Yasak aşkıma tutuldum

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Yasak aşkıma tutuldum
Ben şu an Antalya’da yaşıyorum 34 yaşındayım bir kız bir erkek çocuğum var. Anlatacağım hikaye İstanbul’dan Antalya’ya taşınmamıza vesile olan hadisedir. Eşimle 18 yıllık evliliğimiz sırasında eşimin sürekli cinsel fanteziler istemesine rağmen ben klasik sevişmeyi tercih ediyordum.Eşim ara sıra 69 pozisyonuna geçerek amımı yalamak ve bana da sikini yalatmak istiyordu, sikini yalamak fena değildi ama o benim amımı yaladıktan sonra ben onu öpmekten iğreniyordum ve bu yüzden kendim onun sikini yalıyor ama onun yalamasına izin vermiyordum.

Eşim çalıştığı iş yerinde yetkili pozisyondaydı ve bir gün iş yerlerinde ölümlü bir iş kazası gerçekleşti. Eşim ve patronu gözaltına alınmışlardı. Patronu tutuklandı, eşim ise tutuksuz yargılanmak üzere serbest kaldı fakat patronunu dışarı çıkartmak için sürekli avukat ile birlikte adliyeler arasında mekik dokuyor, sabahları evden çıkıyor akşamları ise geç vakit geliyordu. Avukatın bayan olduğunu bir sabah eşim daha evden çıkmadan aradığında anlamıştım ve içten içe avukat ile aralarında bir ilişki olduğunu düşünmeye başlamıştım ve bu düşünce benim içimi kemirip duruyordu.

Bu duygular içerisinde kıvranırken bir de eşim sürekli geç geldiği için ben de o sıralar internette okey oynamaya başlamıştım ve bu süre uzadıkça okey arkadaşlarımın bir çoğu ile özel konuları da konuşmaya başlamıştık hatta bir çoğu ile msn den görüşmeye bile başladık. Bursa’dan Vedat diye 44 yaşında dul olduğunu söyleyen biri bana bayağı ilgi gösteriyor ve ilk başlarda eşime haksızlık ettiğimi bile söyleyerek takdirimi kazanıyordu. Bir süre sonra ben yine aynı şeylerden bahsetmeye devam edince; mademki bu kadar kafana takıyorsun sen de sanal olarak bir ilişki yaşa bu kişi de ben olayım dedi. İlk başlarda tepkim çok olumlu olmasa da bir süre sonra yazışmalarımızda aşkım-bebeğim demeye başladı bana ben de ona aynı şekilde yazıyordum. Seni görmek istiyorum dediğinde kamera açarak birbirimizi gördük. Çok yakışıklı sayılmazdı ama bana gösterdiği ilgi beni ona bağlamaya başlamıştı.

Kocamın eve geç gelmeleri artık önemli değildi hatta ne kadar geç gelirse aşkıma o kadar fazla vakit ayırabiliyordum. Sabahları çocuklar okula gittikten akşamları çocuklar yattıktan sonra rahta rahat kameradan görüşüyorduk. Bir gün akşam kocamla seks yapmıştık ve ertesi gün kalktığımda banyo yapmış, havluya sarılmış bir şekilde PC başına oturmuştum. Msn’e girince Vedat’ın online olduğunu gördüm ve titreşim gönderdim. İş yerindeydi ve hemen kamera daveti gönderdi, beni havluya sarılmış ve saçlarım ıslak bir şekilde görünce bir anda erotik şekilde konuşmaya başladı.

Telefon ile sekreterine; bir saat boyunca ne telefon ne de ziyaretçi gönderme sakın dedi ve biz konuşmaya başladık. Sanki PC’nin içinden gelerek beni sikecekmiş gibiydi. Konuşmaları ile tahrik etti beni ve havluyu üzerimden atmamı istedi ama ben eşimle sevişirken bile karanlığı tercih ediyordum. Israrı bitmek bilmedi ben de perdeleri kapattım ve havluyu üzerimden atıverdim, şimdi çırılçıplaktım karşısında ve o sözleri ile beni tahrik ediyor ben de kendimi kurcalıyordum. O da kameradan sikini çıkarmış bana doğru uzatmıştı. Sanki o an karşılıklı sevişiyorduk ve ikimiz de karşılıklı olarak boşalmıştık.

Uzun sayılacak bir süre böyle sanal sevişmeye devam ettik ve Vedat bir gün telefon etti ve İstanbul’da olduğunu söyledi. Buluşalım dediğinde önce çekindim ama her yerimi gösterdiğim adam bana en fazla sanala olarak yaptığı şeyleri gerçekte yapardı ve ben de bunu arzuluyordum zaten. Kocamı aradım, nasılsın falan dedim, akşama gecikeceğini söyledi. Ben de çocukları okula yollar yollamaz doğru Yenikapı Feribot iskelesine gittim. Gelmişti, hemen tanıdık birbirimizi. Kaybedecek zamanımız yoktu ve hemen en yakında bulunan Zeytinburnu’nda ki İbiş Otel’e gittik. Önce o kaydını yaptırdı ve odasını belirledi, ben de lobiden asansör ile odasının bulunduğu kata çıktım. Kapısı açıktı, beni bekliyordu. İçeri girmemle birlikte dudaklarıma yumulmuştu ve ben de ona karşılık veriyordum. Tek parça elbisemi kalçalarıma kadar yukarı çekmiş ve sıkıyordu kalçalarımı.Ben de dudaklarını öpüyor sikini avuçluyordum pantolonunun üzerinden, kemerini çözdüm hemen, sikini dışarı çıkardım ve külotumun arasından yerine yerleştirdim. Amımın üzerinden sürtünerek çıldırtıyordu beni.

O ise kıyafetimin düğmelerini çözmüş ve elbisemi belime indirmişti. Sutyenimi bir çırpıda çözmüş ve göğüslerimi ortaya çıkarmıştı. Uçları dimdik olmuş göğüslerimi ısırıyor ben ise zevkten kuduruyordum. Odada ki yatağın üzerine düştüğümüzde, artık siki de etrafta sürtünmeyi bırakmış ve sırılsıklam olmuş amımın içine girmeye başlamıştı. 18 yıldır evli olmama rağmen amım hiç genişlememiştir. Ne güzel kız amı gibi amın var diye fısıldıyordu kulağıma, ben de ona boz kızı paramparça et o daracık amı diyerek tahrik ediyordum onu. Biraz sonra içimdeydi ve ben kasılmaya ve boşalmaya başlamıştım bile. Onun ise öyle bir niyeti yoktu. Memelerimin ucunu kopartıyor, dudaklarımı resmen yutuyordu.

Bir süre içimde gidip geldi sonra içimden çıktı ve boynumdan göğüslerime oradan göbeğime ve amıma gömdü kafasını. Bu zamana kadar hiç almadığım bir şekilde zevk alıyordum, dilini bir sik gibi ta diplere kadar sokuyor ve beni bir kez daha boşaltıyordu. Artık yorgun düşmüştüm ben ama onda hala boşalmaya niyet yoktu ve ben onun nereye boşalmayı düşündüğünü öğrendiğimde içimi korku kaplamıştı. Çünkü beni yatağın üzerinde dört ayak üzerine domaltıp arka kapımı zorlamaya başlamıştı. Eşim götümden sikmek istediği için neredeyse boşanacaktım ama Vedat yavaş yavaş amımdan akan sular ile götümü yumuşatmaya ve sikilmeye hazır hale getirmişti. Yapmasak olmaz mı dediğimde ise; ben taa Bursa’dan sırf bu göt için geldim, am her yerde var kaltak dedi. Kaltak kelimesi beni inanılmaz tahrik etmişti, sik o zaman o kaltağın götünü hayvan diye haykırdım. Amımın sıvılarına biraz da banyo jeli getirdi ve artık mantarlı kısmı içeriye doğru girmeye başlamıştı bile. Canım yanıyor ama bu deneyimi de istiyordum.

Vedat da çok yavaş hareket ediyor canımı yakmamaya gayret ediyordu. Derin nefes alıp veriyordum ve her nefes alışımda sikinin bir boğumu içime gömülüyordu. Sonunda tamamen içimdeydi ve ağır hareketler ile götümü sikmeye başlamıştı. ben de ilk defa yaşadığım bu deneyimin hazzını almaya çalışıyordum ama canım da acıyordu. Siki içimde gidip gelirken taşakları da gidiş gelişlerinde amıma dokunuyor ve bu beni çıldırtıyordu. Biraz sonra hızlanmaya başladığında yarağında ki damarların hareketlenmeye başladığını hissetmiştim ve döl sıvıları götümün içine akmaya başlamıştı. Boşalması bittiğinde aleti küçülmeden hızlı bir hareketle tekrar amıma alıvermiştim. Çünkü az evvel o götümü sikerken amıma değen taşakları beni fena yapmıştı. Ateş gibi amıma, yarağın girmesi ile birlikte coşmuştum artık. Yaklaşık bir dakika sürdü boşalmam. Kaskatı olmuştum, titremelerim ve kasılmalarım bitmek bilmiyordu.

İkimizde yorgunluktan bitap düşmüş, yatağın üzerine yığılmıştık.Ben yüzü koyun yatıyordum Vedat da üzerimdeydi, siki de amımın içinde küçülmeye başlamıştı. Bir süre öylece kalmışız ve biraz sonra benim artık bir duş alıp çıkmam gerekli, çocuklar okuldan gelirler diyerek banyoya geçtim ve yıkanmaya başladım.Kapıyı kapatma gereği duymamıştım ki beklediğim anın gelmesi çok uzun sürmedi. Vedat banyonun kapısında belirmiş ve sikini ovuşturuyordu. Küvetin içine girdi ben ayaktaydım. Diz üstü çöktüm ve beni zevkin doruklarına uçuran o muhteşem siki ağzıma alıp büyütmeye başladım. Biraz sonra ağzımın içine sığmaz olmuştu ve ben ayağa kalkarak; ateşli âşıkları buluşturalım artık, sok onu yerine dedim. Bir ayağımı küvetin kenarına koyarak içime rahat girmesini sağladım ve ayak ta sikişin keyfine varıyordum.

Su üzerimizden akıyor, ikimiz de ıslak ıslak sevişiyorduk. Memelerimi sıkıyor, dudaklarımı emiyordu ve en güzeli o muhteşem siki ile beni doruklara ulaştırıyordu. Biraz sonra ben boşalıyorum dedi. Problem yok aşkım sal tohumlarını içime spiralim var dedim. Benim de artık dayanacak halim kalmamıştı ve içime boşalmaya başladığı anda benim de Nirvana’ya ulaşmam gerçekleşmişti. Resmen işiyor gibi boşalıyordum. Zevk sularım akan suya karışmıştı. Banyodan çıktık ve giyindik ama ikimizde bitap düşmüştük. Vedat; Ben şimdi feribotta uyurum Bursa’ya gidene kadar dedi. Ben de; bu sevişme artık bana on beş gün gider dedim, gülüştük. Onu Yenikapı’dan yolcu ettim dudaklarını öperek ve gitti.

Sonrasında en az ayda iki kez geliyordu ve İbiş Otel bizim aşk yuvamız olmuştu. Ta ki kocamın işleri normale dönüp bu ilişkiyi bilgisayar yazışmalarımızdan ve telefon dökümlerinden öğrenene kadar. Beni sağlam bi dövdü. Bir hafta hastanede yattım, sonra da topladı göçü buraya getirdi bizi.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Resmen Yarak Hastası Oldum! (11)

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Resmen Yarak Hastası Oldum! (11)

Burak, “Elif sende ne cevherler varmış ya! Ben hayatta inanmazdım seninle böyle birşey yaşayacağıma. Biz seni hanım hanımcık uslu bu kız sanırdık!” deyince, Osman da, “Gerçi en son burada Eyüp’le sevişirken ortalığı inlettin. O gün içindeki orospuyu salıvermiştin!” diye devam etti. Ben de, “Bakın bunlar aramızda kalsın. Özellikle Eyüp öğrenmesin. Böyle olduğumu ben de bilmiyordum…” diye başlayıp başımdan geçenleri bir bir anlattım.

Ben anlattıkça ikisinin sikleri de kazık gibi oldu. Oldukça etkilenmişe benziyorlardı. Burak beni boynumdan çekerek başımı kasıklarına doğru bastırdı. Ben de hiç ikiletmeden sikini ağzıma aldım ve emmeye başladım. Osman da elime verdi, bir elimle de onun yarağını sıvazlıyordum. Ben Burak’ın sikine eğilince ortaya çıkan bacak arama Osman elini attı ve amımla oynamaya başladı. Amım hemen vıcık vıcık olmuştu. Osman amımdan akan zevk sularımla kayganlaşan parmaklarını amıma sokuyor, beni parmaklarıyla sikiyordu.

Sonra baş parmağını arka deliğime doğru bastırdı. Hem akşam hem de sabah yediği yaraklardan ötürü genişlemiş olan götümün deliğine hiç zorlanmadan girdi başparmağı. Şimdi ağzımda Burak’ın yarağı varken, amım ve götüm de Osman’ın parmaklarıyla dolmuştu. Tüm deliklerimden birden uyarıldığım için orgazm olmam uzun sürmedi.

Benim boşalmamla erkeklerim de harekete geçti. Burak oturduğu yerden hiç kalkmadan beni üzerine doğru çekti. Ben amımı hizalayarak Burak’ın sikinin üstüne oturdum ve öpüşmeye başladık. Osman da yerinden kalkıp yanımıza geldi ve beni saçımdan tutarak geri çekti. Burak’tan ayrılan ağzıma kendi yarağını yerleştirdi, ben de iştahla emmeye başladım.

Bir süre sonra yarağını ağzımdan çıkaran Osman beni Burak’ın üstüne doğru bastırarak eğilmemi ve götümün ortaya çıkmasını sağladı. Sonra da yavaşça yarağını götüme sokmaya başladı. Tamamı içime girdiğinde müthiş bir zevk dalgası vücudumu kapladı. Aynı anda iki tane yarağı içimde hissetmek harika bir duyguydu. İkisi de boşalana kadar beni aynı pozisyonda siktiler. Ben kaç defa orgazm oldum hatırlamıyorum. Hepimiz yığılıp kaldık. Vakit öğlen olmuştu.

Benim otobüste ve sinemada sikilme hikayelerim onları çok etkilemişti. Onlar da bu deneyimi yaşamak istediklerini söyleyip, birlikte dışarı çıkıp açık alanda sikişmeyi teklif ettiler. Sanki düşüncelerimi okuyorlardı. Benim de en zevk aldığım şey dışarıda ve yakalanma korkusuyla seks yapmaktı. Burak ve Osman ile harika bir seks uyumumuz oluşmuştu. Ama yine de biraz tedirgindim, “Ya millete yakalanırsak? Siz erkeksiniz, size birşey olmaz, ben rezil olurum!” dedim. Aslında çok istiyordum, sikilirken birilerine yakalanmış olmayı. Birinin beni o halde izlemesinden çok zevk alacaktım, ama olaya karışıp işin büyümemesi lazımdı, sadece izlesin ama tepki vermesin istiyordum.

