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Yo, Andrés (4)

por piss_boys

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Warning: as already pointed out in my previous published stories, I won’t try to write them in English, which is not my mother-tongue. I will keep writing them in Spanish, my second language.

Following the hint one of my readers gave me, I suggest non-Spanish readers who are keen on this fetish to use Google translator to pass it into English.

This is a work of gay fictions containing scenes of sex between males of different ages, so what is this chapter about, exactly: boy to boy sex (b/b), smegma.

I hope you will enjoy this new story: if it makes you horny, and your little brother downstairs is raising his head up, then the story has reached its goal… Unlike the previous chapter, this is a free elaboration of  the exploration I actually had, in those years, with a summer friend; facts have been stretched a lot, we never went that far, but our adventures were much more interactive with each other than it is described here. As usual, the story is only intended for an adult audience, the author condemns any act as such here described, and all prescriptions required by law apply. If you are an under-age reader yourself, it is better for you to leave now, go back to cartoons, and come back again in a couple of years, or more, according to your present age.

Please feel free to give me a feedback. Depending on your comments I might decide to write another chapter. Anyway, there are other stories of mine on this same fetish(es) you might find interesting:

–       https://www.//gay/non-english/smegma-forever/

–       https://www.//gay/adult-youth/una-inusual-visita-medica/

–       https://www.//gay/encounters/encuentro-en-el-hospital.html

–       https://www.//gay/non-english/el-angel-rubio.html

if you enjoy what you read in , don’t forget to donate, all of us, authors and readers, need this site open to everybody, but they cannot survive without our help! You can donate here: fty/donate.html




Esta es una obra de ficción gay que contiene escenas de sexo entre hombres de diferentes edades. Entonces, de qué trata exactamente este capítulo: sexo de joven con joven (b/b), esmegma.

Espero que disfrutéis de esta nueva historia: si os pone cachondos, y vuestro hermanito abajo está levantando la cabeza, entonces la historia ha alcanzado su objetivo… A diferencia de los demás capítulos, ésta es una libre elaboración de las exploraciones que realmente tuve, en aquellos años, con un amigo de verano; he estirado bastante los hechos descritos, en realidad nunca llegamos tan lejos, en cambio nuestra aventuras fueron mucho más interactivas el uno con el otro. Como de costumbre, este relato solo está destinado a una audiencia adulta; el autor condena cualquier acto como tal aquí descrito, y se aplican todas las prescripciones requeridas por la ley. Si tú mismo eres un lector menor de edad, es mejor que te vayas ahora, regreses a los dibujos animados y vuelvas aquí otra vez en un par de años, o quizás más, de acuerdo con tu edad actual y con las leyes de donde vivas.

Por favor, siéntete libre de enviarme comentarios. Dependiendo de ellos, podría decidir escribir otro capítulo más. De todos modos, hay otras historias mías sobre este(s) mismo(s) fetiche(s) que pueden resultarte interesantes:

– https://www.//gay/non-english/smegma-forever/

– https://www.//gay/adult-youth/una-inusual-visita-medica/

– https://www.//gay/encounters/encuentro-en-el-hospital.html

– https://www.//gay/non-english/el-angel-rubio.html

Si disfrutéis de las historias que leéis en , ¡no olvidéis hacer una donación, nosotros todos, autores y lectores, necesitamos que el sitio quede libre, pero Nifty no puede sobrevivir sin nuestra ayuda! Podéis donar aquí: fty/donate.html





Así, en el umbral de mis 13 años, mis divertidas y excitantes aventuras con Armando llegaron a un final abrupto – o casi abrupto – cuando Armando se comprometió con una guapa camarera del hotel donde los dos pasábamos todos los veranos, él trabajando, yo uno de familia, siendo sobrino de quienes dirigían el hotel.

Por un lado, yo estaba realmente devastado por esta pérdida, por el otro, comenzaba a sentir el poderoso empuje de mis hormonas rebeldes. Digo así aunque en realidad, en aquel entonces, físicamente yo parecía ser uno de esos “desarrolladores tardíos”, y recién a los 14 comencé a mostrar algunos signos reales de desarrollo puberal: aumento repentino de estatura, cambio de olor corporal, pelo púbico, pito y testículos, que – por fin! – irían aumentando sustancialmente de tamaño. Por cierto, tenía 14 años cuando tuve mi primera y única relación heterosexual, con una chica de 19 años que básicamente me sedujo. Bueno, estoy divagando… Volviendo al verano anterior, a los 13 años (solo faltaban un par de meses) todavía yo aún era casi un niño: 140 cm de altura con 45 kg de peso, ni un pelo buscándolo con la lente, rubio como un alemán en los meses de invierno, y casi blanco como un sueco en el verano, debido al sol poderoso. ¿Cómo estaba yo ahí abajo? ¡Curioso qué eres! Jejeje. Vamos, te lo digo: mis bolas eran del tamaño de nueces de macadamia, es decir, cada una poco más grande de una avellana, contenidas en un escroto totalmente liso, y recién comenzaban a descender; el pito, cuando estaba en reposo (lo que ocurría cada vez con menos frecuencia, en ese período) medía unos 5 cm, y alcanzaba apenas unos 8 cm cuando estaba duro, con una circunferencia Giresun Escort completamente adecuada, en fin, no era ni demasiado delgado ni muy gordito. Como decía, poco más que un niño. (¡Suspiro!)

Pero el desarrollo y las hormonas no se llevaban muy bien el uno con las otras, en ese momento, y si el cuerpo parecía no mostrar signos de interés en el sexo, la cabeza siempre estaba ahí. Digamos que estaba obsesionado con todo lo relacionado con el sexo.

En aquellos días, las familias solían tomar largas vacaciones, a menudo de 3 a 4 semanas, y en su mayoría en la misma época todos los años. Así que yo tenía una serie de amigos en rotación a lo largo del verano, quienes cambiaban periódicamente, pero a los que volvía a encontrar al año siguiente.

Uno de mis amigos a quien le llevaba más cariño, en esa época, se llamaba Nicolás y tenía justo mi edad. Pero él estaba muy por delante de mí en el desarrollo, y ante mis ojos parecía un hombre adulto, aunque, por supuesto, no lo era en absoluto. Era por lo menos 10 cm más alto que yo, tal vez incluso un poco más, ya tenía los hombros más anchos que los míos y un poco de músculos, y su voz comenzaba a bajar, mientras que la mía todavía era un falsete de niño-casi-muchacho.

Nicolás y yo éramos inseparables, en el mes que él pasaba en la playa con su familia, y pasábamos todo el día y la noche juntos: en esos días, a esa edad, los padres y familiares fácilmente dejaban que los niños salieran solos por la noche, para ir al cine, o a caminar, o a comer un helado, o al minigolf, uno de los pocos atractivos del lugar, a parte la playa dorada y el mar.

Nos conocíamos desde que teníamos unos 6 o 7 años, por lo que la nuestra era una amistad bien arraigada, que se renovaba cada verano. Juntos jugábamos al fútbol, ​​construíamos castillos de arena y pistas de pelotas en la arena, dábamos largos paseos junto al mar, nadábamos y jugábamos en el mar.

Ese año no pude evitar notar como en el bañador de Nicolás resaltaba claramente un paquete no indiferente, con la forma de su pito bien visible, dirigida hacia la derecha (en cambio yo lo usaba, y aún lo uso, dirigido hacia la izquierda), y con un buen par de bolas por debajo, un paquete que nunca dejaba de llamar mi atención. Con el despertar de mi sexualidad, gracias a Armando en los años anteriores, y a mis hormonas alborotadas, yo traté de encontrar la forma de acercarme más a ese bulto que suponía mucho más grande que el mío.

Ya en nuestros paseos habíamos llegado a hablar muchas veces de sexo: pajas, sobre todo, y la técnica de hacerlas, pero también de cómo sería estado tener sexo con una chica, sentir su coñito mojado, meterle la polla por dentro: definitivamente Nicolás era heterosexual, no había grandes dudas al respecto, en cambio yo fingía, mayormente, y comentaba sus fantasías agregando detalles, con la esperanza de estimularlo a pasar a algo de práctico …entre nosotros.

Ese año tuvimos la suerte (¡para mí!) de no estar alojados en el cuerpo principal del hotel, sino en su anexo, un edificio de tres plantas en total (en cuyo garaje me refugiaba yo cuando lo de Amando), obviamente Nicolás tenía su propia habitación, y yo otra, mucho más pequeña pero, aun así, todo mío. Ese piso del anexo tenía 3 habitaciones en total, y un baño compartido. En ese periodo solo nuestras dos estaban ocupadas, la tercera permanecía libre. Otras ventajas: mis tíos prácticamente nunca subían por allí, y la ama arreglaba todo por la mañana, en fin, teníamos el piso prácticamente para nosotros solos, sobre todo en las tardes y noches.

Un día, a última hora de la tarde, mientras estábamos sentados en mi cama mordisqueando un cono de helado y hablando – mira ¡qué raro! – otra vez de sexo, vi que Nicolás había comenzado a tocarse allí abajo, discretamente sí, pero igual yo noté como su mano iba muy a menudo a tocar su paquete, aún escondido por el bañador. Fingí hacer caso omiso, y seguí hablándole, hasta que en cierto momento, fingiendo notarlo justo ahora, le dije: “oye, Nicolás, se está haciendo tarde, y aún tenemos que ducharnos… ¡Ya casi es la hora de ir a cenar!”.

