Sucked Dry

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Sucked DrySucked DryIt was a stale, early autumn night in the woods.The air had a certain level of mugginess around it all day, only now that the full moon had risen, with barely a blink of a star in the foggy night sky, blew a small breeze that sent chills down the spine…A young male and female were walking through the ancient woods. Woods that have been untouched by man for all its existence.”Are you sure this is the right way back into the village?”The young handsome man questioned.”I’m sure.”The dainty blonde replied.”I don’t know how we got ourselves so far off the beaten path…”He pondered.”I’ve lived here all my life. I know my way around.”The blonde replied with a calm cheeriness to her voice.”I’ll have to take your word for it, m’lady.”The guy tried to hide his worries behind an assured voice.The pair had only met each other a week ago. The guy had decided to take a small holiday in a quaint, idyllic countryside village, away from the noise and smoke of the big city.”Come, it’s just a little further ahead.”The blonde cheered as she raced ahead of the guy.”Please do hold up for me, sweetheart, I’m not quite as sure-footed as you!”He started to puff as he hastened his unsure steps to keep up behind her.A small clearing appeared through the sea of trees, to reveal a huge castle, darkened in the shadow of night.”Woah… I don’t recall seeing anything about this place in the brochures…”The guy paused in his step to take in the towering sight of the old medieval structure.”That’s because this castle is a local secret… Few know of it’s existence.”The blonde stopped in her tracks to smile back at the guy.”Impressive…”He continued taking in the awe-inspiring, if disturbingly imposing, sight.”Come, let’s see if anyone’s in!”The young girl cried with delight, as she raced to the large solid-oak doors at the entrance.”No – wait! What if we’re shot for trespassing?!”The guy fretted as he rushed behind her to try and stop her.She just giggled as she banged the large ornate iron knocker on the front of one of the towering doors.”Shh! We’re imposing on private land here! We could get into serious trouble!”The guy scolded her, his voice raised in pitch from nerves.”You’re silly!”She giggled playfully at him, like a small child.She pushed against the knocker, and the large door creaked open.”Ooh, look… It’s open!”She declared, her eyes widened with delight.”We really shouldn’t go any further.”The guy bit his lip with worry.”Oh hush! Take a look around. No mortal has stepped foot in this place for centuries!”She chuckled as she headed inside.”Be that as it may, we really shouldn’t fool around here. This could be a UNESCO heritage site or something!”He hesitated to follow behind her.”Come on, silly, follow me.”Her voice echoed from inside the dark castle.”We really shouldn’t…”He shuffled his feet anxiously outside.Just then, a thunder strike clapped high above in the heavens, and rain began to trickle down from above.He looked up, as the droplets began to flick his head.”Emily?”He called out nervously into the castle as he peered through into total darkness.No reply.”Oh, heck!”He exclaimed as the rain began to pour hard, forcing him to take shelter inside.It was so black inside, that he couldn’t even see his hand in front of his face.”Emily? …Emily, answer me!”He called out in a sharp hushed whisper.Still no reply.He cautiously trawled through the medieval, pitch-black, dreary castle, mindful of every blind step he took.”Emily! …Let me know you’re OK, at least! Please!”He kept calling out in his quivering voice.”Up here!”Her voice finally called out in the darkness, echoing off of the cold stone walls.”Where?”He strained his eyes, trying to see anything in the dark.”Up the stairs, right in front of you.”She directed just as he banged the toe of his shoe on the first step of the grand stairway.”Ow!”His voice echoed loudly off the walls as he tripped up the stairs.”Come. You’re almost there.”Emily’s voice called from up above. Her voice like a sultry, breathy, siren’s call.He hesitantly followed up the stairs, which seemed to go on forever.The whole time, Emily’s voice called for him, guiding him, directing him towards her…As he finally made it to the top of the stairs, a sudden greyness flickered through the blinding darkness.A small, dim, grey light coming from underneath a closed door.He headed towards it.”You’re getting warmer…”Emily’s voice teased as he approached closer to the door.The closer he got, the warmer and brighter the light became.The grey faded away into revealing a warmer yellow light.”Emily? You in here?”He asked nervously as he reached his hand for the large wooden door.”So warm now…”Her voice called from within the room.He anxiously pushed his hand against the door, which slowly opened with a very loud creak.His footsteps creaked too, beneath him, as he entered into the carpeted room.The room was lit up in a warm light by an ornate candelabra, high above his head. The ceiling was a good 20ft high. The room itself wasn’t all that big, but the tall ceiling and the fact that the only piece of furniture in the room was a large, beautifully decorated and obviously expensive queen-sized bed, made the room feel more pendik escort bigger than what it was.But there was no Emily to be seen.”Emily? Where are you hiding?”He nervously grinned, thinking she’s playing one of her silly girlish games with him.”I’m around.”She giggled, her voice seeming to come all around him from all directions.”Take off those wet clothes…”She then instructed him.”What?!”He gasped.”You’ll catch your death of cold in those wet rags…”She coyly giggled.”Take them off, and lay on the bed…””I fear this foggy night air has driven you quite mad!”He chuckled with his nerves, trying to ease his own nervous tension with humour.”I’m only mad about you… Please, take off your clothes… For me…”Her voice soothed him with an hypnotic effect.”Well… For you, my love.”He hesitated at first, but soon began to remove his clothes.”And your briefs, too…”Her voice seemed to breathe in his ear, despite being nowhere to be seen.”Um, OK…”He nervously removed his underwear. His youthful body now fully exposed.”Lay down… The bed is very comfortable…”She breathily instructed.His naturally toned stomach bathed under the warm yellow light of the candles as he nervously laid down backwards onto the huge plump mattress.”Now close your eyes… For me…”She cooed, and he anxiously obeyed.As soon as his eyes shut, he felt her presence above him. He went to open his eyes, but her gentle dainty fingertips pressed against his eyelids, forcing them closed again.”Ah, Emily! Your fingers are like ice!”He gasped at the shocking coldness of them. She giggled.”I told you to keep your eyes closed.”She then murmured as she pressed her lips gently to his.”And your lips too. We really ought to warm you up by a nice fire.”He concerned for her as she sat on top of him.”Oh, but you will warm me up… I’m sure of it.”She softly chuckled, her sweet-scented cool breath washed over his lips and nose.As they kissed, he felt her grabbing his arms and raising them above his head. They softly moaned as she deliberately played with his hands. He was too distracted by the sweetness of her kisses to mind the freezing coldness of her touch. Nor did he notice how intentional her movements of his hands were… Until it was too late.With a sudden tightening around his wrists, he opened his eyes in sudden realisation and turned to look up towards his wrists.She had just restrained his arms to the corner bedposts with leather belt straps.”Oh?”He turned his gaze to Emily, who was staring down at him with a straight face, wearing a small loose-fitting nightwear frock.”My, this is… I must say… I, um…”He stuttered his words, not knowing what to say or think to the sudden turn of events.”This’ll be so much easier for the both of us if you just relax for me.”She spoke in a more serious tone of voice.”Emily, I… I mean I’m not upset, in fact I’m quite intrigued, but um…”He awkwardly tried to reassure her, even though he was the one in desperate need of reassurance.”Shhh… Just relax… For me… Please.”She cooed as she began to slide down his body. She was so light with him, it almost felt like as if she was hovering over him. He barely felt her weight upon him at all.She grabbed his leg by the ankle, and pulled his leg straight and into place by the corner of the bedpost, where another leather strap awaited.”I – I honestly can’t say I’ve ever, um, done something like this before…”He stammered nervously, but allowed her with very little resistance to tie his leg to the bed.There was even less resistance when she tied his other leg to the other corner post.”Thank you.”She gently thanked him for his cooperation, as she then got off the bed and moved towards the corner of the room.”What are yo- um, Emily?”He shot her a very puzzled look as she looked on at him. A sense of nervous concern etched upon her sweet face.Suddenly, with a loud crack of thunder, the old iron-framed window to the room blew open, causing the flames of the candles to extinguish.He let out a shocked gasp, almost jumping off the bed, if not for the restraints keeping him locked tight in place upon the bed.With only the light of the moon illuminating the now darkened room, he saw a shadowy figure arise from the foot of the bed.”Wh-wh-what’s this?!”He nervously uttered as the shadowy figured removed a pitch-black cloak that had been wrapped around itself.He swallowed hard, as the being stepped back and turned to Emily.The pale moonlight bathed the face of the intruder, revealing the features of a woman. There was clearly something otherworldly about her. She had a clear aura of danger about her. The guy instinctively knew to fear for his life in her deathly presence.She advanced towards the anxious-looking Emily, who stared cautiously towards the feminine creature of the night..”Emily – quick! Save yourself and run!”The guy called out in fear for her, but Emily didn’t run.She stood still…Her anxious expression never changing.”Emily!”The guy called, but she didn’t even glance towards him.He feared the worst for her as the dark creature grabbed Emily in her hands, and pulled her body close to her.”Oh no!”He closed his eyes, shut tight, awaiting the dreadful scream that was sure to follow!