trip. I thought about Mrs Cole, the pneumatic wife of one of my father’s friends who’d once cornered me at a family barbeque and ten minutes later was sucking me off in the bathroom with surprising skill and efficiency. I thought about Kryssie, the bookish neighbour’s daughter who’d surprised and delighted me with her unexpectedly luscious body and her relentless enthusiasm for screwing…

… and still nothing. What the bloody hell was I going to do? From my vague knowledge of Viagra, it only worked if you gave it a head start, so to speak. Once the blood was flowing to the right places, it kept it there. But what if the blood never made it to the right places? I wondered if I could just do photos with my cock in its flaccid, unimpressive state. It wasn’t what we agreed, but perhaps they’d decide it was worth a couple of thousand at least. But I suspected they wouldn’t. Those guys didn’t like compromises. Also, I wasn’t sure I wanted my cock to be immortalised like that. I mean, I wasn’t massive when erect, but I wasn’t bad. What I had at the moment was laughably tiny, more like a baby monkey’s penis than that of a supposedly virile nineteen-year-old.

I groaned to myself and redoubled my efforts. I thought about my come dribbling down Mrs Cole’s chin. I thought about Kryssie with her long and perfect teenage legs wrapped around me, panting about how much she just absolutely loved fucking. I thought about some of the pictures Julie had sent me.

Not a twitch.

Dammit fucking fucking bollocks fuckit.

A voice came out of the shadows.

“Do you need help with that?”


I jumped so much that I promptly dropped the phone and fell off the back of the table, dragging various items with me. I landed heavily on my shoulder – the same shoulder which had taken the brunt of my landing in the library – and I yelped in pain. A second later the overdue books sign landed on my head, proving surprisingly sharp and only narrowly avoiding taking out an eye.

A second or so later the newspaper fluttered down and diplomatically covered my groin.

I lay there, groaning quietly. There was the sound of light footsteps. My phone was picked up and the light created mocking, flickering shadows around the hall as its new owner made their way around the table to where I was.

I covered my eyes as I was illuminated.

“You’re bleeding quite a lot,” remarked the voice.

“Can you turn that off?” I said irritably. Clearly my night was over now. The police would be called, the college authorities, perhaps even the local press — though I doubted my story would make the front cover of the newspaper currently enveloping me. They preferred cattle shows and charity gala evenings to perverted young men breaking into respectable girls’ colleges.

The light moved away from me and my night vision began to slowly return. All I could make out of the person holding the phone was they seemed to be wearing some kind of dark dressing gown. Probably about five foot six. The voice had been unmistakably female, and probably quite young.

“Rory said you were a bit of a long shot,” said the voice. “He said he couldn’t see any way he was going to have to pay out the money, but it might be worth it just to see what kind of a mess you made of it.”

Well, that was cheering. I made a mental note to shoot Rory next time I saw him.

But… if she knew Rory, perhaps I wasn’t completely doomed.

“Are you… their inside person?” I asked. “The one who opened the window?”

I could just about make out her nodding. “God, you made so much noise getting in! I felt sure the whole place was going to wake up.”

“It’s harder than it looks,” I said defensively.

The voice giggled. “Yes… perhaps not the best choice of words at this precise moment.”

“It’s not normally a problem,” I said, a little huffily. “It’s just… these are quite unusual circumstances.”

“Indeed,” said the voice.

I found her slightly mocking tone quite annoying. “Look, perhaps if you’d like to leave me to it, I can still get on and finish this stupid challenge. Thanks for leaving the window open — and I’ll try to make much less noise getting out.”

“But what about your, um… dick?”

“I’ll be fine.”

“You didn’t look fine. You were trying to whack off for five minutes and it was still like a piece of string.”

“You were watching that whole time?”

“Of course. Wouldn’t you? If it had been the other way around?”

I supposed she had a point. Still, it seemed rather unfair somehow.

“I’m sure I’ll get everything working, thank you. I just need to find the right… stimulus. Like jump-starting a car, güvenilir bahis şirketleri you know?”

“Hmm.” The girl seemed to be thinking.

I poked my uncooperative cock again, but more out of hope than expectation. She focused the torch on my groin and we both regarded my limp member.

If anything, it seemed to have got smaller.

“The sooner we get you out of here the better for both of us,” said the girl, briskly. “So – how about if I show you my tits?”

I did a double-take. “Sorry… what did you say?”

“I can show you my tits. If it’d help. No touching, but… you can see them. I think they’re supposed to be quite nice. The other girls say they are, anyway.”

I paused. Clearly I hadn’t reached the end of my surprises for the night.

“OK,” I said. “Let’s try that. And, er, thank you very much.”

I lifted myself up from the floor, clutching the newspaper over my crotch. Then I realised it was probably a little late to be bashful. I limped back around to the front of the lending desk. The girl followed me.

I rearranged myself on the desk. The phone torch illuminated me, and I lifted up my hands to shield my eyes.

“I need to see you,” I said patiently. “Not much good if the torch is on me, is it?”

