The Pool Party Pt. 01

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Part 1

Jack and I had only been hooking up for a few weeks when he invited me to his coworker’s pool party. I was surprised – we hadn’t taken any next steps to introduce each other to friends or family. Hell, he had barely met my roommate Christina, despite having spent the night on multiple occasions. In fact, we’d agreed in the beginning that we’d keep things simple and fun between us. I was just getting out of a relationship when we met, and he was too busy for one, working at a startup. What we had together seemed most convenient for us both, so I was nervous to take any steps further.

Though I suppose the real reason I was nervous was that I had stronger feelings than I was admitting, even to myself. We had a really fun, easy connection from the start, as friends. Then adding on the extra layer of sex- the best I’d ever had, by far- I already knew I was in trouble. So, having Jack be the first one to nudge things along between us did feel good. Besides, meeting a few of his coworkers at a pool party was about as casual as it could get, a far cry from inviting me home to meet his mom. I reminded myself that it definitely didn’t have to mean anything.

However that didn’t stop me from overthinking things, dragging Christina out shopping to help me pick out a new swimsuit a few days before the party. Swimsuits had always been tricky for me, wanting something that felt comfortable and supportive of my DD chest and large ass, while still looking sexy. So when Christina held up the gold foil string bikini, I just stared back at her incredulously.

“What’s that look?! You would look hot in this!” she argued.

I just shook my head, already dismissing the idea and continuing my search. “I could never pull off a bikini like that,” I said. “Even if it managed to cover all of my bits, I’d be paranoid about something slipping out, or it coming untied.”

“So you can double-knot it, if you’re really that concerned!” Christina retorted.

“No,” I said firmly. “Bikinis like that were not made to hold my boobs.”

“Well, I beg to differ. They have it in your size – why would they make ones for big boobs if they couldn’t hold big boobs?”

I just groaned, wishing she would let it go. I knew she was trying to be supportive, but it was hard to take advice on this sort of thing from my petite, slim friend whose body looked much more like the ones seen modeling similar swimsuits in ads and the media.

“Will you just try it on, Jess?!” Christina pleaded. “What do you have to lose from trying it on to prove me wrong?”

“Fine,” I conceded. “If I agree to try it on and show you why it would never work, will you get off my ass about it?”

“Sure, I will. but if Jack finds out that you’re passing on the sexy bikini, I’m sure he’ll give it a slap or two!” she teased, smacking my butt playfully.

I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help blushing and smiling a bit to myself. “Very funny.”

One consequence of my intense connection with Jack was that our sex was not exactly… quiet. A fact that Christina never ceased to tease me about. Though I guess that was a fair trade for having to be subjected to said noisy sex as often as she was.

We kept browsing the racks until we collectively found five different suits of various colors and styles for me to try on. Then, we went back to the fitting rooms. I tried them on one at a time and modeled them for Christina, knowing she’d give me honest feedback, which I could then take or leave.

I went for the gold bikini first, wanting to get it out of the way. The only problem was, once I had it on, I had to admit that it actually looked pretty good. I was surprised that the top actually did cover a good amount of my boobs, and that it felt comfortable and decently secure. I was a bit uncomfortable to not have more of a strap on my hips to hold up the bottoms, but they also covered everything they needed to cover. I was surprised to see myself smiling in the mirror as I looked at myself from all angles.

My thoughts were interrupted by Christina’s impatient questions from the other side of the locked fitting room door. “Do you have it on yet?! You have to let me see it no matter how bad it is – you promised!” she whined.

“Okay, okay,” I conceded, taking a deep breath and forcing the smile off of my face before opening the door, shaking my head. “It’s too much, I think,” But then I watched Christina’s face light up when she saw me and knew I was in trouble.

“Holy shit, you look HOT!” she gushed.

I couldn’t help laughing and trying to brush off the compliment, looking down and pointing out every flaw I saw on my own body, and the way it looked in the bikini.

But Christina wasn’t having it.

“I’m not kidding – you have to get it! Jack will just die! And I demand that you take a picture of his face when he sees you in it for the first time!”

I rolled my eyes. “Well, he’s seen me naked plenty of times already, it’s not like there are any surprises left.”

“I beg to differ! ulus escort Seeing you in a bikini, instead of that ‘full coverage’ shit you normally wear will surely give him a very pleasant surprise!”

I stepped back into the fitting room and looked in the mirror again, frowning.

Christina came in and stood behind me, still smiling. “You’re getting it,” she declared. “Buy it yourself, or I’m buying it for you!”

I shook my head again but gave in and smiled back at her in the mirror. “Just let me try the rest on, okay? Then I’ll decide.”

“Sure, try the rest,” she placated me. “My mind’s made up, though. And you know what that means.”

I grumbled and gently pushed her out of the stall so I could close the door and try on the next swimsuit.

In the end, the one I felt most comfortable in was a black one-piece that felt very flattering, yet sexy. It had a low-cut neckline, but felt supportive and covered most of my ass. Christina agreed that the suit was cute, and sexy in a tasteful way. But I worried that maybe that meant it wasn’t actually very sexy.

I ended up buying both – the black one-piece and the gold bikini. I told myself (and Christina) that I was only buying the bikini to keep her from spending her own money on it, adamant that I had no intentions of actually wearing it. She was kind enough to smile and nod along rather than rubbing it in my face, knowing I was full of shit.


In the end, I decided to wear a thick-strapped sundress to the party, which was white with thin teal stripes, horizontal across the top part and vertical in the skirt, with a sash tied in a bow in front, and strappy sandals. I packed both swimsuits, unable to talk myself all the way into wearing the gold bikini. I told myself I would make a game-time decision when I arrived and saw what everyone else was wearing, feeling comforted by the one-piece option in my bag.

I met Jack at his place, since it was on the way to his coworkers house from mine, so we could drive together. When he opened the door for me, he was already dressed for the party in swim trunks, navy blue with a pattern of little red and white fish, a plain gray t-shirt, and brown leather sandals. I felt a tingle between my legs as my eyes caught on his trunks. I’d never seen him in anything so short before, and my eyes were drawn to the muscles of his tan thighs, visible beneath the trunks. Gazing up just a bit from there, I was also immediately aroused by the thought that there was nothing under them. Just one layer of fabric between me and his big, gorgeous cock. Suddenly I recalled what I’d said to Christina, doubting that Jack could be turned on by seeing me in a bikini after having seen me naked, and I admitted to myself that I may have been wrong. There was something about seeing him in the swim trunks that was driving me wild in an unexpected way.

Jack caught me staring and smiled, a playful twinkle in his warm, hazel eyes. “Like what you see?”

I laughed at myself, but had to admit, “I do,” feeling the heat rise in my cheeks.

“You’re blushing,” he teased, checking me out in turn and stepping closer.

“Am I?” I asked, biting my lip and struggling to suppress a chuckle.

“Mmhmm,” he nodded as he reached me, his hands coming to my hips and quickly sliding back and down to grab two handfuls of my ass, tugging me against him until I could feel his hardening cock pressed against my hip.

My hands came to his arms as he pressed himself into me and I heard myself moaning involuntarily.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked into my ear before taking my earlobe between his lips, sucking on it and nibbling lightly. Then I felt a light kiss right behind my ear, and another as he trailed his lips down my neck.

I moaned, my fingertips digging into his shoulders. “Thinking about how distracted I’m going to be all day at the party knowing that there’s only one layer of fabric between me and your cock,” I admitted.

I felt Jack’s hot breath on my shoulder and neck as he sighed. “Maybe we should do something about that before we go, then,” he breathed.

He pulled back just a bit to look into my eyes as he grabbed a handful of my hair and tugged a bit, causing me to gasp, my lips parted. I stared back into him and nodded. Jack pulled me into a deep kiss then, and I was happy to feel him wanting me just as much as I wanted him.

This was the sort of thing that worried me. Every time we were together, it felt so intense. I wasn’t sure how to keep things from getting too close too fast with Jack when I was constantly feeling like I was melting into a puddle whenever he touched me. From the beginning, we’d set out exploring our turn-ons together. He’d asked me what I liked and what I wanted, which were somehow not questions I’d ever been asked before in a sexual context. It made me curious to ask him in return, wanting to know what I could possibly do to make him feel the same way. Jack was yenimahalle escort helping me to discover things about myself that brought on pleasure like I never imagined when I was with anyone else.

He swept me along the 3 or 4 steps to his couch and gently pushed me down to sit before kneeling beside me and leaning over, urging me onto my back. I leaned back against the armrest and wrapped my legs around him, moaning into the kiss and gripping a handful of his t-shirt as I felt him grinding into me. His hands slid up my thighs from my knees, pushing my dress up until it was bunched around my waist, then gripping the waistband of my panties and tugging down on both sides. I lifted my ass to help him slide them down, and then raised my legs straight up as he pulled them up and off over my feet. Jack groaned as he kissed me again, holding himself up over me with one arm while the other hand slid between my legs to start teasing my pussy. He brushed the back of two fingers up and down along my slit before finding my clit with his thumb and rubbing gentle circles over it. Then his middle and pointer fingers slid between my lips, rubbing, before slipping into me a little at a time, sliding in and then back out.

“Fuck, you’re already so wet,” Jack groaned. “Have you been thinking about wanting me to fuck you before the party?”

I gasped and moaned, pulling back from the kiss to look down and watch his hand on me. “Yesss,” I hissed. “I always want you so much.”

Jack growled and watched me. I felt his eyes scanning my face, watching for signs of pleasure as he fingered me.

“Fuck, that feels so good,” I moaned, meeting his eyes, my face already furrowed in pleasure.

“You’re so fucking sexy, Jess. I think about you all the time, too,” he breathed.

“Ohhhhh god,” I groaned, my head rolling back onto the armrest of the couch. “Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum!”

“Already?” he asked, his voice suddenly huskier.

“Yes!” I yelled, grinding on his hand, feeling myself building up to an intense orgasm. “Fuck, your fingers feel so good! I’m gonna cum all over them!”

“Mmmm fuck, baby. Cum on my fucking fingers. I want to feel you squeezing them. God, I can’t wait to slide my cock into you and feel you so wet and tight around me. You feel so fucking good.”

That was all it took for me. I yelled out, my hips writhing and bucking wildly as I slid myself further onto his fingers until I felt his knuckles pressing into my pussy lips. My fingers combed up into his chestnut hair and tugged as my whole body convulsed.

“Fuck!” Jack muttered, fighting against my movements to continue rubbing my clit and fingering me as I rode out the orgasm.

Finally, I started coming down, moaning and breathing hard, my grip in Jack’s hair loosening until my hands were sliding back down to his neck, his shoulders, then his chest.

“Fuck, that was so good,” I smiled, my eyes still closed, as I felt him retract his hand.

“Mmm,” he groaned. And then I heard a slight slurping sound that encouraged me to open my eyes. When I did, I saw Jack with his fingers in his mouth, sucking my juices off of them.

My face must’ve shown my surprise. He’d never done that before. No one had. But it didn’t take me long to realize how much it turned me on, feeling my pussy clench at the sight.

“You taste so fucking delicious,” Jack said, once he’d finished sucking off his fingers.

“Fuck,” I muttered, suddenly unsure how to form any other words.

“Have you ever tasted yourself, Jess?” he asked.

My cheeks burned as I nodded my head just slightly.

“So you already knew that.”

I wasn’t sure how to respond and just stared up at him, a slight smile playing at my lips.

Then Jack reached back down and I felt him gently sliding the same two fingers back into me. I gasped when I felt it, and clenched as he thrusted them in and out a few times before pulling them back out, bringing them to my lips this time. I knew right away what he wanted me to do, and that I wanted it, too. I parted my lips for him and felt him slide his fingers into my mouth, slowly at first, just up to his first knuckle. I started sucking on them lightly, moaning at my taste and just from the act itself. Then Jack started working his fingers further into my mouth, bit-by-bit, until he was pushing them deep, down my throat. I gagged a bit, at which point he started pulling back slowly, allowing me to suck the rest of my juices from his fingers.

“Mmm, good girl,” Jack growled, bringing his hand to my neck next and squeezing while he kissed me deeply, sucking on my bottom lip.

I moaned into the kiss, gripping his shirt in fistfuls at his waist, squeezing my thighs around him. “I want you,” I breathed during a quick break in the kiss, starting to tug his shirt up, over his head.

He allowed me to pull the shirt off, then resumed kissing me before his lips trailed over my jawline to my chin, then back down to my neck and shoulder. He started groping my breasts through the dress, then rushed to untie the sash in front before pushing up on the bunched fabric at my waist and pulling until I was leaning up and holding my arms up, allowing him to pull the dress up and over my head. Then he pulled my bra straps off of my shoulders and down, tugging the cups down too until my large breasts spilled out. He cupped them both, each more than a handful, even for Jack’s large hands. Then his lips and tongue trailed down my chest until he was rolling his tongue around each nipple and sucking each breast into his mouth in turn.

I sighed and arched back again, loving the way his mouth felt on me and telling him so. Then, I eagerly reached for the large bulge in the front of his swim trunks, cupping and then rubbing his now rock-hard cock through the smooth fabric.

“Fuck!” Jack growled against my chest when he felt my hand there.

I curved my hand around the outline of his cock and found his head with my thumb, rolling it around and rubbing the flat edge of his mushroom top, then up to the slit on his tip. That earned me another groan, and then Jack was leaning back up over me and pressing himself into my hand, grinding and wanting more.

Our eyes met, both of us smiling as my hand moved on him.

“That feels so good,” he breathed, still looking right at me, into me.

“I want more,” I responded before looking down to find the drawstring of his shorts and tugging. As soon as it was loose, I hooked both pointer fingers into the waistband of his trunks and tugged, loosening the cord, before reaching inside and wrapping my hand around his smooth, hard cock. I stroked him just a few times like that before pushing down on the shorts with my other hand. Jack helped me to push them down his legs the rest of the way, until he was kicking them off without getting off of me.

Then, he got back up on his knees over me, cupping behind my head and pulling me into another deep kiss as I reached down to keep stroking him, guiding him to my entrance right away.

He groaned and pulled back just a bit to say, “I’m gonna grab a condom.”

But as Jack tried to push himself up and off of me, I held on, looking up at him and shaking my head. “I need you now.”

His eyes met mine, then scanned my face as if looking for a hint of doubt. “Are you sure?” he asked.

I nodded. “Yes. Please.”

I didn’t need to ask again. With another groan, Jack was reaching down to grip his cock and then rubbing it up and down along my pussy lips for just a couple strokes before finding my entrance and pushing into me.

I gasped when I felt the bare head of his cock enter me, and then moaned as Jack pulled himself back out, penetrating me like that a few times before letting go and sinking all 8 inches into me, the full weight of his hips coming down onto me.

“Ohhhh fuck,” he growled into my ear. “God, you feel so fucking incredible, Jess.”

I moaned, loving the feeling of his bare cock inside of me, and being pinned under him like that. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his back, my fingernails digging into his skin as he started thrusting, picking up pace.

“Ohhhhh god, that feels so good,” I moaned, looking up at Jack, my face contorted with pleasure.

He leaned down to kiss me again, pinching my bottom lip between his teeth before pulling back and leaning up to kneel, one of his legs sliding out so that he could brace his foot on the floor like a kickstand. He gripped me by my hips and tugged me closer to him, causing my head to slide down from the armrest to the seat of the couch. Then my head against the armrest as he continued to fuck me, holding my legs against his chest with one arm, my feet dangling in the air by his head, while his other hand reached down and he started rubbing circles over my clit with his thumb once again.

I yelled out, reaching for his arms and chest, his thighs, digging my fingertips into him wherever I could reach him. “Fuck!” I cursed. “Oh my god, I’m gonna cum again. That feels so fucking good.”

Jack just groaned. “Yeah, cum on my cock, Jess. Fuck, I want to feel you squeezing around me. I’m so fucking close already, you feel so good like this. You cum on my cock and then I’m gonna pull out and cum on your stomach, okay?”

I shook my head, looking right into him. “No, cum inside me! Please!” I begged. Jack already knew that I was on birth control, so I hoped that he would feel safe enough to do as I wished.

“Fuck!” he yelled, suddenly freezing inside of me, focusing on rubbing my clit. “I’m so fucking close. Are you sure?”

I looked up at him and nodded, my face furrowed, starting to grind on his cock, wanting to feel him thrusting again. “Yes, I’m sure! I want to feel you cum inside of me. I want to cum with you, Jack!”

“Fuuuuuccckkk,” he growled, leaning further over me suddenly, pressing my legs back towards my chest. He kept rubbing my clit as he thrusted into me deeply, picking up speed. “Tell me again,” he ordered.

I groaned, my head rolling back again, feeling myself building up to release again. “I want you to cum inside of me, Jack! I’m gonna cum on your cock when I feel it! Please! Cum inside of my pussy! I need it!”