…Not a escort pendik peep was heard.He cautiously opened his eyes, fearing the gory sight he might be about to witness, but to his shock, all he saw was the creature kissing the lips of Emily, whose eyes were shut, embracing and kissing the creature in return.”Em-Emily?”He puzzled.Their embrace and kiss soon ended, and the creature turned back around to face the poor guy. With a short wave of her hand over Emily’s frock, the frock fell to the floor, exposing Emily’s youthful naked body.The creature stepped once more into the moonlight peering into the dark room from the open window. The pale silver light bathed her body.He could now make out more of her features. She was a tall woman, long flowing black-as-night hair draped down over her shoulders, down to her perfectly-formed pear-shaped hips, with healthy curves and buxom boobs. She was clearly naked too. Every inch of her pale silvery skin was exposed for all to see.She hovered towards him, as though gliding on air, towards the foot of the bed.”What.. What are you?”He nervously asked.”You should really be asking yourself, what you are…”She replied in a breathy, cat-like voice, as a demonic smirk stretched across her evilly-attractive face.”Wha-what am I?”He quizzed.”You’re dinner!”She chuckled evilly.”..You’re insane!”He yelled.”Oh no, I’m quite sane, I assure you. A girl’s got to feast is all… You wouldn’t want a girl to go hungry now, would you?”She softly chuckled.”You’re no girl! You’re a.. A… A vampire!”He cried out.”…In a manner of speaking.”She chuckled her evil chuckle.”And now you’re going to suck my blood until I become like you!”He fretted.”No one could ever be like me,”She chuckled again,”But you’re quite right, I am going to suck you dry…”She then started to crawl onto the bed, her paranormal movements slow and deliberate.”No! No! Please! Emily, help me! Please!”He begged her, the fear making his voice come out shrill and quivering.”Shush! Beg all you want, she won’t help you. She brought you to me.”The dark temptress explained as she inched her way closer upwards between the frightened guy’s legs.”Did I do good, mistress?”Emily then asked, as she continued to stand and watch in the corner of the room.”Yes, my love, you did splendidly. You shall be deservedly rewarded once I’ve had my feed.”She grinned as she turned her head to look back at Emily. As she grinned, her white canine-fangs glistened in the moonlight.She then turned her attention back onto the poor helpless guy.”She did very well bringing me such a young handsome guy… I am going to feast well on you!””Please don’t bite me! Please don’t suck my blood dry!”The poor tied-up guy continued to plead.”Oh? You got it all wrong, handsome,”She softly giggled as she bowed her head down towards his naked crotch, but with her dark blood-red coloured eyes looking up into his, “I am going to suck you dry… But it’s not your blood that I’m going to suck!”Almost instantly his fear disappeared, making way for sudden relief, with a touch of apprehension.”You… You mean?”He glanced her a quizzical look.”Mmm-hmmm…”She nodded her head, winked at him, and licked her lips, with the tip of her tongue sliding over the sharpness of her fangs in the process.”Oh… Oh my… Oh my!”He gasped as she inched just that little bit closer towards his helplessly exposed cock. He wanted to block her progress to his cock, but with his wrists and ankles tied up the way he was, there was just nothing he could do to prevent her deliberate movements.He swallowed hard as she placed a fingertip over the back of his spongy shaft.Almost like magic, with just that one touch, he felt his cock beginning to grow.He wasn’t trying to get turned on, he wasn’t trying to let it happen, but he was powerless to stop it. His cock was growing big, strong, and stiff, and there was nothing he could do about it!”W-w-wait… Won’t I become a vampire too if you feed on me?”He nervously asked, as though he could ever get her to stop now that his cock was all for her taking.”No, silly.”Emily answered him as she glided over towards the side of the bed. She crawled upon the bed, and knelt her naked body beside his nakedness, positioning herself so as to face towards his crotch, to watch her dark mistress feed on him…”Just relax… For me… She’s going to suck ever last drop of your essence from you… Until there’s nothing left of you to give her…”Emily explained to him in her sweet voice, her lip being bit by her between sentences as she watched.”But… But I…”He started to quietly gasp as he felt the dark mistress press her soft blood-red lips against the tip of his cock-head.”Shhh… Just relax…”Emily continued cooing, almost in a whisper, as she began to stroke his hair for him, comforting him. All the while, her eyes remained glued to her mistress’ lips and his now fully stiffened cock.”Just enjoy being feasted on… You don’t know how lucky you are, to be chosen to give everything you have up to her… Trust me, it’s the best thing to have ever happened to you… You’re going to be so thankful for it… When she finally takes the very last drop from you, you’re going to want to thank her… Oh, what pendik escort bayan a blessed man you are… To sacrifice yourself to feed her what she needs to survive… You will be celebrated and honoured for giving up everything about you to her… All for her… All to satisfy her needs… What a blessed man you truly are…”It was all too late for him now… There was no going back now for him… His cock now belonged to the evil princess of darkness… His essence was all for her to suck dry at her leisure… No one and nothing could help him now… It’s all too late for him…With his cock buried helplessly deep down her throat, she could feed on him for as long as she wishes… Entirely at her pleasure… He and everything he ever held dear now belonged entirely to her… And there was nothing he could do about it now… She now owns his very life, and all he can do about it is lay there and give it all up to her…Emily took his hand in hers, as she gently stroked his hair, supporting him in her own sweet way through the sacrificial feeding process…As the wet, sloppy, slurpy sounds of her mistress’ feeding rang out in the silent night air, she would lick her lips, awaiting permission from her mistress to have a feed of her own… Her tummy grew hungry at the thought of feeding on such a delicious and tasty sacrificial lamb…As the dark mistress feasted noisily upon his cock, sucking on it as though it’s the teat of life, her eyes began to glaze over, entering into a trance.The poor guy tried to resist, he tried his very best to not just give it up so easily for her… But he couldn’t help it. He was just simply powerless to resist. He felt the pleasure of a thousand angel-choruses course through his entire being as the orgasmic pleasure built up all around inside of him. He knew it was now time to give up his very essence to her, and he couldn’t do anything about it except let it happen…”Please…”He offered one final plea for mercy from his terrible fate… But his pitiful plea fell onto deaf ears.With a tight squeeze of Emily’s cold hand, he unleashed his essence all over the wet hungry tongue of the stunning sinner.”Mmmmmm good boy…”The evil vampire praised as she thirstily lapped up every single drop that spewed from his helpless throbbing cock.”That’s it… Give up every drop…”She spoke clearly despite her mouth and throat getting pumped and doused in so much potent cream.Clearly her supernatural powers allowed for clear speech despite the creamy blockage now occupying her throat and gullet.With a loud hungry suck, she swallowed her last drop that she milked from him, and then lifted her head up and away from his flustered crotch.With a lick of her lips, and a wipe with the back of her fingertip, which she also sucked clean, she turned to look at Emily.”You did splendidly, picking this tasty mortal for me. Please, feel free to have yourself a taste now.”Emily’s eyes lit up, breaking her trance, a big excited grin formed across her face.”Really, mistress? I can have a taste?”She asked, unsure if she only dreamt being given such an opportunity.”You’ve earned it!”Her mistress smiled sweetly at her.”Oooh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”Emily cheered excitedly as she shuffled herself into position, her face over his ever-so-slowly deflating cream-moistened cock.Without any ceremony or hesitation, she just knelt down, taking his defenceless sticky cummy cock in her hand, and immediately began to feast on it in the same way as her mistress had been doing.”Mmmm thank you, thank you, thank you…!!”She continued to thank her mistress for the gift, although her words were coming out very muffled thanks to her mouth being stuffed with his cummy cock.”There’s more where that came from, if you keep bringing me such delicious mortals to feast on like this.”Her mistress quietly chuckled as she stroked her blonde hair for her.”What happens to me now?”The guy asked, his voice coming out drained and soft, as though he’s deep in a spaced-out trance of his own.”Now you rest… Let your tasty essence build up again for me.”She explained to him, as her skin began to glow, its silvery paleness quickly being replaced by colourful tones of normal healthy flesh colours.”And then what?”His eyes struggling to stop themselves from rolling into the back of his skull, as he helplessly felt the tingling sensations of Emily’s mouth hungrily sucking on him.”And then I’ll be back to feast on you again… And again… And again…”She softly chuckled,”Until I’ve sucked out every last bit of essence from you…””…And then?””And then you shall just whither up and rest for all eternity!”She sneered with devilish delight as she hovered up off the bed.”Enjoy feeding on him, my love, but don’t you dare let a single drop of essence escape from him,”She warned Emily, who looked up at her mistress while still holding his cock inside her mouth,”His essence belongs to me, and me alone.””I promise, my queen of darkness, I’ll make sure that not a single drop of his cream ever gets unleashed, no matter how much I suck on him!”Emily grinned, trapping his cock gently between her teeth as she spoke, before swiftly returning to hungrily suckle on it.And with that, the dark mistress flew off out the window, disappearing into the still blackness of night, leaving her poor sacrificial lamb at the mercy of Emily’s hungry mouth… Until the dark mistress returns for another feast…!The End.