There was a slightly nervous giggle. “Oh yes. Sorry. Here — you hold it.”

She passed me the phone. I turned it on her, but angling it down to stop it from going directly into her eyes.

For the first time I saw her properly. I guessed she was a little younger than me, perhaps eighteen. She was dark haired, with shoulder length bobbed hair framing a very pretty, mischievous face. She was wearing a heavy dressing gown that made it very hard to see much else about her, but from the way it swamped her frame I guessed she was quite slender.

She took a deep breath. “Gosh… I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“Me neither,” I said, feelingly.

Another deep breath, then she undid the dressing gown and shrugged it off, placing it carefully on a nearby desk. Now she was just in a simple sheer white nightdress with shoulder straps. Her body looked supple and firm and lovely. It gave me hope.

She composed herself again. “Here goes!”

She slid one strap off a shoulder, then the other. Then she slowly tugged it down, revealing a pair of full, lovely breasts topped with slightly puffy pink nipples.

“They were right,” I said reverently.

She frowned. “Who were?”

“The other girls,” I said. “Your breasts are lovely. And you’re… well, beautiful.”

“You really think so?” She blushed slightly.

“Absolutely,” I said.

“Oh… thank you, that’s really nice to hear. Now — you’d better… start, hadn’t you?”

“Er, yes, right,” I said. “Good point. Do you think you could… move just a little closer?”

She shuffled forward half a step, no more. Obviously I wasn’t completely to be trusted.

I reached down and gave myself a hopeful tug. This would surely get things started. I looked at her chest again. Still breathtakingly gorgeous. Then another tug.

“Oh dear,” said the girl.

“Just a minute,” I said through gritted teeth. “I’m sure…. Any second now.”

But my cock had other ideas.

“Not that lovely after all,” said the girl sadly.

“It’s not you,” I said. “It’s me… it’s just… thinking about it too much. I’m sorry. I think I should just give up and go home.”

“I’m sorry too,” said the girl. “But perhaps you’re right.” She seemed to have warmed to me slightly. “Though I really think we should clean up those scratches before you go though. There’s a first aid kit around here somewhere.”

She vanished off into the darkness for a few moments, returning with a small plastic box. She brought it to the table, popped it open and rummaged around in it. She’d pulled the straps back up and those glorious breasts were regrettably covered from view again, though I was very aware of them swaying beneath the cotton material just a few inches away from me.

She peered at my various wounds. My shoulder was bruised but there was no bleeding. That was more than could be said for my knee and the cut at the top of my inner thigh.

She examined my knee first, and tutted.

“It’s quite deep,” she said. “It needs a bandage or I’m afraid it’s just going to keep bleeding. And we don’t want to leave too many DNA clues, do we?”

I agreed this would be a bad thing. She rummaged in the first aid box.

“You’d think there’d be some bandages,” she muttered. “But there seems to be nothing but plasters and tape and some cream.”

“I’ll be fine,” I said bravely.

“No, you really need a bandage. There must be something we can use. Yes — of course. Be right back.”

She darted away into the shadows again. I waited gloomily for her return, watching my blood drip slowly onto the stone floor. I heard some rustling sounds.

A few moments later she was back, slightly pink faced I thought, and brandishing a small handful of white cotton.

“These’ll do,” she said. “But you owe me a pair of knickers.”

She knelt down in front of me and, using the tape and her underwear, did a very respectable job of bandaging up my knee. I was very aware of her head being so close to my crotch, but my crotch still seemed stubbornly oblivious.

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Bikinis, Wives + Friends = Fun Ch. 05

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I have to thank (Hale) for the fine editing skills without which this effort would not be readable.

In this chapter things change a lot for our group when the girls find some new things about their feelings to add even more excitement to their lives. There is also another new member added to the group. Like the rest of my stories there is no real descriptive sex in it. So if you like a story where the sex is hot and fast then this is not the story for you. I like to leave some facts for the reader to use their imagination. So with that waning here is chapter 5.


The morning after April had Pete out to our place for some recreational sex and they had enjoyed each other’s bodies, Pete wanted to go home early to get some rest, but April persuaded him to stay for the day. We all had a short nap about ten, and when April and I woke up we talked about him. We were both amazed with the stamina he had and April was happy with his staying power, and she loved the way he worked her pussy over. She said he was a good patient lover, and that she would like to include him more in our lives.

I could find no problems with sharing her with him and changed the topic a bit when I reminded her that tonight we had been invited over to Al and Amy’s.

April then sort of zoned out for a bit and it seemed like she was in deep thought. Her face went from a puzzled look to something that seemed like a wicked smile. From past experience I knew that look would mean she had something devious going on in her mind.

I watched her as she thought for a while and I wondered what she was plotting. After a bit she smiled at me and told me, I think we can have some fun tonight. Amy’s working today so I can talk to Al without her knowing. I just have to see if he agrees with my idea.”

I was left sitting there wondering just what the heck was going on and asked her, “What in god’s green earth are you talking about. And what are you planning that involves Al, that Amy can’t hear?”