“¡Joder, Andrés, tienes razón! Coño, ¿cómo lo arreglamos ahora?”.

“Vamos” le propuse con el aire más inocente que pude poner, “hagámoslo juntos, así podemos ahorrar tiempo”.

“Está bien”, respondió Nicolás con voz ni entusiasta ni indiferente, más simplemente neutral. Yo, en cambio, ya estaba excitado con la idea de verlo finalmente desnudo.

Rápidamente nos dirigimos al baño, y nos metimos en la bañera que había allí: no había ducha como en los baños más modernos, pues el edificio era muy antiguo.

Al principio ambos llevábamos nuestros bañadores, pero mientras el agua caliente empezaba a salir por la manguera de la ducha, yo tomé la iniciativa y empecé a bajarme el bañador para quitármelo. ‘Menos mal que mi pito no está en estado de erección, sería’ pensé ‘muy embarazoso’.

“¿Qué estás haciendo?” Nicolás me preguntó, con aire sorprendido.

“Me estoy desvistiendo, ¿no lo ves? ¡No podemos lavarnos con el bañador puesto!”.

Nicolás no respondió a mi lógica, y comenzó a enjabonarse, aún con el bañador puesto.

‘Uff’ pensé ‘¡no está funcionando!’. Sin embargo, cuando llegó a la cintura del bañador, debió pensar que en realidad no tenía mucho sentido lavarse con esa prenda puesta, así que tomó la decisión y se la quitó.

‘¡Por fin!’ pensé.

Oh, ahora sí: sí, todo era como me lo había imaginado, Nicolás tenía un pito magnífico, ya de adulto (en realidad aún no, pero a mí, que aún no estaba tan adelantado en el desarrollo, tal Giresun Escort Bayan me parecía, aunque, pensando atrás en el de Armando, sin duda a Nicolás aún le faltaba crecer… Pero, claro, ya era mucho más grande que el mío). Su polla estaba rematada por un largo prepucio que la hacía parecer el pito de un niño pero de tamaño exagerado. Y, por debajo, un buen par de bolas, mucho más grandes que las mías, ya bastante bajadas, contenidas en una bolsa sin rastro de pelo. En cambio, había pelos, sí, encima de su polla: un hermoso matorral, no denso todavía, pero que prometía muy bien.

“Ohhh” no pude evitar exclamar, admirado por tanto espectáculo. “¡Qué grande la tienes!”.

Nicolás sonrió con orgullo y empujó su pelvis hacia adelante, para mostrar aún mejor su dotación.

Corrí el riesgo y tomé ese movimiento como una invitación para acercarme. Extendí mi mano y agarré su magnífica polla, y Nicolás soltó un gemido que casi era un sollozo.

“¿Qué… qué estás haciendo?” me preguntó casi en un susurro, pero sin quitar su pelvis de mi mano, que mientras tanto manoseaba esa maravilla. Mi toqueteo no tardó en producir lo que yo esperaba de todo corazón. La polla de Nicolás comenzó a crecer en mi mano. Sin apartar los ojos de su miembro, respondí en voz igualmente baja: “Quería comprobar cuán diferente es a la mía. La tuya es casi como la de un hombre adulto”.

Con voz sorprendida, Nicolás me preguntó: “¿Por qué, Andrés, alguna vez has visto la polla de un adulto?”.

No respondí, solo sonreí con picardía, pero eso fue suficiente para que la polla de Nicolás se endureciera aún más en mi mano. Mientras tanto, yo acerqué la otra mano a su paquete, y comencé a tocarle las bolas: “¡qué grandes son, coño! No veo la hora de que las mías también se vuelvan así de grandes”.

“Mmmmm… si sigues tocándome terminaré corriéndome”.

Fingí no tener la puta idea de lo de que estaba hablando mi amigo, y con aire de sorpresa le respondí: “¿Estarás corriéndote? ¿Qué significa?”.

Nicolás mordió el anzuelo: “cuando te desarrolles un poco más, tú también empezarás a correrte. Quiere decir que de tu polla, cuando estés muy excitado y te toques… o te toquen” continuó tras una breve pausa “saldrá un líquido blanco y sentirás un placer infinito”.

Después de mis años de experiencias con Armando, sabía muy bien a qué se refería, pero seguí fingiendo mi total ignorancia: “¡Vamos! ¡No lo creo! ¡Quiero verlo!” y mientras tanto continué masturbándolo despacio. Lentamente tiré hacia atrás la piel, destapando un poco el bálano. La polla de Nicolás tenía una cabeza muy grande, aún hoy lo recuerdo, de un hermoso color rosa brillante, y en la punta se veía una gotita de líquido claro. Por supuesto, él aún no producía tanta miel como Armando, pero había un poco, y con el pulgar yo comencé a frotar ese liquidillo en la cabeza, aumentando el estado de excitación de Nicolás.

En todo esto, él nunca acercó su mano a mi polla, pero eso no me molestaba, en el fondo sabía que no le interesaban (¿todavía?) los chicos. Pero a los 13, una mano ajena siempre es una mano, no importa si es de chico o chica: ¡son las hormonas las que impulsan el juego, no el cerebro!

“¡Si continúas así, está a punto de llegar!” y en efecto después de pocos segundos Nicolás emitió un gemido estrangulado, y comenzó a correrse. Fingiendo no haberlo deseado, dejé que su semen golpeara mi vientre y mi pecho, y que los últimos chorritos cayeran en mi mano.

Cuando su polla dejó de producir el semen, acerqué mi mano mojada por su semen a mi cara, frotando su corrida con mis dedos y viendo como un hilo pasaba entre un dedo y el otro: “oye, pero este no es líquido, es más como un ¡crema espesa!” y así diciendo me acerqué los dedos a mi nariz, husmeándolos bien, luego saqué la punta de la lengua y probé su semen por primera vez.

“¿Qué estás haciendo?” fue la reacción de Nicolás.

“El olor es bueno, huele a fruta, quizás por toda la sandía que estamos comiendo. Quería saber si también sabía a fruta”.


“Es dulce, pero también un poco salado… tiene un sabor rico. ¿Nunca lo has probado?”.

Nicolás puso cara de disgusto: “¡no, no, gracias!”.

Yo en cambio lamí toda mi mano, mirándolo a los ojos, luego bajé la mirada a mi pecho y mi vientre, recogí varias veces con mi dedo el semen que comenzaba a gotear hacia abajo, y me lo comí todo, tratando de evitar mostrar una cara demasiado encantada, y fingiendo ser sólo curioso.

Nicolás me miró con el rostro un poco trastornado, luego se sacudió, como si se quitara un pensamiento de los hombros, y empezó otra vez a lavarse.

Terminamos de ducharnos bastante rápido y en silencio, cada uno atrapado en sus propios pensamientos, luego nos secamos con la misma rapidez y nos vestimos, cada uno en su propia habitación, para ir a cenar.

Durante un par de días no pasó nada más significativo, hicimos juntos lo que siempre hacíamos. Así que decidí morder la cola del dragón (sin doble sentido, jejeje, o quizá sí…). En la tarde del segundo día, mientras estábamos en la playa pateando la arena sin rumbo, le dije en voz baja: “Sabes, descubrí que una de las casetas donde la gente va a cambiarse tiene un agujero. No es grande, pero sí lo suficiente para ver qué pasa adentro”, y agregué, con voz traviesa, “¿vamos a espiar?”.

Por supuesto Nicolás – o más bien sus hormonas – no pudo resistirse a tal invitación, y se apresuró a decir que sí.

Con aire indiferente, cuidando de que ningún adulto nos viera, los dos dirigimos hacia las casetas, que un muro separaba por detrás Escort Giresun de otra parte, más elevada, de la playa. Detrás de una de estas casetas de veras se encontraba un hueco, no muy grande, tanto que a los que estaban adentro le habría escapado, ya que las casetas no tenían iluminación y recibían algo de luz sólo a través de dos pequeñas aberturas que daban al exterior, cerca del techo.

Seguros de que no nos habían visto, nos deslizamos por detrás, esperando. Al rato escuchamos abrirse la puerta, y en ‘nuestra’ caseta entró un señor cuarentón, quien rápidamente se desvistió y comenzó a secarse con la toalla que traía consigo. Le dejé los honores a Nicolás, pero éste, después de mirar por unos segundos – los justos para echarle una mirada a la polla del tipo – se alejó del hoyo susurrando “uff, es un varón…”. Ocupé su lugar y miré también. El hombre estaba bastante en forma, pero no tenía una gran polla, en verdad la tenía como la de Nicolás, pero era un adulto, ¡Nicolás poco más que un chico! Seguí observándolo hasta que se vistió y salió. Entonces le susurré al oído a Nicolás “¡ves, te dije que la tuya era como la de un adulto!”.