Burak ve Osman, bunun daha önce yaşadığım şeyler olacağını, tedbirli davranacaklarını söyleyerek beni yatıştırdılar. Kimsenin kimseyi umursamayacağı çok kalabalık otobüslere binecek ve bir köşeye çekilip kimseye çaktırmadan oynaşacak, imkan bulursak sikişecektik.

Dışarı çıkmak üzere hazırlanmaya başladık. Ben çantamdan kıyafetlerimi çıkardım, taytım ve eteğim vardı. Osman’a, “Hangisini giyeyim?” diye sordum. Osman ikisini de elimden alıp yere bıraktı ve kabanımı bana uzatarak, “Buraya gelirken ne giydiysen onu giy!” dedi gülerek.

Ben altıma külot giymek istedim, Osman karşı çıktı. Ama zevk sularım ve döller akacak olursa onları engeller diyerek zorla kabul ettirdim. İçimde bir tanga külot, üstüne de kabanımı giyerek evden çıktık. Ayağımda çizmelerim vardı. Kabanımın cebine biraz peçete koymuştum her ihtimale karşı. Çantamı, arkadan yaklaşmaya engel olur diye aldırmadılar. Çok heyecanlıydım, bile bile milletin içinde sevişmeye gidiyordum.

İlk otobüse bindik, ama kalabalık değildi. Daha kalabalık otobüslere binebileceğimiz bir güzergahta indik. Durak bile çok kalabalıktı. Kalabalık bir otobüse orta kapıdan bindik. Arkaya gitmeye çalışıyorduk, ama kıpırdamaya imkan yoktu. Burak’la Osman arkamda kalmışlardı. Zorla arkaya doğru ilerledik. Sonra Osman önüme geçti, Burak sağ tarafımda kalmıştı. Ama buna rağmen elini arkama attı ve kabanımın üzerinden götümü avuçlamaya başladı. Bir müddet böyle devam ettikten sonra elini kabanımın altından içeri soktu ve o şekilde götümü okşayıp mıncıklamaya devam etti.

Bu arada Osman da kulağıma birşey söylüyormuş gibi yaklaşıp boynumdan öpüyor, arada kulak mememi ısırıyordu. Görenler onula beni sevgili sanırlardı. Ama aynı zamanda arkamda Burak elini artık külotumun içine sokmuş, beni parmaklıyordu. Burak sonra külotumu aşağı doğru çekerek dizlerimin az üstüne kadar elinin yetiştiği kadar indirdi. Bu arada tam pencere kenarında değildik, ama iyice arka tarafa ilerlemiştik.

Osman kabanımın düğmelerini açmaya başlayınca engel olmak istedim, ama iyice zorladı ve ön tarafımdan çırılçıplak hale geldim. Yine de kabanımın kenarları gizliyordu vücudumu, bunu Osman bile görmüyor, sadece temas ettiği için hissediyordu. Osman sikini çıkardı ve amıma doğru baskı yapmaya başladı. Amıma daha kolay girebilmek için elleriyle kalçamdan tutarak kendine doğru çekti. Öne doğru çekince bir an kabanım açılır gibi oldu ve çıplak vücudum görünecek diye ben de hemen Osman’a sarıldım. O ani hareketle Osman’ın siki amıma yerleşti.

Şimdi çok yavaş hareketlerle sikini içimde oynatıyordu. Osman’la iki sevgili gibi birbirimize sarılmıştık, dışardan bakınca birşey fark edilmiyordu. Ama arkamda Burak da kabanımı yukarı doğru kaldırmış ve götüme dayanmıştı. Bir taraftan sürtünüyor, bir taraftan da ellerini yukarı memelerime doğru çıkarıyordu. Bu şekilde arkadan memelerimi okşayınca kabanımın beni gizleyen yan tarafları açılıyordu. Dikkatli bakan biri benim alttan memelerime kadar olan her yerimin çıplak olduğunu fark edebilirdi.

Burak daha çılgın gibiydi sanki. Ya teşhirciliği sevdiği için, beni millete göstermek için gidebildiği kadar ileri giderek işin zevkini çıkarmak istiyordu, ya da beni hiç umursamıyordu. Biri fark edip birşey dese, bir rezillik çıkarsa mahvolurdum. O açıdan Osman’ı daha güvenli buluyordum. Ama bir taraftan düşününce de, o değil miydi Burak’ın koynuna beni sokan? Düpedüz beni kandırıp eve çağırmış, kendi siktikten sonra da arkadaşına peşkeş çekmişti. Kaba tabirle olay buydu. Ben ise her ne kadar mağdur durumunda görünsem de, çok zevk almıştım ve durumdan rahatsız değildim, hatta memnundum. Ama şimdi zevk almakla birlikte, beni tehlikeye attığı için Burak’ın hareketlerini aşırı buluyordum.

Bir taraftan amımda Osman’ın siki, bir taraftan arkamda Burak sırasını bekliyor ve beklerken de boş durmuyor ve beni zevklendiriyordu… Ne kadar zaman geçti bilmiyorum ama, Osman içime döllerini attırmaya başladı. O boşaldıktan sonra Burak hareketlendi, o kıpırdanma esnasında biz de köşeye geçtik. Osman önümden çekildi, ama Burak beni ileri iterek arkamda kaldı. Osman kapı tarafına doğru arkamızda bizi perdeliyordu. Ben şimdi arka köşede, yüzüm pencereye dönük bir şekilde demirlere tutundum…

Burak arkamdan yanaştı ve sikini çıkardı, arkadan bana sarıldı. Arkadan amıma kolayca girebilmek için beni omzumdan bastırarak götümü dışarı doğru çıkardı. Belimden yukarısı dikti, ama resmen beni domaltmıştı. O pozisyonda amım ortaya çıkınca, zaten yeni sikilmiş, benim zevk sularım ve Osman’ın dölleriyle vıcık vıcık olmuş amıma Burak kolayca yarağını yerleştirdi. İçimde gidip gelirken, ellerini de memelerime atıp yoğurmaya başladı…

Sonra beni kendine doğru çekip boynumu öpmeye, kulağıma birşeyler fısıldamaya başladı. Ne dediğini tam anlamıyordum, inanılmaz bir zevk dalgasına kapılmıştım. Zaten oldum olası boynumda o sıcak nefesi hissetmek beni inanılmaz tahrik etmiştir. Burak’ın sözlerini anlamıyordum, ama bana yaşattığı zevk için ona cevap vermek için, “Aşkım harikasın, devam et lütfen!” diye kafamı arkaya doğru çevirdiğim esnada yanıbaşımızda dikilen bir adamın suratıyla burun buruna geldim.

“Sen de harikasın bebeğim, hem çok sexy, hem de çok cesursun!” dedi adam sırıtarak. Başımdan kaynar sular dökülür gibi oldum, adam her şeyin farkındaydı. Çok utanmıştım, yüzüm kıpkırmızı oldu, ne yapacağımı bilemedim. Hemen kafamı geri çevirdim. Ama Burak durmamış, beni sikmeye devam ediyordu. Bir müddet sonra Burak durakladı ve içimden çıktı. Omzumdan tutup beni kendine çevirdi ve kenara çekilip, az önceki adama bıraktı yerini.

Aralarında hiç konuşma duymadım, nasıl anlaştılar, nasıl olurda beni yabancı birinin sikmesine izin verirler diye hayret ediyordum. Ama zaten düne kadar Burak da yabancı biri değil miydi benim için? İşler karışmaya başlıyordu. Ya daha da ileri giderlerse, beni herkese siktirmeye kalkarlarsa? Dün sadece Osman’la baş başa bir haftasonu geçirip seks yaparım diye planlayıp geldiğim evde, kandırılıp Burak’la sikişmiştim. Kimseyle paylaşmadığım sırlarımı onlara anlatmış, aramızda birşeyler oluştuğunu sanmıştım.

Evet, ben onlara her şeyimi açmıştım, hem bedenimi hem ruhuma işleyen sırlarımı. Birlikte güzel vakit geçirecektik, beni sahipleneceklerini düşünmüştüm. Sırf aramızda böyle birşey oluştu diye, onları mutlu etmek ve kırmamak için, yakalanıp rezil olmayı göze alarak halka açık yerlerde seks yapmayı kabul edip gelmiştim. Ama onların beni umursadığı yoktu. Şimdi de başka bir adamın önünde bir otobüste çırılçıplak duruyordum ve onlar bu durumdan rahatsız değillerdi.

Bunlar bir anda aklımdan geçmişti, şimdi ne yapacağımı bilemiyordum. Ama bu durumdayken ve bana arka çıkabileceğini düşündüğüm iki kişi de beni siktikten sonra bu adamın önüne koymuşlardı. Karşı çıkarsam iş büyüyüp rezillik çıkabilirdi, her türlü ben zararlı çıkacaktım. O yüzden oluruna bıraktım.

Adamın bir iki denedi ama sikini bir türlü amıma sokamadı. Eğilmesi gerekiyordu, ama bu sefer de beli geride kalıyordu. En sonunda eğilerek ve elleriyle ensemden kendine doğru çekerek beni öpmeye başladı. Ben de kollarımı boynuna doladım. Dudaklarımız birleştikten sonra adam ellerini boynumdan çekip kabanımın içinden çıplak vücudumu okşayarak kalçalarıma doğru indirdi. Biraz okşayıp sıktıktan sonra, beni kalçalarımdan tutarak yukarı çekti, ben de boynuna sarılı kollarımla ona yardımcı oldum. Bir eliyle yarağını amıma yerleştirdi ve beni otobüsün arka duvarına yasladı.

Ben kimse görmesin diye uğraşırken, iyice havaya kalkmıştım. Ben kucağında olunca adam da yüzünün hizasına geldiği için memelerime yumuldu. Elleri kabanımın içinden kalçalarımda olduğu için kabanımın ön tarafının kapanmasına engel oluyordu, memelerime yumulduğu için göğüs kısmı da açıktı, beni kamufle edebilecek tek şey sikicimin bedeniydi. Hatta amımda gidip gelirken beni her hoplatışında başımın yukarı aşağı hareketleri yüksekte olduğu için daha da görülebilir ve dikkat çekebilirdi. Şu an tek düşündüğüm bu otobüsten bir an önce kurtulmaktı.

Adamın hiçbir şey umurunda değildi, beni sikerken aldığı zevke bakıyordu sadece. Benim ayaklarım yere basmadığı için baya yorulmuştum… Nihayet adam boşalmaya başladı ve siki içimde küçüldükçe yukarıdan benim vücut ağırlığımın da baskısıyla kendiliğinden çıktı. Adam sikini pantolonuna yerleştirirken, ben de külotumu çekip kabanımın önünü kapattım.

Burak’tan umudum olmadığı için Osman’a söyledim, çok yorulduğumu ve inmek istediğimi. Burak’la birşeyler konuştular ve bir sonraki durakta inip, yolun karşısından başka bir otobüsle eve döndük.

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A Tale of Two Loving Sisters Ch. 01

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Weary from staring at her laptop screen for several hours, Maryann Webber scrolled through yet another top-ten list of liberal arts colleges. She’d graduated from the local high school only a week before, but ever since, everyone was constantly asking her about college applications. All of her friends had already been accepted, and talked excitedly about moving away to big cities and beautiful campuses. Her parents were unbearable, not going more than an hour before bringing up suggestions for the majors that their daughter might excel in. Lawyer, doctor, biologist… it made her want to scream. It was enough that, when her parents had invited her to a fancy dinner at the best place in town, she’d turned them down, pretending that she didn’t feel well. But even as they walked out the door, they discussed her future, and even went so far as to again compare her to her older sister.

Tiffany Webber was one year her senior, and the family darling. She was the top of her class the year before, an outgoing girl loved by her teachers and peers alike. Maryann wasn’t even in the top 20 % of her year. Her sister had been accepted into the physics program of one of the finest private schools in the country, and was currently outcompeting her whole freshman class. She even earned a prestigious summer research position with one of the faculty, something usually reserved for upperclassmen.

Sighing, Maryann rubbed at her light blue eyes and leaned back in her chair. The sun had set without her noticing, and she hadn’t yet turned on any of the lights in the house. But she liked the dark… it was quiet, peaceful, and it didn’t ask her about universities. She took a sip of water from the cup at her side, her plump lips wrapping over the glass and leaving behind a trace of pale pink lipstick.

“Ahhhh!” So nice to finally take a break.

The 19-year-old pushed back her chair and stood, lifting her arms over her head to stretch her quaint 5’4″ frame. A sudden yawn surprised her, and realizing now how tired she was, she made for her bed. She threw herself onto the sheets, flopping down like a damp rag and rolling onto her back to stare up at the ceiling fan. Maryann watched it spin for a moment, mesmerized. She had no idea what she should do with her life, and no idea how to make the choices she needed to make. Perhaps she could just lay on her bed forever.

If it weren’t for her overachieving sister, she wouldn’t have any of these problems. Tiff was simply a better version of her, with a higher intelligence, more interesting personality, and ostensibly a better body. Maryann had started wearing more form-fitting clothing in high school, trying to compete, but even then, her sister drew all the stares from guys and girls alike. Something about Tiff was just… more radiant. Even Maryann had more than once found herself tracing her sister’s body with dreamy eyes as they sat together for dinner.

Maryann pictured the last time she had spoken with Tiff, back during winter break. Her sister had been wearing one of her customary long, flowing skirts, with a baggy maroon sweater. Even though she always bought loose-fitting clothing, it still found a way to perfectly accentuate her most attractive parts. The skirt had hugged tightly to hips that were just wider than Maryann’s, and Tiff’s braless tits, a size larger than her sister’s, bounced temptingly against the thin sweater.

She remembered the kindness in her sister’s olive eyes as they had discussed what it was that Maryann should do with her life. But at the same time, it seemed like Tiff was judging her. She’d suggested that Maryann take a year off from school, and spend some time traveling with friends to think about her purpose. But it was easy for someone like Tiff, someone so gifted, to give advice like that. Picturing her sister’s cute smile, Maryann fumed, her face turning red. Sometimes she wished that she could somehow just ruin her sister’s career.

There was one thing that Maryann could hold over her sister, a secret that only a handful of people close to Tiff knew: as the result of a freak genetic anomaly, her sister kept the genitals of both genders hidden under her casually fitting garments. Tiff had a normal vagina right where it should be, but it was usually covered by her… sizable… male parts. The last time Maryann had seen Tiff naked, she’d accidentally walked in on her sister as she was “relieving some stress.” Fortunately, Tiff hadn’t heard her, and Maryann had a good long look at a 12-inch cock, its foreskin rippling, and a pair of smooth, perfectly round balls to match.

Alright, if she were being honest, Maryann hadn’t accidentally walking in on her sister. She had heard noises, low moans to be precise, and curiosity has gotten the best of her. The idea of her sister masturbating was both satisfying and arousing. Her perfect sister, so popular, was so sexually frustrated that she needed to use her own hands to find some release. Even with all her gifts, Tiff’s imperfections kadıköy escort managed to get in the way. Maryann was quite aware of the difficulties her sister had with dating; she struggled, unable to cope with the extra bits that hung between her legs.