April was dialling the phone as she said, “Patience my dear, I will fill in the blanks and answer your questions when I finish talking to Al.”

I listened as she said “Hi Al, how’s it going? ….Great….Hey listen does Amy still have that fantasy of hers? ….Well I have a friend here, that if asked I’m sure would make her fantasy happen, what do you think about that? …. “Well when we arrive tonight just go with the flow and I will arrange everything here, just get what you think we need and some film so we can record this event for later.” ….”Right see you around seven.”

I had listened to what she had been talking to Al about and all I could figure out was that Al was all in favour of her scheming plans, whatever they were.

April had Pete and I sit at the table and told us her plans for Amy that night. Needless to say those plans were pretty wild and after Pete heard them he was wondering just what kind of people he was getting involved with. After last night, when he found out what kind of lifestyle April and I had, this plan was not really a surprise and he was all in favour of joining in.

That night at the appointed time the three of us arrived at Al and Amy’s place. Amy opened the door for us when we knocked, and when she saw Pete she got a funny look on her face. We could tell she was concerned about the company we had brought because, we hadn’t told her we were bringing along another guy. She was expecting just April and I for an evening of swapping again. She didn’t know what was going on and we could see she wanted to ask April what was happening but the rest of us never gave her a chance to be alone with any of us so that she could ask about it.

As per our plan, Pete was acting the part of an insufferable and obnoxious guy that always seemed to be around Amy as she tried to be the gracious hostess. He was openly ogling her body and even whispered a few snide comments about what he would like to do to her body. The rest of us pretended we never saw him drooling all over her or whispering suggestive comments to her. We could see by the look on her face that she really didn’t like him, but she didn’t want to be rude to our friend so she didn’t say anything to us about him. After all he was supposedly our good acquaintance and we had brought him along.

Now might be a good time to fill in the blanks in the story. Apparently Amy had come out of her shell more than we bahis firmaları realized, and she had told April one day that she would like to have a safe rape scenario with her being the rape victim. Of course April had told Al about that one day and he had tried to simulate the experience for her, but with Al playing the guy that rapes her, it just wasn’t quite what she envisioned. Amy didn’t want the real thing to happen, just as close to the real thing as possible without all the pain involved.

When April had been talking on the phone to Al, he had added to April’s plan by saying that Amy had developed the liking of being spanked a bit while in the doggy position and she really got off on that. That just added more fuel to the fire of April’s plan for that night.

After we had been there for a while Al, April and I started to slur our words and act like we were falling asleep. Pete had meanwhile been still acting the part of a pussy hound to the hilt and we could see that Amy was getting upset about his attitude and didn’t like him at all. He always seemed to be around her lightly touching her every chance he could, telling her how sexy she was, and what he would do to her if he got the chance. She told him that it would never happen and he laughed at her and told her not to count her chickens before they hatched because it was going to happen whether she wanted it or not.

The rest of us continued to play dumb like we never heard him talking like that to her, and when Amy said something to Al he told her that she was imagining things. The next part of the plan was when Al asked Amy to get something from the bedroom. While she was gone Al informed Pete about the preparations he had made in the bedroom.

When Amy came back, Al, April, and I acted like we were passed out and she asked what had happened. Pete slowly walked over to her sort of pinning her against the counter between the kitchen and living room. He took out a small bottle from his pocket and told her that the three of us were in an induced sleep and out for the count. He then grabbed her had dragged her kicking and screaming to the bedroom.

She tried to fight him all the way but it wasn’t much use. He threw her on the bed and found the handcuffs that Al had fastened to the headboard earlier and soon her hands were shackled tight. He then gagged her, and handcuffed her ankles to the footboard. She was now helpless and wondering what was going on. He then blindfolded her and then the rest of us snuck in the room to watch.

Pete then bent over her and softly told her, “I’m going to have my way with you now, just like I promised earlier. I have lots of time because all the others are passed out in the front room.” He then roughly ripped off her clothes and told her, “You are going to get the fucking of your life.” She was still trying to struggle and fight but couldn’t do much of that with the handcuffs on her.

He slapped her body a bit and pinched her all over. Not hard enough to leave a mark but hard enough to get her attention. It was definitely more intense than she was used to. Her tits took a real mauling as he told her that he was going to fuck her every way he could for the rest of the night. She was trying to cry out as she struggled to fight back, but with the gag over her mouth it sounded like gasps.

He roughly tried to finger her pussy but it was to dry and he found some lubricant in a drawer and worked three fingers into her. This took a while because she wasn’t in the mood and was twisting her body to avoid him. It took about ten minutes of fingering her before she started to respond to him. Another five ten minutes of Pete working his magic on her body with fingers and lips and she was hot to trot. He asked her if she wanted to be fucked now and she nodded her head up and down fast. Pete then proceeded to fuck her hard and fast with the dildo Al has gotten. She finally came, and from that point on was putty in his hands and responding to everything he did to her.