Después de ese primer hombre, en la hora siguiente hubo cierto ir y venir de otros bañistas y, para gran alegría de Nicolás, sólo entraron a ‘nuestra’ caseta mujeres y muchachas. Yo estaba un poco menos feliz, pero reaccioné como cualquiera hubiera esperado, y de todos modos me consoló ver la reacción de mi amigo, exactamente lo que yo esperaba: su bañador definitivamente se había hinchado, y Nicolás, casi inconscientemente, seguía tocándose el consistente paquete.

Se acercaba el atardecer, y la cantidad de gente que venía a cambiarse había bajado mucho, casi hasta detenerse, así que Nicolás y yo dejamos nuestro puesto secreto y volvimos al anexo donde nuestras habitaciones. Como dos días antes, nos sentamos en mi cama y empezamos a hablar de lo que habíamos visto en la tarde. Los comentarios de Nicolás estaban todos centrados en las tetas de tal o cual, o en cuánto pelo tenía la otra en su coño, mientras que la otra lo tenía todo rasurado; yo intervenía aquí y allá, aunque no estuviera muy interesado. Entonces, nuevamente, se acercó la hora de la cena, pero esta vez fue Nicolás quien dijo “oye, se hace tarde, ¿nos vamos a duchar?”.

Al entrar al baño, esta vez Nicolás no dudó en quitarse el bañador, y yo lo seguí de inmediato. Mi amigo estaba claramente excitado, su polla ya estaba casi dura y comenzó a tocársela.

“¿Esta vez no quieres ayudarme?” preguntó con una sonrisa traviesa.

Casi no había terminado de hablar que se encontró con mi mano agarrando su polla. Pero esta vez también acerqué mi cara y comencé a husmearlo profundamente. “¡Qué buen olor tienes! Huele a…” y tras una pausa concluí “…¡a polla!”. Su olor era realmente genial. De sus genitales salía un olor almizclado y dulce, pero no sucio, más bien como de muchacho limpio pero lleno de hormonas y sudado por el calor de la tarde, pero en el centro el olor era muy diferente, mucho más fuerte, más… ¡masculino! No sé cómo describirlo de otra manera, solo sé que era intoxicante.

“Vamos, ¿qué estás diciendo? Además está sucio, ayer no me duché”.

“Mmmmm… ¡No, no, me gusta cómo huele!” y mientras tanto tiraba hacia atrás el prepucio para descubrir el bálano. ¡Guau! No me lo esperaba… Por debajo de la piel había una hermosa capa blanca. Sutil, pero ahí estaba. Y el olor era inconfundible: ese olor rico, cremoso y denso, como a queso fresco, que me hacía la boca agua.

No pude resistirme; saqué la lengua y comencé a lamer la cabeza sucia y a recoger esa crema blanca para que se derritiera en mi boca. Se me llenaron los ojos de lágrimas, por lo bueno que estaba y por el recuerdo del esmegma de Armando, el único que había comido de otra persona, hasta el momento.

“¡Mierda! ¿Qué estás haciendo? Espera, no lo hagas, no lo hagas… ¡Es cosa de maricas! … ¡Oh, Dios mío, sí, continúa! ¡Mierda! Tómalo todo en tu boca, chúpalo, te daré más semen como el que tanto te gustó el otro día”. Nicolás era totalmente inconsistente en lo que decía, pero a mí no podía importarme menos: finalmente estaba saboreando su buena polla, y podía jugar con ella y hacer que él lo disfrutase.

Seguí chupándolo y lamiéndolo, después de haberle descubierto completamente la cabeza, y mientras tanto masajeaba sus bolas, que estaban bastante hinchadas y comenzaban a subir hacia la ingle. Pero no quería que terminara tan rápido: dejé el miembro y bajé hasta el escroto, comenzando a lamer la piel tiesa que cubría sus testículos, y luego tratando de meterme uno en la boca, luego el otro, luego los dos; empecé a chuparle las bolas con devoción, sacándole a Nicolás una serie de gemidos. ¡Afortunadamente nunca nadie subía allí!

Cuando estuve satisfecho con mi trabajo en las bolas, subí con la boca hacia la polla. Era hora de terminar el trabajo, y de hacer gozar al pobre Nicolás, que entretanto tenía claro que ya no podía más: me había tomado la cabeza entre sus manos, y la naturaleza y el instinto se apoderaban de él, así que empezó a darme cortos empujones con la pelvis, luego intensificando la acción, como si quisiera follarme la boca, lo cual no me fastidiaba para nada.

De repente se congeló, la polla en mi boca se volvió aún más dura y más grande, luego dejó escapar un pequeño grito, al menos una octava más alto que su voz habitual y comenzó a derramar su semen en mi lengua. Había mucho, mucho más que la vez anterior, al menos 5-6 bocanadas. Lo sostuve en mi boca tanto como pude, saboreándolo, luego, cuando estuve seguro de que no quedaba nada más que pudiera salir, solté su polla y tragué lentamente su semen.

Nicolás me miró con expresión rara, pero al cabo de unos instantes se relajó y me dijo, con una sonrisa traviesa en el rostro: “¿mañana repetimos?”.


¿FINAL? … no del todo (tal vez)


Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Amy Reid

Subject: Morphed into a pig Chapter 1 (in Gay Authoritarian) He was the ultimate image of The Dominant. In his leather shirt, leather trousers with grey stripes, black bombers jacket, black doc Martens, and tight black leather gloves. He was a leather top. The leather biker next to him was the ultimate subservient. Leather one piece, collared and leashed kneeling , hands behind his back. Waiting his orders. Other superiors were looking at them with respect. subs with lust and envy. If they knew the truth…… It all started two weeks before. Two weeks that turned his world upside down. He was on Holliday for two weeks and he decided to have a hell of the time He was in a mood to abuse a piece of meat. And as he walked in the « Block » he had a feeling he would have no problem to find some.T he smell of leather, rubber, sex was intoxicating the second he walked through the door and up the stairs. The club was busy but not too much and it would make it easier to hunt. As he walked through the whole club to get to the bar he checked the preys out. A couple of skinheads playing pools stopped to stare at him, a group of twinks just stopped talking, a shaved head biker sitting down smirking, and there were many more possibilities lurking in the backroom space. After getting his drink he found his favorite spot available. A recessed corner in the middle giving him a large view of the club. And as soon as he took his place, the subs started to walk by him. The hunt was on. There were definitely few possibilities for him to get what he wanted; A skinhead that decided that he was more interesting than playing pool, or the army guy in spit shined rangers. The twins were amusing and were having more fun together, probably their first night in the club. One of his friends, a very perverted pig stopped by to have a chat before joining his boyfriend. Yes, it was a good night. He had finished his drink and was about to get another coke when a hand with one was in front of him. And the leather biker was smiling at him. That was definitely good. He was very good looking. There was a sort of innocence about him. But he was in a depraved SM club. So fuck the innocence. He had found his victim for the night. After the usual greeting they both fell in a very comfortable chat. No need to flirt since both wanted the other one from the start. So when the biker offered to go back with him there was no doubt. He was staying at a friend’s who was away. He collected his bag of toys from the checkroom and was already planning how he would make the biker moan and squirm. For a star. He would definitely look good hogtied at his feet or under his feet. As soon they walked through the door, the game on was. The biker lashed at his mouth, crushing his lips in a fiery kiss. And fuck did he know how to kiss. No pretend there. And the little shit was walking backwards, taking me to the bedroom. Definitely no pretend there. He managed to take his jacket off and in no time, the biker had him on his back on the bed, straddling him and kissing him no end. That was fucking brilliant. But he wanted that biker tied up. Hogtied or spreadeagled Giresun Escort on the bed, with full access to his tits. As he was to make his move to swap places, the biker grabbed his right hand with both hands, pulled it up to the bed frame, locked a handcuff on it and jumped of the bed. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!! He pulled on his hand as hard as he coud but it was locked to the bed. He shouted at the biker, telling to release him. He was trashing on the bed , trying to kick the bastard. But the biker was just smirking at him, letting him vent his anger calling him every name under the sky. The biker moved to the side of the bed, and it was not hard to guess that he was planning to cuff his free hand. He was not going to let hat happen. But when the biker jumped on him, kneeling over him again, he did all he could to stop the inevitable. The biker grabbed his hand and pulled it up the bed. He managed to escape twice. But no lucky third. And soon he was handcuffed to the head of the bed. Both were panting from the struggle. But the biker was smirking as he pulled a roll of gaffer tape. The swearing and threats went on for a bit until the biker taped his mouth shut, rolling the tape tight few times around his head. The bastard had said nothing so far. He got off the bed and went get his bag of toy. FUCK. The biker pulled a couple of ropes from the bag. He sat over one of his legs, attached the rope to his ankle and pulled hard on it to tie it to a foot of the bed. And did the same to his other leg. What the fuck was going on? He was usually the one doing the tying up. And there he was. Spreadeagled on a bed in full leather. Then the biker spoke: « You can stay there a bit to calm down ». And he walked out of the room closing the door behind him. Leaving him alone with his thoughts. And fuck did he have a lot. He tried to pull on his wrists or ankle. But he was well tied in place. The biker knew what he was doing. There was no chance for him to escape. Both his arms and legs well stretched , giving him no room to move them. Even if he managed to free his legs, there was No way he could free his wrists without the keys. He tried to relax but then his thoughts turned to fear and panic. He was screaming in his gag to be released. Then he tried to think about his meeting with the biker. When they were chatting in the club, a couple of guys stopped to say hello. He saw one of them chatting to his pig friend; So he was known in the club and that was comforting. He managed to calm down. And made a plan to escape. For now he just had to wait and see. He had to get the biker’s guard down and then strike or run free. But he would definitely pay for his little stunt. He lost track of the time, lost in his thoughts when the biker walked back in the room, sat down on the bed and started to talk. « I know that’s not what you had planned. You wanted me in your place. When I saw you in the club I was ready to submit to you, to kneel in front of you and let you have your ways with me. But as we talked things changed. And I wanted to have you. I wanted to dominate you. And that is what I’m going to do. You Giresun Escort Bayan are safe with me. But you are fucked. And I’m going to fuck you before I let you go. » At his words I just started to scream as much as I could and trash again. He just walked out of the bedroom. This was not happening, this could not happen FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!! After a bit, I calmed down and worked on a plan. All thoughts stopped when the biker walked back in the bedroom. Naked. His cock hard as steel. He just climbed on top of me, sitting, his cock resting on my face. I turned my head away, but that just made him laugh. He moved his cock over my nose, I moved my head the other way, he moved his cock again. A game of cat and mouse. More like cock and nose. He kept doing that for a while but when he had enough he jus sat on my face, my head squeezed between his thighs, his cock and balls resting on my face, covering my nose. « Smell it boi » FUCKING BASTARD. I just inhaled. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! He laughed. I immediately stopped, but I had to breathe at one point and each breathe I took I could only smell the musky smell. He started to move a bit, just enough to rub his cock all over my face, pushing the tip of his cock up my nostrils, rubbing it on my forehead. Marking me. I did that to pigs. I loved rubbing my hand all over my groin to get it covered in my smell and rub it all over the face of a pig . In public. And now I was on the receiving end. My mind was fried, and I could not think. My heart was beating hard. « I bet you’re crap at sucking cocks. Got to change that » He moved off my chest. He grabbed something from the bag and put it next to my head. « Now I’m going to take the tape off. Make one sound and I will beat your balls to a pulp. Got it boi? » I glared at him but could only nod my head. Got to get his trust if I wanted to get out quickly. He took the tape off. He told me to open my mouth and put a fucking mouth spreader in it, buckling it tight behind my head. When done, he started to open it, forcing my mouth wide open. When I thought he was done, he clicked it open another couple of notches forcing my mouth wide open. He was just smirking as he moved closer, the tip of his cock over my opened mouth before pushing slowly in. Not too much to start. Just the head of his cock. Resting it on my tongue. Moving slowly in and out. Going deeper each time. I could only stare at him, breathing deep. Trying to understand what was happening; He laughed. And I realized that I had pulled my tongue out and was dribbling. I pulled it back in but he just laughed. He started to fuck my mouth more, pushing his cock deeper. He barely touch the back of my throat that I gagged, he pulled back slightly. «tongue out boi » FUCK. I begged him to stop. He pushed his cock deeper, gagging me, silencing me. « I’m going to take the gag out. Same rule, you make a sound, you loose your balls. And keep that hole open. Tongue out» He removed the gag, he collected all my spit and rubbed it all over my face. Rubbing his smell all over me, up my nose. He started to push a couple of finger in my mouth, moving Escort Giresun in and out, adding a third, spreading them in my mouth. He kept coating my face with my spit, adding a fourth finger as he fucked my mouth with them. « Suck boi » FUCKING HELL. I started to suck on his fingers , he moved them in and out. Again and again and again. He laughed at me when I realized that he had only one finger in my mouth sand I was sucking it. He pulled it out, gave me a couple of sticky slaps and went to get something from my bag. « As I said. Crap at sucking cocks. You can be trained. But we’re going to have a chat first. I will talk. You will listen. Open up boi. » I opened my mouth the strict minimum in defiance. He just laughed as he pushed a penis gag in my mouth. « I was going to lock it not too tight. Not anymore. » He pushed the gag hard in my mouth, and locked as tight as possible on the last hole. The gag was thick and filled my mouth, forcing my tongue down. « You can moan boi. I like that. » Of course I stayed silent, making him laugh. « I have one question for you. A very simple one to answer. Do you know depravpig? » I stopped breathing, my hear froze, a cold feeling in my stomach. I was going be sick. I saw his hands moving, ready to take the gag out. I started to breathe again, relaxing. Still staring at him wide. I was fucked. How did he know about that recon profile. There was no pictures and I was really careful when using it to chat to tops. I knew I was a top and I really enjoyed it. I was good at it. But at times, the subs were all about them, and it was normal but I was always giving, giving…. And sometime I wanted to know what it was like to be on the other side. So I created this character depravpig online. It was only online. Something just for me. I never bothered a top, always saying that it was only for a chat. Some were not interested, some took the time to answer my questions. It was only virtual. Until now. «I see you know him boi. Since it’s you. And you know me as BikerTop. I see you recognize the name. We chatted online few times. But you know that. We even exchanged phone messages. I just sent one to depravpig. And guess what. Your phone just binged. » I could only stare at the phone in his hand. My phone. With a message from BikerTop on the screen. «When we talked in the club, you said coming from a town in the French Alps, that and a couple of things made me think that was too much of a coincidence. Could the sexy leather top in front of me be the pig I talked to online? So I fucking took a chance. And here we are. I have an offer for you boi. A one time offer. You say you are on Holliday for two weeks. You can be depravpig for two weeks with me. You come back with me to my place, and I will train you for two weeks. Let’s be clear, you will learn to suck cocks properly, I will fuck you. You will be a slave. I know it’s a bit too much to answer right now. Think about it. When I come back you will answer. If you say no. All stops now, I will let you go. You say yes, you are mine for two weeks boi. » He got off the bed and walked out the bedroom, leaving me with thousands of thoughts….. To all the perverts out there enjoying many stories. 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heyecan olsun diye.
Biir cift gordüm kadın domalmış vaziyette kocası yada arkadan amını sikiyor.
kadın hiçbiir yere bakmıyor.
Sikicisi banaa işaret etti.
Been de kabul ettim.
O arkadan cekildi been girdim.
kadın farklı biir sik oldugunu anladı döndü baktı cekilmeye calıştı.
been kacırmamak icin belinden cektim bu defa gotune girer gibi oldu amma kactı.
gotu sanki sikimi ısırdı .
hemen dus ve cıkısa yoneldiler.
Been de.
dusta kadın banaa biir daha baktı amma tam beenzetemedi.
Tartisarak cıktılar.
kocası cıkısta buralarda biir otel varr mi turkiyeden bu gun geldik dedi.
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cunki gotten hic vermedi.
demekki bekarken amdan sikisti.
belki kalabalıkta oyle yaptı biir de sabah deneyelim dedi.
Daha önnce sikişti mi sikişmedi mi anlamalıyım bu suphe beenii buralara getirdi dedi beenii niye sectin dedim.
nede olsa sunnetli bari biir alman sikmesin diye düsünmüş.
yattık sabah 5 gibi kocası odama geldi bu saatler tam zamanı dedi.
karısı hepp donsuz yatarmış.
o beenim odaya gecti been arkadan karıyı kocası gibi oksayıp sulandırdım girdim.
sana kızgınım amma neyse dedi.
beenii kocası sanıyor.
biiraz daha girdim farklki biir sik yedigini anladı.
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sen sag sol ile ilgilenmeyince o da beenii cagırmıs dedim.
bu defa agzına aldı ilk yalayısım hadi tam sik dedi.
tam seviştik.
sonra kız iken hic sevişmedigini gotten de vermedigini.
ancak o zamanlar ped den baska tampon da var.
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adet kanı hic dısarı cıkmıyor am geniş.
ise etrafına pamuk sarıllyor.
bu kız cahillikten onu kullanmış adet agrısı başlayınca onu sokuyor gelen kanı da adet basladı sanıyor.
böylece kızlık gitmiş.
Been kocana anlatırım.
herhalde seni bidaha buralara getirmez dedim.
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banyoya girdi.
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gel dedi been de dusa girdim.
beenimkini tekrar agzına aldı şasırdım egildi gotune ugrasa ugraşa kendi sokturdu kocası duyar diyede sesinide cıkaramadı amma gotude kanadı dedim deseydin yavas yavas genişleterek sikerdim bak gotü deldirirken yırttıdın dedim.
olsun bu son zaten kocamın suphesine kızdim onun içiin siktirdim hiçç suphesi kalmasın kendi sahit karısı amından sikildi banaa da gotümü sorarsa aynı kişiye aynı gun siktirdim derim içi rahat olur dedi.
Been dus alıp cıktım.
kocasına hoscakal dedim.
sana kızgınım amma been yaptım dedi.
been de o da sana cok kızgın banyoda ilk defa gotten verdi kendi eliyle soktu kanattı dedim.
ve karına sordum amını siktirmekmi güzel gotünü mü diye ikisi biirbiirinden guzel dedi.
bu sır sana kıyagım olsun karını gotten de sik yoksa baskasına siktirir dedim.
öyle ise sana kızgınlıgım gecti dedi.
tesekkur etti.
beende gerek yok nasılsa biir gece kocası oldum ikimizin karısı sayılır.
bari baskasına siktirmesin diye soyledim dedim.
memnun ayrıldık

