%100 Gerçek Ensest Anilarim Bolum: 4 Ozge Yengem –

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%100 Gerçek Ensest Anilarim Bolum: 4 Ozge Yengem –

Eve varmıştık. Aysel yenge kucağında Cevat ile içeriye gidiyordu. Güven abi üzeri ıslak, yediği rüzgârın ve üşümenin sayesinde ayılmıştı biraz daha. Çocuklar uyukluyordu. Onları içeriye, eve soktum. Güllü nene yatak yorgan çıkartıyordu.

-Nenem biz eve gidelim, yeterince zahmet verdik dünden beri size.
-Ne zahmeti kuzum çocuklar uyuyor rezil olmasınlar, hem yarın babanlar geliyor. Buradan alıp gidecekmiş sizi. Güzelce bir uyku çekelim dinlenin sizde. Bak yengen bile uyudu sarhoş oldu. Diye gülüyordu. Aboo neler neler sayıkladı gelene kadar susmadı bi.

İçimi korku kaplamıştı. Ne sayıklamıştı? Kötü bir şey sayıklamamış olmalı güllü nenem güle güle konuşuyordu çünkü. Arabanın kapısına yanaştım. Veysel abi eşyaları indiriyordu.

-Gülüm gir koluna yengenin götür içeriye uyusun.

Dedi. Yengemin yanına gidip seslendim. Tepki yoktu, uyuyordu. Kolundan tutup çektim kendime. Arabadan çıkartıp aldım kucağıma. Veysel abi yardıma koştu;

-Uyanmadı mı?
-Yok be abi sızmış. Ben götürüyorum içeriye.

Gülüyordu, iyi bakalım götür dedi eşyaları indirmeye devam ediyordu kasadan. Güven abi kasada uyuyordu. Yengemi kucağımda içeriye doğru götürüyordum. Güllü nenem karşıladı;

-Oy kuzum uyumuş, içeriye götür kuzey yatağını açtım uyusun orada.

İyi hoş götüreyim de ev küçücük zaten. Bir oda da yatıyor çocukların hepsi, Aysel yenge, güllü nenem, yengem aynı odada, biz erkekler salonda girişte yatacaktık. Yengemi kucağımda odaya soktum. Oda ne? Aysel yenge bluzundan memelerini çıkartmış yine Cevat’ı emziriyordu. Çok tatlı küçük memeleri vardı. Bunlar beni çocuk mu görüyor da hiç utanmıyordu ya? Diye düşünürken Aysel yenge yüzüme bakıyordu;

-Yenge pardon daldım böyle ama yengemi yatıracaktım.
-Yok kuzum sorun değil geç yatır. Dedi yan tarafa kaydı. Yengemi yatırmak için eğildiğim de Cevat’ı çekti memesinden. Tümüyle gözlerimin önüne serdi. Bir gözüm o memesindeydi. Bir peçete ile sildi taşan sütlerini. Bluzunu kaldırdı. Pembe sutyeni vardı. Kopçasını açtı, bluzu yukarı sıyrılmış bir şekilde iki memesi de gözlerimin önündeydi. Bakmamaya çalışsam da gözlerimin önündeydi kaçıramıyordum gözlerimi. Yengemi yatırdım üzerini örttüm. O arada bluzunu indirdi Aysel yenge, sutyenini tuttu attı kenarıya.

-Ayy yoruldum ya.
-Evet yorucu bir gündü.
-Bizim kızda sarhoş oldu, sayıkladı durdu gelesiye kadar.

Ayak uçlarına oturdum. İkisi de uzanıyordu.

-Öyleymiş ya ne sayıkladı?
-Dayına küfür ediyordu daha çok. Bir de kuzey diyordu.

Korkudan ateş basmıştı bir anda.

-Kuzey mi? Hafifçe güldüm.
-Bana da mı küfür ediyordu yoksa?
-Yok valla daha çok seviyorum canım kuzey diyordu.

Gözüme bir anda perde indi. Yengem neler sayıklıyordu. Oda bir anda karanlık oldu, hani bayıldım bayılacağım artık.

-Kuzey iyi misin?
-İyi, iyiyim yenge ne dedi başka?
-İşte hastaneden çıkınca her halde gezdirmişsin biraz, çok sevinmiş, falan işte

İçimden buz gibi yağ akıp gitmiş, ömrümden ömür gitmişti. Derin bir oh çektim, iyi dedim, iyi ki ondan sonra olanları anlatmamış. Yengem yan tarafa dönmüş ayağını kaldırıp bacaklarımın üzerine atmıştı. Topuğu sikime çarpınca, ah diyerek şeyimi tutmuştum. Aysel yenge gülüyordu.

-Yengem beni hadım etmeden ben çıksam iyi olacak iyi geceler yenge.
-İyi geceler kuzi.

Işığı kapatmıştım. Veysel abinin yanına gittim. Güven abiyi hortumla yıkıyordu. Koşarak yanına gittim.

-Abi napıyon rüzgarı çok yedi hasta olmasın?
-Bir şey olmaz ayılsın amına kodumun eniği.

Yıkamayı bıraktı hortumla götüne vurup;
-Siktir git üstünü değiştir amına koyim.
-Abi amına koyim ayıldım la tamam siktin belamı.

Veysel abi ile eşyaları yerleştirmiştik içeriye, bazılarını bahçeye koyuverdik.

-Kuzey ben içecek bir şeyler alacam gel gidelim. Bu amına kodumun herifi yüzünden keyif yapamadım.
-Valla abi benim de sigaram yok, hem iyi olur içeriz.
-O zaman gel birahaneye gidek.
-Harbi mi?
-Tabi olum hadi gel atla arabaya al yak sigara.

Sigarayı yaktım arabaya binmiştim.

-Abi arabada içmeseydik?
-Sikeyim onun arabasını köy yerinde boklu ayakkabısı ile binecek sigara içmişiz çok mu?
-Doğru abi.
-Kuzey eniştem hakiki adam ha.
-Niye be abi?
-Parayı görünce değişmedi. Ben olsam siktir olup gitmiştim.
-Hahah gitmezsin abi çocuk var, karın var.
-He amına koyim çocuk olmasa giderdim ama
-Hayda abi yenge?
-Amına koyam yengenin. Neyse harbi adam baban kıymetini bil. Dayın gibi değil en azından.
-Dayım tam yamuk çıktı ya gelecekmiş duydun mu?
-He biliyorum temelli geliyor.
-Düzelir mi yengemle araları sence?
-Düzelir tabi olum çocuk var arada, bakma dayını sikecektim ben de sırf o çocuklar boynumu büktü. Yoksa amına koyardım adamın.
-En azından temiz bir dayak ataydın be abi?
-Valla atacaktım, yengen tuttu. Ama bulaştığı mafyalardan teki yakalamış dayını. Burnunu kırmışlar amına koyim kırık burnu yamuk gelince görürsün bak.
-Oha ciddimisin
-Valla ha bak. Ahaha götünü sikmediklerine dua etsin.

Birahaneye gelmiştik. Tam ankara pavyonuydu amına koduğumun yeri 😀 kapıda sarışın bir kons oturmuş;

-Hoşgeldiniz şekerler. Dedi.

Veysel abi de;

-Hoşbulduk anam diyerek girdik içeriye birlikte.

Bir masaya oturduk.

-Oh be amına kodumun yerinde nefes alalım biraz.
-Alalım tabi abi.

Garsona el etti. İçecekleri söyledik. Bira istemiştik ikimizde. Masaya çerez. Ve hemen iki tane kadın geldi, oturdu yanımıza. Kafamı çevirdiğim de inanamadım bu kadın Veysel abinin karısı Aysel yengeye ne çok benziyordu böyle? Kaşlar, dudaklar, gözler, gülümsemesi bile aynı Aysel yengeydi. Tek fark bu kadının boyu daha uzun, göğüsleri muz gibiydi. Kalçası çıkıntılı, bacakları iyirdi. Aysel yenge ise minyon tipli, ufak boylu, yuvarlak suratı olan, portakal gibi göğüslere sahip, yuvarlak kalçası olan, hafif etli bir kadındı. Kadınlar bizimle birlikte biralarını içiyor, biz Veysel abi ile laflıyordur.

-Of kuzey of ne olacak la bu işler?
-Hangi işler abi?
-Millet iç çamaşırı gibi kadın değiştiriyor, biz bağlandık kaldık.
-Aman abi dayım gibi sende yapma boş ver işte var bak kadın.

Kadının omzuna elini atıp güldü.

-He la bunlarda olmasa ne yapacaz amına koyayım.

Biralarımızı içtik, masaya rakılar, meyve tabakları geliyor gidiyordu. Ben artık hafif çakır keyif olmuştum. Veysel abi baya kafayı bulmuş, kadınlarla başladı oynamaya. Çıktı meydana döktürmeye başlad.

Aysel yengeye benzeyen kadın, yanımda oturmuş rakısını içiyor, bir taraftan saçlarımı okşuyor, parmaklarını yanaklarımda gezdiriyordu. Ucuz parfüm kokuyor, insanın kalkık sikini indirecek derecede itici konuşuyordu. Ama Aysel yengeye benzediği için işler değişiyor, beni tahrik etmeye başlıyordu. Bir elimi omzuna atıp çektim kendime. Tek vücut olmuş yapışmıştık. Yanaklarından öptüm. Yüzüne baktıkça Aysel yenge Cevat’ı emzirirken ki o hali gözümün önüne geliyordu. Bir taraftan düşünüyordum. “Ne yapıyorsun amına koduğumun oğlu?, Tüm yengelerimi sikecen? Hepsine mi aşık olacan? Yok amına koyayım ya Aysel’e benziyor kadın, al götür sik, sadece yengeni mi sikeceksin? Genç adamsın Veysel abi bile buradaki kadınların üzerinden geçmiş, sen mi geçmeyeceksin.” Bu düşüncelerle kadının bacaklarını okşamaya başladık.

-Hahaha ağır ol aslanım ayak üstü sikecen beni.
-Ha? E gel normal yerde sikeyim o zaman?

Pezevengine el etti. Paralıymış amına koyayım o kadar içirdik birde para ödeyecez. Adama beklemesini söyledim. Veysel abinin yanına gittim.

-Abi hadi kalkalım.
-Dur be oğlum daha sabaha çok.
-Abi öyle de kadınlar sabırsızlanıyor.
-He kadınlar amına kodumun zillileri, hadi gidelim o zaman.

Pezevenge parayı ödedi kadınlarla sarmaş dolaş çıktık kapıdan, Veysel abi ayakta duramıyordu. Ben hafif çakır keyifim arabaya doğru yürüdü.

-Aman abi dur ne yapıyon?

Sarhoş bir ağızla

-Ne yapmışım yeğenim ya otele gidecez işte.
-Abi bu halde iki metre gider, birahanenin içine gireriz napıyon gözünü sevemeyim bir taksi bulak.
-Bir şey olmaz oğlum atla hadi ya.
-Abi ben süreyim en azından, sen ayakta duramıyon sen kadınlarla geç arkaya.
-Hehehehe yeğene bak karıları kucağıma atıyo iyi al amını dilini siktiğim sen sür.

Anahtarı atmıştı bana.

-Hey yavrum hey şarkı mırıldanıyordu, kapıyı açtı kadınları bindirdi.

Araba sürmüştüm ama ehliyetim yoktu benimde, araba yer uçağı gibi elli tane düğme var. Veysel abiye döndüm.

-Abi bu nasıl çalışıyo?
-Vay amını sikeyim ben bu kafayla sürsem daha çok yol alırdık. Lan sok suraya anahtarı orda düğme var frene bas o düğmeye bas çalışacak.

Dediği gibi yaptım araba çalıştı. Otomatik vitesteydi, hafif gaza bastım hareket etmeye başlamıştık.

-İsimler neydi bayanlar sizin?

-Ben Venüs, buda Meltem.

Veysel abi atladı araya.

-Venüs mü? Ananı sikeyim doğru düzgün isim bulamadılar mı?

Kadınlar kahkaha atıyordu Venüs girdi lafa,

-Yok anam bulamamışlar.

Otel var mı yakında diye sordum. İleriden sokağa gir her yer otel dedi. Dediği gibi yaptım cidden her yer oteldi. Otelin birinin önünde durdum. Karıyı koluna alan dayılar giriyordu içeriye. Ulan dedim yarraklara gelmesek bari. Arabayı istop ettim, indim araçtan. Kadınlar da bizle bir indi bekliyorlardı. Veysel abi oynayarak iniyordu arabadan. Şarkı mırıldanıyor, kadınların ikisini de koluna takmış otele giriyordu. Üstümü başımı yokladım. Her şey yanımdaydı. Otele girdik. Veysel abi odaları ayarlıyor, konuşuyordu. Bana döndü

-Hangisini alıyon kuzey?
-Neyi abi?

Kadınlar gülüyordu.

-Amına sokam ben mi sen mi sarhoşsun? Oğlum hangi karıyı alıyosan gir koluna git odana al buda anahtarın.

Yine anahtarı attı elime.

-Aysel yengeye benzeyeni alacaktım tabi gözüm ondaydı. Kadına gel işareti yaptım kafamla. Koluma girdi odamıza doğru gidiyorduk Veysel abide kadının götüne eline atmış odalarına doğru gidiyordu. Kapının önüne gelince bir baktım odalar yan yana.

-Hadi kolay gelsin kuzey bey ahahaha diyerek açtı kapıyı soktu kadını içeriye. Kapıda ceketini çıkartıp fırlattı içeriye. Belini ileriye geriye hareket ettirip pompa yaptı. Bana bakıp piç piç gülüyordu. Kapıyı kapattı. Ben o hareketlere gülerken kadın seslendi;

-Hadi canım gelmiyor musun?

Kapıyı kapatıp girmiştim içeriye. Kadın üzerindeki ceketi çıkartıyor, yatağın ucunda oturuyordu. Bende ceketimi çıkartıp astım askıya. Banyoya girip elimi yüzümü yıkadım. Aynada kendime bakıyordum. İçimden konuşmaya başladım. “ Ne yapıyorsun lan sen? Yengen ile dayının arası bu yüzden açıldı, aşık olduğun kadını şimdi burada aldatacakmısın? Ama kendisi de dedi, hayatına kadınlar istesen de istemesen de girecek, ayrıca artık birbirimizden uzak duralım, sürekli seks ilişkisi mi yaşacağız dedi? E desin pes mi edeceksin?” Of amına koyayım of dedim havluyu yere atıp gittim içeriye. Kadın;

-Bir şey içermişin canım?

Yanına doğru yaklaştım. Elinde ki bardakları aldım koydum kenarıya. Kadın yüzüme bakıyor hafif gülümsüyordu. Saçlarından tutup dudaklarını öpmeye başladım. Hafif olduğu için kalçalarından tutup kaldırdım, kucağıma alıp dayadım duvara. Dudaklarını, boynunu emiyordum. Kadın ne olduğunu şaşırmış bir halde;

-Ay dur ayol ne bu hız?

Konuşmasına fırsat vermiyor dudaklarını öpüyordum. Kucağımda taşıyarak yatağa oturttum. Pantolonumun kemerini çözüyordu. Bende tişörtümü sıyırıp çıkarttım, sikim tam kalkmamış, hafif sertlikteydi. Kadın boxer’ımı da aşağıya çekip çıkarttı. Eline alıp okşadı biraz, çok geçmeden ağzına almaya başladı. O ağzına aldıkça Aysel yengeyi düşünüyor, ona benzediği için de zorlanmıyordum. Sanki sikime alan bu birahane kaşarı değil de, Aysel yengemdi. Saçlarını tuttum kavradım elime, sikimi sonuna kadar soktum ağzında. Daha tam sert olmadığı için rahatlıkla almıştı. Birkaç dakika sikimi ağzının içinde dil darbeleriyle yalayarak kaldırmıştı. Sikim adeta şaha kalkıyordu, Aysel yengeyi düşündükçe. Ayağa kaldırdım, üzerindekileri çıkarttım bir çırpıda, altında ki eteğini çıkartıyordu. Domalttım. Saçlarından tutup ata biner gibi pozisyon aldım. Kalçalarına tokatlar atıyordum, ben tokat attıkça yalandan inliyordu ucuz fahişe. Götünü ikiye ayırıp, elime tükürdüm. Elimi amına sürüp ıslattım. Ucuz bir fahişenin amını yalamak istemiyordum. Elimi amına sürünce, hafif kıllar elime batıyordu. Yengemin kılları tüy gibiydi. Bu kadının amının kılları diken gibi elime geliyordu. Sikimi amına hizalayıp tek hamlede sokmuştum. Amı o kadar genişti ki sikimi yengemin amı gibi kavramıyori sanki boşlukta git gel yapıyordum. Duruma sinirlenmiştim. Kaygan bir zeminde kayıyordu sadece sikim. Kalçalarını tokatlıyor,

-Ne çok siktirmişsin bu amı?