Pete got between her legs and slammed his cock into her. Because April had drained him pretty well the night before he then fucked her for what seemed like an hour. While he was working over Amy’s body we one at a time undid her cuffs and she didn’t even realize we had done that even though her feet were now over his shoulders as he pounded into her. Her gag was removed and Pete flipped her over he then entered her kaçak iddaa doggy style.

All the time Pete had been fucking Amy he had been slapping and pinching her all over her body. She was pleading with him to stop the aggressiveness but he just kept mauling her. Even if she was pleading for him to stop her body was responding differently to his rough ministrations. With her in the doggy position he started to spank her ass leaving angry red marks as he pumped into her pussy with his cock.

He even used his belt on her back a bit. It was just hard enough so that her skin turned red but not hard enough to leave any marks or bruises. Pete then worked a 5-inch dildo in her tight ass and pumped it hard and fast. Amy didn’t like this too much and tried to fight it but he slapped her ass hard once and told her to not fight or it would get worse. She reluctantly complied and surprisingly was soon looking like she was getting in the groove, pushing back to meet his thrusts.

While this was going on Amy still had on the blindfold and didn’t know we were in the room, Al had been taking some pictures with the new Polaroid camera he had bought.

By now Amy was a very willing participant and was not complaining in the least while Pete manhandled her body by slapping and strapping her all over. Her ass and boobs got the worst of it, and we were fascinated by how far Pete pulled her nipples from her body as he roughly pinched and pulled them.

I now undressed and stuck my very hard member in her mouth and she sucked me like there was no tomorrow. I don’t even think she realized that she now had two cocks and a dildo in her. Pete was ploughing her so hard she was being driven to the base of my hard cock. April was now naked and laying beside Amy and took over pulling Amy’s nipples. Al was still snapping pictures as he undressed while trying to play with April’s pussy. Amy was having what seemed like one continuous orgasm.

Al went to the other room and came back with some more film and another ten-inch dildo, which he proceeded to slide into April’s pussy. She was so wet that there was no resistance, so when he shoved it in her it was fast and hard and all in one stroke. This set April off and she bucked her pussy at that dildo like crazy. I reached over and squeezed her boobs hard until they were red and the nipples were standing as hard as rocks. Amy and April soon had one monstrous orgasm and they both almost tossed us guys to the ceiling in their ecstasy.

Amy was finished and out of it, but Al flipped April over and entered her ass while he kept using the dildo in her pussy. Amy wasn’t responding to my poking her mouth with my cock so I switched over to April’s mouth. We kept working April with that Dildo and our two cocks for another ten minutes. When we finished April was worn out and lying beside Amy.

We all recuperated for while just trying to catch our breath. Because Amy had come so many times she was really out of it. For almost an hour she could hardly talk and certainly not clearly enough for us to understand her. When she was finally under control we all went to the front room and relaxed for a while. Al and I massaged some oil on Amy’s sore body to help with the sting and she appreciated it. Clothes had been forgotten, as we all sat around in the nude.

Pete said that if all people out west were like this, he should have come out here earlier. Amy was still wondering what had happened and April reminded her about the rape scenario she had described earlier. The pieces finally came together for Amy, and she told April that she never thought that her fantasy would come about, but now that it had, although she was very sore, she also was very satisfied. Al showed her some of the pictures he had taken and she admitted that she didn’t even know the rest of us were in the room. She admitted that all she could do was think about what Pete was doing to her as he ravished and punished her body.

By now we guys had recuperated and the girls were almost back to normal so we all looked at each other and got the same idea at the same time. I grabbed Amy and dragged her off to the bedroom and Pete and Al grabbed April. The girls were not happy at first and tried to fight us off as we shackled them to the bed but soon resigned themselves to their fate and participated.

For the next two hours we had our way with them any way we pleased and were not too gentle kaçak bahis about it. They both were treated roughly and we all took turns pounding them with our hard thunder sticks. When we weren’t screwing them with our poles they had dildos in them that were jack hammered into them as fast and deep as they would go, while someone had a cock in their mouth. The girls soon wore out and we all found a place to crash, and slept soundly.

Nobody moved until the next morning and then it was two very stiff and sore women that went to have a soak in the tub. Later we sat around and looked at the pictures of all of us fucking the daylights out of the girls. The girls were still sore after lunch so we guys gave them both a good oil massage and they told us that there probably wouldn’t be any sex for the next week while they recuperated. They both admitted to having cum so many times that their bodies were drained.

The next week at work Al told me that Amy was still sore but had got great pleasure from the rape scenario even if at first she had been scared.

She had divulged to him that our orgies were something she thought a lot about because of how she had finally got to be more open about sex, but being raped and with the bondage and rough stuff she had completely lost control of her body and had come so violently, so many times, that she wondered if she would ever be normal again.

Al told me that Amy’s nipples were still so tender that all he had to do was touch them and she came. I said April acted the same way. I told Al that April was having a hard time at work because when no one was looking Pete would slap her ass and that would make her cum. She confessed that it was hard working when she was turned on all the time. We concluded that when they felt that tingle of pain it brought back memories of the rape scenario and their bodies reacted to that.

