Bus Stop Lumberjack

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I had just turned 18 and was on my way to visit some relatives on the west coast. I was straight and came from a small town where it seemed like there were no gays. However, over the past year I had gone into the nearest city and would frequent a book store that a lot of gays would hang out at. I still remember the first time I noticed a gay man looking at me. I was a little freaked out and took off out of there. Later, whenever I thought about it I would get hard and sometimes while jerking off I would imagine that the man in the bookstore had touched me. Ever since that happened I couldn’t stop occasionally thinking about being with other men.

I wasn’t looking forward to the 18 hour bus ride. I sat down in the back seat put on my walkman and opened a book. I must have drifted off because when I awoke it was dark out and we were pulling into a small mountain town. I went into the store and bought some snacks, when I got back on the bus there was an older guy sitting in the back seat next to mine. The other seats were all full so I sat back in my old seat. He small talked me until he realized I wasn’t interested in talking and let me be. He was a lumberjack (if that’s what they’re still called) and was going to the coast as well. I started to read my book but soon fell asleep.

I was dreaming my cock being stroked and I was startled awake. The lumberjack was rubbing my cock through my pants. I was so freaked out I just froze. He didn’t seem to notice that I had woken up because Cemre Escort he kept rubbing. My cock was almost totally hard and he continued to rub the tip. I was scared but really turned on. It started feeling really good but I didn’t want it to go any further, after all I was still straight and had a girlfriend back home.

I sat up and tried to move closer to the window and then he looked at me. He had the same look that the guy in the bookstore had. I always thought myself as an attractive guy, I knew that the girls loved my green eyes and black hair. I was well proportioned and had a good looking face. I looked younger than I was by a couple of years and by the time I turned 18 I was really sick and tired of being mistaken for a 16 year old.

The lumberjack said to me in a quiet voice, “you are going to let me and you are going to like it. ” By this time I started to get really scared, but I thought, we are on a bus what can he do? He pushed me back in the seat, opened my fly, and started stroking me through my tighty-whities. It was crazy-intense but I didn’t want to do it so I pushed his hand away. He grabbed my wrist and twisted it hard. I cried out in pain but he had already put his other hand over my mouth. By now I was really worried, I didn’t know what he was going to do next. But I found out soon enough.

He pulled my cock out of my underwear and to my anger I was hard as a rock. He then started slowly stroking my meat. I am uncut so when someone Cemre Escort Bayan pulls the skin back on my cock it really feels amazing. Well the lumberjack knew this because he slowly pulled my foreskin back to reveal my red cock-head already wet with precum. His thick fingers began swirling around my cock-head and down my shaft. He stroked the ultra-sensitive skin that connects the foreskin to my cock. I couldn’t control myself and let out a small moan.

“Yeah, you like it don’t you?” He said to me, his breath hot on my face, “I told you you’d like it. ”

The lumberjack was a big man, probably 6’3″ and 220 lbs but he looked quite lean under his tight white shirt. I could see his big pecs and arm muscles flexing as he jerked me off.

He started working on my balls with his other hand, alternating squeezing and stroking them. His other hand still teasing my cock-head. The lumberjack suddenly bent down and I could feel his hot mouth surround my penis. It felt good but I could feel his unshaven face scratch me. It was an even greater turn on to feel this rough-faced logger sucking me off on a crowded bus. His tongue licked small circles on my head. Then he sucked me into his mouth until I could feel his stubble on my belly again. I started to push my cock into his eager mouth. I could feel myself being sucked really hard and it was fabulous. Then he quickly let go of my cock and it popped out of his lips.

The lumberjack started licking Escort Cemre my shaft like an ice-cream. He licked my head and sucked it into his mouth. This time I grabbed his head and pushed him down on me. The thought that this huge masculine man was sucking my cock really started to thrill me and I knew I was close to cumming. His left hand kept squeezing my balls and sliding over my anus. I felt his fingers probing my ass and pushing on my brown hole. I told him I was close to cumming and he stabbed a thick finger into my ass. I almost screamed from the pain and shock but then noticed how good it felt. He just left it in there and slowly started to move it in and out. It felt dirty but wickedly sexy to have him fingering my tight ass. He pulled his finger out and then pushed in two. I was going crazy, suddenly I wanted to try it all and have him lick and tongue my tight pucker. I was fucking his mouth now and he was loving it. I held his head and forced his mouth down on my pole. His fingers drove deeper inside my ass, I knew I was going to explode and couldn’t believe no-one on the bus had noticed us.

He gave the underside of my meat quick little flicks with his tongue and I imp ailed his mouth with my cock. I could feel my cum building in my cock. He shoved his fingers in deep and I shot my load right into his mouth. He was quick to keep sucking, swallowing all my love juice. He continued sucking and licking until every last drop was gone and then swallowed the rest of it down. I was a wreck, panting and totally exhausted. He pulled his fingers out of my ass and wiped them off. I couldn’t stop smiling. He pulled my pants up and put my penis back in my underwear.

“See I told you you’d like it”, he said with a smile, “just think, we still have 11 hours to go.”

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My Brother’s Keeper Ch. 02

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“You got ‘er, man?”

I nodded, frowning as he reached up to mess my hair, moving to stand beside me with a smirk. With his head, he gestured back to Jean Marie, his smirk growing into a grin. “What?” I half spat. I didn’t mean to sound so bitter, not to a guy I knew could kick my ass, easy. It just came out that way.

“She’s down for the count, ya know,” he said, his eyes going back to Jean Marie again. “Be out for hours, for sure.”

I forced a frown, wanting to look disgusted with what he’d said. But deep inside—inside, my head swam, my chest pound and my lungs felt like they were on fire every time I breathed. Under my palms I could feel the liquor warmed skin of Jean Marie’s thighs, so warm against my own cold skin that it made my already clammy palms sweat. Ah, God, it was sweet!

A suck of my teeth was all that I could manage, even though I could barely manage that! Looking to my sister, I heard her drunken barks from across the way, this time directed towards the one who’d helped me.

“Back the fuck off, Dee!” she yelled, chucking her empty bottle towards his head.

Dee laughed, ducking. “What?!” he yelled back to her, still laughing.

“You’re just as sick a fuck as the rest of ’em!” Candie cursed, calming only the slightest when she was taken in Caine’s arm. He was the only other one ‘sides Jean Marie that could keep my sister on the level.

But it was Caine who winked to me as I looked up to meet his eyes. I didn’t know him—not really—much less, what he expected of me. The others all made it clear—painfully clear. But with Caine… It wasn’t easy to read a guy like him. It was the same from all the times that I had seen him. He was always all over my sister, groping at her, sucking at her lip. But if someone told me to read his expression and tell ’em how he really felt about my sister, I’d be damned if I could tell the truth. He was just that unreadable. One of those dark, blank slates, ya know? Yeah, just like that.

“Go, already!” Candie yelled, kicking the toe of her shoe into the ground for whatever good that did.

“Yeah, I’m goin’!”

It was kind of easy going through the woods on that high path, with my sister and the others to my back. My back. I could feel Jean Marie’s dead weight, but not so heavy. Her chin was resting, half wobbling on my shoulder, but I could feel her breath from time to time along my neck, though for the most part, on the back of my ear. It made me cold. Didn’t matter the temperature of the air or the body heat between us. Still my spine was cold. And no matter how hard I might have tried, I just couldn’t seem to shake it.

Making my way down the slight hill, I stumbled some and she groaned, burying her face in my neck, causing me to catch my breath and stumble again. “Sorry!” I gasped, hoisting her up some on my back and adjusting my hold on her…only to feel as my hands took a hold of flesh I hadn’t meant to touch. “Sorry,” I breathed again, though I didn’t move my hands—For fear of dropping her is how I convinced myself.


Hearing her voice in my ear, my eyes got wide and I stopped where I stood to take a moment. I could feel it in my chest, though my heart had skipped in my chest just the same. She was awake, I couldn’t believe it. And her breath, I could feel it clear as anything across my neck, and her lips against my skin as she had spoke. It made me shiver. Putting one foot in front of the other, I forced myself to start forward again. But it was as I walked that I felt the trembling of my skin under my clothes. And I wondered—I couldn’t help but to—if she could feel my trembling, too.

Though the hike back up the hill was a pain, it didn’t take long for me to get her back to the house. Getting her comfortable once in—that was another story completely.

By the time we’d gotten back, my mom was already in the bed, her door closed. So was my little brother—well, somewhat. I guess I’d closed the door a little too hard because by the time I was crouching down to sit her in the livingroom armchair, he was coming from his room, the backs of his hands rubbing at his eyes.

“Go back to bed,” I told him, turning just slightly to make sure she was sitting up okay. Slumping a bit, but she was okay. That’s when I looked back to my little brother, his own eyes looking past me and around the room.

“Where’s Candie?” he asked, his eyes still heavy and tired.

“She’s still out with her friends,” I told him as I made my way to the couch, clearing off all the stuff. “Go to bed. You’ll see her in the morning, okay?”

Out of the corner of my eye I watched him, watched him as he looked over to Jean Marie who still sat in resting. Fascinated by the bunny ears that were still crooked on her head, he reached out and touched at them, causing them to fall off her head and into her lap. Then he looked back to me. I didn’t say anything to him, didn’t know what to say. I guess he felt the same way. I didn’t watch him as he turned and walked away, too wrapped up in folding Örnekköy Escort out the couch. But I heard him go back to his room, closing the door behind him.

Once he was gone, I wasn’t sure why, but I felt as if it was suddenly easier to breathe. I stopped beside the armchair, looking down at Jean Marie and her hair that was in a tangle of multi-colored curls, a few of them covering her eyes. Hesitantly, I reached to push them back and even pulled from the tangle a caught leaf.

Moving on, it was easy enough for me to take out a couple of pillows and a blanket for her, setting them up for her to go to bed. That was all the easy part.

It was the getting her into the bed that was more difficult than I would have thought.

Taking her by the arms, I pulled her to stand upright, though she easily fell forward against me. I groaned somewhat and stepped back, pulling her along with me. It was another struggle for me to kneel, and to reach for her legs to pick her up. Sometimes I wonder just how a person—a single person—can be so clumsy, and then this happened to me. It was just like in some movie, the way I fell back and she fell on top of me. Candie would have called me a liar, and would have sworn I’d done it on purpose. And I guess, somehow, I had, though I wouldn’t have admitted to it then.

But she was on top of me, lying there, as if nothing was wrong, as if it was the natural thing to do. She was comfortable, breathing light, shifting only slightly, and I could feel it. Feel her as she rubbed against me, her bare thighs over my jeans. I hadn’t noticed it before, just how short the skirt of her costume really was, not until that moment.

My hands were shaking as I moved them, I couldn’t feel anything else—not really. I swallowed hard as I moved both my hands below my waist, below hers, reaching for her hips, that were bare, that didn’t come as any surprise to me. I mean, we’d fallen back pretty hard, there wasn’t any way that she could have fallen as hard as she had and her skirt not fly up.


I swallowed hard, tilting back my head as I took in breath after breath, my hands reaching for her skirt, the bottom of it, feeling for it quickly, nervously. It was a search that seemed to last forever, something as simple as the bottom of a skirt. And with as small an amount of fabric as there was, you wouldn’t think it would be something that would make the ‘hard to find’ list. Finally, thankfully, I found it, and pulled it down with a yank. I moved one arm under hers, then the other and pulled her up higher, gnashing my teeth as I felt her slide against me. With her head resting under my chin, breathed a sigh of relief as she purred and moved against me. She was, thankfully, still asleep.

Moving only one hand I wrapped the arm around both her legs, curling just slightly under her, turning to hold her closer, as if I was gonna lift and carry her across the room. But I didn’t, there wasn’t a need. Instead I moved myself back, taking her along with me across the mattress of the fold out, further and further back until I dropped her head to rest on top of a pillow, dropping my own head onto my outstretched arm as I gave an exhausted sigh.

Closing my eyes I lay there, just lay there. Not really thinking of anything, just—laying. I could feel her breath across my face as she breathed, soft and slow, though at times she would snore a bit, and I’d laugh. Finally I opened my eyes, looking over her face. I imagined her eyes opened, looking back at me, her lips smiling. I imagined her talking to me, in a voice that no one else could hear. Just me and her, there together for as long as we liked. It made my face red to think that I even thought about things like that, and for a minute I thought that I was sick in the head, ya know, wanting my sister’s friend.

Wanting her. I guess that’s what it was, what made my jeans uncomfortable then.

Damn, I had to get up.

I was careful as I crawled over her, being careful not to move her, disturb her, wake her up in any way. It wasn’t until my feet were on the floor that I exhaled the breath I’d been holding, glancing briefly back and over my shoulder to Jean Marie, making sure she was still asleep. She was. Facing forward again I yawned, stretching both my arms above me. I was tired, for so many reasons I was tired.

As I made my way down the short distance of the hall to my room, I thought about Jean Marie, lying there, sleeping. I thought about me, and how she made me feel—more so tonight than any other time she had come over. I mean, before it was just a smile, a simple joke made, the way she bonded with my sister and my mom so easy. She bonded with them, so why not me? And feeling her against me as I had…

“Aaaah!” Stepping over the toys and cloths that were in the floor, I got to my room and closed the door behind me. I was through. She wasn’t my friend, she was my sister’s. She wasn’t my problem, she was Candie’s. And anyway, she’d be gone in the Escort Örnekköy morning, and I wouldn’t have to put up with her and her drunken ways until the next time she was over, which was a long time coming, I was sure.

It was that thought alone that made me rest easy.

I’d heard it in my sleep, the sound of someone moving around in the bathroom. I couldn’t help but to hear it, my bedroom sharing a wall with the bathroom. I don’t know why it woke me up then, why it kind of shook my nerves, but it did. ‘Course, it didn’t really wake me up, not fully, just enough so that I was awake enough to know what that sound, that familiar sound, was, even the water as it was run in the sink. Then silence. Once the silence came back I was shifting in my bed, deep as I was getting back into a comfortable enough position to sleep again.

But then…Something wasn’t right, something just seemed off. And I opened up my eyes then as I listened to the silence, the unsteady silence—that eerie kind of silence that you hear or don’t hear—that you notice in a movie just before someone’s gutted, or before somethin jumps out of the dark. It was that creepy silence that kept you up, knowing that something was about to happen.

Quick as I could without making a sound, I sat up in bed, my eyes hard fixed on the closed door of my room. There was someone out there, whoever it had been in the bathroom. I knew the footsteps hadn’t sounded right, like there wasn’t enough to carry anyone any right distance back to wherever they had been sleeping, except for me. And I was already in bed.