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Soccer Moms Ch. 07

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Soccer Moms — Part 7

[Author’s Notes: 1) there are underage characters in this story but they will neither have, see nor even hear any sexual activity; 2) this is a work of fiction and so certain aspects of this story are not completely accurate but they advance the storyline. Please try to look past that to the more important aspects of the story; 3) there is still a lot of story to go and a number of twists and turns; and 4) thanks for the wonderful comments about the story. I hope it continues to live up to your expectations.]

“He’s in!” Carol practically shouted as they began their walk around the practice field the next day.

“That’s great Carol. I know this is going to be amazing.” Jen was equally as excited about this. She knew she wanted Carol. But also, she knew that this was going to be an important event in Carol’s life. So Jen also knew she would have to be teacher, mentor and participant all in one.

At this moment, there was also the first bit of trepidation for Jen. Carol was an amazing person and she relished that thought that their friendship could go to another level. But she hoped that this would not carry their friendship into uncertain waters. “Carol and I will just be friends with benefits, nothing beyond that, right?” she thought. Jen quickly brushed the thoughts aside though. Carol had Paul and Carol had been the one to put the brakes on things and would not go any further without Paul. Carol was not going to make this anything more than it was.

The only problem now was how and when to get together without it being suspicious for the girls.

This weekend’s tournament was going to be the last one of the season. It was also one where a lot of family would come to watch. Melanie would have both sets of grandparents and Paul would be there to watch Katie. It meant that Carol and Jen would not have any alone time together, but it would also provide a little more time for her and Paul to get better acquainted. Plus, it would give Carol a chance to meet Jen’s parents and get some stories that Jen would never tell.

As usual, the Rogers family was one of the first to arrive and Carol sat in the lobby while Paul and Katie went to the room to unpack. She noticed an elderly couple walk into the hotel and look around searching but not seeming to find anyone. The woman had gray hair but piercing blue eyes and Carol took a guess and went up to them. “Mr. and Mrs. Olsen?” Carol asked.

They both turned to her and said “Yes” together.

“Hi, I’m Carol Rogers. My…”

But before she could get anymore out, the woman said “Oh, you must be Katie’s Mom.”

“Why yes, I am.” was Carol’s response.

The gentleman than said “We’ve heard a lot about you and your daughter over the last few months. I’m Karl Olsen.” He offered his hand and Carol shook it.

“And I am Barbara Olsen.” said the woman, but she stepped over and gave Carol a big hug. “We were a little worried when our girls moved away from us and that it might be hard for them to make new friends. But they each found such a good friend so quickly and you and your daughter have really been a big help for them getting settled into the new area.”

“Well, it’s been my pleasure. Jen is a great friend and Katie and Melanie have hit it off so well. They are not only great friends, but they complement each other so well on the field. You’ll see, it’s fun to watch when they’re in their games.”

Just then Paul and Katie came down and Carol introduced them to Jen’s parents. There was talk about the Blue Lightning Program and Carol and Paul’s other daughters, when a shriek went up from the door. “Nana! Pop Pop!”

Melanie burst into the lobby and gave her grandparents big hugs. They had not seen each other since the move except on Facetime calls and Zoom. Jen followed behind and gave her parents big hugs as well. When she turned from her parents, she also said hi to Carol and Paul, giving each of them a big hug, much to Paul’s delight.

They all sat back down; Jen on a couch between her parents, Katie and Melanie shmooshed together in a single chair directly across from Jen and Carol and Paul in a loveseat in between, the furniture forming a “U.” Jen and Melanie got caught up with Karl and Barbara.

After a while, Karl said “and here’s the rest of the group.” as he looked to the door at another elderly couple coming into the hotel.

Once again Melanie’s squeal of excitement burst forth as she said “Grandma! Grandpa!” and went charging over to the couple who put down their bags and welcomed her into their arms. The Rogers family stayed back as the Olsens and Smiths welcomed each other. Once again, Karl was shaking hands and Barbara and Jen were hugging. After all of their hellos had finished, Melanie said “Grandma, Grandpa, this is my best friend Katie.” Melanie turned to Katie and held her hand out and Katie came over to be introduced to Melanie’s other grandparents.

As she came over, Jeffrey Smith said “Well, tandoğan escort it’s nice to finally meet you Katie but I feel like I’ve known you forever as much as Melanie talks about you.”

Paul and Karl went over and pulled another loveseat over and completed the square so they could all talk. They talked a lot about the trip there and caught up on what had happened since the move. The Rogers family were more like spectators. Not that they weren’t included here and there as everyone was very polite, but this was more of a mini reunion.

Carol noticed that the two families were close. This was a nice thing as certainly the death of John at such an early age could have been something that kept the families apart. But it seemed that the Smiths had been a strong part of Jen’s and Melanie’s lives all these years later. For the first time Carol realized just how lonely this move must have been for Jen.

Eventually Paul and Carol excused themselves. They told Katie she could stay another 15 minutes if she behaved herself and they went off to bed. About twenty minutes later, Katie arrived in the room and let her parents know that everyone had gone to bed. Carol asked her “So, is Melanie glad to see her grandparents?”

“Yes, she’s told me she misses them. Both sets of grandparents had been a part of her life for as long as she could remember. She says it was tough when her Mom told her they were moving. But now she’s really glad they did. It’s been an adventure for her and she likes adventures.” Carol and Paul looked at each other as Carol mouthed, “me too.”

The games went well that Saturday for the team and for Katie and Melanie in particular. In their first game they played a team they had played before and which had been burned several times by Melanie’s amazing speed and Katie’s long passed to her. So they played their defense deep which left room in the middle for Katie to maneuver. While Katie didn’t score, she was able to dish out four assists, including one to Melanie. The second game featured a very high defense opposing them and Katie managed to send two long balls to a streaking Melanie for breakaway goals giving the Blue Lightning two wins and two games the next day.

All the girls had extra fans this week and so each family tended to stay together. However, the Rogers, Smith and Olsen families were one big group, on the sidelines, at lunch between games and at dinner that night.

With all the relatives around, there was no team room that night. Coach Hochbauer did get everyone together and thanked the parents for all their support and the girls for all their hard work through the season. It had been a very successful season; the new players had integrated well and all of the girls had made great strides in their skills. That was why they had joined the Blue Lightning program and she was pleased with their year.

“Three cheers for Coach!” shouted Katie and the team gave her the loudest cheers they could.

Now it was time for bed. Since Jen’s parents were going to be staying through for Thanksgiving, Melanie went to the Smith’s room for the night. Katie went with her; with the promise they would not keep the Smith’s up all night. Jen and her parents went to their room, leaving Carol and Paul by themselves.

They decided that they would take advantage of this and quickly shed their clothes once the door to the room was closed. They began kissing right there at the door. Carol leaned against the door for support as Paul leaned into her. Tongues dueling and hands roaming as they finally could give freedom to the simmering lust they had been feeling.

With parents and children around Carol, Paul and Jen were not able to talk about their as yet unplanned adventure. However, they would exchange looks every now and then, each knowing what the other was thinking. It had kept things at a low boil the entire day and it was now about to bubble over into the passion of the moment.

Carol pushed off the door and started moving them to the bed without stopping her kisses or her fondling of Paul’s manhood. When they reached the bed, Carol finally broke the kiss and used her hands to unbuckle Paul’s pants. She then pulled them down and took his shoes, pants and underwear all off from around his feet. Then Carol pushed Paul onto the bed. Carol jumped right on after him and immediately took him into her mouth. Carol began sucking Paul’s cock and vigorously rubbing whatever was not in her mouth.

It was clear to Paul that she was not doing this for his benefit, at least not directly. Carol was working to get him hard as quickly as she could, and once he was erect, she stood up and took down her own pants and underwear. The Carol moved up, lined up Paul’s penis up with her slick entrance and plunged herself down. Carol began humping up and down as fast as she could, grunting each time she bottomed out on Paul’s cock.

Paul decided that since Carol tunalı escort seemed fully prepared to see to her own needs, he would focus on his as well. He felt Carol go up and down a few more times to gauge her rhythm and began thrusting up to meet her as she was moving herself back down his pole. The first time she felt him do this, Carol eyes went straight to his and she gave a devilish smile. Clearly, she was happy with Paul’s response to her lust. This was all about the sex and they both were going to go after it and cum as hard as they could.

After several minutes of this speed fucking, Carol stayed down and looked again to Paul’s face. Realizing that she had stopped, Paul looked at her, somewhat quizzically and then he stopped too. Carol again smiled and then began to thrust her hips forward and back while staying with Paul still all the way inside her as she ground down against him with her pelvis.

Paul again let Carol settle into a rhythm first and now he raised his hands and grabbed her breasts. He rubbed and kneaded them while occasionally running a finger or thumb across her nipples. The added stimulation was just what Carol needed as she continued to grind against Paul’s body.

The pleasure finally overwhelmed Carol and she felt her body reacting to her orgasm. Her legs were trembling and her cum began to flow out onto Paul and she began to slide along his body as the wetness coated his skin. Feeling that she was coming, Paul began to pull on her nipples and quickly run his fingers back and forth across them, causing Carol to moan out as she continued to ride out her orgasm. Carol finally dismounted Paul and realizing that he had not yet cum, took him back into her mouth, this time for his pleasure.

With the frenetic pace of their sex now slowing to a more leisurely one, Paul relaxed a bit and allowed himself to fully appreciate the feeling of Carol’s mouth and tongue on his still very hard member. “You left so much of your cum on me, you must be able to taste it. So how does it taste to you?” Paul asked Carol.

This was not the first time Carol had ever taken Paul into her mouth after she had cum on him. But it was the first time she had done in since she was planning to have sex with another woman. She had never really pondered her own flavor before and now she began to think a bit more about this whole plan.

While Paul had started this conversation trying to get some dirty talk going, he quickly realized he had only distracted Carol and what was worse, he appeared to maybe have made her self-conscious. So Paul put his hand under Carol’s chin, pulled her up so she was looking at him and said “Hey, I know I love how you taste. And I love when you cum on me and I get to feel and taste you. And you are so very good at making me feel good.”

“But you didn’t come yet.” Carol replied.

“It’s not the point. What we just did was incredible. That was so hot and so erotic, and I got to experience that amazing moment with the woman of my dreams. I want you to understand something, I don’t want to have this threesome because I want to do this with Jen. I want to have this threesome because I want to do this with you.”

“So does that mean you don’t want to be intimate with Jen?”

“Well, I didn’t say that. But the point is that what I want out of sex is to make you happy, to make you cum. If we go to sleep right now, this is going to have been an amazing night of sex.”

Carol realized just how much Paul loved her and how much she loved him. And she knew now that their plan with Jen was something that was going to be special for them both. She put her hand back around Paul’s cock and said “Thank you. It means so much to me for you to say that. But unless you have some sort of objection, I would very much like to suck on your cock until you cum in my mouth. Because I know I love the taste of that.”

Paul looked into her eyes and said “No. No objection.”

The first game on Sunday did not go as well. The team they played stayed back with their defenders and their midfielders. They seemed more intent on stopping the Blue Lightning from scoring than they were about scoring themselves. Frustration was mounting as anytime a player got the ball it seemed a defender was right on them, preventing them from doing anything with the ball.

The Blue Lightning defenders began creeping up to be outlets for passes and without realizing it, they had set themselves up for the very play they had used against teams all season. And while their wing was not as fast as Melanie and while their Center Mid was not as accurate with her long kick as Katie, it was enough to get their wing behind the defense for a breakaway goal midway through the second half. They played well in the second game and came away with third place, but it did seem as if teams had found a way to stop their offense cold. That was something that would need to be worked on over the türbanlı escort winter.

Before everyone left with their families, Coach Hochbauer wanted to give one last speech. Much as she had the night before she talked about how well the girls had done. But she did challenge them to realize that they all could still improve. That just because the season was over did not mean the girls could forget about soccer for 4 months. And for all the girls, even the ones who would be playing basketball, they needed to spend time with a soccer ball at their feet, get better at ball control and dribbling and foot work.

Katie then had a card for the coach that all the girls had signed and the parents had chipped in for some gift cards to a sports store and a local restaurant. Then Coach said there was one more announcement. The Stanz family was going to have a New Year’s Eve slumber party at their house for all the girls on the team. There would not be any alcohol or boys, but it was a chance to get everyone together after having some time apart. Jen and Carol looked at each other, both realizing that one part of the plan they still had not worked out had just been taken care of for them. While the girls spent the night with the team, Jen Carol and Paul would ring in the New Year with their own special celebration.

Over the next few weeks, Carol was not sure if she missed Jen more or if Katie missed Melanie more. The girls were on the phones speaking and texting all day and night. Jen and Carol spoke a few times a week since they did not have practice to use to share time together. It was the week before Christmas and a Saturday. Carol was sitting on her couch. There was nothing on television to interest her and she was just sitting there thinking about the last few months; meeting Jen and everything that followed and what might be happening next.

She was starting to daydream about Jen when her phone rang and it was Jen. Carol answered the phone and they talked for a while about plans for Christmas, but not about anything afterwards. Finally, Jen ask her “I think the girls are talking to each other, where is Katie?

“She’s in her room, why?”

“Is her door closed?”

“Yes.” Carol answered not quite sure where this was going at the moment.

“Where are you?” Jen inquired.

“I am downstairs in the living room, why?”

“And is Paul at work?”

“Yes, he still goes in on Saturdays, what are you driving at?”

“Well, Melanie is also in her room with her door closed. And I am down the hall in my room with my door closed. And Katie is in her room with her door closed upstairs and there is no one downstairs. Now the girls will be talking for hours. But even if they stop, we will hear one of them open their door if they were to come out.”

“So, what do you have in mind” Carol asked Jen.

“Well Carol, while we’ve been talking, I am sitting here in my bed. And I have on a plain, light gray tee shirt and shorts and panties. And also, while we’ve been talking I have also been lightly stroking and twiddling my nipples and they have gotten very hard. You should see how the tee shirt just suddenly pops outward because my nipples have gotten so hard, they push the shirt out.”

“And now…I am licking my finger and getting it all wet with saliva. And now I am rubbing it around the one nipple. And Oh!, that one spot on the shirt is now a darker gray. And uuhhh, the feel of the damp cloth of the tee shirt is causing extra friction across my nipple and sending shockwaves all through my body. Ooohhh. Can you see it in your mind Carol? Can you see my gray tee shirt with the little puffy circle of dark gray and my finger rolling over it?”

“Yes, Jen. I can see it in my mind as if I was right there.” Carol’s hand had already traveled down to her crotch as she began to play with herself over the fabric of her shorts and panties.

“Now, I’m licking my finger again and I am rubbing it on the other nipple. Ooopps, there’s a dark gray spot above that nipple too.”. Can you see that, Carol?”

“Yes Jen. Oh god yes. Keep playing with your nipples.” Carol’s voice was already showing signs of her breathing getting faster as she imagined the scene in Jen’s bedroom at that moment.

“Ooooohh, Carol. I love it when someone plays with my nipples. They are so sensitive. Uuuhhhh.”

“I’ll…try to remember…that Jen.” Carol was able to eventually get the words out as she was now using one hand to play with her own breasts and nipples over her shirt, while the other hand was inside her shorts and panties and was rubbing her hand over her soaking wet sex.

Jen’s voice continued to come out of the phone “I’m getting so hot and wet Carol. I am going to have to take off my shorts and panties so I can really take care of this. I’m off my bed now and bending at the waist as I pull down my shorts and panties. Can you see my ass now Carol?”

“Yes, Jen. I can see it. I love your ass. It is so round and smooth and I very much want to touch it.”

“You’ll be able to do more than that to it soon enough baby. Okay, I’m back in the bed and now I have one hand still playing with the dark gray circle on my shirt and my other hand is just lightly brushing up and down my tummy. It tickles but it feels nice. Do you see that?”

“Yes Jen, it’s beautiful.”

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Our Nosey Neighbors

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My wife Andrea and I had been living in our new home in a nice suburb for about five years. I was doing well at work and Andrea had saved up from her working before she stayed home to have and then care for our two kids. There were a number of nice neighbors, particularly the next-door neighbors to our right. Bob and Evelyn were very nice and we had dinner at our or their house about once a month. They had two grown children that we had met, a son and a daughter. I didn’t notice it for a while, but then I observed that Bob was checking-out my wife every chance he got and seemed to have the hots for her. I didn’t think much of it. Guys would often ogle her and Andrea seemed to be oblivious to his attention. Evelyn, Bob’s wife was very nice, but had a modest figure with a small set of tits. She was okay, but didn’t excite me that much.

I would occasionally walk our dog at night. One night, I was nearing home. The dog was sniffing and piddling on every bush. I was in front of the house to our left when I noticed Bob looking out a window on the second floor of his house. The light was off in the room where Bob was, but I could see him in the back light from their hall. He was looking at our house. I wondered what he was looking at. I walked the dog a little past our house and looked at our house. The light was on in our bedroom and I could see the shadow of my wife moving around. Was Bob peeping at my wife?

I went into the house and found Andrea in bed reading. I noticed that the blinds were closed. I was sure the blinds were pulled up when I had looked from the street. I was going to tell Andrea what I had seen, but I was not sure what Bob was looking at and I didn’t want to falsely accuse anyone. I didn’t say anything.