Yalandan inlemeye devam ediyordu.

-Beğenemedin mi koçum? Sik işte güzel değil mi amım?
-Amına sokayım senin, sikiyorum zaten ucuz orospum diyerek götüne vurmaya devam ediyordum. Götüne art arda şaplak atarken deliği gözüme çarptı, sikilmişti belli oluyordu. Ben amına sokup çıkardıkça, göt deliği büyüyor, küçülüyordu. Amından sikimi çıkardım. Göt deliğinde parmaklarımı gezdirdim. Sırtını öpüyor, dişliyordum. Götüne eğilip tükürdüm. İşaret parmağımı sokmaya başladım. Çok rahat giriyordu içinden.

-Bak sen ucuz orospuya arka kapıyı da kırdırmış.

Tam bir fahişe gibi kahkaha atarak devam etti;

-Kırdılar ya buldular ufacık deliği boş mu bırakacaklardı.
-Bırakmamış orospu çocukları, bende yıkık duvarda dolaşayım ozaman.

Götünü iyice domaltarak;

-Sik koçum. Demişti.

Götüne bir kez daha tükürüp kalkık sikimi götüne hizaladım. Tek bacağımı yatağa atıp diğeri ile destek alıyordum. Bir elimle de belini kavradım. Götüne girmeye başlamıştı ki kadın çığlık attı.

-Ay dur acıdı bekle biraz.

Götüne tokat atıp sikimi çıkarttım içinden. Götünü tutuyor, uzanıyordu. Beklemedim. O uzanırken sırtına çıktım. Kalçaları kızarmıştı tokatlanmaktan. Götünü iki yana ayırıp sikimi sokuverdim içine. Ama girmiyor, çok sert baskı yapıyordum sadece. Anlayacağınız üzere değerli okurlar, yengeme olan öfkemi, sinirimi bu kaşardan çıkartıyordum. Artık sikim içindeydi, sikimi sokup çıkarttıkça gaz çıkartıyor, canı çok yanıyordu. Fazla sürmedi alışmıştı. Rahat rahat götünden sikiyordum. Git gel yaptıkça yalancı inlemeleri kesilmiş, kısık sesle zevkle inlemeye başlamıştı. Eliyle kalçalarını ayırıyor sikimin daha rahat içine girmesini sağlıyordu. Tekrar domaltmıştım. Götünden sikimi çıkartıp amını parmaklamaya başladım, iki parmağımı sokup çıkartırken, üç, dört parmağımı sokuyordum. Amı, vıcık, vıcık su içinde kalmıştı. Aysel yengemi hayal ediyordum sürekli. Saçlarından tutup çektim. Ağzına verdim sikimi, o yalarken oluk, oluk boşalmaya başladım. Kafasını çekmeye çalışıyor, saçlarından tutup kendime çekiyor, izin vermiyordum. Tüm döllerimi ağzına boşalmıştım.

Ağzı, yüzü buruşmuş, bir şey söyleyemiyordu. Yere tükürdü, daha sonra banyoya doğru koştu. Öğürtü sesleri geliyordu. Hiç aldırış etmeden sikimi temizliyordum. Yatağa uzandım düşünmeye başladım. “Ne yapıyordum ben? Yan odada duran Veysel abinin karısını düşleyerek orospu sikiyordum. Ama çok zevk almıştım. Ona da benzediği için çok gerçekçi geliyordu bu yaşananlar. Acaba yengem gibi onu da mı sikmem gerekiyordu? Yok artık Kuzey dedim kendime. Güllü neneyi de sik, ailede ne kadar yenge, anne varsa sik. Ne yapıyorsun oğlum kendine gel” Bizim Aysel yengeye benzeyen orospu kapıdan çıkmış midesini tutarak geliyordu;

-Ne yapıyorsun sen ya? Ağzıma boşaldın? Hayvan mısın orospu çocuğu. Diyerek yerden aldığı sutyeni vurmaya başladı bana.
Kendi kendime düşünmeyi bırakmış ona bakıp gülüyordum.

-Ne gülüyorsun amına kodumun oğlu?

Yataktan doğruldum, yanına gidip beline sarıldım.

-Sarılma amk siktir git.

İtmeye çalışıyordu beni. Ama hayvan gibi sıkıyordum belini. O şekilde yatağın üzerine düştük ikimizde. Altıma aldım, dudaklarını öpüyordum.

-Özür dilerim, gözüm döndü bir an. Çok harikasın, biliyorsun işini.
-Sende göründüğün den daha hayvansın. İnsan evladı gibi görünüyorsun oysa ki.
-Kafam güzel kızım ya. Daha yeni ayılıyorum. Böyle değilim tabi ki normalde.
-Hadi ya, hadi göster bakayım nasılmışsın normalde.

Aysel yengem yukarıda ki kadının vücut hatlarını görerek hayal edebilirsiniz. Aynısıdır.

Kucağımda, amını sikime sürtmeye başladı. Üzerime eğilip boynumu emiyor, vakumluyordu. Bende ona karşılık veriyor, dudaklarını öpüp, dilini emiyordum. Vücudumu öperek sikime doğru geldi.

Beline sarılıp çektim kendime sikim zaten kalkmıştı. Bacağını belime attı. Götünü bana doğru döndü. Eliyle sikimi kavrayıp amına sokmuştu. Götünü hareket ettirerek git, gel yaptırıyordu sikimi içinde. Bir süre böyle siktikten sonra kucağıma çıktı. Zıplamaya başladı. Deli gibi zıplıyor sikim içinde hızlı hızlı girip çıkıyordu.

Bir süre sikiştik. Artık sikime kram giriyordu. Kadın gerçekten fahişe olmasına rağmen o kadar çok iştahlı ve azgındı ki doymak bilmiyordu. Ben bu pozisyonda kadını sikerken kapı çalmaya başladı. Oralı olmadık. Ama ısrarla çalmaya devam ediyordu. Kadını üzerimden çektim aldım kenarıya. Kadın doymamış sikimi avuçluyordu. Yorganın içine girip, örtündü. Yerden boxer’ımı geçirdim üzerime. Kapıya doğru yöneldim.

-Kim o?

Ses yoktu. Kapıyı açtım. Karşımda Veysel abinin orospusu Venüs vardı.

-Hayırdır Venüs?
-Şey Veysel bu odaya gönderdi beni. Kendisi uyuyacakmış da, Kuzeye git ilgilensin seninle, genç adam enerjisi çoktur onun dedi.

Vay amına koyayım dedim içimden. Bir taraftan da farklı am sikecektim. Elinden tutup çektim içeriye. Meltem yataktan çıkarttı kafayı,

-Hahaha pili mi bitti yine?
-Bir kere boşaldı, oda zaten biliyorsun her zaman ki gibi.
-Klasik Veysel işte yavrucum, gel sen gel aramıza, aslan gibi bak bu çocuk. Sabaha kadar sikse yeter demez ahahaha. Ama dikkat et olmadık yerlere boşalma huyu var.

Venüs bana baktı;

-Hani nerde senin aslan çıkart da gezinsin meydanda dikkat et iki tane dişi aslan var kapıverirler.
-Hadi ya,

Boxer’ı çıkartıp Venüs’e doğru yürüdüm. Omuzlarından tutup aşağıya çömelttim. Sikimi eline almış ovalıyordu. Meltem yataktan çıkıp geldi yanımıza.

Biri sikimden, diğeri taşşaklarımdan yalıyordu. Yatağa uzandım. Venüs dudaklarımı öpüyor, Meltem sikimi yalıyordu. Venüs suratıma doğru yöneldi. Amını ağzıma doğru getirdi. Bu Meltem gibi kıllı amlı değil, pasparlak amı olan, amının dudakları büyük, iki tarafa ayrılmış bir orospuydu. Ağzıma doğru oturdu. Amını ileri geri yaparak dudaklarıma sürtüyor, dilimi çıkartıp amını vakumlayarak yalıyordum. Tadı güzeldi, pis değildi. Meltem büyük bir iştahla sikimi yalamaya devam ederken, üzerime çıkıp oturdu. Sırtını Venüs’e dönerek sikimi içine aldı. Zıplamaya başladı.

Saate baktığımda dört oluyordu. Meltemi bu pozisyonda sikip, kucağımdan indirdim. Venüs’ü aldım. Meltem amını yalatmak için Venüs gibi ağzıma oturmak istedi ama o kıllı amı yalamayı hiç içim el vermiyordu. Kalçalarından tutup yanıma çektim. Dudaklarından öpüyordum. Venüs ise kucağıma oturmuş amını siktiriyor, meltem ile Venüs dudaklarımı, boynumu öpüyordu. Bu şekilde sikişmeye devam ettik bir süre. Bir saat sikişmiş, iyice yorulmuştum saat 5 oluyordu. İkisinide oturttum yatağa sikimi ağızlarına verdim emiyorlardı. Boşalacağımı anlamışlardı. Meltem sikimi yalamayı bırakıp yanıma geçti. Venüs ağzını açmış 31 çektiriyordu. Meltem sikimin üstünü emiyordu.

Büyük bir boşalma ile tüm döllerimi Venüs’ün suratına akıttım. Dudaklarından süzülüyordu döllerim. İki orospuda gülüşüyordu. Kalktık duşa girdik.

Meltem duşunu alıp yatağa gitti, bende Venüs’ü bir posta suyun altında siktikten sonra yatağa geçtik. Saat 6 ya geliyor, hava hafiften aydınlanıyordu. İki kadının ortasında uyuyordum. O kadar yorgundum ki mükemmel geliyordu o yatak bana. Uykumun en tatlı yerinde kapı öküz gibi vurulmaya başladı. Veysel abiydi kapıyı çalan;

-Abi sen miydin?
-Valla Venüs’ten başka birisini yollamadım. Benim tabi amına koyayım kalk hadi gidiyoruz eniştemler gelmiş kahvaltıya bekliyorlar.
-Ne babamlar geldi mi?
-Evet gelmişler, yengen seni sorup duruyor neredesiniz diyor.
-Abi ne duruyoruz hadi yürü yürü.
-Tamam sen arabayı getir kapının önüne geliyorum ben.

Veysel abi kadınların baş ucuna bir miktar para bırakıp arkamdan geldi. Arabadan indim onu bekliyordum. Yanıma geldi boynumu gördü;

-Oha oğlum ne hale getirmiş bu karılar seni?
-Ne olmuş abi?
-Boynunu emiklemiş karılar, mosmor ahahaha.
-Hassiktir, abi babamların karşısına böyle çıkamam.
-Bekle amına koyayım.

Otele gidip buz poşeti ile geldi.

-Al bunu tut orana.
-Abi bir mağazaya girelim.
-Tamam gireriz atla hadi arabaya.

Arabaya bindik düştük yola, bir tane mağazaya girip içten dışa giyindim. V yaka tişört aldım, yakalarını kaldırdım boynumu kapatması için dükkandan çıktım. Veysel abi arabaya yaslanmış sigarasını içiyordu.

-Vay amına koyam vay. Bizim oğlana bak hele kız istemeye mi gidiyoruz la?
-Abi üstüm başım perişan oldu ne yapayım.
-İyi yaptın koçum al yak sigara.

Bir dal sigara uzattı yaktım. Arabaya bindik gidiyorduk. Aynadan boynumu kontrol ediyordum. Yengem görse sıçmıştım. Markete girdik, abur cubur alıyordu Veysel abi çocuklara bana da sigara almıştı.

-Geç la direksiyona.
-Abi sıkıntı olmasın?
-Benden güzel sürüyon amına koyayım kim sıkıntı yapacak?
-Amına koyam trafik olmuyor bu yolda sür hadi.
-İyi abi.

Direksiyona geçtim. Gazlıyordum. Yol boş, ilerliyorduk. Kapılarının önüne yaklaştığımda kornaya asılıyordum. Güven abi koştu çıktı kapıya.

-Yav amına koyayım nerdesiniz siz? Arabayı göremeyince panik oldum.

Veysel abi ensesine tokat atıp, götüne tekme attı.

-Amına korum yemedik gezdik biraz git içerde bir şeyler var al gel onları hade.
-Tamam abi ya, he bak hele eniştemin hediyesi varmış sana
-Sana amına koyayım aha bak içeride, seni bekliyor.
-Eyvallah. Kuzey gel koçum.

Elini omzuma attı. Kapıdan içeriye girdik. Babam güllü nenem ve eşiyle konuşuyor, tarla hakkında söz ediyorlardı.

-Vay babam gelmiş.
-Aslanım neredesin sen ya?
-Veysel abiyle Ankara’yı bir turladık baba.
-İyi yaptınız. Gidiyoruz bugün hazırsın demi? Ne yakışıklı olmuşsun lan öyle kereta.

Ensemden çekiştiriyordu. Yengem yüzüme bakıp gülüyor, bileziklerini sallıyordu. Yanına doğru gittim oturdum.

-Vay yeni gelin takılarını mı taktılar?
-Eniştem sağ olsun.
-Hayırdır seni bana mı istediler yoksa?
-Yoksa? Kötü bir şey gibi söyledin?

İyice yanına yaklaştım.

-Dünyanın en iyi şeyi o olurdu ama tek tarafın gönlü olunca olmuyor değil mi?
-Kuzey yapma
-Hani baran nerede?
-Eniştem bir dünya oyuncak almış oynuyor içeride
-Ben ona bakayım bir.

Elimden tuttu. Gözlerime bakıyordu.

-Otur, oynuyor onlar.
-Ne o özledin mi?
-Salaksın ya. Neredeydin dün gece?
-Hiç, gezdik.
-Alla alla, nerede gezdiniz sabaha kadar?
-Birahaneye gittik bira içtik.

Yüzü asılmıştı. Omzuna hafifçe vurdum.

-Yamulma karı, kız yoktu. Lafladık öyle Veysel abi ile. Dayımdan konuştuk, evliliğinden konuştuk.
-Bizde sabah Aysel ile konuştuk. Abim de dayın gibi emeklilik yolundaymış.
-Nasıl yani?
-Sus babana bak bir şey diyor.
-Babam mı? Ha efendim baba?

Babam konuşuyordu;

-Paşa hadi kalkıyoruz.
-Tamam. Hani ne ile gideceğiz İzmir’e?
-Uçak ile.
-Baba bu zenginlik baya yaramış sana ha.
-E öyle oldu biraz, hadi seslen çocuklara.

Gidip çocukları aldım. Hazırlardı. Gidebilirdik artık. Su içmek için mutfağa gittim. Aysel yenge de mutfaktaydı.

-Kuzey gidiyorsunuz demek?
-Evet yenge.
-Gidin bakalım bizde geleceğiz arkanızdan.

Oha Aysel yengeler de geliyordu. Sevinmiştim suyu üzerine püskürttüm.

-Ay yavaş kuzey ıslattın beni.
-İzmir’e mi geleceksiniz e hani köy?
-İzmir’e bağlı bir köyde tarla almış baban ile benin kayınbaba. Ortak çiftçilik yapacaklarmış. Hayvan alacaklar baya ilerletmiş işleri.
-Hay amına koyayım köyde mi yaşayacağız ya?
-Küfür etme len. Diyerek kafama vurdu. Bana daha yaklaştı.
-Köyde çiftliğe aile bulacak, biz şehirde olacağız.
-Oh içime su serptin yenge ya.

Bu bahane ile sarılmıştım ona.

-Ay dur düşürecen beni deli çocuk.

Ben ne yapıyordum lan? Ama çok güzeldi ona sarılmak. Yumuşacıktı teni. Süt kokuyordu vücudu. Yanaklarından öptüm

-Hadi gidiyorum ben gecikmeyin gelin hemen.
-Manyak ya. Gecikmeyiz tamam.