My doorknob was tapped, then jiggled, and for a minute, it even sounded as if someone had run into the door. Not hard or anything, just enough to let them know that they hadn’t opened up the door all the way. Usually, I’d find something like that funny, and I’d be laughin’ my ass off for hours. But I didn’t know who it was, not even when the door was opened. All I could do was watch—or rather listen, listen to whoever it was as they came into my room, closing the door behind them. Then I heard them giggle, and it was the sweetest sound, sweeter than anything—Well, I was at ease in no time. I knew the tone of the giggle, who it belonged to. But still my chest pound, throbbed and ached in its odd way. I mean, I knew who it was by now, I knew even without seeing their face, but I was still a nervous wreck.

“I’m such a klutz,” I heard her say, leaning her back against the door. Even as dark as it was, I could just make out her form—just slightly. But it was enough.

“Jean Marie?” The name was out of my mouth before I could even think it, and I heard her giggle again.


My room was a wreck, and I liked it the way that it was, except for then. Then, I cursed myself for having it as messy as it was, total chaos, the wake of the storm. I listened as she stepped carefully across the room, taking her time, stumbling back again and again, but she kept coming forward, persistent. Finally she was there, standing at the foot of my bed. She was in what little light was coming into my room from the window. Not much, as many trees and whatever that was outside. But I could see her better now, and she could see me.

“I just wanted to thank you, ya know?” She started to crawl onto my bed then, on her hands and knees as she made her way beside me to lie down. I couldn’t say anything, couldn’t protest, and couldn’t object. I still couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I watched her lay down beside me, her back to me and her face to the wall, curled up there as if that’s where she belonged. “You didn’t have to carry me all the way back here, but ‘cha did.”

She was drunk, still drunk. It was the only excuse, the only thing that could explain the here and now. I was shaking, like a leaf, I was shaking beside her. Even though she wasn’t touching me I could feel her, the heat that came from her body. And suddenly, all the rest of the room seemed cold. It made me shake and catch my breath.

She laughed.

“You really held your own out there, against the ass-holes Candie and me call friends.” She didn’t look back to me while she talked, she only lay there, comfortable as I had been before she’d come in. “I think they were even jealous, a few of them. The guys. Not Caine, though; he’s all Candie’s.” She giggled. “Candie and Caine, ya know? Candy-cane.”

Unable to do anything else, I lay back against the headboard of the bed, my eyes still fixed on her unblinking.

“He’s all hers; not to be touched.”

“And—and you?” Finally I had found my voice, and I was grateful for it. I would have been lost if I hadn’t been able to say anything back, I would have been uncomfortable in the silence of the situation, ready to scream if nothing else. And then where would I have been?

She laughed a bit at that, though it wasn’t as much a laugh as it was a kind of careless breath. “Me? I’m still up for grabs, I guess.”

“What about the other two guys? The one Örnekköy Escort Bayan that called you his girl?”

This made her really laugh, and I could see her body shake as she laughed at that. “Don’t like him, don’t want anything to do with him. There’s a few things I like about him, but not enough, ya know?” I watched her shoulders as they rose and fell in a shrug. “There’s some things I could do with him, some things I might even really want again and again. But it isn’t worth it, not for the way he acts–,”

She stopped then, and I looked at her like a radio station suddenly gone dead. She was asleep, I thought at first. Had fallen asleep in mid-talk. But then she began to laugh, more than she had before then, but quiet enough so that only the two of use would hear.

“I’m talking too much. I’m sorry.” Slowly she rolled over to face me, I could see the smile on her face, her eyes half closed and heavy. She was tired—either that, or she was still drunk. “You don’t wanna know about all this. Doesn’t mean anything to you, does it?”

I shrugged. I didn’t know what to say, what she expected me to say. I just watched her, then, as she moved to sit up beside me. She wavered back and forth where she sat, too; though just a little bit. All I could do was watch her as she reached out for me, as she took my face in her hands and pulled me closer to her. I could feel her breath against my lips; warm, and it smelled of liquored lemons. But I liked it, don’t know why, but I liked it.

“My keeper,” she whispered, her words slightly slurred. I blushed beneath the touch of her hands. It was strange being so close to her. “You’re so sweet, bringing me home the way you did.” She leaned in more, then, until she touched her lips to mine. Light at first, then harder.

I could feel my eyes go wide as she put her tongue in my mouth, and I could taste whatever it was she’d been drinking. I liked that, too. I hadn’t noticed until then that she had changed some time in between when I had put her down and now. Now she was wearing a T-shirt, really big on her, falling to just over her knees. I only noticed because of the way she moved then, to straddle over my legs as she kept her hands on my face. She tasted good—her kisses, I mean. I mean, I wasn’t really into that kind of thing, drinking and boozing. That was her bag, hers and my sisters. But it was kind of sweet, tasting it through her; kind of a buzz to my senses.

It wasn’t until she started to pull back, breaking her kiss, that I realized just how much I’d been enjoying that taste, scrutinizing it, trying to place and identify it. My back kinda’ hit hard against the wall behind me as she let go of my face. I hadn’t realized just how much she’d been supporting me, holding me close and all as she had been. I’d gone weak in her hands, ya know? Like I was sleep walking, or sleep sitting. And it wasn’t until she’d let me go that I was suddenly awake enough to realize that I hadn’t been awake at all. At least, not mentally. It woke me up, the feeling of my head hitting against the thick of the wall, but it didn’t hurt. And all I could see was Jean Marie as she smiled to me through the dark. She never took her eyes from mine as her hands dropped down to rest in her lap, and she laughed some as she watched me watch her.

“You look scared,” I heard her whisper. And I shook my head, trying my hardest not to look like the damned virgin that I was. But she could see through it, I knew she could. Hell, even I could have seen through something so stupid. “Don’t be,” she assured me, laughing again as I swallowed hard enough for her to hear. “I won’t bite you.” She shrugged. “I mean, not unless you want me to or anything…”

I wanted to laugh, but I wasn’t sure. I mean, my sister and Jean Marie—they were into that sort of thing, with the vampires and blood and the—occult—or something. At least, it’s what I’d heard people talk about behind their backs whenever they looked the part. So here and now, it was only normal that I kind of had to think about things like that, wondering if she would bite me if given the chance, just to hear me scream—or something.

“Don’t worry so much,” she whispered, her hand raising from her lap, her fingers smoothing over my cheek. Bit it was the tip of her finger across my lip that made me shudder. “And you’re thinking, I can tell.” Smiling, she shook her head. “Don’t.”

Leaning back again, just enough for her to sit upright, I watched her hand reach for the bottom of the T-shirt, inching it up slightly at first, just enough to show off her bare legs. But she’d been sitting on part of the shirt I guess, as she started to wiggle over my legs, moving forward and back as she was pulling it from under her, then gradually up and over her head, smiling as she put it to the side. In my chest I could hear my heart, hear it as it swelled and shrank as fast as it could, pushing the blood through my body at a speed I’d never felt before. Feel, I could feel it, every bit of it as it ran through me, hot and thick, like a fire that moved under my skin. She wasn’t wearing much of anything under the shirt, I came to find out, just something that barely held on her hips, riding low. With the shirt off and to the side, it was all that she wore, if you could really call it something to wear; after all, it wasn’t much.

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Amber’s Teacher Ch. 04

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As I told Amber that I didn’t want to continue making out in the car, she put her hand on the hard bulge in my pants and said, “Oh, Honey, I want to take care of this so bad, but I really have to go. I swear I’ll make it up to you!”

“I know you will, Baby,” I said. “Maybe you can come over soon.” We kissed briefly as she got out, went to her car and left.

I was still in an extremely high state of arousal. As soon as I got home, I sat on the edge of my bed, dropped my pants, allowing my still-hard cock spring out. It was so hot that the normal temperature aiir in the room felt really cold. Just as I was about to stroke it, my cell phone on the night stand vibrated. It was Amber.

I was surprised to hear from her soon, but answered right away. “Hi”, she said. “What are you doing?”

“Take a guess,” I chuckled, as my hand finally began to soothe my desperately hard cock.

“I bet you are stroking your dick,” she said.

“Good guess,” I replied.

“Oh my God, the things you made me feel tonight!” Amber said excitedly. “I must have orgasmed three times. It was so good the way you touched me, the way your finger felt as it slipped into my pussy!”

Hearing her recount her experience of the event caused me to cum immediately. “Oh God, you just made me cum,” I told her.

“I was hoping you would,” she said. “I can’t wait to suck your cock again. I want to practice so I can do it really good.”

“I still haven’t seen your cute little pussy,” I told Amber. “The next time I see you, I’m going to eat you out so good. The orgasms you had so far will be nothing compared to them.”

“Oh, I can hardly wait for that.,” she moaned. “I am just getting ready to shower. I am totally naked. and still kind of wet from earlier.”

“Are you going to cum again?” I asked.

“I might, she giggled. “Lately, you have me cumming all the time.” I heard a low moan, and she asked me, “Do you want me to cum again?”

“Oh yeah, baby hearing you cum turns me on so much,” I told her.

Gradually, I heard the rate of her breathing increase, and soft little moans escaped her lips. I knew I would not be able to cum again, but Amber’s sexy young voice was getting me hard again. It was not too long before I heard a long moan and giggle. “MMMM,” she sighed. “See what you do to me?”

“I wish I could have seen that,” I replied.

“Maybe you will soon,” she said. “I better get to bed. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

“Sweet dreams,” I told her, and we hung up.

Just as I was about to go to bed myself, my cell phone alerted me of an incoming message. I picked it up and, as I suspected, it was from Amber. What I didn’t expect, though, was the picture attached. The text read, “You said you wanted to see!” and when I opened the attachment, there was a picture of Amber’s pussy with a finger about halfway inside! I almost fainted! I sent a message back saying “Boy you are naughty tonight,” then went to sleep.

The next day, I struggled through school. Fortunately, I had taught my courses enough that I only needed a portion of my mental capacity to get by. I knew that looking at the picture Amber had sent me would only make it worse, but I could not help myself. Finally, the day was over and I went home. I donned my workout clothes and ran a few miles, then lifted weights. I was only partially successful at diverting some blood flow to some other part of my body besides my constant hard on.

After I finished my workout, I called Amber.. When she answered, I asked her, “Does anyone else know how naughty you are?”

She giggled and said, “No way, I am totally a ‘Nice Girl’. I get good grades, don’t smoke, don’t drink, and until now I hadn’t really done anything naughty.”

I told her, “Girls like you are the sexiest. I always wonder how they are when they get Ostim Escort horny.”

“No one ever got me horny like you do,” she told me. “And I am really excited about this weekend. Want to hear why?”

“Of course,” I said.

“Well, my Grandpa is in a nursing home in Houston. So a couple of times a month my Dad goes down there to cut Grandma’s lawn and take care of things. Usually he goes by himself, but this time my Mom is going with him. So I am going to be alone all weekend. I was thinking maybe I could spend some of it at your place and you could show me whatever that thing is that you said would give me the good orgasms,” she said coyly.

“Wow’that would be great,” I said. “Come on over Friday afternoon. Today is Wednesday, so it’s only two days away.”

“But we have to do some studying too,” she said. “I have a test next Monday, and all I have been able to think about is how horny you make me.”

“OK”, I said. “We’ll do some studying.

“I still have to make up to you for leaving you all worked up in the car last night,” she said.

“That picture you sent me made up for that. That was so hot. I kept sneaking looks at it all day.,” I told her.

“I thought about you looking at it all day. I knew you would like it. I got all tingly down there thinking about you looking at my pussy.”

“OK, let’s make a deal. No naughty phone talk or pictures or cumming until you come over on Friday,” I proposed., even though I didn’t think I could stick to the idea myself. “It’ll be worth the wait.”

Amber laughed and said, “Wow, that’s going to be tough. But I’ll try.”

“So what time do you think you will be here?” I asked.

“After school, I work until six,” she said. “So I can be there around six-thirty..”

“We have to be careful because there are a few teachers from your school who live close to me.. So when you come over, I’ll open the garage door and you pull in and co.me in through the garage.”

“OK, we are all set,” she said. “I can’t wait. I don’t know how I’m going to make it until then, though!” she said breathlessly.

“I know, me either. I barely made it through today,” I said.

“I have to go to work now,” Amber said. “Call me tomorrow morning early?”

“Of course,” I said.

The next two days dragged by. Finally, Friday morning came. I called Amber before school. We talked excitedly about the weekend. She then said, “Well, I didn’t exactly stick to our aggreement.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I must have been dreaming about you,” she said. “When I woke up, I felt so horny. I tried to resist, but finally I touched myself and I was already totally wet..

My finger just slipped right in.”

“Well, that was a good warm up for tonight,” I told her.

“I cant wait!” she said.

The day crawled along and finally ended. I raced home and worked out. I wanted my muscles pumped up when Amber and I got undressed. I showered and cooked dinner for us. At six o’clock, Amber called and told me that she was going home from work to change and would be here soon.

I waited eagerly, and finally saw her car come around the corner of my street. She pulled into my garage and I pushed the button to close the door behind her. I was already as hard as a rock. She got out of the car and I was even more excited to see that she was wearing the plaid skirt outfit she wore the first time we hugged, with her hair in a pony tail.

She quickly came inside and put down her overnight bag. We hardly spoke as we fell into each others’ arms and kissed urgently. She thrust her tongue deeply into my mouth, and rubbed herself against my hard on. I put my hands under her skirt and squeezed her firm ass through the silky feel of her panties. I smelled the crisp scent of her perfume as I kissed Escort Ostim her neck. Our breathing was heavy and loud, and our tongues and lips made lots of wet smacking sound as we devoured each other.

I lifted her up and her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms around my neck. In this position, my face was right between her breasts. I carried her to the bedroom and sat on the side of the bed. She stood in front of me. Her nipples protruded through her tight white shirt and bra. I squeezed her nipples, causing her to let out a soft, sexy moan. We began to hastily unbutton each others’ shirts. We parted for a moment to take our shirts off. I put my face against her cleavage as I reached around to un-fasten her bra. As it fell away her tits jiggled a little. I immediately sucked and licked her nipples. Her aureolas are small and bright pink and her nipples became even more erect as I stimulated them. I put my hands under her skirt again and with the right hand rubbed her pussy through her panties. Her panties were soaked through and the tops of her inner thighs were also wet.

As I started to massage her pussy, she put her hands on my shoulders and pushed me back until the top of my body was flat on the bed “You first this time,” she said. “I left you hanging last time.”

She then unzipped me and unbuckled my belt, and pulled off my pants and underwear. I was now totally naked and my rock hard cock was pointing seven inches into the air. She started with my lips, kissing along my body, running her tongue along the lines of my stomach muscles. As she moved down the soft skin of her nipples and breasts grazed my skin like a feather. Finally, her tongue reached my cock and licked it like a lollipop. I watched the top of her head as ecstasy washed over me. She smiled up at me and said, “I read some instructions on the internet.”

She put her mouth around the head of my cock, “O

yes, that’s good!” I told her.