The next night, I decided to see if the situation repeated itself. I took the dog in another direction and didn’t go very far. I saw Bob in the window again and moved down the street to see what he was looking at. Again, our blinds were pulled up and the light was on. I could see my wife walking around in the room, but couldn’t see any lower than Andrea’s head. After about ten minutes, I saw Andrea come to the window to lower the blinds. That’s when I saw her. She was naked, at least from the waist up. Her tits were right in front of the window. She must’ve known what she was doing. She stood there for a few seconds, longer than it took to lower the blinds.

Again, I didn’t say anything to Andrea. I didn’t know how to react. On the one hand, I was pissed-off about Andrea being seen by Bob and they both were complicit. On the other hand, I always was titillated by having my wife almost exposed in public or to other men. I know that one time her bathing suit and fallen open in the front and my friend Ted could see her nipple. Some of her blouses and shirts were thin enough that her nipples could be seen poking through. I liked that for some reason.

The next few nights, nothing happened. I walked the dog, being aware of when the lights were on. It was Andrea’s ‘time of the month’ which may have had something to do with it. Then the next week, the light was on and the blinds were up again. I decided to put a little camera in our bedroom to record what was going on. I hid it under some junk on my dresser.

When I got home, I took the camera downstairs and saw that Andrea was naked and walked around the bedroom with the light on and the blinds open. She was giving our nosy neighbor a show. I wondered what Bob’s wife would think of this and I was wondering what I should do. I kind of liked the idea of Andrea showing off. I’d wanted her to go to a nude beach and flash her tits on occasion. She rarely cooperated. But I was disturbed that she was doing this without me knowing.

I wondered if there was anything more to what was going on. Bob’s wife Evelyn worked during the day. Bob had an irregular schedule. He was a salesman and would often work from home or leave late or get home early based on his appointment schedule. So he was home at the same time as Andrea. Our kids would be at school for most of the day and I would be at work. I developed a strong suspicion that Andrea and Bob were having an affair. What should I do about it? That was the question. If it was true, should I break-up our marriage? I doubted that they were serious enough for Bob to split from his wife and for Andrea to ditch me. She still was loving and caring and we had some amazing sex. I started to wonder if our amazing sex might have aligned with her liaisons with our neighbor. I don’t think I’m one of those guys who wants to see his wife rus escort fuck another guy. On the other hand, Andrea having sex excited me and got me hot. Just thinking about her doing things was exciting without consideration of who was doing what other than to see it please her and make her come.

I considered some options. I could spy on her with a camera. I could confront her and challenge her, with or without evidence. I could confront Bob. I could talk to Bob’s wife to see if she noticed anything. There were other variations on these options.

I decided to talk to Bob’s wife Evelyn and see if she had any suspicions. I had to be careful because I didn’t want to get her all wound up if there wasn’t anything going on.

I spoke to Evelyn one Saturday when I was doing yard work and she was outside nursing her flower garden.

After a bit of small talk, I edged toward the subject. “Ev, have you noticed anything peculiar at night?”

Her answer floored me. “You want to know if I’ve noticed my husband peeping on your wife at night.”

“I take it you have.” I said.

“Sure. He looks in on her most nights and she parades naked in your bedroom while you are walking your dog. If the blinds are up, Andrea is giving a show. I’ve watched a few times myself. Bob really likes her pussy. He likes hair on a woman. The ones who shave their beavers don’t excite him.”

I just stared at her, dumbfounded. She went on, “I suppose you wonder if they are fucking each other while you and I are working.” I nodded. She continued, “No they haven’t. Bob would tell me if he did. You wife would like to fuck my husband for sure. He won’t; it’s against the rules.”

“What rules?” I asked. I didn’t believe her.

She told me, “We have two rules regarding fucking other people. We have to tell each other and we don’t screw other married people unless their spouse is okay with it. We don’t want to break up any marriages.” I nodded. She continued, “We used to be swingers; still do it occasionally. We swapped with other folks but found that it was hard to find a couple where we both wanted to fuck the other spouse. Sometimes I’d like a guy but he didn’t like the wife that much, or vice versa. I was harder to please.”

“This is unbelievable.” I said. I was trying to grasp what had been going on without me knowing it.

Then she said, “Your wife did give Bob a blow job a couple of weeks ago. She wanted him to fuck her that day and he almost did.”

“What?” I said. “I don’t know what to do or how to react to this. I think Andrea loves me, but I had no idea that she would be fooling around on me.”

Evelyn said, “The thing to do is get it under control. That’s what Bob and I did. He was sleeping around and our marriage was in jeopardy until we came to our arrangement. We had to tell each other. Once it started, I really got into it for a while. I’ve fucked a lot of guys.”

“How do I get it under control?” I asked.

She said, “Well, your wife wants to fuck Bob, so let her do it so long as she tells you. Some women just need more sex than they get from their husbands. Sometimes they just like the variety.”

“How do I bring it up?”

She suggested, “I find you attractive and wouldn’t mind sleeping with you. If you find me attractive enough, we could evolve into swapping some night when we have dinner together. I’ll talk to Bob. Leave it to me.”

I said I’d think about it. My wife and I had talked about swapping one time. This was a chance to try it. The next day I told Evelyn I was ready to do it, if she was. When I told her, she lifted her shirt and showed me her tits. I liked what I saw.

Evelyn talked to Bob about swapping and he had mentioned the possibility to Andrea. I hinted about it a couple of times but got no reaction from her.

A few weeks later, we had dinner at our house. The kids were at my parents’ house for the weekend. We were having dessert when Evelyn came right out and said to Andrea and me. “Look, we’ve been fooling around a little with each other. I know Bob has the hots for you Andrea and I feel the same about you, David. Why don’t we swap for the night?”

Andrea knew what was coming and so did I, but we hadn’t talked with each other.

I asked for a few minutes to talk to Andrea in private. “Do you want to do this?”

She said, “No, but if you’d like to, I will.” That was bullshit and I told her so.

I looked at her and said, “From now on, let’s be honest about it. I’ve known you want to fuck Bob and have been parading sıhhiye escort around naked for him at night when I walk the dog.”

Her mouth fell open and she nodded agreement, then gave me a passionate kiss.

So, Evelyn and I went to her house while Bob took Andrea up to our bed to spend the night enjoying her company. The thought of my wife sleeping with another guy receded in my mind while I walked.

When we arrived over at Evelyn and Bob’s house, we had a surprise. Their daughter Kelly had shown up unexpectedly. Kelly was in her twenties and was separated from her husband. When we walked in, she was half drunk and was in a nightgown and watching TV. Kelly was a pretty young lady. She resembled her mother.

“Well, well.” Kelly said to her mother when we walked in. “Are you and Daddy swapping with the neighbors? I thought you weren’t going to do that anymore?”

Evelyn looked at me and shrugged. There was no point in lying. Kelly knew what they did and could see when I came in with Evelyn that the swap was on.

Evelyn said, “Let me call Bob. We can do this another time.”

Kelly said, “No, don’t do that. He’s probably eating her pussy by now and it’s not fair to not finish what you start.” I was surprised at her talking about her parents swapping for sex with others.

We sat down for few minutes of awkward small talk. Kelly had been fighting with her husband and came to Mom and Dad’s house for the night.

She looked at me and said to her mother, “Have you fucked him yet? He looks like he’d be stud in bed.”

Evelyn was embarrassed but said, “This was going to be our first time.”

Kelly said, “Well don’t let me stop you. I’ll just go to bed and take a pill so I won’t hear all the moaning and shouting from you guys.”

Then Kelly said in a slurred voice, “You know, it’s not right that everyone is getting laid but me. You guys are, my husband is out with his floozy; my brother has a girlfriend who he’s fucking. What’s the matter with me?”

After she said that, she surprised the hell out of me by standing up, walking unsteadily toward me and pulling her nightgown over her head. She was only wearing a thong. She had nice young breasts that stood up nicely and she had a very attractive figure. She walked to me and sat in my lap, giving me a kiss that soon evolved into putting her tongue in my mouth. I was aroused, of course. I fondled her breasts and then licked her nipples. Kelly reached down and found my hardened cock and unzipped my pants. She reached in and grabbed hold of my dick. Then she slid down and unbuttoned my pants, got my dick out and proceeded to suck it. Her mother was sitting five feet away watching but saying nothing. Kelly was doing a great job on my cock. I was close to coming a couple of times but she would ease up to keep me from it. I had taken a pecker pill (Cialis) so staying hard was not going to be a problem.

Kelly then climbed up and pushed me onto my back on the couch. She moved up and straddled my face. She had removed her panties so I was staring at her light brown pussy hair. She moved so that her vulva was right over my face. I knew what I was supposed to do and began to eat this beautiful pussy. I hungrily put my face into it. I took in the sweet smell of her perfumed pussy. I licked her clit, put my tongue in her hole, put my fingers against her asshole and had her coming on my face in just a few minutes.

Then, I felt a warm mouth swallowing my dick. It was Evelyn. This was heaven, a pussy on my face and a face on my cock. It got even better when the mouth was replaced by a cunt. Evelyn mounted me and slid onto my cock. I had the mother and daughter working on me together, sharing me. I found this to be simply amazing. The mother was sitting on my cock and the daughter was sitting on my face.

Kelly was already coming on my face. I could feel Evelyn’s cunt clench as she shook with her orgasm and I shot my load into her honey-pot. They both climbed off of me. I couldn’t believe that a mother and daughter had been naked and fucking together. Evelyn said it was a first. It was for me too.

Kelly joked, “You know Mom, I’ve never seen you and Daddy do it, but now I’ve seen you fuck someone else. Ironic, isn’t it?” Evelyn was embarrassed over her daughter seeing her fuck someone.

We paused for a cup of tea. I watched as the mother and daughter moved about shamelessly, both still naked.

Once we finished our tea, Kelly said she had me next since I’d already fucked her mother. She sincan escort took me into what was still her bedroom and we crawled into bed together. We kissed and my cock regained its erection. Kelly’s cunt felt wonderful. She was very hot and wet inside. She was tight and fresh; young and athletic. I sucked on her tits and ran my hands over her soft flesh. She rode me and then I did her on her hands and knees before we finished with her on her back and me holding her legs at the knees and pumping my semen into her warm and welcoming cunt.

I wasn’t done yet. When I got up to go to the bathroom, mom Evelyn intercepted me and took me into her and Bob’s bed for another round. We fucked for about forty-five minutes. The more time I spent with her, the more I enjoyed and appreciated her. She certainly knew how to fuck. She was more deliberate than her daughter. We went into half-a-dozen positions, twisting and bending with each one providing a different feeling. Her cunt was juicy, warm and she would massage my cock with her inner muscles. She had a series of orgasms. When I finally came, we were exhausted and fell asleep. It had been a long time since I had come three times in one night.

I woke in the morning at dawn and decided to take another shot at Kelly. She was a fine looking young woman. I crawled into her bed and she responded to my touch and soon we were doing it again. She wasn’t as experienced as her mother, but she made up for it in youthful exuberance. She liked fucking and eagerly took everything I had. We finished and collapsed. We laid there together, in her bed.

About two hours later, Bob came home along with my wife Andrea. He went and found his wife, naked and having been fucked in their bed. He asked where I was and was not happy when she told him I was in Kelly’s room. When he opened her door, Bob looked at me lying next to his naked daughter and said, “What the fuck is going on here?”

Kelly rolled over, sat up and looked at him and said “Hi, Daddy.” She was nude with a sheet covering her below the waist. Her breasts were visible to her daddy and I was naked beside her. Bob left quickly, closing the door firmly. I heard him asking his wife what was going on and I heard her explain that Kelly had been there when we got home and that she had decided to join us. Bob was clearly unhappy with his daughter getting fucked by me.

Our clothes were spread all over the living room, so I had to come out to get dressed. Kelly and Evelyn put something on and came out to meet with everyone in the living room. Andrea was there and she had a bemused look on her face while watching Bob stew about his daughter being involved in their swapping activities.

Evelyn settled him down, “Bob, Kelly has known about our swapping and swinging for a long time. She decided on her own to join us and to be honest, she started things off when she started sucking David’s dick.” Bob cringed at the thought of his daughter sucking a cock.

Kelly said, “I’m not a virgin Daddy and I have fooled around. Blake steps out on me, so I step out on him.”

I could see they needed some time alone so I took Andrea and we went back to our house. I asked her how she had enjoyed the evening.

She said, “It was okay, but not as good as I thought it would be.” She continued, “I thought it would be special to do it with another man, but he is not the same as you. He acts and smells different and he fucks different too. I like being with you. I know what to expect and love the way you treat me.”

I asked, “Would you want to do it again?” and she said, “No, once was enough. I don’t want to sleep with anyone but you.”

“Wow!” I thought. She asked, “What about you? You got a double-header didn’t you?”

I said, “Both of them were nice. Kelly is a firm young thing with a wonderful body and Evelyn knows how to do things that I’d never thought of.

She was worried. I said, “I’m happy just with you. I don’t need to fuck other women. I like putting my cock in the same place in my lover’s pussy every night.”

That did end our swapping adventures. We have not done anything like that again. Andrea and I still play around with exposing her in public with the thrill of almost getting caught. She didn’t parade in front of the window anymore and she didn’t flirt as much with other guys.

Bob and Evelyn have remained friends, but our friendship was more formal with no fooling around with each other’s spouses. It’s unusual having dinner with friends and remembering what the wife looked like naked and how she was in bed. Bob is still pissed that I fucked his wife and his daughter on the same night. I guess fucking his wife was okay, but he didn’t like knowing that I had nailed his daughter.

We see Kelly occasionally. She’s remarried. Every time I see her, she winks at me, with both of us knowing that on that one night, we’d had some amazing sex together.

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I Became a Cum Slut in My Local Pub

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Big Tits

As I have said before I love sex and flashing so this opportunity was too good to miss.

I was now 24, married and still being used by my bosses at work, well paid and being shared around.

We had moved into a village that had one public house, that we used quite often,D, my husband had a new job and was away during the week, meaning we had the weekends to fuck, and we did.

This sunday we were in the pub at lunchtime for a drink, I was dressed casually in a skirt, blouse and not much else. Some of the locals were playing darts, including our neighbour Tim. He asked D if he wanted a game as he gave me the once over. I knew my tits were showing under my blouse but that was why I wore it. He had already seen them as I sunbathed in my back garden, usually in just my bikini bottoms.

So D said lets both play, come on, it will be fun. So I played as well, surprising them as I played quite well. After a few games we all sat down and talked, Tim’s eyes were fixed on my tits, so when I went to the toilet I undid a couple of buttons, so from the right angle you could see my nipples and my full tits.

Sitting down, D looked and said, fuck, Anna you might as well take them out. Laughing I said well Tim has seen them often, Tim grinned,but not this close he said, they do look beautiful though.

Sitting back I crossed my legs, giving Tim a glimpse of my hairy cunt, I knew I should not but after a few drinks who cares.

Tim was talking to D about joining the pub darts team as they needed more players.Sorry,D said, i am away during the week, but how about Anna, she could play..

Tim looked at me and said,would you, it is on a Tuesday night, it’s mostly fun, nothing serious, why not I thought, so I agreed. Tim said you might need to wear a bit more clothing though, laughing.

Why I said, it is just mamak escort the fashion. See through blouses are all the rage.

He then said he had to go, so I gave him a peck on the cheek,see you Tuesday.

D left Monday morning and I worked Monday and Tuesday, my boss fucked me over his desk most days but I really fancied some young cock, so Tuesday evening I got ready for the darts match, fuck it I thought as I put on a short skirt, g-string knickers and a see through blouse, that showed off my tits, they were not big, but nice and pert.

As I walked out of my house,Tim came out as well, his eyes nearly fell out as he looked at me, fuck Anna, no one will be concentrating on darts tonight, that’s the idea I said, anything to help us win.

We walked up to the pub and as we walked in it felt like all eyes were on my tits, making me feel so horny. Len, the landlord just stared and poured me a large white wine, on me, he said. Thank you Len I replied, keep them coming I grinned.

The darts match went well, our team won. I lost my game but played well. Then Len brought out some food for both teams, and then the other team left along with some of ours. That left me, Tim and two other local lads called John and Nick.Len locked the front door as it was closing time, but the locals always stayed for a few late drinks.

I must admit I was slightly drunk by now, but with three guys happy to stay for a few more.

We usually play a few fun games said John, but how about a game of strip darts!. Everyone looked at me, before I thought about it, I agreed, but socks and shoes don’t count I giggled. Everyone had behaved up to then, only a few gropes on my ass, but they were all smiling. Len said well if Anna says ok, it is alright by me.

So we started, three ofise gelen escort darts, lowest score loses an item of clothing, I lost, so my blouse came off, well they had been looking at my tits all night so what the fuck.

As I removed it, I could feel myself getting wet down there, so the next few throws took place, maybe because I was topless, I did not lose. Tim and John lost a couple times, and were down to their briefs, I was looking at the bulges as they appeared to be getting aroused.