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The Correctional Gay Club

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The Correctional Gay ClubI would like to tell you all about a club that I only recently came across by accident. Apparently, only well vetted and introduced people are invited to attend, as the club likes to keep a very low profile because of the nature of what occurs there. I remember that it took so long for me to get accepted, that I almost gave up on the whole idea, thinking that I would never be allowed to join.It is basically a large hall divided up into small rooms with different activities happening in every one of them. Here is a run down of what is on offer.The “Initiation” On being given the privilege to join, you have to undergo an “Initiation.” On the first night of attending, you are stationed near to the entrance of the main door for the first hour or so, where you are expected to give anyone who enters a bit of a sucking, just like an aperitif for them to get their evening off to a good start. Then an orange band is secured around each arm to indicate to everyone present that you are a newbie. On seeing this, anyone can come up to you and demand your services in any shape or form that they seem fit. Failing to comply fully to any request made by other members, results in instant dismissal from the club. “The Pegging Room”…..In here a victim is naked with his arms hoisted up above his head by a rope that is tied around his wrists and secured to a hook in the ceiling, so that his feet are just off the floor. Now whenever you pass this room you must enter and attach a peg to his body. You can put it wherever you like on him. The basket contains 100 pegs, and once all of these are used up and attached to him, he is made to suffer this indignity for about 30 minutes pendik escort before he is released to be replaced by another unfortunate guy. ( or fortunate guy, depending how you perceive it )Then there is the “The Suspension Room”….This is the room where a guy is suspended by ropes from the roof at about head height minus his clothes of course. His arms and legs are splayed out wide, with his head and cock pointing to the floor. He also has a ball gag in his mouth that is fastened to his head. Other guys enter the room and place metal clips with small chains on to a part of the body, and then attach weights to it. These vary in size from tiny little ones to very heavy big ones. A favourite with a lot of people is to secure a clip to a single pubic hair, then add the smallest weight to the attached chain, and then keep adding more of the same value, to see how many it takes before the pube in question eventually gets plucked from the body. Hearing the muffled moans and groans of the poor chap is quite exciting…or at least I found it so.“The Old and Young Room”……This is where the young service the old and vice versa. An old guy enters the vacant room for example, and puts a notice on the door…”Old guy inside seeks young guy to fuck” or Old guy inside seeks young guy to service him” Also there are many other combinations.“The Special Treatment Room”. This comprises of a minimum of ten men in a room where the subject will be striped of any clothes that they happen to be wearing, then bent over at right angles, and made to spread their legs wide open. They will then have all of their body hair removed, and be sprayed with strawberry flavoured oil. Four men restrain him, escort pendik two for his arms and the same for his legs. A cock will be pushed into his mouth for him to suck, his balls will be sucked, and his ass fucked, and two mouths will lick and suck each of his nipples. Another male will record it all in high definition digital to put on the web.“The Fuck and Suck Station” this room unlike the others is a very small room, about the size of a public toilet. To the left and to the right of you are two glory holes. In here you line your mouth and ass up with the respected holes. It is a tight squeeze but you can just about manage to turn sideways to accomplish this, and wait for a cocks to come through from either side of the wall to fill you from both ends, while you take whatever you’ve got coming to you like a man.Then of course you’ve got the “Private Correction Room” Now the sort of male that enters this type of room knows full well that if they go in there for treatment, the first thing that they have to do is to explain to everyone there why you they have come. It could be that they just have very low self esteem, or feel that they need to be punished for past misdemeanour’s, or for bad habits etc.After you have finished telling your story, your treatment will begin, and you will be expected to take your punishment however the group see fit. This can and usually does include, a damn good spanking on your bare ass cheeks by all and sundry with hands, canes or belts, vicious biting clothes pegs / pins will be attached to your private parts, and you can expect to be blindfolded, restrained with some very coarse and chaffing rope, handcuffed, toyed with, made to rim and pendik escort bayan suck anyone who requires that particular attention from you…..and you will be made to perform on demand, and let anybody fuck you and to deposit their jizz inside you if they so desire. To finish off with, a live piss enema will be administered to your ass, the funnel connecting to your depositing tube will be kept topped up by the rooms contributors from time to time, to make sure that there is always a good supply waiting for entry into you. Once you are full to bursting, a very large butt plug is inserted, and you will not be allowed to relieve yourself until everybody thinks that your corrective treatment has been completed. This can be anything up to thirty minutes. “The Tag Team Wrestling Room” In here you team up with another guy of about the same age, height and build, and go up against another duo who will be exactly opposite to you. For example, old vs young or thin vs fat etc. The referee will be very bias towards one of the teams, so that that team will be able to get away with almost everything, whilst the other team will be continually penalised. For example, The ref can be telling you off over in your corner whilst your team mate is being restrained by the other duo and being made to suck and be fucked by them. “Size Matters” Room. The type of action that you can expect to receive in here is that in this room are several men in a queue with different sized cocks. At the front of it is someone who is very small followed by the next male who is small, I am sure you get the picture. Last in line is a male with an extra large penis. The idea is that you get fucked in turn by each participant, and each time that you are entered by a different cock, it is slightly larger than the one before it, finally taking the biggest one of all, which made my eyes water I can tell you, even though I’d built up to it.

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love older pussy, now i understand