She looked up at me again and said, “It said you have to try to relax the gag reflex as you try to go down farther. Here goes,” she said with a smile. Slowly she swallowed another inch anid it was incredible, but a little too much. She gagged a little and took my cock out of her mouth. “Good?” she asked.

“Oh my gosh it’s incredible,” I told her “I won’t last long if you keep doing that.

“I’ll try some more,” she said. Agian her mouth enclosed the head of my cock, plus another inch. She did not take in any more, but was able to keep it in and bob up and down a little without gagging this time. Her hand stroked the base of the shaft as she sucked my cock.

“Ohhhh damn, Honey, that was sure a good set of instructions you read!” I told her.

“I think I’m getting the no gag reflex part,” she said as she smiled up at me.

“Rub my balls a little as you suck?” I asked.

“Mmm, I’d love to,” she answered, as she fulfilled my request, and also a thousand fantasies.

She was oriented with her head at my cock and her feet near mine. “Turn a little sideways so I can play with you a little while you suck me'” I told her.

“Mmm? I hadn’t thought of that,” she said as she pivoted around.. Her bare tits were now near my left hand, so I squeezed them gently and tweaked her nipples. She had my cock back in her mouth, and when she moaned in response to the nipple stimulation, I felt the vibration of her voice on my cock. I reached to the back of her “school uniform” skirt and unzipped it. She momentarily stopped sucking me and added it to the pile of our clothes at the end of the bed. I began to tease her dripping wet slit through the fabric of her panties. As she moaned deeply, the vibration brought me to the edge.

“I’m about to cum,” I warned her. She withdrew my cock from her throat so that only the head was Ostim Escort Bayan inside. It was still inside as I came and a load of my cum overflowed her mourh and dribbled down her chin and the shaft of my cock. She coughed and gagged a little, but bravely swallowed what remained in her mouth.

.As she recovered, I told her, “Honey, that was the best blowjob I have ever had!”

She smiled and cuddled up next to me. I could feel the softness of her skin against mine, punctuated by the hard points of her nipples into my chest. We kissed deeply as I slipped my hand into her panties. When she sent me the picture of her fingering herself, it was from Amber’s eye level. I was dying to get a nice front view of her young pussy.

“Your turn,” I told her. I could feel her tre.mbling as I kissed her lips, neck, tits, stomach, inner thighs, knees, and toes. I positioned myself between her legs. Initially, probably from years of habit, she kept her legs together. But with the lightest touch, they parted. Finally, I saw her inner thighs and the two inch wide piece of fabric that was all that covered her pussy. Her panties were tight and her aroused pussy pressed outward, making a sexy valley imprint with a wet line down the center.

Finally, I pulled her panties down her legs and off her feet. I parted her legs again and she looked up at me, innocent, yet expectant at the same time. Her pussy was the cutest I had ever seen: a light, thin layer of brown pubic hair, puffy outer lips which almost completely concealed her inner lips which were swollen and bright pink. The tip of her clit barely peeked out and a faint bead of wetness oozed out of her slit

I leaned over her and kissed her mouth hungrily. She returned my kiss and said, “I want you so much. But I’m not sure I am ready to go all the way yet.”

“No problem,” I said. “We can do however much you want.”

She looked at me wide-eyed and said, “You’re so sweet to me,” then grinned and said, “Are you gonna show me that great-orgasm trick now?”

“Hold on, Baby. You ain’t seen nothing yet,” I said as my tongue moved over her again. I nestled in between her legs and lightly touched the tip of my toungue to the head of her clit as it barely peeked out. Amber gasped with surprise and pleasure. Slowly, I licked up her slit, tongue teasing her inner lips with light contact, first the left, then the right. I paused a bit, then repeated the process slowly, avoiding her clit.

Amber began to moan, softly at first, then louder and louder. “JaaaaaAAAaaaAAAck,” she moaned, the pitch of her voice rising and falling in response to the motions of my tongue. I felt my chin and face becoming wet with Amber’s cum. I knew her pussy was now very well lubricated, so I slipped my middle finger inside and rubbed the inside. It was so tight! Amber was in ecstasy, moaning and arching her hips against my face and finger. As her response intensified, I finally licked upward, under the hood of her clit, and around in circles. I sucked her clit in and out of my mouth.This caused a long moan and Amber cried out, “Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes!” although she was so breathless that the words were almost unintelligible.

I picked up the pace until she shudderred, arched her back, and cried out as she orgasmed on my finger and mouth. Her pussy spasmed hard and it pulsated as it squeezed my finger again and again. As she tapered off, l licked slowly around her pussy, then wiped my face and moved back up and kissed her some more as my hand enjoyed feeling her belly and tits again.

“What did you think?” I asked with a smile.

“I can’t even describe it. A few of my girlfriends told me it felt pretty good, but I didn’t imagine anything like that.”

I slid my hand back down through her now-dripping pubic hair. “God your body is so hot. And you are pretty sweet to me too.”

We showered together, ate dinner, then made a fire in the fireplace. We put a blanket on the floor, then fell asleep together until the fire burned out, then went back to the bed for the rest of the night.

I knew it was going to be a good weekend.

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Angel in the Night 04

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This is part of a series. It should make sense by itself, but the preceding Angel stories will help. Please enjoy; as always your comments are welcome.

It seemed as if Thien had had enough sex, and just wanted to talk. I was happy to talk, happy to be part of whatever game she thought of. But I thought I knew what I wanted…

We went to all the local cafés and chatted. We shared stories, sometimes the same story from different angles, sometimes totally different, out of our respective cultures. I was introduced to Mr and Mrs Phuong, who were very polite but didn’t talk much. Not at all really. Mrs Phuong moved gracefully and I could see where her daughter got her beautiful moves from. Coming into the house and down the corridor after my last visit – nude, behind Thien’s glorious naked rear – was a challenge. Thien deliberately catching my eye did not make it easier.

I introduced Thien to my parents, who offered us cold drinks on the veranda. And we talked. We talked about everything and nothing. Growing up, friends, family. Hopes and expectations, movies and music. It was slightly odd to hear of myself as “the neighbour”, as if I was being observed; which I was.

“Being Vietnamese in an Anglo town, is not that easy,” Thien said one day. We happened to be in the same café where I heard about Talaya and their sexual awakenings. “Many many people, they’re not hostile to us, but not friendly. People would sometimes stare, which is very bad manners to us. I always remember your parents: your mum was very kind. I remember you! You were so polite, you didn’t look up at all. I thought what a nice boy you were, especially for an Anglo. It was years and years later, I realised you were just shy!” That musical laugh again. Thanks, Thien.

“I don’t remember that at all. Are you sure it happened?”

“Of course! That’s when I used to listen for you in the back yard. You would always help with the washing and the heavy lifting. So then I knew you were a nice boy.” Now I’m glad mum made me help all those times.

“I was always in the back yard. I loved the outdoors. Loved the sun. It’s funny, my school friends hated it. My uni friends ignore it. But I feel good when I’m in nature. And that’s where you were: always outdoors.” True, that.

“You know, I used to sunbake topless? Only when my parents were still at work. Sometimes when you were just over the fence!”

Oh the agony! If I’d only thought to have a look! “Thien, you torture me!”

“I haven’t started! I found a tiny gap in the fence palings. I was curious about how much you used the hose. You were washing surfboards and wetsuits… and you remember what else?”

“Did you see me- “

“Oh yes! A Şentepe Escort few times! I know the system: you came in carrying the board, with the wetsuit hung over it. Your towel was round your neck. You put the board on the grass and the towel and the wetsuit on the washing line, on opposite sides.” She had studied this. I started to blush.

“You hosed down the board, the wetsuit, then, you stripped and hosed yourself! Naked in your yard!”

“It seemed easier than having a shower inside. If I’d known- “

“You had a nice body, lean, good arms, but a funny tan. Your bottom was white! And under your arms. What I really noticed was how natural you were. Kind of, not sexy, just natural, with your funny dangling dick, drying yourself off, humming badly.”

“I was going to thank you for the compliment, till that last bit.”

“You’ll get over it! I dunno what I as thinking, but I wasn’t thinking sexy. I didn’t. I’d turned it off years and years ago, after that little girl got spanked at the playground. I just liked being outdoors. I liked the feel of the air on my skin, that’s why I was topless – or later on, after seeing you…”

“Thien! Don’t say it, please, I’m begging you!”

“Nothing at all on! Naked, on a towel! Next door! In the sunshine! You just had to look over the fence! Oh Nick, you look like you’re going to cry!” She put her little hand on my cheek. You are in so much trouble, ‘angel’. Something stirred in me, a sense of purpose.

“You encourage me a lot. To feel free. I noticed you pleasuring yourself one night – you Anglos, you hardly ever notice other people! I was shocked a little bit. But you were so natural, and you had nice arms, I saw it was pleasure for you. Then it was so nice to watch you, you and your dick, through our bedroom windows. After that I’d look out for you. Watching you gave me funny feelings. It seemed to encourage me. Then Talaya started something! Now here I am, I’m going to- ” she stopped herself.

We were lost in our thoughts. The same event, with two completely different viewpoints and consequences. It was a lot to think about. Thien sipped her tea.

“I’m teasing. If I heard you coming into your yard, I usually covered up. It didn’t happen often. I wish maybe more, now.”

I wished too. Wished I’d not been an awkward shy boy, with this amazing girl next door. Next door! But if I’d been louder, brasher, would she have liked me? Don’t all girls love the bad-boy rock stars? Or do they? I’ve no idea, really. What do I wish? I wish… suddenly I had a plan. Now I know why I put thongs on instead of my usual sandals.

I silently slipped off the thongs. I had to do this perfectly, I only had one chance. Şentepe Escort Bayan If something on my face gave me away, I wouldn’t even have one chance. I lifted my leg, noting where the table legs were. It was crucial that nothing gave away my surprise attack. I extended my leg, I judged I must be past her knees now, this is gonna be good…

Thien knew nothing until my toe brushed her inner thigh. Her short summer skirt gave her no defence. My sneak attack was almost at the target already. Her eyes went round, her jaw dropped, her thighs clamped onto my foot, preventing me from withdrawing.

She glared at me. Those eyes! So much emotion in them! But I had the advantage. I was the one laughing this time.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“As far as I can see, I’m having a cup of tea with an attractive neighbour.” I tried hard not to smirk. I wriggled my toes slightly, and got a response.

“Nick, you’d better not…” But she could see it was inconsistent if she could do it to me and not me to her. She still glared furiously, but her thighs were telling a different story. She was not in control, and it rattled her. “When did you last wash your feet?”

“Showered this morning. In the shower.” Each little wriggle was answered by her thighs parting slightly. I very gently eased in. I was imagining them under the table, in their short skirt. Did she have white panties? I hoped so. “I’m sitting with my attractive, gorgeous neighbour. I’m the envy of every man in the cafe. I’m sitting opposite my own piece of Vietnamese poetry.” I can lay it on thick if I need to. My foot kept stroking her soft skin.

Thien finally smiled. She might even have slid forward on the seat slightly, as suddenly I had reached her precious cleft. I gently rustled her pubic hairs through the cotton. I could just sense a few that were outside the fabric, against my toes. She closed her eyes, her mouth hung open slightly. She opened her thighs more.

“You’re a dog, you know that?” Her voice was husky.

As an answer I wriggled my big toe between her pussy lips. They were growing bigger and softer with my caresses. I could feel her heat and the start of some dampness. I brushed up and down her slit, up and down.

“Open wider. I want more of you. I want your clit. I’m going to rub your clit, rub you to the edge.”

Her eyes narrowed, but she obeyed.

“Your thighs want it. Your lips want it. Your clit wants it. I’m going to give it to you, right here.” Who the hell was speaking? Me? But it felt good. It felt great. In command.

“Fucking dog,” was all Thien could manage. Her head was down now, her breathing heavy. She started to squirm against Escort Şentepe my toe, buried now in her slit. I could just feel the hard button of her clit through the damp fabric. I brushed my nail against it and she gasped.

“You’re so aroused, you’re hot, you’re ready. Are you ready? Ready to come? Right here?” I was giving orders rather than asking her.

“Oh yes, Nick, I need to come. I need you. But please not here, take me somewhere, take me.” She was nearly whimpering. Her scent came to me.

Outdoors. She loved the outdoors. I loved her enough not to humiliate her. I suddenly stopped, stood up, took her hand and led her out. As I paid she stood in silence with her head down, hair a curtain around her face. We hurried out and into the lane where she had kissed me so tenderly. This was the place, I realised.

A little further along was a yard with a wire mesh fence. There was a gate with a step up to it. I pulled her there. “Up on the step. Face the gate.” Was this me talking?

Thien readily agreed. She spread her arms and clutched the wire mesh. I came up behind her and grabbed her hard. The extra height put her slim body at exactly the right level. One arm was around her middle, one hand was snaking under her dress. My hard cock was pressed against her buttocks.

“Can you feel that? Feel my cock, feel my hands? My hands going inside you?” I pulled her panties aside and felt the wet folds of her pussy.

“Dog. You dog. Oh, fuck.” She leant hard against me. Luckily I have some strength in my legs or we would have gone down.

As my fingers found their way between her pussy lips I kissed and bit her neck. She tossed her head but my arm had her pinned. I tucked a finger in her vagina as I rubbed her clit. She was panting and her legs seemed to weaken against my thighs. She was so wet my fingers moved easily.

She didn’t last long. As I dragged my teeth down her neck I felt her shudder and heard the gasp I knew so well. “Oh, oh, Nick… oh fuck, oh Nick, in me! Fuck… I’m…” She panted as she came.

She said my name as she came. A rush of tender feeling came over me as I relaxed my grip on her. She was still gripping the wire, scoring her hands with it. She turned around. She looked astonished. Her hair was a mess.

“OHHH, Nick! Nick, my love! Thank you! Oh, thank you for being so good.” She hugged me tight, face buried in my neck. Was she sobbing? I noticed I had torn her t-shirt when I had bitten it.

We stood there, her arms tightly round my neck, my arms gently round her waist. She is so slim. Her breathing slowed, calmed. As if on cue, a little old lady appeared in the lane, pulling a little wheeled basket. As she passed us she smiled at the two young lovers, demurely embracing. Can I thank you ma’am, for not turning up one minute earlier.

Thien looked up. She had been crying. “Thank you Nick. Thank you.” I kissed her wet cheeks, only slightly puzzled by all the thank you’s. It was simply not the time to ask. We stood. We embraced.