Arabaya bindik. Veysel abi bizi havaalanına götürüyordu. Yengem uçaktan korktuğunu nasıl bineceğim vs. diyordu. Sarılmıştım arkadan kimseye belli etmeden. Ben varım korkma dedim. Omzuma dayadı başını. Havaalanına kadar kucağımda baran. Omzumda yengemin başı öyle gittik…


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Yaz Aşkım (1)
15-16 yaşlarındayken kızlardan çok erkeklere ilgi gösterdiğimi fark etmiştim. Soyunma odasında arkadaşlarıma bakıyor, büyümeye başlayan siklerini birbirlerine gösterirken herkesten çok ilgi gösteriyordum. Gerçi bazı arkadaşlarım da bana ilgi göstermiyor değildi. Özellikle lise sona geldiğimizde kalçalarımı sıkan, dayayan ve hatta beni çok sikmek istediğini söyleyen sınıf arkadaşlarım vardı. Çekiniyor, korkuyor ve bunun sonucunda da herkesten uzaklaşıyordum. O yaza kadar kimseyle hiçbirşey yaşamamıştım ama yaz tatilinde amcamların yazlığına gittiğimizde en azından merakımı giderebildim. Çok farkında değildim ama kalçam iyice büyümüş ve yuvarlaklaşmıştı. 31 çekerken okşamak da çok hoşuma gidiyordu ve yavaş yavaş parmağımı sokmaya da alışmıştım. Yazlıkta hiç yaşıtım yoktu ama komşu evin oğlu Murat ile yaşıttık ve iyi anlaşıyorduk. Gözümü mayosunun önünden hiç alamıyordum ve bunu onun fark edebileceği de hiç aklıma gelmiyordu. Ben baktıkça onun da siki kalkıyor, iyice belirginleşiyordu. Sürekli sikiş sokuş muhabbeti yapıyordu. Bir gün her zamanki gibi onların evinde PS oynamak için sözleştik. Murat bir süre sonra oyundan sıkıldı ve 31 çekeceğini söyleyip Cd’ler getirdi. Ben kalkmak istesem de “ noolcak olum, ikimiz de çekeriz işte “ gibi bahanelerle beni yanında tuttu. Sikini çıkardığında biraz şaşırdım, çok değişik duygular hissetmiştim. Çok büyük değildi ama benimkine göre çok daha kalın ve uzundu gene de. Ben utanıp çıkarmayınca taşak geçmeye başladı. Çok uzatmayım bu kısmı, 15 dakika sonra Murat’ın siki elimdeydi. O gün 3 defa boşaldı avucumun arasında. Maalesef biraz geç kalmıştım çünkü ertesi gün dönüyorduk. O günün akşamı da önce ağzıma verdi sonra da sikmeye çalıştı beni. Kafasını deliğime dayadığında hem korku hem de heyecan vardı ama biraz sokunca sadece acı hissettim. 1-2 dakika uğraştı sikmek için ama hemen boşaldı. Ertesi gün giderken de hiç görmedim onu.

Üniversiteyi yaşadığım şehirde kazanmıştım. Pek istediğim birşey değildi çünkü ailemden uzaklaşıp, özgürlüğümü kazanarak istediğim her şeyi yapmak istiyordum. Gene de pek rahat durmadım ama. İnternetten bulduğum bazı kişilerle buluştum. Anal sexi çok istiyordum ama çekiniyordum da. Çoğunlukla arabada buluşuyor ve ağzıma alıp boşaltana kadar yalıyor sonra da telefonlarını falan siliyordum. Saçlarım biraz uzamıştı. Hiç kıl yoktu vücüdumda. Aslında işi biraz anlayan herkes pasif bir gay olduğumu anlayabilirdi. Gene de dikkatliydim. İnternetten de öyle hemen herkesin kucağına atlamam gibi birşey yoktu. Oldukça seçiciydim. Bir Cumartesi akşamı Serdar ile tanıştım. 20 yaşındaydım o zamanlar ve iyice azmış durumdaydım. Artık arayışım arabada sakso çekmek falan değildi. Daha ciddi birşeyler istiyordum. Serdar 32 yaşındaydı. Söylediğine göre o da gaydi ama aktifti sadece. Önceleri normal konuştuk, hafif hafif bana asılması, flört etmesi falan çok hoşuma gidiyordu. Birkaç gün sonra konuşmalarımız iyice ısındı ve kameraları açtık. 17-18 cm kadar çok güzel bir siki vardı Serdar’ın. Boşaldıktan hemen sonra tekrar sertleşmesi falan ilgimi çektiğinde o da bana iltifatlar etmiş, kalçalarımın çok etkileyici olduğunu söylemişti. Aynı şehirde değildik ve onun fazla parası ve boş zamanı da yoktu. Kamerada buluşuyor, birbirimizi azdırıyor ve boşalıyorduk.

O günlerde babam da Arabistan’da ki küçük bir Emirliğe gitmişti iş için. Uzun zaman sürecekti işleri. 2-3 ayda bir gelebiliyordu. Ailemizin de durumu iyice düzelmişti. Benim harçlığım da iyice artınca ben Serdar’ın yanına gitmeyi düşünmeye başladım. Yaklaşık 5 aydır tanıyordum onu ve bana zarar vermeyeceğinden emindim. Bunu ona söylediğimde çok sevindi. Hiç çekinmemem gerektiğini söyleyerek haftasonu mesaiye kalmayacağını beni beklediğini söyledi. O gün sabah hayatımın en güzel banyosunu yaptım. Bütün vücudumu temizledim. Anneme zaten bir arkadaşıma gideceğimi söylemiştim. Havaalanına gidip uçağa bindiğimde içim içimi yiyiyordu. İndiğimde Serdar karşıladı beni. Çok güzel gülüyordu. Sanki sevgilim gibi hissettim bir an. Önce arabayla gezdirdi beni biraz, bir yerlerde birşeyler yedik. Ufak ufak asılıyor, hatta fırsatını bulduğu zaman da kalçalarımı okşamaktan geri kalmıyordu. Ben de birkaç defa pantalonunun önünü okşayınca ” zamanı geldi galiba Emre, eve atacağım şimdi seni “ dedi gülerek. Hiç söyleyemeceksin sandım diye cevaplarken gülüştük.Bir garip bakıyodu bana arabada. Mahalle içinde küçük bir apartmanda kalıyordu. Evi de 1 oda 1 salon bekar eviydi ama çok temiz ve tertipliydi. İçeri girince ben salona mı geçiyoruz derken bana sarıldı birden. Elleri kalçalarımı okşarken dudaklarımı hafif hafif öpmeye başladı. Hiç ama hiç bir tepki veremedim. O beni öpüp okşadıkça ben de onu öpmeye başladım. Siki iyice sertleşmişti ve yaptığı baskıyı hissedebiliyordum. Sımsıkı sarılmıştı bana ve yatak odasına neredeyse çekiştirerek götürüyordu. En çok yaptığımız fantazilerden birini yapmak istedim ve yatak odasına girdiğimizde diz çöktüm yere. Kemerini ve fermuarını açarken okşuyordum sikini de. İyice azmıştı Serdar, hızlı hızlı nefes alıyor saçlarımı okşuyordu. Pantalonunu da çıkardığımda külotunun üstünden okşadım. Ellerimin yerini dudaklarım aldığında aşağıdan ona bakıyordum. “ hadi artık Emre delirteceksin beni, bu kadar zor olacağını düşünmemiştim, dayanamayacağım artık “ diye inlemeye başladı. Ona hep sikiyle dakikalarca oynamak istediğimi, ufak ufak elleyip dil atacağımı, kıvrandıracağımı söylerdim. Külotunun üstünden dudaklarımın arasına aldığımda başımı bastırdı sikine. Çıkardım külotunu. Açıkçası benim de artık beklemeye sabrım kalmamıştı. Siki birden fırladı ve aynı anda ağzıma soktum hepsini. Kocaman siki dudaklarımın arasında kayıp ağzıma girerken Serdar’da ben de inledik zevkten. Sokup çıkarmaya başladım ağzıma. Önce yavaş yavaş sonra onun da bastırmasıyla hızlı hızlı emmeye, ağzıma sokup çıkarmaya başladım. Çok zevk alıyordu ve onun zevk alması daha doğrusu ona zevk vermem de benim çok hoşuma gidiyordu. Taşaklarını da yalamaya başladığımda zor kurtuldu elimden. İlkini böyle yaşama dedi bana.Ağzıma boşalması hoşuma giderdi gerçi. Hemen soyundum ben de yatağa uzandık. Üstüme çıktığında titriyordum heyecandan ve zevkten. Dudaklarımı, boynumu öperken iyice salmıştım kendimi. Sonra konuştuğumuz gibi domalttı beni yatağa. Kalçalarımı iyice kaldırmıştım. “ ohhh Emre bu ne yaa, çok çok tatlısın, çok güzelsin, hiç canını yakmayacağım merak etme canım “ derken sakallarını kalçalarımda hissettim. Dudaklarını da aynı yerde hissettiğimde inlemeye başladım. Deliğimi emiyor, yalıyordu. Çıldıracak gibi olmuştum zevkten. Hafif hafif parmaklarını sokmaya başladı. Sonra kremledi deliğimi. 2 parmağı da girip çıkıyordu. Sesim iyice yükselmeye başlamıştı ve hatta sik artık beni diye yalvaracak duruma gelmiştim. Bir süre sonra sıcak, kalın kafasını hissettim deliğimde. Üzerime çıkmıştı neredeyse. Ensemi, boynumu öperken omuzlarımdan tuttu iki koluyla hafifçe beni, kendine çeker gibi yaparken yüklendi ve soktu götüme. Ohhh acımamıştı bile nerdeyse. Aldığım zevkin sebebi o acıydı zaten. Yavaş yavaş soktu sikini. Her soktuğunda biraz bekletiyor ve oynatıyordu. Alıştıkça zevk alıyordum ve aldığım zevkle Serdar daha çok sokuyordu. Sikmeye başladığında ise ikimiz de inliyorduk artık zevkle. 2 eli belimde çatır çatır sikiyordu beni. Her sokup çıkardığında ben de ileri doğru gidiyordum ve sonra gene yapıştırıyordum kalçalarımı kasıklarına. Daha fazla dayanamayıp içime boşaldı. Biraz bekledi kendimize gelmemiz için. Sonra da devam etti hiç boşalmamış gibi. Ohhh çok güzeldi bu. Beni kullanıyordu resmen. O an sanki kendimi bir şişme bebek gibi hissediyordum. Sikmeye başladığından beri çok konuşmamıştı. Sadece hiç durmadan sokup çıkartıyordu. Bir süre sonra çıkardı içimden ve benim istediğim pozisyona geldik. Beni sırtüstü yatırıp üzerime çıkarken bacaklarımı da iyice kaldırmıştım. İkiye katlar gibi abandı üstüme ve birden köküne kadar soktuğunda ben de boşaldım bir anda. Bağırıyorduk artık kendimizi tutamayıp. Altında eze eze köküne kadar sokup çıkartıyordu. Çok sert ve tutku dolu sevişmemiz ancak o üçüncü defa boşaldığında bitmişti. Nefes nefeseydi. Biraz su diyebildi sadece. Yataktan kalktım çırılçıplak. Offf dölleri akıyordu deliğimden. Önce tuvalete gidip içimi temizledim sonra da bir şişe soğuk su getirdim bekaretimi alan erkeğe. Kana kana içti ve sigarasını yaktı yatakta. Kollarını açtığında hemen girdim koynuna ben de. Memelerini öpüyor, ellerimi kıllı göğsünde dolaştırıyordum ufak ufak. Ter içinde kalmıştı. Canımın yanıp yanmadığını sordu.

– “ Acıyor ama hiç önemli değil ya, ölecektim zevkten. Hiç elimi bile değdirmeden iki defa sike sike boşalttın beni. Off yordum seni de çok “
– “ Yok ya yorulmadım çok. 3 posta gittim oğlum bırak ta bir nefes alayım, devam ederiz gene birazdan “
– “oha ayı yaa ben 3 defa 31 bile çekemem “

“ bu götü bulmuşum bırak mıyım “ derken öpüşmeye başladık. Üstüne çıktım bu defa. Dudaklarını, boynunu, kollarını, kıvırcık kıllarla kaplı göğüslerini uzun uzun öperken sikine geldim. Tamamen inmiş görünüyordu. Hepsini aldım ağzıma. Kafasını çekiştir çekiştire emiyordum dudaklarımın arasında. İnlemeye başlamıştı yavaş yavaş. Ağzımın içinde taş gibi oldu kısa sürede ama bırakmadım. Taşaklarını yalarken deliğini de yalamaya başladım. Bunun çok hoşuna gittiğini söylemişti bana daha önce. Tekrar ağzıma aldığımda artık hazır görünüyordu. Dimdik olmuştu yarağı ve çok sertti. Üstüne çıktım. Ellerim göğsündeyken kalçalarımın arasında sürtünüyordu. Hafif kaldırdım kalçalarımı ve o da yolunu çok güzel buldu. Ben üstüne otururken o da yerleştirdi içime. Ohhh köküne kadar girmişti tek seferde. Siktirmeye başladım ona kendimi. Zıplıyordum üstünde. Kucağına aldı beni iyice doğrulup ve sertçe sikmeye devam etti. Kollarımı boynuna doladım güç almak için. Sikerken arada durup öpüşüyorduk. Tekrar altına aldı ve ben göbeğimin üstüne doğru boşalırken o da içimi tekrar doldurdu.

O gün 2 gün 2 gece hiç durmadık. Yakaladığı her fırsatta sikti beni. Mutfakta, banyoda, salonda her yerde inmiyordu tepemden. Dönüş vakti gelirken pek fırsatını bulamadığımız birşey yaptı ve uzun uzun ağzıma vererek döllerini yutturdu bana. Eve döndüğümde çok yorgun ama çok mutluydum. İnternette buluştuğumuzda da hiç kamera falan açmadık bile. İkimiz de doymuştuk artık.

Babam da bu sefer gelememişti. En çok 3 ay kalırdı ama 4 ay olmuştu neredeyse. Bir proje için başmühendis olarak çalışıyordu. Bizim final tatili de gelmişti. Sonra babam tatil için bizi Emirliğe çağırdı. Oranın da resmi tatili varmış 1 hafta kadar. Gezersiniz,hava güzel burada, biraz değişiklik olur falan derken açıkçası benim aklımdaki tek şey annemi gönderip Serdarı çağırmaktı. Çok ısrar ettiler ama kabul etmedim. Şirketin kiraladığı bir villada kalıyormuş ve evde kalan diğer arkadaşı Türkiye’deymiş. Ufak bir havuzu olan, bahçeli çok güzel bir villaydı resimlerinden gördüğüm kadarıyla. Sonra bunu Serdara anlattığımda gitmemi söyleyince biraz kırıldım. Ona bu kadar bağlanmamamı, arada buluşup sikişebileceğimizi ama bu hissettiklerimin onun için de çok fazla olduğunu söylerken olabildiğince kibardı gene de. Gene de kırılmış, üzülmüştüm biraz. Sonra çok da takmayıp babamın teklifini kabul ettim ben de. Tabii bu değişiklik son dakikada olunca uçak biletleri de değişti komple. Dubai aktarmasıyla oranın saatiyle gece 2 gibi indik. Bizi babam ve yardımcısı Abdullah karşıladı. Abdullah mı ?????

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Daddy’s Girl Comes Home

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


One more for ya. Short, but it’s good too. ike before, sorry…no more parts.

He waited by the gate, hoping that he could recognize the daughter that he’d only seen six times over the last fifteen years. She was a mirror imagine of her late mother, so he had a very good chance at recognizing her.

It was a horrible shame that they had to be reunited under these conditions. Four days ago, Eva’s husband took their six-month-old baby and threw her out so she wanted to come back to America to be with the father.

Eva’s mother married a Russian scientist and settled in a small city somewhere deep in Russia, where Eva lived the last fifteen years. She went to school where she met her husband and married him after finishing.

John felt badly for not seeing her more, but he was an average man that who was lucky to survive, let alone, travel around the world. But now, he hoped they would get a chance to get to know each other. Letters and a yearly phone call were fine, but the bond between a man and his daughter needed more and he was about to enjoy it.

“Holy crap!” was all he could say when he saw her walking from the plane and towards him. She wore a small white blouse and the tightest jeans that he’s ever seen in his life. Her hair was dark brown and cut to her delicate shoulders. Her face was thin and her two pretty, brown eyes gave him a warm and loving feeling.

Eva saw him at once and her heart filled with needed love, a love that she wanted to show her father long ago, but they had been separated by thousands of lonely miles and Eva never had the chance, until now.

“Daddy!” Eva cried as she fell into his welcoming arms and tears poured from her eyes. “I did not think I would ever get to you,” she whispered in his ear as her body melted into his.

He couldn’t believe just how beautiful she looked. “You’re here now and everything will be okay,” he said in a soft voice as he enjoyed her against him.

“I hope it will, Daddy. I hurt so badly.” Eva whimpered. “I need man to hold, love and give me comfort,” she said as a warm feeling quickly swept over her pussy.

Eva did not think of him as her father, she thought of him as her future lover. He was a good man that who would please all of her womanly desires. Eva also knew from talking with her mother, that he was a large man and Eva loved it. She wanted to thank him for taking her into his home and he was going to find out just how grateful she was.

He loved her Russian accent and couldn’t wait to hear more of it. “I’ll make it better, sweetheart.” John said as he caressed over her slender back, hoping he would be able to help Eva ease her pain.

“Do you promise me?” she asked looking into his dark eyes and over his very manly face. “I will be a good woman to you and you never want again.” Eva said with a lustful tone and hoped that he understood what she was trying to say.

He caressed a long strand of her soft hair from Eva’s face and replied, “I’ll do anything to make my girl happy,” he said with a smile and hugged her slender body. “And, it will be nice to have a sexy woman in my life,” he smiled and was a little taken when Eva leaned forward and gently kissed him right on the mouth. “That was nice!” he said without thinking and he figured what the heck.