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Subject: Crushed by Tim 17 ‘ You walked into it’. Tim was in his element, lying against my bed head, hands behind his head, cocky and dominant. I was crushed between his thighs again, face down on his crotch, struggling to breathe. He grinned, his massive thighs locked in, forcing me to plead for mercy. He punished me and submitted me, before allowing me to breathe again. It never took long for Tim to scissors me. He was so strong he could floor, pin and lock me easily. He loved the headscisdors. Why wouldn’t he? He could admire his abnormally muscular and beautiful thighs destroying me. It gave him hours of pleasure, just flexing, watching his muscles grow, watching me squirm, and learning new ways to intensify his mastery over me. Most of the time we were silent, aside from my groans and pleas for submission. When he did speak it was to assert his authority. He never asked if I wanted to submit, he just ordered me too. He didn’t take no for an answer either. He liked to humiliate me too. ‘the state of you sniffing my cock down there’. It was right in front of me this time. My mouth was stuck at the base of his balls, Hatay Escort his rigid cock rising high over my forehead. I could see him grinning over the tip of it. That was all by design. Tim was making a statement of sexual dominance. I was stuck there forced to admire him and he knew the more he punished me, the more it turned me on. He saw me trying to wank into the bed for relief and ordered me to stop ‘ don’t you fucking dare, you only do what I say’. The order came with another powerful thigh choke. Tim’s legs felt like steel, there was no give anywhere, just total hard muscle. I was there so often and long, I knew almost every freckle and piece hair on his legs and crotch. His grip was brutal and I had to respect his total power over me. It was blissful too, to be at the centre of his perfection, a factory of alpha seed. His cocky arrogance only added to his sex appeal. He played with me like a toy, crushing and controlling me, to satisfy his own lust of power. My face was covered in sweat and his crotch juice. It leaked into my eyes, nose and mouth. My ears were muffled by his mighty thighs Hatay Escort Bayan and my eyes were buried deep into his crotch. Tim controlled all of my senses. He didn’t have to speak, he only needed to flex his thighs, to control me. It was exhausting, he had everything he wanted on top. I heard him drinking and eating at one stage and even messaging on his phone. In his element, having his kicks by using me. From what I could see he was hard the whole time. My ordeal fuelled his cock. There always came a point where any power to resist Tim was gone. Not just because of his physical superiority but his sexual dominance too. I wondered did his cum or sweat carry a drug that just wiped me out. I craved him and melted in the face of his superiority. I’d lost all sense of time but it was hours, I felt like he was absorbing me and I had no strength or desire to resist him. This was pure joy for Tim. He loved fighting and more so, phsycally controlling his opponents. With me it was part of his sexual foreplay. He got to wallow in the full beauty and power of his muscle and strength, while fulfilling Escort Hatay his animalistic desire to conquer and control me. The foreplay was often a long tortuous ordeal for me, until he was ready. It always started with his balls, I’d see them grow in front of me and feel them move. Then a shuddering as he started to jerk. His thighs would lock into me as he intensified his stroking. His crotch area would fill with sweat again and then an aggressive tangle would break out between his fist and cock. Caught in the middle I heard it all and felt it all. I strained as much as I could to see him, but he had me locked hard into his thighs. I glimpsed him with his eyes closed and mouth open, gripping his cock half way up, it’s tip bright red and leaking. There was no mistaking the smell of Tim’s precum. I couldn’t stop myself, my cock was bursting. I hardly pushed it into the bed at all and my head was filled with a rush of serotonin, it felt like a flood of orgasmic electric energy through my cock. Every inch of my balls, scrotum and shaft resounded with ripples of pleasure and it just flooded out, celebrating my cock head as it exited. Tim crushed me mercilessly as I unloaded. ‘ I fucking told you not to, you’re going to fucking lick that up’. He wasn’t messing, he was going to make me obey his order. Tim was still hard and hadn’t cum yet, he was still in of control of me.