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After Two Years

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The Beginning

Author’s note

Hi this is my first story any feedback would be much appreciated and please give me a little bit of slack since this is my first story but hopefully a good story

As I looked at myself in the mirror after the long day I had. I admired my body my girlfriend said I was hot and I must admit when I look at myself I see why. With my washboard abs and my chiselled chest and strong arms. Yet I wasn’t huge like the other guys in my team yet I had good skills. I quickly put on some jeans and a collared shirt. I stayed at boarding school and had a long day playing rugby against our rival school. I had played my 20th match for the first team as a fly half and was really tired but I knew if I just got myself ready tonight would be an awesome night. For tonight my girlfriend would be turning 18 and me and her had made a vow that we wouldn’t have sex till be both turned 18 and she turned 18 tonight and I had turned 18 two weeks ago. We were meeting at Frankie’s house party and we were going to party there for a bit. Jason knocked on my cube’s door and shouted to me that his dad was waiting at the front of the boarding house to take us to the party (school does not allow us to have cars at the school).


As I walked into the party I was greeted by a most of the guys their but I Macunköy Escort wasn’t really interested about them. My eyes were scanning the crowd for my girlfriend. I had not seen her since my birthday party. Suddenly there she was standing there talking to her best friend Lindy. She was drop dead gorgeous. With her long brown hair with blonde streaks. Her c-cup breasts. Her lovely shape of her body that all my friends wished their girlfriends had. She was dressed just in some jeans and a tank top but she still looked really good. I think if we had lived in America or something we would be prom king and queen but we don’t have that here. I walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the lips and wished her happy birthday and that her birthday present was waiting at my house and that my parents were out of some business trip. We both got had a few drinks but we weren’t really into the party because we were waiting for tonight. At half past 11 Jason told me he could give me a lift home and i said cool and me and Amy went with him.


As I let Amy and me into the house we both could feel the nervousness of each other. We had been waiting 2 years for this and here it was. I lead her to my bedroom. She said she just wanted to go to the bathroom and told me to get ready. I stripped down to my Macunköy Escort Bayan boxers and lied down on the bed. I waited a few minutes and wondered what Amy was doing and then she came out of my bathroom and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. She was clad in a black bra and panties that she must have bought at a lingerie shop some time. It looked stunning on her tight bottom and suntanned body. Her c-cups looked ready to burst and I couldn’t wait to see them and feel them up. To be honest I felt a bit of a cheap skate just wearing my normal boxers.

She walks over to me and lies on top of me. We start to kiss and she is grinding like mad up against me. My cock is straining up against her and we stop kissing for moment as she starts to playfully nip my neck and kiss my chest. I lift her head up and look into her dazzling blue eyes and she knows its time. She rolls over onto the other side of the bed. I lean over her and start to slip off her panties while she undoes her bra. It was my first time to see a woman’s pussy. My eyes were glued there then I suddenly remember what I was doing and slipped her panties off. I quickly slipped my boxers off. Amy was staring at my hard cock and she said she never knew if she could fit it all in. I told her that I would take it slowly. I looked down at it and realised that my Escort Macunköy cock was quite big. It was around 7 inches. I kneeled over her and slowly I guided my cock down to her pussy with my hand and let the head go into her. It was the best thing I have ever felt. She told me to go slowly but I told her that I had read that if I do a quick thrust the pain will go away slowly. She looked into my green eyes and finally said I trust you to do what you think is right.

With my cock’s head in her pussy I leant down on top of her. Her tits felt soft and warm up against my chest. I started to kiss her passionately. When we were deep in kiss and she never expected it. I clenched my ass and drove down into her. She cried out and she started to tear in the eyes. I felt so bad and was about to pull out and see if I could help her when she grabbed my ass and told me to carry and on that it wasn’t hurting. I started to rock and back and forth on her. We started to kiss again and I was taking long hard thrusts down into her. One of my hands was giving me support and the other was gently playing with her tits. As I felt my balls getting tighter she suddenly cried out and her whole body shook and I knew I had brought her to climax. I stopped thrusting and waited for her to calm down and started again. I knew I was close and suddenly I hit the roof and started to shoot my load into her. I just kept on cumming in her and we held each other. This sent her into another orgasm and it was just too much for her and she passed out in my arms. I roll off her and fell asleep wondering what we would get up to tomorrow until I had to go back to the school.


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A Whore is Made, Kelly’s First Time

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Big Tits

Here I was, off to college. A young girl looking for a life in the corporate world. I wasn’t too bad looking. At least I didn’t think so. I had freckles, and I didn’t have the really big boobs the guys like. But I had a cute look, sandy blond hair, chocolate brown eyes. A lot of guys asked me out in high school, though they were mostly nerds, or geeks, which is why I passed on their advances. And I had to admit, I wanted sex. I didn’t want to be a virgin anymore. And it wasn’t like I wasn’t broken. My mom had dildos, and whenever her and dad were away for a good length of time, I got in her drawer and took out her dong and probed myself to an orgasm.

I was lonely, and needed friends. And I was hot. One of the reasons I didn’t get too close to any guys, was that feared I was a slut, or a whore, because I was hot. I wasn’t the most foxy chick in the world, but I craved sex. Sometimes I wondered if I didn’t crave becoming a whore. I hadn’t had sex yet, but I sure wanted to… let’s be blunt. I wanted to be fucked, and I wanted it bad. But I kept telling myself, a whore would have started out at a younger age. I knew a girl who was a whore. She fucked all the football players in the school, and I was told they lined up on her once. I overheard in the girl’s locker room, she got gang banged by twelve guys. And that’s why I didn’t think I was a whore. I was still a virgin, if you don’t include mom’s dong. Therefore, I felt safe. But I was wrong. I was a whore, and a filthy hot one at that. It just took me longer to realize it.

It was a party at Alfa Maga whatever. I can’t remember anymore. All I can remember is what happened. I got myself made up and wore a white skirt and a dark shoulderless top, nylons and stylish leather shoes. I felt like I was primed, and ready for action. A girl going places.

When I got there, I was greeted cheerfully enough, a beer was handed to me as I entered, my first beer, other than sips a few times. Another guy handed me a pill to take. He said it would make me feel sensual. He put it between my lips and I sipped the beer to swallow it. I didn’t know what the pill could or would do to me. It was an aphrodisiac. I found that out later.

People were making out on the chairs and couches, two of them guys. A stereo was quietly playing some kind of Van Halen music, not my favorite. I wasn’t into mainstream music too much.

My panties were getting wet, soaking and sticking to me. I was feeling hot. I went into the bathroom and locked the door, peeled off the wet panties, sat on the toilet and started fingering my quim. I was jamming fingers into myself, and dripping into the toilet. Wow, I thought, what’s happening to me. I kept getting off, rubbing myself harder, and it wouldn’t stop. Somebody then knocked on the door.

“I’ll be out in minute,” I said.

But then the door-lock pulled itself open. In walked a guy, no pants on and his thing, hard and sticking upward. “Hey, what the hell are doing.” I said, angrily. “Get out of here.”

He stood there, his penis hard and bobbing up and down. “You sure you want that?” he answered. “I know you’re hot and need something. Maybe you need this.” And then he held his dick and waved it up and down. I finally was able to take my eyes off his weapon for a second and noticed he had wavy brown hair, and wasn’t too bad looking a guy, but what he was doing was disgusting. But at the same time, I was hot. His thing was big too, at least seven plus inches.

He came closer to me, bringing his thing toward my face.

“Get that away from me,” I said, and got up off the toilet, pulling up my panties and patted down my skirt. I started to walk past him and he grabbed me, and I struggled, “Let me go, take your hands off of me.”

Before I could say another word, he had his hand under my skirt, rubbing my crack. It silenced me. I was breathing heavily and pulsing wet in reaction to his hand. Why didn’t I wear jeans or something? I couldn’t resist. He pulled down my panties and I lifted my feet, kicked the panties away from me, and then picking them up and putting them in my pocket. I was in his power. He picked me up and carried me out of the bathroom and into the living room.

“What are you gonna do to me?” I said, almost trancelike. He set me down on the couch, lifted up my legs, his hand on my ankles, Karşıyaka Escort picking up my ass, and pulling up my skirt. I removed my skirt and tossed it aside. But before I could think another thought, His penis, a big penis, bigger than average, was at my door. I felt it’s hot-end push against my hot place, pushing right into my body. I immediately juiced around it, was I hot. I wrapped my long legs around his lower back and pushed back at him while he drove into me like a piston. My juicy gash responded by undulating around him, squeezing his cock in waves, my juices overflowing, soaking the couch.

I looked up at him and said, “I’m sorry I got your couch wet.” But he just smiled and continued to nail me, making me wetter and hotter than ever before. “Oh, gawd, FUCK ME.” I begged. “Fuck me with that big dick, mmmm, oh.” I was now pushed upward in a constant rhythm, trying to get as much of his dick as I could.

He was breathing heavy, and said, “You like cock, huh. You like me fucking your hot pussy.”

“Oh yes,” I said, fucking back at his cock with my hot pussy. Hot pussy, it sounds so vulger, but that’s what it is. “My- hot- cunt” I thought to myself, and then I said out loud, “my-hot-cunt wants it. Fuck me.” And he fucked me harder, and I fucked back even harder, juicing and soaking the poor couch even more. Then I could feel his cum spraying into me. Oh, gawd, it felt good. I remembered that before I left I took a birth control pill in case I lost my virginity. I was glad I did that.

He kissed me romantically—our tongues rolling together— and then he slowly pulled his dick out me. I was still hot to-trot and wanted him to do me some more. But then to my surprise another guy positioned himself in front of me, a tall blond-haired guy, cute, and a cock much bigger than the other one. Oh no, I couldn’t “I ca ccan’t” I stammered. But he smiled a gotcha look while at the same time pushing his nine-inch staff into me. This hurt a little, but in seconds I was hopelessly fucking back at it.

I couldn’t believe it. I fucked back at his flagpole and had nine serviceable inches in my hole. He pulled out a second time and I sprayed all over him in a splash. He plunged back in again, and we started gyrating against each other, and I splashed more, drenching that couch. “OOOh, it feels toooooh good,” I moaned. “Oh god, you gotta big cock.”

“You got a tight snatch, baby, MMm, yeah.” And his flagpole starting jerking in me, filling me up with his cum, so intense it shot out the sides and all over his and my blond pubic hair, a-soaking-hot-mess. He pulled out of me. I was insanely hot, and leaned forward and took his number nine into my mouth, sucking in about half of it. It was my first time doing this, giving head I think it was called, blow jobs I heard the guys say. He was fucking back at my face, turning me on even more. After working hard at it, It finally got past my gag reflex. I swallowed all of it, his pubic hairs tickling my nose and all around my lips. I sucked it for all it was worth, and suddenly cum hit the back of my throat, making mechoke, until I got the dick back down my throat again, where the rest of the cum went.

I was just getting done and burped for my efforts, bringing cum up into my mouth, and then from behind, having been bent over to do the blowjob, another cock was pushing into me. I looked over my shoulder. It was an older guy, one of the professors at the school, and his dick felt fairly big. I was on all fours, taking it in. He starting fucking me hard. Then something pointed, poked at my face, another cock. I didn’t even look up to see who it was connected to. My pussy pulsated around this man’s cock, drilling into me from behind, making my hungry-wet-pussy grab and suck at it, making slurping sounds, further getting me hotter. My pussy wanted more and more. And while he pistoned away in my crack, one cock after another was pushed into my mouth. That professor fucked me for a half hour, leaving a puddle of juices on the floor, his and mostly mine, while I proceeded to suck n deep throat and swallow the jizz of eight different cocks. At least I thought it was eight. Some may have come back for seconds.

The old professor fucking me from behind finally, with a long moan, dumped his at least third and final Karşıyaka Escort Bayan load into my hot snatch. I got up off my now sore knees and stretched. I was hot and wanted more. A guy with long shaggy hair was on the couch stroking an eight-inch piece. He smiled as I got on top of him, looking down into his eyes smiling back, and lowered my hot hole over his pole, slowly sinking my hot quivering box over it, milking it up and down like a piston-machine. I wanted this. I fucked like there was no tomorrow. Then a guy got behind me and tried to put his thing in my pussy while the other guy was still getting me. “NO WAY!” I shouted. “I’m not doing that. One at a time or I’m leaving!”

“I’m sorry,” the guy said. I thought you’d like it. What if I just fuck your ass at the same time he’s doing you?”

That got me thinking. Did I want that?

The other guy who I was riding said, “You’d like it, it’s called a sandwich.” He reached over into his pants and took out a small tube of gel lube. “This will make it easier,” he said, and then handed the gel to the guy behind me.

“I’ll try it.” I said, “But don’t hurt me, or I’ll scream out.”

I got off his cock for a minute while the guy behind me pushed some lube in my behind. I lower myself back onto the eight-inch cock and then felt the six incher, wet with the lube, push at my butthole, and the head popped in, “OUCH!” I shouted out. “That hurts. NO, IT BURNS LIKE HELL. Take it out.

He leaned forward saying into my left ear, “Relax, the pain won’t last long.” He pushed forward more, with still more burning pain. Then they both started a rhythm in both my holes. Both dicks rubbing against each other through the wall of flesh between my cunt and rectum. They both grinded away into me, and the intensity of it had me splashing more juices all over the guy fucking my pussy, and onto the poor couch, making both dicks pulsate, cumming in both my holes. I was in heaven.

I was sitting on the couch, half out of it, when a guy offered me a cigarette. I didn’t smoke, but I saw people in the movies do it after sex, and it looked cool. He lit it for me and I puffed on it and smoked it without inhaling the smoke.

Another guy handed me a beer. I realized I was still wearing my top, and I pulled it off and tossed it over by my skirt and panties. Now, I was stark naked. I sipped the beer, and it hit the spot. I was thirsty after nothing to drink except, except for a lot of cum. Oh, I was still hot as hell, fingering myself as I sat there sipping beer. The beer went down fast and I handed the empty can to one of the guys. I looked around the room and noticed others having sex, a girl on a bed in one of the bedrooms was moaning like hell. At least three other guys were on the bed with her. Then I noticed on a love seat across the room, one guy was on all fours, and another guy was doing him in his ass. It was the first gay sex I’d ever seen.

The guy who first fucked me came over to me and whispered to me, “Hey, can you do me a favor.”

“What’s that?” I said softly.

“This guy,” and he pointed to a guy sitting at kitchen table across the room. I need you to fuck him. I think he’s a virgin.” This had my curiosity up.

“Sure,” I said, and smiled. After all, I’d lost mine tonight. Why not help somebody else.

He came moseying up to me. He was not only a virgin, he was shy.

“Hi,” he said, kind of lightly nodding his head, looking my naked body up and down.

“Are you going to take off your clothes?” I said to him.

He looked around in all directions, trying not to look me in the eyes. He had curly brown hair, and was sort of cute. I moved closer to him putting my lips to his, extending my tongue between them. He reacted back and engaged his tongue with mine. I rubbed his crotch with my hand, and with my other hand, kneaded his ass and lower back. His dick was raging hard.

I pulled my tongue from his mouth and said, while rubbing his hard cock through his pants, “Are you going to take off your clothes, or do I have to take them off for you.” His breathing was getting heavy, and he was as nervous a tree leaf, much like I’d seen before, when a friend of mine had stage freight.