“I tell you, I do anything for you, my Daddy.”

“Be careful saying that. I haven’t had a girlfriend in over a year.”

“I take care of Daddy. No need you look for woman. I am here for you now and I do anything you ask of me.” Eva smiled and when she saw a shocked look cover his face, she knew that he now understood her.

He heard what Eva said and couldn’t believe it, but he was sure that she just meant that she would help around the house. “After being sick the last year, it will be nice to have someone around to talk with and keep me company.”

“I talk to you, hold you at night and anything my Daddy want.” Eva purred with her Russian accent, hoping that he would make her dreams of him come true.

He heard Eva again and still wasn’t sure of what she was saying. “I can’t wait,” was all he could say to her. After their hug ended and Eva pulled away, John noticed something on her blouse, she was soaking wet. “I think you have a leak!” he laughed and figured it would take a month or so for her breasts to stop lactating.

She looked down, smiled and said, “I think they overjoyed to see Daddy too.”

“I can say that…I’m glad to see them just as much,” he winked at her.

“Later, you get acquainted with. They love for Daddy to um…play with.” Eva said, making sure to over speak her already heavy accent. “Maybe you also help Eva drain milk from them too.”

“You’re going to be fun having around the house.” John said and hoped she was kidding. He hadn’t had a woman in a year and Eva was taking about him playing with her big, milk-filled breasts.

She just smiled at him and remembered something about him. “Is my Daddy still feel ill? I remember you tell me of your sickness. Eva make her Daddy,” she paused to run her keçiören escort delicate hand over his chest, watching his eyes grow wide and she smiled. “All well, in no time and you really enjoy…Eva,” she smiled and made sure to emphasize the word, enjoy as much as she could.

He slipped off his jacket and laid it over her shoulders, hoping to cover the two massive wet spots of her breasts. “I hope you can make me better. I need to find a woman,” he smiled at her, but quickly notice an agitated look on Eva’s pretty face.

“I tell you, I be your love now.” Eva smiled as she carefully pressed her body to his. “You need nobody, when you got Eva to love,” she added as her hips gently gyrated around his.

“Let’s get your things,” he said as he pointed down a long hall and now he wasn’t sure about any of this. Eva was his daughter, but he got the distinct idea that she wanted to be his lover.


He followed her into the house, admiring her shapely, size 5 hips and wonderful looking ass. “Your room will be right next to mine, I hope that’s ok?” he asked as she turned in time to catch him looking at her butt and he felt like a pervert, but her warm smile, made him feel better.

“Mmm, Eva can comfort her Daddy much better, that way.” Eva said as she strolled into his massive home and she made sure to put some extra sway into her seductive walk. “I going to love being your woman!” she purred, knowing this had to be getting him excited by now, but she couldn’t see his dick yet. “Is Eva’s Daddy feel okay?” she asked as she moved against him and made sure to put her lower lip out, remembering that her mother told Eva how much Daddy loved that.

“Why do you ask?”

“Eva tease her Daddy bunches, but I see no…um…excitement yet.”


“Eva’s Daddy…no hard yet,” she smiled as her slender hips slowly moved back and forth, hoping to feel her Daddy’s big dick, but there was nothing.

He just backed up and saw a sad frown cover her pretty face. “Daddy’s are not supposed to get hard for their daughters’,” he said and really wished that he was hard for Eva. He hadn’t been hard in a year and deep down, it was killing him.

“But, Eva comes to be with her Daddy and be his love. You want Eva to be your love?” she asked and like before, made sure to draw out her accent. “What man would not want Eva?” she asked with a sly look and she saw him smile. “Now, you sit. I make old Russian drink and with one week, Daddy want Eva bad as she want Daddy!” she smiled and walked through the house, until she found the kitchen. After some squeezing, mixing and a few other things, Eva made her way back to him. “You drink all. More in kitchen. Eva go change now, get more sexy for Daddy,” she winked with her dark, left eye and left the room.

“My fucking God, she’s going to kill me!” he laughed, taking a look at the strange drink and figured it was some old, Russian drink that she learned from her mother. “Bottoms up!” he laughed and drank it down. “Oh wow, I love it!” John said licking his lips and ran to get more of it.

He was sitting on the sofa, watching the news, when Eva came from her room. John couldn’t help but coughing when he saw her. He loved the small, white silk shirt and matching white panties, but it was no way for her to dress in front of him.

“Come here and sit. We have to have a talk,” he said as he gently patted the spot next to him.

Eva loved the way he looked at her and she hoped that he was pleased. “Does my Daddy not like?” she asked in a low and very sweet voce as she slowly turned, remembering the way Daddy looked at her bottom when they got to his home.

“Daddy loves it, but…” he paused to enjoy her beautiful smile, before going on. “I’m your father. You really shouldn’t wear things like that in front of me.” John was hoping that she’d understand and it broke his heart when tears formed in her gorgeous eyes.

“I disappoint you?” Eva asked with a sniff and she hoped he liked it.

“No, you’re beautiful, but…how do I explain this to you?” he said as he reached to hug her near-naked body. “We can’t do this. We have the same blood.”

Eva knew this was it. She would live on the streets and be what American’s called, a bum. “No Daddy! Please, I do not live on street. I am good woman and Eva not disappoints you.”

“You would never disappoint me. You’re beautiful, sexy and the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life, but if you think we can um…um…make love, we can’t!”

Eva looked at him and she knew this was not going well. “If you not happy and Eva not please you as man, I must leave you home. It my Law, the way of my town and I never allow to return there.”

“What? Explain yourself.”

“My Law says, a woman who loses all family, go the Daddy. If he not please with or she no make happy, she has no home.”

“Oh baby!” he said pulling Eva as close to him as he could get her. “Here, you are welcome and don’t have to worry. I’ll never do that to you.”

“I know how you live, but etlik escort Eva still need to please. My Daddy handsome and he need comfort in the cold night.” Eva said as she turned, making sure that he could feel her full, left breast.

He just hugged and knew this was going to be so hard. “You do not have to please me. Well, we can hug, snuggle and things like that, but not anything bad, ok?”

“I want Daddy to enjoy Eva and Eva want to love her Daddy too!” she purred with a big smile and she slowly leaned to give him a soft and very passionate kiss. “Eva makes Daddy…very happy,” she smiled and carefully moved on his lap. “Let Eva show you. I go slowly for Daddy and you see how much you want Eva,” she whispered in his ear, making sure to let her accent run wild.

He just sat there as Eva moved on him and for the first time in a year, John felt his cock stir. “Oh boy!” he moaned and wrapped his arms around her very slender body, hoping he could control her. She felt so good, so warm and if he was his old self, she would have been feeling a nine-inch cock under her beautiful ass right now.

“You ok with hug, snuggles and Eva kiss Daddy?” she softly whispered as her excited lips gently touched his, having a good idea that her Daddy was enjoying this just as much as she was.

He still could not move as Eva’s slow and careful seduction continued. “Only if that is all you do and nothing else!” he said and her face quickly lit up with joy.

She grabbed him and hugged with all of her might, knowing her big, full beasts were being smashed into Daddy’s face. “Oh I thank you, my Daddy!” Eva smiled as she let him go and just like at the airport, she was soaked, but this time, so was his face. “I sorry, my Daddy,” she smiled gently lifted her shirt, knowing he would be able to see her breasts and she wiped his face.

He felt the warm fluid squirting all over his face. “You’re going to end up killing me,” he moaned and he had to lick his lips. He tasted breast milk before, but Eva’s milk was wonderful.

She shook her head no and snuggled against him. “Eva no kill you, but maybe I do when my Daddy better,” she said in a soft voice and she felt safe. She found a man, her Daddy.

He leaned back, Eva slowly moved with him, and now she was lying completely in his arms. “Mmm, I know this is so wrong, but it sure does feel good,” he moaned pulling her closer, until her pretty face was on his. “No sex, but you can do anything else, ok?” he said and was greeted by Eva’s wonderful sexy lips on his.

“You mean anything, but um…no fock you, right?” she smiled, kissing him more and she carefully straddled him, without their lips ever parting.

He loved it when Eva turned and moved to face him. It was the same way that her mother used to seduce him. “I hope that’s what I meant,” he replied between her passionate kisses, as her hips slowly gyrated against him.

“Eva likes this very much! Does my Daddy like too?” Eva purred, but there was something in her way and it hurt. “My Daddy, this hurt my bare skin, very much,” she moved and slowly got up to show him her delicate thighs. “You take off. Eva promise Daddy she be good!” Eva smiled and hoped so much that her Daddy would take down his rough pants.

He knew that he shouldn’t, but he loved the way Eva was making him feel. He reached to unbutton his pants, but Eva quickly pushed his hands away, and said. “Eva does everything for Daddy!” she smiled and carefully pulled down his jeans and underpants. “Mmm, that made Eva!” she softly purred as his long, soft dick filled her pretty, brown eyes.

“Yes it did, but it doesn’t work anymore,” he said with a sad voice, wishing that it was nice and hard for this sexy young thing to see.

She put out her lip, moved to her knees in front of him and gently reached to hold his dick, knowing that it would be better soon. “Eva fixes it all better, you see in few days.” Eva smiled as she slowly ran her fingers over it, loving the feel of her Daddy in her hands. “Now, I rub you, that not focking, so it be ok, right?” she asked with a sexy smile and hoped that he would let her do this.

Like before, he knew it was so wrong, but her pretty face and Eva’s wonderful accent had him under her control. “Yes,” he whispered and saw a big smile cover her face. John watched her holding and gently trying to stroke him, but his dry skin was making it impossible to do. “There’s oil…” he started to say, but Eva had a better idea.

Eva sat on her knees as she slowly pulled and tried rubbing him. She opened her mouth, letting a long and thick strand of saliva drip on Daddy’s long cock. “Much better this way and it very sexy for you.” Eva said with a sly and seductive look.

“Um…yeah,” he said as the warm slobber saliva covered his cock and her small hands moved up and down his cock. “Damn, I wish it would get hard!” he said as anger rushed through him and he wanted to die. He knew it was wrong to get hard for his own daughter, but this would kill any other man and he wasn’t showing rus escort any sign of life.

She grabbed him and hugged. “No Daddy. It be ok soon. Eva make better and if happy…you make Eva happy, ok?” Eva whispered to him as she hugged him tight and she knew he would be better very soon.

He smiled, returned her loving hug and knew that having her around was going to be great. “I’ll do anything to make you happy,” he said with a smile and hoped that Eva wouldn’t try anything, because John knew he could never refuse her. He felt her hands slipping up and down his cock once again and he felt something else. Her warm breath was blowing over his cock. The combination of her wet hands and cool breath, made his cock jump again. “Oh yes! It’s moving!” he smiled and felt like jumping up and down with joy.

Eva looked up to him and she just had a sexy smile on her face. “Eva say, I fix my Daddy all good,” she said stroking him more, letting another thick drop of saliva run from her mouth and drip on his cock. “Just wait until my Daddy…all better.” Eva with a sly look as she held him and rested her upper body on his legs, making sure that her mouth was as close to his cock as she could get.

He didn’t care anymore, if Eva could get him hard, she was free to do anything. John looked down over her breathtaking body as Eva stroked him with love and so much tenderness. He knew that when he did get hard, he would repay Eva, even if it did mean making love to her.

Eva knew he was watching her and she loved his dark eyes on her. It sent chills of need flowing through every inch of her body. Her pussy was just as wet and excited, but Eva’s breasts were now throbbing with pain. “My Daddy,” she softly moaned to him with need.

“Yes baby.”

“My um…bosoms hurting. Daddy, will you help fix?” she asked with a soft, helpless voice and when he smiled at her, Eva slowly moved up and over him and offered him her swollen, left breast. “Please, my sexy Daddy,” she purred, watched him smile and he sucked her swollen nipple into his mouth.

He was surprised but John couldn’t help but smile and when she slowly climbed on him, he loved it. Not many men ever had the chance to nurse from a woman and this awesome woman was his daughter. He opened his mouth and carefully sucked her dripping nub in his mouth.

Eva’s warm milk flowed freely and John drank it down as quickly as he could. His head was spinning out of control knowing this was not right, but it was so damn good and he wasn’t going to stop. He continued sucking, loving her warm milk and soft moans of relief, but he felt something. John opened his eyes, looked between their bodies and he saw that Eva was rubbing her pussy. “That is so hot!” he smiled when their eyes met and he wished that it was his fingers rubbing Eva’s soft pussy.

“Eva very…um…excited from this,” she whispered, lifted her tiny hand up to his face, carefully ran her wet fingers under his nose and across his lips. “Smell my excitement from this? Daddy makes Eva very wet and burn for man to love her.” Eva whispered again, but this time, she made her words sound so sexy. “Taste my other juices, Daddy,” she cooed, eased her dripping fingers into his mouth and Eva smiled when she felt him licking her juice.

John smiled at her and he wanted to die when he smelled Eva’s excited pussy. He just looked into her mesmerizing eyes and did not hear a single word she said. He opened his mouth and before he could think straight, he was enjoying Eva’s other sweet nectar.

“Yes, oh my sweet Daddy!” Eva moaned and wished that he was hard. Eva was ready to fuck him and she didn’t care if he was her father or not. “You like it? I get give more,” she smiled, reached down, shoved two fingers deep into her wet pussy. “Now, you really taste Eva’s excitement for her Daddy!” she purred as she lifted her dripping fingers back to his mouth.

He loved this, but the thought that Eva was his daughter, still floated through his mind. But for now, John didn’t care. Even though he wasn’t hard, he was still enjoying Eva. He took her tiny hand and sucked her fingers as they lovingly gazed into each other’s eyes. John knew that if his cock ever got hard again, Eva was going to be so hard to resist.

She looked into his eyes and she so dearly wished he could take her. Eva would enjoy this game, but soon, she knew he would be ready. Daddy would be hard and she would never let this happen to him again. Eva would keep him well and be his lover.


Their playing, fondling each other and his sucking Eva’s breasts went on for a week until one night, things changed. He was lying in bed, sleeping when he heard Eva moaning. “What’s wrong baby?” he asked seeing her lying next to him on her side with big tears running from her beautiful eyes.

“I hurt again, very bad,” she said moving as close to him as she could get. “My Daddy…Eva full of milk, will you help me?” Eva asked knowing he would and she gently kissed him.

He didn’t say anything, he just moved down until her swollen breasts were at his mouth and he started sucking. He’d been sucking her milk five to six times a day. She pushed against him and he reached around her young body, caressing her small ass, wishing he would get hard. Her hips slowly gyrated to him as he caressed her and he felt Eva’s wetness.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

King of the MILFs

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Mark had always had a thing for MILFs.

I mean, who doesn’t? There really is nothing like the sweet taboo fruit of checking out an older woman, especially when she sports an hourglass figure. The summer after he graduated college, Mark felt an increased, palpable attraction to the multiple hot moms he had the pleasure of knowing, but he had no idea how to advance on them.

Alas, such is the bitter, cock-hardening joy of MILF appreciation; whether they are aware of their hotness or not, there exists a perpetual social barrier between married women with children and the horny young men who lust for them. And Mark wanted nothing more than to smash that barrier and revel in the undivided attention of his six local model-quality moms.

In his neighborhood alone, there were six bodacious mothers in their 30s and 40s, and he would sprout a generous erection whenever he saw one of them strut past him in their yoga pants, tight-fitting jeans or ill-fitting tops that barely contained their phenomenal tits (and we all know how much our hero Mark loves tits).

Finally, Mark decided that enough was enough. He had always been wildly intelligent and incredibly adept at getting what he wanted – even if that meant dabbling in deceit and manipulation. He would come up with a plan to seduce these women – or better yet, to trick them into seducing him.

The plan came to him even sooner than he expected.

The Sexy Six, as Mark thought of them, were all housewives. While their husbands were at work and their kids were at elementary and intermediate school, they were usually home alone, running errands or exercising to maintain those flawless figures. He wondered if those lucky bastard husbands even knew what they had. Well, too late – because Mark was about to take it for himself.


A yoga class that met in the middle of the day, three times a week.

With Mark as its private instructor.

As far as he was concerned, it was 100% worth it to learn yoga for a week or two before launching this plan – after all, weren’t the untold sexual riches of six lonely, manipulated MILFs worth a little bit of his own time? Plus, here was the beauty of the situation: these women were not exactly the brightest bulbs. They were primarily trophy wives, and getting them to show up to his house in skimpy outfits and stretch their unbelievable bodies for his viewing pleasure would hopefully not be too difficult at all.

This was only aided by the fact that each of the Sexy Six knew Mark as “the harmless neighbor boy” who occasionally mowed their lawns or watched their kids. They wouldn’t expect any funny business from him, but unbeknownst to them, funny business was all he had to give.

When he felt as though he was ready, Mark extended his invitation to the Sexy Six, reviewing his private lineup of bombshells as he did so…

Sydney – Talk about an ASS. Sydney lived just down the street from Mark, and he never missed an opportunity, no matter how fleeting, to check out her buns. They were high, round and perky, and Mark had laughed with his guy friends about how much they just wanted to sink their hands and teeth into that soft, tight meat.