Then I lost again, g- string or skirt had to come off, so I reached up under my skirt and pulled down my g-string, getting a few cheers as I stepped out of them.

Bending down to pick them up I made sure they got a god view of my naked ass.

I heard Len say, fucking hell look at that ass, so I flipped my skirt up showing my cunt as well, Nick saw my hairy cunt, nice bush Anna he said.

I then lost again, they all watched as I unzipped my skirt, off,off, off, I heard so I let it fall to the floor, standing naked in front of them. I spun around so they had a full view of me and then sat down on one of the bench seats.

The boys finished the game very quickly.

Well i’m not sure they played but soon I had four guys standing in front of me, four cocks pointing upwards.I patted the seat and Nick and Tim sat either side of me, i reached down and put my hand on Tim’s cock, I felt Nick put his hand on my thigh,my true self arrived, as my legs opened, his hand was soon on my cunt, rubbing my slit.,

Nick put his arm around my shoulder, slowly pulling me down on him, my head was right by his cock as I stroked it. I knew what he wanted me to do as he pushed my head over his cock.

My mouth opened and my tongue licked the top of his cock, otele gelen escort his precum was already emerging from his cock as I put my mouth over his cock and started sucking it.

Nick by now had two fingers in me, fuck your cunt is so wet, he said.Len and John were stood watching,cocks in hand. God I need this I thought, I need fucking, a cock in me, I twisted over so I was on my knees, still with Tim’s cock in my mouth. I lifted my ass up, inviting Nick to fuck me, he took the hint and I soon felt his cock pushing my lips apart, I pushed back,showing him I wanted it, and did I. He thrust forward,his cock went all the way up my soaking cunt, I muttered oh fuck yes, through a mouthful of cock.

I felt Tim was getting close, so I clamped my mouth over his cock as he shouted fuck i’m cumming,his spunk shot out, down my throat, swallowing what I could as he pumped his load out.the last few loads went over my face and on my tits, god I loved it.Nick was pounding into me by now as I orgasmed,I pushed back as hard as could, come on Nick, fill my cunt with your cum, I want to feel it,oh fuck me, fuck me.

Looking up Len and John had their cocks in front of my face, both were wanking away,I managed to open my mouth as they both came, cum shooting all over my face,on my tits as I licked what was left from their cocks.

Then Nick exploded in me, filling my cunt with his spunk, it was a big load as he pulled out and rubbed the last drops over my ass cheeks.

I got up off my knees, sitting down, fuck, I need a drink and Len got me another large felt so natural sitting there, cum on my face,on my tits and dribbling down my legs.

I guess you guys think I am a slut, but I just love cock, and with D away!

I could see Tim getting hard again, he said,god Anna I just have to fuck you. Don’t worry I said,if it’s alright with Len I’m in no hurry.

I let them all fuck me, or cum on me where they wanted to, until it really was time to go.

I put my skirt on but just carried my blouse as my body was running in cum. Tim left with me and we walked down the road to our houses, well I said that was some evening, can I cum and play again next week?

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Alistaire Too Ch. 02: Bridget , Petra

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


The story of Al becoming Alistaire was such a big hit, I decided to go ahead and write a sequel series with all the ideas I had but never used in the original. While these tales are presented in the order in which they end, the early portions of each may overlap.

I’d like to make a special shout out to the readers and commenters who responded so wonderfully to Alistaire’s main tale. His further adventures are dedicated to you.



“So Bridget,” Ben asked casually. We were in a brief pause while I went through some notes. I was Dungeon Mastering our usual Sunday D&D session. With only a month to go until graduation, less really, I had been putting in extra effort to make our final adventures together special, or at least less pedestrian than my usual story-leading efforts. “How was your date with Danny last night?” Adam and Tres slid their eyes toward each other. Talking about our social lives, especially Bridget’s social life, was usually avoided. You would expect that, since our group formed as four less-than social butterflies and a weird but attractive girl. Things had changed in that department, of course, but in our group, even those of us aware of that fact acted as if we did not.

Bridget looked up in surprise at Ben’s gambit. But then her eyes narrowed. Uh oh. Bridget was about to fuck with us. “Eh. It was okay. We all agree the movie was great, right? But after, we hung out and… I just wasn’t feeling it in the end.”

“Too bad, I guess,” said Tres.

“Oh, there was a little hand to hand combat, if you know what I mean,” Bridget went on airily, waving an open fist around absently, as if it was not a very suggestive gesture. “But I don’t see it going anywhere.”

Adam and Tres just gawked silently. I gawked for different reasons. She had never teased the other guys before. Or was she teasing me?

Ben outright laughed. “And here I thought things looked like they were going better than that.”

Bridget just shrugged. “We date to try people on. Danny doesn’t fit. Speaking of trying people on, Ben, how did your date with Beth go?” she asked, turning the tables.

If Adam and Tres had gawked before, they both about freaked now.

“Holy shit, dude! You went out with Beth?” Adam almost shouted.

Trey actually hit me in the arm, “Dude, did you not know this?”

“I had an idea it was coming,” I said with a grin at Bridget. “How was it, Ben?”

But Adam wasn’t done being amazed. “Ben, that girl is out of your league! She is easily the hottest girl you’ve ever been in the same room with.”

“Ahem,” said Bridget.

Adam was like a deer in the headlights at that. I almost died, both from laughter and shock. Like I said, we never talked anything, um, biological during D&D… not since Bridget joined the group. And here was Bridget, deliberately upsetting that applecart in so many delicious ways.

“What? Oh… Bridget!” Adam said in acute embarrassment. The best part was, the way Bridget always, always dressed, Adam could have had no more than an inkling at most that Bridget, a girl with whom he had been spending hours every week, was at least equally hot as Beth. I certainly knew, intimately, what Bridget was packing away under those baggy clothes, but none of the guys knew that I had any such knowledge either. “Look, Bridget, I didn’t mean… I mean you are… of course… Oh shit,” babbled Adam, suddenly afraid Bridget would think that he was flirting with her. “Look, Beth just has such a nice a… I’m going to die now.”

God, it was fun watching someone besides me absolutely panic in embarrassment.

Bridget, because she is awesome, let him off the hook, sort of. “Yeah,” she sighed. “It is a nice ass.”

Adam was just glad to have someone else talk, but Tres and Ben were agog again. They both certainly knew that in addition to Danny and other guys, Bridget had ‘gone out’ with a girl named Petra a couple of times.

I just wanted to stand up and give Bridget the Citizen Kane clap. It had been a Masterclass in fucking with all of us, even me.

However, I also wanted answers. I had not talked to Beth yet.

“So, how was the date, Ben?” I prompted.

Ben opened his mouth automatically, then shut it for a moment, considering his reply. Good man, Ben. While I had learned that secrets, though a little fun, could be a lot dangerous, I also believed in discretion. If an individual needed to know, they needed to know. If they didn’t, they didn’t. Adam and Tres didn’t. Bridget technically didn’t. And as far as Ben knew, I didn’t really either.

“It was awesome,” he said at last. “We had so much fun. She is so funny, and she laughed at all my jokes.”

“She laughed at all of your jokes?” Bridget asked dryly. “Congratulations, Ben. She must really like you.”

“I guess maybe she does,” Ben said, a little proudly.

“Good for you,” I said sincerely happy for him, but weirdly more happy for myself. Having at least one of my partners doing… whatever Beth had done and grup escort was going to do with Ben, did a lot to damp down my nascent feeling of being a total, as opposed to run of the mill, cad for having sex with multiple girls and yet chasing after more.

“So I need not continue to monitor the Danny Situation?” I asked Bridget, almost disappointedly.

“You never needed to monitor my situation with Danny,” Bridget said tartly, but with hidden reassurance. Then she smiled evilly. “But you guys might want to ask me about Petra next week…”

My three dudes about choked on their tongues. I almost gagged myself.


“Hey Alistaire,” said Rebecca Dean as she passed me in the hall near the mailboxes. I waved in reply as we passed each other.

A few yards later, Jo Silvermann and Franny Todd both waved and said hello. Jo even asked, “Did you have an AP this morning?”

“Chem,” I said, stopping while we talked. “How about you guys?”

Jo just shook her head. Franny said, “Chinese language.” Then she added something in what was probably Mandarin that from her tone sounded like, ‘and I kicked its ass!’

“Rock on,” I said, and offered a fist bump, which Franny returned. We went our separate ways.

I shook my head as we parted. The prior five minutes illustrated how much the me of today would be an alien creature to the me of just early March. None of the girls I had just interacted with had any reason to know how much had happened to me, but I had clearly somehow changed. Through the winter, all three of those girls would have, and often did, look right through me like I was a clear pane of glass. Now…

Confidence does amazing things for your appearance, I guess. And I had that now, in spades. Nothing else had changed… as far as people knew.

“Alistaire,” I heard a voice behind me. I turned, to see Ms. Green about fifteen feet behind me. I dutifully turned and walked back to the young Biology teacher.

“Yes ma’am?” I asked, trying very hard not to check the rookie teacher out. Cripes was she hot.

“I am told that you know a bit about the recording studio,” she said with a teacherly smile. I jumped. Why was she asking about the studio? Did she know something? Did the faculty at large?!?

“I, uh, I mostly know about cleaning it up and resetting the equipment. Why do you ask?” I said carefully.

“I made the mistake of talking about podcasts to the headmaster,” she said wryly. “Now, for my sins, I am responsible for an official school podcast for parents and alumni. I am hoping that you could show me how the equipment works.”

Yeesh. Considering what, or more to point, who I mostly did in the recording space, the last thing I needed was to have to spend time in there with Ms. Green! I’d be horny every moment, something I have a much harder time than average concealing…

“I could probably help,” I said with a smile, “but I could give you at least five juniors who regularly use the equipment to actually record, and who could use a cool extracurricular like that.”

“Oh, and a jaded old short-timer like you has better things to do?” she laughed. “Okay, thank you.”

With relief, I sicced her on four Juniors who mostly did voice work. I knew them off the top of my head because I kept a very close eye on who, and especially when, the recording facility was spoken for.


Fortunately, the recording studio was unused that evening, after one of our few remaining Track practices. Both Bridget and I had had our hardest AP exams that afternoon, and we had repaired to the studio to lock the door and fuck away the stress.

Guys, I cannot recommend enough the idea of absolutely plowing your seriously hot, very close friend as a way to get through exams. Step one, get yourself a very close friend who likes sex and has a banging body…

No sooner had the door to the studio closed quietly behind us than Bridget had pulled me to the floor in the middle of the room and rolled over on top of me. I pulled her head down against mine and we kissed, hard. Our tongues practically fought with each other and we each gasped for breath. Then Bridget actually bit my lip, hard enough to make me say, “Ow!”

She ignored my protest and just throatily demanded, “Fuck me. Now!”

“Well, hey now!” I chuckled.

“I am pent up and frustrated about… everything,” Bridget growled in a gruff voice that I felt was supposed to be my schtick. “And that weak-ass, end of season practice today was too little to burn off my anxiety over that test this morning. I really don’t think I did well enough on it! Now fuck me. Foreplay later.”

Well, I too was worn-ass out over APs, and I still had two more to go later in the week. My own worries were centered not on that morning’s test, but my next outing. Moreover, this delicious girl was demanding I fuck her, and it would have been a shame to let her down, now wouldn’t it?

I wordlessly just grabbed her running shorts and yanked them down over her generous, supple ass, iranlı escort underwear too. She writhed atop me as we worked in concert to get them far enough down her legs for her to kick them free. Moments later, she had tugged my own shorts and jock down about a third of the way down my thighs. That seemed to be enough for her.

Bridget knelt over my hips, grabbing my cock and tilting it upward, running my helmet back and forth along her slit. She was wet already before she started, and she got wetter fast. In moments, she was sinking down atop me, my cock engulfed by her firm embrace.

I am used to a blow job and a bout or two of cunnilingus between us before Bridget and I get to actual intercourse, if we get there at all. Sometimes the oral is just too good. This night, she was wet, but not wet like I usually had her, and it was an excruciatingly good feeling, my cock having to fight its way inside her… even though she was doing all the work.

I grabbed her shirttails and pulled upward, forcing her to lean forward so I could pull the top free. She immediately straightened up and began to rise and fall atop me, dragging my cock out and back into her. Oh man was this good that evening.

Her heavy, constraining sports bra was still on, but she grabbed it under the front with crossed arms and tugged it up and off, letting her fantastic breasts tumble free. I love, love, love those boobs. She looked especially turned on. The little ring of goosebumps that sometimes formed around the perimeter of her aureoles were in full, eager flower that night.

It was a fantastic fuck–a short one, but fantastic.

When I finally came, I thought I was going to blast her off above me from the force of my explosion, her own sweet release following swiftly upon mine.

Of all my friends, Bridget was the only one with whom I ever cuddled after, and even that was rare. My track girls and I liked to talk, and we liked to fuck. We just seldom felt the need to do both at the same time.

But that evening, the sex had been more about blowing off steam and getting our heads right than about the sex itself. In the aftermath, Bridget just lay on top of me, still impaled on my cock. I softened after that titanic ejaculation, but not by that much. I still had naked Bridget weighing down on my chest, after all. And she was being careful not to dislodge me from inside her.

When strength flowed back into her limbs, she pushed herself up over me on her arms, still carefully. This had the excellent effect of giving me a nice view of her beautiful tits dangling right over me. I was distracted by them when Bridget asked calmly, “So, how is boning Poppy?”

“What?” I said, taken aback. “I’m not boning Poppy.” Where did this come from? I tried covering my yelp of confusion with humor. Bridget always could keep me off balance. “I mean, I still might try, but I have not.”

She just grinned in triumph. “Gotcha! You fucked Jenn.”

“What? Wait. I didn’t say that. I didn’t say anything like that,” I protested.

“You told Carla that you had a date with Jenn.”

“I said I had a date. I didn’t say with who.”

“And now I know it was Jenn,” Britany chortled.

“Furthermore, I didn’t say that I had fucked her,” I protested. I regretted that Bridget, and inevitably now the others, knew for certain it was Jenn specifically that I had hooked up with, but otherwise I was starting to enjoy this.

“You fuck everyone, Alistaire. You’re like some kind of irresistible sex force.” Bridget punctuated that last comment with a tight squeeze of my softened cock inside her. That did nothing to preserve the softness…

“Oh, I am, am I?” I chortled, illustrating her point by toying with one of her dangling parabolas. “I’ll have you know that as of the time of my conversation with Carla, Jenn and I had already been alone together and we had not, in fact, had actual intercourse.”

“You? You got with a girl and failed to close the deal?” Bridget said teasingly. “What happened?”

“It was a very precarious location. As it was, we still almost got busted by Ms. Green!”

Bridget laughed. “How close?”

“We had Jenn zipped up less than thirty seconds before we ran into her.”

Bridget laughed again. “You must have about shit yourselves. Still, you had nothing to worry about. Knowing you, if Ms. Green caught you, she’d have just joined in.”

Okay, that scenario had not occurred to my otherwise fertile imagination. Now that it had… crap.

“Oh ho!” Bridget taunted me. “You like that idea!”

“Well, I can hardly deny it, with the evidence growing inside of you,” I muttered in embarrassment.

“You are a force of nature, Alistaire,” Bridget said in amusement, “but you aren’t that big of a force of nature.”

“Aren’t I?” I growled, pushing upward to seat myself fully within her again. But I wasn’t ready for a second round, and from her reaction, neither was Bridget… yet.

“I still wish I hadn’t let you figure out who it was,” I said, somewhat keçiören escort more seriously. “That wasn’t my secret to tell.”

“She knows she not the only one?” Bridget asked seriously.

“I made it clear,” I said. “But not who.”

“I give her a week before she figures out at least one, if not all, of us.”

“Still,” I fretted, though none of this fretting was doing anything to return my erection to softness, “it feels unbalanced. At least I don’t have to look out for any disclosures about Danny. Did you really jack him off?”

Bridget sighed. “He’s a nice guy, and handsome in a very different way from you. I’d really have liked it to work out, so there was a little courtesy third base, just to be sure there wasn’t a spark.”

I shook my head in amusement. I then idly pushed myself back up into her again, more to distract her than to get us going again. I needed a moment to consider whether I really wanted to bring up my real curiosity or not. Bridget idly squeezed down in response.

“So, how about Petra?” I asked, with all the idleness that I could summon.

Bridget froze–not in alarm or hostility, but in uncertainty. “You know, even Carla and Beth don’t ask about her.”

“Really? I just thought you guys saved that for when I wasn’t around.”

“Nope. Gonna pry some more?”

“No!” I said quickly, then after half a beat, “But yeah, maybe. A little.”

“Oh you are, are you?” Bridget challenged, a bit more unreadable than she usually is for me.

“There is the full disclosure policy, you know,” I said a little irritably. I had started down this path, and she was making it stranger than necessary already. “I mean, I was upfront that I had a new, uh, playmate, and you even schemed to find out who. I kind of feel like…”

“Oh, so am I a ‘playmate’ too?” grinned Bridget.