“Okay,” he said with a deep breath.

He started by unbuttoning his shirt, Escort Karşıyaka and then took off his pants, leaving on his underwear, which had a tent sticking upward. I almost laughed but held it in.

“Is there somewhere we can go private?” he asked.

I didn’t care. I think I earned enough respect to take initiatives. I saw another bedroom off to the side with the lights out. I led him by the hand to the door, let him in ahead of me, and then closed and locked it behind me. It was pitch dark. I felt along the wall for the light switch and flicked it on. He was already lying on the bed, nervous as hell and waiting for me.

I lay next to him and said, “Well,”

He leaned over to me and took one of my breasts in his mouth and started sucking the nipple to a point. It made me-hot. He switching from one to the other, and then licking down to my bellybutton, he started going lower. I wasn’t sure I should let him. A lot of dicks and been there tonight, and some cum might, disgusting to think about, but it was too late. His mouth was on my clitoris and I was moaning for mercy, wrapping my legs around his shoulders and head. I didn’t care what was remnants will still down there. I let him eat me, and eat me. And then I burst, giving him a load of female juices.

I lay there in ecstasy. Then he climbed up on me, awkwardly trying to put his six plus-inch dick into my hot-cunt. He got it in and then clumsily tried to fuck me. It was awkward, and even with his size, which was fairly big, he was having a hard time of it. He wasn’t enjoying his first time.

“I think I’m done,” he said, and I know he didn’t get off. “At least I did it. I’m just too uncomfortable here to go on.”

I didn’t know what to make of the guy, but I felt sorry for him. He was hung-up from something.

He climbed off of me and sat up on the bed. “By the way,” he said, “What’s your name?”

“Kelly,” I said, smiling, “What’s yours.”


He then said, “Let’s go get another beer.”

I squeezed my lips tightly together, raising my eyebrows a little, and said, “Okay, you sure that’s it?”

“We can come in here back later.”

I got up to go to the door, and he said, still sitting on the bed behind me, “Hey uh, one other thing,” and I stopped and turned to look back at him.

“I was wondering… could you give me a blow job?”

An hour ago, I would have dropped to my knees and sucked the jizz right out of him, but now I felt funny about it. I felt a kind disrespect I can’t describe, other than I felt it.

“I need that beer right now,” I said, “I’m much toothirsty.” I unlocked the door and heard more moaning coming from the other bedroom.

The guy who set me up with Tim, who I learned was named Eric, came over to me and handed me a beer. Tim followed behind me, and Eric handed him one also.

“Did you teach him right,” Eric said, looking at me.

Tim smiled and raised his beer in a toast. “It was great, my friend, “he said.”

The girl in the other bedroom kept moaning louder, almost like you hear from a woman giving birth.

“What are they doing to her?” I asked Eric.

“Hey, it was three guys, and now it’s five. She’s been letting them put two cocks in both holes.”

“No way,” I said. “One guy tried to do that with me. I draw the line on that one. I like to fuck, but one dick per hole, or this girl will flip out on you.” Here I was, talking like an old whore, when I was a frustrated virgin just hours ago.

“Tim and I have to make a beer run before curfew,” Eric said to me, “Hope you stick around a while longer.”

“We’ll see,” I said, “and I realized I was still naked. The two of them had dressed. And then they went out the door without saying another word to me.

Across the room, one of the handsomest guy’s I’ve ever wet my pussy looking at, came slow walking up to me. I swear, nice long, brown curly hair, nice ass. He was making me wet.

“Hi, babe, my name’s Paul. What’s yours?”

“Kelly,” I said, moseying up to him, pushing my average sized nimmies up against his chest. I wanted this one bad.

“Are you up for a threesome?” he asked. I immediately looked around.

“He’s in the bathroom. He’ll be out in a minute.” We waited and then he came out with a brunette, with boobs much larger than mine, but not the fake kind, real ones.

“You sure you don’t mean a foursome?”

He smiled and said, “Yep, I guess you’re right.” Then, he surprised me with what he said next.

“Let’s get into a sixty-nine.”

“Sixty-nine,” I replied, kind of surprised he’d want to start out with that.

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A Series of Firsts Pt. 02

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Erotic Gif

At 8:45 on the second day of the conference they were attending in Puerto Rico, along with their assistant, Julie, David and Richard were sitting at the breakfast table.

David was showing Richard a short, muted video clip on his phone of Julie sucking his dick the night before. He followed that with one of her laying on a bed, covered in cum.

“Holy Fuck! Was she out-of-it drunk?” Richard asks.

“Fuck no!” answers David. “She may have been buzzed when we got to the room, but that was it! She’s no virgin but her pussy is soo tight, even after a night of fucking. Although it was her first time, she did a decent job of sucking my cock. She’s got the makings of a complete fucking whore. Loves the humiliating language and taking orders. Let’s see if she has any remorse this morning.

Promptly at nine, Julie shows up wearing a conservative man-tailored blouse and slacks.

As she takes her seat, she smiles at David and says, “Thanks for the night-cap last night. It was just what I needed!”

David sneaks a wink at Richard who smiles knowingly.

After breakfast, they all attend the morning meetings and seminars. After lunch, David tells Julie and Richard that he has afternoon meetings, but they are free to do as they please.

“Why don’t the two of you take the hotel catamaran to their private island? I heard the beaches are phenomenal!” David suggests.

“Can you meet us there after your meetings?” Julie asks David trying her most enticing smile.

“Richard can entertain you as well as I can” David says. “I’ll see you both at dinner.”

Julie agrees. Returning to her room, she changes into a bikini with a large translucent wrap which she ties around her hips. Grabbing her beach bag, she heads to the shore.

When she meets Richard at the boat, he nods appreciatively.

“You look fantastic!” he tells Julie, helping onto the catamaran for the brief ride to the island. Both crewmen and the captain, a large black man leer at her, the captain even licks his lips. The captain nods toward Julie as he and the crew exchange a few words in Spanish.

Richard, who speaks Spanish, chuckles to himself. Loosely translated, the captain said he would fuck her until she was bow legged while one of the crewmen added that he would go balls deep in her ass.

Arriving at the island, they go to the pool. A waiter takes their order as they settle Into the lounge chairs.

Julie dives into the pool to cool down, then returns to her chair, nipples poking through her bikini top. Quickly throwing back her first mojito, she signals for another. After last night, Julie feels like a mature woman.

As they chat, Richard introduces some sexual innuendos into the conversation. Julie responds with some of her own.

Sensing that this is not the innocent office assistant Julie, Richard asks if she would like to explore the clothing optional beach.

Now on her third drink, Julie readily agrees, finding she is excited by the prospect.

Getting towels, a couple of more drinks and directions to a secluded location, they set off. Once they arrive at the beach, they pass a few couples sun bathing “au natural.” Rounding a bend in the beach they are not visible to sunbathers they had passed, with a large rock outcropping blocking the sight line further down the sand.

“Right here?” asks Richard quizzically?

“Sure!” says Julie.

Richard spreads the blankets.

Expecting her to be hesitant, Richard is pleasantly surprised to see Julie strip off her top and step out of her bikini bottom.

Richard stares her admiringly, feeling his cock twitch.

“Your turn!” Julia challenges.

Richard drops his suit, displaying a large, thick cock. Taking a long look, Julie licks her lips and feels a stirring in her loins. She can’t lie to herself. She thoroughly enjoyed sex with the older, more experienced David the night before. With just enough alcohol to reduce her inhibitions, Julie couldn’t help wondering what Richard’s cock would feel like. She reaches into her bag, takes out the sun tan lotion and sitting on the blanket, rubs it on her arms, then her tits and finally on her inner thighs, close to her pussy.

Handing the container to Richard, Julie lays face down.

“Would you like to do my back?” Julie suggestively asks Richard.

Without answering, Richard takes the lotion, and kneeling next to Julie, rubs it first on her shoulders, then down her back, finally rubbing it into her ass.

Julie sighs and spreads her thighs slightly.

Richard takes this as the invitation she means it to be and rubs the inside of both İvedik Escort of her thighs, closer and closer to her pussy lips.

Hearing Julie purr, Richard works a digit into her moistening cunt. Julie moves rhythmically against his probing finger. Adding another finger, Richard moves his other hand to one of Julie’s tits.

She turns slightly, and begins to stroke his cock.

Remembering what David said about Julie’s submissive side, Richard tells her,

“Suck it bitch!” as he continues to finger her.

Using her recently acquired skills, Julie takes Richard’s rod into her mouth, swirling her tongue around his shaft.

Richard, for his part, continues his two-fingered probing of Julie’s pussy while massaging her clit with his thumb.

Richard looks up and notices a man leaning against the rock, watching. He applies more pressure to Julie’s clit. She begins to buck rapidly against his hand. Removing her mouth from his cock, Julie cums with a loud moan that’s almost a scream.

Richard withdraws his hand and positioning himself between Julie’s legs, and pulling Julie to a kneeling position, pushes his cock into her cunt, savoring the tightness.

Grabbing Julie’s hips, Richard begins to fuck her in earnest. He reaches around and savagely pulls one of Julie’s nipples, causing her to gasp. Smacking her ass, Richard calls Julie a slut, a whore and a bitch while he continues to pound her. Julie is so turned on by Richard’s large cock in her pussy and his language, that she is grinding into him as hard as he is fucking her. Another orgasm vibrates through her.

Glancing over, he sees the man has taken his dick out and is jerking it.

“Look at the rock slut! You have a fan!”

Instead of embarrassment, Julie feels a surge of passion, finding that having someone watching and jerking off makes her hotter.

Slowing his pace, Richard puts the two fingers he had in Julie’s pussy into her mouth while caressing one of her tits. She sucks on them, making mewling sounds. Richard nods to the man to come over. As he nears, Richard removes his hand from Julie’s mouth and gestures to the man feed Julie his cock. Overcome with lust, Julie willingly slurps and sucks on the cock in her mouth. The cock is attached to a young Hispanic man wearing a resort polo. Holding Julie’s head, he fucks her mouth. Richard has a ringside seat to this erotic scene. With a firm grip on Julie’s hips, he increases his pace. He feels Julie’s pussy tighten on his cock as she cums again.

Smacking her ass hard and rhythmically, Richard urges Julie,

“That’s it, you fucking whore! Cum on my big cock!”

Julie feels the cock in her mouth swell and begin to spurt as the man holds her head onto his dick. Julie is getting her first taste of a man’s seed. To her surprise, the taste is not terrible. As he pulls out, some jizz dribbles out of her lips.

Almost immediately, Richard pulls Julie hips tight to him and dumps his load into her cunt.

The man wipes his cock on the beach towel, and hurries off.

Richard withdraws his cock and sits on the towel.

Still breathing heavily, Julie also sits on her blanket, semen leaking from her pussy, she wipes the cum from her lips.

“Damn, that was good!” Richard exclaims.

Julie nods her head. She can’t believe how much she is enjoying being a “slut”. This is a far cry from the boring missionary position sex with Fred. She is realizing for the first time how attractive she is to men, even older ones like her bosses.

Julie and Richard dress and return to the pool. After a few hours they board the catamaran back to the mainland.

The captain and the crew are openly leering at Julie. Richard overhears them saying,

“The puta sucked Juan’s cock while the gringo fucked her.”

When Julie asks what they are saying, Richard tells her that they are saying how beautiful she is.

David meets them at the dock.

” Bad news. Richard and I have to go to dinner with the regional director. Why don’t you go to dinner at the seaside restaurant here and we’ll meet for drinks later. I’ll walk you back to your room. See you at the front desk at 7 Richard.”

In the elevator, David begins to fondle Julie, who readily responds, kissing him and rubbing his crotch.

When they enter Julie’s room, David throws Julie onto the bed, rips her bikini bottom off and beast fucks her.

Julie responds, wrapping her arms and legs around him, screaming “Fuck me!” Over and over.

It’s over quickly as David cums within minutes, pulls his pants up and leaves.

Not satisfied, İvedik Escort Bayan Julie licks some of the jizz from her cunt and rubs her clit until she cums…

To be

At 8:45 on the second day of the conference they were attending in Puerto Rico, along with their assistant, Julie, David and Richard were sitting at the breakfast table.

David was showing Richard a short, muted video clip on his phone of Julie sucking his dick the night before. He followed that with one of her laying on a bed, covered in cum.

“Holy Fuck! Was she out-of-it drunk?” Richard asks.

“Fuck no!” answers David. “She may have been buzzed when we got to the room, but that was it! She’s no virgin but her pussy is soo tight, even after a night of fucking. Although it was her first time, she did a decent job of sucking my cock. She’s got the makings of a complete fucking whore. Loves the humiliating language and taking orders. Let’s see if she has any remorse this morning.

Promptly at nine, Julie shows up wearing a conservative man-tailored blouse and slacks.

As she takes her seat, she smiles at David and says, “Thanks for the night-cap last night. It was just what I needed!”

David sneaks a wink at Richard who smiles knowingly.

After breakfast, they all attend the morning meetings and seminars. After lunch, David tells Julie and Richard that he has afternoon meetings, but they are free to do as they please.

“Why don’t the two of you take the hotel catamaran to their private island? I heard the beaches are phenomenal!” David suggests.

“Can you meet us there after your meetings?” Julie asks David trying her most enticing smile.

“Richard can entertain you as well as I can” David says. “I’ll see you both at dinner.”

Julie agrees. Returning to her room, she changes into a bikini with a large translucent wrap which she ties around her hips. Grabbing her beach bag, she heads to the shore.

When she meets Richard at the boat, he nods appreciatively.

“You look fantastic!” he tells Julie, helping onto the catamaran for the brief ride to the island. Both crewmen and the captain, a large black man leer at her, the captain even licks his lips. The captain nods toward Julie as he and the crew exchange a few words in Spanish.

Richard, who speaks Spanish, chuckles to himself. Loosely translated, the captain said he would fuck her until she was bow legged while one of the crewmen added that he would go balls deep in her ass.

Arriving at the island, they go to the pool. A waiter takes their order as they settle Into the lounge chairs.

Julie dives into the pool to cool down, then returns to her chair, nipples poking through her bikini top. Quickly throwing back her first mojito, she signals for another. After last night, Julie feels like a mature woman.

As they chat, Richard introduces some sexual innuendos into the conversation. Julie responds with some of her own.

Sensing that this is not the innocent office assistant Julie, Richard asks if she would like to explore the clothing optional beach.

Now on her third drink, Julie readily agrees, finding she is excited by the prospect.

Getting towels, a couple of more drinks and directions to a secluded location, they set off. Once they arrive at the beach, they pass a few couples sun bathing “au natural.” Rounding a bend in the beach they are not visible to sunbathers they had passed, with a large rock outcropping blocking the sight line further down the sand.

“Right here?” asks Richard quizzically?

“Sure!” says Julie.

Richard spreads the blankets.