Thinking of her sister’s thick tool, and how needy it appeared on that night, Maryann found herself dreaming of wrapping her hands around the shaft, struggling to fit it all in her grip. Like Tiffany, she too was frustrated. Her shyness had made it difficult to form relationships in high school, and as time went on, she became nervous that her virginity would surprise any potential partners. So, she’d stopped showing interest at all, and had earned a reputation as the class prude. Eventually, every guy interested in her cute teenage body had ceased making advances.

But Maryann had learned how to cope. Her mind full of images of Tiff’s precum-slick phallus, and her pussy once again begging for attention, she reached to the drawer at the side of her bed, her practiced hand knowing the exact path to take. Shifting some papers, her fingers wrapped over her favorite clit vibrator. Of course, she longed to own a massive, pussy breaking dildo, but with her hymen still intact, that wouldn’t be very useful.

Next, she lifted a pair of wireless earbuds from the bedside table, securing them in her ears after she shifted her long coffee-brown ponytail out of the way. Her phone lay next to her on the bed. She unlocked it and opened up a private tab in her browser, then navigated to her preferred porn site. Her favorites were loaded with compilation videos of female masturbation and orgasms, and she selected one of them at random. The sounds of gentle cooing filled her ears.

Turning the smooth pink object in her hands, she felt for the on switch. The vibrator was a chubby hunk of plastic, with two tapering prongs like a tuning fork. After trying a few models, she found that this one held her sizable clit in the ideal position between the two tines and was capable of giving her a full climax in a few minutes if she wasn’t careful. She flipped it on, and her forearm shivered with vibrations, both from the device and her own anticipation. Maryann liked to start off slow, toying with herself. Using her free hand, she scrunched her snug-fitting skirt up around her midriff, not bothering to remove it. Cool air washed over the surface of her skin-colored thong. Its flexible fabric conformed to every fold of her labia, giving the illusion that it wasn’t there at all. In the dim light provided by her laptop’s display, she watched a dark stain begin spreading across the surface of the panties.

Carefully, Maryann lowered her vibrator, pausing a few millimeters from her target. The teen waited, letting the feelings of longing and need fill her until she was overwhelmed. She closed her eyes and thought about Tiff’s package, lit by soft lamplight, quaking as it was stroked off. As she lay still, Maryann remembered the gentle curve of her sister’s shaft, the slight bulge of the urethra at its base. Every subtle vein was clear in her mind, warping around the girlmeat and pulsing with blood. There were a few light wrinkles at the base, creases in the skin that no doubt had resulted from overuse. And the head… a broad mound of flesh that seemed polished and sculpted, with a darker color than the rest of Tiff’s cock.

Maryann visualized licking her sister’s sack and letting the two orbs drape over her nose. She inhaled, imagining their smell as she lay her vibrator against her thong. Her legs twitched involuntarily as the little electronic device pressed into her most sensitive spot, whirring a little as it dug into her wet panties. For a moment, Maryann forgot to breathe, the feeling in her pussy too much to cope with. She squirmed and thrust her hips, then tore the vibrator away from her slinky undergarment. Her hands shaking, she tugged at the thong, lifting it away from her vagina and sliding it down around her fetching thighs. Strings of clear fluid draped across the sheets as she stripped away the barrier separating her clit from the full power of her vibrator.

At the same time, a small black Toyota pulled into the driveway outside, its headlights illumining the siding of the home. Tiffany Webber shut off the engine and threw open the driver’s door, excited to finally use her legs after the eight-hour drive. As she swung them out of the car, watchful not to catch her long skirt on the door, she frowned. The family sedan was missing, and all of the lights inside the house were off. She’d intended to surprise everyone, having just completed her first year at school. But they must have all gone to do some shopping or get dinner, and now they’d see her car when they returned. Dismayed, but still happy to be home, she made her way to the front door and let herself in.

Upstairs, Maryann listened to a crescendo of lustful grunts and cries as üsküdar escort she nestled her clit between the two energetic prongs of her sex toy. She wriggled her hips, rubbing her feet together as the vibrator nibbled at her. Her own exhalations started to interfere with the heavy breathing coming from her earbuds, and her empty hand began to slide down to join the other. She ground the end of the device into her snatch, imagining that her sister was rubbing the underside of her cock over her cheek. The imaginary Tiffany looked down at her expectantly, her dark green eyes warm but commanding.

“Anyone here!?” called out Tiffany as she switched on the kitchen lights. There was no answer. She threw her bag down on the counter and took a look at the room. Her parents had rearranged the table since she’d been home last, and added a few new pictures on the walls. She wondered what else they might have changed in the house. Peering into the living room, there was a new sofa, a larger TV, and it appeared that her favorite chair had been thrown out with the trash. Afraid that she might not have a bedroom anymore, Tiffany began to explore the rest of her childhood home.

“Mmmmnnhh,” gasped Maryann, her clit burning and aching as her vibrator battered its shiny pink surface. In her mind, her sister was purring and squealing as the tip of her cock was massaged by Maryann’s tongue. The image was so cute that Maryann couldn’t hold herself back. There would be no taking her time tonight, she had to cum with the thought of her lovely, beautiful, unsatisfied sister finally getting some good head. The fictional Tiff begged her for more, grabbing the base of her sister’s customary ponytail. Maryann yearned to feel that force on the back of her head. Without hesitation, she flicked the switch of her toy to the highest vibration setting.

Footsteps masked by thick carpeting, Tiffany climbed the stairway to the second level, curious to return to her own room after six months away. She reached the unlit hallway, looking to her right down the hall. Her room was closest, followed by her parents’, and then her sister’s. She pressed her palm on the door of her space, letting it swing gently open. To her relief, it appeared untouched. Even the pens on her desk appeared to be in the precise order in which she left them. She stepped away, and looked into her parent’s room. They had rearranged, with a new bedframe and a large TV to match. The look was more modern, and reminded Tiffany that her parents were about to be empty nesters. Speaking of… she looked down the hall to her sister’s room. The door was cracked, and the interior was dark. Entering her sister’s room without permission seemed like a violation of privacy, but she couldn’t resist. Just a quick peek, Ann would never know.

The rapid, thumping vibrations on Maryann’s entangled clit had her very close to her climax, but she held herself back and waited for the right thought to carry her over the edge. She had involved both hands now, massaging her labia as she held her toy in place. The tickles across her folds only served to amplify her arousal. The female grunts and moans became more intense as her compilation video neared its end, driving her wild with excitement. In her mind, her sister was smirking down at her as she worked Maryann’s mouth over her dick, the tip poking at the back of her throat as she slobbered all over it. Her lips formed perfectly around Tiff’s member, the only place they truly belonged.

Tiffany placed her hand on the cool painted wood of her sister’s door, and hesitated. Something didn’t feel right, and she pulled her arm back. In shame, she turned to the side, but didn’t step away. Why did she feel so weird? Shrugging away the feeling, she lifted her arm once more to the doorway.

Bearing down on her clit one last time, Maryann prepared herself to orgasm at least twice. She lifted her spare hand away from her snatch and shoved it in her mouth, a habit that she’d learned at college to stifle her moans. This was it. She sent her fingers deeper into her mouth, sucking them in the same way she wanted to service her sister. Eyes closed, she pictured Tiff’s face contorting in bliss, on the edge of releasing her hot seed.

Click. The lights flipped on. Maryann opened her eyes in fright and dropped her vibrator.

“IIIIEEEEE! OH MY GOD, OH FUCK!” screamed Tiffany, looking down at her exposed sister.

“AHHH TIFF!? WHAT’RE YOU… DON’T LOOK!” Maryann quickly took her hand away from her crotch and pulled her skirt down over her thighs. It looked a bit silly, since her thong was still stretched between her legs where she’d left it.

“ANN! Shit, sorry… I thought you were all o-out for the evening! I’ll just…” Tiffany turned and started to walk slowly away, shaking her head.

“Wait, Tiff! Don’t be weird about it! Look, it’s ok! I’m glad to see you!” Maryann grabbed her vibrator, switched it off, and threw it under her pillow. Then, she pulled tuzla escort her thong back up under her skirt and scooted off the bed, removing her earbuds.

“Can I get a hug?” asked Maryann, almost laughing. She straightened her ponytail and wiped her sticky hand on the inside of her top behind her back.

Tiff turned and gave her a stern look, but quickly broke into a goofy smile. “Pshhhh, of course, you weirdo!”

Opening her arms for an embrace, Tiff caught her baby sister and held her close, happy to be with her again, even if she’d just seen something very unexpected. Maryann pressed into her sister, maybe a little too much. She was still quite horny after all, and had been dreaming of Tiff as she masturbated. She thought she could feel Tiff’s package pressing against her leg, but maybe she was imagining it. The distinct smell of her sister’s shampoo brought back so many good memories. Chests pressed together, she felt the warm skin of her sister’s bosom. Tiff was wearing a new top with a much deeper cut than normal… something she must have picked up at university. And all of the sudden, Maryann felt completely overwhelmed. Tears started too pool in her eyes, falling away as she blinked. Her sister held her tighter as she sobbed into Tiff’s shoulder.

“H-hey, what’s wrong coffee bean?” asked Tiff, rubbing at Maryann’s back reassuringly. “Look, I won’t tell mom and dad ok! There’s no shame in what you were doing!”

“It’s… not that!” howled Ann, her face drenched.

“Ok… ok… here, let’s sit you down.”

Being only an inch taller than her sister, Tiff struggled to lead the distraught Maryann to her bed. Once she finally managed to get her sat down, Tiff sat close to her side and wrapped an arm over her shoulder. Their hips pushed together as they leaned towards each other.

“Ann, what’s wrong?”

“It’s… it’s just… I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO! What college… or do I look for a job… or… I DON’T KNOW! And you’re so perfect and smart… at the perfect school! You never had these problems! A-And… I… sniff… I’m useless!”

“Aww, no, no, don’t say that…,” comforted Tiff, her voice low and soothing. “You’re so talented, you’ll find something. And I can help you if you want!”

Maryann turned her watery blue eyes towards her sister, still sniveling. “R-really? You think so?”

“Of course I do! You’re my little coffee bean after all!”

Maryann laughed through her tears, and hugged her sister once more, leaning her forehead against Tiff’s. Then, in a moment of pure emotion, she said something she’d never forget. She wasn’t sure why she said it; it just came out.

“Tiff, when you walked in on me just now… I was… thinking of you! I… I know it’s weird, but I just miss you so much!”

There was a shocked look on Tiff’s face, but Maryann had closed her eyes.

“…and I understand if you don’t want to talk to me about it, or if you’re mad, but I was so lonely! Oh, dammit I never should have…”

Smack! Maryann’s rambling was interrupted by the sensation of soft lips meeting her own. She froze, not able to process a response until her sister pulled away. Opening her eyes in shock, Maryann got a glimpse of her lipstick smeared across the corner of Tiff’s mouth.

“…Tiff… what was…” But she was again interrupted.

“Shut up and kiss me back, Ann.”

Tiffany leaned in towards her sister again, puckering her lips. With only a moment of hesitation, Ann tilted her head forwards and met her sister’s waiting lips. They were warm, moist, and supple to the touch, a perfect match for her own. Their noses touched, and they felt each other’s breath glide over their cheeks. Tiff placed a hand softly on her sister’s shoulder, assuring her that everything was going to be fine. This time, Maryann pulled away first, a strand of saliva bridging the distance to her sister before falling against her chin.

“Do you feel better now?” asked Tiff, her words slow and seductive.

“A little… but I’m still so nervous.”

“You know what I think Ann?”

Maryann was silent, but shook her head.

“Think all of this is because you haven’t been laid.”

As Maryann opened her mouth to react, her sister placed a palm firmly on her sternum.

“Shhhh, just lay back on the bed.”

With a push, Tiff sent her sister tumbling backward, so that she lay across the rumpled sheets. As Maryann lifted herself up onto her elbows, Tiff began to strip. She crossed her arms and grabbed the hem of her loose-fitting top, taking up the thin green fabric in her hands and lifting. Her smooth stomach came into view, followed by the undersides of her E-cup breasts. Tiff smiled at her sister’s dazed expression and pulled the garment up over her uncovered tits, letting them pop out and shimmy as they were freed. They were exactly as Maryann remembered, with cute button nipples and small pink areolae. Once the shirt was lifted from her head, Tiff tossed it aside and flipped her hazelnut hair out of her face. It was a different cut than the last time she’d been home, and it suited her. The longer length of it framed her upper body well, and the playful freeness of it matched her personality. As she stared on, Tiff pressed her forearms up against her tits, squeezed them together, and winked.

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Passion or Prayer Pt. 02

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This is a continuation of a previously submitted story. It stands on its own, but if you want to catch the nuances, I’d recommend starting with Passion and Prayer.


He took me so many times that first night that I lost count.

We barely had time to make it home for a quick shower before heading back to unlock the office for the day.

I was afraid that my fair complexion would give away my secret, but as the day went on, no one seemed to notice my rampant blushing over forbidden memories. Even glancing at the couch in my cramped office brought the flame to my face as my heart raced in memory of his touch.

He was no help.

While the thought crossed my mind that he might decide to brag about his conquest to his men, I knew that he wasn’t one to share such intimate details, much less flaunt his indiscretions, so that wasn’t the problem.

The problem was his eyes. They kept catching mine and sending my heart into an indelicate tempo. Every time he looked at me, his gaze softened. I melted. If my blushing didn’t give us away, surely his beautiful expressions would!

Surprisingly, we made it to the end of the day without discovery.

I kept my well rounded behind securely glued to my chair as the last employee clocked out. Trying to focus on the final bit of paperwork, trying not to marvel at the constant wetness that plagued my pussy, trying to keep myself from attacking him in his office, ripping off his clothes.

My blouse from the night before had to be smuggled out in the waste bin and as intensely sexy as it had been, with my small salary, I didn’t want to make ripping my favorite clothes a habit.

After what seemed an eternity, he appeared in the doorway, looking down, shamefacedly.

“What’s gotten into you?” I asked petulantly. “You’ve been making eyes at me all day. I’ve practically creamed myself, and now that we’re alone you anadolu yakası escort can’t even look at me?”

He glanced up with a devilish grin that would have weakened the knees of any angel

…and I was no angel.

“I was not sure that you would want to see me.” He lied.

“I suppose I did see enough of you last night” I quipped. He smiled at the joke.

“Are you ready?” The loaded question sent a shiver of excitement straight to my dripping cunt.

I squeezed my thighs together, biting my lip against a moan as my jeans grazed a sensitive spot “You don’t plan to stay the night here again?”

“No, abuela was not pleased when I didn’t come home last night with no explanation. I almost missed sending mis hijos to school this morning.”

“I’m sorry.” and I truly was. No way in heaven or hell that I regretted last night, but I knew that Raphael’s children were his life.