I looked at her naked body on top of me. “No, you are a friend. But you are certainly Playmate material!” That earned me another squeeze or two.

Then she sighed and relaxed. “Look, I haven’t said much about Petra because I’m still trying to figure it out myself. I should tell you that so is she. There is definitely a sexual component, I like it, but I don’t know how ongoing it is or will be. It is confusing, and it is confusing for her too. Is that enough disclosure?”

Actually, now that I thought about it, some explicit tales of lesbian sex might not have gone amiss, but as I’ve said, I’m a pig. I just nodded.

Bridget started to rise up and down on me, just a little, but with a definite feel of warming up again. I started to toy with her breasts with both hands, happy for the awkwardness to pass.

“She does know about you,” Bridget added, not pausing in her slow rise and fall.

“What?” I almost yelped?

“Hey,” Bridget replied, a little defensively. “You told Jenn about me–about us! I shouldn’t tell Petra that I have other activities?”

“Yeah, but you told her it was me specifically?” I thought back to my conversation with Petra in the hall a few days earlier.

“She kind of suspected somehow,” Bridget said, slowing but not stopping fucking me. “Then, after you fucking cornered her in the corridors, she confronted me. I fessed up.”

“I did not ‘corner’ her!” I objected.

“She felt like it.”

“Fuck. I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to upset her.”

“That intensity of yours can be unnerving, Alistaire,” Beth said, looking into my eyes.

“I just, you know, wanted to take her measure,” I said, a little upset at myself. “I mean, come on. You are important to me Bridget. You are one of the strongest people I know, but you just said you are confused about being with a lesbian, you could be hurt by it. I just wanted to try to gauge if I should worry about that.”

Bridget just continued to slowly ride me in silence.

“For the record, she seems nice, though I finished that conversation confused myself,” I added.

“Just understand,” Bridget said, “the whole situation is complex. She doesn’t know what to think, exactly like the rest of us. I can’t say that she even is a lesbian for sure.” She fretted, as if debating whether to say more. “I am sure of one thing,” she finally said.

“What?” I asked.

“This,” she replied, and began to seriously hump and down on that one thing.


The next day was our second to last Track meet of the year. Second to last of my life, in fact. I sure as hell would not be running competitively at USC. While I usually took the long walk back after practices and meets with Carla, Beth, and Bridget, we usually went up before practice separately, as our classes all let out at different times on different days.

What can I say? I’m greedy. And cocky. But most importantly, greedy. Since things had gone to so well, swimmingly in fact, with Jenn, I found myself thinking about Poppy a lot more seriously. She was the number two on our girls’ varsity tennis team, and while the courts were not really on the way up to the track, they were sort of, um, adjacent to the way up. Because there are only so many courts, the matches and practices for all the teams are scheduled all over the place. Today, the girl’s varsity had the early match. I left for the track way early, already dressed in my uniform, so I could stop and get in a good 20-30 minutes cheering for Poppy. I mean the team. But mostly I wanted Poppy to see me there, cheering.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Dark Desires – The Game of Poker

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Darius straightened his bow tie as he stared at himself in the bathroom mirror. He had been working at the esteemed cybersecurity business, Soteria Group LLC, for more than four months now, but he still felt excited about working at his dream job. The years his parents struggled to build a good future and the years of sacrifices they made for him have finally begun to pay off.

In just the four months that Darius has worked, he made the same amount of money as his father did in the whole year. Darius nearly fainted when he saw his first three thousand dollar paycheck, easily paying for the month’s expenses.

Darius had been saving up money to pay off the car he managed to get when he was midway through college.

“Take care of yourself first,” his parents would always tell him. “Don’t worry about us. We’ll be okay.”

He frowned as those words crept through his head.

Darius managed to find a townhouse less than a fifteen minute drive from his work, and within two months, he was able to upgrade his second hand furniture to his new contemporary furniture. He sighed.

I will make this work.

Darius, like usual, made sure to arrive fifteen minutes early to his shift, allowing him enough time to organize himself and his items.

He was one of the youngest tech workers in the company, being hired right out of graduate school. He worked hard to impress both his other coworkers and manager. Darius stretched in his chair before he stood, clocking out from his lunch break and heading to the break room.

There were a few others, talking and eating together. One man in a group with two others waved at Darius and gestured to the empty seat across the table from himself. Darius hurried over, setting his lunch and water down in front of him.

Shawn, Drew, and Vinny were all around the same age, around five years older than Darius.

Drew was the tallest of the three, and pretty much the majority of the company, standing around six feet and five inches. Darius couldn’t help but stare at his well sculpted body when Drew wore his tight trousers and short sleeved shirts. Drew always kept his dark almond brown hair short and combed back behind his ears. His medium olive skin paired well with his moss green button up shirt.

Vinny, the other Italian at the table, was only a little shorter than Darius, being around five, eight. Like Drew, he had medium olive skin and dark brown eyes, but he had near black hair. The sides of his head were shaved down to his scalp with the rest of his hair being long enough to be pulled back into a ponytail.

Shawn was taller than both Vinny and Darius, standing around six feet. His dark brown hair was slightly longer than Drew’s, but still wasn’t longer than a little beyond his ears. His arms and legs were built to be admired. The only problem with him was that his fashion sense wasn’t one of his strongest skills.

Darius frowned as he stared at Shawn’s stark white shirt.

“How’s it going?” Darius asked after a moment.

“We wanted to ask you something,” Vinny said quickly.

“I guess we’re starting this conversation now,” Drew murmured.

Vinny’s face grew a faint red as he lowered his gaze. “S-sorry.”

Shawn cleared his throat, shifting slightly in his seat. “You know Patrick?” Darius nodded. “Well, a few years ago he started this poker night that happens about once a month. We were wondering if you’d like to join us?”

Darius smiled faintly. “When is it?”

“It’s this Saturday,” Drew said.

“Would it be just us five?” Darius asked.

“No,” Shawn said with a shake of his head. “Michael, Elijah, and Ricardo will be there as well. So with you, there’s eight of us.”

Darius knew the other four men.

Patrick was the oldest out of all of them, being forty. He was just as tall as Shawn, only thinner and less built. He had medium brown hair down to his shoulders. Ricardo was also older, nearly being as old as Patrick and was a little shorter than him. He had light chestnut brown skin and hair that was shaved down nearly to the scalp. Elijah was around Vinny’s age and height. He was paler than Shawn with bright red hair and a face full of freckles. Michael was taller than all, except Drew, being around six foot, three. His blonde hair was cut and styled in a way that framed his face nicely.

“Are they all coming?” Darius asked.

“If you’re coming, everyone’s gonna be there,” Vinny said with a laugh.

“Am I really that popular?” Darius asked, raising his brows.

“Well–,” Drew started with a shrug. “We talked and debated on a few other men, but we all agreed on you.”

“We had to make sure that he was someone like us,” Shawn explained.

“A gambler?” Darius asked. Both Drew and Vinny chuckled softly.

“No,” Shawn said. “And he had to open to the idea of a little extra fun.”

“I don’t mind extra fun,” Darius said, smiling wide.

Vinny blinked at him. “You agreed pretty quickly.”

“Yeah,” Darius said. “I’ve never done it before so, honestly, I’m gonna be looking forward kızılay escort to it.”

“Wow,” Drew murmured. “That was easy.”

“I’ll text you the details,” Shawn said, pulling out his phone.

“Seeing how this would be your first time,” Vinny said, turning towards Darius. “Are you sure you want your first time– with us?”

Darius went quiet for a moment. “Yeah. I’m sure. It’s better with friends, right?” He bit into his sandwich as Vinny and Drew glanced at each other. Darius’s phone vibrated.

“There,” Shawn said. “Just sent you the address and the time. Dress comfortably.” He smiled across the table. “We’re gonna be looking forward to you being there with us.”

Darius anxiously waited until Saturday rolled around. He straightened his bow tie before pulling off the lint off of his baby blue cardigan sweater. His hands trembled.

Time to get high as a kite.

Darius frowned as he saw that he was the last to arrive at Patrick’s home. He rang the doorbell. It only took a moment before Patrick opened the door.

“Hey, Darius,” Patrick said sweetly. “Come in.” He gestured inside, closing behind the two of them. “Honestly, I’ve been trying to get you here for a few months now.”

Darius looked at him. “Really?”

“Yeah. Do you smoke?” Darius shook his head. “Okay. We’re downstairs in the basement.” He started to lead him to the basement stairs, but Patrick stopped at the back door, opening it and stepping out. “Drew, Mike, Shawn! Darius is here.”

The three of them rushed to finish their cigarettes as Patrick and Darius went downstairs. Vinny and Elijah were sitting on the couch, playing a round of Mortal Kombat on Patrick’s PlayStation 4. Ricardo was sitting near them, sipping slowly on his glass of whiskey.

“Darius is here,” Patrick said. “After that round, we’re gonna start.”

“Okay,” Elijah said. “I’m about done getting my ass kicked anyways.” He groaned again as his character fell to the ground. His character then promptly died. “Well, so much for that.”

“That’s eighty-eight for me,” VInny said. “You wanna try best eighty-nine out of one, seventy-seven next time?”

“Maybe you should play me at some point,” Ricardo said.

“Nah,” Vinny said, shaking his head. “I prefer winning.”

The three of them chuckled as they stood. Elijah shut off the game system, taking out the game disc, putting it back into its case, and setting it back onto the shelf. The other three smokers came clambering down the stairs. Darius grabbed one of the chairs.

“Actually,” Patrick said, causing Darius to pause, “we kinda assigned the seats.”

“Assigned seats?” Darius asked.

“It’s meant for the inexperienced guys to be near the more experienced guys, so they can show them the ropes and stuff,” Michael said. He replaced Darius’s hand on the chair. “This is actually my seat.”

“You’d be sitting in between me and Drew,” Patrick said, sitting down and gesturing to the seat to his right.

“I’m making whiskey on the rocks,” Drew said. “Anyone else want one?” Shawn raised his hand as the others shook their heads. Darius sat down beside Patrick. Elijah sat on the opposite side of Patrick. Shawn sat across from Darius with Michael to his right and Ricardo to his left. Vinny sat in between Ricardo and Drew.

Drew set a glass in front of Shawn before he found his seat.

“You know the rules to Texas hold ’em?” Shawn asked, looking at Darius. He nodded quickly. Shawn started to shuffle the cards. “Good. Now, shoes, socks, and accessories are worth one chip. Shirts are two chips. Pants are three, and underwear is four chips. You cannot remove a lower layer without removing the top layer first.” Shawn looked at Darius. “Understood?”

Darius blinked. “I didn’t realize that we were doing strip poker. I probably should have put on more layers.”

“That would make the game last longer,” Ricardo said.

“Ante,” Shawn said. One shoe seemed to be enough for the ante, so Darius bet one alongside everyone else. Shawn dealt out the cards to everyone.

It really didn’t take long for the round to end and clothing to be shed. Darius anxiously rubbed his palms together.

“Don’t be nervous,” Patrick whispered into Darius’s ear. He gently placed a hand on Darius’s thigh.

Darius stared down at Patrick’s hand. Is he– flirting with me?

Patrick only removed his hand to collect his cards that Shawn dealt him.

By the third round, all the men had lost their shoes and socks. Darius lost his bow tie, and Ricardo lost his belt. Patrick, Drew, and Michael lost their watches. By the sixth round, their jackets and shirts were being shed.

Darius felt his face grow hot as the river was revealed. Vinny groaned as they both realized they did not hold the winning hand, and thus were going to lose their pants. Vinny was the first to stand, undoing the front of his jeans to the hoots and hollers of the other men.

Then they all turned to him.

“It’s okay,” Patrick said, placing his hand kolej escort back onto Darius’s thigh. “We’re not gonna make fun of you.” Darius exhaled then stood, shimming his pants down his legs before folding them and setting them aside. He quickly sat back down. “You know, I’ve never said this to you, but you have beautiful skin.”

Darius smiled, chuckling nervously. “Thanks. I use lotions and oils.”

“Well, they are working,” Patrick said with a smile. “Your skin is the peak of perfection.” He reached out his hand. “May I?” Patrick gestured to Darius’s arm.

“Sure,” Darius said, setting his hand in Patrick’s. The older man ran his hand over Darius’s arm.

“It does feel nice,” Patrick said. “Coconut oil, right?” Darius nodded. They turned as Shawn dealt out a new hand. “Mm.”

Darius stared at his hand. A two of hearts and a seven of clubs. Dammit.

Everyone checked. Shawn flipped over three cards: nine of diamonds, five of hearts, and ten of diamonds.

Darius chewed on his bottom lip. I’m going to need two cards. A six and eight or eight and a jack.

Everyone checked.

Shawn flipped over the turn. A jack of spades. Darius exhaled.

“I fold,” Ricardo said, tossing away his cards.

“Fold,” Vinny said as well.

“My sweats,” Drew said.

“All I have is my underwear,” Darius said.

“Is that what you are betting?” Shawn asked, raising his brows. A faint smile crept over his lips.

“I have to,” Darius said with a shrug.

“Very well then,” Shawn said. His smile grew wider. “Patrick?”

“I will call Drew’s bet,” Patrick said, shifting in his seat.

Elijah tossed away his cards.

“I’ll call,” Michael said.

“Alright,” Shawn murmured. “I call.” He flipped over the river card. An ace of diamonds.

Darius frowned. Fuck me.

“Check,” Drew said.

Darius stared at the cards on the table. “I fold.”

“You do know what that means, right?” Patrick asked.

“Yeah,” Darius said, defeated. “But I’m not gonna win.” He tossed away his cards. The rest of them checked and revealed their cards. “Guess I’m done here.” He pushed his chair out, but Patrick grabbed hold of his hand.

“Do you want to continue?” Patrick asked.

“I mean, I’d like to,” Darius said.

Patrick smiled at him. “Well, perhaps we can start betting acts if you’d like.” Darius’s brows furrowed as Patrick shifted in his seat. “Want to suck me off?”

Darius blinked. “Oh.” He turned to Shawn. “That’s what you guys meant by ‘extra fun.'”

“The fuck did you think we meant?” Drew asked.

Darius looked over at him. “Smoking.” Vinny snickered.

“D-Did you really not realize this is what we meant?” Shawn asked.

Darius turned back to him. “Yeah.” His face grew hot. He looked at Patrick. “Aren’t you married?”

“We are in a committed non-monogamous relationship,” Patrick answered. “Which means, essentially we are still married and in love with each other, but we fuck other people.

“My boyfriend and I have an open relationship,” Elijah said.

“Same,” Michael said, nodding.

“I don’t have a relationship,” Shawn said.

“I like watching,” Ricardo added.

“I’m just a horny bitch,” Vinny said. He and Drew chuckled softly.

“Does this change anything?” Shawn asked, leaning forward.

“Well, I–,” Darius started.

“Do you want to leave?” Patrick asked, frowning.

Darius lowered his gaze before raising it again. “I don’t want to leave.”

Patrick’s smile returned. “Back to my question.” He shifted again. Darius stared at him, again dropping his gaze briefly before raising it.

“He’s probably nervous that he’s the only one,” Drew said. He grabbed hold of Vinny’s hand as he spoke and pulled him into his lap. He ran his hands down the length of Vinny’s naked torso. Vinny gasped from the touch.

Darius watched as one of Drew’s hands disappeared underneath the waistband of VInny’s boxer briefs. Vinny gasped again. Patrick raised his hips, lowering his pants and boxers. His erection stood tall from his thighs. He was a decadent eight inches and four inches wide. Darius swallowed hard.

Patrick was the first to move, placing a hand on the back of Darius’s neck. He pulled him closer, gently kissing his full lips. Darius found his hand naturally gripping Patrick’s erection. He moaned softly. Patrick pulled away. Darius lowered his mouth, taking enough into his mouth to make the older man moan out loud.

“Ah, fuck,” Elijah whispered. He gripped himself as Michael started to undo the front of his jeans.

Darius took more and more of Patrick’s erection in his mouth. Shawn stood and stepped closer to Michael, standing behind the taller man. He reached around him and gripped Michael’s erection firmly. Michael bucked into Shawn’s hand. Elijah leaned over, stroking himself, and took the tip of Michael’s erection into his mouth.

Patrick ran a hand down Darius’s spine, going underneath the waistband of his underwear. He grabbed hold firmly maltepe escort of Darius’s ass. Darius moaned as Patrick ran a fingertip over his hole.

Drew folded Vinny over the table, pulling his boxer briefs down. Vinny trembled as he tried to hold himself up by his arms. Drew kneeled behind him. Patrick pressed his finger into Darius. He gasped loudly, trembling from the intrusion. Patrick rubbed his cock along Darius’s lips. Darius gasped again. Patrick frowned. With his free hand, Patrick ran his hand over Darius’s thick, coiled hair, pushing his head back down on his cock.

Drew pushed apart Vinny’s ass cheeks. He moaned, running a finger over the jeweled butt plug. “Did you wear this just for me?” Vinny nodded. Drew pulled the plug, and Vinny groaned from its absence. “Oh, don’t worry, darling. I’ll give you something else to enjoy in a minute.”