Expecting her to be hesitant, Richard is pleasantly surprised to see Julie strip off her top and step out of her bikini bottom.

Richard stares her admiringly, feeling his cock twitch.

“Your turn!” Julia challenges.

Richard drops his suit, displaying a large, thick cock. Taking a long look, Julie licks her lips and feels a stirring in her loins. She can’t lie to herself. She thoroughly enjoyed sex with the older, more experienced David the night before. With just enough alcohol to reduce her inhibitions, Julie couldn’t help wondering what Richard’s cock would feel like. She reaches into her bag, takes out the sun tan lotion and sitting on the blanket, rubs it on her arms, then her tits and finally on her inner thighs, close to her pussy.

Handing the container to Richard, Julie lays face down.

“Would you like to do my back?” Julie suggestively asks Richard.

Without answering, Richard takes the lotion, and kneeling next to Julie, rubs Escort İvedik it first on her shoulders, then down her back, finally rubbing it into her ass.

Julie sighs and spreads her thighs slightly.

Richard takes this as the invitation she means it to be and rubs the inside of both of her thighs, closer and closer to her pussy lips.

Hearing Julie purr, Richard works a digit into her moistening cunt. Julie moves rhythmically against his probing finger. Adding another finger, Richard moves his other hand to one of Julie’s tits.

She turns slightly, and begins to stroke his cock.

Remembering what David said about Julie’s submissive side, Richard tells her,

“Suck it bitch!” as he continues to finger her.

Using her recently acquired skills, Julie takes Richard’s rod into her mouth, swirling her tongue around his shaft.

Richard, for his part, continues his two-fingered probing of Julie’s pussy while massaging her clit with his thumb.

Richard looks up and notices a man leaning against the rock, watching. He applies more pressure to Julie’s clit. She begins to buck rapidly against his hand. Removing her mouth from his cock, Julie cums with a loud moan that’s almost a scream.

Richard withdraws his hand and positioning himself between Julie’s legs, and pulling Julie to a kneeling position, pushes his cock into her cunt, savoring the tightness.

Grabbing Julie’s hips, Richard begins to fuck her in earnest. He reaches around and savagely pulls one of Julie’s nipples, causing her to gasp. Smacking her ass, Richard calls Julie a slut, a whore and a bitch while he continues to pound her. Julie is so turned on by Richard’s large cock in her pussy and his language, that she is grinding into him as hard as he is fucking her. Another orgasm vibrates through her.

Glancing over, he sees the man has taken his dick out and is jerking it.

“Look at the rock slut! You have a fan!”

Instead of embarrassment, Julie feels a surge of passion, finding that having someone watching and jerking off makes her hotter.

Slowing his pace, Richard puts the two fingers he had in Julie’s pussy into her mouth while caressing one of her tits. She sucks on them, making mewling sounds. Richard nods to the man to come over. As he nears, Richard removes his hand from Julie’s mouth and gestures to the man feed Julie his cock. Overcome with lust, Julie willingly slurps and sucks on the cock in her mouth. The cock is attached to a young Hispanic man wearing a resort polo. Holding Julie’s head, he fucks her mouth. Richard has a ringside seat to this erotic scene. With a firm grip on Julie’s hips, he increases his pace. He feels Julie’s pussy tighten on his cock as she cums again.

Smacking her ass hard and rhythmically, Richard urges Julie,

“That’s it, you fucking whore! Cum on my big cock!”

Julie feels the cock in her mouth swell and begin to spurt as the man holds her head onto his dick. Julie is getting her first taste of a man’s seed. To her surprise, the taste is not terrible. As he pulls out, some jizz dribbles out of her lips.

Almost immediately, Richard pulls Julie hips tight to him and dumps his load into her cunt.

The man wipes his cock on the beach towel, and hurries off.

Richard withdraws his cock and sits on the towel.

Still breathing heavily, Julie also sits on her blanket, semen leaking from her pussy, she wipes the cum from her lips.

“Damn, that was good!” Richard exclaims.

Julie nods her head. She can’t believe how much she is enjoying being a “slut”. This is a far cry from the boring missionary position sex with Fred. She is realizing for the first time how attractive she is to men, even older ones like her bosses.

Julie and Richard dress and return to the pool. After a few hours they board the catamaran back to the mainland.

The captain and the crew are openly leering at Julie. Richard overhears them saying,

“The puta sucked Juan’s cock while the gringo fucked her.”

When Julie asks what they are saying, Richard tells her that they are saying how beautiful she is.

David meets them at the dock.

” Bad news. Richard and I have to go to dinner with the regional director. Why don’t you go to dinner at the seaside restaurant here and we’ll meet for drinks later. I’ll walk you back to your room. See you at the front desk at 7 Richard.”

In the elevator, David begins to fondle Julie, who readily responds, kissing him and rubbing his crotch.

When they enter Julie’s room, David throws Julie onto the bed, rips her bikini bottom off and beast fucks her.

Julie responds, wrapping her arms and legs around him, screaming “Fuck me!” Over and over.

It’s over quickly as David cums within minutes, pulls his pants up and leaves.

Not satisfied, Julie licks some of the jizz from her cunt and rubs her clit until she cums…

To be continued…

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A Missionary Trip

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Nature had spread its scent all throughout the forest, and it was unavoidable. The sun’s rays were beaming down on the white reflective design on Daisy’s shoes. Her youth pastor was trailing along behind her, cautious with every step. “Isn’t it beautiful out here?” He asked.

“I know, it’s so amazing.” Daisy looked over her shoulders at him as she was speaking. She was enjoying herself, but she was admittedly getting a little drained. Every summer was a harsh summer for her. Whenever she got hot, she got tired.

The smell of smoke intermingled between the trees, and she started thinking about the rest of the group. It was June, and they had spoken about having a barbecue once they all got settled up in their cabin. “Do you smell that, Pastor Olvarez?” She pointed her pink painted nails towards the direction of where she thought the smell was coming from. It definitely smelled like a barbecue.

“Mmmm, it smells good.” He rubbed his stomach, and looked around. Their minivan wasn’t too far from where they were. “Are you hungry?”

She had her eyes rested on his hand, watching him rub his stomach. All of a sudden her eyes were in his groin area. Immediately, she looked up at his face, rubbing the side of her arm. “I-Uh-” The voices in her head were giving her a bunch of disdainful comments. “Yeah, I’m a little hungry. ‘Why the hell did I just look there?’ She asked herself question after question in her head. The blush was seeping into her cheeks.

“Okay! Let’s go!” Pastor Olvarez was such an energetic guy. As people would like to say he was “on fire for the Lord.” Afterall, that was why he was out there on this voluntary missionary trip. He loved working with the teens at the youthgroup, and organizing events. When he looked at them he saw a little bit of himself in them sometimes.

As each year passed, he realized how much closer he was getting to reaching the big 4-0. Having kids of his own was merely a dream, and he fully accepted his fate. It had been years since he had a girlfriend, that just wasn’t a priority anymore. Spending time with his nephew and his niece was enough. He considered the kids at church to be his own as well.

The two of them walked side by side through the forest. Each step they took led them closer and closer to the minivan. “So how’s your summer been, Dayse?” Dayse… That was his nickname for her since he could never seem to fully say her name before she responded to him.

“Oh, you know… It’s going.” A nervous laugh erupted from her lips as she walked, bumping into his shoulder a little. There was an urge to reach up and pull the ‘butt floss’ from out of her ass, but she resisted. Her friends thought it was a good idea for her to try a thong, and she was instantly regretting it in that very moment.

Everything was so close, and tight. The wet fluid escaping from her pussy was only making things even more uncomfortable for her. Daisy hadn’t even been thinking about anything dirty lately, so she was perplexed by the moistness that was oozing between her thighs.

Admittedly, she had a crush on Pastor Olvarez for a long time, but she never wanted to make it obvious. Whenever they were at Bible study together, she could never fully focus. The scent of his cologne made her pussy clench up every time he walked by her, his well-trimmed beard, and that smile- ohhhh that smile just made her want to cum on the spot.

“Dayse, Dayse!” While Daisy had been fantasizing over Pastor Olvarez and his looks, she had completely zoned out of the conversation. “Are you okay?” He had stopped walking, and was rubbing her on the back. “Daisy!”

“Huh!” She placed her hand over her chest, and looked over to the side and saw the look of concern on his face. “Yeah, I’m okay.” A weak smile feigned from her lips. “Sorry, I was thinking about something.” As if she had been pushed by the wind, she immediately started walking again.

He hesitated, but he followed her lead. “What were you thinking about?”

“Oh, uh-” The Bible tracks she had in her free hand were beginning to get damp from her fingers. “Just school stuff.”

Pastor Olvarez wanted to pry some more, but he settled for her answer. “Ummm, okay.” He knew her so well, and something was definitely not right. “When you want to tell me the truth, I’m all ears… Okay?”

“Pastor Olvarez, I am telling you the truth” she retorted. All of a sudden she stopped dead in her tracks, realizing that they were in front of the minivan. She turned to him, waiting for him to unlock it.

He walked up to the back doors, and opened them for her. “Okay, if you say so.”

As she was in the back putting away the tracks, he went to the front to slip out of his rugged hiking boots. He pulled out a nice pair of canvas shoes, slipping his feet into them. Once they were all tied up, he went to the back once again. The side of the van was beaming Demetevler Escort from the sun, the symbol of the cross was shining in all directions on the van. The church had just gotten a new paint job, and the decal looked awesome. He stopped admiring the artwork, and continued walking, around the van. When he approached her his heart nearly stopped.

There she was, bent over and basically bare. His eyes were fixated on the baby blue thong that was practically riding up her asscrack. He looked left and right, and all he saw were trees and dirt. There was literally nothing else to even pretend to look at. God, he could truly see it all. Everything. Bare. As his eyes ran up and down her nicely toned brown legs, he nearly lost his control right then and there. ‘Where the hell did she even get her hands on something like that,’ he wondered to himself. He knew her family, and he knew them very well. There was no way they would let her wear something like that. Truthfully, he thought they checked her belongings, her social media accounts, and even her phone. But maybe he was wrong.

All at once, his heart rate quickened, and that sensitive spot underneath his pants started to rise. ‘Maybe she has a boyfriend back at college,’ he thought to himself. He could just taste her fresh young pussy from a few feet away. It looked good as all hell. The more he looked closer at it, the more he realized something… There was a wet spot that was staining her panties. He wanted her right then and there.

Instantly, he tried to calm himself down. Deep down he knew it was all wrong. Sure, Daisy was legal, but he couldn’t fuck her… Never. He knew her dad, and he would kill him. For crying out loud, he was her youth pastor. Besides, he figured Daisy wouldn’t be interested in an older gentleman like himself. He knew he kept himself up well, stayed in shape, and looked pretty young for his age, but he still knew that his fun days were over.

“Pastor Olvarez-” Daisy had turned around fast enough to see her youth pastor staring at her round little ass. She sprang up from the back of the van, pulling down her denim skirt, desperately trying to cover up. “Oh my God!” She yelped.

Between the two of them, they both looked like ghosts. “I’m so sorry, Daisy!” He cried out like a little helpless dog. Damn, he knew for sure that she would want nothing to do with him after this. “I- I was thinking about my ex girlfriend.” Sin after sin, he lied straight through his teeth. “It’s been a while, I’m so sorry.” That was the only part that was the truth.

Daisy couldn’t believe it. She sat back down on the ledge of the van, looking directly at him. She was astonished that he even found her sexually attractive. Everyone called her “cute,” but she had never been looked at this way. Maybe it was her tiny figure, or her quaint voice, but she was never seen as ‘sexy.’ “I need to tell you something…” The wetness between her legs was so hot and sticky. It was beginning to feel like she had a puddle between her legs.

“Uhh, what?” There he was, stumbling and fumbling all over his words, all because of Daisy. A hot 19 year old girl from church. He knew he was fucked.

Daisy looked down at the ground. Never in her life had she taken a chance like this. “I find you very attractive.”

The sounds of those words was like a lick from a fresh tongue on his now throbbing cock. He tried to shake those lustful thoughts out of his mind. “Dayse, that’s natural, okay?” It took a moment, but then he sat next to her. “We’re adults. It happens sometimes, but we can’t sin. I’m really sorry.”

“You don’t have to be sorry, Pastor Olvarez.” She moved in closer towards him, slowly parting her legs. “It kind of turned me on…” Her voice lingered in the sticky air. She started touching him on the shoulder, trying to make him relax. “Most guys think I’m too much of a nice girl.”

The touch of her soft fingertips just made everything worse. He was so tense. “Well, you are a nice girl.” With an attempt to create more distance between the two of them, he moved to the other side. “If a guy doesn’t like that, then something is wrong with him.”

An awkward silence sat between the two of them. Pastor Olvarez was looking off to the side when Daisy asked him, “Do you really mean that?”

He thought about what to say, and decided to keep it short. “Yeah.”

“Oh-” She looked down between her legs, then back at him. “I know it’s wrong, but I want you so badly right now.”

As much as he wanted to pretend he hadn’t heard what she had just said, his cock wouldn’t let him. “Me too,” he admitted. He looked over at her, moved in closer, and before he knew it his lips were all over her.

“Mmmm,” she moaned like a newborn kitten. Her head was brushing up against the cold hard metal walls of the van. She felt his hand slide up her shirt, Escort Demetevler and the wetness from his tongue on her neck. “Ooooo, I never knew you could be like this.” She giggled, watching him as their eyes met when he was making his way down to her breasts.

He grabbed onto her, forcing her body into his cold hard chest, then pulled her back away again. She was gasping for air, and he slipped her shirt over her head. Even though it looked like she didn’t have big breasts, he was taken back when he saw them in her bra. Like a mold, his hand formed a perfect shape around them. They had to be at least a C cup. The zipper on his pants was practically coming undone from all the tightness in his pants. His hands finally slipped under her bra, and he pulled it up towards her clavicle. ‘Fuck! They’re so plump!’ He thought to himself.

They went at it for a while, kissing touching, licking, sucking. Before Daisy realized it, she was on her back getting her brown titties sucked on. “Oooo, fuck!” The wet spot on her pants was getting wetter as she bucked her hips up against his throbbing cock. She slipped her fingers between his brown hair, and he lowered his face right below her pussy.

“Let me take these off.” There was a slight scratch on her skin as he yanked her panties off. There was no pause in between, he just latched onto her soaking wet pussy, paying extra special attention to her clit. Her juices ran off into his mouth, and he slid his fingers in. All he could think about was pleasing her. He was convinced that she had the best pussy he had ever felt. It was so fucking tight, and wet, nearly sucking onto his fingers as he pumped them in and out of her little sweet hole.

“Mmmmm.” He reached up and grabbed her tits, making sure to keep her nipples nice and hard. “You taste so good.”