Would this mean there would be no more of the sins that I had already asked forgiveness for? My pounding heart nearly stopped at the thought; my hands suddenly aching to caress him.

I blew out a deep breath of relief when he suggested that he come over to my apartment after putting his little darlings to bed.


I showered.

Decided on a simple black lace teddy that was more of a lacy thong attached to a lacy bra by thin strips of more lace. The scanty cups of the bra did little to support my generous Dcup breasts, leaving them gently hanging like ripe fruit waiting to be plucked.

The doorbell rang. I threw on a barely-there cotton robe that didn’t quite cover my ass cheeks and rushed to open it.

The look of lust that crossed his face as I greeted him at the door sent a new surge of wetness to my already damp mound. He stepped into the room and gave me space to lock the door.

Before the tumblers ataşehir escort had even fallen into place, he was behind me, brushing my hair to the side and leaving trails of kisses up my sensitive neck.

I stopped to enjoy the sensation. Lifting my arms to caress his shaved head behind me, leaning against his broad chest and arching my back into him as his hands claimed my breasts under their inadequate coverings.

His big, warm, work-worn hands fondled my breasts gently, then suddenly pinched and pulled at my nipples, almost roughly, the shock and contrasting sensation making me cry out his name.

He freed the tie in my robe and pulled it gently off my shoulders, stepping away to let it puddle on the floor and taking in my 5 foot 8 frame with a satisfied smirk.

I resisted the urge to cover myself, but lowered my eyes. For a moment, I was afraid to meet his gaze.

He wanted me.


He had proved it time and again last night. I had nothing to fear from this wildly passionate man.

I turned and tried to lift my gaze to meet his, but it was captured by the sudden tightness in his pants.

I licked my lips as I slipped my hand into the waistband of his jeans and bravely led him to my bedroom.


I let him push me onto the bed, knowing that with a man this strong, I would have to choose my battles. Sitting up on my knees, I tugged his shirt over his head. Stopping only to massage his shoulders with my hands as my tongue dropped down to circle his nipples.

I continued the path, licking and kissing his tight abs all the way down to the sexy trail of hair that disappeared into his snug jeans.

I unbuttoned them slowly.






Lingering to kiss and suck at each newly revealed patch of skin.

He had gone commando.

As the final button ümraniye escort came undone, his rock hard penis emerged from its cave. My mouth watered in anticipation as my tongue snaked out for a taste of his glorious, uncut, 8 inch piece of heaven on earth.

Just before I made contact, Raphael gently pushed me back onto the bed and loomed over me.

Determined to get my way, I struggled to flip over, but his days of manual labor made it impossible for me to get the upper hand.

I placed both hands squarely on his taut, toffee colored chest, opened my deep blue eyes in the most innocent look I could conjure and simply said


His body stopped moving as he looked at me, struggling to understands question in the heat of the moment.

Finally, he seemed to realize what I was asking and rolled onto his back, pulling me atop him in a surprisingly smooth motion.

I bent down to kiss him.

Our tongues fighting for dominance. Trying to become one. I felt as though I couldn’t kiss him deep enough, long enough, hard enough.

I swung a leg over his thighs and positioned myself over his hard, straining cock.

I rose to my knees and sunk into him like a prayer.

His girth filled my aching pussy completely, but I felt as I could never have enough of him. That I would never be whole on my own again.

I rode him wildly.

My face uplifted.

His hands roved my body until they found purpose; one hand supporting my back and the other pressing down into the space between us.

He fingered me there, as I bucked my hips in a smooth rocking motion.

The wave of ecstasy hit me moments before he let himself go, squirting his hot cum deep inside my clenching walls.

Spent, I collapsed on top of him.

We held each other.

Unexpected tears wet both our faces as I shifted and felt his penis slip from me. I felt the loss of him so strongly. I had an inexplicable urge to keep him safe inside me.

He pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly to his chiseled chest, his pendant cool between our fevered skin. He murmured sweet Spanish phrases in my ear, maybe meant for me, maybe for his God.

Then, for the first time since we had discovered our love, we slept.

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Outdoor Adventure

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As Kayla settled into her sleeping bag, she couldn’t help feeling frustrated. Not only would her husband not share a bag with her, he had already turned his back to her and gone to sleep. She had been eager to go camping, fantasizing about wild sex in the great outdoors. The meadow where they had stopped to pitch their tent was secluded with only a narrow dirt road connecting it to the outside world. The scene was ripe for something thrilling to happen.

But another couple had arrived that afternoon. They were camped a good ways off, but it dashed Kayla’s hopes of sex on the grass. She at least expected to fuck in the tent, but her husband said he was too tired. Now she lay in the dark feeling lonely and horny. She wore nothing except a thin t-shirt and a pair of light cotton panties, giving herself easy access to her own body. She reached beneath the shirt to fondle her own breasts. Her nipples were already stiff, and when she stroked them a shiver of pleasure ran through her.

She pushed one hand into her panties and stroked her slit before using her fingers to spread her lips and dip into her hole. She moaned softly then tightened her lips to keep quiet. Her juices were flowing, quickly wetting her crotch and her busy fingers. She pinched her clit and stroked it, making her body quiver.

Orgasm was coming quickly as she dreamed of being taken like an animal, down on her hands and knees on the grass or among the trees as a big hard stud pounded her from behind. She felt the pressure of her cum nearing, but she also felt a different pressure. Her bladder was full, and she needed to pee. Normally, she wouldn’t have stopped masturbating. Having to pee badly sometimes made her orgasm more intense. But she also knew she was liable to squirt out piss when she came, and she didn’t want to wet her sleeping bag.

Moving as quietly as she could, she left her husband snoring and left the tent. The full moon lit up the meadow brightly. She could see the other tent. With no one to see her, she boldly walked across the grass in her bare feet, aiming for the nearby stream. She actually wished someone was there to see her, to appreciate her body. The stream was fairly wide along the edge of the meadow, lined with bushes along its gently bank. Close by, the water formed a small pond to one side where the water was calm. It made an excellent place to bathe with its bottom of fine sand.

Kayla waded in knee deep. She squatted, bringing her crotch close to the water, pulled aside her panties and began to pee. Idly, she wondered what it would be like to squat over a man’s crotch like this, to piss on his hard cock before sliding her cunt down it and fucking him. She reached between her legs and began to rub her clit as she pissed, feeling wicked. Her urine stopped, but Kayla continued to masturbate. She pushed two fingers into her fuckhole and squeezed her tits with her other hand.

She moaned softly, enjoying what she was doing. The open sky above her made her feel free, as if there were no limits on her anymore. Her orgasm rushed on her, making her shake. She hunched her hips, fucking her own hand as her woman-cum made her fingers sticky. She stopped moving, panting a little, enjoying the sweet afterglow as she idly continued to fondle herself.

A noise from the bank made her freeze. Those were definitely footsteps. Remaining crouched, Kayla moved close to a bush, trying to peer through it to see who was coming. A figure appeared, a man with no shirt or shoes, wearing only a pair of black sweatpants. She recognized him when he got closer. It was Brad, the man from the couple in the other tent.

Kayla felt her skin grow warm. sarıyer escort She was half-naked, and she could smell her own arousal. Could he? she wondered. And, did she want him to? Her eyes remained glued to him as he stopped at the edge of the bank not far from where she was hiding. He looked around, then reached for his crotch. Kayla gasped when he pulled the waistband of his pants down and pulled out a semi-hard cock. Brad sighed as he aimed his cock at the water and released a thick stream of piss.

Kayla’s hand flew back to her crotch. She couldn’t believe she was seeing this! Her pussy felt electric beneath the touch of her fingers. She felt incredibly aroused. Brad finished pissing and he shook his cock to fling off the last few drops. He didn’t put his cock away, though. Instead Kayla watched as he began to stroke himself. His half-hard member swelled to full size. Kayla’s mouth watered as she stared at Brad’s cock. Suddenly she wanted this man. She wanted him to fuck her. She wanted to suck his cock and grind her pussy on his mouth.

She plunged her fingers inside herself, making a squishing sound. Brad had his eyes closed. His fist pumped up and down his shaft steadily. She heard him moan. He bent forward a little, bending his knees, and began moving his hips as if he were fucking someone, thrusting his swollen cock through his curled fingers. Kayla was panting, finger-fucking herself in a matched rhythm, pretending she was the one getting fucked. She couldn’t resist moaning.

Brad’s eyes flew open. He looked right at her, eyes wide. For a moment, they both froze. Then he must have noticed how she was dressed, must have been able to see how she was masturbating, watching him. Slowly, smiling, he resumed jacking off. Kayla moaned again as she also went on masturbating. Brad moaned louder, his eyes glued to her. She had never felt so wicked before, nor had she ever felt such a connection to anyone.

“My god, you’re beautiful,” he said, the first words he’d ever spoken to her. Then, “I’m cumming!”

Kayla gasped as Brad tensed. Jism shot from the end of his cock, a thick dollop flying through the air to hit the ground not far from her. More followed, Strong jets of thick white sperm until the last of it dribbled over his fingers. Kayla cried out as her own orgasm struck like a bomb. She shook, clutching her hand over her spasming cunt. When it was over, she felt almost too weak to stand. Brad hadn’t moved. He still had his cock in his hand, idly stroking as he watched her cum. Kayla knew what she wanted to do, what she had to do. She rose out of the water and walked to him. It was wonderful the way his eyes devoured her. She stepped close, in front of him, and put her hands on his arms. He released his cock as she rose onto her toes and kissed him softly. She felt his cock, beginning to soften, rub against her tummy. He returned her kiss, their lips tumbling over one another until she opened her mouth to him. She touched her tongue to his lips. He opened his mouth and their tongues embraced like old lovers. It made her hair stand on end, such a perfect kiss.

Kayla pulled her mouth from his and settled onto her feet again, grinning coyly. Her hand wrapped around his cock. Already it was swelling again. The hot flesh filled her hand, and her first thought was that Brad was going to fill her pussy better than her husband did. First though…

Brad watched wide-eyed as Kayla sank to her knees. She ran her tongue up the length of his shaft and closed her lips around the head. Her tongue gently probed his tiny hole, coming away with the faintest esenyurt escort tasted of his manliness. She cupped his balls gently, rubbing them as she licked down his length again, all the way to the base. She suckled his balls, inhaling deeply his musky scent. Then she ran her tongue back to his head and let it slip past her lips into her mouth. Brad groaned as she took in nearly half his length before pulling back, applying gently suction and fluttering her tongue against the sensitive underside of his shaft. His fingers ran through her hair as she went down again, taking more of him in.

She felt light-headed, as if none of this was really happening. It was so hard to believe she was on her knees out in the great wide open sucking another man’s cock. And she loved it. She put her hands on his hips, urging him to fuck her mouth. He moaned loudly as she drew back and let his cock pop wetly from her mouth before plunging back down, slurping him. His hips pushed forward, shoving his length through her lips. His cock throbbed in her mouth. Her pussy was creaming by itself.

She pulled off him again. She grabbed his cock with one hand and fisted the shaft, slick with her spit. A tendril of saliva stretched out from his head to her lips as she looked up at him. His eyes flamed with the same deep lust she felt burning inside her. Quickly, she sucked him back into her mouth, bobbing her head up and down as she jacked him into her mouth.

She had to make herself stop. As tempting as it was to make him cum in her mouth or spurt on her face, there was another place she wanted his seed. She pulled his pants down and helped him out of them, leaving him nude. She stood up and pulled her shirt off over her head. They embraced again, pressing eager mouths together. His bare chest felt so good against her breasts. Her stiff nipples tingled as they rubbed over his skin.

His hands clamped onto her ass cheeks. He pulled her closer, grinding his cock into her. His hands slipped into the waistband. As he lowered himself down her body, leaving a wet trail with his tongue, the panties were pushed down her legs. He paused to suckle each of her heavy tits, then snaked his mouth over her tummy, down to her crotch. She stepped out of her panties as he nosed his way between her legs. She jumped as his tongue found her slit.

His strong hands grabbed her waist and turned her around. “Bend over,” he ordered, and she quickly obeyed. She felt his hot breath on her pussy an instant before his mouth covered her. He pressed his tongue flatly over her clit, raking over it. Then his lick passed between her swollen pussy lips, and she heard him smack his lips as he drank her flowing juice. She moaned when he shoved his tongue inside her. His thumb rubbed her clit as he tongue-fucked her. His nose rubbed over her asshole followed by a wet finger pressing gently into her. Kayla thought she would explode.

Two fingers pushed into her pussy and fucked her wetly as Brad covered her asshole with his tongue. She felt its wet heat enter her backside and she came, her hips bucking. She cried out loudly, praying no one would wake and catch them, and humped back at his face until the waves of dazzling pleasure abated.

Her knees were wobbly as she straightened and turned to him. He embraced her tightly, kissing her ardently. The taste of her orgasm was on his mouth as she sucked greedily at his tongue. He squeezed her tits with one hand as the other gripped her ass. His hard cock jutted between her thighs and rubbed against her acing cunt.

Kayla groaned into his mouth. “Fuck me,” she told him. “I want you to fuck me.” He avrupa yakası escort trembled as he pulled her down to the soft grass and lay her on her back. She spread her legs wide for him, eagerly opening herself to him. Brad kneeled between her thighs and leaned over her. His hard cock lay on her, between her swollen lips. He thrust back and forth a few times, sawing his member through her splayed wetness. Then he pulled back farther to let his cock drop down. He pressed the head against her opening, pressed harder, and began to enter her. Kayla clutched his arms as she felt herself being penetrated. His thick cock split her lips which caressed his shaft like a lover’s kiss. He really was thicker than her husband, and it felt so wonderful to be filled with him.

He halted a few inches into her and pulled back. Kayla clutched at his departing cock with her pussy muscles. He plunged back inside her, ramming his cock halfway into her. Kayla cried out and lifted her legs to dig her heels into the backs of his legs. He thrust again, burying his cock in her pussy. Kayla lifted her legs high into the air and felt a thrill as he sank into her just a little deeper. Brad hooked his arms behind her legs and began to fuck her with long, slow, deep strokes. With her feet resting on his chest, Kayla pushed back at him, lifting her hips to meet his thrusts.

It was the most thrilling thing she’d ever done. The grass at her back, the starry sky overhead, the cool breeze on her naked skin, and this beautiful man’s cock pistoning in and out of her hungry cunt. That she was cheating on her husband was barely a consideration. Nothing that felt this right could be wrong.

She came with a deep moan. Brad paused with his cock deep inside her pulsating cunt, holding her quivering legs as her body shook and her woman-cum flooded over his balls. When she relaxed again he lowered her legs and lay over her. She wrapped her arms around him and put her legs over his, locking his body to hers. He began to fuck her faster, harder, his heavy balls slapping against her asshole with each grunting thrust.

They kissed passionately. A strange emotion filled her, blossoming love mixed with urgent need and aching desire. Brad’s dick was swelling inside her. She could tell he was going to cum. His face was twisting with his pleasure, his breath fast and heavy, constantly moaning. Kayla heard herself moaning in tune with him. Her pussy was on fire. The nerves were raw and crackling with electric sparks of ecstasy. Brad slammed into her harder.