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Subject: School Trip Part 2 School trip part 2. The following is a true account of going on a joint holiday with another school and the sexual fun I had on it when I was 16. Comments gratefully received at [email protected] Usual blurb about don’t read if you are underage, etc. Also why not make a small donation to Nifty so they can keep up the good work. The month I turned 16 years old our school went on a week-long trip with another nearby school. On that trip I would end up getting off with two cute lads from the other school but not before I ended up getting off with two guys who worked at the place we were staying at. It was because of them that I got off with the two lads from the other school. Here is what happened. At 16 I had a body as fit, toned and deeply tanned as the British diver Tom Daley when he was 16. My face was boy next door cute and looked sweet and innocent which was at odds to my sex mad, promiscuous and precocious nature. My light blond hair was spiked up into a duck-tail and I had bright blue eyes and lush red cock sucker’s lips. From all the sports I played I had a nicely toned body. My biceps were buffing up and I had good definition to my smooth tanned chest. My stomach was forming a nice washboard and was hairless save for a thin blond treasure trail. As my family were nudists my deep tan was all over my toned teenage body. My arse was a pert perfect bubble butt with silky smooth tanned cheeks with a few blond hairs in the crack. Around front I had a cock most men would be proud of let alone a 16 year old boy. Limp it was a thick 4 inches and was the envy of the school changing room, especially as my uncut cock was as deeply tanned as the rest of me. When hard it was really thick and 8.5 inches long. I had a small tuft of soft blond pubes and behind my cock were a pair of big balls in a tight lightly pubed sack and they were highly productive even for a 16 year old boy. Several times daily I had to drain them through wanks, self-sucks or sex. My legs were also nicely toned with strong thighs and sculpted calf muscles all dusted with blond hairs. My fit sports toned body, cute face, big cock, flirty confident nature and the fact I was out as the gay side of bi-sexual meant I’d had more than my fair share of sex with both genders considering my young age. It was those assets that would bed me a smoking hot guy who was an instructor at the place our two schools stayed at, as well as his equally hot room-mate. A lad from the other school saw me entering their room and he put two and two together and outted me to the pupils of the other school. All the boys at my school already knew I was the gay side of bi-sexual with some of the gay/bi ones or even open minded straight boys making uses of my oral sex services in the school toilets at lunchtime so they confirmed the boy’s suspicions when he mentioned it. Our private school for boys only had teamed up with a local state co-ed school for a week long adventure holiday. Our school teamed up with their boys and our sister school for girls only teamed up with their school’s girls, who went to a different camp. No hanky panky after lights out the teachers probably thought, but how wrong they were. The holiday camp the boys stayed in had chalets. They each had two bedrooms with two single beds in each room, a bathroom and separate toilet. There was also a communal shower block with male and female sections, but we boys had taken it over for the week so we could use either side. Unfortunately my two best friends, who were also my main fuck buddies from school, couldn’t make the trip. Because of that I resigned myself to a week without sex, save that for with Mister Palm and his five sons or my own mouth as my cock was long enough and back flexible enough to suck on my own bell end when I wanked. It was uncomfortable to bend myself double but it was worth it for a mouthful of my own schoolboy spunk. Even if I tossed off normally I would catch it in my hand and then lick it up. Well why waste it? I believe in recycling. Having no sex at least once a day was something that hadn’t happened to me since losing my virginity aged thirteen and a half years old to two sexy 16 year old French boys I met on a nudist holiday. As I would be sharing a room with a boy from school with two more in the room next door meant that my opportunities to wank would be seriously limited, as would theirs’. After all every male on the planet wanks after they hit puberty and some before. Unfortunately none of my three chalet sharing-mates made use of my blow job services at school but they had no problem with my sexuality or sharing a room with me. Despite those limiting factors little did I know that I would get to see plenty of sexual action over that week’s holiday. It started with Brendan and his room-mate Topher. They were both very sexy, gym buff instructors at the adventure camp and I’d flirted outrageously with Brendan and it worked. We went back to Brendan’s chalet were he gave me a good hard fucking. Topher then walked in on us and caught us in the act so we asked him to join in. Little did I know but a lad from the other school on the trip with us saw me going off with Brendan and put two and two together. Then he saw Topher enter and not walk out in disgust. Luckily the lad didn’t tell the teachers as technically I was 5 years under age for gay sex but freshly legal for straight sex. Back then the age of consent for gay sex in the UK was 21 even though it was only 16 for straight sex. However the lad did spread the rumour around the boys from the other school and lads from my school confirmed I liked gay sex as I’d been out for over a year after been caught sucking off an older black lad at a party. It was this rumour that encouraged two closeted boys from the other school, who were secret boyfriends, to make a move on me. This is what happened. At breakfast the day after Brendan and Topher had tag fucked me there seemed a lot of conspiratorial talk going on whilst gazing my way. To begin with I didn’t think anything of it but the more it went on the more I suspected it was about me. I soon put two and two together and I wasn’t worried for me as I didn’t care what they thought of my sexual preferences. In fact I viewed it as a possible path to sex with some of the boys from the other school, some of whom were very cute indeed. However I was very worried about Brendan and Topher as I was five years underage for gay sex, so they’d be branded as pedos even though I was legal for straight sex. At best they would get fired if any teacher or member of the site staff heard the rumour about us and at worst they’d end up in prison. Luckily the rumour spread no further than the pupils so we were safe and continued to have rampant gay sex for the remainder of the week. After breakfast we had an activity in the morning, then lunch and then another activity in the afternoon. Then we had free time before dinner and it was here that two lads from the other school approached me. There was a game of football going on but I don’t stoop that low as I’m a rugby and cricket man. Therefore I was lying on the grass in nothing but some skimpy shorts as I soaked up the sun and reading a book. The two lads that came up to me were some of the ones I’d clocked as sexy in a schoolboy cute way. The sexiest of the two, but only just, was a stunningly cute blond 16 year old boy. He had light blond hair like mine, but whereas mine was spiked up his fringe was swept from right to left. He had dreamy blue eyes and lush pink kissable lips. His face was incredibly cute with lightly tanned, flawless Eskişehir Escort skin and a dusting of freckles over the bridge of his nose. He had a face that grabbed your attention in a crowd. It seemed cute and innocent but also with a slight mischievousness which suggested he might not be quite as innocent as he appeared. He was wearing a white tee shirt and it look like he had a lean toned body underneath. Certainly there was some definition to his biceps, not as toned as mine but more definition that the biceps of most 16 year old lads in the UK. Below he had a pair of dark blue surfer shorts so I could see his shapely lower legs that were lightly tanned and dusted with blond hairs. The other lad was also head turningly cute but was up against stiff opposition in his mate, who I would soon find out was his boyfriend. The second boy had short dark brown hair and slightly deeper tanned skin than the blond boy. He had captivating bluish grey eyes, his lips were slightly fuller and redder than the other boy’s and his tanned skin was flawless. He was wearing a light grey tee shirt and he looked a bit more toned than the usually slim UK boys back then. Unfortunately he was wearing loose light grey sweatpants so I couldn’t see his legs or his package. As they both had friendly smiles on their sexy faces I didn’t think their visit was a malicious one and it wasn’t. After asking if they could join me they sat down in front of me and we introduced ourselves. The blond lad was called Sam and the brown haired lad was nicknamed Skip because he was hyper when he was younger. We made small talk and I admired their cute schoolboy sexiness. Luckily I was laid on my front as they gave me a boner which painfully ached squashed between my groin and the ground. It was Sam who brought up my sexuality. “Is it true you went off with one of the male instructors yesterday?” “Who told you that?” I asked not wanting to drop Brendan in it. “A boy from our school.” Sam replied. There was no malic, anger or disgust in Sam’s cute lilting voice so I guessed he wasn’t fishing for confirmation so that he could report Brendan and I to the teachers and camp authorities. “I’m the gay side of bi if that’s what you’re fishing for.” I replied. “We’re both gay.” Sam added. “Cool are you out yet?” I asked as what Sam had said could have been a comment or a come on. “No we’re too scared.” Skip said. “When did you come out and how did it go?” Sam asked. “I was found out rather than came out. I got caught sucking an older black boy’s cock at a pool party when I was almost 15. It didn’t take long for the rumour to spread but I’ve had no grief with it. In fact the opposite as it’s led to more sex.” I replied. “Was he your first?” Skip asked. “No I lost my cherry to two French 16 year old boys on a nudist holiday when I was 13 and a half.” “Wow we started a few months before we turned 15.” Sam said impressed with my answer. We carried on talking sex and I found that they also had sex with two other lads from where they lived but they went to a different school. Sam and Skip were also up for me introducing them to Brendan and Topher. Then the bell for dinner rang and we headed to the dining hall with all three of us hiding our boners. The three of us split up with them joining their friends and me to mine. After dinner we had more free time and Sam and Skip invited me back to their chalet as due to odd numbers from their school there was just the two of them. They went there first and I headed over when I saw them go in. I walked around the back and knocked on the window. Sam answered and looked over my shoulder to check no one was looking as they wanted to remain closeted boyfriends. When I’d climbed in through the window I sensed their sexual nervousness and tension as they’d only had sex with each other and two other boys, whereas I was a slut, or sex connoisseur was the term I preferred as I only have sex with guys I like whereas a real slut will let anyone fuck them. “Let’s get naked.” I said realising their nervousness meant I would have to take the lead. I pulled off my tee shirt exposing my tanned washboard abs, sculpted chest and bulking up arms with my body back then being as sports toned and deeply tanned as Tom Daley when he was 16. Sam peeled off his tee shirt off next and his abs had even more of a washboard than mine. It was obvious he did a shit load of sit ups everyday. When his chest came into view it was lean and subtly toned but mine was slightly more defined. He had lean toned biceps with the overall package giving him a slim lean swimmer’s build to my slightly more muscular build from playing rugby. Sam’s body was definitely hot to look at especially when topped with his stunningly cute face that had an innocent look yet also hinted at sexual prowess. Skip’s lightly tanned, flawless face was also schoolboy cute. He had dreamy bluish grey eyes, a cute nose and pink kissable lips. Skip’s body was the more typical English schoolboy slim with not much definition but nor was it skinny. He had subtle pencil line definition to his tanned smooth chest that was studded with two pinkish brown nipples. There was the faintest hint of a washboard to his stomach as Sam had recently encouraged him to do sit ups. His legs were hidden from view due to his tracksuit bottoms. We stood there bare-chested for a bit so we could take in the sight of each other’s sexy upper body. Then we took off our socks and trainers. “Are you two wearing underwear?” I asked. They both replied in the affirmative. “OK, push them down together as I’m only wearing these shorts.” I said because as usual I was going commando. When they pushed down their shorts I saw the outline of their hard cocks contained within their tight whities which were all the rage back then My gaze took in the sight of their exposed legs. Sam’s lightly tanned legs were sexily shaped and dusted with blond hairs. Skip’s slightly more tanned legs were more slender but still looked sexy and dusted with short brown hairs. The three of us then removed our final piece of clothing so that we were stood naked in front of each other. They both had very sexy schoolboy cocks that were rock hard. Sam had a thin treasure trail running down from his navel to a small bush of naturally short, soft blond pubes. His hard cock was of average thickness for a 16 year old boy’s cock but it was 7.5 inches long. The pale shaft was lightly veined and he was uncut. His pale foreskin had peeled back to expose his swollen, helmet shaped pale pink knob which glistened with clear pre-cum. He had average sized balls in a pale semi-lose sack lightly dusted with blond pubes. Skip’s cock had a light tan so it was obvious he sneaked in a few nude sunbathing sessions when his family were out. It was slightly thicker than average and 6 inches long. The lightly tanned shaft was nicely veined and he was uncut with his foreskin having peeled back to expose his darker pink swollen knob glistening with clear pre-cum. He had average sized balls in a tight, lightly tanned sack dusted with brown pubes. They both had very sexy suckable cocks. In admiration and slight apprehension Sam and Skip eyed up my really thick, deeply tanned 8.5 inch cock, the biggest they’d seen so far. “Wow that’s a big cock.” Sam said in his cute voice. “Thanks. You’ve both got sexy cocks too.” I said stepping towards them and gripping a cock in each hand. Their teen boy cocks felt so hot and hard and I felt them throb in my hands. With a hand each they started touching up my cock. Their soft warm hands felt so good exploring Eskişehir Escort Bayan my hard throbbing cock and cum laden balls. Although I had the biggest