She arched her back, still moaning as soft as ever. “Pastor- uhhhh, fuck!” She rolled her head to the side, tightening her grip around his hair strands. “Ohhhh!”

He couldn’t believe it. There he was eating her sweet little pussy out, wide open for everyone to see. More juices erupted into his mouth as she climaxed. Her pussy wouldn’t let him go, clenching onto his fingers in a spasmatic frenzy. He eased up, fingering her more slowly before slipping his wet fingers out of her. “We should close the door.” All of the juices on his fingers ended up in his mouth as he sucked them clean.

Daisy was still enjoying the bliss of her orgasm when he got up and fiddled with the door. She started rubbing all of her juices around her vulva, but she stopped once Pastor Olvarez directed his attention back to her. A blush coated her cheeks like fresh paint. She felt such a rush.

“I want you to suck my dick so bad.” He unzipped his pants, and pulled them down to his knees, sitting beside her. “Your body is fucking amazing.” His hand was wrapped around his cock, and he was stroking it up and down.

“Ummm,” She grew a little apprehensive as he inched in closer towards her; his pants wrapped around his ankles. “I’ve never done that before.”

He shrugged. “It’s okay, trust me.” The corners of his eyes scrunched up as he let out a groan, continuing to stroke his dick. “It’s been a long time since I’ve done anything. I’ll just be happy to get a blowjob.” All of the fast strokes he was making slowed down, and eventually stopped. He leaned into her ear, and whispered “Especially from a gorgeous girl like you.”

Even though Daisy giggled, she was still nervous as all hell. The only thing she could focus on was his big, hard cock. Tentatively, she put her hand out, approaching it slowly. He smelled insanely good, and his cock was so thick. It wasn’t the longest, but it was a thick piece of meat. Her hand finally reached his cock, and she repeated the motions she had seen him do to himself.

“Uhhh-” He was right at the edge of his seat in excitement.

The wetness of her tongue against her lips was like a catalyst. She put her head straight down, and took him into her mouth. “Mmmm,” she said while adjusting her lips around his fat cock. It tasted so good to her, and she started sucking immediately. There was a slight salty tang of pre-cum that reached her tastebuds, but she savored every drop of it.

“Oh, yeah!” His hands were entangled between her jet black, curly hair. Every ringlet was becoming frizzed as he rubbed it all around, grabbing it and moving her head up and down. “Fuck, Dayse!”

A mumbled, jumbled mess of words came from her mouth that was now full of hard cock. Daisy may have seemed like an innocent girl, but she clearly learned a lot from watching pornos. Her technique was smooth and graceful, yet sloppy. Spit was dripping down to his balls, and she came up, keeping her eyes on him before going back down and sucking on his hot sticky balls. The outline of her mouth was covered with Demetevler Escort Bayan her drool.

All of a sudden his eyes rolled back. She was bringing him right back to his glory days as a horny teenager. “Dayse!” His knees started to buckle, and he moved his dick away from her, holding onto her soft hair. “That’s enough!” He was panting, and sweating as he rubbed her back.

The two of them looked at each other for a moment before they embraced each other again. Hot trails of kisses were all over Daisy’s perky, round tits. Pastor Olvarez gently lifted her, pushing the gospel tracks and spare Bibles out of the way, laying her on her back again. “Can I put it in your pussy?” He looked her dead in the eyes, his hot breath trailing beneath her neck as he kissed her again.

Daisy felt the wetness between her thighs. She was all sticky, and coated with her own cum. “I want to but-” She looked down at his thick cock, imagining it inside of her tight cunt. “You know I’m still a virgin, right?”

“It’s okay,” he reassured her; rubbing his fingers over her stomach. “I promise I’ll go slow, okay?” He waited for her response, but she didn’t give him one. Just to be safe, he kissed her lips, and went in for a French kiss. To his surprise, she reciprocated. “It’s okay if you don’t want to-” He said as he pulled away slowly.

Out of all of the things Daisy had to worry about, she knew that fucking her youth pastor wasn’t one of them. It wasn’t like he was out every night screwing a bunch of women. Everything about sex just nerved her a little. She thought long and hard, but then her pussy started tingling, and aching for pleasure. Did her first time really have to be ‘romantic,’ or ‘magical?’ Did she really have to wait for marriage? “I want it.”

“Are you sure?” He was in disbelief, and truly concerned. “Daisy, I really care about you. If you don’t want this, I respect that… You know I’m not like that.” His fingers brushed up against her thighs as he tried to make her comfortable.

She nodded her head slowly. “I know, but I still want you to fuck me.”

That was all he needed to hear her say. He kissed her on the lips once more, and then burrowed his face in between her neck. As he fumbled around with his cock, he finally reached her wet slit, easing himself in as gently as he possibly could. “Nice and slow…” He whispered in her ear, and took a quick glance at her face. “You okay?”

Daisy’s nipples got hard as his chest brushed up against hers. He was easing in inch by inch, but he was just so thick. She felt her vagina stretching as he pushed in further and further. “Uhhhh.” Her teeth were clenching around her bottom lip. “Owwww!”

“You’re so tight, Dayse.” He was fighting between his groans of pleasure, and her comfort. “Want me to stop?”

“No!” She wrapped her legs around him, and ended up pushing him even further inside of her. It was so warm, and hard. Her pussy felt so full, and she loved every inch of it, even though there was some slight pain. “Fuck me. Please, just fuck me!”

It started off really slow and steady. In, and out of her tight, young twat. Her wetness felt so good on him. “Ohhhh, baby!” He picked up the pace, grabbing on to her tits so he wouldn’t fall over while he was on top of her. “Your pussy is so good, baby!” His voice frayed, and he was losing control.

“You’re a good fucker, Pastor Olvarez!” Her cute little titties were bouncing up and down between his hands as she looked down at his cock thrusting in and out of her. It all felt unreal.

Grunts and groans kept escaping from his mouth as he fucked her harder. “You like that, baby?” He moved his hands to the side, touching the bottom of the van. All of his balance was extra steady now, and he pushed his cock in and out of her pussy like he was in a race to the finish line. The upper part of his chest was tinted red, and sweat beads dripped all over him. His tongue grazed across his mouth as he looked down at her sweet little face. “You like getting fucked like this?”

“Ohhh, yes!” She was practically screaming from all of the pleasure. “I love your cock in me, pastor!” The insides of her pussy started to clench up and grab a hold onto his cock.

A gasp of air reached his lungs; he almost collapsed onto her. He wasn’t prepared for that motion, he had lost his strength and he tried to pull out, but her pussy was holding him in; her legs were wrapped around him. “Oh, fuck!” Loads of hot sticky cum erupted inside of her. “Shit!” He pumped in and out of her really slowly, holding her by her head, and pushing her into him even more. He was kept riding the wave nice and slow, until the eruption subsided. Eventually he let go of her head, resting it gently back onto the floor of the van. “That was great!” Like a kid in a candy store, he giggled.

The two of them kissed once again, ignoring everything around them. Cum was leaking out of Daisy’s pussy, and it ended up on one of the nearby gospel tracks in the van. Neither of them noticed it. Even though it was only the first day of their missionary trip, they both knew that the days to come would be fruitful. Many seeds would be planted, and they were going to fulfill that promise.

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Anticipation Ch. 09

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“Tell me a story,” she said, randomly. She was wearing small black cotton panties, a snug, white tank, and nothing else. Even though I generally preferred seeing her in black, the white tank tops showed off her contours better.

“What?” I was a little confused.

“Tell me a story,” she repeated, never looking up from her inspection of my wound that was on its way to healing.

I was laying on the bed in my black boxer briefs, and she was sitting with her legs bent underneath her torso, on either sides of my shin. She was holding my underwear leg pushed up with one hand and delicately running a finger along the short line of the still-sensitive scab.

The mix of pleasure with a hint of pain, plus the sight of her in that position, excited me a little.

“What kind of story?”

“Doesn’t matter.”

I thought for a moment. I was actually pretty good at making up a decent story, off-the-cuff, but I always needed an established foundation.

“I need some criteria. Preferably three.”

She traced circles around the small wound, continuing to stare at it as she thought.

“It’s Good To Be In Love, by Frou Frou. The most beautiful woman in the world. Mud.”

“Hmm.” I pondered the song a moment in order to recall the lyrics, and then thought about the rest of the criteria. About thirty seconds later, I had something in mind.

“A man and a woman lived in a secluded cabin in the woods, but it was a very nice cabin; not a rustic one. One rainy night, the two were laying in bed, talking about nothing of great importance, when they heard a sound from outside. It was the crash of the metal garbage can near their back door.”

She rubbed the scab with the tip of her nose a few times.

“Both of them got out of bed to go look, suspecting an animal, but they wanted to be sure, since the nearest neighbor was over a mile away. The man looked out the window, but saw nothing. He opened the back door and carefully stepped outside.”

She repeatedly, slowly brushed along it with her lower lip.

“Suddenly the man was struck in the head by a wooden baseball bat and flew to the wet dirt near the doorway. The woman gasped at this surprise, but did not scream, as it was not in her nature to do so. She saw a trespasser in a raincoat step into view and quickly begin to repeatedly strike her fallen man.”

She followed the rough line with the tip of her tongue.

“Without a thought, the woman rushed towards the attacker and slammed her shoulder into him as hard as she could, sending the both of them further out into the much muddier yard. They both hit the ground with a splat, but she quickly grabbed the dropped bat. Unfortunately the attacker knocked it from her hand and sent it flying away from both of them.”

She kissed the wound softly a few times.

“The attacker shoved the woman into the mud and started to turn toward her unconscious partner, but she was quick to get up to keep the attention on herself. She charged, and was knocked away, but again she rose. A flash of lightning revealed the face of the attacker. He was someone they thought they Batıkent Escort had left far behind. He was obsessed with her. He wanted her for himself. He had even cut her face in an attempt to make certain no man would ever want her, leaving her with a scar from scalp to chin.”

She pulled the leg of my boxer briefs into place and kissed the material. She kissed a bit further up.

“She charged him again, and again she was struck down; mud covering her even more with each fall. Because of her persistence, the attacker resorted to punching, but that did not stop her. He tried to kick, but she held his foot. The pain that wracked her meant nothing. The blood that she tasted meant nothing. She pulled backwards causing the attacker to loose balance and fall towards her.”

On her hands and knees, she turned her head and gently bit my semi-hard bulge with her teeth, moving it in various directions. It reminded me of an animal playing with something curious.

“The attacker managed to remain on one knee, but she fell fully into the mud once more. She watch the attacker begin to right himself, but then he stopped suddenly with the sound of a crack. The attacker fell unconscious, revealing her own man holding the bat, but he soon fell to the ground as well.”

She began a trail of kisses up the center of my abdomen.

“The woman rushed to her man and held his face. He was conscious. He saw her wet and covered in mud. Her face bloody and damaged. He held the back of her head and kissed her deeply. The end.”

After a moment, but still having not looked up, she asked, “How was the song in there?”

I smiled a little, then badly sang, “You’re sooo beau-ti-ful, I’m black and blue all over.”

She gave a little laugh. “Clever.” She kissed above my bellybutton. “Tell me a story.”

I waited.

“Your past girlfriend.”

I was confused, but I said nothing.

“Your prom date.”

My confusion grew.

“Your heartbreak.”

I waited a few seconds then said, “I have had none of those things.”

She kissed a bit higher. “You’ll figure something out,” she assured.

She lowered herself onto me and rested her head just below my bruised ribcage as I considered the criteria and their extra layer of challenge. It took me a minute, but I figured out the fix.

“Kara and Mika were twin sisters, and even though they looked exactly like, physically, they had very different personalities. Kara was outgoing, adventurous, fashionable, and was rarely single, while Mika was more reserved, enjoyed stability, dressed more practically, and though she had accompanied her sister on some double dates, she had never hit it off with any of the guys, so she’d never had a real boyfriend.”

She passively stroked my uninjured ribs.

“During the middle of their freshman year of high school, a new student walked into one of Mika’s classes. He was nervous, and tried not to make eye-contact with anyone, but she just stared at him, completely struck. There was nothing particularly outstanding about him, but for some reason, she just knew Batıkent Escort Bayan that he was special to her.”

She tucked her fingers around and under my left side and just held me.

“In time, he became her real boyfriend, and they were great together, but Kara, being rather over-protective of her sister, did not trust him, yet. One day, when Mika was away, Kara invited the boy over to study. She removed all of her makeup, left her hair down, dressed in Mika’s clothes, and adopted her mannerisms. The doorbell rang, she answered, the boy looked at her and asked, ‘Why are dressed like Mika?'”

She adjusted the position of her head to one slightly more comfortable.

“She was astounded. He did not know Mika was gone, and they had never failed to fool anyone before, yet this boy realized almost instantly that she was not Mika. She still was not sure he was good enough, but that definitely earned him favor. Although that did impress her, she still did not know what Mika saw in that boring boy, or, quite frankly, what he saw in Mika, but perhaps it was that they were two of a kind.”

She adjusted her right leg up a bit.

“During the summer of their sophomore year, Mika was hit by a car and died. This devastated Kara. She cried every day until the funeral, but never saw the boy during that time. He never came over to offer condolences or anything. Maybe he was just a jerk, after all. Would he even come to the funeral?”

She hugged a little tighter.

“On the day of the funeral, she kept a look out for him, but never saw him. She felt sad and angry, and decided to go outside for some privacy and fresh air. When she rounded the corner of the funeral home, she saw the boy sitting on the ground, leaning against the building. He was motionless, staring into nothing, with occasional tears rolling over his cheeks.”

I felt sudden wetness on the edge of where her face met my skin.

“Ashamed of herself, she ran back around the building and hid herself somewhere and cried. She knew now that his feelings were genuine. In the following months, she made a greater effort to be a friend to him. It was good to be able to talk to someone who had truly cared about her sister as much as herself. Apart from the shared loss, it was difficult for her to relate to him, since they had such different personalities, but she did not give up.”

A sniff.

“During senior year, prom was days away. Mika had never cared for parties or dancing, but Kara always looked forward to them. Unfortunately, Kara had no boyfriend at the time. She thought about it, and realized that she hadn’t had a boyfriend for months, and she was amazed by the fact. There were a number of things she didn’t do as much of anymore, actually.”

Another sniff.

“She didn’t really want to go with anyone in particular, so she thought maybe she’d go with the boy who cared so much for her sister. He had no interest in going to the prom. She told him that she had no one to go with, and insisted that maybe he needed the distraction. She promised that he would not have to wear Escort Batıkent anything special or even pick her up. She begged, and he finally gave in.

Liquid ran along my stomach at the edge of her face.

“On the night of the prom, she put on the dress, the makeup, tied her hair up, and she was ready to leave. She opened the front door to see the boy walking up the sidewalk towards her. He was dressed up and carrying a corsage. He was not looking up, so he did not see her staring. He went up the steps to the porch, and as he approached the door, he looked up to knock, and was surprised by her presence.”