Caroline – Caroline’s booty was just as impressive as Sydney’s but for a slightly different reason. It lacked some of the roundness and shape of Sydney’s derriere, but it made up for it with extraordinary size! Caroline’s ass looked like she had stuffed two cut-up volleyballs into her yoga pants, and Mark had drooled over her for several years now.

NOTE: If you haven’t noticed by now, Mark was extraordinarily excited by moms with big butts. He loved the wide hips, the slim waists and the explosive, meaty curves, and he yearned and burned to give them the attention their husbands were denying them.

Emily – Emily was Korean-American, and her ass simply would not quit. Emily was known around the neighborhood by its male inhabitants as the one who seemed to be “dressing for attention” to be paid to her bottom, and she absolutely received it from man after slack-jawed man.

Rosie – Rosie was Latina, and Mark remembered distinctly seeing her out running sincan escort one day when he noticed something incredible – the bounce. Rosie had the sweetest, bounciest pair of butt cheeks Mark had ever seen, and he knew it was his destiny to have them bouncing and jiggling just for him. Like the others, she would be his prize soon enough.

Vanessa & Amy – For good measure, Mark wanted to include two MILFs whose butts weren’t anything to write home about. However, their huge busts always took his attention (and his breath) away. Vanessa and Amy were twins, raising their kids in houses next door to one another, and each of them had EE-cup breasts that they sported proudly in tank tops, sports bras and tight T-shirts while they toted their children to and from soccer practice. Mark’s ultimate goal for these two was a double titty-fuck, to enjoy four giant knockers pleasing him at once while their husbands were hard at work and totally oblivious.

Mark distributed flyers advertising for a new, free yoga class taught in the living room of his apartment on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at noon – prime time for husbands to be working, kids to be at school and hot-ass moms to be bored and desirous of attention. Of course, he made sure the flyers went right to the Sexy Six and no one else by simply placing them on their respective porches and ringing the doorbell before running off.

Frankly, he would consider this a success if even two of the Sexy Six showed up on that fateful Monday. He advised them all in the flyer to wear “tight workout attire”, so even two girls would be fair game for ogling and drooling over while they stretched and exercised for him.

Needless to say, he was ecstatic when he opened the door on Monday at noon…to see all six ladies, dressed to impress and ready for action.

Mark’s eyes lit up and his jaw dropped as Sydney, Caroline, Emily, Rosie, Vanessa and Amy smiled warmly at him from his doorway. They were each dressed in small athletic tanks and skin-tight yoga pants that Mark could not wait to see from behind. What was more, they seemed excited to see him. These MILFs would be every bit as trickable as he thought.

“Hi, Mark!” Vanessa bubbled, giving him a tender hug and allowing her enormous melons to smush perfectly against his chest. Mark savored the sensation.

“So good to see you!” Sydney cooed.

At the same time, Sydney stepped forward and gave him an additional hug. He tried to crane his neck awkwardly to see the swell of her unbelievable ass cheeks, but he gave up on that when yet another woman embraced him. Rosie inserted herself into the huddle, greeting Mark with a warm, snuggly hug all his own. He did his best to restrain his already-aching penis from scaring the trio off – if they were this affectionate just from seeing him as a neighbor, imagine what he could get done in the coming weeks!

“It’s sooo sweet of you to host a yoga class for us!” Rosie gushed.

“Huh? Oh, uh – yeah, sure. Hey.” Mark stammered out.

He was barely paying attention as Vanessa, Sydney and Rose pulled away. He was distracted by Amy’s gigantic MILF chest, as well as by Caroline’s tremendous ass as she turned around to shut the front door behind them. Apparently, he was not done being lovingly embraced by this new group of “friends”.

Emily led the charge, wrapping her arms around him and allowing her face to drift closer to his. She addressed the other women in the squad with a playful tone.

“Is that how you greet our neighbor and private teacher, girls? Honestly!” she giggled.

With that, Emily did something that Mark was definitely not expecting: she leaned in and planted a moist kiss on his cheek. Mark’s erection immediately sprung up, not just because of this kiss, but because of the promise of what was to come.

“You’re so right, Emily!” Amy agreed girlishly, stepping forward until her huge boobs were squished against Mark’s chest, just as her twin sisters’ had been moments ago. She kissed Mark on his other cheek, making a tempting “mwah!” sound.

“Amy! Back off! You’re gonna knock him over with those tits!” çankaya escort

Caroline was teasing her from behind as she approached Mark and mimicked Emily and Amy’s actions. All the girls laughed in response. Mark was almost too shocked to chuckle – they were already comfortable mentioning their boobs around him? This was almost too easy.

Finally, the MILFs all set up their yoga mats in the space Mark had cleared out. He grinned to himself as he stared at Sydney, Caroline, Emily and Rosie’s asses. Each was better than the last. Round, perky, bouncy and just plain BIG. Their spandex pants were ridiculously flattering, and it took all his self-control not to reach down and grab a hearty handful.

“First of all, you girls look great. Excellent workout attire.” he managed to say, hoping that wasn’t too bold.

“Aww, thank you, Mark!” Vanessa smiled, hefting her tits upward as she adjusted her bra.

“We weren’t sure what exactly to wear.” Caroline admitted.

“Yeah, none of us have done yoga before.” Sydney shrugged.

This gave Mark an inkling of an idea.

“So, you aren’t sure what to wear for yoga?” he confirmed.

“Nope.” Amy shook her head.

“Ah. Well, then, just for future reference…tight shorts would be best. The shorter the better.”

Mark was starting to sweat. He was raising the stakes sooner than expected, and if he wasn’t careful, these women would simply leave and dismiss him as a pervert.

“Like…booty shorts?” Emily asked.

Mark practically burst out of his athletic pants at the idea of Emily wearing booty shorts, but he had to secure this for next time – it was an absolutely golden opportunity.

“Yes. Booty shorts. Tight booty shorts. They’ll…uh…make you more comfortable.”

After a pause, the Sexy Six all began to nod. They seemed to be accepting this as legitimate advice. The next class would be fascinating indeed.

“Sure, we can do that.” Caroline smiled.

“Awesome. Well, let’s go ahead and get into our first pose.”

Mark had his breathtaking new students get on all fours and arch their backs, so that their bottoms were angled up in the air. This was one of the sights for which he was most thoroughly excited, and it did not disappoint.

“Very nice. Just hold that right there. Keep those backs arched, girls.”

He loved calling them “girls”. It felt like he really had power over them. And as soon as he wandered over to the back of the room, right behind Sydney and Rosie, he was extremely happy that he did.

In that moment, Mark experienced an incredible sensation of joy. He gazed out happily over the six women, all of them willing to bend and stretch their bodies according to his every instruction. Sydney, Caroline, Emily and Rosie with their giant, perfect butts, and the twin MILFs Amy and Vanessa with their huge racks – this living room would be Heaven on Earth for the summer, and he planned on asserting his dominance on these malleable mommies as soon as possible.

It was time to get a little bit bolder.

Mark bent down by Caroline, bringing his gaze even closer to her incredible, enormous MILF ass. He licked his lips.

“Caroline, do you mind if I help you with your positioning?” he inquired innocently.

“Please do.” Caroline replied.

Mark’s heart raced. His mouth was dry. He slowly, anxiously brought one hand onto the small of Caroline’s back…and the other hand onto her sweet, round butt cheek.

“How’s this?” he confirmed.

“Good.” Caroline answered nonchalantly.

And just like that, Mark had his answer. He adjusted Caroline’s positioning, arching her back more steadily. In that moment, he took a few fateful seconds to tighten his grip and cop a nice, juicy feel of that nice, juicy booty. If only her husband could see him now.

“Hey! What are you doing?”

Mark’s blood ran cold at the sound of Sydney’s voice. He was caught. He was a MILF-hungry pervert. This was all over.

“You have to teach all of us, sweetie.”

Sydney grinned at him from across the living room. Mark slowly exhaled and eryaman escort nodded at her. He headed over and fixed her pose next, making sure to place one hand on her perfect, perky ass and give it a nice squeeze.

“Yeah, we all want private instruction, after all.” Emily cooed, wiggling her bottom in front of him.

Mark was fully erect now. He felt like he was in a MILF-lover’s dream. Before moving on to Emily, Mark gave Sydney’s luscious booty another tender rub.

“Very nice.” he said under his breath.

“Did you just say ‘very nice’?” Rosie called him out.

“Uh…yeah.” Mark stuttered, “Her body positioning, I mean.”

“You weren’t checking out her body positioning, Mark.” Vanessa laughed.

“You were checking out that grade-A Sydney butt!” Amy stuck her tongue out.

“No! I wasn’t!” Mark protested, afraid that his cover was about to be blown.

“Mark. It’s okay.” Sydney smiled warmly, “I want to learn yoga. And I know I have a great ass. I don’t mind if you enjoy it.”

“Wha – really?”

“Come do me next, Stud.” Emily whispered, wiggling her booty in those tight spandex leggings.

Slowly but surely, Mark maneuvered over to the Korean goddess awaiting him. He did the same thing with her, but his actions with regards to her bottom got progressively braver. At one point, he placed both hands on it, one on each cheek, and squeezed while lifting it up a bit.

“How’s this?” she asked flirtatiously.

“Great. Really great.” Mark breathed.

“Honestly, this attention is really nice.” Caroline shrugged, “Our husbands are too busy working to appreciate our bodies like this.”

“We’re pretty proud of our butts. And it looks like you’ll be the only one who gets to enjoy them.”

Rosie smiled, speaking in her faint Mexican accent.

“I just didn’t want to be – you know – objectifying.” Mark said, letting the information cascade out of him. “But honestly, I’ve always been, you know…attracted to big butts.”

“Of course you have.” Emily winked as he parted ways with her and moved on to Rosie.

“Don’t forget tits, honey.” Amy giggled, sitting up straight and jiggling her boobs playfully.

“I do love boobs.” Mark admitted wistfully.

“Well then, we have a little treat for you.” Vanessa chuckled, sitting up and mirroring her sister’s movements.

“Looks more like four huge treats.” Sydney teased.

Mark transitioned from ass to tits for a few minutes and knelt down next to Amy. She thrust her chest out for him.

“My husband stopped caring about my EEs a long time ago.” she confided, “It’ll feel nice to have someone give them the love they deserve.”

“And who knows?” Vanessa shrugged, causing her own melons to wobble, “Maybe they’ll give you some love in return.”

Mark stared unabashedly at Vanessa and Amy’s boobies, sporting impressive cleavage in their ill-fitting sports bras. Now that he really thought about it, these bras were not appropriate for public. These MILFs – all of them – looked downright…slutty.

For him. All for him. Mark looked around to see Emily, Rosie, Caroline and Sydney closing in on him as he reached his hands out toward Amy and Vanessa – one palm on each of their amazing, supple milk jugs. He clutched them hungrily, acknowledging that this was his destiny. These hot moms had agreed to give him his playtime, and it was time to start reveling in it. The twins smiled demurely as he felt up their respective twins, cradling their enormous softness in his hands – they were almost too big for him to handle. He had very special plans for Vanessa and Amy.

“This isn’t about yoga anymore, is it?” he whispered.

Upon hearing this, Sydney, Caroline and Emily all leaned in and began kissing his face with sweet, starved abandon. Rosie leaned in toward his face and breathed one lusty sentence in his ear.

“It never really was.”

She kissed him. He turned his face and kissed her. His gaze turned toward Caroline, Sydney and Emily, whose fantastic MILF booties were stuck proudly in the air for his viewing pleasure as they smothered him with the warmth and affection they were denied at home. The whole time, Mark refused to stop groping Amy and Vanessa.

In that moment, Mark knew that this would be an unforgettable summer. After all, how could it not be?

On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at noon, these were his MILFs now.

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Rahab Bk. 04 Ch. 06: A New Life

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Ass Gape

With Ana back in my life, I felt up to any challenge. That she had come to me as soon as she had got my message told me all I needed or ever wanted to know. She felt about our relationship as I did. The conventions of Society, not to mention the teachings of the many religious groups which dominated it, did not allow us to hallow our relationship, and local customs meant that I needed to take care. Ana had much to do back at her base, but she became a familiar figure at the Grand Serail, although her exact status we never fixed; except in our hearts. And so it was that after so many wanderings, my wounded heart came to rest in her. Only Queen Bess ever held a similar place there; but I was young, and it was long ago, and besides the wench is dead.

My delight in my new role continued when, a week after my arrival, Princess Damila Al-Amadin arrived; and to make my pleasure complete, she brought with her my former slave and lover, English Jess, and her partner, Ayesha.

The Sultan had once described the Princess as a ‘jewel beyond compare,’ and looking at her as she approached my throne, I felt the same. She was like a Greek status of Venus I once saw in the Topkapi Palace’s private quarters. Her figure was in perfect proportion, and her eyes they shone like diamonds, they sparkled like the dew, and her hair hung over her shoulders, held up only by a black velvet band. She was the Helen of Troy of our era.

She bowed, I beckoned her to me and gave her the honour of a kiss on each cheek. She whispered:

‘So good to see you again my darling.’

And so it was.

I invited her to a private dinner that evening, the formal banquet could wait. She brought Jess and Ayesha.

My eyes filled when I saw Jess. She had been my companion and my joy. She had fallen in love with Ayesha, one of the ladies in waiting to the Princess, and being kind-hearted, I had released her from my service. But it was a joy to see her, and to know at first glance that she and Ayesha were happy,

‘Jess,’ I smiled broadly.

‘Is it so, can it be, that my Pixie is now Mistress of all she surveys?’

She giggled, and so did I.

Over dinner, I told them about my adventures in England, and Jess wanted to hear all about her homeland, and what had happened in the Seraglio. I told her I had given the letter she had written to her former Mistress to a trusted source, but had never had a response.

Jess, smiled, that sweet, tender smile I remembered so well.

‘Well, at least she knows what became of me. It was so kind of you, darling one, to let me go, but I see now that there was much wisdom there too. I recall you saying that the situation was unpredictable. So, Irene won in the end?’

Irene was the ambitious favourite of the Sultan whose son was now the favoured heir, and I had no doubt she was, in part, responsible for my exile. Little did I now mind, as I had two of my favourite people in the whole world there in the room with me. I told them that Ana would be coming to the official banquet.

As we sipped our sherbet in the courtyard to the sound of the fountains playing, Damila raised the question that had hung in the air.

‘Are you here for long, my darling?’

I explained as much of the situation as I wanted to share, telling them that I was happy that the Sultan had given me my own show to look after, allowing me power rather than confining me to mere influence. I added that they should let it be known that the little Viceroy might be looking to make a marriage.

‘What!’ Jess positively squeaked. ‘You?’

I etimesgut escort reassured them that I had no such intention, but added that it would help keep the local chiefs in play if they thought there was a chance that I might favour one of their clan. I had watched how Elizabeth had used that as a technique, and thought I could manage it too. Of course, I would never marry, and not only because I was a devotee of Sappho. Marriage into any of the local clans would mean making an instant enemy of its enemy. But the prospect of it would help in two ways: it would mean that for a while they would see it as being in their interests to woo me; and it would counteract the rumours about my sexuality which would confuse the Imams. Heads I won, tails I did not lose.

The official banquet the following evening was a lavish affair. Power was demonstrated in largesse, so the food and drink were of the highest quality, and there were gifts for all the important clan leaders who vied with each other in their extravagance to me. This was how it worked in the Empire. A good Lord gave gifts, and influence, and access to money and power. If I could balance the local clans, then my rule would be successful. If I could not, then my tenure would be short – and brought to an end by the bowstring. You got no second chances in Ottoman politics. Ana’s presence was taken to be that of one of the many powerful local war-lords; but we knew differently.

The following morning, I summoned the chiefs, including the Princess, to a meeting in my chamber. Oddly, peace was a threat to good government. War might use up resource, but if successful, it gave access to fresh riches. I was mindful, having read Danegyth, of the way the William the Bastard had parcelled out England to his barons, as well as of Elizabeth’s plans to use Ireland in the same way. Men were avaricious and war-like; a good Lord found these things an outlet other than civil strife, which was always the default position.

I outlined to them the Sultan’s wishes regarding the former Armenian kingdom to our north-west. Run by local warlords who owed allegiance to the Mongols, it was a threat to law and order in our realm, and it needed to be brought to more civilised ways. This, I added, would mean that I should need help from them, in return for which, of course, they would receive rewards in the form of land of gold or slaves – or all three.

There was a murmur of approval. I suspected they had imagined that a female Viceroy would talk to them of peace and good government, in neither of which were they interested. They wanted power and wealth. I was prepared to offer it.

‘If I might say, Highness,’ said the head of the Bashir clan, Assad, ‘that is a masterly idea, but do we have information about the situation there?’