Drew ran his tongue over Vinny’s hole. Vinny gasped ever so sweetly. Ricardo finally stood and made his way over to Vinny’s side. His cock was out from underneath his boxers. He turned Vinny’s head and pushed himself into Vinny’s mouth. Vinny gasped around Ricardo’s cock as Drew licked him, pushing his tongue deep inside him.

Patrick pushed a second finger inside Darius, keeping his mouth on his cock. “I can’t wait to come in this ass of yours.” His mouth watered at the thought. “Ah, fuck this.” Patrick removed his fingers. His other hand shifted to Darius’s neck. He laid Darius on his back on the table in front of them. WIth one quick movement, Patrick tore Darius’s underwear off.

Darius felt his heart pound in his chest as Patrick aligned himself. They both groaned when Patrick pushed forward. Patrick held his ankles, holding them high into the air. Darius’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as Patrick pushed further and further into him. He trembled slightly.

“God, fuck me,” Darius whispered. A hand of his went to stroke himself. Patrick pulled out slowly before pushing back in just as slowly. Darius gasped.

Drew stood. Without a warning, he thrusted himself fully inside Vinny. The smaller man groaned out loud.

“Don’t act like that,” Drew said teasingly. “We all know that you like it when I fuck you like this.” He slammed hard into Vinny. Ricardo kept a hand on the back of Vinny’s head, pushing himself deep into his mouth.

Elijah crawled over into Michael’s lap, lowering himself down onto his cock. Both of them moaned from the feeling. Elijah’s face started to turn a bright red. Shawn stepped around to be behind Elijah before stuffing himself inside the paler man. Elijah gasped. His body trembled. Shawn kept his hands on Elijah’s ass as he and Michael both pulled out of him and pushed back inside. Elijah groaned from both of their cocks inside of him.

Patrick hit the right spot inside of Darius. He groaned again, stroking himself at the same pace as Patrick thrusted into him. The sounds of flesh hitting flesh, their groans and gasps, and the occasional spoken word filled the room.

“I’m gonna come inside you,” Patrick said. He grabbed Darius’s face, leaning forward. Darius felt his breath against his own lips. “You hear me?”

Darius only nodded as Patrick slammed harder into him. His moans disappeared into Patrick’s mouth. His skin burned wherever Patrick touched as a heavy ache pooled into his stomach. “I’m gonna come. Fucking make me come.” Darius gripped himself harder.

He stroked himself twice more before his body tensed, and he exploded over his hand, chest, and stomach. Patrick slammed into him one final time before he, too, came. They both panted hard.

Drew drove his fingernails into Vinny’s ass as he came with a growl. Vinny and Ricardo came next with Vinny swallowing everything that Ricardo gave him. Elijah cried out, throwing his head back as he, Shawn, and Michael came together.

Darius laid still on the table. He groaned as Patrick pulled out of him. Drew stepped closer. Darius sat up, but Drew grabbed his neck and pushed him back down onto the table.

“It’s my turn, darling,” Drew said, pushing himself inside. Darius tensed and trembled. Drew was an inch longer and an inch wider than Patrick. Drew gripped Darius’s wrists and held them against the table, on either side of his head. He didn’t hesitate slamming himself deep inside Darius.

“Oh, fuck!” Darius cried.

Shawn pulled from Elijah before turning to Patrick, kissing him softly. Michael laid Elijah on the table. Ricardo made his way over to Elijah’s side before he took Elijah’s cock in his hand. Michael stroked himself, catching his breath, as he watched the two of them. Vinny crawled over the table and laid beside Darius.

Drew wrapped Darius’s legs around his waist.

“I think it’s safe to say,” Vinny said with a smile, “that everyone here wants a turn with you.”

Darius chuckled with him. “If you want your turn, come over and sit on my dick.” Darius himself in one hand as Vinny straddled him, gently lowering himself down. Darius gasped again. Vinny rolled his hips, keeping his hands on Darius’s chest. Drew gripped Vinny’s hips again, biting down on his shoulder.

Darius lost count the amount of times he came. His stomach felt full from the four loads inside of him. As Vinny said, each one of the men had their fun with him. His legs trembled as he tried to stand. Come leaked down the length of his thighs. He swallowed hard.

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Kari Ramping of Hampton, Georgia

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Meet Kari Ramping, a six-foot-tall, curvy and sexy African American woman living in the City of Hampton, Georgia. This lovely and successful sister is taking the Atlanta Metro Area by storm. Originally from the town of Brockton, Massachusetts, Kari Ramping moved to Georgia with her family in search of other opportunities. Armed with her MBA from Northwestern University, Kari Ramping is brilliant, beautiful and ambitious. The problem is that a lot of men are intimidated by a strong Black woman who has achieved success on her own terms. What does that mean for the love life of Kari Ramping?

Fortunately for Kari Ramping, she’s the kind of gal who can make her own fun. When the locals can’t satisfy one’s requirements and demands, outsourcing is always a good option. If the Black men of Atlanta are too busy chasing White girls and other men to take care of a tall, sexy sister who is too horny for words, then a sister has to look elsewhere to have her needs met. Kari Ramping has fond memories of the Black men in her hometown of Brockton, Massachusetts. The brothers down there dig the sisterhood…

Stephen Pierre is a big and tall Black man of Haitian descent living in the City of Ottawa, Ontario. Stephen moved to the supremely boring environs of Ottawa, Ontario, from the City of Brockton, Massachusetts, because he had immigration problems, like a lot of Haitians living in the United States. Canada offers faster-tracked residency and citizenship to those who come into the country legally. Stephen didn’t want to live like a second class citizen in the U.S. where he had no legal papers, so he embraced a new life in Canada.

Fast forward a decade, and Stephen Pierre has a Criminal Justice degree from the University of Ottawa, and does fairly well for himself. The Canadian government pays contractors fairly well, especially the ones with bilingualism, top secret clearance and a Canadian university degree, like Stephen. Why is a handsome, successful brother like Stephen still single? The only snag is that Stephen is bisexual, which complicates his life in the dating game. The world thinks bisexual women are cool, while bisexual men are universally despised. What’s a brother to do?

Stephen and Kari used to attend the same high school back in their halcyon days in Brockton, but the two didn’t interact much. They ran in different circles. Kari was athletic, beautiful and well-liked. Stephen was socially awkward, and hung out with the nerds, the computer science club crowd and the like. Stephen misses the old days in Brockton, but at this point, his life is in Ottawa. Brockton, with its colorful, vibrant people, shall remain part of Stephen’s past…

After reactivating his social media accounts, Stephen began looking for old buddies from Brockton. Stephen added Kari as a friend, and was blown away by how sexy she still looked. The tall Black beauty was thicker now, with a bigger ass, and an angelic face. Stephen and Kari began chatting regularly. He learned that Kari lived in the town of Hampton, Georgia, with her son and daughter. Apparently, Kari works in eve gelen escort entertainment management and runs her own business. Good for her.

Stephen found himself liking a lot of things about Kari. The lady had a lot going on for herself. Why was a hot Black woman like Kari still single? While browsing Kari’s profile, Stephen came across a familiar face. That’s how Stephen reconnected with his old pal Raymond Vincent, a tall, slim, dark-skinned Haitian brother whom he was tight with back at Massasoit Community College. As it turns out, Raymond and Stephen had a lot in common. Raymond has a son with his ex-wife Michelle, and considers himself a family man. The Haitian brother swings both ways, but he’s discrete about it. Nothing wrong with that.

“Steve, my dude, come chill with me in the States,” Raymond said to Stephen, as they chatted one night. Stephen was all for it, and he traveled to Brockton to chill with his old pal. The two bisexual Haitian men had a grand old time hanging out in their favorite metropolis. Stephen, who hadn’t seen the City of Brockton, Massachusetts, in over a decade, marveled as to how much the place had changed. For starters, Brockton went from half White and half minority to mostly Black in just a decade. Hot damn, the City of Brockton became like Houston or Atlanta or Detroit! How about that?

“Man, I did miss Brockton,” Stephen assured Ray, and as they hung out, they decided to look up their old pal Kari in the City of Hampton, Georgia. Like Stephen, Ray has sex with both women and men, and he’s always fancied Kari, the mysterious tall Black beauty with the thick ass. Stephen admitted to occasionally masturbating to Kari’s pictures. The gal looked hot in a bikini and she loved to dress up in fancy Caribbean gear. For Haitian men like Raymond and Stephen, women don’t get any hotter than tall, curvy, dark-skinned beauties like Kari Ramping…

“Gentlemen, welcome to my humble abode,” Kari Ramping said as she greeted Stephen Pierre and Raymond Vincent at the door. The two bisexual Haitian gentlemen were delighted to see their favorite tall and bodacious African American goddess in the flesh. Smiling, Kari hugged Stephen and Ray, and then gave them a tour of the house. Kari’s two-story, four-bedroom townhouse is located in a nice middle-class section of Hampton, Georgia. Nice to see an African American sister doing well for herself…

“Kari, you look hotter than ever,” Stephen said, admiring the hell out of her. Kari smiled, almost blushing, really. In the City of Atlanta, Georgia, old-school brothers love the sisters, but the new generation of Black men seem obsessed with White women…or other men. Stephen, although a switch-hitter, always struck Kari as the kind of brother who digs the sisters. Hell, Stephen’s social media platforms are full of pictures of Tennis legend Serena Williams, whom he has been obsessed with for years. Nothing wrong with that. Black men need to start worshipping Black women again instead of chasing White females…or other men.

“Hot gaziosmanpaşa escort damn, Kari, I missed your sexiness,” Raymond said, and he pulled her into his arms and hugged her. Kari grinned and kissed Raymond on the lips. The tall, slim, dark-skinned Haitian stud even grabbed her thick round ass, much to her delight. Stephen watched excitedly as Kari and Ray began to do their thing. Raymond propped Kari on the kitchen counter, and spread her thick dark thighs. Without further ado, Raymond buried his face between Kari’s legs and began eating her pussy…

“Can a horny brother cut in?” Stephen asked, and Kari grinned at him and nodded, even as Raymond continued eating her pussy. Stephen came over and kissed Kari passionately, then caressed those big ole titties of hers. Kari sighed happily as Stephen began sucking on her tits. At the same time, Ray teased Kari’s clit with his tongue while fingering her wet, hairy pussy. The tall, bodacious African American dame was on cloud nine, and her favorite bisexual Haitian men were just getting started…

“The more the merrier,” Kari said, and she and her pals Stephen and Raymond continued with their fun in the master bedroom. Kari found herself on all fours, face down and big ass up, as Stephen ate her pussy from behind. At the same time, Raymond put on a condom and came up behind Stephen. Taking some lotion from Kari’s nightstand, Ray lubricated both his dick and Stephen’s ass. With a swift thrust, Raymond buried his hard dick in Stephen’s ass. Hmm, let the good times roll…

“Oh yeah, eat my ass,” Kari murmured, loving the feel of Stephen’s tongue in her butt hole as he fingered her pussy. Stephen is a forthrightly bisexual Haitian brother who digs nice butts, female or male, and has no qualms about it. Kari was definitely in for a treat. The tall, curvy, big-booty African American gal squealed in sheer delight as Stephen worked two fingers into her pussy then added a third before twisting them around, hitting her sweet spot. At the same time, Stephen’s tongue waded into the forbidden depths of Kari’s butt hole. Let the real fun begin…

“Hmm, such a nice ass,” Raymond groaned, and he gripped Stephen’s hips and buried his hard dick up his ass. Raymond fucks women and men of all races, but he hadn’t been with a Haitian man in quite some time. Bisexuality is not tolerated in the deeply religious Haitian community. Raymond savored every moment that his hard dick spent inside Stephen’s asshole. Haitian dicks fit perfectly inside Haitian holes. It’s what mother nature herself intended…

As the evening rolled on, Kari, Stephen and Raymond continued with their fun. Kari took a breather, and the two handsome bisexual Black gentlemen lay on the bed, smiling while watching their favorite lady. Kari went to the nearby washroom to take a piss, and when she came back, the tall and curvy African American gal was wearing a thick strap-on dildo. Ray smiled, and nodded at Kari while Stephen watched. Ray is a total top and doesn’t gölbaşı escort let guys fuck him, but he’s okay with chicks with strap-on dildos doing him. Some bisexual men have sexual limits, and that’s alright…

“Come and get it, handsome,” Kari said, and she put Raymond on all fours and lubricated his ass before sliding the dildo into him. Stephen watched them while stroking his thick, uncircumcised dick. Raymond groaned as Kari gripped his hips and began fucking his ass with her strap-on dildo. He gestured for Stephen to come closer, and when he did, Ray began sucking his dick. Stephen smiled as Raymond sucked his cock. What an unexpected pleasure, to be sure…

After servicing Raymond’s sweet ass, Kari was hornier than ever. The tall, sexy Black woman knelt before her favorite bisexual Black studs and grabbed their dicks. Raymond and Stephen grinned as Kari began stroking their dicks before taking them into her mouth. Nobody can suck a Black dick harder than a horny Black woman. Kari worked Raymond and Stephen over quite nicely, sucking and stroking their dicks before massaging their balls. In no time at all, Kari had both men hard as a rock…

“Let’s fill her holes,” Stephen told Raymond, who grinned before nodding at Kari. Stephen lay flat on the bed, and Kari straddled him. Grinning, Kari put a condom on Stephen’s dick before sliding him into her pussy. At the same time, Raymond put on another condom and came up behind Kari. Caressing Kari’s big round ass, Raymond spread her cheeks and then lubricated her with the same lotion he used on Stephen earlier. After lubricating Kari’s asshole, Raymond pushed his dick into her backdoor. Time to get this show on the road…

“Oh yeah, ride me,” Stephen said as he thrust his hard dick into Kari’s pussy. Kari moaned deeply as she rode her pal Stephen. The Haitian stud had a big one and knew how to use it. Raymond gripped Kari’s hips and worked his dick into her butt hole. Kari let out a piercing squeal. Anal sex is something which the tall, sexy Black lady enjoys but Ray’s dick was huge. Stephen smiled sympathetically at Kari as he continued slamming his dick into her pussy. He knew how it felt to take Ray’s dick up his ass. Driven by limitless passion, the three lovers continued with their fun…

“Hot damn I love your ass,” Raymond said to Kari as he plunged his dick into the depths of her butt hole, causing her to scream passionately. Stephen sucked on Kari’s tits as she rode him. Kari gritted her teeth, welcoming the wicked pleasure and deliciously hot pain she felt down below as Raymond’s dick filled her butt hole while Stephen’s dick filled her pussy. Who knew that bisexual Black men are so damn good at fucking strong Black women every which way? Raymond and Stephen joined forces to fuck Kari silly, until the tall, sexy Black Amazon finally tapped out…

“Hmm, hot damn, fellas, I needed that,” Kari said as she lay in bed with Stephen on one side and Raymond on the other. The two bisexual Haitian gentlemen smiled at their favorite sexy African American lady friend. Kari kissed Stephen and then kissed Raymond, and they resumed their fun. By the time the night ended, they’d gone through a whole pack of condoms and a whole bottle of lotion. Kari Ramping is a passionate woman and she’s making up for lost time, thanks to her outsourced lovers, Stephen Pierre and Raymond Vincent. The passionate Black woman simply won’t be denied, and that’s more than okay!

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Shy Girl’s Sexual Awakening Pt. 03

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Big Tits

(The Next Day contd)

They got off the bus at Porto Antico; the old harbour. It was swelteringly hot in the midday sun so they searched out some shade and went for a drink in one of the cafes along the harbour front.

Gillian couldn’t get the smile off her face as Mario cracked her up with a whole host of funny stories about his friends and the PHD he was doing. His English sometimes stuttered, but Gillian helped him along.

He pointed things out in Italian for her, and was the perfect gentleman, making sure she was happy, holding doors open for her, seating her down.

It was strange for her to think she had only really met him properly the night before when he strolled into the bar where she and her friends were sitting, and smiled at her, before taking a seat at their table.

She had been more intimate with him in less than 24hours, than with any man in her whole life, and had done some of the most daring things she could ever contemplate doing.

It was amazing that, even without the benefit of quite a few drinks, she still felt relaxed and comfortable with him.

They decided to get some lunch before he showed her around the maritime museum in the harbour. She loved the bread here, and the most delicious tomatoes and crispy fresh salad accompanied the crusty loaf. Mario drizzled some oil on it for them as they consumed a light, but filling lunch.

He constantly met her gaze and was genuinely interested in finding out all about her, telling her she was an amazing woman which made her blush like a young schoolgirl. He must have been with much more sophisticated and beautiful women, she thought.

Gillian described her teens in a small town in the Yorkshire Dales, telling him that she was always a country girl, never really liking the city much. She was funny in her story telling, painting an amusing picture of the quaint place she came from. She was pleased Mario was laughing and asking for more information, always interested, always enquiring.

She found out that Marta had teased him before they met, telling him that she was really hot for it, and had stripped off at the pool earlier that day, but he had told her that he had thought Marta was just up to mischief as usual.