“Fuck me, fuck me,” Kayla panted. “Cum inside me. Oh, oh, oh, I’m cumming again!” She felt him explode inside her, his hot cum rocketing into her as her pussy throbbed and milked his thick shaft. She saw sparks in her eyes as she came again, the strongest orgasm of her life. She squeezed his body to hers as they shook and moaned together. He managed to pull back a little and slam into her, igniting another explosion inside her. More of his sperm jetted into her body, filling her with his hot liquid.

It seemed a long while before he was spent. He relaxed on top of her as they kissed and caressed one another. He held her tightly and rolled onto his back, pulling her over on top of him. She straddled him, his cock still buried in her cunt, as they kissed softly.

“I’m so glad I had to piss,” he said. She giggled. “Me, too,” she said. In fact, she felt a little piss left inside her and wondered what it would be like to let it go while he was still inside her. What would he think? And she wondered if they would get to be alone again, and what they would do together. Her asshole still tingled from the touch of his tongue. The possibilities filled her with delight.

An hour later, after bathing each other in the stream and sharing countless kisses, Kayla crawled back into her tent as he went to his. She got into her sleeping bag and fell almost instantly into an exhausted sleep. And when she dreamed, she saw Brad’s face, and stars.

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Open House Fantasy

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A friend of mine recently built a little townhome neighborhood near my house, and as a favor I agreed to sit in the model home once a week as an on site agent of sorts. It was a five hour open house gig once a week, and if anyone bought one of the places during my shift I would get a piece of the sale. The model home where I spent my time was really nice, well furnished with a couch, a television and a refrigerator, so it wasn’t much different than being at home.

Each building had two units, and the units shared a back deck, separated by a rail. The model home was adjacent to the only occupied unit in the whole complex, which would eventually have 40 units but currently only had three built. The idea was to sell a few and then build more.

What I quickly discovered was that my friend had missed the turn on the housing boom, and the only thing I did during my shift was try and stay awake.

Early on, I did discover a side benefit – the girl who lived in the unit next to the model home was very hot. Young and athletic with a nice tan contrasting her short blond hair, she had a great body and a super smile. One of the first days I came to the site she was pulling up in the adjacent driveway with her roommate, who was also a hottie, so I went over and introduced myself. Their names were Nina and Lacie, and they were nice and friendly, and, as I mentioned, they were both hot.

Over time I noticed that Lacie was often not around, and I surmised that maybe she worked out of town. Nina was frequently there, and it became my past time to watch for her coming and going. I could sit on the couch and look out the front window, and it got to the point where every time she would walk out and get in the car I would find myself holding my breath watching her get in the car. I was pretty bored, so I started to develop some fantasies about my neighbor.

One day I was standing at the window looking through the blinds, and I heard the door on her place shut and saw her walk out. She had on some shorts and a top that revealed a lot of skin, nothing tawdry but very nice to watch. I figured she was going to get in the car and leave, but instead she pulled out a car vac and started cleaning out the car. I was caught between standing there and acting like I wasn’t staring at her or moving away from the window and maybe catching her attention, so I stood there for a while just watching, not knowing for sure whether she could see me watching her or not. A few times she would look up toward the window, but never for long. She left for awhile and I went upstairs, where I could look down through the blinds and do some serious looking, at an angle she wouldn’t be able to see me.

As I watched her move around the car, I started to get the impression that she was putting on a show. She kept adjusting her top, leaning in to show off her body, and looking toward the windows on my side of the townhome. At one point I walked downstairs and acted like I kadıköy escort had just happened to get up to walk by the window, and I was sure she looked into the window and smiled.

Or maybe it was just bored imagination. I’d been reading too much Literotica.

The next time I was there, it was a sunny day but not too hot, and I was tired of watching television. I had figured out early on that I could sit out back on the deck and see any traffic that came into the place. I would even have time to throw on my shirt in the unlikely event a customer pulled up. So I got a cool drink and a magazine and settled into a comfortable chair on the deck facing the entry to the complex.

I was out there about 15 minutes when I heard the sliding glass door on the adjoining unit open up, and my very attractive blond neighbor walked out in a pair of shorts and a bikini top. The whole deck was only about 20 feet across, so it would be hard to pretend not to notice her. We waved and chatted a bit about the weather, and how bad sales were, and a few other things I don’t recall because I was too distracted looking at her great legs. Once again, I was getting the sense that Nina was flirting a bit, but maybe I was reading into it.

Then she asked me to put some lotion on her back, and I suddenly felt like the field had changed. I tried to keep my hands steady as I rubbed some lotion into her back and shoulders, and she gave me a smile of appreciation that made my knees weak. I didn’t even realize it but I had developed a hard on, and by the time I did I was in an awkward way to try and hide it, but I leaned back against my side of the railing to ease the tent back.

I can’t remember exactly what I said, but it was something about how it seemed like it was getting a little warmer out, and her response was something like “yes,” with a long pause, and then “it is”.

Out of the corner of my eye, to my total surprise and disdain, I saw a car pull up to the entrance to the development. They hesitated for a moment, trying to decide whether to come in and check out the model home, and apparently they didn’t hear my screaming brain waves, because they pulled in and started the drive up to the model home.

“I’ve got a customer,” I said, pulling my shirt on.

She smiled, gave a little finger wave, and wished me luck.

For the next hour I had to deal with a couple of transplanted Yankees who spent most of the time providing me information on what a shitty townhouse it was. I came close to just asking them to leave a few times, but you don’t want to lose a buyer in a market like this, so I patiently played the sales game with them until they finally left, with the suggestion that they would think about it, which means no. After they left I went out and looked on the back deck but my leggy neighbor was gone, and my shift ended about thirty minutes later.

For üsküdar escort the next week I sat around at home building a fantasy around what may have happened. By the time my next shift came around I had convinced myself that it was all in my head.

Ten minutes into my shift, there was a soft knock on the door to the model home and in walks Nina my blonde haired neighbor, holding a plate of food covered by aluminum foil.

“Hey, I thought you could use some cookies for your open house,” she said with a smile.

I was once again too stunned by how hot she was to think of anything clever to say. Her figure was perfect and her tanned, toned legs were beyond perfect.

“Thanks, those will be great for all the buyers who don’t come,” I said. “I’ll put them in the kitchen.”

She followed me in to the kitchen area and I set the cookies down on the counter.

“I love the way you’ve decorated the model,” she said looking around. “Very nice.”

“Let me give you the full tour,” I said, my mouth going a bit dry.

I showed her around the place, jokingly acting like the sales agent I was supposed to be, espousing the benefits of home ownership and low money down options. We walked around the downstairs and then went upstairs, touring the bedrooms and ending in the master, where she looked out the window that overlooked her side of the carport and remarked at the view.

I laughed, wondering if she knew just how good.

“I could never buy this place,” she said coyly.

“Really, what is it, would you rather have a two bedroom, or a bigger kitchen?”

She smiled as she walked by me out of the room. “The bed’s too small.”

I felt my stomach drop a bit as I tried to find the gumption to walk back downstairs. By the time I had caught up with her, she was in the kitchen and had taken the wrap off the cookies.

“Have one,” she said. “They’re my favorite.”

She handed one to me, and my doubts about her flirting diminished. She had made the cookies in the shape of a penis, and as I stood there gaping in the kitchen she raised the “head” of one of the cookies up to her mouth and gracefully brought her lips and tongue together to pleasure that cookie in ways you can’t imagine.

What happened next is pretty predictable. She had opened the door and I was only to obliged to fill it. I cancelled the open house for the day and we had sex in nearly every room of the model. Some of the closets were too small. But this is not the interesting part of the story.

The interesting thing is that it was all a fantasy that I had being bored at the model home, so I wrote up the elaborate version and submitted it as a story to Literotica. The interesting part comes later.

So two weeks after the story came online I was sitting on the back deck, trying to kill time, when the girl next door shows up on the deck, looking great in shorts and a bikini top. I was chuckling tuzla escort to myself as we chatted, thinking of the irony of it, and then, she hands me her lotion and asks me to put some on her back.

Whoa, I thought, this is like some twilight zone episode. I was more than happy to oblige, and I had to admit that actually doing it was better than the fantasy. The one downside was that it was hotter in reality, and I was starting to work up a sweat, so when I finished I absent mindedly remarked that I was going to go in for a while, because it was getting kind of hot.

“Yes,” she says, with a pause. “It is.”

The words were ringing in my ears as I walked through the sliding glass door, and the cold air inside hit me as a cold chill went down my spine. What the hell was going on? Was I dreaming? Is she reading my mind or something? I was in the kitchen splashing cold water on my face when she walked in. She was holding a plate. With foil over the top.

“I made cookies for your open house,” she said.

Now my mind was in full seizure. I had written the story while sitting in the model, had she hacked into my computer? Not likely. Was I going insane? Much more likely.

She set the cookies on the counter and I stared at her. I must’ve looked demented, but she just smiled.

“Aren’t you going to have one? They’re my favorite.”

My eyes got bigger as I watched her slowly pull bag the aluminum foil covering the cookies. I had completely stopped breathing by now, and I could hardly think. Her hands reached under the foil and pulled out a cookie.

Round. Looked like chocolate chip.

I exhaled in some weird combination of relief and regret, smiled and took the cookie. She took one out for herself and took a bite. She noted my reaction.

“You seemed like you were expecting something else,” she said.

“No, chocolate chip is great,” I said. “They’re delicious.”

“Well, I have to be honest with you,” she said with a smile. “I really don’t know how to make a penis shaped cookie.”

Bang. Heart stop.

She took a half step toward me and her lips met mine. I felt her push me back into the counter.

“The door is open, people will come in…” I started to say.

“I locked it,” she said, as she pulled my shirt off and her lips moved down my chest.

“The sign for the open house, people will…”

“I took it down,” she said, as her hands unbuckled my belt.

“I don’t…” I started to say, and then she took me into her mouth. “Oh my God.”

Instead of holding an open house, we had sex in nearly every room in the house, pretty much following the script to the letter, so it was like having your greatest fantasy played out for you in real time. Nina was insatiable, and her hot body and sexiness kept me going hard all afternoon. By the time we collapsed on the too-small bed in the master bedroom, I was in a semi conscious state. As we lay there together enjoying the moment, I started to formulate the obvious explanation.

“So, I guess you read my story on Literotica,” I said with a smile.

“No, I didn’t,” she said. “My roommate did, she told me about it.”

That news had almost sunken in when Nina continued.

“She thought it was a great story,” she said. “But she wants to be included in the sequel.”

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One Miss Then Another

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Mel was so happy – he had asked Sandra, whom he had always fancied, for a date, and she had accepted. They had arranged to meet and go together to the disco, and he was now waiting for her to arrive.

When she did he was over the moon! Gone was the college uniform which made every girl look sexless. She was wearing a very tight tank-top, and a very short leather mini-skirt which emphasized her long legs.

But it was when in the disco that he realized how she had dressed just for him. Although they had danced together for about half the night, it was when one of his pals from college dared ask her for a dance, and Mel had agreed on condition it was only the once, that he saw what everyone else had been looking at all night. When Sandra twirled around, and she seemed to be doing this far more than she had done when he was her partner, her tiny skirt flared out to show a miniscule white thong, scarcely there at all at the back, and only just there in front!

So, when she and her partner came back off the floor, no-one was more surprised than Mel when she turned to him and softly said, so as not to be overheard, “I hope you enjoyed what I was showing. I’m wearing them especially for you. And if you are good, I will let you see the inside of them later.”

Mel nearly shot off there and then at the thought. She was practically inviting him to take them off for her.

“When shall we leave, then?” he asked her, to which came her reply, “Any time you like. Mum and Dad are out until midnight. Do you want to see me home?”

To cut the story short they left almost straight away after that, and as they walked up to her front door she saucily asked him, “Do you want to come in for a cup of coffee or something? Especially something?”

“Did you mean what you said to me at the disco?” he asked her as he followed her inside.

“What did I say?” she laughed, although her expression told him that she remembered full well what she had said.

Mel, slightly embarrassed, but nevertheless feeling he was getting somewhere with Sandra, blurted out, “You said I could see the insides of your knickers!”

Her answer was to say, “Well come upstairs to my bedroom. But I want to see you take yours out first!”

Mel was now overjoyed, and could not follow her upstairs fast enough, even though his eyes were glued to the tight gusset between her legs, so discernable under the tiny skirt as she led the way.

As Sandra entered the bedroom she flopped backwards on to the bed, drawing her feet onto the bed as well, and obscenely parting her knees to display the tiny strip of white which ran between her legs.

Mel stared, until Sandra brought him back to earth and said, “Go on. You have to take yours out first!”

With no more ado Mel unzipped and almost gave a sigh of relief as his stiff cock was released from its tight confines. Sandra stared hard, the reached out to grasp it, expertly rubbing it, before bending forwards to encircle it in her mouth.

A few sucks, though, and she suddenly said “Enough for now. I don’t want you coming too soon. Now, do you want to see the insides of my knickers? If you do, you will have to take them off first!”

No hesitation from Mel this time. He roughly grasped her waist and tugged the wisp of cloth right down to her ankles, Sandra brazenly parting her knees once more as he tugged them off one ankle to reveal her wet hole, sparsely covered with her fine downy hair, her pussy pendik escort lips plainly visible to his gawking eyes.

“If you would rather touch me there than look inside my knickers you can do,” she said, simply. Mel immediately leaned over and tentatively put his fingers to where the lips were just parted and to where he could make out the hint of her pee-hole.

Sandra moved swiftly as he touched her, and once more she grasped him, pulling him onto the bed with her as her mouth once more clamped onto his rigid cock. Quickly he started to push and soon had two fingers right inside the tight hole. This only served to ensure that Sandra gave even more suction to her mouth, until with a final effort she managed to bring him right to the brink, whereupon her spurted his cum right into her mouth, for she seemed determined to drain him of every drop, with no effort to pull away. But with some alarm they heard the front door – it was her parents returning home. Quick as a flash Sandra had donned her knickers and was endeavoring to make herself look tidy and innocent, as they heard her mother call from downstairs, “Sandra, dear, we have to go back for a minute – we’ve left my handbag at your aunt’s. It will only take us a few minutes!”

With a sigh of relief the two of them made themselves decent, and as soon as they heard the car go away Mel sped downstairs whilst Sandra prepared for bed, where she would pretend she had been for some time.

Next day in college, though, Mel was sitting next to Sandra as Miss Sheldon led the discussion on English Literature. The rest of the form sensed that something was different about Mel and Sandra, as they did not usually sit together.

Somehow, though, they betrayed their own feelings, for Miss Sheldon suddenly pounced on them for not paying attention. And they had not. Mainly because Mel was already feeling up Sandra again by sliding his hand inside her regulation knickers.

But Miss Sheldon had noticed something. “Mel,” she said. “Come here.”