April acknowledged to me that she liked the rough stuff that we had done, but she didn’t want to do that too much. Amy had told Al that with all the experimenting that had happened in her sex life she couldn’t ever again be that frumpy person she used to be. She was enjoying this new lifestyle a lot. We agreed to include Pete in our once a month orgies from then on. Pete enjoyed the two women as much as we did, and the two women loved having five male bodies to give them pleasure.

Another change came, soon, when, to our surprise, Amy had found someone she met in the grocery store by the name of Sam that she figured would fit in our lifestyle. Amy met with him a few times having coffee and then took him home so that Al could watch her have sex with him. On her first time with Sam, Al didn’t watch too much because he joined in fairly quickly.

After we agreed to meet him Amy brought him along to our next orgy, and after meeting him we all agreed to include him in our group. So now we had six guys and two girls in our group. Sam and Pete fit in with our original group of four guys and two girls nicely, and the girls had the benefit of getting well satisfied on the nights we met.

Our sex sessions were really hot from then on. They went from one night on a weekend to being a Friday evening and all day Saturday affair. The girls were ecstatic about the sheer volume of orgasms all of us guys gave them, and the astounding thing was, that the two of them still managed to wear us six guys out.

April and I talked a lot to each other about how she liked to have so many different partners in one night and how she had turned into a gangbang queen. After some probing on my part I got her to admit that she liked the feeling of cuming with one cock, and then doing it again with another, and again, in a seemingly never-ending parade of orgasms.

I wasn’t complaining about her liking gangbangs because I loved to watch her in action as I fucked Amy. I especially liked the look of her body covered in sweat and cum as she fucked whomever, for all she was worth. Like Al, I had gotten a Polaroid camera too, and between Al and me, we kept an up to date photo diary of the happenings.

We all found that what we did for the rest of the month, whether that was just couples or threesomes was even more pleasurable.

Al told me that Amy was still wondering about how she could act this uninhibited, but at the same time she was enjoying herself a lot more since she had changed from a prim and proper woman, to someone that acted like she was shamelessly promiscuous. Amy had even admitted that having six wonderful cocks to play with made her horny just thinking about it.

Continued in chapter 6 with more fun and wilder adventures for the group.

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Formua Bum

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Life is full of surprises, some of them good, and I am still glowing from a recent one, which occurred just after I submitted ‘Ebba and Flow.’ Out of the blue, or internet, arrived a message from an apparently antipodean woman, who had been sampling my stories, and was proposing we might ‘meet’ during her forthcoming sojourn in the UK. With the directness with which her compatriots are credited she attached images of herself, fore and aft. Naked. The pics took my breath away, and I spent a happy half-hour zooming.

I was astonished at first that she should have chosen me, but her message explained that her stay would be short, and she didn’t want to waste time seeking someone to answer her permanent. need for immediate gratification. Besides, I was post-menopausal, so fit for purpose without possible delay. She herself, aged 53, was also beyond the bleeding. Such pragmatism didn’t offend me, especially given the opportunity on offer

She was trusting me not to publish her photos, so I must resort to description, pending later responses to the realities. She is versed in art-history, so I wasn’t surprised, but was amused, by her reference to the images. It said, ‘I hope the attached will help to Ingresiate me with you.’ I was reminded of my own past dealings in (erotic) art, which she was obviously familiar with. There is a painting by Ingres called ‘La Source’ (‘The Spring’), depicting a naked young woman with a water-pot on her left shoulder, and my correspondent had adopted the same posture, but bearing a surf-board in place of the jar. There was also a cryptic remark that I should have my own surf-board to hand.

The Ingres girl’s nakedness is actually anti-erotic, since her breasts are pubescently asexual and she is pussyless. The 24 Carat, Force 12 sexuality of the emailed images has all the more impact, as I hope to indicate.

The most obvious feature of the face-on photo was her bush of fiery red hair – her thatch, because it was a huge mass of fine, tightly curling interwoven filaments. Beneath it was a wedge-shaped face, broad of forehead, tapering to a pointed chin. The complexion was smooth, honey-coloured, much freckled. Her age was indicated in the deep crow’s feet beside the enormous, dark-green eyes. Her dark orangey-pink mouth was tilted a little to one side in a grin. As for her other burning bush, it was short but abundant and shaped in a crescent, with the horns pointing up either side in the groin. In colour it was a little darker – marmalade. And zooming in enabled me to peer through the thicket and study the upper reaches of her, also orangey-pink, labia, and marvel at the jutting spur parting them at the apex.

Not deep-bosomed, but the breasts full and firm, utterly adult, with areolas exactly matching the labia in colour, with nipples erect and long. And the rear view?

The shoulders slope down into a narrow waist, and from it there swells out a bottom to rival, even surpass that of Alex, from earlier stories. Muscle, with a thin layer of cushioning, honed by vigorous exercise, smooth, and so tight in the cheeks and firmly fleshed it looks as if it would resonate like a tuning-fork if you struck it.