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love older pussy, now i understandI am 58 years old married with a very good sex life. Well I think I have a very good sex life and getting better all the time. My wife whom I love dearly gave me the green light to fuck around as long as I am careful, don’t get caught by friends or relatives and don’t fuck with anyone she knows. She to has the green light and fucks a friend at work but he doesn’t know that I know he fucks her. She tells me how open she gets with him and does thinks that she could never do with me, like pee games and fisting and even eating pussy. She tells me its hard to understand but she feels like she can she let herself go and be wild and a slut with him. They even tried anal fisting and my wife won’t even let me finger her asshole. She texted me a picture of her with 4 fingers in her asshole and I went hard quick. I get off knowing my wife is having her pussy and asshole explored and enjoying her experiences. She let this guy tie her up one night and got fucked by 6 guys on his softball team. Kim told me it was by far her best sexual experience ever and beyond her wildest dreams ever, She took like 20 loads of cum that night. at first it was hard to understand how she could fuck so much and do things that she could never do with me, but now I understand. Oh her fuck buddy is 33 and single and she told me one night when I caught her masturbating that she is in love with Ronnie.So, now I understand. I am and always have been a lover of older mature granny women going all the way back to my early teens. I use to masterbate not thinking of my hot 15 year old girlfriend who loved to suck my cock and eat my ass but I jerked off to not only her mom who was 43 but her grandmother who was like 65. It has been that way all my life.ladies in their mid 50’s to mid 80’s and 90’s I love them. So when I got the green light to play around a little I started to hang out at the older hangouts and shopping malls looking for older pussy. And boy did I have luck. It blew me away how much older single ladies want to be liked and appreciated and told they are hot. I get so much pussy now my dick is about to fall off. just talk to older ladies and tell them what you think of their hot body, they love it. Now I do have my 5-6 favorite mature granny ladies that I fuck on a regular basis. Debbie is 67, Jackie is 68, Lorrita is 75, myra is 77 and Ms Jenny is 85. Only Ms. jenny knows I have other pussy on the side and is ok with it. Myra and lorrita are both still married. They have told me often, Dave, I have never done this with my husband he wouldn’t understand. I can open up with you, you make me feel different than my husband does, I love doing kinky things with you. I’ve never had anal sex before but please fuck my asshole if you want to, fist fuck my pussy, even pee games. I’ve had Ms. Jenny eating pussy of a 74 year old I pick up on at the hotel by my house, I hang out there too. So now I understand how my wife does sexual things with others that she is either embarrassed by or she might think that i’ll think differently of her. I guess it was like the time I was fucking these 2 , 50 something ladies when one of the neighbors looked over the fence and asked if he could join us. Stacy said sure mike, we pendik escort only have one cock tonight and to make a long story short, I ended up sucking my first cock that night with a lot of coaching and prompting of the ladies for me to try it. Not bad I thought, I suck him for 30 minutes and he shot his load down my throat and chin. I could never do that for my wife ever. Just like she ate pussy, she told me never will I ever eat pussy in front of you so don’t ever ask.I’ve sucked Mike’s cock about 10 times always with Stacy. Anyway, so I understand how one might act differently with others. All my steady older ladies all tell me at one time or the other, Dave, I’ve never licked a mans asshole before, I don’t eat cum but they do. Lorrita told me her husband has tried to have her play with her pussy so he can watch for 50 years, but never has, yet on our fist time fucking I grabbed her hand as I was licking her clit and pussy lips and placed her hand on her pussy and with my hand on top of her started to rub her clit. After a few minutes I moved my hand and she continued to play with her pussy as I watch and told her how sexy it was. She then just asked do you want to watch me finger my self. Hell yes. So I understand now about me wife. Myra told me her husband wanted to have anal sex with her, no fucking way Myra would tell me, but on our second time fucking I gave her her first anal lesson, Now I fuck her ass more than her pussy but has never had anal with her husband. Ms. Jackie is good fuck and the best body of all my old whore but she was so conservative in bed. Missionary position only, never sucked cock or ate cum, she lost her husband 6 years ago, now she fucks like a wild bull. Doggie style, on top from the side anal, plays with her pussy, we play pee games and role play all the time. We sit in her back yard naked all day sometimes and she always has her hand on my cock. She loves for me to eat her ass too. Now Debbie, by far is my favorite, I mean I love them all, they are so sweet and I think they really do care about me and my cock, sweet ladies whom I’ve taken out of their shells.I met Debbie in the grocery store one day as our travels took us up and down the same rows, must of had the same shopping list. I bumped into her cart a few times and hers into mine. I said hey its you again, nice to see ya. She asked you following me seeing what i’m eating this week, no, just following you to get a better and longer look at your cute ass. She didn’t know what to say and just looked at me. I’m sorry I said and walked away. When we got near the back of the store she walked up to me and I thought oh shit, and she says hi my name is Debbie, Hi i’m dave, Well dave, I see i’m much older than you and you’re married and well, I’ve had it men. I explained to her that I had an open relationship with my wife and it was ok if I fucked around. I thought you were cute and just wanted to say hi, She said I’m 20 years older than you, well only 11 actually, I told her I would like to stop by one day and talk to her if she’s interested, no strings I said, and Debbie said of like a fuck buddy, yes exactly. We exchanged numbers and I called her that night to set up a visit the next day. We talked a little that night and escort pendik met her at her house the next day. She opened the door and said I can’t believe i’m doing this, doing what I asked, I’m just a new friend Debbie, think of me as a friend. She was a little nervous and told me he had been married for 20 years to an asshole and had 2 k**s. She hadn’t dated a man in 15 years and she hangs out with a group of ladies that meet twice a month and they go to dinner, vacations, shopping and such. I laughed and said great maybe I can meet some of you older hot friends, Debbie said no way if this works out nobody will ever now, nobody. So I figured she was a little interested so I just stood in front of her, we were on the couch and took out my semi hard cock and held it in front of her and asked her, Ms. Debbie, you wouldn’t want to share this with your girlfriends, she looked up and me and said no way this is all mine and grabbed my cock and rubbed it on her cheek. She said Dave I have never done that before, what? Grabbed a cock, no rubbed it on my face. It your cock Debbie do with it what you want to. But I would love to give you a massage, go get naked and lay on your bed. Lets do this right and she said give me a minute. I walked into her room and she was laying down with that nice round 60 year old ass which I do love and wanted it sooo bad. I took off my clothes and started to give Debbie a massage, It lasted about and hour, I love rubbing a naked body with my hand and a mature body at that. She rolled over and I got a look at that nice bush she had with her small but perky older tits. I gave her a really nice professional massage staying away from her tits, pussy and asshole. Then I decide to play with her, I told her Debbie I hope you will have me come back sometime for another massage and thanked her for holding my dick earlier. But that was it I had to go. I leaned over gave her a quick kiss on her lips.She said that’s it? Your done? Your fuckin leaving? I acted dumb and said well this is about you,i’ve done my part I didn’t think you wanted to move this fast I thought maybe next time we could maybe paly a little, She said get over here now, I said Debbie you want me to take you for a ride, a ride for your life, Yes she said you fuckin tease, this is not easy for me take me. I walked over rolled her over spread her cheeks of her ass and, well, I licked her asshole for an hour she played with pussy the whole time came 3 times she claims and kelt telling me don’t stop lick me make me cum oh my god, lick me, She told me she had never had her asshole licked, always thought it was nasty and perverted even to think about it and had never played with her pussy. She had been raised in 50’s and 60’s as a good catholic girl and masturbating was not only a sin but frouned upon. As I was eating her asshole I know she was playing with her pussy and asked her a few times to taste her pussy clean off your fingers, one time debbie says it taste good and smells good and I have never done that before. So I understand now about my wife,. Debbie said I had never taste my pussy before but now I wish I had, give me a taste Debbie and she fingered her pussy and gave me her fingers to lick, never done that before either, pendik escort bayan I asked her ever had a man eat your asshole, fuck no never, how does it feel baby, awesome she said, and I moved around and told her that her asshole taste great and gave her a big wet kiss for a minute or two as she continued to finger her pussy, she pulled away and she here Dave, as she offered me her finger dripping wet with pussy juice, something to get that shit taste out of your mouth, I sucked her fingers and she said I have never done anything ever like this before, as she continued to finger her pussy, you coming over tomorrow. Maybe I said. I moved around and Debbie thought we were going to do a 69 and she said oh the 69, haven’t done that since college 45 years ago, sorry Debbie no 69, you been a bad girl its ass eating time as I sat on her face, It took her a minute or 2 and I just kept saying but baby how was it when I licked your asshole, it was great Debbie said, come on baby do for your new fuck buddy and she ran her tongue up and down the crack of my ass and gradually stopped on my asshole giving it a great tongue action for 15 minutes, Stick your tongue up my ass baby and she did. She asked me if I would jerk off for her as she had never seen a man jerkoff before, I agreed but I wanted her to have my cum. She agreed that I could cum in her mouth but we would also share it, Share it? Yes I’ll cum in your mouth and you have to swallow some of it but I want you to kiss me and give me back some of my cum . really? yes Debbie you licked your fingers of your pussy juice I want to share. She agreed. Wow! What a fuckin load I shot into her mouth nd we shared my sweet cum. Now you know she had never done that before. We fuck all the time, I’ve spent the night at her house with my wife’s permission. Kim and Debbie have even met a few times and once I jerked off for both of them and kim watched as Debbie and I shared my cum. Kim said never did that with me. Debbie even offered to eat Kim’s pussy if I can watch but Kim declined but I told Debbie go ahead and eat kim’s pussy anyway that it would be ok. Kim just can’t seem to have me watch or do certain things to her, But I now understand. Debbie, said Dave don’t tell kim but my pussy taste much sweeter and saltier. Kim tells me you love her don’t you, I have to admit that I have fallen in love with Debbie and she with me. I’ll never leave my wife and we both are ok with my love affair. I spent Christmas eve with Debbie this past year and most holidays. She has a great pussy, and asshoel to fuck, she gives great head, and to think a few years ago Debbie’s pussy was drying up. We now have dildo’s, strapon’s , other sex toys, and I’ve sucked cock or 2 for Debbie when we go to Natchez for the weekend because she asked me to do it for her. She eats pussy for me when we can get it and now she wants to do a gang bang with 5-6 guys and she wants me to suck their cocks and eat the cum from her pussy. I’ll do it for Debbie for not for Kim. Kim knows I suck cock for Debbie and clean her pussy and kim wants me to clean her cum filled pussy for her, but I just can’t do it. Now she and I both understand. I love Debbie more than anything.Hi, This is Debbie I am eating Dave asshole and fingering my pussy as he write this love, yes love story. That might explain the typo’s. Oh and Dave has a very nice cock. Hope this story makes your dick hard or pussy wet. I just came. Love you Dave, I love you too Debbie

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True story i was JC my bi im a nasty CD

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True story i was JC my bi im a nasty CDi decided to meet up with a couple of friends from xham at a nearby adult theatre. i pulled up and went in to browse around since they hadn’t arrived yet. i got in and immediately my eyes were drawn to the dildo and fleshlight shelf on the wall. just walking over to them and seeing glimpses of porn everywhere started to get me horny. looking at a couple of fleshlights, my cock was growing fast, when both of my buddies strolled in together. we greeted, and immediately JC was eager to go back to the viewing booths. we casually walked back there, and when we entered, there were 3 guys sitting on the bench together outside the booths. JC walked over to them and started groaping his cock in front of them. all 3 were staring at him, like they were waiting for this exact moment to happen. he invited all of them to the middle booth, and all 6 of us went in. the booths were fairly large, so we fit pretty nice. JC pulled his cock out and started flashing it in front of everyone. another guy pulled his out too, and he was already so hard. JC grabbed the guys big cock and started stroking it good. me and Grand were near the back, watching for a moment with the other 2 guys. i reached over and stuck my hand in his pants, grabbing his semi hard cock. with my other hand i reached over to the guy next to me and offered to jack him off. he pulled his pants completely down, and i gripped his cock hard. i was stroking 2 cocks at the same time, and my cock was throbbing by now. the last guy got up and squatted in front of me, and started pulling my pants down. my hard cock sprung out, and he started jerking me good. immediately he stuck his mouth over my cock and started blowing me. it felt pendik escort so amazing, jerking 2 hot cocks while a guy sucked on mine. meanwhile JC was sucking the guys cock so good. we were all mezmorized by how good he was. playing with his balls and deepthroating all of him had us all so turned on. i needed to suck some cock. i stopped the guy that was blowing me, and told him i wanted his cock down my throat. i layed on the ground, and he squatted over me and stuck his huge cock right in my face. immediately i swallowed his cock whole, and he started thrusting his cock into my mouth, throat fucking me hard. i dont know who it was bt all of a sudden i felt my cock slide into someone elses mouth. mmmm it felt incredible. i look over and see grand laying next to me, and a guy was blowing him and me together, switching off putting his cock in his mouth, and then mine. i look further down and JC is getting his ass licked while jerking himself off. this was a hot room of cocksucking. i went back to deepthroating the guy on top of me, grabbing his balls. i reached my hand back and stuck my finger deep in his ass. he moaned so hard and told me he was gonna cum soon. i started finger fucking his ass hard, when he said “ohhhhh ya dont stop! im about to cum so hard!!…” i felt a thick spurt of cum shoot to the back of my throat. he pulled his cock out of my mouth, and started pumping all his cum out all over my face. i loved every bit of it. after his last drops of cum oozed out, he got up and sat back in the corner to watch. still getting my cock sucked next to grand, i licked up all the cum off my face. i told the guy to stop blowing me, and said to get up and stand next to grand. with both of there cocks next to each other, escort pendik i gripped them both and started sucking both of them. JC was blowing the guy now, getting throat fucked like i was before. JC told him he wanted him to cover his cock in cum when he was about to shoot. not even 10 seconds later, JC springs up and sticks his cock up, and the guy started jerking himself and aimed his cock right at JC’s. “ya shoot that hot load all over my cock” JC said. i was still blowing both these hot cocks when i heard a big moan, and looked over. the guy was shooting ribbons all over JCs cock, a couple of spurts his his belly, but most of it landed right on his throbbing wood. he finished cumming and joined the other guy in the back. grand pulled his cock out of my mouth, and told JC he wanted to suck that cum covered cock. he got on his knees in front of him and started sucking his cock. i was now deepthroating this other guy on my knees while he watched grand deepthroat JC. i told him i wanted every drop of his cum down my throat. he accepted, and told me not to stop blowing him. i kept sucking him as hard as i could, and felt him twitch for a second, he grabbed the back of my head and pulled my mouth even further down his shaft, and he said “fuck im cumming! mmmmmmm!!” i felt a small squirt of cum, followed by 4 huge, thick ropes that filled my mouth good. his cum was so hot in my mouth, feeling it slide down the back of my throat. i jerked out every last drop, and he pulled his cock out, and told me i was so good. him and his friends quickly put their pants back on and left the room before i could even finish swallowing all of his cum. i llok back over at JC and grand, and grand is jerking him. i lay on my back and start pendik escort bayan jerking myself off, watching them get down. i could tell JC was ready to cum, and soon enough, grand pulled his cock out of his mouth, and cum was already flying out of JCs cock. ribbons were flying everywhere, landing on the floor and all over grands chest and face. as JC was still shooting, grand leaned back and said “im gonna cum too! mmmm” and i saw a thick rope erupt out of his cock and land on himself, followed by more big shots all over himself and the floor. both of their cumshots were so hot, and i was beating myself off hard now, ready to shoot my hot load. they both walked over to me, and got on their knees. JC grabbed my cock and started jerking it, and grand stuck his finger into my ass. “ya guys just like that. mmm grand stick ur finger deep in my ass and fuck me with it.” JC was pumping my cock off so good…”are u ready to cum all over ur own face?” “yes! aim my cock at my face!!” i said. “mmmm im gonna cum soon!” grand was finger fucking me so good. “mmm ooohhh yaa! pull ur finger out now!!” he pulled his finger out of my ass, and immediately a thick cum rope flung out and landed right on my face. JC pumped me as hard as he could, watching as spurt after spurt of cum erupted out of my cock and all over my face. i opened my mouth wide, hoping to catch a couple ropes. another 2 big squirts shot out, and landed right on my tongue. “mmmm ya cum in ur own mouth. fuck thats so hot.” JC said as he jerked the last drops out of my cock. “mmm that was so good, we need to come back here alot more….” i said as i swallowed the last drops of my cum. “AGREED.” we all put our pants back on and exited the room. as we were leaving, i could tell the guy at the counter knew we were having a good time back there, and he could probably still see cum all over the 3 of us. we all smiled and said “maybe u can join next time…” “yes please!” and we walked out.