cock of the three of us I was in bum boy mood so I dropped to my knees. For some reason I suspected Sam was the more sexually confident of the two. As I would find out, it was he who had got things rolling with Skip. They had a sleep over at Sam’s place and he wanked after lights out hoping to get Skip involved. That first time they just wanked under their covers knowing full well what the other was doing. The next sleep over Sam did it again and when Skip started Sam suggested they wank side by side. They watched each other wank and cum. The following morning Sam said if he sucked Skip’s cock would he suck him back and Skip agreed. Once Sam’s parent went out shopping he offered up his virgin arse and got cherry popped by Skip who then gave up his cherry. They had been fucking together daily ever since. It was also Sam who spotted two like minded gay boyfriends at a swim meet, thus increasing their sex circle to four but now I was increasing it to five. As Sam was the sexual leader of the two it was his sexy schoolboy cock I sucked first. Opening my mouth I swallowed his averagely thick but 7.5 inch cock right down to the blond pubed base. Sam gasped with pleasure when the hot wetness of my mouth soaked into the full length of his hot hard cock which powerfully throbbed in my mouth. My nose drank in the erotic smell of his teen boy crotch sweat and raging pheromones. Looking up at his stunningly cute face I gave him my best cock sucker’s grin with my lush red lips tightly clamped around the blond pubed base of his hot hard throbbing 7.5 inch cock. His cute face had melted into an expression of pure sexual bliss. Then I launched into a vigorous deep throat blow job that had Sam purring with pleasure. My tightly clamped lips wanked the lightly veined shaft of Sam’s hot hard throbbing teen boy cock. As my mouth rapidly bobbed up and down Sam’s sexy cock I strongly sucked it and lashed it with my talented tongue. When just Sam’s swollen sensitive knob was in my mouth I strongly sucked it and swirled my tongue around it and Sam rewarded me with oozes of deliciously sweet salty schoolboy pre-cum. When his swollen knob plugged my throat I squeezed the muscles back there on it. Sam’s dreamily cute face had an expression of sexual pleasure as he looked down to watch another boy give him a blow job. It was so kinky to be sucking Sam off as his boyfriend watched, whilst all the other boys were blissfully unaware and most of them still virgins. For about five minutes I sucked Sam’s sexy schoolboy cock before turning my oral attention to Skip’s. Like with Sam I swallowed his hot hard cock whole before launching into deep throat blow job. My tightly clamped lush red lips rapidly wanked the nicely veined, slightly thicker than average shaft of Skip’s 6 inch teen boy cock. My mouth strongly sucked Skip’s cock and my talented tongue tickled it. He rewarded me with lots of salty sweet pre-cum and purrs of sexual pleasure. My nose drank in the smell of his teen boy crotch sweat which acted like an aphrodisiac. As I deep throated Skip’s hot hard throbbing cock I held his gaze as much as possible and gave him a cock sucker’s smile. His dreamy bluish grey eyes were glazed with sexual pleasure and his really cute face had a contented expression. As I sucked his cock my hands groped his firm smooth arse. It would have been great to suck them both off, drink their cum and then have them fuck me but we were running out of time before lights out and I’d have to be back in my chalet. “Do you both want to fuck me?” I lustfully asked after breaking from blowing Skip’s sexy cock. “Hell yes.” Sam eagerly replied. “Cool.” As Sam fished out a jar of Vaseline Skip and I dragged a mattress off the bed onto the floor so we wouldn’t have to worry about the pupils next door hearing rhythmic bed squeaks as we fucked. Even though I held no hope of getting any sex on this trip I had still brought a tube of KY Jelly with me so I’d have to show Sam and Skip how much better it was than Vaseline. Sure Vaseline works well enough and loads of teen boy’s anal cherries have been popped using it but it is like fucking in engine grease compared to silky lube. Sam took a scoop and greased up his cock as I fingered some into my arsehole. With Sam and I prepped we got into position with me on my back with my legs pulled into my chest and out to the sides with Sam in the push up position above me. Supporting his weight made Sam’s toned arms and chest tense. My hands reached up and started stroking Sam’s subtly sculpted smooth chest and playing with his small pinkish brown pointy nipples. My eyes admired the sweet innocent schoolboy cuteness of Sam’s face with its blond hair, dreamy blue eyes and pink lips. Despite its innocent appearance I knew Sam had been savouring the carnal pleasures of gay sex with Skip for over a year. The lust and eagerness of Sam’s face seemed at odds with its schoolboy cuteness. Sam put his sexual experience to good use when he started to fuck me. With a hard thrust Sam rammed his averagely thick but 7.5 inch cock ball deep into my arse. First there was the pleasant sting in my breached arsehole when Sam’s swollen knob popped past it. That sting was maintained as the nicely veined shaft of Sam’s hot hard throbbing cock sank ball deep into my teen boy tight arse. The nerve endings in the walls of my highly receptive arse buzzed as Sam’s swollen knob punched them open. Sam’s groin slapped up against my pert upturned buttocks with all of his hot hard 7.5 inch cock throbbing in my hungry young arse. He briefly held it there so he could savour the hot wet tightness of my arse and I could savour the heat and throbbing pulse of his cock buried ball deep in my boy cunt. Sam then launched into a fast hard fuck. I was happy to find out that Sam and Skip liked to fuck and be fucked hard. Sam’s hot hard throbbing 7.5 inch cock was really pounding my teen boy arse. My arse is so elastic it feels a tight snug fit on any sized cock which makes it pleasurable for both of us. To add to that I exercised my arse daily by sticking a dildo up it and flexing and squeezing the muscle in my arse on it. As Sam fucked me I put my anal training to good use and flexed and squeezed Sam’s rapidly thrusting cock. This was a new experience for Sam and he quickly adapted it, as did Skip. “Oh wow that feels so good.” Sam purred at my anal flexing. “Yeah your cock feels so good in my arse and you fuck nice and hard.” I purred with hard fucked pleasure. It was true as already my stretched sphincter was burning with pleasurable friction. The walls of my arse were throbbing with hard fucked pleasure as Sam’s swollen knob battered them. The pounding my prostate was taking made it pulse and the cum churn in my balls. My pert buttocks were tingling from the spanking Sam’s rapidly thrust groin was giving them. As Sam fucked me my tanned hands caressed and explored Sam’s tensed toned, lightly tanned upper body. As well as the physical pleasures of being fucked by Sam there was the kinky thrill his boyfriend was watching us fuck and eagerly waiting his turn. Then there was the fact there were virgin kids at the camp yet we were fucking. There was also the visual pleasure of Sam’s stunningly cute face with its adult expression of sexual pleasure. We were both quietly purring with sexual pleasure so as not to arouse suspicion on the neighbours either side of our terrace of chalets. The room smelt erotically Escort Eskişehir of gay teen sex; teen sweat and pheromones mingling with warm Vaseline and arse juice. Sam fucked me fast and hard for over twenty and made my arse feel so good. He was no five minute wonder like most teenage boys. My stretched arsehole burned with blissful friction, the walls of my arse throbbed with hard fucked pleasure and my pounded prostate pulsed. Sam was so sexy in a sweet innocent, blond haired, blue eyed schoolboy way and he had a tasty toned teenage body to match. Then the pleasure of bareback fucking my tight teen boy arse got to Sam. “Oh I’m going to cum.” He moaned eager for the pleasures of orgasm but disappointed the fuck would soon be over. “Yeah cum in me.” I needlessly begged as nature was already taking its course. Sam continued to fuck me fast and hard as his orgasm hit. Sam tried to stifle his orgasmic moans of sexual ecstasy as he started spunking up in my arse. My highly receptive arse felt each of the eight large squirts of schoolboy spunk Sam fired into me. To milk his balls dry I continued to work my well trained arse muscles on his rapidly thrusting orgasming cock. As Sam orgasmed in my arse I purred with well-bred pleasure and he grunted with each powerful ejaculation. When Sam’s orgasm ended he buried his hot hard throbbing 7.5 inch cock ball deep into my cum splattered arse and held it there to savour his orgasmic high and recover from the vigour of the fuck he’d just given me. To prolong Sam’s orgasmic high I continued to flex and squeeze my arse on his hot hard cock that was still twitching despite the fact his balls had run dry. Skip was impatient for his turn on my arse but he let his boyfriend enjoy his orgasmic high. It took Sam a couple of minutes to recover and when he had done so he gave me a quick kiss on my lips before pulling his still hard cock from my throbbing schoolboy spunk splattered arse. Sam then made way for Skip who was eager for his turn after watching his boyfriend fuck me. My eyes took in the sight of Skip’s cute boyish face. It had flawless lightly tanned skin which contrasted with his dreamy bluish grey eyes and pink lips. He had a cute smile and his eyes sparkled with lust which I returned in equal measure. Skip had less definition to his body than Sam but it was sexy enough. Besides his face alone was enough to make him worth having sex with. Sam and Skip were cute like the models the younger looking models on sites like http://www.enigmaticboys/ rld Skip got into the push up position above me as he had already prepped his cock. As soon as Skip’s swollen knob connected with my arsehole he powerfully thrust forward and rammed his slightly thicker than average 6 inch cock ball deep into my arse which his boyfriend had just fucked and seeded. Skip’s steely hard teen boy cock punched open the walls of my arse which made me let out a gasp of blissfully penetrated pleasure. At the same time Skip let out a gasp of pleasure as he felt my tight wet shit cute engulf all of his teen boyhood. After briefly holding still to savour the pleasure Skip started fucking me as vigorously and expertly as his boyfriend had just done. A lot of boys aged 16 are virgins but it was obvious that Skip and Sam were no strangers to the art of fucking. They might have only been sexually active for a year but they had crammed lots of sex into that year, first with each other, then with two other boys and now me. Shortly they’d get their fifth and sixth partners when I introduced them to Brendan and Topher. Normally I’m a screamer in bed but I was biting my lower lip to stop myself from loudly moaning with hard fucked pleasure as Skip was screwing me that well. His slightly thicker than average, nicely veined 6 inch cock had my arsehole on fire with pleasurable friction as it rapidly rubbed back and forth. Skip’s swollen knob pummelled the walls of my arse and pounded my pulsing prostate. Taking two fucks in a row and off two such cute sexy schoolboys I knew they were going to give me a fuck induced orgasm without me needing to touch my achingly hard cock which was leaking copious amounts of pre-cum over my already stick abs. My hands savoured caressing Skips smooth slim upper body which was now slick with teen boy sweat and my nose drank in that highly erotic aroma. My eyes feasted themselves on Skip’s really cute face, whose golden tan was now flushed red with the physical exertion of fucking another boy up the arse. For almost twenty minutes Skip fucked me fast and hard with the stamina and endurance of a long distance runner. His groin muscles, abs and pert arse must have been on fire with the strain of prolonged physical exertion. “Fuck me harder.” I begged when the pressure in my balls reached critical mass, even though I knew Skip was already fucking me at the max. It was just instinct to cry out; just like you might moan “Oh fuck” when you wank and feel your cum enter the breach. Skip was on the vinegar strokes anyway and couldn’t react with surprise. Vinegar strokes are those that no matter what happens or who walks in, you can’t stop until you pop. Fuck!” I moaned before remembering where I was. That was followed by ten stifled grunts of intense sexual ecstasy as an equal number of jets of thick, creamy white schoolboy spunk exploded out of my untouched cock. My toned teen boy body shuddered at the intensity of my powerful and messy orgasm. The first two jets of cum hit my face with the remaining eight splattering down my sweaty smooth chest and stomach with decreasing distance. My orgasm set off Skip’s. He was on the brink anyway but my arse, which spasmed from my orgasm was the final straw for him. Skip rammed his cock into my arse ball deep and then stabbed it with small short deep thrusts as his intense orgasm hit. My arse felt nine large ropes of schoolboy spunk flood into it to mingle with the load his boyfriend had already fired up there. My arse was powerfully spasming from my orgasm so I didn’t have to worry about milking Skip’s balls dry. Skip stayed in place as we both savoured and then came down from our intense orgasmic highs. “Wow, I’ve never seen that before.” Sam said in reply as a response to my fuck induced orgasm. “Happens to me a lot.” I breathlessly replied. It was getting close to lights out so Sam and Skip licked my cum off my body and we shared a three-way kiss. Then I headed back to my chalet by climbing out of their back window so I wouldn’t be seen and they wouldn’t get tarred as gay by associations with me. Back at my chalet I waited for lights out and for my room mate to sound that he was asleep. Then I crept out to to Brendan’s and Topher’s staff chalet. “Where you going?” My room mate groggily asked half asleep. I did the internationally recognised gesture for sex by using the thumb and forefinger of one had to form a circle and sticking a finger from the other hand in and out. “Poof.” He replied but it wasn’t homophobic and no worse than saying “You bastard” when someone beat you at something. I won’t bother to go into the details save for the fact Brendan and then Topher fucked me good and hard and dumped their cum into my are to mingle with the loads Sam and Skip had fired up there. Then Brendan sucked me off. When I mentioned Sam and Skip they were interested but scared. Fucking one schoolboy who as legal for straight sex but five years underage for gay sex was one thing but fucking three? Luckily they had little will power. I hope this one got you off and you’re sat there splattered in cum. If you did please let me know at [email protected] as although I enjoy reliving it and writing it up it is nice knowing people read it. Check out my other true encounters in the Sexual Experience folders on the Gay Adult/Youth, Bi-sexual Adult/Youth, Gay High School and Bi-sexual High School archives or search for John Mcquilliam under prolific authors