This raises the question of how one might assess and categorise bottoms.

Excursus a posteriori: I think we may agree that, a priori, bottoms exist. But my question is: What, a posteriori, makes a bottom beautiful?

Scientists have studied the matter, and as someone who has passed examinations in physics, chemistry and biology, and who has done extensive hands-on research herself, I’ll venture some answers.

An empirical study, based on a survey of posteriors agreed by a sample of judges, to be the most attractive, concluded that the desirable ratio of waist:bum measurements is 0.70. Apparently women who are especially admired as arsetractive approximate this number. For instance, the Beyoncé waist to bot ratio (26/40) is 0.65. In my case, with a waist at 28 inches and a bottom at 42 inches the ratio is 0.67. Which, for an elderly lady like me, is impressive, don’t you think? I should add that below the actual waist there is something of a bow window nowadays, which a kind transwoman described as a handy cushion to lie on.

Then there is the optimum angle of the cheeks outcurving from the base of the spine. This is, apparently, 45 degrees. Quite difficult to measure on yourself, but I stood in profile before a mirror and traced the outline with lipstick on the glass. The result was 42 degrees. So, mine juts out a bit more abruptly than the ideal.

The research does not seem to take into account the buttock-depth. What do the cheeks do when the curve turns downwards? Do they continue to bulge outwards, and if so, by how much? Mine go quite a way east as they also proceed southwards. They also expand in the other dimension.

There is, apparently, a formula for arsessment: (S+C) X (B+F) / (T-V), where:

S=Shape; C=Circularity; B=Bounciness; canlı bahis F=Firmness; T=Texture; V=Waist:Hip Ratio. The obvious problem with these variables is that they need defining and ranges of value. For example, ‘bounciness’ is not a good quality, we are told, so, on a scale of 1-10 would an especially bouncy bum be graded 1? And how does this differ from ‘firmness’? Can you have a firm, un-bouncy bottom, or a flabby, bouncy one? ‘Texture’ presumably means skin surface. Who judges ‘shape,’ ‘circularity’ and ‘texture’?

Well, after consultation with some persons acquainted with my sit-upon, and assuming a scale of 1-10, in which 10 is excellent, and ‘un-bounciness’ gets a good score, here is the formula applied in my case:

(7+7) X (7+6) / (6-0.67) = 14 X 13 / 5.33 = 34.15

Whether that is a ‘good’ score or not may become apparent using the figures for Alex:

(9+9) X (9+9) / (9-0.60) = 18 X 18/ 8.40 = 38.57

Let us now derive the total for the ideal derriere, accepting that 0.7 waist:bot figure:

(10+10) X (10+10) / 10-0.7 = 20 X 20 / 9.3 = 43.01

I must say I am rather pleased with my result. I invite other ladies to apply the formula and let me know their figure, in all senses.


Meanwhile, back to my correspondent’s proposal. I thought it would be only fair to email her a couple of shots of the Norma dorsal and ventral surfaces, so had to get myself photographed in the altogether. This was accomplished with an attempt to reciprocate the art history, so I posed as Aphrodite Kallipygos, looking over my shoulder to admire my pratt. I have to admit it is a little larger in proportion to the rest of me than hers, but the shape itself is not too dissimilar. As for the front view, well, none of the Classical statues have big enough breasts, and I’m really quite proud of mine and wanted to represent myself adequately.

Since my impending companion was landing nearby I drove to pick her up. It was agreed she would stay with me for her first night here. And my Aphroditarse hadn’t put her off, it seemed.

Of course, it was not difficult to identify her, even dressed, because that fiery mane alone would have done the trick. But she turned out to be six or seven inches taller than me. The long flight had not wearied her at all, either, for she strode straight at me, dropped her duffle-bag, effortlessly lifted me off the concrete and fetched me a long, lip-squelching kiss. Then she put me down and said, ‘Norma, you’re a sight for sore thighs, after that plane seat. Thank you for taking me in. Well, some of me, anyway.’ Her accent wasn’t antipodean at all, to my surprise, and she explained at once, ‘I’ve come from down-under, but I’m actually a flying Dutchwoman.’

‘You’re entirely welcome, whatever your roots,’ I said, ‘But they probably explain your height and colour, and I might be able to help with those thighs.’

As she picked up her bag and we set off for the car-park I took in her outfit. She was in a close-fitting cream-coloured sweater and a flared dark green skirt, swirling in the stiff breeze, no stockings, and large dark-brown trainers. When she registered my admiring gaze she took my hand and swung our arms back and forth in infectious exhilaration. She crackled with energy and joie-de-vivre.

There was no need for small-talk. We were at once at ease, and content to wait to be alone for further conversation, but when we reached and got into my car, regardless of any spectators, she leaned over from the passenger-seat, put her right hand behind my neck and drew me into a long, tongue-twining kiss. She tasted of orange-juice and toothpaste.

When she withdrew a little she said, ‘Norma, I need right now. Can you just ease me off? It’d be quickety-quick.’