Smiling, I acknowledged the wisdom of his compliment, and told him that we did indeed, and that, when the moment came, we would have allies inside the kingdom too.

There was a louder murmur of approval. Clearly this was not just a hare-brained scheme, but one with some planning. That was half true. Ana had contacts with the Christians in the community there, and Rabbi Joshua with the Jews, and I had put feelers out to both. Beyond that there was not yet a plan, but what mattered was that I had the local leaders thinking about fighting someone other than each other. For too long, in my opinion, the Empire had forgotten its primary function, which was to reward its chief supporters; in my area, that old tradition was about to be revived – with otele gelen escort a vengeance. But of my wider purpose I said naught, save to Rabbi Joshua.

‘My dear Viceroy,’ he said when I told him of the wider purpose, ‘it would, indeed, be a great work to take our people out of captivity and bondage in that hateful place, and if you can bend the power of the Empire to that purpose, God will bless you.

I could only hope so. I was taking enormous risks. The Sultan had not, in fact, sanctioned any military action. He would never disavow a successful conquest, but if I got it wrong – the bowstring would follow. No wonder so many viceroys sat still, plundered their domains, and hoped to live out a long an uneventful life. The difficulty was that they seldom succeeded. The Empire was inherently unstable, I had come to realise. War and conquest provided unifying forces; these I would use.

Ana approved. We slipped into a pattern where she would come to Court on Fridays. It coincided with the Muslim call to prayer, and so the Imams were not about. A small thing, but it helped lessen the opposition. However much part of me wanted to tell the Imams and Bishops that they were bigots, I knew I could not do so. Society was not ready to admit that women could love other women, although, to my amusement, I noted that all-male relationships had a blind-eye turned to them. The hypocrisy was nauseating, but men ruled the world and made their own rule. I may have governed Syria, but I could not make my own rules.

Ana’s arrival was always a joy for me. Power, or rather ruling, was a time-consuming activity, at least done properly. There were petitions to read and answer, letters, dispatches and reports all demanding time; then there was my weekly report back to the Padishah. On top of that there were daily audiences, and the need to stay on top of what my own secretariat was doing. They had become used to Bashir’s laxness, and they disliked my attention to detail, not least because their peculation was uncovered. I had to have several of them imprisoned, and others dismissed; but they soon learned that I was a force to be reckoned with.

Ana reckoned I worked twice as hard as any man, but as I told her, I had to. It would not do for me to be as good as a man. The Men’s Club accepted that sometimes things got missed by a busy ruler; but they would have crucified me for the slightest error. So I had to be twice as good. The reports back from the Sultan praising my rule were manna. Within six months it was accepted, by all but the religious puritans, that I could rule Syria. But without time with my Ana, I should soon have been exhausted. She was my hold on some sort of private life – and sanity.

With Ana I could be me. She was always who she was. The Amazonian warrior woman who headed up the elite Bodyguard and guarded the secret tomb of the Marble King, as well as the secret of the location of the real heir to the last Eastern Roman Emperor. Her nature was open and frank, and she had no need, nor use for, diplomacy. She saw me as her woman, and that made me happy. To everyone else I was the Viceroy, to her I was ‘my little Rahab;’ where everyone else bowed to me, I knelt to Ana in our chamber. Where I had to be on guard with everyone else and work out what their private agenda was, with Ana I was safe, and knew what she wanted: me.

Ana was punctual, which meant I evolved a routine; I like routines. In a life beset by uncertainties, there was a reassurance to be had in the familiar. So, after my meagre Friday kızılay escort midday repast (it was a day of fasting for me in the main), I would retire to the bath, allowing my ladies to pamper me and prepare me for my lover. I would be clean and perfumed and in my most tantalizing harem clothes for her. Once she arrived, only my personal maid would be allowed access. She alone knew what we did, and she knew that any breach of my confidence would be met with retribution.

Ana loved me like that.

She would bathe, and I would tend to her, stripping naked to be with her.

I would massage her, starting with her shoulders and working down to her backside. Straddling the small of her back, I would ease the tension from her muscles. I knew it excited her to feel my growing wetness pressed into her. She loved me to get hot, which added the scent of my sweat to that of the perfume. Even more did she loved the way my tongue would eventually slide down the crack between the buttocks. She would begin to moan at that point. I loved to tease her puckered dark star hole and to watch it pulse. Even more did I love parting her cheeks and lubricating her with my saliva until the was in a state of such arousal that I could smell it.

Then, depending on our mood, I would either press myself lower between her thighs and suck her cunt, or I would turn her over, for easier access to her bud, and suck that whilst fingering her.

When we did the latter, I loved the way she would pull be by my plaits more fully into her until my mouth cupped her whole cunt. Greedily I would lick her, up from her perineum to her clitoris, then round again, and again, until my instinct told me it was time to suck her; then I would.

Ana’s legs over my shoulders, both her sex holes would be opened for me, and oft-times I would use them both. She loved me to lick, flick and suck on her clitoris while fingering her with both hands. She loved my fingers in her cunt, but when I penetrated her star hole too, she would gasp and moan and grow wetter. Knowing her need, I would let her climax then, before spending a more leisurely time arousing her for a second, or even a third climax. Sometimes that would take us into the evening, and my chef would prepare us something for when the sun has set and I could eat.

I can see the courtyard from here, where we would sit on those balmy summer evenings, underneath the stars, in love and happy together. Time takes all away, but my memories he cannot take from me; though the moment pains as the hours pleased.

Then she would want me.

I had no say in the matter. With her, and with her alone, I felt able to drop my guard, as well as my harem pants. She would take me, sometimes tenderly, sometimes roughly, but always with passion, lust and love. For those hours I could stop being the little Vizier or the girl Viceroy, and just be Rahab, Ana’s woman, her lover, her partner, her soulmate. And we were happy under the Syrian stars, our love blossoming like the cherry tree in spring time.

As the night wore on and our exertions tired us, we would talk of love and what we might do when I stopped being Viceroy. But we knew in our hearts that such talk was fantasy. I could not go to love with her in the mountain citadel where the Bodyguard secreted itself; no successor would allow that. So, either I stayed, or I would be sent elsewhere; or it would be the bowstring.

‘If the man ever arrives with that, my little Rahab, I will use it to strangle him, and I shall smuggle you to safety and defy the world.’

She would have, too, but I could not put her work at peril – even for our love. But it was sweet of her to say so, and sweeter still to know she meant it. I was loved – and I knew it. I thought then, as I do now, what more could one want from life? Power and riches were Dead Sea fruit; what will survive of us is love.

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Daddy’s Dream

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Big Tits

I’m a 23 year-old single woman, an only child. I wish I could tell your readers how I look like Pamela Anderson but that would be a lie. I’m tall and thin and have smallish boobs and narrow hips. My long brown hair is straight and dull. I’m not ugly but I’ve been described as plain. I’ve had several boyfriends but never anything too serious. I’m not a virgin by any means but I’ve been discovering I enjoy women more then men of late but that’s neither here or there.

My story involves my dad. He’s 50 and a successful lawyer in the big city. He’s a workaholic and he’s been even worse since mom died 5 years ago. I know of no dates that he’s been on despite his handsome, distinguished looks and despite me telling him that mom wouldn’t want him to be alone forever. He always just shrugged me off and told me not to worry because he was fine. So I kept quiet. Living at home was no problem, I came and went as I pleased and dad was working most of the time anyway.

Then I made plans to spend the night at a friends. I was trying to convince her of the pleasures of lesbian love and that was my plan, to seduce her. I dressed sexily and paid special attention to my hair and make-up and I think I looked pretty good. “Hot date tonight?” my dad asked, I told him I hoped so and kissed his cheek and told him I’d be home in the morning. He smiled and I left.

My night was a disaster! Not only did I fail at seducing my friend but she was very angry at me for trying and I found out very stupid for calling me a “fucking dyke bitch” and I walked home (two miles) in my high heels. I was so mad but also so horny because I had pictured me and her doing all sorts of nasty things together. I knew I would be getting use of several of my vibrators when I got home.

I opened the door and saw the light on in the den. I guessed daddy was still awake and watching television. I walked towards the den and I heard what sounded like sexual moaning coming from the television. I slowed down because I didn’t want to barge in on him. I peeked in and almost died.

Dad was sitting back, sleeping keçiören escort on his leather recliner. There was an empty bottle of vodka next to dad and he had the remote control in his hand. But all that wasn’t what was weird, it was the fact that dad was sitting there naked in all his glory, the remote was in one hand and his other hand was covering his crotch. It was my dad, but I looked on more out of curiosity then lust. His broad chest had a smattering of grayish black hair on it and his legs were rather hairy, but he was by no means one of those hairy old men. His stomach was in good shape, not paunchie…dad was a very good looking man. But right now he was passed out drunk, watching a porn video.

I took off my heels and went into the room quietly. On screen was a close-up of a rather thick dick sliding in and out of a rather hairy vagina doggie style. It looked to me that the camera was being held by the guy, pointing down at their joining sexes. I guessed it was some kind of amateur video, or home made video. Whatever it was it was making me tingle between my legs as I watched.

That’s when I recognized the man’s voice – it was my dad doing the fucking on camera. I looked at his sleeping figure, more specifically his hand covering his cock. I could see his large balls and then I noticed the white liquid splashed all over his chest and tummy. It wasn’t dried up or caked up yet and I figured dad had jerked off and passed out only minutes before I had walked in. For some reason that made me even wetter.

I looked back at the television in time to see dad eating the woman out, another close-up but this time the steadiness of the shot had me thinking it was on a tripod. I sat down and slipped off my panties and watched. I had an orgasm before the tape was over but managed to see the woman in the video was my mom and judging by her short hair, the tape was about 10 years old. I felt guilty and ashamed of myself and as I stood to leave I heard my dad’s voice in the dark room. “Louise? baby? where you going?” I froze, Louise etlik escort was my mom’s name, not mine. Then dad was quiet again and I realized he was sleeping, and dreaming about my mom. I tip-toed out and went into the kitchen for some water and to think about what I had just seen and done. I felt so guilty because I knew it was wrong.

I sat awake in my room and at about 2 a.m. decided to go check on dad, maybe cover him with a blanket since I’d left him there naked on his recliner. The T.V. had gone off and the room was completely dark except for the gray static on the T.V. I picked up a blanket and as I was about to cover dad I noticed he had a pretty impressive erection and this time his hand wasn’t covering it. I’ve had 6 male lovers in my life and none were like him. It’s not so much that daddy had a long penis, it was rather that it was as thick around as my wrist. I guessed it was about 6″ long but who cared about the length?

I stared at it for a minute or so before I gently covered dad with the blanket. Then I heard his voice again, “Louise, I have a big problem only you can help me with,” and he removed the blanket and was holding his erection. At this point I was going to wake him up before this went too far. Then I looked closely at him and realized he was still sleeping, still dreaming of my mom. I could also see the tears rolling down his cheeks. “Please honey, don’t go yet. I miss you so much” and that’s when I decided to help dad with the dream he was having.

I knelt on the floor in front of the recliner and lowered his legs and moved in close. Daddy spread his thighs and placed one leg over the arm of the recliner giving me access to his huge nut sac. His balls were very hairy but the skin was so soft. He purred like a kitten when I leaned in and began licking them. Once I inhaled his musky man smell I was lost. I gave dads balls a bath until they were dripping with my saliva, I still hadn’t touched his thick shaft.

My eyes had adjusted to the near dark room and just as I was ready to put dads shaft in my mouth rus escort I realized how exposed his ass was in this position. I lifted his wet balls and started to tongue his asshole. I had done this only once to a man (but quite a few times to other women) and my father seemed to be enjoying it. After I wet his hole enough I pressed a finger against his tight ring. I couldn’t slide it in just yet. I decided I needed to taste the rest of his cock now.

I held him by the base and the head was so smooth and big, almost the size of a plum and for a minute I wondered if I could get my mouth around it. I was able to but it really stretched my jaw, I smiled thinking to myself that dad a real “jaw breaker” between his legs. The more I sucked his cock the less I looked up at him to see if he was still asleep. Then I felt dad’s hands on my head and he was whispering “Louise, that feels so good baby. Your mouth feels so good” and he kept whispering things, talking to my mom and I was doing my best to give him the best head of his life.

I went back to his asshole and this time as I sucked him he was relaxed enough for me to slide my finger into his tight puckered hole. He moaned and his hips started raising off the recliner and he was fucking my mouth. By this time my jaw ached. I’d only tried to swallow one guy’s load and I didn’t love it but I wondered what my dads would taste like. As I was still thinking about this I found out.

I’d heard that the amount of cum a guy shoots is proportionate to the size of his balls, in Daddy’s case this was true. I nearly choked as I tried to swallow what seemed like a gallon of his liquid until finally he stopped shooting. I stood up and covered him with the blanket and watched him sleep for a moment before I went up to my room to masturbate. It happened just that one time and nothing was ever mentioned about it. I knew by the way dad hadn’t changed that to him it was just a delightful, wet dream but he seemed happier that next day and the days that followed. I knew what I had given him was special.

I hope every day that I find dad in the middle of one of his dreams about mom and I hope that he will want to fuck because I can’t get the sight, smell and taste of him off of my mind and I can’t help wondering how good a fat cock like his would feel inside me. Who knows? maybe some day I’ll find out.

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Long Story of Sucking My First Cock

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Sorry this is so long winded. Let me know what you think of my writing. This is a true story. When I was growing up in a rather conservative town (like every where in the 60s) we only had Playboy and got that from older boys. Of course back then no one talked about homosexuality.

Always had the feelings I guess. When I got in the service and things got a bit looser in society I read it was normal to think about gay stuff from time to time.

Well, I joined up and got sent to Washington DC. Of course just barely 18 and knew everything, lol. Back then the military would kick you out for being gay and in some cases they sent guys to prison for it. (Want to know something stupid, you could get caught in the military sucking cock and say “BUT I’M NOT GAY and they wouldn’t kick you out).

So, had to be pretty careful about such things. We would from time to time meet some guy and we knew he was gay but, things were changing a bit in the country in the mid 70s and we kept it quiet. Of course if you didn’t really know or couldn’t prove it then you didn’t want to say anything.

I did have one roommate I thought was odd but, I guess people thought that about me. But, I would mention I had a date with a girl and he would get real upset. Told him I was taking a girl out for the first time and he told me in a haughty tone to not bring her back to our room because he wouldn’t leave. Even though I had not said a word about bringing her back.

We had a room that shared a bathroom with another room instead of the common latrine. I was in my bunk and he took a shower and came back in the room. We had a book shelf between our bunks and they gave us some privacy. I rolled over and I could see between the books and stuff and he was jerking off looking at me. I wonder why he didn’t do it in the shower a few minutes before.

It was the first time I saw a guy with a hard on and jerking in real life. Hell, I might of made a play for him if he hadn’t of been so ugly and unpredictable plus, I was still into women and fighting with my gay feelings. And like I said the military put guys in prison for gay activity.

Anyway, when I first got to DC a coworker took me down town and back in the 70s just a few blocks from the White House it was a combat zone, hookers, strip joints, adult book stores. He advised me to never come down alone into that part of town. Military guys were easy to spot back then as we were the only young guys with short hair and were a target for getting mugged.

Once a small group of us did go and first we went to this big book store that had more porn than you could shake a stick at. We were going along and I was among these porn novels. I don’t know if they have them anymore but, these were usually written about the 4th grade level and might have a few porn pics in them.

I crossed this big aisle and didn’t look at the covers at first; I was looking to see where my buddies were.

They were standing on the other side of the aisle looking at me and laughing. There were two longer haired gentlemen on my side and they looked at me and smiled and me being a friendly West Texas kid smiled back and said “hello” and got a very friendly reply.

I looked at the book covers and there was a picture of a guy sucking another guy’s cock and some sort of gay story. The whole section was gay. I got to admit laying in my bunk that night I got a hard on thinking of the gay pictures.

I quickly looked back up and both men were smiling at me and moving my way. I went back to the other side and my buddies knew what was over there and had some fun with me “crossing the aisle.” That got to be our code for awhile of “He crossed the aisle.” for being gay.

In Wash DC I was an admin clerk and put in the mail room of HQAFOSI. OSI is basically the Air Force equal of NCIS. We would get crime case files from all over the Air Force and they had a code printed on them telling us what department to send them too.

We would open some and read them. The very rare murder, suicide, assault, sex crimes.

We were usually looking for pictures. Amazing the number of dumb asses that would take nude pictures of under age girls or doing gay stuff and leave them out on their bunk or desk for the room inspector to find.

One day I came back from a mail run and two of the guys were looking at a case file and laughing. They called me over asking if I wanted to see something interesting. There were a lot of pictures from a gay case file.

Some idiot got his room inspected and he left out a lot of pictures and these were not the old Polaroids we were used to seeing. This guy used a 35mm and took some quality pictures of a gay orgy!