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How Julie paid her taxi fare

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How Julie paid her taxi fareAbout 30 years ago, when i was a taxi driver, i had this woman, Julie, who was a regular customer, she being a 60 year old, that lived quite a distance from her nearest bus stop. Now Julie always paid her fare, and always gave me a good tip, well this one Friday afternoon i collected Julie from town, she had been doing her regular weekly shop, Julie was my last fare of the day. I helped her in with her shopping, and when Julie went to pay me, she could not find her purse, oh no she said I must have left my purse in the shop, so she phoned the last shop she had been in and luckily it was there. Julie said that she would collect her purse the following day, but that she couldn’t pay me in cash, well I said how else are you going to pay me, with this she said as she undressed, exposing her huge, saggy tits and hairy cunt. Fucking hell Julie those tits are huge, even bigger than my wifes and she’s a 48 ff, yes she said they are 58 gg’s, now suck on them before you fuck them, and then fuck this she said pendik escort pointing to her hairy cunt, I prefer bald ones, I said to her, well shave it then she said, I’ll get some shaving stuff, she lay on her bed, and I proceeded to remove all of her hair, her pussy area was a bit wrinkly, but she was leaking out a large amount of sticky juice from her cunt, I couldn’t help myself I just had to have a taste, mmm fucking lovely I said, nice and sweet, Julie was moaning out for me to lick her more, oohh yes, lick my hole, eat my pussy, fucking tongue my cunt you naughty man, you were supposed to suck my tits first, but never mind just carry on down there. Her cunt was oozing out thick sticky juices that tasted like honey, how do I taste, she asked me, oh so sweet, I replied, then fill your mouth, and come up here, and kiss me so that I can have a taste, mmm fucking right I do taste like honey. I said to Julie how about I we fuck as my cock was fit to burst, oh yes please get that stiff cock out of her your trousers, I was escort pendik still fully clothed, but was soon naked, Julie stared at my 9 inch cock, which was as thick as a deodorant can, wow she said that’s a big one, I bet your wife loves fucking that, every day, I replied, she even loves it up her tight arsehole, in fact I was up there this morning, before filling her mouth with my spunk. As I was saying this, Julie had lay me on her bed, and climbed on top of me, sinking my large cock into her wet cunt. I loved having her ride me, this woman who was 35 years older than me, if my wife ever found out she would fucking kill me. As Julie was fucking me, I sucked on her tits, making her nipples hard, and her cunt wetter and wetter, Julie then screamed out that she was cumming, and cum she did, panting hard, her whole body was shuddering, as she squirted out her juices, i thought she was peeing, I could then feel myself about to spunk, Julie said on my face, oh please, spunk on face, I’ve never had a man cum on my face before, well pendik escort bayan I couldn’t say no to that, and I unloaded my spunk all over her face, spurt one hit her in the eyes, the next one she took in her mouth, which she swallowed, more of my spunk landed on her cheeks, on her forehead and in her hair, before Julie cleaned my cock with h her tongue, swallowing the last few drops. I then went into her bathroom, to get cleaned up, Julie followed me in, I started to wash, when Julie stopped me, sit in the bath she said I need to give you a tip, Julie stood in front of me opened up her cunt lips, and pissed on my face, well this was a first for me, and couldn’t resist having a taste, it was a complete contrast to her juices, being salty, but still very tasty, so I swallowed as much as I could, Julie and I then kissed each other, swapping her piss and my spunk, I then had a much needed shower, before going home, as I drove away, Julie said, same tlme next week, I just nodded my head, I got home and gave my wife the hardest fuck, before asking her if we could piss in each other’s mouths, to which she said yes, asking what had gotten into me, so I confessed about Julie, well next week my wife, Julie, and myself are going fuck, suck and piss.

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Sex Dungeon

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Sex DungeonLife isn’t fair. It makes no promises and grants no guarantees. Bad things happen to good people and all that crap. I was diagnosed with cancer at the tender young age of 22. It came on without warning and was a death sentence. Even with aggressive treatment there was little chance of remission. They say there are stages of grief and at the end you find acceptance. I skipped a few steps and I guess I had my grandfather to thank for that. He was a no-nonsense sort of fellow and laid down the facts of life early on in my life. That was shortly after I buried my parents and older sister. They had died in a car crash and blind luck had kept me home that day. So it was my gnarly old grandfather that raised me these last twelve years. If I wanted something I pendik escort worked for it. So he figured I could beat my diagnosis with sheer willpower alone. He was wrong.I didn’t moan and bitch. What was the point of that? I just made a list and decided to see how many things on it I could do before I died. It wasn’t a long list but it was all I had really. The first thing on the agenda was to do as much travelling as I could before I got too sick to do that. I was glad I had done that at the onset. It was mainly hopping buses and trains to see the east and west coast since I had grown up in the Midwest. I had never seen the ocean before. My research took me to a small city south of Boston called Arkham. It was well known for its scenic points as well as the corporate escort pendik headquarters of Numenor Incorporated. I had sent them a request to tour the plant while I was in Arkham but never expected a reply. So when a gleaming black stretch limo pulled up in front of the bed and breakfast I was staying at I was confused. The door opened and a gorgeous Japanese woman approached me and bowed low.”You are Trevor Kent,” she asked and I could only nod. “Very good, my employer would like to extend an invitation to view our facilities and have dinner with him this evening.” When I tried to tell her I didn’t have the proper clothing for such an event she assured me all would be provided. I climbed into the back of the limo and stared out at the city as she drove me to Numenor pendik escort bayan Headquarters. I felt like I had just won the golden ticket and was about to meet the tech version of Willie Wonka. It was a short drive but when I saw the gated facility I knew we had arrived. I was taken to the front door where I was scanned so that any clothing I might need could be provided at a moment’s notice. I was greeted by none other than Kat Shaw, Nick’s sister. I tried not to stare but she was even more attractive than Akira the Asian driver.”I want to apologize,” I said. “I don’t mean to stare but I’ve never met anyone as beautiful as you before.””And I thought this was going to be a dull visit,” she said taking my arm. “Do you charm all the ladies so easily Trevor? Is it okay if I call you Trevor?””You can whistle and call me Spot if you want to Ms. Shaw.” I replied.”It’s Kat since we are on a first name basis.” She said and let out a little whistle. “Just practicing…”TO BE CONTINUED

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Sophis first bbc(casual encounter)