I’ve had a few quicketies in my time, but this was almost instant. Naturally, however, I was ready to oblige and slipped a hand under the hem of the sweater and ran it up to her bra.

She said, ‘Those’ll wait. Just lickety-clit.’

Fortunately there was no-one nearby, though I don’t think she would have cared if there had been, and my right hand was soon at her knee and travelling up her supposedly travel-worn thighs. She hitched her bottom forward in the seat and leaned back as my fingers reached where her knickers would have been, had she been wearing any.

‘Took ’em off in the plane,’ she said, ‘In case there was a chance for this.’

I just had to turn back the skirt and see that burning bracken for real. She opened her legs and my index finger felt between them and landed on the orangey-red shark’s-fin protruding from the vulval furrow. She jerked at the contact, and, with a little difficulty, I leaned over and down to rest my left cheek on her right thigh and extended my tongue. She smelt of salt and soap, and that indescribable meaty scent that even the cleanest pussy smells of. But I didn’t pause to sip the wine, I inserted my tongue into the groove between the lip and the slit and bahis siteleri slid it up and down.

She was right to predict it would be speedy, for within ten seconds she was saying, ‘Oh, Norma, darling, I’m coming,’ and with an involuntary jerk of her hips and a long, breathy sigh, she welcomed her orgasm, ‘Oh, yes, that’s it. So sweet. Thank you.’

I lifted my head and sat up into my seat again. She put the hand back round my neck and drew me into another long kiss. After it ended she said, ‘I love to taste myself like that. Later there will be much more. You’ll see. Would you like me to lick you off, too?’

‘Kind offer, but I can wait till we’re home and a little more private.’

She laughed. ‘One advantage of coming so quick is you can even do it in a crowd.’


At home, I heated up the prepared meal. We ate it, I stacked the dishwasher, while she showered. And so to bed.

Since her initial orgasmic need was satisfied, there was no tearing hurry. She insisted on undressing me first, and clearly enjoyed peeling off shirt, skirt and bra, at which point she stood back, inspected me, and said, ‘Those are fantastits, you know, Norma. The photo didn’t do them justice. Look at those delicious nips coming out to play. I just have to suck.’ And she did, and they stood to attention all the more. They could stand all the attention she cared to give them. She cradled my breasts in her hands so tenderly it brought tears to my eyes.

‘Now for the grey eminence in those knickers,’ she said, slowly pulling them down. ‘I’ve never seen so distinguished a puss before, and your temples are hardly touched. No, this is your temple, isn’t it?’ She turned me and patted my bottom. ‘Now, let’s lie down.’

Off came the shoes, sweater and skirt and there she stood a moment in her bra. As she removed it my heart turned over. She was even more magnificent than I had anticipated. The little movements of her breasts as they settled added that livingness which no photo can offer.

Then we were lying in each other’s arms, stroking backs, gazing into eyes, soon kissing. I felt as if I were diving into a warm pool of pleasure. Her long fingers slid down my crack and turned in under my cheeks gently probing into my vulva and vestibule. Then she disengaged herself, rolled me only my back and resumed her sucking and nibbling of my nipples, at the same time smoothing a hand down my stomach and ruffling the upper edge of my grizzled pelt.

She was one of those lovers whose love-making flows so smoothly from stage to stage you hardly know what they are doing. For, after what was probably ten minutes which lasted an epoch, I found she had opened me up without my consciously knowing and was lipping my clitoris. At the same time two fingers were flexing within my vagina. The whole progress was like a slow conjuring trick, in that I didn’t follow her movements until the end point was upon me. But it was no trickery, since the dawning orgasm was wonderfully real.

Of course, she tracked it all the way from initial tingling to total possession, slowing her tongue and fingers, holding me against her, crooning with delight, until I was spent and every nerve was aglow.


We lay in an affectionate hug awhile. Then I said, ‘I don’t think that preliminary come did much more than warm up a bit.’

‘True for you, Blue,’ she said, ‘And that was just a clit-bit. Can you do me a tit-bit?’

Of course I could and would, and thus induced an event I have not often come across, the nipplegasm. Oh, you should have seen and felt the way those superb bosoms expanded, the way those orangey-pink areolas gathered and puckered. I sucked and licked each in turn, fretting the one not in my mouth with finger and thumb. Her orgasm seemed to swell within those hardening breasts and erupt through those rigid nipples.

‘I’m a lucky girl, Norma,’ she said, ‘Nestling into my semi-swelled bosom. I can come so many ways. And I like to do it in sequence. First clit, then tit, then -‘

‘Let me guess,’ I said, ‘Then slit?’

‘That’s right. It’s wonderfully wet by then, waiting to suck your fingers. But maybe we should take care of you first.’

‘Oh no,’ I said, ‘I can’t wait to complete the sequence. My fingers are itching to stir up a storm.’

‘Well now,’ she said, ‘You’ve spoken true without knowing, because the storm in there means thunder, lightning and downpour.’

‘You’re a squirter! I’ve never seen a woman ejaculate in real life.’