She was silent and motionless.

“The boy saw the slight confusion on her face and said, ‘I figured it wouldn’t be fair to you if I didn’t make an effort.’ She smiled and thanked him, and then they left for the prom, but she had really wanted to hug him. At the prom, they intentionally sat out the songs that were fast and the slow ones, but one bordered on slow just enough that she mindlessly put her arms on his shoulders.”


“When the music changed to something faster, she suddenly realized that they had been staring into each other’s eyes. A little surprised, she took her arms off of his shoulders and said, ‘I need to… freshen up.’ He smiled, said, ‘Okay,’ and let go of her waist, which she also hadn’t noticed until just then. She went to the bathroom and stared into the mirror.”

She adjusted the position of her right hand on my side.

“‘He was staring into my eyes the whole time’, she thought. ‘He never complimented my dress. Did he even notice it? Why am I wearing this makeup?’ She wet a paper towel and wiped off her lipstick and eyeshadow and the rest. She let her hair down. ‘He didn’t care about any of these things.’ Tears began streaming down her face as a hard realization hit. ‘He loved her more than I did.’ She ran out of the bathroom to find him standing near the door waiting. She paused to see the sudden look of concern on his face, but before he could say anything, she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in the front of his shoulder. ‘I’m so sorry’, she managed to say before completely breaking down. He just held her tight and said nothing.”

That was the end of the story, so I just waited in silence. After a moment, she lifted herself off of me. The side of her expressionless face was wet, and a tear dropped as she repositioned herself to sit on my stomach. Her eyes moved every second or two, from one part of me to another.

She put her palms on the pillow, on either side of my head, and leaned over me. Her head blocked the ceiling light. Her hair hung messily down around her horizontal face. Her features were in shadow over me, and it was unbelievably beautiful.

She carefully moved further up me to sit on my chest. I could smell her heady scent. She up-righted herself enough to move her fingers to either side of my chin. Her weight pressed me down, slightly hindering my breathing, but I welcomed it.

She pulled down my chin, with fingertips of both hands, parting my lips. Her fingers played along them, circling, and her gazed alternated between my eyes and my mouth.

Her right hand held open my mouth as her left hand pressed the pillow again. She lifted her weight from me and moved up further. She moved her right hand out of the way.

“Tell me a story,” she said, lowering herself onto my open lips.

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‘Tales from the Orient’ Ch. 06

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Rashoman 6 — Singapore to the UK — Part Two

When I finally arrived in the evening at Heathrow Dee was there to meet me. I hired a car and the hotel was about 30 minutes from the airport. We booked in and as soon as we got to our bedroom it was like a second wedding night — but without any of Rod and his ‘Mickey Finns’, when he spiked Dee’s orange juice at our wedding reception and ruined our wedding night in Singapore! Dee was soon removing her dress and she fulfilled every young man’s erotic dreams; a vision of loveliness in the sexiest set of black stockings and suspenders imaginable;

This was the first time I’d seen her like this. Singapore dress for European women was more cotton dresses, minimal underwear and bare legs. The sight of her was like a whiplash to my senses and the next couple of hours passed in a haze of champagne, unbridled sex, lots of talking then more unbridled … you get the idea. Eventually we were satiated and as we recovered we started catching up on what we’d been doing since we’d last seen each other.

I didn’t really have much to tell her about my adventures in Malaysia. All I can really remember were the sand flies, mossies, leeches, working eighteen-hour days and how the odd letter from her that made its way from UK really cheered me up. I was especially interested in her earliest letter which she’d written soon after arriving in England. In it she said that en route back to UK her aircraft had to divert and refuel at Tehran airport in Iran instead of Bahrain because of bad weather in the Arabian Gulf. They’d been there for a couple of hours and she’d had a bit of an adventure at the airport … but left it at that. That, of course, intrigued me and I couldn’t wait until she’d told me more.

After our initial burst of enthusiasm Dee was now sat on the edge of the bed, smoking a cigarette and looking quite radiant. So, I asked her what had happened at Tehran airport. She paused for a moment as though collecting her thoughts and smiled broadly before going on;

‘Ah yes… Well, I have to say it was all very unexpected and all a bit of a shock. It’s going to sound far-fetched and you probably won’t believe me – but here goes. Anyway, a few hours after we left Singapore we were told that we wouldn’t be stopping at Bahrain because of bad weather and would have to refuel at Tehran international airport instead. I’d been given the sleeping pills as usual and when we arrived at Tehran I was just waking up. I actually felt a bit spaced out, almost like the night of the party Jo’s place with those US marines. But don’t worry — I hadn’t been smoking ‘funny fags’ and there were no US marines on board this flight!’

‘We disembarked and were told wait in the airport terminal. There would be food and drink provided if we wanted and as soon as the aircraft was ready we’d be called forward and we’d be off again — they thought we’d be there about two hours. We could wander around the shopping concourse but listen for announcements about our flight.’

‘We went through Iranian immigration control and were given temporary visas to get back to the departure lounge. I wandered around the shopping concourse for a while but soon found it wasn’t much to talk about although there were some beautiful Persian carpets I admired in one of the shops. The concourse itself was very busy with locals and after a while I noticed that some of them were watching me in a way that made me feel distinctively nervous. I was still wearing that white sweater and red skirt so I knew it was a bit eye catching – and I decided to go back to the departure gate.’

‘Rather stupidly I’d put my in-flight bag down while I was looking at the carpets but when I turned to pick it up it was gone! It was only out of my sight for a few seconds and in addition to my personal stuff it had my passport and all my money and travel documents in it — and now I was in a foreign airport, on the Temelli Escort wrong side of the immigration control and I knew the aircraft could be going at any time!’

‘I couldn’t see any airport officials or any of the other passengers on my flight and to my mind some of the local men now looked distinctly predatory. I started to panic and didn’t know what to do next. Then I heard a voice behind me saying something loudly in English — but with a strong Glasgow accent. I literally spun round … and there was ‘Scottish’ John smiling at me – and carrying my bag!’

‘I mean to say… I was stunned, flabbergasted… call it what you will. The last time I’d seen him was in Singapore when I had that attack of tonsillitis. I thought I’d never see him again so what was he doing here in Tehran…? But I didn’t care – all I felt was an overwhelming sense of relief at seeing him and that everything would be OK. I just rushed at him, flung my arms around him and burst into tears. He held me for few seconds and then there was an announcement on the airport tannoy system for my flight. I looked at him and he grabbed my hand and said ‘Let’s go’ and we almost sprinted for the immigration control.

‘When we arrived other passengers from my flight already waiting to go through to the departure lounge. John and I joined the queue and as we did he explained that he’d been stuck at Tehran for two days as his aircraft from Borneo had broken down there and he and some others on the flight had been off loaded and re scheduled on to my flight. He’d seen me wandering around the terminal and was about to come across and speak when he saw me put my bag down and go and look at the carpets in the shop. He’d seen a couple of locals eyeing up the bag but nipped in before them and claimed it for himself. As you know, John can look quite formidable when he wants, so they didn’t argue with him.’

That I could believe. John wasn’t all that tall but he was powerfully built and from Glasgow; he’d grown up in the Gorbals. As a result, he had a real charisma — and also black belts in judo and karate.

‘We passed through the immigration control and walked across the tarmac to the aircraft. I was still shaking like a leaf and just clutching on to John’s arm so when we entered the aircraft it was such a relief and it seemed quite natural for me to lead him to my original row of seats and get ready for take-off. The aircraft was still half empty so we had the row all to ourselves. We soon took off and settled back for the rest of the journey’.

As I listened to her at first it all seemed so implausible, but when I thought about it … yes, it made some sort of sense. John’s aircraft had left Borneo a few days before Dee’s left Singapore and if it had broken down in Tehran… and Dee went on;

‘As we were chatting John was looking and smiling at me and said he thought my eyes were beautiful — they were so huge! He was always saying things like that so I didn’t think much more of it at the time. Then I found out later on that the travel pills they’d given me after Singapore were a new type containing something called scopolamine. It was very effective for travel sickness but apparently scopolamine acts a bit like belladonna – you know, the stuff ladies in the past used to take to make their eyes look bigger and more alluring’.

Yes, well, I knew Dee had very alluring eyes — they were one of the things that had first attracted me to her. Then I remembered from my military background that scopolamine had also been tried in the past by Gestapo and Russian NKVD interrogators as a ‘truth drug’ on their prisoners. Later on, it was also found to be very effective as part of anti-motion sickness medication but depending on the patient could also make people lose their inhibitions… and I already knew what Dee was capable of if when she lost hers.

‘So, we took off without incident and Temelli Escort Bayan continued chatting for what seemed hours. It must have been about midnight when John looked out of the window and said we were flying over Egypt and he could see Pyramids below us. I had to reach across him to look… I thought they were almost shimmering in the moonlight — it was so romantic although that might also have been a side effect of the travel pills. Then I suppose we cuddled up together… and the next thing I knew we were approaching UK.’

I just smiled at her quizzically but didn’t say anything… and she tried not to blush before she went on;

‘OK… I suppose we did a bit more than just cuddling up. I still felt ever so grateful to him for rescuing me and somehow, what with that incredible view of the Pyramids… I suppose we started kissing and … well, you know… But before you ask we didn’t have sex, honestly! I know there were only the two of us on our row of seats and it was dark but there was still the odd passenger or air steward coming past us along the aisle and it would have been too embarrassing if…’

Hmm…her story sounded remarkably like her adventures with Tom, her US Marine knight in shining armour in Singapore… her reaction to strange substances … the way she was rescued … but I just said;

‘OK — I’ll believe you — thousands wouldn’t!’

‘No — it’s true! Anyway, eventually we fell asleep and stayed like that all the way until we arrived at Heathrow. I said goodbye to John before we left the aircraft as I knew daddy was probably waiting at arrivals for me and I didn’t want to give him the wrong idea if I came off the aircraft on the arm of strange man… and that was that. Daddy was waiting for me and I’ve been in Harrogate and Bradford ever since’.

‘Ok… you cuddled up with John on the aircraft… Did you still have the same feelings towards him as when we were in Singapore?

‘Ah… Well, I’ve told you before I think John’s very attractive, he’s funny, makes me laugh and I suppose there was a physical attraction between us. But deep down I always felt there was something missing. I know he’s a rogue — as Jo said that’s what makes him so attractive to women, but I don’t think I could ever trust him. I know other women find you attractive and I’m never sure if I can trust you but even so with you I still feel comfortable and safe — something I don’t think I could ever feel with John’.

Hmm… I thought about what she’d said and we left it at that, carried on with our delayed honeymoon and drove off the following day on leave, visiting friends and relatives. A few weeks later we moved on to live in Newcastle from where I commuted daily to Durham university to do my language course. What happened then will be in the next Rashoman story.


But before I start on that I’d better explain a bit more of how I’m able to recount these stories from more than one point of view, especially with ‘Scottish’ John’s version of events. I’ve already told you how Jo’s husband Pete and I met by accident on a train in England and he told me all about Dee and Tom, her US Marine, and Jo’s party in Singapore.

In John’s case, however, he and I had been close friends since we joined the army together in 1964. In Singapore I knew about Dee’s flirtatious relationship with both John and Rod, and in fact we stayed with Rod the following year, (this will be another Rashoman story). But despite what Dee said about ‘something missing’ in their relationship there was still obviously something between them, as it actually developed into on/off relationship which lasted over the next forty years or so as our paths crossed at various times around the world.

During all this time John didn’t realise how much I knew about him and Dee until he and I met at a reunion in Germany in 2008, Escort Temelli long after we’d both left the army. Over many beers we finally had a very frank and heart to heart conversation — and at the end all he could say was that that he wished he’d known I knew about him and Dee years before — it might have eased his yearning for her. This was despite marrying a girl called Deborah — who he always used to refer to as Dee! They eventually divorced and he said even when he was married he’d been carrying a torch for my Dee ever since they’d first met in Singapore. Over the years I’ve been pretty sure that Dee sometimes felt the same about him, despite her protestations, especially when she and I were apart when I spent long periods working alone overseas.

So, as a result of this reunion we started an email correspondence which continued until eventually he felt willing to tell me what had actually happened between them. I already knew some of it from Dee but John quite cheerfully filled in all the details in a very descriptive way as he remembered them. The first one is as follows, when he recounted what happened after he first met her Singapore and then on the aircraft back from Tehran. So, in this first email he said;

‘As you know now I suppose I was first attracted to Dee when I saw her at your wedding. But she and you were just married and I could see from the way she behaved with you I didn’t stand a chance. But I suppose I still looked on her as a bit of a challenge. I mean, we were all randy single soldiers in those days so that’s how we looked on any beautiful woman, married or not — and I seem to remember you were no different before you married Dee!’

‘Once I got to know her better she seemed to enjoy flirting and teasing me. She was like that when she was dancing with Rod as well, and when he and I compared notes we realised that she was enjoying herself with both of us but very adept at keeping us at arm’s length. She wasn’t your normal prick teaser – she was much too classy for that — so after a while I think we both accepted that’s how things were.’

‘I suspected you seemed to know what was going on but didn’t seem to mind and just let her enjoy herself. Also, after a while I really liked her just as a friend and didn’t want to embarrass her. So, we sort of played a game where I’d pretend to seduce her… we’d play around a bit but she’d only let me go so far.’

‘Anyway, this went on until that first jungle exercise when you and Pete went away for a few weeks, leaving Jo and Dee behind. Rod and I dressed up as pirates for that Club beach party, while Dee and Jo played the part of club bouncers. Jo was wearing some of Pete’s military kit and Dee was wearing a lovely white top and sarong’.

‘So, when Rod suggested all four of us go for a walk in the gardens I just hoped Dee would agree. I hadn’t expected that she would but she did – and now I had her on her own would you believe I wasn’t sure what to do? I mean, we’d danced closely on the dance floor but having her on her own for the first time…’

‘Anyway, going through the garden I took her hand. She seemed quite happy about that — the grass was rough and uneven as we went down the hill and she was wearing flimsy sandals. Jo and Rod disappeared and Dee and I continued wandering down among the trees until we came to the visitors’ Nissen hut. I suggested we go in but for some reason she didn’t seem all that keen. I couldn’t understand why as it was very hot and muggy and the mosquitoes were very annoying. I said more comfortable in the hut, but eventually she agreed to sit down with me on that garden bench behind the hut.’

‘So, we sat down and shared a cigarette and chatted for a bit. The night air was very still and quiet and we could just hear the music from the Club up the hill. I wasn’t at all sure what to do now — I wanted to put my arm around her but it was as if she was waiting for something else to happen. Then suddenly we could hear noises from inside the Nissen hut. Two people were giggling and then I thought I recognised Jo and Rod’s voices. Dee looked at me, smiled and then her voice seemed to go all throaty and she said;’

‘Well… Jo took her time…’

(to be continued)

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