As he came to the front she asked him what he had been doing. “Nothing, Miss Sheldon,” he said.

“I don’t believe you,” she admonished him. “You and Sandra can stay behind when the rest of the students have gone.”

She continued with the rest of the lesson, and neither Mel nor Sandra dared do anything throughout.

After the others had gone, though, they were sitting waiting for Miss Sheldon to say something. Instead she came towards them.

Leaning forwards, as was her usual pose, Mel could not help but notice that instead of the usual two buttons on her shirt being open, there were actually four open now. Her action in leaning forwards now meant that not only was her cleavage clearly defined, but he could see most of her breasts, as she appeared to be without any bra.

And even Sandra was staring at this exposure.

Retaining this position, she now looked Mel fully in the eye, and asked him, “What were you doing when I called you out for not paying attention? And don’t try to make excuses. I could see from your movements what you were up to.”

“Nothing, Miss,” he spluttered. “We weren’t up to anything.”

Still staying in the same position which was revealing most of her breasts to Mel, she said, “But you were up to something. I would say you were up to about the second knuckle. Wasn’t he, Sandra?”

It was Sandra’s turn to look embarrassed, but Miss Sheldon suddenly kartal escort stood up and said, “Look, Mel. I cannot have that kind of behaviour in my class. I want you to stay behind tonight when the others have gone. Now go to the rest of your lessons.”

Poor Mel was on tenterhooks for the rest of the lessons, and when the others had gone he returned to her room, where he looked sheepishly at Miss Sheldon, wondering what she had in store for him.

To his surprise, though, she smiled at him.

“Mel,” she said. “I asked you to stay behind because I have a problem at home which needs attending to. I am just a weak woman, and I need a big strong man to do what I need doing. Would you be an angel and help me out?”

Mel looked positively relieved. She had not taken him to task for what he had been doing earlier.

So, quickly pulling himself together he told her that he would be delighted. She gave him her address, and told him to be there about seven o’clock, after he had eaten.

“Am I on a promise?” he thought to himself, but at the same time knowing full well that this was the remotest of all possibilities. Nevertheless he made himself look as presentable as possible, bathing and combing his hair, and putting on his best jeans.

At seven o’clock on the dot he rang the bell at the address he had been given.

It was then that he got his first shock! Miss Sheldon opened the door to him, but instead of her usual trousers she was now in a very short denim skirt, revealing those long legs he had always lusted after. And they were worth looking at! And instead of the buttoned shirt-type blouse she usually wore for college she was now wearing a very tight tie-in-front bikini-type top. It only just covered her breasts –those breasts he had longed to see ever since she started teaching him, and he could see that should she bend forward the way she did in college, they could even fall out, so tiny was the material.

She stood back, motioning him to come in, and then closed the door behind them.

Mel could not stop himself from blurting out his astonishment. “You look smashing, miss,” he said, but she smiled back, not taking any offence whatsoever as she said, “Thanks, Mel. But it is Carol – not Miss Sheldon, tonight!”

Mel was still feeling quite shy, though, as he was very unsure of the way the relationship seemed to be developing. He had high hopes already, but he had to be sure, hadn’t he?

But Carol began to put him at his ease still further, as she said to him, “I am wearing this outfit purposely for you. I have seen the way you ogle my breasts every time I lean over you. Or would it be better if I called them ‘tits’? That’s what you and the other boys usually call them whenever I overhear you discussing me, isn’t it?”

Mel grew bolder on hearing these words, coming from Miss Sheldon’s own mouth, and replied, “Yes Miss – I mean Carol.”

“Well,” she continued, “I have a task for you to do, and if you do it completely to my satisfaction I shall take off my top and let you see my tits properly. Would you like that?”

Mel was almost shaking with excitement on hearing that, and nodded vigorously.

“In that case, follow me,” she told him and led the way into the kitchen.

He noticed a step-ladder leaning against the wall, and as she crossed to it he thought she would ask him to climb up to do something or other. But she did not. Instead she maltepe escort picked up a light bulb, and said, “This light bulb needs changing, and I am always scared to go up a ladder unsupported. I just want you to be at the bottom to hold it steady. Will you do that?”

Mel, gallantly, was about to offer top change the bulb himself when she spoke again.

“I do not want you to do it,” she said. “I just want you to hold the ladder, so that if I fall you will be able to catch me!”

With that she stepped onto the first step and began to climb. Naturally, from his position holding the bottom of the step-ladder his eyes were soon level with the hem of her mini-skirt, and as she stood on the top step he was actually looking beneath it!

He was rewarded by an uninterrupted view of the tiny gusset of her tiny black lace knickers as it dipped between the cheeks of her bottom, a view which became more apparent as she swung one leg onto the top of the fridge for support!

But Mel could also tell, now, that this was being done on purpose, especially as she now called to him to hold onto her legs for support!

Obviously he grasped her by the ankles, first, but his head was staring right up into her crotch, where no stray hairs seemed visible in spite of the narrowness of the nylon gusset.

Then came the words he was dying to hear – “You can put your hands higher if you think it will help,” she said in an extremely seductive voice. As he started to slide his hands upwards she again spoke. “Stand right underneath and then get your hands right up, please. Get hold of my knickers and pull hard – the strings at the side are easy to break. Go on! Pull hard!”

He did so, and with a twang the tiny scrap of black lace was in his hands, and he was gazing up into her widely parted cunt, as smooth as the day she was born.

She looked down on him as she coyly said, “Now, isn’t that at least as nice as Sandra’s? Does she shave hers off?”

“No,” replied Mel, “but perhaps I should ask her to do so.”

But Carol had not finished. “Push some fingers in and see if it is as nice as hers was today in class. That’s what you were up to, wasn’t it?”

Mel had to confess that it was, but at the same time he took the opportunity to do as she had asked, and inserted one, then two, then three, and finally four fingers right inside her hot dripping cunt.

“When I come down again, I shall want more than fingers,” she laughed. “I said I wanted you for something only a man could do, and that is to fuck me properly. And as soon as that big cock of yours (and I know it is big as I can see from here) , as soon as it is stuck right up my hole you can take my bra off and look at those tits you have always lusted after.”

With another laugh she quickly removed his hand, and stepped down gain, grabbing him by the hand and leading her straight to her bedroom, where she flung herself down on the bed and almost shouted, “Mel, fuck me! Fuck me, please, be rough! Hurt me! Fuck me!”

Her words, as they accompanied his action, caused Mel’s dick to expand as it never had before, and the delight he experienced as he thrust in and out of her delectable pussy was out of this world.

He tore off her bra as they fucked. Her breasts were his. Her cunt was his. She was his!

Finally they parted, panting. Mel also knew he had to get home. His parents were not expecting him to be late.

Finally, after many smothering kisses they parted, and as he walked on air down the driveway, he heard her call after him, “And if anyone else hears about this I shall cry “rape!” But I’m ‘Miss’ again tomorrow. That is until tomorrow night. I shall have another task for you to perform. You will come? Promise?”

She had made him a man.

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Old Friends Ch. 2

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This is the second episode in what is a series featuring Rhiannon and Steve. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks!


Rhiannon and Steve had been friends for years. They talked everyday, emailed and had met every so often. Eventually, they had finally made their fantasies come true and made love to each other. It had been a wonderful weekend. Starting at night with a heated session of sex and continuing into the next morning with slow, deliberate bodily discoveries.

They took a boat out and spent Saturday night under the stars fucking with the rhythm of the waves. Rhiannon remembered how each time the boat rocked upwards; she would push up against his cock. Wrapping her legs around his waist and pushing him in deeper as the boat crashed back down. Steve remembered how the wind had picked up as their passion did and their orgasms seemed to be tied to the squalls and the tide.

That was exactly one month ago. This time the educational consultant and her marketing guru again found themselves in the same city with a whole weekend to spend together. Now, Steve was to meet Rhiannon at her hotel.

Her meetings had ended early in the afternoon and she spent the rest of the day preparing for her lover. Rhiannon took a long bath and relaxed as the water helped ease the tensions of the work week and the travel. She lay back with her head on a rolled up towel, a glass of wine in her hand and thought of Steve. Now that she had seen him, tasted him, her imagination was sarıyer escort able to paint a complete picture. Her mind’s eye displayed the image of Steve’s hands running all over her body. She loved how he paid special attention to her back and neck and then ran his hands across her breasts. Her own hand seemed to re-trace his last caresses.

As Rhiannon continued to dream of Steve, she began lightly running her fingers over her nipples. In her mind as Steve touched her in a different place, she touched herself in reality. Soon, she was stroking her clit and pinching her nipples. Her dream had Steve sucking on her pussy and her hand mimicked each motion. Her feet were braced against the tub as Rhiannon moved her hand back and forth on her jewel. Faster and faster she frigged herself, water sloshing out of the tub. She so wanted Steve to be there, to touch her, kiss her as she brought her self to an orgasm.

Rhiannon was so into treating herself that she failed to hear the door open. Steve has a key waiting for him downstairs and was able to make it to the hotel early. He opened the room door and was about to call her name, when he heard the sounds of water hitting the bathroom floor. Steve walked to the door and watched his new lover play with herself.

When it seemed that Rhiannon was on the brink, Steve slipped off his shoes and socks and slipped over to her. Rhiannon’s eyes we tightly closed and she was moaning his name. He watched her open her mouth and pretend to esenyurt escort kiss him. He wanted to watch her finish, but also wanted to ease her agony. Steve sat down on the edge of the tub and met her kiss. Rhiannon was too far gone to realize that her daydream had just crossed the realm into truth. She opened her eyes with a start. “Steve!” “Don’t stop on my account,” he said. “Keep going, I’m just going to kiss you until you cum.”

Rhiannon couldn’t resist and kept up the digital ministrations on her clit and nipples while she kissed Steve.

“I’m going to cum… soon…” she moaned in his open mouth.

“Do, it. Cum for me. Bring yourself off. I want to see you fuck your fingers and play with your breasts while I sit here.” Steve said.

She stroked herself faster and faster, sliding her middle finger along her clit. Soon, Rhiannon abandoned her own breast to grab Steve’s cock through his pants.

“Not yet darlin’,” Steve told her. “You’re doing just fine.”

“I do this three times a day… now that you’re here, I want you” Rhiannon replied.

She unzipped his pants and pulled on his manhood. Steve quickly stood up and shed his clothes. He knew better than to argue with her when she was in this state. Just as Steve was about to sit back down on the tub, Rhiannon sat up and while never removing her fingers from her own pussy, swallowed Steve’s cock whole.

He placed his hand on the back of her head as she moved him in and out of her mouth, stroking her pussy faster and faster. After avrupa yakası escort several minutes of this, Rhiannon knew she wanted to be fucked… but not in the tub.

She released Steve’s cock from her mouth, stood up and ran into the bedroom. Water and her own juices dripping everywhere, she flopped down on the bed and yelled to Steve.

“Come here and plant that cock in me now!!”

It took Steve three seconds to get from the bathroom to burying his cock in her pussy to the hilt. From there, Rhiannon flipped them over and rode him like she had done in her mind a thousand times. She rocked her clit against his thumb as she squeezed her pussy on his cock. She wanted to milk him into her and ground into him with a fierce intensity.

The tempo picked up and while Rhiannon fucked him, Steve played with her breasts. He then leaned up and put his mouth on her right tit. As he did that his cock hit a certain spot deep inside her and she screamed with delight.

“Steve… oh my… I’m cummming… feel me. Feel me Steve, I’m cummming. Oh my, oh yes, oh yes…. Here I cum…. Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!”

Steve felt her pussy muscles spasm and her juice flow down his cock. He lay back down, grabbed her hips and thrust into her a few more times.

“Do it… I’m cumming again Steve… now you cum for me… fill me!”

For the first time since she touched his cock, Steve spoke. Yelled actually.

“Oh yes… oooh, yess… Rhiannon… I’m cuming for you…”

He thrust harder and buried his cock fully in her pussy as his balls tightened. His cock expanded and he exploded inside her.

“Yess, Oh, Oh, Oh,” Steve was a bit short on the vocabulary, but Rhiannon didn’t mind. She continued to ride him and take all her could give her.

After a few minutes of afterglow, Rhiannon spoke, “Why don’t we rest a while and you can show me more of how much you really wanted me.”

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Office “Administrator” Ch. 01

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I sat in the waiting room of the law office, nervously picking at my nails. I was 15 minutes early for my job interview, so I had a little bit of a wait still. I picked up my phone and texted Leslie.

“Thanks for the lead, Les! Here goes nothin!”

A few seconds later, my phone buzzed her response.

“No worries, love. You’ll be great. Just remember to keep an open mind. I know you’ll love this job!”

…Keep an open mind? That seemed a bit of an odd comment, considering I was just here for an Office Administration job. I shrugged it off as some well-intentioned, if misleading, advice, and looked around the waiting room.

It was a nice place, that’s for sure. Dark brown leather chairs, glass tables, gleaming tile floors. The secretary sat behind a huge desk, behind her on the wall a waterfall sculpture that descended into the pond below, where Koi and goldfish swam lazily. The thought of how much they must pay their employees excited me, while at the same time increased my nervousness. I really needed this job.

“Deanne?”, chirped the secretary. “Mr. Stevenson will see you now. You can go on in.”

I thanked the secretary and stood up, smoothing my pencil skirt to ensure there were no creases or wrinkles from sitting on the leather chair. I moved towards to the large, double doors across from the waiting room and knocked gently before entering.

My first impression was to drop my jaw at the beauty of the office. If I had thought the waiting room was something — this was spectacular. It was huge, the back wall made entirely of windows that overlooked the city. Tall shelves of books decorated one side of the office, while the other side boasted a chaise lounging chair, a small mini bar with an impressive selection of Scotch, and a large TV screen inserted into the wall. Mr. Stevenson stood behind his immense desk in front of the windowed wall, smiling and welcoming me in.

“Miss.Emerson? Thank you so much for coming in. Welcome!” He extended his hand and I shook it, immediately at ease in front of this man. There was something about him that was indeed welcoming, as well as friendly and warm. His handshake was firm but gentle, which I took as a good sign.

He looked to be in his late 40’s, but still very attractive. Brown hair in a clean cut, with grey beginning to show a bit at the temples. Eyes that sparkled and the most sexy dimples I had ever seen on a man. My nervousness returned.

“Thank you so much for seeing me, Mr.Stevenson.” I said, as I took the seat in front of his desk that he offered. He waited for me to sit, then returned to his wingback chair, taking a seat and leaning over the desk, his hands intertwined over his many papers.

“Of course, Miss.Emerson. You come very highly recommended from Miss.Winters. How do yo know her, exactly? She said you used to be co-workers?”

“Yes, Leslie and I used to work together at a small law firm, years ago. She’s a wonderful person and now one of my good friends.”

“She is indeed. A good worker, too. We’ll miss her here, but of course we understand that life goes on. Especially for an expectant Mother!”