‘Then you may need a raincoat, or -‘

‘The surfboard you were toting.’

‘You wondered about that, then?’

‘Yes. And now I’m wondering how to raise the waves.’

‘It’ll be fun to tell you as you do it. You’ll need your tongue and two or three fingers. It’s all down, and I mean down, to clit and slit. Nothing complicated. You’ve done it a thousand times before. The tits are done for now. Still deflating, you see.’

I wriggled down the bed as bahis şirketleri she parted her legs, and I homed in on that unusual clitoris. Intrigued from my first inspection in the airport carpark I studied it further. It protruded from the northernmost limits of her vulva, which had already opened, thanks to the swelling of the inner lips. The clitoris stuck up in a bright crimson protrusion, like the corner of a piece of paper, though thicker, because it was triangular, with its glans at the apex, hardly visible within the enveloping hood. Its maximum height from its vulval base was perhaps half an inch. It was clearly engorged but it felt more spongey than rigid under my tongue. It was also exquisitely sensitive, for only the lightest touch was tolerable.

I ran a hand up her thigh and it glided up on a film of cuntish secretions, so that two fingers slid into her through the open vestibule. She let out a little cry of joy as I crooked the digits and felt along the upper wall of the vagina, seeking that slightly rough area which is the famous G-spot.

‘Oh, that’s the spot,’ she said, ‘Now scratch.’

I have done quite a deal of geeing up the G, and I knew you have to feel for the right amount of pressure to apply, the right amount of friction, the right amount of travel with the finger-tips, the right stroke-speed. You find it through sensing her eagerness and excitation. With this one the pace was quite slow, with plenty of digging into the tissue. At the same time the tonguing needed to be brisk, though gentle.

We both entered a trance-like, timeless state, totally absorbed in her sensations, which I intuited in my own vagina, which seemed to quiver within and issue its glaze as if I, too, were progressing towards the climax. And then she said, ‘It’s coming, Norma. Slowly this way. The come has to flow, like a man’s come. Oh, it’s almost there…Now!’

So, for the first time in my life I received the spray on my chin, my throat, my chest. It was hot and thin, more watery than juicy, and it jetted forth five or six times as she ground her bottom onto my hand, trapping my fingers. She uttered a series of shrieks, coincident with the spurts, and then suddenly went limp, as if in a faint.

I was slightly alarmed at first, seeing myself hastily removing my hand from her vagina and doing CPR. How would I explain the situation to the paramedics, two naked women, dripping with female ejaculate? But hardly had I withdrawn the hand than she opened her eyes, looked into mine, and said, ‘There is a heaven on earth, you know, Norma, and I’ve just been there.’

‘Sending you there was certainly interesting for me,’ I said. ‘How often can you do that? Amazing the amount you can shoot.’

‘It’s a strange thing, but we women seem to be able to make more than men. Back in there, under the good old G-spot, there seems to be a better reservoir than the prostate. And I could probably gush as much again. But now it’s your turn.’

‘I’ve never overflowed like that,’ I said. ‘The best I can do is some extra oozing just before I come.’

‘I’m looking forward to that,’ she said. ‘And I think you’re a bum-freak like me.’

‘Right. And you have about the most beautiful bottom I’ve ever seen.’

‘I had a nice girl lover a while ago who said, “Your bum makes me come.” But yours is a beauty, too, you know, Norma. I did a lot of tossing off with your photo, and I’m going to enjoy the real thing now. Turn over!’

I obediently lay on my front. She had me raise my hips and slipped a pillow under me. ‘That shows it off,’ she said, ‘And makes it easier to get at your cunt. I’m going to get you off and dangle my tits on those gorgeous cheeks. That way I can have a nipple come.’ She slid a hand under my chest, so a breast was being pressed into the palm. Then she ran a hand up the inside of a thigh and felt gently for my opening. At the same time I felt her breasts come to rest on my cheeks. This, too, was quite a new sensation – breast to bottom was not something I was familiar with, but it was exciting and not just from its novelty. I felt a great tenderness as she brushed that sweet bosom back and forth, and the feeling combined with the increasing pleasure generated by her fingers buried in my twat. The position helped her to press down into the front wall, seeking my G-spot.

My breasts engorged, and the caressing of my bottom seemed almost to cause it, too, to swell. I had the illusion for a time that my cheeks were expanding. Meantime those probing fingers were working their magic.

‘You’re nearly there, aren’t you?’ she said, ‘You’re making more juice. I’m going to come when you do. Enjoy our coming, dear Norma.’

‘I’m coming now,’ I told her, involuntarily clenching my cheeks and pushing back at her active fingers. ‘Oh, that’s so lovely!’

She crushed her tits against my hard arse, uttering little whimpers of ecstasy. My orgasm radiated out from her fingers, like a hot tide, filling my cheeks, exquisitely aware of her nipples broadcasting her climax throughout her system.


Later, I applied the formula to her bottom:

(10+9) X (9+10) / 9-0.63 = 19 X 19 / 8.37 = 43.49

Better than perfect!

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