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Sophis first bbc(casual encounter)The morning after my hook up with daddy my ass was even more sore than yesterday. As good as it felt I decided to lay off anal play until next weekend. When I went to shower I pulled my plug out as usual, still covered in his seed I took my finger and scooped some with my finger and rubbed it on my tounge. I had forgotten how good cum tasted and thought in my little slut brain, my boipussy is on rest but I can still use my mouth lol. For a second I decided not to since I realized I was hoeing around too much, but this month is the only chance I get to get cock since everyone will be back by my graduation on July 29.Before I got in the shower I sent a few emails for hook ups to a few guys. When I got out I had a few errands to run, and since I lived in a pretty large city. I decided to go out in trap, no one will recognize me. I picked out my Tom’s, a white top and my favorite pink skinny Jean’s, did my make up and put my extensions back in. Everyone thought I was a girl and I loved it, i even had doors opened for me and was called ma’em. Before coming home I stopped by the sex shop and got a smaller plug that would be easier to wear all day, a small chrome one with a pink gem on the base. Also I got a bottle of lube ,some anal eze and a tiny pink cock cage I’ve been wanting. When I got back home at 6pm I checked my emails and I had two messages a man that was at my local red lion looking for a quick bj agreed to meet at his room 33yrs old chub, married, 5.5in cock and a 3day load I was smiling responding I’d be there at 10pm. The second guy was a surprise since I didnt think he would respond. He was a 29year old local guy I’ve seen around he was black 5’11 and had a 8in cock, was looking for a sissy to top. I was messaging him out of horniness I didnt think he would respond, I was hoping he wouldn’t since daddys 7in cock hurt than his 8in bbc would probably tear my pussy. I didnt want to flake so I replied nervously agreeing to meet next saturday. I was excited but scared. I focused on my hook up now and when 10pm came I went to the hotel still wearing my outfit from this morning, the counter lady gave me a look knowing what I was there for, but i ignored her. I was the one getting lucky anyways. He left the door cracked open like he said, I entered and he was sitting in the bed stroking his cock. I kneeled down and spit on his cock and wet konak escort my mouth with long sucks and head kissing it didnt take long till he shot his bitter but tastey seed in my mouth. I let some run down my chin as I looked at him thanking him and then swallowing. He kissed me on the lips and said “your welcome”. Leaving and getting back in my car I remembered what awaited me next Saturday.All week at school I couldn’t stop thinking about that mans bbc. Tiny me was finally going to by fucked by a bbc. At school I stared at my ex girlfriend who I once dated when I still thought i was straight. I found out she was cheating on me with other guys for for my obvious dicklet reason. The most common was a black guy so I imagined her getting fucked which got excited to find out what she experienced. The Friday that week I went back to the sex shop and baught an inflatable butt plug and a sexy black lace body suit leotard for tomorrow night. Saturday after noon I prepared by shaving myself smooth and applying some jasmine lotion all over my body. I did my make up as usual and put on my extensions. Before dressing up I used my inflatable butt plug with some anal eze and loosend my boipussy as much as possible the anal eze worked as it said and it still felt amazing, but the plug wouldn’t inflate much. After inserting my pink gemstone butt plug and locking up my little cock in its cage I put on my sexy lace bodysuit. Modeling it infront of the mirror I absolutely loved how my ass looked in this suit even with less fabric it made it look so round. To cover up I just put on leggings and a sweater. 10:30 came, he said to meet at 11pm so I left. He was going to be at the same red lion as before. Driving there I felt nervous as if this was my first time. Getting to the hotel I considered flaking, but the feeling of the lace on my skin and ass and plug in my pussy followed by the images of his cock in my head started turning me on. Before reconsidering again I waltz my cock hungry ass to the front of his room and knocked.He answered in a bathrobe, I could already see his bulge. I leaked walking him. Towering over me he introduced himself as Anthony and I responded telling him my name is sophi. We made small talk as he sat on the bed rubbing his bbc. I took that as a sign and began stripping. I got in front of him between his legs removing my sweater. He rubbed my konak escort bayan ass with both his hands. After seeing my lace I could see he was excited. Turning around in front of him I slipped down my leggings exposing my ass. With a hard slap to my ass my clit leaked in response. I was so turned on at this point. Bending over to remove my leggings he began kissing my booty and spanking me. With ever spank my clit twitched. When I turned around he stood up and before he could even begin to undo his robe I was on my knees undoing his knot. As his robe opened a semi hard Big Black Cock bigger than my face was inches from me. I quickly gave him a long lick from his pink head to his base. I grabbed it and I could tell It was as thicker than 4in round. I licked the precum leaking down his cock and circled my tounge around his head wetting his cock before forcing it down my mouth, I could bearly take 4in. His cock was so thick. Even after forcing it down till I gagged I only got 5inches in. Finally he was rock hard. His bbc looking beautiful with its veins popping out and a swollen head. I was happy I came. I sucked on his fat dick til my mouth was full of slimy salty precum. As I removed his cock I swallowed all the precum in my mouth. I stood up and grabbed the lube from my sweater pocket and sat on the bed rubbing the lube on his beautiful 8in bbc till it was glossy. Bending me over on the edge of the bed he moved my lace body suit to the side exposing my boipussy. Popping my plug out of me he poured more lube inside me, I have to say it felt great. Holding on to my hips the head of his bbc makes contact with my boipussy. Slowly penetrating, my hole stretches and with ease wraps around his head. I nearly collapsed in pleasure moaning “oh my gosh”. He responds with holding my hips tighter and pushing more of his shaft inside me. 3inches in I can feel his cock getting thicker. Stretching my hole I try to relax. Panting in pain he continues to stroke his cock in and out. As my pussy relaxes he pushes more of his bbc inside, 6 inches in I start feeling full. I’m in bliss finally getting cock inside me after a whole week, I finally feel feminine again. While spaced out in pleasure he forcefully pushes the the rest of his cock inside and his thighs clap against my booty. All 8in of his meaty, veiny BBC are inside my tiny body. I could seriously feel him escort konak pushing my stomach. At this moment I can see why my sluty ex gf left me for BBC. With long deep strokes his 8inches penetrated my pussy massaging my insides and rubbing against my prostate Gspot. My caged clit leaking precum with every stroke. My pussy now loosened, I pull his cock out and lay on my back letting him see I want to be fucked missionary. He crawls ontop of me, his body twice the size of mine. His gorgeous cock disappears inside me, I can bearly believe hes fitting that thing in me. Wr****g arms around me he pulls me close to him our body’s touching, I wrap my little arms aound him too. Sucking on my neck the bed shakes as he begins violently thrusting his cock inside me. I moan hypnotized in pleasure. Sweating and Panting he pulls out and strokes his cock. I couldn’t help myself but begin sucking his head, kissing and licking his bbc like a lollipop. He lays me on my stomach and penetrates me. “OHHH my god” I moan to the feeling of his cock penetrating me in this new position. My moans excite him as he begins pounding my pussy. Thrusting and grinding every stroke. His thighs and big man balls pressing against me. I swear he even got deeper inside me in this position. I couldn’t hold it any longer and came. He stopped with all 8in inside me, my eyes twitched as my pussy squeezed every inch of his cock. He feels me cum so he flips me over wipes my cum off my stomach and puts his finger in my mouth I gladly accept and begin sucking his finger like a cock. As he continues to make me eat my own cum as he puts my legs on his shoulders and penetrates me. Begins fucking me violently making the loudest claps I’ve ever heard I being to tense up again and cum once more. This time only a little cummie squirts out of my clit, my pussy squeezes again, after stroking s little more he moans loudly and shoots 5 thick loads of Big black cock cum deep inside me. My hips still shaking he pulls his now semi hard cock out of me and I feel his hot seed leak. I adjust my body suit and lay there on my side. He gives me a slap on my booty and puts his robe back on. On that bed is where I came to realization I’m a girl now. All my manhood was fucked out of me right there. I snap out of it, crawl of bed, insert my plug back inside me which slips out from how loose he made me. I Pick up my stuff and give him a kiss good bye. I walk out in my black lace bodysuit since it’s now so dark out. I drive home and as always lay on my bed, in my sexy lace body suit with big black cock cum leaking out my pussy I fall asleep remembering with a smile what just happened. I’m sorry this one is long.