We continued in that vain for some time, chit-chatting and discussing my resume. There was little on it, but it showed my loyalty to the companies that I had worked for by the simple fact that I had worked there for so long. He seemed a bit more interested in my personal details, asking me questions such as was I married or in a relationship (no), was I relatively healthy (yes), or what I liked to do to keep happy and physically fit (yoga and swimming). At first I thought these questions a bit unnecessary and perhaps too personal, but he was so nice and professional I figured it was just idle curiousity and he was making conversation, perhaps gleaning information about my character. After a little while, he sat back and smiled.

“Well, Miss.Emerson, I have to say, I am impressed so far. I think you’d be an excellent fit here. I must ask you though, did Miss. Winters give you any idea as to what this job entails?”

“In all honesty Mr.Stevenson, not really. She mentioned that it was a sort of administrative job, and that I would ensure all the lawyers and law officers that worked here would have whatever they needed, and help in any way I can. That certainly sounds like something I am qualified for!”

He smiled, and said “I have no doubt that you are qualified, Miss.Emerson. However, I have a feeling this job isn’t exactly what you think it might be.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that, so I stammered a small “…oh?” and waited for him to continue.

He stared at me for a moment, and I found myself staring back, trying not to think about his dimples.

“Miss. Emerson, we here at Stevenson & Hutch law are among the top lawyers and officers in the city. We deal with only high-profile cases and high-demand clients.”

“Yes, sir.” I bostancı escort had certainly heard of Stevenson & Hutch Law before coming to my interview today, so this was no surprise to me. He continued.

“Because we work with cases such as these, our men – for, while we are by no means a sexist law firm, the majority of our lawyers and officers are indeed men — are constantly and consistently under a great deal of stress. They work long hours and are constantly under pressure by their clients and their employers.” He continued to gaze at me, and I wondered where he was going with this.

“Your job here, is essentially to help these men relax, by whatever means they need, to ensure they can do their best work and remain focused. We market this job as an ‘administrative’ job, because really there is no other title for it.”

“…Alright”, I said slowly. I was beginning to understand why Les had told me to ‘keep an open mind’. “So, is it safe to assume you’re not just talking about bringing coffee and booking massage appointments?”

He chuckled, and said “No, Miss. Emerson. There is a great deal more to it than that,” and in that moment I knew exactly what he was asking of me. He looked at me levelly, and continued. “It’s a very safe environment, Miss.Emerson. You would be given a list of your ‘clients’, so to speak, their offices and information about them. Each man has taken a full STI test, you will be given the paperwork to prove it. They will be required to wear condoms, and you will have the ability to book at your own schedule. You can decline a client whenever you feel necessary, and you will have your own office — which will include a full bathroom and anything else you would require. Your safety is the utmost concern to us, and I think your friend Miss.Winters would tell you the same thing.”

His last comment jarred me. With a shock, I realized that this was the job that Leslie had before she left for Maternity leave (I quickly wondered if she was pregnant from one of the lawyers, but dismissed it immediately). I knew she had loved this job, and when she told me what the pay scale was, I wasn’t surprised. I was even less surprised now, knowing what the job truly entailed. One of the things Leslie and I shared was a great love of sex. I knew now why she told me I would love it.

I took my time before answering, thinking it over. I knew what he was saying — I would be the ‘sex worker’ of the office. I considered the fact that most people would think it essentially prostitution, but at the same time — how many prostitutes out there worked in such a safe environment? I would have my own space, my own schedule, I could say no whenever I wanted, and I was guaranteed these men were clean and healthy. Not to mention the fact that the simple idea of taking this job was beginning to turn me on — I could feel myself getting wet as I considered it.

Mr. Stevenson sat patiently, watching me think. His air of warmth and openness made me feel at ease and comfortable. Knowing that this man would be my boss made the decision for me.

“Alright, Mr.Stevenson. Shall I take it you are offering me the job?” I asked.

“Indeed I am, Miss. Emerson.”

“Then I accept.” He smiled as soon as I said it, and reached into one of the many drawers of his desk, withdrawing some papers.

“Excellent! I’m sure you’ll be happy here, Miss. Emerson, and know that you can always come to me if ever you need anything. I want to ensure that you are happy and comfortable here, just as much as our officers are.” He made a few notes on the papers, then handed them over to me. “This is your contract and legal forms. Take a moment to read through them, sign them, and let me know if you have any questions.”

I did as he asked, and sat reading through the forms. Alot of it was legalese, which I didn’t understand, but much of it also went through further details. The more I read, the more I began to understand that I would be in control of my job here. I would only be asked to do what I was comfortable with. I signed the forms, confident I was making the right decision, and handed them back to him.

He grinned and stood up to shake my hand. “Welcome aboard, Miss. Emerson. Would you like to see your office?”

I squealed with excitement (as professionally as I could) and followed him out the doors. He led me down the tiled hall, turning a corner here and there. As we walked I looked around, getting quick glimpses into some of the lawyer’s offices and at the lawyers themselves. So far, I was looking forward to starting my employment.

We stopped at a white door with a silver door handle, which contrasted to all the other deep mahogany doors in the building. He unlocked it with a key, which he then handed to me, and we walked inside. I gasped and my hand flew to my mouth. It was bigger and more beautiful than my own studio sancaktepe escort apartment. In one corner — in front of a large window sat a computer table with a brand-new MacBook on it. Beautiful plants were draped around the desk. Across from it was a long, suede couch, facing a TV inserted into the wall, much like in Mr.Stevenson’s office. Beside the couch was an overstuffed chair, and across from it another chaise lounge. A mini bar stood in one corner, next to a Credenza with a large mirror atop it. On the other side of the room was a little hallway. I followed it and it led to a small bedroom with a huge king size bed taking up the majority of it, covered with a beautiful duvet and lots of pillows. Again, two large windows opened up the room, keeping it bright and airy. A closet and chest of drawers sat next to the bed. The hallway also led to a beautiful bathroom, with a long marbletop counter, a deep sink inserted into it. A European walk-in shower stood at the other end of the room, with only a tiled wall separating it from the rest of the room. Under the sink was a pile of fluffy towels and lightly scented bath products.

I walked back to Mr.Stevenson who was still standing in the front of my ‘office’. He noticed my smile and asked “Shall I assume you’ll be happy here, Miss. Emerson? Let me know if there will ever be anything else you require.”

Because I felt so giddy, my professionalism was heading out the window. I took off my suit jacket and threw it on top of the suede couch, and did a little spin in the middle of the room. He laughed.

“Yes, Mr.Stevenson. This is wonderful. I will be more than happy here.” I walked back over to him with the intention of shaking his hand, and as I did, I noticed his eyes briefly flick downwards to my cleavage. I realized that the blouse I was wearing was indeed cut quite low, and offered him quite a view.

I stopped for a moment, gazing at him and thinking. I was still quite turned on from the idea of taking this job, and his sexy dimples really were getting to me. Plus, he himself was a lawyer under stress, was he not? I walked past him and shut the door, turning the lock. I turned back to him, unbuttoning my blouse as I did so.

“Yes, Mr. Stevenson. I will be happy here. But you know, there is something else I will require. Right. Now.” I flung my blouse over the couch to meet my jacket. I walked towards him in my pencil skirt, heels, and now my bra, my breasts capturing his gaze.

“…Oh?” he stammered. I could tell he was unprepared for this, and had not been expecting it. Even better. I stopped in front of him, and confidently reached for his belt.

“Yes”, I whispered. “I need your cock in my mouth, Mr. Stevenson. Let your cock be the first one I taste here. Please?” I looked him in the eye as I undid his pants, letting them fall to the floor. He groaned and stammered “Miss.Emerson, you really don’t have to — it’s not for me that — I don’t need you to – “

“Sssssh.” I whispered. “I know you want this. I want it to. Please?” I leaned in to kiss him lightly on the lips, as I freed his hardened cock from his boxer briefs, and massaged it gently. He moaned again. “I…I…um…” words failed him. That’s all the answer I needed. I dropped to my knees and pulled down his underwear, freeing him completely. He had a beautiful cock, and my mouth moved towards it automatically.

I held him in one hand, massaging his balls with the other, as I dropped little kisses along the length of him. I began to use my tongue in tiny licks, working from the base of his cock up to the tip, and then using broader strokes with the flat of my tongue. When I pressed into his cock with my tongue, using a little more pressure, he moaned and flexed his hands in the air beside me. I knew what he wanted, and so I reached out and guided his hands to the back of my head.

“Let me suck you how you like it, Mr. Stevenson. Tell me how you like it.” I looked up at him as I licked and sucked on his cock, and as he made eye contact with me, I could tell something in him was letting go. He needed this. I began to moan as well as I sucked on him, massaging the base of his dick with one hand as I sucked and licked the head. I bit down ever so gently, and he gasped and dug his fingers into my hair.

“Yes, Miss.Emerson…yes…” he moaned. I smiled as I sucked him, thinking it was adorable how he still maintained his professionalism and used my last name, even as I was giving him a blowjob. I needed to break that professionalism right away, or he would never fully enjoy this.

I leaned back and spat on his cock, massaging my salivia into him, working it into dripping wet mess. I leaned back in and took his whole length in my mouth, slowly pulling back as I pressed my tongue into the base of his cock. He moaned again and whispered “Oh…Jesus…Miss.Emerson…”. I sat back zeytinburnu escort and worked my hand up and down his cock, as I said “Mr.Stevenson, right now, I am not Miss. Emerson. I am whatever and whoever you want me to be. Call me Dee, if you like. That’s my nickname. Or call me something else…” He smiled at me, and I winked and went back to deep throating him.

I increased my rhythm and pressure, and his moans got louder and his breathing more frantic. I lifted my hands to circle the base of his cock, applying pressure as I sucked and licked. Once more I gently used my teeth on him, and that was all it took. He gasped again, dug his hands even harder into my hair, and growled “Yes, you slut. That’s what I like. Use your fucking teeth on my cock!” I obeyed, incredibly turned on at how quickly he changed from professional boss to dirty-talking dominant. I continued to suck hard, using my tongue and my teeth to change the pressure on his cock. I wanted to taste his balls, so I used my hand to pump him hard and fast while I dipped underneath his cock and sucked one into my mouth. His knees began to buckle and I felt him hold on to my hair even tighter.

“Jesus fucking Christ, that feels good. Don’t stop, you slut. Don’t you fucking stop.” I sucked on his balls, licking and slurping, and I couldn’t keep from letting a few moans escape my mouth as well. My hand began to tire as I pumped his cock, so I went back to it with my mouth, taking him all the way inside, down to my throat.

“Yesss….” he growled. I looked up at him, and he was gazing down at me with an intensity that turned me on even more. He pushed his cock deeper into my mouth, and for a moment I choked, before opening my throat more and allowing him even deeper.

“That’s right you slut. Let me face fuck you. Take all of it in. You want this cock, huh? You want it face-fucking you?” He spoke low and quiet, as he began to buck his hips, moving in and out of my mouth. I whimpered and nodded as best as I could, as he had a tight hold on my head and I wasn’t able to move it much.

He withdrew his cock and pulled my hair back, arching my neck so I looked up at him.

“…beg me for it”, he commanded. “Beg me for this cock.”

“Please, sir! Please let me suck your cock”, I panted. My face was wet with my own saliva, my eyes stinging from how hard he was gripping my hair, but it only turned me on more. “Please face fuck me with your cock and let me make you cum. Please!”

On my last word, he shoved his cock back into my mouth, gripping my head with both hands, and began fucking my face in a fast and furious rhythm. All I could do was grip his thighs and hold on, breathing through my nose, moaning and whimpering as he pounded into my throat.

“Fuck…fuck…yes…yes…oh…fuck…” he muttered with each thrust. “Oh fuck, you slut, you’re going to make me cum. Do you want that? Do you want this cum?” I whimpered a “yes please” sound, and he somehow increased his rhythm even more. At this point I was so turned on, I was close to cumming myself. I removed one of my hands from his legs and shoved it down my skirt, pushing my panties aside, and furiously rubbed on my clit. He noticed me doing so and laughed, saying “that’s right, you slut. You love sucking my cock so much you that have to cum too, don’t you?” I couldn’t move or say anything, so I just moaned as he fucked my face and I rubbed my clit. I could feel the pressure building, and I began to tremble.

“Are you going to cum, you slut? Are you? Are you going to cum while I fuck your face hard?” I whimpered again, and repositioned his hands in my hair so that he had a more stable grip. “Alright bitch…you asked for it. I want you to cum so hard. I want to watch you cum so I can cum all over your tits. You want that?” His words were exciting me so much. My jaw was beginning to cramp, but I didn’t care. He was fucking my mouth so hard and so fast, and my fingers felt so good on my clit…I kept rubbing, and within seconds I was beginning to orgasm.

“mmm…MMmmmm….MMMMMMM!!!!!” I screamed into his cock as I came. He gripped my hair tighter as I screamed, his balls slapping hard against my chin.

“Yeah, that’s right, you slut. Cum hard for your boss. Yeah…” He pulled his cock out of my mouth, and vigorously jacked on it, leaning over my chest. “I’m gonna cum, baby, I’m gonna cum…” I arched my back and watched as he grunted and groaned, load after load shooting out of his cock and onto my cleavage and bra.

He stood there panting, much as I sat there panting. Quietly, I got up and went to the washroom, returning with a damp washcloth. I gently wiped myself down, and did the same to him. He put his pants back on, as I buttoned my blouse back up, and I walked him to the door of the office.

“Well, Miss.Emerson,” he sad, his professionalism returning completely. “I definitely think you’ll fit in well here.” He shook my hand, winked, and left my office, leaving me alone. I shut the door behind him, and went and flopped over on my chaise lounge. I was still a bit of a mess, so the thought occured to me to go have a shower. Perhaps I’ll have a quick nap first, I thought. I did just work hard to please the Boss, after all.

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No Students!

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I was at home in my studio apartment late one Friday afternoon, putting some music on the stereo and getting a cool drink. I had a very busy schedule. I was a Ph. D. student, taking 3 classes, I was a teaching assistant teaching three classes, and I worked a part time job in order to support myself—the teaching assistant’s salary wasn’t enough. But I loved it—I was doing what I wanted to do and things were only going to get better. The semester was over and now I could find another part time job for the summer. Like I said, I was busy.

I was just pouring a Coke when someone knocked on my door. I wasn’t crazy about seeing anyone, but it was probably one of friends from class, stopping by to see if I wanted to do something. I rarely had other visitors. I walked over and opened the door and was surprised to find one of my students standing there. It was a girl in my 9 o’clock class, a smart, slightly overweight student named Stephanie Glass—who incidentally was failing my class.

“Hi professor,” she said, “Can I talk to you for just a minute?”

“Hi Stephanie,” I said. “You know I have office hours. Can’t this wait?” I know that wasn’t very polite, but I was tired of people and wanted to be left alone.

“Umm, not really, because I’m going home for the weekend and I need to see you before Monday.”

“OK then, come on in . Would you like a soft drink or some water? I don’t have anything stronger right now. “

“No, that’s OK. I’m not gong to take up much of your time.”