A dozen or more guys and some were military and some were not, some were middle aged civilians and some were young and I was guessing 18 to 20 years of age.

The younger guys all seemed to be a bit on the submissive side. These guys sure were not getting raped. Everyone had big smiles and the sincan escort older men sucked their cocks and fucked them.

One of the young guys in particular was very happy and there were pictures of him getting sucked and him being spitted roasted by just about every man in the room. I couldn’t get over how big of a cock one of the older men had and this kid was taking it all in both his holes down to the pubes.

Of course I had to make fag jokes but, at the same time I was trying to keep my dick from getting hard.

One guy I think that might of been the guy taking pictures as he was only in a few was on his knees and one picture was of him on his knees with just the tip of a guy’s cock in his mouth and him smiling up at the guy and the next is the suckee’s pubic hair in the photographer’s face and his cock all the way down his throat, I was so jealous.

We closed our office at 4:35 and got on a bus at 4:50. Often everyone would leave at either 4 or 4:20 leaving one guy behind to lock up. I volunteered that afternoon and everyone was out the door by 4:20. At 4:30 I closed and locked the door and pulled that file out of the mail.

I looked the pictures over again and this time in great detail and ended up jerking off under my desk looking at them. I really wanted to be the young man getting spit roasted or one of those doing him. I ended up jerking off in my bunk again that night thinking of that party.

Later me and boys went to downtown DC on 14th street and went into one of the porn stores. They didn’t have VCRs yet but, did have the 8mm movies and booths in the back of the store. I think back then they only had one movie per booth. Of course the booths had both gay and straight movies and had out takes of the movies on the door.

Now being bi I would look at both but, had to be quick when walking by the gay ones as my buddies were with me and didn’t want to get caught looking at them. I assume if one went at a busy time I could of gone in and met guys but, that never occurred to me back then.

I never went to 14th street on my own as it was a rough neighborhood to be in alone. Two of ours guys had been robbed down there and there were always stories in the newspaper about people being rolled or shot or something. Of course I was dumb as dog shit but, I was also chasing girls.

Well, sadly nothing happened on the gay side while in DC. Got shipped off to Texas where I had my first love affair with a woman. Got to experiment a lot with her and at the end fucked her room mate and then I got sent to Alaska outside Fairbanks where there were ten guys for every woman.

About that time I was reading the old Penthouse Forum and all the bullshit sex stories. Well, one month I was reading it and they had a story about a guy finding out he was gay and sucking his first cock. I once again got to thinking about having sex with a guy; not that it have ever fully left me.

Shortly after Penthouse came out with a magazine called Penthouse Letters and it was all articles of people’s sex stories and a few pictures of nude women; I got a subscription!

I was always excited the last week of the month to have it show up because I liked all the stories but, they had a section for gay and bi sex. I would read that section and about rubbed the skin off my dick. I would read those stories over and over again wishing it was me in them.

But, if there was someplace in the Fairbanks area with all the men in the area there was a place to go to meet guys I sure didn’t know about it.

Well, time went by and I moved twice more and went to a few places like public bathrooms to maybe meet someone and it never happened. I was still chasing pussy. If I had a woman to fuck on a regular basis I never gave guys much thought. And the military hadn’t started “Don’t ask Don’t tell.” yet. I had the job at one point of typing up transfer and discharge papers for people and I discharged a few gay people. They were often pretty sad because they had lost all of those years with little to show for it. Many didn’t even get VA benefits.

So, at one point I got sent back to Montana and wasn’t meeting women to save my life and the urge came back. I had let my subscription to Penthouse Letters end but, I could get it at a local book store. I was back to jerking off to men on men stories again.

On the up side VCRs were now in everybody’s homes and video stores were opening up. And finally a porn store opened on a side street behind the only strip joint in the area. Wasn’t a bad place really, carpeted floors, nicely lite, didn’t stink like some places I have been in. All the rental porn movies, magazines, toys in one area and four banks of video booths on four aisles in two rooms.

They used tokens that had to be obtained from the clerk to use the video machines. At the end of each aisle there was a plastic case showing the movies being played on each aisle. They mixed them up and gay and straight videos playing çankaya escort in each booth.

I was so fucking dumb I didn’t figure out guys also went there to hook up with other guys. I always wondered why some guys just seemed to stand around by the plastic case for a half hour or so. When I went into the booth I always closed and locked the door and wondered why guys would try my door when I knew there were plenty of open booths, DUH!

Reading an issue of Penthouse letters one evening though a guy mentioned getting fucked in an ABS booth; finally the light went on in my head.

I went to the store with the intent of getting a guy in a booth but, I lost my nerve and kept the door locked. I went back a few times and sometimes the place would be packed. I couldn’t get the nerve up to try a closed door and would still lock mine. Sometimes I would sit in the parking lot and talk to myself and say “OK, this is it. You are going in there and go in a booth with a guy or let one in your booth. Or maybe he will come outside to the parking lot and take you home.”

I would go into the store and get so nervous I would have to go to the bathroom and pee. Another time I was in my booth, there were lots of guys around. I locked then unlocked my door and stood there waiting. A minute later I had to leave the booth and almost ran to the toilet and took a dump. All due to nerves.

Well, I was fighting with it and felt I was slowly winning. Sometimes I would go there and another Air Force guy would come in and I would lose it and have to go pee or leave.

Just when I thought I had my nerve all worked up the store put in video cameras and signs saying one person per booth. On top of that they always had a least two people working and the cameras were up by the register where one employee always was. To make matters worse every now and then an employee would walk through the aisle and tell people to close the door and lock it and sometimes yell “One to a room!” or “Two guys in booth 4, get out!”

So, it was back to the start for me. I about decided the whole thing was just a dream. I wasn’t going to meet any guys and getting busted by the Air Force and losing everything I worked for wasn’t a good decision.

I pretty much stopped going to the ABS. Once every few months I would stop in, maybe rent a straight movie. Go in and watch some gay porn in a booth and get hard and go home and jerk off.

Over time though I noticed that fewer people were going there and the number of employees on a busy night (that I rarely went too anymore) had gone from four to two. Some afternoons in the week I would go to turn in a straight movie and there would only be one guy working.

That lead to one summer day I had to go to the DMV downtown; We all know how long that can take. I was dreading the long line and wait. The boss gave me the afternoon off. I went home to my apartment and changed into shorts and tank top and went to the DMV and much to my wonderful surprise only a few people were there.

Got all my stuff done in under an hour. I had a few more chores to do so took delight in having the rest of the day to goof off.

Well, my chores took me right by the ABS. I was done with them all and had nothing else to do and had not even thought about going there. But thought I might as well stop by. Maybe rent a straight movie or buy a mag and if all else failed go into the booth and watch some gay porn. The parking lot was mostly empty but, was hard to tell who was where as it was shared with the strip joint and two other businesses.

As I walked by the video rooms I listened closely and heard nothing coming from the that area. Walked through the videos and mags and then went to the counter and there was only one employee and he had his face in the newspaper. I glanced at the security monitors and it looked like all the booth doors were open. So, I figured I was the only customer. I got some tokens and the employee went back to reading his paper.

I went back and started down and aisle and I could hear one machine playing a video but, couldn’t tell what booth it was coming from and all the doors were open. As I walked by the second booth I saw a guy standing there and he appeared to be looking outward.

I passed by but, thought well, he doesn’t have his door shut and he was looking towards the door. Now in all fairness some guys left the doors open because it was cooler inside the booths that way.

It quickly ran through my mind, no one else here, only one employee and he isn’t watching the monitors.

So, on a lark I took a few steps backward and looked into the booth. The guy was looking right at me, he too was wearing a tank top and shorts but, his shorts were pulled to his knees and he was holding at the time what I thought was the biggest cock I had ever seen but, turned out to be average; I guess I was just very excited.

Behind him on the screen a gay movie was playing but, I have no idea eryaman escort what it was now but it told me what I needed to know.

He said “Please come in” but, I stopped. My nervousness was flooding back and I wasn’t sure what to do. I really didn’t want my first cock to be in one of the these booths and I didn’t want to get caught coming out of it later with a guy. I asked him, do you have some place else we can go?

He came out of his booth and we went to the parking lot and made introductions. He was about my height and weighed a little less. He told me he had a cleaning job at a nearby office and we could go there unless someone was there. I told him I couldn’t risk getting caught.

He thought for a second and said “well, I own an empty house about a mile from here.” I said fine I would follow him. We got in our vehicles and took off. I was behind him nervous as hell and coming up to an intersection I could of easily turned off and went home.

Have you ever seen the silly movies where an angel appears on one side and devil on the other. Well, with me it was sort of like that. One saying go home and the other saying go on and follow him. Then one voice said “This is your one chance and if you turn off you may never get another and you will regret it for ever if you do.” And like that the nervousness was gone!

I followed him to his empty house. We went up stairs where it was a bit hot but, ok other than that. There was bed with no covers and some furniture and a standup mirror close to the bed.

I can’t recall his name to save my life. I told him I had never been with a guy before and he seemed understanding but, he also told me he was short on time.

Funny how I would get so nervous I would have to go shit and now I was not nervous at all. I think I surprised the guy how quick I dropped my shorts and pulled off my tank top. He did the same and we got on the bed in a 69.

Turned out his dick wasn’t big and maybe I was just excited at first and not use to seeing other guys all hard. I sort of kissed around his pelvis like one of girls use to do to me and it drove me wild and thought it would do the same to him. I pulled back finally and eye to eye so to speak with my very first cock!

He was about half hard and I finally opened my mouth and sucked him in. I had seen a lot of porn and had dated a lot of women. Some enjoyed giving head and many didn’t but, I used everything I had ever seen in a movie, read in a book, or had done to me and he seemed to be enjoying it!

He was stiff as a brick and moaning a lot and once asked “you sure you have never done this before?” I think about that time I scrapped the side of his cock with my teeth and answered that question.

But, I licked his wonderful cock up and down with my tongue and all under the hood rim. I forced it into slit. I licked all the way down to his taint and balls and sucked and licked them and then back up and sucked him in until I gagged; I did that a lot. I was so amazed how something could be hard and soft at the same time.

Finally I realized that he was sucking my cock. Don’t know how I missed it but, guess because I was so focused on sucking him. Damn! He knew what he was doing! I raised up a bit and stopped sucking and looked over and I could see his face sucking my cock in the stand up mirror. What a turn on!

But, after a minute or two he reached up and grabbed my head and pushed me back down. I went back at him sucking him all the down and backup never letting his cock out of my mouth. I was having a great time.

Suddenly he stiffened all over. No announcement or warning he just flooded my mouth with sperm and let out a loud moan. To be honest I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do. The taste was funny of course, tart, salty and finally I just swallowed it down. He gave me a few good squirts. Finally, I was a cock sucker!

He collapsed on the bed and lay there. Both of us were sweating up a storm due to the summer heat and I was still hard as a rock and nothing was being done about it. After a minute or two he said “I really need to get going.” I got off the bed and I guess like any virgin I had to ask “How was I?”

He smiled at me and said “You said this was your first time to suck a guy? You sure seemed to know what you were doing.” You really got me going. I had been standing and got down on my knees and moved toward his cock and asked if he wanted to give me more practice. But, he pushed me away and told me he had to get to his job cleaning that office building he wanted to go to before.

We were walking down the stairs and he asked “Think you will do this again?” Hell, if he had said “drop your pants I want to fuck you here on the stairs I would of let him.” I told him I didn’t know though.

I don’t know why I never asked for his phone number. We went our separate ways. I went home and showered and laying in bed that night I had my regrets for a time but, considering I also had a case of blue balls I ended up jerking off thinking about the guy and the blow job I gave and got that day. The feel of the hardness, the taste of the sperm.

I also thought that I had done it so, that was it the craving would never return. I was wrong, it came back and stronger than ever.

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Rachel and Melissa Ch. 02

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Chapter 2: Fonder Hearts

Beads of sweat ran from my brow as I pulled a pie from the massive oven. The aroma of apples and cinnamon penetrated the kitchen within in seconds, making me breathe in satisfaction. I placed the steaming pie on a cooling rack on a nearby counter. As I took more pies out from the oven, the scrumptious smell increased. I was kicking culinary butt and the customers of Ms. Murphy’s Bakery would pleased with my efforts. Business was booming and with the wedding season around the corner, I was going to be one busy queen bee. The smell of fresh apple pie triggered a wonderful memory, involving the other passion in my life besides owning and running a bakery: Rachel Wallace.


“Try it, I insisted, setting the plate of hot apple pie in front of her.

“I hate apple pie,” Rachel said, shoving the plate away.

“You haven’t had mine yet, it’s good, I swear.”

“You said the same thing about your corned beef and cabbage. I love you but your taste in food sucks.”

“Come on, Coca Puff, just one bite? Please?”

“I’m telling you, I don’t like apple pie.”

“Stop being a baby and try some already!”


“Okay, if you don’t eat my apple pie, then there’s no ‘cherry pie’ for you tonight.” I gestured my hands along my torso.

“You’re evil, I tell you, so, so very evil.” Rachel sighed, speared some of the pie on her fork and took a small bite. She chewed for a few seconds and hummed.

“This is the best apple pie I’ve ever had.”

“I told ya, you need to stop being so damn stubborn all the time. It tastes even better with vanilla ice cream.”

“Thank you, for making me see the light.”

I snorted. “You only tried it to get some of my goodies.”

“But it worked, though, didn’t it? The pie is really great.” She placed a tender kiss my cheek.

“That’s the best food review I will ever get.”

The memory of Rachel eating apple pie flooded me with deep sadness. In fact every time the gorgeous chocolate hued woman entered my mind, it felt like there was a golf ball in my throat. Rachel was out of town on business of her own. She was an attorney who was moving up very quick up the ranks of Sawyer, Hamilton and Craft, one of our city’s biggest law firms. She was in Texas at the moment, working on a high profile patent case. She had been gone for 3 weeks, 4 days 6 hours and 14 minutes. The icing on top of my missing her cake was the fact that it was our one year anniversary of being a couple and she wasn’t even in the same time zone as I was! Stupid legal proceedings, why did they have to be so long?

“It will only be a few days, a week or two at the most. I’ll be back before you know it, Cherry Pie”, she said at the airport as she embraced me, stroking my back.

“Don’t blow up the apartment with any crazy cooking experiments while I’m gone, you hear?”‘

“I won’t, I’m a professional chef.” I said with reassurance.

“Yeah but anything can happen.”

“Don’t mecidiyeköy escort be such a worry wart, I’ll be fine.”

“Flight 182 to Huston is now boarding,” bellowed the loud speaker.

“That’s me.” Rachel gave me a quick squeeze and readjusted the strap of her bag.

“Bye, Melissa, I love you.”

“Bye Rachel. I love you too. Take care of yourself.”

I kissed her on the forehead. As she strolled away she flashed me her best smile and waved. When I saw the plane take off, I finally released the tears I had been holding back all morning.


“Hey Kelly,” I called to my assistant, swallowing back my tears, “can you help me pack up these pies?”

“Sure thing, Melissa.”

Kelly, who was using a pastry bag to pipe flowers on a two tier wedding cake, put down her bag and went to the backroom to grab boxes. Ugh, wedding cake. Rachel and I had our first official date at a wedding.

“Let’s dance,” Rachel said, tugging me by my wrists onto the dance floor.

She flung her arms around my neck and my arms went around her waist. The music was ideal for a wedding, slow and romantic. We swayed back and forth without any fan fare for a while; after all this wedding had two brides.

One of them, Michelle, finally turned away from her new wife, strolled up to us and said, “A- ha! I knew it; I knew you two would get together one day! A blind man in space could have seen the heat between the two of you. Congrats girls!”

“Thank you Michelle,” I said.

“Thanks Michelle!” Rachel smiled

“How did it happen?” Michelle asked.

“In the dressing room at Macy’s”, Rachel said with devious smirk.

“What’s going on?” Kathy said, walking up to Michelle and wrapping her arms around Michelle from behind.

“Rachel and Melissa hooked up.” Michelle informed.

“Really? About damn time!” Kathy said.

“You too?” I said. “Why didn’t we see it?”

“Better late than never, Missy,” Rachel said, stroking my hand with her thumb.

“Did you say it happened in the dressing room at Macy’s? Michelle said.

“Yeah,” I said, “Rachel was helping me zip the dress was trying on and she just planted one on me.”

“She looked too good in that dress, in fact she’s wearing it now.” “Rachel’s dress took my breath away and she’s wearing it now too. We got a bit… er, carried away in there.”

“Yeah, I’ll say, your hands were getting frisky. If it wasn’t for that saleswoman knocking on the door…”

“It would have been on like Donkey Kong.”

“Wow,” Michelle said, “sounds hot.”

“Was it ever?” Rachel said. We looked at each other and began to laugh.


“You got to get it together, Murphy.” I breathed, wiping away my tears at the memory. Kelly was back with boxes for the pies. I took a deep breath and forced myself focus back on the present.