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The Bride to Be p3

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The Bride to Be p3Tammy eagerly jerked my cock back to life again, and despite the fact I had already cum twice, I soon began to rise in her soft warm sticky hand.As her small hand stroked up and down my hardening shaft, she leant in and kissed me, eager to swap saliva, and feeling her naked soft twenty something body press up against me as well, I was soon fully hard and ready to go again.Then my brunette office girl, pulled away from me, before leaning down and sucking on my length once again.Her little wet warm mouth, engulfed my cock, and sucked happily on my bulbous head for several minutes, before her wet mouth slipped down further, and took more of my big fat pole.I groaned happily, as I leant back against the desk, letting this young hot woman, this young bride to be, bend over in front of me, and suck away on my cock.Then she slid her tongue down the full length of my cock and back up again a few times, before she then began sucking on each of my hairy balls, taking each one in her little mouth and sucking on it just as eagerly as she had on my cock.Her mouth was amazing, and I moaned over and over, and was really considering just cumming again then, because she was that good, but as I began to feel really excited, Tammy quickly pulled away from my cock, stood up to face me, and then lifted one of her slim white stocking clad legs up onto my desk, trapping me in place.”Put it in me!” she said lustfully.I wasn’t sure at what point she had taken over control, but not wanting to miss out on one more fuck with this hot young woman, I quickly obeyed, and moved closer to her, held my hard wet cock up against her pink wet waiting pussy, and then brushing between her soft wet lips, I slipped into her wet warm hole again.We both groaned as my big fat cock, pushed it’s way up into her tight little entrance, and once a I was few inches inside of this hot bride to be, I held onto her, and began thrusting up steadily, fucking her pussy.”Oh yes! oh yes!” oh yes!” she moaned as she took my cock.With her left leg up on my desk, and facing me, I got to see my big hard cock stretching her little wet pussy once again, and her face as she moaned and groaned over and over.”You like your bosses cock inside of you?” I asked as I pumped away at her pussy “You want to feel my cock filling your pussy again?””Yes! yes!” she moaned back “Just shut up and fuck me! fuck me harder!” So I began thrusting a little faster, and a little harder, and in seconds Tammy gaziemir escort was crying out louder and breathing heavier.For a good few minutes we fucked in that position, and I really began to admire her flexibility to hold that pose, then she grabbed hold of my shoulders, lifted her other leg up onto the desk the other side of me, and was now basically hovering over my cock, as it pumped up into her little wet cunt.”Yes! yes! yes! yes!” she groaned over and over again, as I really began pounding up into the little wet pussy.”Oh yeah! oh yeah!” I groaned really enjoying this last fuck session.After a few more minutes and Tammy getting louder and more excited, I think we both began to tire of this position, and so I quickly picked her up in my arms, turned around on the spot, and lowered her back onto my desk.Tammy quickly laid back over the polished wood top, before pulling me in for another deep kiss, and as we did, I continued to fuck her with deep but slower thrusts letting her feel how big and fat my cock was again.”Oh god yes! oh god yes!” she moaned between kisses “It’s like your filling up my whole pussy! filling up my whole pussy!”For another few minutes we stayed just like that, then I stood up right, and holding onto her slim hips, I began thrusting into her harder and a little faster again.”Yes fuck me! fuck me! Use my little pussy! I want to feel you deep inside of me!” she moaned.I really couldn’t believe what I was hearing now, my once polite, quiet and as far as I was concerned innocent young office girl, was now begging for my cock to fill her pussy up, and I know I started this, but I really didn’t think she would get into this much, but I wasn’t going to waste this opportunity, so quickly I pumped into her deeper and a littler harder, and quickly Tammy groaned and withered around on the desk in front of me.”Yes! fuck me! fuck me! fuck me!” she moaned repeatedly “Fuck me! fuck me!”I was soon pounding away at her pussy, that was now really wet and leaking all over my balls and desk top, but I didn’t care, and I wasn’t going to stop either, and as I gave her my whole length relentlessly just as she wanted, she began to get really excited.”Yes! fuck! yes! fuck! yes! fuck!” she kept repeating, as my hard cock slid back and forth in her pussy “Yes! fuck! yes! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck!” then she suddenly tightened up and I thought for a second she was going to explode as she turned bright gaziemir escort bayan red, before she suddenly cried out “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!”And then began cumming hard and loud, screaming over and over and bucking wildly against my big fat cock, as her orgasm swept over her.”OH FUCK!” she cried again, before twitching and shaking for several seconds.I quickly jammed my cock deep into her pussy, and held on tight as I felt it squeezing and milking my cock again, and I had to fight the urge to cum, because it was very quickly building, but I wanted more, so I bit my lip and did my best to hold on, as my twenty something, hot brunette office girl had her third orgasm in front of me.Then as she finally began to calm, breathe heavily to catch her breath, and return to normal, I steadily began to fuck her again.”Oh god!” she moaned breathing hard “Oh god, that was fantastic!””Yeah, but we’re not done yet!” I replied with a grin, before continuing to fuck her.Tammy once again, laid back letting me stuff my big fat hard cock into her sweet little wet pussy, and for a few minutes we just fucked like that, then I decided to switch positions, and rolling her over once again to face the other way, and be bent over my desk, I stepped between her slim white legs, placed my big hard cock up against her wet well used entrance, and slipped back inside of her.”Oh god!” moaned Tammy “I can’t believe your still going!” she said in disbelief “My fiancé’s never lasted this long, or three times!””Yeah, well, some men are just built differently!” I replied before I gripped her little shoulders, and began pumping my hard cock into her again.”Oh yes! oh yes! oh yes! oh yes!” she quickly began groaning, before gripping onto my desk top to keep herself steady.”Oh god, I could fuck your pussy for ever!” I groaned happily.”If I wasn’t getting married, I probably would let you!” she moaned back, and spurred on by that, I pounded away a little harder and a little faster again, and quickly my little hot office girl got louder and more excited again.”Yes! yes! take my cock! take my cock!” I groaned as I was pretty much sliding every inch into her now.”Yes fuck me! fuck me! fuck me! fuck me harder! fuck me harder!” she groaned loudly.So I now gave everything I had, really slamming my cock into her from behind, really giving her every inch, and loving the feeling of her tight soft warm pussy wrapped around my big hard cock, as my big hairy escort gaziemir balls slapped against her little pink clit.”Oh god! oh god! oh god!” Tammy was crying again “Oh god! oh god! i’m going to cum again! i’m going to cum again!” she then declared.”Me too! me too!” I groaned loudly beginning to feel my balls tightening to their final conclusion.”Yes! yes! yes! yes!” cried Tammy again, as my cock shuttled back and forth in her pussy in a blur, before she began to tense up once again “Yes! yes! yes!” she groaned.Then knowing she was about to cum, and knowing how hot that was, I suddenly felt my balls tighten completely and start to churn, and I knew there was no way of stopping it.”I’m cumming!” I cried “I’m cumming!””Yes! yes! yes! YES! YES! YES!” cried Tammy at the same time, and before I could pull out, Tammy cried out “YES!” and began bucking on my cock again, and with her tight little pussy squeezing around my big hard cock, I just couldn’t stop my self, and with a huge groan I began firing my hot sticky load deep inside of my hot young office girl.”OH FUCK! OH FUCK!” I cried as I felt my balls draining themselves at super sonic speed, and my hard cock spraying her insides with all my white sticky goo.”Oh fuck! oh fuck!” I muttered as I pumped several more wads until finally after several amazing seconds, I was spent.For a moment we both just laid bent over my desk, me on top of this hot naked sweaty bride to be, who now hard a belly of my hot sticky load, and my softening cock deep in her wet pussy.Then Tammy turned her head up towards me, and kissed me deep once again, before finally I pulled away from her mouth and said “I think I may have cum inside of you!””Right at this moment, I don’t care!” she replied, before puling me in for another kiss.After another minute or so, I finally lifted my self off of her, and as I stepped back, and my soft cock flopped out of her wet pussy, I watched as some of my cum began to leak out and trickle down her soft white inner thighs.Tammy then stood up, walked around my desk and started to pick up her clothes.”So we’re good now, right?” she asked calmly, as she put her little white bra back on.”Yeah, sure!” I replied, as I watched her pick up her white little knickers and slip them on as well, and trapping my cum in her leaking pussy.”Don’t you want to… you know, clean up!” I said watching her, and getting concerned she might get pregnant, something i’m sure neither of us really wanted.She then turned and smiled at me, before tapping the front of her knickers lightly “No, this is insurance, that you won’t go back on your word!” she replied.Then she slipped her black skirt and white blouse back on, and then calmly left the room leaving me to wonder who had just used who?THE END

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Blessing of the Saint

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Blessing of the SaintAssociate professor Cassandra Marsh stomped into her office, tossed a plastic folder of notes on to her desk and groaned in annoyance. She had just (finally) gotten rid of an insufferably persistent gentleman by acquiescing to his request for a date. Cassandra, or Cassie, as those she was closest to called her, sat down in the comfy leather chair that had been an office-warming gift from her grandfather and turned her eyes to the ceiling as she mulled over the prospective night ahead.Not to mention the thousands of unwritten dating ‘rules’ that she could make neither hide nor hair of. Cassie knew that she was not good company for would-be suitors. The few that did come back for a second date were quick to bail out when they realised that she was not easily claimed as a sexual conquest.Only a couple of people knew that twenty-five year old Cassandra Marsh was still a virgin. bornova escort She had come close to losing it once – four years ago she had been out on a series of dates with a man she’d met at college. On the sixth date, after driving her home to her apartment, he began kissing her with unsolicited passion while he slipped his hand up her skirt.She found the sensations of him stroking and gently probing her womanhood, through her panties, to be awkward and uncomfortable, but she let it continue until the situation became too unpleasant to bear. The man’s response to her sudden display of reluctance was profane. ‘You must be fucking k**ding me!’ were the words that kept echoing through Cassie’s memory.But ultimately, he was decent enough to cease his advances immediately, for which, Cassie later realized, she was extremely fortunate. The incident had prompted escort bornova Cassie to wonder if perhaps she was a lesbian. The fact that she had never felt attracted to a woman, even though she had several beautiful friends, seemed to dissuade this theory, but nevertheless, it was a question that still played on her mind, from time to time.As she forced herself to stop fretting about her upcoming date, Cassie turned her head and inadvertently caught sight of the ancient iron statuette sitting upon a modern pedestal, along the southern wall of her office. It was a sculpture of two people, a man and a woman, kneeling, looking into each other’s eyes and holding each other’s forearms.Though simple, the artefact had a genuine quality to it that made it a nice little piece. Cassie sighed softly as she looked at the artefact, not in frustration, but in sorrow. The friend bornova escort bayan who had handed the sculpture over to Cassie, a wild-hearted archaeologist named Clara Roft, had been missing for several weeks.She had been working with a group of archaeologists who had stumbled upon the tomb of a medieval Persian noble, a man who just happened to bear the name Hal’hadin (English translation: Alladin). Then one morning the rest of her colleagues awoke to discover that Clara was gone. Since then, no one, not even her parents had heard from her.Tomorrow marked the four-month anniversary of Clara’s last confirmed sighting. This was not the best time for Cassie to have to put up with a randy American trying to woo her. ‘Bloody fool, girl,’ Cassie said softly, shaking her head as she cursed the cavalier lifestyle that, in all likelihood, had ended her best friend’s life.Had circumstances been different, Cassie probably would have donated the artefact to a museum by now, or put it into the storage vault in the university’s archaeology department. But silly as it seemed, Cassie’s sentimentality would not allow her to part with the last thing her lost friend had ever given her.

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Frankenswine doing the Hippo shake!