He later told her that at that moment he had got really turned on in the café, just thinking of her divine skinny body and those big white breasts, her tiny back struggling to hold them and her amazing squirting wet orgasms that had taken him totally by surprise outside and on her bed.

She had smiled sweetly at him across the table, her face feeling slightly burned from the sun. He also told her later that afternoon that he had watched her sipping her iced tea and felt his heart beating in his chest, it felt like love had come along and caught him by surprise. Also realizing that she was going home in two days time, Mario wondered if he should ask her to come out with him tonight instead of going to the party at the villa with their friends.

They went over to the maritime museum in the port. It was a big modern glass structure glinting like a precious diamond in the afternoon sun, a contrast to the old orange adobe type structures of the old town and front.

Mario paid her into the building, and they ambled around inside watching a recreation of the Italian immigrants going to the USA and New York. There was an actual submarine in the harbour, which they got to go into and look around. I

It was fun wandering around and when Marco took her hand; they felt like a couple: her handsome man.

Gillian had already decided in her mind to come back to Genoa, and hopefully Mario, as soon as she could. His course finished the following week, maybe he could come over and see her before he started his new job in Milan in August.

She scolded herself for having such fanciful thoughts, reminding herself she had only met him the previous day, and he lived thousands of miles from her in a foreign country.

Nevertheless there was a real chemistry between them, she felt safe with him, and he had real passion for her.

He had been so considerate when she had come back into the room that morning, a little upset that Maya and Andoni had seen them both making love on the patio.

He made it all sound like it was the most natural thing in the world, and that they were lucky to witness such passionate lovemaking.

The way he caressed her back that morning, then massaged her breasts taking away the anxiety, it was heavenly. The tender kisses that turned to lovemaking.

He had been so gentle as she was still a little sore from the night before. She was glad he got her so wet, as it helped the lubrication to take his size after so many hours of sex earlier.

She was still worried that he could have got her pregnant from the unprotected sex. He had come inside her 3 times the previous night, she hoped it would be ok. He had 3 condoms with him, that they hadn’t used. He seemed ok about it, having presumed she was on esat escort the pill up until that morning.

They used one of them that morning. It was so erotic for her rolling the condom down his big cock before he entered her. She stood against the harbour fence thinking about earlier that morning and pursed her lips into a big smile.

Mario wanted to go back to his apartment, as he still had the same clothes on from last night. He still wanted to hang out with Gillian though, and invited her to come back with him, saying they would go back to the villa at dinner time together.

She was delighted to spend more of the day with him, her big smile and the happiness in her eyes apparent. They went up through the old quarter stopping for him to show Gillian some of the more interesting buildings there, before coming out at the top.

They had to catch another bus out of the centre, a 15 minute journey to his small apartment in Ostella.

On the way to the bus stop they went into a Pharmacy and Mario bought 12 more Durex Comfort and also some lubricant as she was still a bit sore from him despite wanting to make love again badly by that time in the afternoon.

When they got there it was a modern white 3 story building in a little complex. There was no lift so they walked up the stairs to the second floor and went in.

Gillian was impressed how clean it was despite its small size. There was a nice view out of the window which was floor to ceiling opening onto a very small balcony.

He had filled the space with a couple of bookcases on textile design and art history, related to his coursework.

There was no television, which she noticed, asking him about it. He said he preferred to read and listen to music, and go out and about photographing things. She wondered if the various framed photographs on the walls were his.

There were some amazing photos of marine life as well as monochrome shots of various city streets. He had put a striking black and white photo of a camel’s face on the wall. You could see the grooves and ridges indented into its large crude unsightly teeth. She could almost smell its rancid breath just by looking at the photograph.

Going behind the kitchen counter he picked up a large black Canon camera and asked if he could take a photo of her. She demurred, not really liking having her photo taken. Thankfully he did not push it, quietly placing the camera back on the side table with a playful smile.

The small kitchenette was off the lounge room and Mario went into the fridge asking Gillian if she wanted a drink. He offered her orange juice and then struggled for the English for pomegranate juice requiring Gillian to guess what it was as he held up the carton.

Mario also had a couple of bottles of beer, which he offered. That sounded very inviting to Gillian, so they decided to drink that instead.

He came out from behind the counter with a couple of glasses, and poured some Peroni into them. The amber liquid fizzing with bubbles, as he tipped the contents in, making a bit of a mess of it, a frothy head gathering quickly in both glasses.

Once it had died down, they looked out of the window sipping the beer; Mario musing that he would miss this place once he moved back to Milan in August.

Gillian told him that she would like to live here, or anywhere in Italy. His enthusiastic response pleased her, giving her hope that she could perhaps come back soon and be with him.

They chatted for a bit, Mario showing her a couple of things, and confirming that the photographs on the wall were his, which impressed her.

For a few minutes more they shared some passionate kisses, Gill feeling a strong urge to make love right there.

However Mario broke off, and said he was going to get changed, and went into the other room leaving Gillian in the lounge gazing out the window thinking sexy thoughts.

She realized that he must have been thinking the same, as he was only away for a minute calling out “Hey,” as he re-entered the lounge in the nude, his thick cock clearly filling with blood, a semi erection building quickly as she turned around.

He stood and smiled at her, not having to say any more words. Gillian pulled her t-shirt right up over her head, immediately pushing her shorts down as well, leaving her in her underwear. She giggled uncontrollably as she reached around her back and undid her bra letting the straps slide down her arms as it tumbled onto the floor.

Mario strode purposely towards her, putting his hands on her waist and pulling her panties down before turning her around to face the floor to ceiling window out to the balcony…

She watched the jet trails across the blue sky, tugging her t-shirt down to cover her bum as she stood looking out of the window.

Mario busied himself in the kitchen making some salad sandwiches on the counter. There was a song playing on a radio, the music etimesgut escort coming from an open window below. It sounded like that mad song from the soundtrack of Pulp Fiction, the rasping urgent saxophones cutting through the air.

Gillian rubbed her knuckles and tried to make out her own reflection on the window pane, focusing and defocusing her eyes, noticing the smudged prints of her palms still on the glass.

Mario came up behind her, his naked torso reflected in the glass. Putting his arms around her, he kissed her neck which made her tingle. She turned her head and let him kiss her again.

After a minute they sat down on the couch together, and drifted into another long conversation about the places they had been, and the places they still wanted to travel to.

It felt funny to Gillian, sitting there on the couch, her modesty only partly covered by her blue t-shirt, talking to what was essentially a stranger, that she had only met a couple of days ago.

It felt like a cliché, but she did feel like she had known him for years, and she had certainly done some things with him she had never contemplated doing with anyone before.

Well to be honest, she had thought of it sometimes, but dismissed these thoughts as shameful fantasies. She hadn’t ever thought she would meet anyone that she would carry them out with never mind a complete stranger that she had barely known 24 hours.

Being nude at the pool with Andoni and Maya had been a big jolt, and buying the sexy dress was not something she would normally do, but last night she had wild naked sex outside with this man, who was pretty much a stranger.

Passion was an all consuming thing, once you give into it and she had fallen head over heels in love with this sexy Italian dream guy.

Now they were sitting on his couch eating sandwiches talking about a wonderful dream of going to Japan together. Life was strange sometimes.

Mario stretched out on the couch, his muscular toned thighs pleasing to Gillian’s eyes, as she surveyed his naked body for the umpteenth time since the previous night.

The initial thrill still very much alive in her mind. Her shorts and panties lay in a heap on top of her sandals on the tiled floor, next to the window where she had removed them after Mario had come out of the bedroom in the nude.

He had then taken her in front of the full length window, her two palms pressed hard against the pane as he fucked her from behind in plain view of anyone that cared to look up at the second floor.

How daring, how sexy, she giggled to herself. How many times had they had sex since last night. Must be into double figures she wondered, counting it out in her head coming to 7 times, feeling almost disappointed.

He had come so hard inside her, standing up at the window, the surging pulse of his huge cock had felt incredible as she bent forward at the window, her legs splayed apart. That was the first time they had done it standing up too, she thought. She saw the torn condom wrapper lying next to her underwear, glad that he had pulled out and let her put it on for him, before re-entering her against the window.

The parma ham in the sandwiches was tasty and the salad fresh. She wished food tasted as good as this back in England, then again everything was better.

‘Italians Do It Better’ flashed into her mind, causing a smile.

Mario got up, methodically clearing the food away, asking her if she wanted any more drinks. It was hot despite the air conditioning and Gillian was thirsty, so she had an orange juice, a tall glass with ice hitting the spot.

It was nice just sitting there on the couch watching Mario wandering about the room naked, his beautiful body a delight to her eyes.

To relieve the heat, he opened the full length window, sliding it over so that you could walk out onto the balcony. It let some cooling air into the hot apartment which was nice.

After a few minutes she got up and wandered over to the shelf to inspect the books and cd’s there. Her eyes wandered over the music, a number of Italian artists, making no impression on her.

He had a few Joni Mitchell cd’s, a singer that she thought she had maybe heard and liked as well, as some James Taylor and Neil Young. Mellow older stuff that she had most likely seen in her dad’s collection.

Mario asked if she wanted to put some music on, which sounded a nice idea to her. He went over to the cd rack and put on a cd by an Italian female singer called Cristina Donà.

The music was lovely, and Gillian swooned as she looked out of the open window down onto the street. Mario came up behind her and put his hands around her waist and they started swaying to the music.

He pulled the fabric of her t-shirt tight across her flat stomach, which lifted the hem above her hips so her bush was fully exposed to anyone walking below.

She felt a little tension, as she saw a etlik escort couple walking below on the pavement, but they did not look up and just went about their business.

For a few minutes it was nice just dancing to the soft mesmerising music as they world went by outside. She could feel Mario becoming aroused again as his cock pushed hard between her legs, thick and insistent as it grew in size.

Letting her head fall back against his collar bone, she breathed out loudly, as he raised her t shirt up over her breasts, exposing them, before he cupped them in both hands.

She pulled the t-shirt up over her head again, and dropped it onto the floor, succumbing to their passion completely.

Mario slipped his right hand over her pubic triangle and entered her with his fingers. She was wet and ready for him. They kissed as she turned her head upwards to meet his tongue wanting it badly. “Qui?” he whispered to her.

She felt a surge of excitement course through her and sighed “no fuori qui” taking both him and her by surprise as she pulled away from him and stepped forward out onto the balcony totally nude.

She turned her head and looked at him, as he stood there in the apartment. Looking down she gripped the black railing of the balcony, seeing a car go by below on the road.

She could see a couple of people below in an adjacent apartment, and a guy walking up the street. At any second he could look up and see her standing totally naked on the balcony, hands on the rails.

She felt a mixture of excitement and fear, which got her adrenaline pumping. What was this desire to flirt with danger and where had it come from?

Mario stepped out onto the balcony and covered her breasts with his hands and whispered in her ear “sexy, pazzesco!”

She didn’t understand, and leaning back said “pazzesco?” “Crazy” he laughed causing her to giggle. She knew the Italian for what she wanted to say next “ora prendalo” she gasped as she felt his hung cock press against her buttocks and the small of her back.

Mario backed off as she gripped the rail and leaned forward spreading her legs wide. She turned her head to encourage him moaning “C’mon, ora prendalo.”

He took his huge erect cock in his hand and stepped forward, and guided it into her, pushing his full thick length deep into her pussy causing her to cry out.

She pushed against it as he thrust away inside her, enjoying the erotic tension and physical pleasure. He was fucking her so hard it was a bit painful, but she somehow enjoyed it even more.

She saw a couple of people crossing the road, and it put her off, so she pushed back causing Marco to back up to the open window and pull out of her.

They stepped back through into the apartment lounge. Marco laughed and took her in his arms, both of them drenched in sweat; kissing her hard on the mouth before she could say anything else.

“Acquazzone,” he said as she looked at him puzzled.

He led her by the hand across the room to the door into the little hallway, pulling her into the bathroom.

She got it now, as he reached into the shower opening the screen door.

“Yeah,” she enthusiastically responded, as he turned the water on.

He grabbed her and kissed her again, his fingers pushing into her wet pussy, as he did it.

Gill’s heart was beating like crazy again as she felt him press on her g-spot, where she loved it. He kept it going massaging it as she kissed his mouth ravenously.

The steam was beginning to enfold them, as he broke that off and stepped into the shower. She immediately joined him under the water, as they went back to kissing.

She felt the hot water soak her head and run down her face and back, as he pushed up against her. He put his right palm between her legs as the water ran down soaking her bush.

Her breaths shortened in the steamy heat, as she felt his fingers inside her, first his middle and ring finger teasing up against the roof of her vagina tickling her g-spot again and again. Then he added his index finger too, working her pussy hard as she gyrated against it, encouraging him.

He pushed his pinky into her as well so he was stretching her pussy to the limit, the wet noise of it clearly heard over the rushing water of the shower.

Mario knelt down on the shower floor as he switched back to his two middle fingers and supplemented that by tonguing her clitoris, that he had quickly located beneath her wet bush.

He was brilliant she thought, as she grabbed his head, gripping his scalp, as he continued licking her clit and fingering her pussy.

Mario kept going tickling her g-spot continually, as she felt her legs go to jelly.

In her lower stomach she could feel her orgasm building and building, every tickle and tease from Mario aiding its arrival.

The water from the shower was soaking her, as she rubbed her rock hard nipples to supplement the amazing feeling he was giving her between her legs.

She started shaking hard as her cries rang out in the shower, and then lost control, letting out a massive yell as she came.

She felt herself squirt a fountain of lovejuice and soaked Marco’s face. She showered his lips in it as he caught the full force of it in his mouth. He drank it all as she burst out laughing with joy.

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Wives Break The Ice

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I “discovered” this site about a week or so ago and have enjoyed reading about experiences other persons have in off-beat sex, especially moresomes. I also read moans and groans from guys who lament, “My wife would never do anything with another couple, much less another guy.” She might surprise you, fellows, under the right circumstances. Herewith the start of a narrative that is factual, with only names changed to protect identities.

My wife is rather reserved, at least in public. When we were still courting she picked up on the fact that my first wife and I have been involved in swinging, and that I had continued during my between-marriages period. She did not care for any details, nor did I volunteer any, but she made plain that she was strictly monogamous, and that she had no interest in or intention of getting involved with other people. Our own sex life has always been fantastic, despite the passage of many years.

Given that I travel a lot on business, I simply stopped fucking women in our area (or mixing with couples) and confined my extra-marital sex to out of towners I met on the road.

Anyway, five winters ago, we went to St. Martin’s with three other couples, all good friends. By pooling our money, we rented a sprawling villa way up on the hills overlooking the ocean, with porches all around and a patio and pool, all fenced for privacy. We guys went out for groceries and booze the first afternoon, and when we dikmen escort returned we were surprised (and rather pleased, me anyway) to find that three of the four girls — including my wife — were sunbathing topless around the pool. To my certain knowledge, this marked the first time Kitsy had gotten even partially nude in a swimming situation. One of the other women covered up when we arrived but Kitsy and another wife stayed bare, even when they went into the house with us to stow the groceries. That she was standing in close proximity at times with two other men, with her breasts on full display, did not seem to bother her. And I must admit that watching her in such a situation was very arousing.

Later, when we were dressing to go out for dinner, she asked if I was OK with what she had done, and I said fine, it’s your body. “Besides,” I added truthfully, “you’ve got the best boobs of the lot.” She laughed and said, “You weren’t supposed to look at Di and Betsy.”

All of us had more than our share of rum during and after dinner, and when we got back to the villa, someone suggested that we set up a wet bar down by the pool and have a nightcap under the tropical stars. From the kitchen I could hear some giggles and murmurs from the girls, who were down by the pool. As I came down the stairs I encountered Bob and Jerri (the only one of the women who had kept her top on during emek escort the afternoon). They said they were tired and that they would pass on the nightcap and see us in the morning.

I thought that something was amiss but we said good night and I went on down to the pool. There were some more suppressed giggles, then Di announced, “That water looks too good to pass up. But our bathing suits are still wet from this afternoon, and we’re darned if we are going to put them on again. So, you three guys all close your eyes now — scout’s honor you hear? — then you can join us. OK? Eyes closed, fellows”

Although I joined my friends in covering my eyes, I admit I peeked through my fingers and saw the wives getting out of tops and their denim slacks. Neither Kitsy nor Di wore a bra, and once they were down to their panties they hopped into the water. Betsy fiddled with her bra clasp a moment — take it off? Leave it on? — and tossed it onto a chair and hit the water.

Di called, “OK, come on in, let’s see how those boxer shorts look when they are wet.” (Translation, in my opinion: get out of your clothes, but don’t get totally naked.)

And within seconds six nearly-naked adults were happily splashing in the pool, Kitsy’s 36Cs glistening in the ambient light from the night sky. And when she volunteered to be “drinks girl” and replenish our glasses of rum and Coke, the darkness eryaman escort of her mons was clearly visible through the sodden fabric of her panties. She seemed not to mind that her pussy was on clear display, and she giggled when one of her breasts grazed the top of John’s head when she leaned over to pour into his glass.