I somehow kept it together enough to get through the rest of the work day. I filled donuts and Danishes, baked cookies taksim escort and worked with Kelly to finish that damn wedding cake. When I was done I was exhausted and covered in flour. All I wanted was to go home, take a hot shower, heat up some leftover lasagna, and call my baby; if she even had the time or energy to speak to me. When I reached the apartment, I unlocked the door, and stepped in. I went right to the couch.

“Whew, what a day,” I said, thinking out loud, rubbing my eyes like a sleepy 5 year old.

I rested my head on the arm of the couch and shut my eyes. I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew I felt a light stroke on my cheek. I opened my eyes and an all too familiar face was looking back at me.

“Honey I’m home!” Rachel said in a sweet, musical voice.

“Oh my God, Rachel!” Now fully awake, I sat up and pulled her into a huge hug.

“When did you get back?”

“Just about half an hour ago, I bought dinner and flowers.”

“Your timing is perfect!”

“There was no way in hell I was going to be in Huston for our anniversary. I used every legal trick I knew to argue that case as quickly as I could. I won by the way!”

“That’s great! Beauty and brains, I’m soooo keeping you.” I kissed her lips.

“I’m not going anywhere.” She moved a piece of hair away from my face.

“I wish you didn’t have to travel so much. I missed you so much today. Everything reminded me of you.”

“I was the same way, Cherry Pie. So as soon as the judge made the ruling, I was on the first flight back here.”

“What did you bring for dinner?”

“I grabbed some steak and potatoes from the local steak house.”

“Yum, but that’s not the only thing in here that I would like to eat.” I winked at her.

“You naughty little thing.” She kissed me, her slick tongue sliding into my mouth.

“You’re gonna need your strength for that so I suggest you eat the steak first.”

“Yes ma’am.”

She took my hand and led me to our little dining room. She had the table all ready set with the food dished out on plates. In the middle of the dining room table was a large vase of red roses and a bottle of our favorite wine.

“It looks awesome, thank you, Coca Puff.”

“Only the best for you, Cherry Pie. Have a seat.”

She pulled out a chair for me and I sat down. She pushed me in, sat down across from me. She grabbed the wine bottle, twisted off the cork with a cork screw and poured each of us a glass.

I raised my glass. “This year has been amazing and I hope we have many, many more together.”

Rachel followed my lead. “And that our love will continue to blossom and change along with us.”

“Here, here!”

We clicked our glasses together and dug into our food. While we ate, we got caught up with each other. Talked about work, how our friends and family were doing. It felt so incredible to be in her presence again, to see her laugh, smile and goof around.

“Absence really does make beşiktaş escort the heart grow fonder.” I said, as we got to dessert which was vanilla ice cream and a spare apple pie from my bakery.

“Doesn’t it though?” Rachel scooped up some ice cream and pie. “The longer I was away, the more I thought about and missed you.”

“Ditto, mi amor.”

“Don’t start with the Spanish, I’m already dying for you, Spanish is going to make it worse.”

“Yo quiero hacerte el amor toda la noche.”

“Entonces, ven aquí, mi amor.”

Rachel dropped her spoon and pulled me into a passionate embrace. She captured my mouth with hers and soon our tongues were battling for dominance. I tore away from her to gasp out two words, “Bed, now.”

Rachel made a dash for the bedroom but I caught her around the waist and picked her up. She looped her arms around my neck.

“Showing off for me?” Rachel said with a giggle.

“No”, I said, cradling her in my arms, “I just don’t want to let you go tonight.”

“Melissa, I would hold you forever if I could.”

Not wanting to waste a second, I carried her right to our bedroom and pushed the door shut with my foot. I laid her on the bed. She took out my jaw clip and I shook my hair lose.

“I love your hair,” Rachel said with adoration in her voice as she caressed my long tresses.

“I love your legs, I murmured, reaching underneath her skirt suit and tugging off her pantyhose. I ran a hand along her muscular and shapely calves.

“They’re so smooth and sexy.”

Soon our work clothes were thrown in various directions around the room. When Rachel’s dark purple bikini cut panties were off, I crawled on top her and began to kiss her everywhere I could reach: her lips, her neck, her shoulders. As we kissed, Rachel’s thigh slid up against mine.

“Spread your legs,” I said, her movement giving me inspiration.

She did as I instructed and I readjusted my legs so our crotches were right on top of each other, in the classic scissoring position. I rubbed my pussy against hers.

“Oh God, yes grind that pussy, baby!” Rachel cried.

Happy to oblige, I ground into her again this time with more pressure. She mimicked my movements, and I placed my hands on her hips. We found a nice rhythm, the friction and heat between us increasing by the second. The grinding became faster and frantic. It felt so incredible, and all we were able to do grunt, sweat and rub against each other as if as it was the last thing we would ever do.

“Melissa, I’m…. gonna come,” Rachel squeaked, sweat running from her temples, several minutes into the intense tribbing.

“So, am I!” yelped and within seconds, we came the same time, our moans and cries a muffled symphony into our pillows.

“I love you” I breathed, collapsing onto her chest.

“I love you more,” Rachel panted, kissing my forehead.

“Must you always be a brat?”

“But I’m your brat.” Rachel batted her eyelashes.

“Happy Anniversary Melissa.”

“Happy Anniversary, Rachel.”

We cuddled up next to each other, wrapping our limp and tired arms around each other. Soon we fell asleep, our fonder hearts finally beating next to each once more.

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Şeyda ile çıkmaya başlayalı neredeyse altı ay olmuştu. Yazın pek görüşememiş olsak da sonbahar gelince artık birbirimize daha çok vakit ayırıyor, cinsel beklentilerimizi paylaşıyorduk.
Gün içinde hep mesajlaşıyorduk. Gece evde oturup ders çalışırken konu yine cinselliğe geldi. İkimiz de o hazzı duyarak mutlu olmak istiyorduk. “Yarın görüşelim, Nergislerin ev boşmuş. Kendisiyle konuştum, gelirken prezervatif de al.” dedi. Bir anda böyle bir şey söylemesi beni şaşırtmıştı. Sadece “Olur.” diyebildim.
Daha önce hiç yapmadığım bir şeyi yapmam gerekliydi. Bir kutu prezervatif almak zorundaydım. Eczaneye mi, markete mi gitmeliydim? Sonunda kenarda kalmış, günümüzde çok satış yapan bir markete gittim. Üzerimde okul formam vardı. Bir kutu alıp kasaya yöneldim. Arka sıramda bekleyen yaşlı amca bir bana bir de kutuya bakıyordu. Kasiyerin bayan olmasından çekinmezken bu adamın bakışları beni rahatsız etmişti. Hızlı adımlarla çıktım marketten. Minibüse atlayarak buluşacağımız eve yakın bir yerde indim. Şeyda da gelince Nergislerin evine gittik. Bir apartmanın ikinci katıydı. 90’lı yılların alışılagelmiş apartmanlarından biri olması dikkatimi çekti. Mobilyalar modernlikten uzak, klasik kahverengiydi.
Kısa bir konuşmadan sonra Nergis bizi yalnız bırakmıştı. Onun odasına geçtik. Açık bir çekyat vardık ve oraya yan yana uzanarak öpüşmeye başladık. Kimseye yakalanma korkusu olmadan kızın göğüslerini rahatça avuçluyor, penisimin pantolon içindeki sertliğini ona hissettiriyordum. Odanın içi soğuk olduğu için -kasım ayında kalorifer henüz yanmamıştı- birbirimize daha bir sokulmuştuk. Kızın sweatini yavaşça çıkardım ve o güzelim sütyeni ve göğüsleri tam avuçlayacağım şekilde kurtuldu kıyafetlerden. Sütyenini çıkarmadım ama yukarı çekerek göğüslerini açtım. Boynunu öperken yavaşça aşağı indim. Ben onu öperken Şeyda da pantolonumun düğmelerini açarak belimi, kasıklarımı serbest bıraktı.
Daha önce bir kızın göğüslerini yalamıştım ama bu kadar rahat bir ortam varken bu kızla daha fazlasını yapmalıydım. Sütyeni tamamen çözdüm ve üstü çıplak kalan bu hoş kızı memnun etmek için ilk hamlelerimi yapmaya başladım. Ama ne mümkün! Kız daha ben onun pantolonunu yönelemeden benimkini tamamen çıkardı ve üstümü de soymaya başladı. Birkaç hızlı hamle sonrasında ikimiz de çırılçıplaktık.
En iyi yaptığı şeyi yapmaya başladı. Aletim yine ağzındaydı. Bu kez sadece penisimle yetinmeyip testislerime de dil atıyordu. Toplarım onun hamleleriyle sarsılırken ben de başını iki elimle kavrayıp saçlarını kulaklarının arkasına atıyordum. Devamında yukarı doğru gelip dudaklarıma yapıştı. Vajinasının ıslaklığını bacaklarımda da hissedince kızı altıma aldım ve göğüslerinden başlayarak bacaklarının arasına yöneldim. Daha önce bir kıza oral yapmamıştım fakat bu fırsatı kaçıramazdım.
Önce klitorisine birkaç dil attım. Sonra vajinasının deliğini dilimle zorladım. Kızın nefesi iyice hızlanıyordu. Dilimi seri şekilde ileri geri hareket ettirince bacakları kasılmaya başlıyordu. Onu o şekilde epeyce kıvrandırdım. Yine aynı hızda yukarı doğru çıkmaya başladım ve dudaklarımızı buluşturdum. Öpüşöe sürerken “Prezervatif aldın mı?” diye sordu. Olumlu cevabı duyunca pantolonuma uzanıp cebimdeki kutuyu çıkardı. Kırmızı paketli prezervatiflerden birini çıkarıp penisime takmaya başladı. “Emin misin?” diye sordum. Girmem için onay çıkınca artık bir erkeğin, sevgilisiyle en çok yapmak istediği şeylerden birini gerçekleştirmek için hamlemi yapmaya başladım.
Bacaklarını iki elimle araladım. Penisimi sağ elimle kavrayıp vajinaya yavaşça ittim. Büyük olmamasından olsa gerek rahatça girmeye başladı. Ben girerken o da gözlerini kapayarak elleriyle sırtımı okşuyordu. Devamında penisimin tamamını soktum ve yavaş hareketlerle gidip gelmeye başladım. Niçin kan gelmediğini sorduğumda bunu bilmediğini sordu. Belki de zarı esnekti. Bana yalan bile söylemiş olsa o an bunu umursamıyordum. Çünkü yalansa onu orada düzüp keyfime bakacaktım.
Baştan yavaş devam etsem de aldığım zevk yüzünden hızlanmaya başladım. Pornolardaki gibi kızı becermeye başlamıştım. İşin duygusal boyutunu geçerek tamamen bedensel boyutunu ön plana çıkarmıştık. Kızın ne kadar tahrik olduğunu testislerime kadar ıslanmamdan anlamıştım. Boşalmaya yaklaşınca durdum ve kızın yanına uzandım. “Üste geç!” dediğimde hiç ikiletmeden aletimin üstüne oturdu. Normal bir hızda oturup kalkmaya başladı. Şeyda’nın göğüsleri, oturup kalkarken özgür kalmış bir hayvan misali sallanıyordu. Ben de hem onları hem de şeftalisine girişimi izleyerek daha çok zevk alıyordum. Bu kız benim için biçilmiş kaftandı.
Bir süre geçtikten sonra boşalmak için kızı yine altıma aldım. Bu kez fazla bekletmeden içine girdim. Ben şeftaliye abandıkça kız inlemeye başladı. O inledikçe ben daha sert girdim ve kızı kendinden geçirdim. “S.k beni aşkım!” demesi ise beni çıldırttı ve onun dudaklarına yapışarak tempoyu düşürmek zorunda kaldım. Çünkü biraz daha devam edersem var gücümle boşalacaktım. İşe yaradı mı derseniz, işe yaramadı. Birkaç dakika ancak dayandım. Sonra kendimi bıraktım ve kızın içinden çıkmadan, prezervatifin içine boşaldım. O soğukta ikimiz de terlemiştik ama buna değerdi. Çünkü sevdiğim kızın içine girmiş ve erkek olmuştum. Senelerce sürecek bir cinsel yaşamın temellerini atmıştık.
(Burada yazanlar kurgu değil, bire bir gerçektir. Siz de deneyimlerinizi paylaşırsanız, sayfada onları herkesle paylaşabiliriz.)

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben 18 yaşında bir gencim. Denizli`de yaşıyorum ve doğal olarak sex`e hasretim. Annemle babam 3 sene önce ayrıldılar, ve ben annemle kalmaya devam ettim. Benim anneme olan ilgim ona yakınlığımla ve babamla sikişirlerken onları dinleyip benimde annemi sikiyormuşum gibi hayal kurarak çektiğim 31`ler sonucu başladı.
Annem 38 yaşında çok genç . görünen azgın bir hatundur. Çünki evliyken de babama benim yanımda
saldırmaktan çekinmezdi. Ve ben annemi sürekli ellerim, memelerini, kalçalarını. Çok yumuşaklar nedense ses çıkarmıyor ben bir oğul şefkatiyle yaptığım için sanırım, ama onu istiyorum. İpler onu banyoda baştan aşağıya çırıl çıplak gördüğüm zaman başladı. Ve bir sürü tangası var sürekli tanga giyer hiç normal külot giydiğini görmedim, evin içinde de gecelikle olduğundan iç çamaşırı giymez. Bir pazar günü eve yeni gelmiştim.

Annem de sonradan öğrendim benden 5-10 dakika önce gelmişti. Üzerinde ise bacaklarını kavrayan bir pantolon ve düğmeleri göğüs çatallarına kadar açık bir gömlek vardı. O üzerini değiştirirken bende aynı odanın balkonuna çıkmıştım, içeri girdiğimde sırtını bana doğru dönmüş ona baktığımdan habersiz yavaş hareketlerle pantolonunu sıyırıyordu ve o süper siyah tangası meydana çıkıyordu. O anda dayanamadım arkasından geçiyor gibi yaparak tamamen kalkmış olan aletimi ona sürttüm. “Sapık oğlum ne yapıyorsun” diye karşılık verdi. Ve bana doğru döndü birden kalkmış olan aletimi tamamen kavradı ve “koparırım onu” dedi. Bende ardından “hepsi senin olsun anne” diyince kendini bana doğru çekti ve dudaklarıma yapıştı. Yılların azgınlığı vardı üzerinde. Çok şaşırmıştım ama sesimi çıkarmıyordum. Dudaklarına yapıştım…Bir eliylede yarrağımı sıvalamaya devam ediyordu. Elimden tutarak onun
yatak odasına götürdü beni ve hemen uzandı. Bende tamamen soyundum ve üste geçtim. Dudaklarına yapıştım, sanki koparıcaktı. Ve bir elimlede tangasının içindeki alev alev yanan amını okşuyordum. Dilimi harika emiyordu çok tecrübeliydi. Daha sonra sütyenini çıkardım ve o süper 100`lük göğüsleri karşımdaydı. Yalaması çok güzeldi ve hala dipdirilerdi, daha sonra öğrendim silikon yaptırmıştı. Ve onu yüzüstü yatırıp, tangasını ağır bir şekilde çıkardım. O güzelim top gibi amı karşımdaydı. Yalamaya başladım. Amının dilini dudaklarımla çektikçe “ahh-ohh-yahhh” gibi sesler çıkarıyordu. Daha sonra ben yatağın kenarına oturdum ve oda önüme eğilerek 18 cm`lik aletimi yalamaya başladı bende bir yandan o güzel tangasını kokluyordum. Muhteşem bir hızla sakso çekiyordu. Daha sonra ben sırtüstü uzandım ve göt yanaklarını iki kenara ayırarak üzerime oturdu. Göğüsleri ağzımdaydı.
Harikaydi yalaması. 15-20 Dakika aynı pozisyonda siktim annemi ve daha sonra yer değiştik o güzelim dolgun bacaklarını omzuma aldım ve diretk içine gömüldüm. Durmadan çığlık atıyordu. Gittikçe hızlandım ve bana “yavaş yavaş oyyy nefessiz kaldım oğlum biraz yavaş ahhh ıhhhh” . diye sesler çıkarıyordu. Ve son bir kez domalttım annemi. O güzel göt deliğini sikmek istiyordum tam kafasını dayamıştım ki “onun için erken aşkım benim, sabret” dedi ve bende çaresiz amına girmek zorunda kaldım. Her vuruşumda kalçaları dalgalanıyordu. Evin derin sesizliği
annemin çığlıkları ile inliyordu. Tam boşalacakken annem 5 dakika boyunca harika bir şekilde sakso çekti ve bir tane bile sperm dışarı çıkmadı hepsini yutmuştu. Biraz o şekilde yattıktan sonra duş yaptık. Ve ondan sonra bu olayı konuştuğumuzda ikimizde memnunduk.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32