“Well good. It’s nothing personal, but I’m tired and really just want to have a quiet evening.” In fact I planned to go out later with a couple of friends, but I wanted to rest up a bit first. “Have a seat.”

She sat on the couch and I sat down at the table. I noticed that she had on a short, plaid, schoolgirl skirt. I say I noticed because when she sat on the couch it slid way up and she tugged it back down. She was wearing a rather modest white blouse with it, but even though it was generously cut, it couldn’t hide the fact that she had enormous knockers. Thinking about it, I couldn’t figure out why she was wearing such an inappropriate outfit unless she was on her way to a costume party—especially with black patent high-heeled sandals.

“Uh, Professor Daniels, I uh…”

“It’s just ‘Mr.’ I’m not a professor yet.”

“Uh, Mr. Daniels, I—I’m failing your class.”

“I know that Stephanie.”

“Yeah, I , uh, wonder if there’s anything I can do to get a passing grade. I mean, I’m not stupid, and my parents will be devastated if I fail English because I won the English prize high school and I worked on the school paper, and if there’s anything I can do to make up the points…” Everything came out in a rush as she babbled on.

“Whoa, whoa, Stephanie. Believe me, I’m not belittling you, but I’ve heard this all before. There’s always some good reason why a good student who isn’t passing absolutely has to pass. I know you’re not stupid—in fact you’re one of the best writers I’ve seen in freshman English. But you haven’t come to class enough and you haven’t handed in all the assignments. If you had come to me a couple of weeks ago, I might have been able to give you make-up work, but this is Friday and my final grades are due in the office on Tuesday. Even if you could do all the work before then, it’s a lot of work for me. I’m sorry, it’s too late.”

Her face showed disappointment. Just then the phone rang in the kitchen.

“Excuse me,” I said. I went to the kitchen and answered the phone, which I quickly hung up as soon as someone began to try to sell me a booklet of restaurant tickets.

I came back in to the other room and stopped. Stephanie had slid her skirt up so I could see the crotch of her light blue panties and unbuttoned her blouse to show mer her matching and very full bra. She had one foot up on the couch showing me the tight material of her see-through panties stretched across the dark triangle of her bush. “I’ll do anything,” she said in a sexy voice, and she licked her lips suggestively.

Now I am not immune to nubile young temptresses showing me their panties and offering to do anything, but I had made a rule when I started teaching: NO STUDENTS. No matter how fuckable and willing they were, they had to be strictly off limits. I didn’t want to jeopardize my career before it even got started. Nonetheless, I had the beginnings of a hard-on.

“Stephanie,” I said in a tightly controlled voice, “you’d better put yourself back together and go home.” And I walked back into the kitchen.

A minute later she said, “It’s OK now, I’m decent—and I’m sorry.”

I walked back into the living area to find that she had lied. She had taken off her bra and panties, thrusting her pussy forward where she sat and cupping her ripe tits. ‘I’m sorry you won’t fuck me.”

I tried to look away, but I couldn’t. I went back to my default position: “Believe me, I ‘d love to, but I have a rule—no ataşehir escort sleeping with students. It’s a career decision—nothing to do with you. I can’t,” I said, regretfully. But I didn’t stop watching her.

Her other hand went down to her snatch and rubbed it teasingly. “But classes are over—I’m not your student anymore.”

I watched hungrily as her finger grazed her pink slit. I wanted to be doing that. “But I still have your grades—you’re my student until I turn them in—I can’t start trading sex for grades—if I do, I’ll never make it in this business.”

“I could be your slut instead of your student. Suppose I had just come here as someone you knew—someone who wasn’t your student? Would you fuck me then? What if I said this has nothing to do with grades? Suppose I just wanted you to put your cock in my wet pussy? Leave the ‘F’ in your grade book, but please make love to me. Puhleeeeeze…”

She said this last word in a little girl voice, and even though I knew I was walking into situation that it would be hard to get out of, I approached her slowly, my eyes locked onto hers. I reached a point about a foot in front of her, where I dropped to my knees. I leaned forward and put my face against her slightly hairy pussy . I put my tongue out. I leaned forward a little more, pushing my eager tongue between her moistened cunt lips. I licked, and she responded by saying, “Oh God, yesssss,” and putting her hands on the back of my head, pushing my tongue deeper into her heated snatch.

She wanted to be eaten. How do I know? She told me so. There is very little that is sexier than a woman—and she was a woman, even if she was only 19,– saying she wants your tongue deep inside her cunt and she wants you to tease her clit with your tongue. About the only thing sexier than that is when she says, “Fuck me!,” which she did soon enough, but I stopped licking her snatch, looked up into her lust-filled eyes, and said, “No Stephanie—I want to lick your gorgeous boobs first.”

She helped me by lifting one of them towards me , and then she almost made me shoot my wad, because she lifted the other massive tit towards her own mouth, and after giving me a seductive smile, she licked her own nipple. As I say, I almost came, and that convinced me that I had to get out of my jeans and into her snatch. I stripped off in record time, grabbed her ass and pulled her forward to the edge of the couch, knelt down again, and put the head of my cock against her slightly opened slit, and pushed in. I slid all the way in quite easily – she was wet and willing, and I then leaned forward and went back to my original proposition and began sucking one enormous nipple.

She began to moan and and whisper as I sucked the hardening bullet of desire that was her nipple while I slid slowly in and out of her wet love canal: “Oh God, yes, push it into me, oh yes, deeper, ahhhh, suck me harder, oh, fuck me, fuck me deep, God, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, I’m giving you everything, I’m giving myself to you, oh, God, I’m cumming!….” As she gasped out her last whispered words she began to shake and gave a long mighty moan. Her ecstasy went on for several minutes while she continued to let out muted deep moans of pleasure.

I had been holding back, but seeing the look of naked lust and pleasure on her face made it too hard. I pulled my cock out of her cunt and laid on her hairy bush just as I started twitching and shooting wads of cum. She watched my cock as it spilled it’s load on her snatch and I watched her face as the lust and pleasure intensified. It obviously made her feel special that she could make me cum like that.

“Oh, God,” she said in at lust-twisted voice, “But you were supposed to fill the Glass!”

“I’ll fill the Glass before you leave,” I promised, going along with what I considered to be a very juvenile pun.

I collapsed forward on to her plump belly and licked her tits in a desultory way until she began to get aroused again. She took one massive tit in her hand and began to lick her own nipple again, and soon, I felt a stirring in my own crotch as I watched this cute 19-year-old arouse herself. A few minutes later, she got on her knees and put her arms on the arm of the couch. “Teacher, teacher, I need to be fucked, can you fuck me, huh? Can you?” she said in that little girl voice again.

She might have sounded like a little girl, she might have looked like a Catholic high school girl, but she fucked like a real woman, sticking her ass in the air, and spreading her own cunt lips with her fingers so I could slide my by now hard cock into her gaping cunt. The orgasm we achieved wasn’t as explosive as before, but it was just as satisfying. We spent most of the night stroking and licking and caressing and when I could get hard enough, fucking.

Before she left at about 5 a.m., before it got light, I said, “Stephanie, you know this doesn’t affect your ümraniye escort grade?”

“That was understood before we started this little—uh, affair, and I’m not expecting anything.” I didn’t change her grade and she duly failed freshman English. She took it again, over the summer session, from another teacher, and as she was a talented and intelligent writer, she passed with no problem. I saw her occasionally, but we never mentioned our night together, and over the next couple of years I saw her around campus, sometimes with a boy, and I always wondered if she was doing to him what she had done to me. I have to say I felt a little jealous, but it wasn’t a big deal. I was interested in other girls, and so 4 years went by.

I saw her again at graduation. I had my Ph. D. and she had her B.A. We met outside the auditorium , surrounded by our friends, and she came up to me , gave me a big hug , and said, “Thanks for what you taught me during my first semester here.”

“Surprised, I asked her, “What did I teach you?”

“You know—not to depend upon trying to um, fuck my way into good grades.”

“Oh,” I said. And the she looked me in the eye and whispered ” …and how good it felt to fuck you.” And she pressed a piece of paper into my hand. Our groups drifted off and I slipped the paper into my pocket without looking at it, as I congratulated other people.

That little piece of paper was burning a hole in my pocket, but I was determined not to look at it– until I got home that evening and was changing into some jeans and a T-shirt. I took the slightly soggy , wadded up scrap and unrolled it. There was nothing written on it but a phone number. I called the number immediately.

Stephanie answered and I could tell she was glad to talk to me. She said she didn’t have a job yet, and had been planning to stay there in the town until she could send out some more applications and find a stable situation, but her parents, who had come down from Illinois for her graduation, were going away for the summer and wanted her to stay in the family house to take care of the two dogs and save them the trouble of closing everything up and worrying about the security of the place. She had agreed, and she was leaving in two days to go live in a Chicago suburb for a couple of months.

“I’ll be sorry to see you go,” I told her. “We had a great fling a couple of years ago which I’ve often remembered. I’m glad for your success here and I know you’ll find a job soon.”

“I was hoping to see you one more time before I left,” she said. “Can I meet you tomorrow afternoon for a few minutes?”

I was curious as to why she wanted to see me– in fact I asked her if we couldn’t talk on the phone. “No,” she replied, ” I want to have a serious talk and I think it’s best to do that face-to-face.” Now I was really curious and I asked her what it was about, “I’ll tell you tomorrow– that is , if you’ll meet me.”

“Of course I will– when and where?”

We agreed to meet at Smitty’s a local bar at 4 p.m. The place would be quiet– most of the students would be gone and it wouldn’t get busy until later in the evening anyway.

I got to the place early and sat at a table with a beer. I knew that something was going on– a girl you slept with 4 years ago doesn’t ask to meet you face-to-face just to say “gee, I had a good time,” even if that were true. And I was sure it didn’t have anything to do with the fact that she had been my student at the time. Well, I was about to find out what she wanted.

She walked in and looked around, then came towards me. She was still top-heavy– really top-heavy with well defined tits under her polo shirt. I know it was the bra, but her boobs didn’t look like amorphous saggy blobs like a lot of well-endowed girls had. Her ass was still nicely rounded in her jeans, but I noticed she had dropped a lot of the plumpness– the “freshman fat”– that she had had 4 years ago. Her body had matured in that time, and the high heels she was wearing gave her that little lift that makes a woman so attractive. But I wasn’t there to look at her body– and apparently she wasn’t there to show it to me.

She sat down and signaled for a beer.

“So, satisfy my curiosity. What’s this all about?”

She told me about her plans for the summer, house-sitting for her parents, and she also told me that she had applied for an internship at the Chicago Herald Tribune. She had gotten a letter which indicated that she was a finalist for the position and had asked for recommendations and some writing samples. Even though I didn’t know her well, she wanted me to write a letter of recommendation for her.

“So, sex is never free, is it?” I said.

She looked puzzled for a minute, and the she understood. She said, “No, no, it’s not like that, That was something we did and enjoyed, but that was then. I didn’t ask you to change my grade– and kadıköy escort I failed your course, although I went on to do well– as you have.”

I looked surprised as she continued, “I did a little research to see who I wanted to write my recommendations for me– I think you’re going to do well in your career.”

“Yes, but I don’t have a career yet.”

“Will you write one for me?”

“Of course,” I said. I was a little flattered that she thought so much of me, but I also genuinely liked her, despite her previous slutty behavior with me. Or maybe because of that too. So I wrote the letter a few days later, praising only her writing skills, and not mentioning that she was a fantastic fuck, and I mailed it to her address in a suburb of Chicago.

Two weeks later, I got a letter from Stephanie brimming with exclamation points and superlatives, as only a letter from a newly-minted college grad can be. She had gotten the internship! She was sure it was because of the letter I had written! (Ha!) She was eternally grateful! Would I stop and visit her if I was anywhere near her parents’ house!? She wanted to thank me in person.

It was because of the memory of her huge tits bouncing in my face as she fucked my brains out that I decided to drive north and let her thank me “personally.” A few days later, from a gas station off the interstate, I called her at the number she had included in the letter.

“Oh my God!” she squealed when she heard my voice. She gave me directions,; and about half an hour later, I was knocking on the door of a suburban home, She opened the door and pulled me inside quickly. And as my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I saw why: She was wearing black nylons and high-heels and nothing else. She pulled me to her rubbing her voluptuous body against me while her lips were devouring my face. She pulled me into the living room and down onto the couch,

“Whoa,” I said, “You didn’t even ask me if I had a girlfriend or if maybe I had turned gay or…”

“You would have told me before– but you drove 600 miles to see me, so I know you were remembering our first little episode, just like I was. You wanna fuck me.”

“You’re right,” I said, as a slid down and fastened my mouth on one of her gorgeous nipples, making her moan. I couldn’t talk anymore because my mouth was too busy enjoying various parts of her body, including her already wet and open slit,

Later, lying together in each other’s arms, contented and sated, she looked at me and said, “David, I’ve always been confident– sometimes too confident ,and my years at university just made me more so, I’m not afraid to speak directly, so I’m going to tell you exactly what I think: I want to marry you.”

If I had had a drink in my hand, I would have done that old television comedian’s trick of spewing a mouthful of spray across the room.

She sensed my shock, and she hurried on with her speech. “I know that we don’t really know each other, I’m aware that it might not work, but I believe in love at first sight, and that’s what’s happened to me. I’m not afraid to try it. I know we could make each other happy. She talked on for a while, trying to convince me, and damn if she didn’t. We made love all that week, and within a couple of days we had begun making wedding plans.

So, we got married, making her parents very happy. Her father had been afraid that she would shack up with somebody who would leave her, and her mother had been afraid that nobody would want her because she wasn’t pencil thin. They were happy to have a n educated, and stable son-in-law who would have a decent salary starting in a few months at a Southern university

End of story– almost,

Now, 20 years later, Stephanie and I are still married and still in love. It does happen that way sometimes, and I give a lot of credit to her. She’s an attractive, confident, woman and journalist, and we are well suited to each other. She has always kept me sexually satisfied. and that’s a real accomplishment, since every semester I have a couple hundred students, more than half of them women, some of whom are– shall we say, “available” to their favorite professor. She does that by being willing to try anything at least once and by coming up with ideas of her own.

We’ve joined the “mile-high club”, she’s done a turn at a seedy strip club (a couple of hours from where we live) that has an “open mike” night once a month. She hired a stripper for my 40th birthday who ended up in bed with us that night(planned and paid or by her)– our sex life has been varied and satisfying.

We’ve also got a code word for when we’re out in public and want to get it on. She’ll ask me, “Would you fill my Glass, please?” and I know she wants me to make her cum. Or, I’ll say to her, “Can I fill your Glass?” and she knows I want to shoot a load in her. We’ve had a quickie in almost every faculty house we’ve been invited to.

But there’s one thing she does that makes me ready to cum immediately. Sometimes when I come home in the afternoon she’s there wearing a plaid mini-skirt, a white blouse, and high heels, She bends over the dining room table, hikes her skirt up, and says in a little girl voice,” Teacher, teacher, I need to be fucked. Can you fuck,me, huh, can you teacher…?”

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