After a bit we all got out of the pool and sprawled on chaise lounges, we guys still clad only in sodden shorts, our wives in translucent panties. Through arduous self control I managed to keep my cock still, although it did swell enough to create a discernible bulge.

And when we traipsed through the brightly lit kitchen, enroute to our respective bedrooms, I got an eyes-on view of the nearly nude bodies of two wives of friends who I had admired for years.

Kitsy was out of her panties and naked in my arms in an instant once we were alone in her room, “God,” she gasped, “being naughty can be such a turn on. Come, fuck me, right now.” And much later, as we clutched one another in sexual exhaustion, she whispered, “Betsy wants to go to Orient Beach tomorrow.” She let the statement hang there.

“You mean, the nude beach?” I said.

“Yes, and Di says she is up for it. How about you?”

“You mean, how do I feel about my darling wife running around naked in front of scores, maybe even hundreds of strange men, showing off her boobs and her pussy?”

“Oh, don’t put it that way,” Kitsy protested.

“Just let me say, ‘splendid idea,'” I replied. She laughed and we cuddled and her hands got me hard and inside her pussy once again. And as I slipped into sleep, I wondered, “Who might be here in bed beside me tomorrow night — Di? Betsy? Jerri? No, no chance of that? Or maybe even my own wife?”

To be continued.

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Wild Night In Vegas

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There’s an intimate group of friends on Yahoo that make up JnK Erotica. A contest was held and the prize for the winners was a story written for them of their choosing. That’s where the characters in this story originate from.

It’s enough to say that this is by far the longest story I’ve ever attempted and I thank Paula for telling me to go for it.

I had to break this into vignettes in order to see all of it so I’ve included my early notes and outline as headers for each piece of the story.

Thanks to all of the characters for sharing little bits about themselves with me. Most of all thanks to D who allowed me to write fiction where I needed.

I hope you enjoy the story….I had a lot of fun writing it!




What happens in Vegas shows up on the JnK site… DB 2/12/05

The fishing contest was done and the winners announced. The side bet between them was that the winner would be met in Vegas for a weekend of fun at the loser’s expense. Because they had tied and because their schedules allowed for it they decided to follow through with the bet and play for a night.

Paula was bringing Michael, Angel talked Rebecca into joining the fray, and Passion had convinced Don and D to accompany her and round out the group.

The story that follows is what might have happened during a memorable 36 hours.

Scene 1, Quickies from the planes.. Who’s who

Paula, Michael, and Angel had started the earliest of the group since they had the furthest to travel. The hop from Maui to Honolulu went fast and they were soon boarding their flight that would take them to Oakland before continuing to Las Vegas.

Michael led the trio onto the plane and had waited for Angel to slip by him to sit in the window seat before seating himself. Paula had noticed the male flight attendant following Angel’s every move and especially after she sat and had left her skirt riding up on her thighs to show a healthy amount of her legs.

Not to be outdone, Paula made sure that when she started to put her bag overhead that she asked the attendant to give her a hand. She never moved when the attendant moved behind her and reached up to help her with the bag. In fact Michael could have sworn that she pushed back against him so her ass was in contact with his crotch. When the bag was safely stowed and before the attendant could move away she quickly turned so that her breast were up against his chest before she thanked him for the help.

The attendant muttered something and was clearly blushing at the forwardness and quickly moved down the aisle. Michael patted Paula’s ass as she sat down and smiled at her as he told her to behave, that there was plenty of time to play in Vegas.

“What fun is behaving?” she asked and reached high up on his leg with her hand. She planned on keeping it there and a few other places for the rest of the flight. Angel’s hand was soon on his other thigh and after moving the arm rests on either side of him up and spreading a blanket over all of their laps, he settled back to enjoy the flight.

By the time the plane touched down in Oakland both women had cum multiple times thanks to Michaels roaming hands and though they hadn’t been able to completely return the favor they had promised to make it up to him once they got to Vegas.

Rebecca was already at the boarding area for the flight to Vegas when the trio got there and if anyone were paying attention they would have seen the smoke rising from the kiss that she and Angel shared. Michael’s greeting was next and after reaching back to cup her ass with both hands, lifted her off the ground as they kissed. She was still giggling when she stepped to Paula and was silenced by another passionate kiss.

They caught each other up on their lives as they waited for the plane to board and ended up sitting close on the plane, Paula and Michael in one row, Angel and Rebecca in the one behind them.

About the time they were boarding, Passion was getting on her own flight and she was quietly excited at what she had to look forward to. It had been too long since the last time she had seen Paula and Michael and her recent change to being submissive to Paula’s domme had opened up some new vistas of sexual play and pleasure. She had dressed as usual for the flight, in a skirt and heels and more than one guy was checking her out as she strode through the terminal and concourse.

It will be nice to see Angel and Rebecca as well she thought, and there were two new friends that she had yet to meet. She had been corresponding with Don and with the two of them being the “elders” of this group they had found many things of common interest and then there was his wife, D. This would be very new to her and she reminded herself to pay some particular attention to her while they were together, understanding first hand about opening up new horizons.

The last of the group were flying from San Diego and though past her nervousness about flying years cebeci escort ago, D had been holding Don’s hand the entire flight. He hadn’t said much to her before or during the flight and she was past second-guessing her quick decision to go on this adventure but still.. there were those butterflies.

Don wasn’t nervous so much as curious since he knew only from online activity the new friends they would be meeting. Would they be as wild in person as they were online? Only time and this weekend would tell and the butterflies he felt were from anticipation.

Scene 2, Meet and greet at the airport..Everyone arrives

At 1 in the afternoon, the airport in Vegas was relatively quiet for the group when they started arriving. They were all scheduled in within 45 minutes of each other and had agreed to meet at the entrance between the two baggage claim areas.

Don and D had arrived first and had just gotten to the area when they spotted Passion moving down the escalator at the other end. There was no mistaking who she was as she walked towards them and once she saw Don wave a smile broke out on her face.

“I like em tall, Don” she said as she got close and was in his arms and kissing him hard in the next second.

“And this lovely creature has got to be D,” she said and placing a hand on either side of her face drew her in for a softer but no less sensual kiss.

“I hope your ready,” she told D, “because once the rest of them get here things are only going to get hotter!”

“You mean like now you slut?” said Paula, laughing, who while the three of them had barely said hello had come up behind her along with the others.

The smile was back on Passion’s face when she turned to Paula and said “well hello to you too gorgeous, about time you got your sweet ass here!”

Paula looked closely at Passion, noticed for the first time what she was wearing and said “are you wearing that for me?”

She reached out her hand to take hold of the end of a length of fine gold chain that hung from below a similar chain that Passion was wearing. Using the chain, she drew Passion to her and kissed her hello, both of their tongues teasing the other’s mouth as they did.

While this was happening, Michael and Don had shaken hands and slapped each other’s back, Angel and Rebecca had hugged and kissed D and Don got a couple of sloppy sexy kisses from the girls. Paula finally broke her embrace with Passion and when she turned to face Don said, “It’s about time we did this stranger.”

Michael was thinking the same way and had already moved to kiss D as Paula stepped up close to Don and wasted no time throwing her arms around his neck, kissing him hard. It might have continued longer but when Angel teased Paula that she should save some of that for D, she stepped towards D and kissed her with the same intensity.

“Welcome to the group,” she said when she finally stepped back.

D exhaled, smiled and said quietly, “wow, this is gonna be fun.”

Rebecca was laughing again and said “It’s gonna be a lot more than fun girlfriend,” and took D’s hand and started walking towards the baggage carousels.

Scene 3, The limo to the hotel..Paula’s toast and Michael gets some relief

Everyone had packed light so they were out of the baggage claim quickly and the limo driver was easy to find. He was the one holding the sign that said JNKErotica. He opened the door for the ladies and started putting bags in the trunk while everyone climbed in. Michael and Don were the last to enter and definitely enjoyed the view of each of the ladies as they bent at the waist to get in and slid across the seats.

There was champagne in a bucket and Michael opened it and started pouring as they limo pulled out from the curb. Before raising the glass between the driver and passengers he told the group that there were a few traffic problems on the way and that it would be about 30 minutes to the hotel.

The first glass of champagne went down quickly for all of them and after their glasses were refilled, Paula raised hers and said, “Here’s to hot women, hot men and all the nasty fun they can have when they get together.”

They all touched glasses and while Paula leaned over and whispered into Passion’s ear Angel took Rebecca’s glass and set it aside. Saying she had been waiting since Oakland to do this, she leaned over towards her and soon the two were locked in a passionate embrace. Both women’s hands were caressing the other’s body and it wasn’t long before Rebecca had her hand under Angel’s skirt and from the sounds of her moans, it was clear that her fingers had found their intended target.

In the mean time Passion had moved from her seat to kneel in between Michael’s legs. She was busy unbuckling his belt when she told him that Paula had said that she’d promised him some relief when they got to Vegas and that she intended to be his relief. Michael’s response was to lift his hips off the seat so she could lower çukurambar escort his pants and put his hand on the side of her head as she lowered her mouth to take his cock inside of it.

Paula was happy to sit back and watch all that was happening in front of her and with champagne in one hand and the other under her skirt slowly massaging her clit, she relaxed on the seat and watch the two couples as the action heated up.

D was doing much the same as Paula, though with out the champagne, it left one hand free to be teasing Don’s cock just as the girls had done to Michael on the flight from Hawaii.

Having done this before with Michael, Passion had him fully erect in no time and between her mouth and hands was treating Michael to a sensuously intense experience. One hand was fondling his balls, one stroking his shaft and her mouth was taking as much inside as possible with each trip down his cock. Her technique was working because Michael had started thrusting his hips up to match her head bobbing on his shaft and he knew that he was close to cumming.

Angel in the mean time had shifted so that she was sitting beside Rebecca who was leaning back panty less. Angel had complete access to her pussy and she was busy teasing Rebecca with her fingers. When she bent over to tease her clit with her lips and tongue, Rebecca moaned loudly and told her to stop teasing her, that she wanted to cum. Angel slid her fingers deeper inside Rebecca’s pussy and trapping her clit in between her lips, sucked and tongued it until she was bucking her hips off the seat, moaning and cumming multiple times.

Hearing Rebecca cumming, Passion took her mouth off of Michael’s cock long enough to tell him “your turn to cum lover,” and swallowing the head of his cock once more increased the speed that she was bobbing her head on his shaft.

She could feel his balls pulling close to his body so taking the head deep, she held her head still and massaged him with her throat, both hands now fondling his balls. It was exactly what Michael needed to send him over the edge and he groaned once before his body tensed and relaxed and continued to do so each time another spurt of cum was propelled out his cock into Passions hungry mouth.

As Michael and Rebecca came down off their climaxes, Passion and Angel kept their mouths busy, sucking, licking, and stroking with their hands though much softer than what had been happening earlier.

Paula looked over at D and said, “Quite a show, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah and I missed part of it cause I closed my eyes when I started cumming,” D replied. “I’ll try to do better the next time,” she continued and got a smile from Paula.

There was a tap on the privacy glass and after lowering it a few inches, the driver told the group that they were about 5 minutes from the hotel, and then raised it once again.

Angel offered Rebecca’s panties back to her and Rebecca declined, smiling, and once Passion had moved back to the sat next to Paula, Michael slid back into his pants so that by the time the limo was pulling into the entrance to the hotel, the group was at least reasonably dressed.

Scene 4, The afternoon in the suite

When the limo had stopped and the driver opened the door, Paula was the first one out and because she had slid across the seat, her skirt had ridden up high on her legs so as she stepped out, the valet closest to the limo got an eyeful of legs and a hint of her ass. He was quick to move to the limo when he saw Passion’s foot moving out the door and by the time she was ready to stand he was there offering her his hand. He got another eyeful as Rebecca slid across the seat since she was panty less and was speechless when looking in as Angel moved to the door and had Rebecca’s panties hanging from her finger. She flipped them back into the limo as she stepped out.

Don was the last one out and after tipping the driver and letting him know to be back at 8pm to take them to dinner, he followed Michael in to the hotel. Paula was already at the check in desks and there were a few eyebrows raised when she explained that yes, all 7 of them were staying in the suite. It was clear that Paula had taken care of the hotel arrangements and Michael explained to D that the suite was in fact a good sized apartment, about 1000 square feet, two bedrooms, 2 baths, wet bar and a large Jacuzzi in the master bath.

It wasn’t long before they were all out of the elevator and into the room. A light lunch was waiting for them as well as more champagne and after nibbling and chatting for about half an hour, Rebecca took Don by the hand and said time to go check out the Jacuzzi. D and Angel followed right after them and by the time the Jacuzzi was half full they had all lost their clothes and started climbing in.

In the other room, with a silent look of agreement between them, Paula and Michael stood and took Passion by the hand and led her into the other bath, where a glass door shower demetevler escort big enough to fit at least 4 waited for them. Michael turned the water on at both ends of the shower and was pleased to see that one of them was an adjustable spray head and had plenty of tubing to reach about 5 feet. He knew immediately what he would be using it for.

Back in the Jacuzzi, Angel and D were busy discovering each other’s bodies and after some stroking by Rebecca, Don was hard and ready so she had moved in front of him, guided him inside of her, and was now busy rolling her hips from side to side as his hands reached around her front and were playing with both nipples and her clit. It wasn’t long before they were moving in concert and Angel teased Rebecca about leaving some of the water in the Jacuzzi as she rocked back and forth with him buried inside of her.

Angel had discovered how much D liked her nipples played with and had maneuvered her in the Jacuzzi so that one of the water nozzles was pushing water all over her pussy and she was busy sucking and nibbling on her nipples to increase her pleasure. It wasn’t long before D’s eyes got glassy and soon she was cumming repeatedly from the heavy stimulation of both her clit and nipples, and when satisfied for the moment, moved back to lean against the side.

In the shower on the other side of the suite, Paula had wasted no time getting Michael hard once more and was leaning against one wall while he was stroking in and out of her from behind. Passion was behind Michael and was running her hands over his body and telling him that when he was done with Paula that her ass was next. Michael told her to get the showerhead and after setting it to a pulsing spray, passion knelt to the couple’s side and directed the spray so that the water bursts were hitting Paula’s clit and Michael’s balls.

It was only seconds before Paula was cumming hard from the dual stimulation and Michael, not wanting to cum just yet, held his cock deep inside her while she rode out her orgasms.

When she finally moved off of Michael, he sat on the seat in one corner of the shower stall and slowly stroked his cock as the two girls kissed passionately for a couple of minutes. Paula broke the kiss and asked Passion how bad she wanted Michael’s cock in her and in reply, Passion turned away from Michael and slowly lowered her pussy onto his lap and engulfed him.

There was no gentleness as she rode his hard cock and with Michael’s hands guiding her hips they were soon pounding against each other. He asked passion if her ass was ready and he took her moans in reply as a yes. He held her above him and slid back a couple of inches on the seat while Passion reached back and grabbing both cheeks, spread her ass wide for him.

Paula, who had been using the shower massage to keep her pussy and clit stimulated, waited until Passion was fully seated again on Michael before directing the pulsing water on Passion’s clit, and engorged lips. The added stimulus caused her eyes to open wide and for a moment she stopped moving on Michael, overwhelmed as she was.

Michael had other plans however and when he stood and lifted Passion with him, he turned them both so she could rest her hands against the wall and now he was controlling their coupling. His thrusts were increasing in speed and it was all Passion could do to stand against his assault.

It might have continued much longer but Paula once again used the shower massage on both of them and when Passion started cumming again. The contractions of her ass set Michael off as well and soon they were both cumming hard, Michael spurting each time Passion’s ass clenched around him.

Still joined like they were, Paula kissed each of them hard and could only smile at the expressions on both of her lover’s faces.

“Save some of that for tonight,” she told them and then reached for the soap so the three of them could start washing each other.

While this was happening, Rebecca was climbing off of Don’s lap, having cum multiple times. When he stood to stretch his legs Angel told the others that they needed to do something about his still hard cock. She directed him to sit on the edge of the tub and bending at the waist, quickly had his cock in her mouth. D winked at Rebecca, pointed to Angel’s ass and both of them started teasing her pussy and breasts as she continued to bob her head on Don’s shaft.

Rebecca took her turn sucking and the girls paid her exposed pussy the same kind of attention as Angel had received. She knew he was getting close and when she asked D if she wanted to finish the job, D didn’t hesitate to move in front of him and take him deep in her mouth. Her tongue swirling over the head and her hand massaging his balls put him over the top.

D lifted her head, kept stroking him with her hands and the girls were applauding as spurt after spurt flew from his cock and landed on her breasts and stomach. Each woman got a finger full and made a great show in front of him of licking it off and finally D leaned forward and they shared a sloppy kiss.

Scene 5, Getting ready for the night..The ladies look hot

Angel was the first in and out of the shower and by the time the whole group had reassembled in the main room they were all clean, sated for the moment and in various states of undress or at least what the towels didn’t cover.

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