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Frankenswine doing the Hippo shake!Frankenswine was a legend in his own time. No one really knew where he came from. One day he showed up and he never left again. He looked like a crossover between a pig and a Halloween doll. He wasn’t what one would call handsome, but despite that he had a sexiness over him that was utterly appealing. It was as if he just breathed sex and throughout the years Frankenswine had developed his versatile skills to perfection.And then there was Hippo. A huge b**st with an equal sex drive. Hippo had the ability to turn everyone into his sex slave within just a few minutes. And he too loved it both ways. As addictive as his dick was, his cunt made you feel like you never wanted to pull out your cock out of there again.The moment Hippo got on the bus his eyes fell upon Frankenswine. He picked a seat next to him, separated by the aisle. Seemingly unnoticed he took out his phone and pretended to watch some videos while he took some pictures of Frankenswine. However he forgot to turn of the volume and unaware the click sound was audible enough to alert Frankenswine. “Gotcha”, Hippo thought with each click of his phone. He loved taking pictures of random guys, printing them and decorating his wall with them. Every inch of his apartment walls was packed with photos of hot dudes he came across.Frakenswine stood up and walked over to Hippo. He gave him a wink and took the seat next to him. “Did you just take my picture?”, he asked.Hippo blushed and thought “Busted!”.“Cuz if you did…”, Frankenswine said and without continuing his phrase he unbuttoned his pants with one hand, while he grabbed the hippo’s neck with the other.”What are you waiting for? Come on! “, he said.Sniffing the musk smell of his undies, Hippo burried his face deep into Hippo’s crotch. “Hold on ! “, the pigman said, while pushing Hippo backwards. He quickly unbuttoned a button of his underpants and pulled out his cock. His dick is wider than it is big! And man, it is big!On the bus, Frankenswine grabbed Hippo’s head with both hands, dictating the rhythm but also forcing him to go all the way down on his massive dick. Doing the best he could, Hippo really had trouble swallowing it, while caressing Frankenswine’s hairy belly at the same time. “Yeah, like that! Keep on going “, Frankenswine said.Ten, with a sudden movement, Frankenswine pulled Hippo to his mouth and kissed him savagely. ” “Open your mouth ! “, he ordered him. Hippo obeyed, and Frankenswine spat in it.”Now go down on me again”, he said and Hippo obeyed eagerly. Pretty soon Frankenswine started to bornova escort moan and shot a hot load into Hippo’s mouth.Frankenswine patted Hippo on the head. “Now if you love pictures so much, why not come to my house and do a photo shoot?”, he asked, “That is, if you liked it so far…”.But instead Hippo rang the stop bell on the bus, took Frankenswine by the hand and escorted him to the exit. “I live nearby, my place is as good as yours. And you better not be in a hurry”, he smiled.“Hey, I aim to please, cutie. When I’m done with you, your ass will be my playground for a long time after”, Frankenswine grinned.Now Hippo stopped in his steps and looked at him: “I’m not just bottom, you know. So you’d better be verse”, he said in a firm tone.“I’m verse, baby, bottom, top, sideways, upside down, ass, dick, mouth, ain’t no stopping me once the going gets rough”, the answer came quickly.Hippo’s apartment was small, considering the big a****l he was. It didn’t contain more than the bare necessities: a stove, a table, two chairs and a king size bed.From the moment they got inside the two started kissing. Hippo’s tongue was slightly raspy and Frankenswine liked that. His own tongue was as huge and thick as a well-shaped dick, only much more flexible. At one point their kissing felt like tongue wrestling and what Hippo lacked in girth he made up in agility. Soon the foreplay was in full course and they got rid of their clothes.While it was Hippo’s house, Frankenswine took the lead. He took Hippo’s dick in his hand and started to measure it up. Although flaccid, it felt big and heavy in his hand and his balls were huge. “Bet they’re loaded with cum”, he thought and spontaneously he felt an itch up his ass. While Frankenswine started to caress Hippo’s belly, Hippo grabbed both their dicks and rubbed them together, using his foreskin to cover Frankenswine’s dickhead, letting their precum mingle. It was as strange sensation when the warmth of their dick spread throughout their partner’s body. The sensation made Hippo hard and soon he supported a majestic upwards dick.Hippo’s hand got drawn to Frankenswine’s ass and smoothly and quick his finger disappeared inside.”You are used to receiving, it is already dilated,” Hippo said. And with a swift movement he raised his cock and impaled Frankenswine on it, standing! Slowly at first then it sank down deep.The pigman uttered a cry of hurt mixed with pleasure and relief. “Go faster!”, he begged. Hippo stuck a finger in Frankenswine’s mouth. “Hush! Do not talk! You only have the right to scream!”, escort bornova he said while throwing themselves on the bed.While Hippo fucked Frakenswine’s brains out missionary style, Frankenswine grabbed the b**st’s hands, guiding them on his mouth, chest and cock. Then he retreated. With a swift movement Hippo turned Frankenswine on his belly, clapped with his hand a few ties on the inviting ass in front of him, then pulling Frankenswine’s legs violently and repenetrating him savagely.Frankenwine cursed with pleasure.“I drank your cum. You ready to drink mine? You think you deserved it?”, Hippo asked.“Yes, please!!!”, Frankenswine screamed.Hippo withdrew his dick and started to jack off in front of Frankenswine’s nose, making sloppy sounds that enticed Frankenswine. Then, suddenly, Hippo he released a big rattling noise and exploded all over Frankenswine’s face and into his mouth. The pigman was swallowing every drop eagerly. The intense fuck session had left them exhausted, but only for a few minutes. Then Frankenswine looked at Hippo and beckons him to come closer, his dick pointing at Hippo and waiting for his mouth and ass.Without a word, Hippo put himself on his knees and swallowed this huge cock that made him dream. The taste, the softness of the skin, the smell, the pubic hair…It drove him mad with desire. Again Frankenswine put his hands behind Hippo’s head and dictated the pace, making sure his dick went deep inside the throat, slamming his balls against Hippo’s chin. He imposed this rhythm for over 10 minutes. Then suddenly he pulled Hippo by the hair to put his head back. He looked at him with big black dull eyes and Hippo realized that the going was gonna get rough. But instead Frankenswine reached out for his mouth and started to kiss him again. He pushed his tongue inside, seizing the excitement.His hand reached for Hippo’s dick and started to jack him off ever so slowly. Within a few seconds Hippo was leaking precum again, while Frankenswine’s left hand searched its way behind Hippo and started to caress his ass. His huge hand squeezed both Hippo’s buttocks thoroughly while his half soft dick squeeze against the bottom of Hippo’s belly.“I want your ass!”, he said in a half whisper. And he rolled Hippo on his belly, spreading the buttocks with both his hands and two of his fingers already pushing their way inside.Frankenswine spat on Hippo’s ass and his fingers began to work the hole, three fingers and then four.“You’re very hot. I love you, you like how I work your ass? I’m going to fuck you and bornova escort bayan get you all wet, baby”, he said, You’re going to be my dog today. Get on your knees and open your mouth, I want to pee.”There was something enchanting and dominant the way Frankenswine spoke that made Hippo obey him. He felt a few drops in his mouth when the pigman said: “Swallow my gift!” then the piss came more abundant. Hippo did his best to swallow, but it was just too much. It drenched his face, head, body. Frankenswine finished by shoving his cock in Hippo’s mouth, while he begins to facefuck him.“Oh yes, take it there, swallow, swallow my dick my sweetheart”, he said. He was speeding up but then suddenly withdrew his dick. “Now lick my balls”, he said.Hippo started to lick the balls, enjoying the divine vision of Frankenswine’s dick and his beautiful body, while all of a sudden Frankenswine stops him.“Stop. I enjoy it too much, if you continue like that I’ll cum right here right now”, he said. And from the tip of his penis, a thin stream of cum pearls down over Hippo’s face. “Now kiss my tits” he said while he caressed Hippo’s ass. Few moments later he had 4 fingers in again and Hippo couldn’t help but scream like a little boy.”Hmmmm, don’t worry, I’ll fuck your ass”, Frankenswine said and he placed Hippo on all fours on the bed while he got behind him.Hippo started to wiggle his ass. “What happens? Are you waiting for something?”, Frankenswine asked teasingly.“Yes. I’m waiting for your dick, your beautiful dick in my ass”, Hippo replied.“You want to give me your ass? Really? Not afraid that I’ll tear you up with my big cock, huh? Well, you won’t be dissapointed”, teased Frankenswine while he placed his massive dick on Hippo’s puck. “Fuck you tight, relax you”, he said while slowly pushing his dick inside.Hippo heaved a little cry as he felt how the dick disappeared in his ass, all the way up to Frankenswine’s balls. The pigman stopped moving and leaned towards Hippo, soothing him with kisses and whispering: “You’re wonderful, darling. It’ll be okay, just fel how I fill you up”.Then he slowly started his back and forth again and the pain faded while he accelerated the pace. He groaned with pleasure and started to fuck Hippo hard. The feeling and te sight of his balls slamming against Hippo’s ass made him crazy. Hippo collapsed under the powerful thrusts, laying on his stomach while Frankenswine smashed his ass.But when Frankenswine took a little pause, Hippo took over, moving his ass rhythmically, so that finally Frankenswine stopped moving all together and it is Hippo who frantically beat the pigman’s dick with his ass. “Hmmm, fucking yes, continue, do not stop, oh yes dirty whore you will make me cum, yes yes, go oh ohhhh yes it’s soo good, take it take it hmmmmmm!”, Frankenswine screamed. And with a loud scream he cums inside Hippo.

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