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Subject: A Trial Of Strength – Part 36 by Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH — PART 36 By Rob Williams IN THIS CHAPTER Bob had stepped out of line. Time for Randy to remind the muscle-stud who’s boss. “Nothing too extreme. Just something dramatic enough to put him back in his place.” Darius is the weapon of choice. Later, Mark takes one of the new guys on a trip. The kid boasts he’s a macho stud around women. But he’s never met a man as beautiful as Mark … As I always say, guys, I welcome your comments and suggestions. E-mail me at aol. Now read on … ********************* A TRIAL OF STRENGTH — Part 36 Randy was restless. As Bob slept soundly beside him he stared at the ceiling, his mind a whirl of decisions to be made, problems to solve. Trying to relax he turned to look at his lover. “Jesus, he’s gorgeous,” Randy thought. As well as he knew him he was always taken by surprise by his beauty, those Superman features, the perfectly built, muscular body honed by bone-crunching workouts at the gym downstairs in the basement. Randy himself was a magnificent man, with his dark, demon-like, rugged face and incredible body, and he had come not only to worship Bob physically, but also to depend on his opinions and common sense. Randy was the macho construction worker, Bob the handsome but level-headed business executive. And he would need Bob’s level head in the days to come. Darius had told Randy that the construction on the new house on the property was finished. Randy would inspect it tomorrow and talk to Darius and Pablo. “Then what do I do with the skinheads?” he wondered. He still thought of them as that, from the time he and Pablo had thrashed them for beating up a `faggot’ as they called him. Later the skinheads had attacked Pablo in revenge in the garage. But, at Bob’s urging, Mark, the cop, had agreed to release them into Randy’s custody and they had been working on the construction ever since, under the close supervision of Darius and Pablo. Randy particularly wanted Darius’s take on how the young guys had performed. Randy was starting his own construction company and would soon begin the hiring process. He intended to make Darius the second shift foreman and was curious to see how effective the young black guy had been overseeing his workers. God it was tough being boss of all this. He looked again at Bob and studied the quiet smile on his sleeping face. It was the smile of satisfaction, of self-confidence, but there was something else, too. What was it? A trace of smugness, maybe? Suddenly Randy resented the complacent self-satisfaction that he saw there. Bob had been asserting himself lately, giving his frank opinions about how Randy treated the younger guys and how he should control his anger. “It started that night,” Randy thought. His mind went back a week or so to the extraordinary session in the basement gym, when Bob had turned the tables and forced Randy to become his slave for the night. Randy grinned as he remembered how Bob had turned him on and made him grovel. “Shit,” he thought, “the man’s so gorgeous he could make me do anything. All he has to do is stand there and I go weak at the knees.” But enough was enough. Randy had always been the master and had sometimes used extreme methods to impress this on his lover. No doubt about it, recently Bob had become too assertive. “Time to remind him who’s boss,” Randy mused. “No matter how fucking beautiful he is he belongs to me, body and soul, and I can do anything I like with him. Yeah, I’ll think of something. Nothing too extreme, mind you, nothing too painful. Just something dramatic enough to put the fucker back in his place. ” “Let’s see, now. Darius needs a little fun. Yeah, that’s the answer, him and that huge piece of meat of his. As he finally drifted off to sleep these thoughts morphed into dreams that brought a smile to his sleeping face. ************** “OK, everybody out!” Randy had come to the new house early next morning expecting to catch the four young men unawares, but they were up already and Darius was supervising the finishing touches to the work. He and Pablo and the two young guys stood before Randy, as if for inspection. As always, the two workers were naked, wearing only leather collars round their necks. “So, you say it’s finished?” “We think so, sir,” Darius said. “You two,” Randy said to the young workers. “What are your names again?” “Miller, sir.” “Brigg, sir.” Randy had not paid much attention to them since they had arrived and now he saw what a change had come over them. The manual work had filled out their bodies, put muscle on them, and working naked in the sun had replaced their former pallor with a golden tan. Their hair had grown too, and Miller especially looked really fine with his blond, tousled hair falling over his brow. Miller exuded masculinity and had become quite the looker, Randy thought. Randy stepped forward and ceremoniously removed the collars from the guys’ necks. “Pablo, give them back their clothes. Then stay here and supervise the touch-up work with them. Darius, inside with me.” Minutes later Darius stood in front of the table where Randy, Bob and Mark were seated. Randy, of course, took charge. “Right. Bob and Mark are here with me because we were all involved in taking on these two guys. I made you their supervisor deliberately so I could see how you perform as foreman. Give us your report on them.” “Yes, sir.” Darius stood up straight and became rather formal. And he gave a surprisingly comprehensive and detailed report of how the two guys had worked. “They were surly at first, sir, but they soon realized we meant business. Miller especially worked real hard. He’s real tough and has grown into quite a stud.” Randy frowned and Darius cleared his throat. “Sorry, sir. Wrong word, but you know what I mean. I talked to them a lot over the weeks and got to know them. They’ve never been in trouble before, so they say.” “That’s true,” said Mark. “I ran a make on them when they first came here and they’re clean. No prior record, never arrested.” Bob asked, “Do you mean you became friends with them, Darius?” “Oh no, sir. I didn’t think that would be right. They had to respect my position. But I did get to know what they want.” “And … ?” “Well, sir. Seems the two of them are not really friends … just hung our together. Anyway, Brigg wants to go back to his family in St. Louis. I really think he’s sorry about the lifestyle he fell into. Also, he has a girlfriend back there.” “And Miller?” Darius frowned. “He’s a bit harder to read. He comes across as the macho stud, but he doesn’t seem to have much of a life. He’s not sure what to do next.” “Should I hire him?” Darius blinked at Randy’s question. “Excuse me, sir?” “Should I take him on? Listen, punk, I’m gonna be hiring soon for the new company. I want you and my buddy Jack to be in on the interviews. I’m asking you if you think we should hire Miller?” Darius hesitated. Then he was definite. “Yes, sir. I do, sir.” Bob smiled. “And not just because he’s become `quite a stud’?” “Oh no, sir. Nothing like that.” “I believe you,” Randy said. “Good report, Darius. Well done. Now, I want to pay them something for the work they’ve done. Not construction worker rates, just enough to give them a leg up, get Brigg back to St. Louis and give Miller money of his own.” Bob spoke. “The best formula would be to give them the minimum hourly rate, if only we had an idea how many hours they had worked.” “Oh, I can tell you that, sir.” Darius said. “I kept a log of their hours, made them sign off on it every day. I can tell you exactly how much they did.” Surprised, Mark smiled. “Very impressive, Darius. What d’ya think, Randy?” “He’ll do,” Randy conceded. “Oh, come on, Randy,” Bob protested. “Darius has done a great job. He deserves more credit than that. Give the kid a break. You’re too hard. You should give him a reward.” But his voice tailed off as Randy shot him a look. Bob knew that Erzurum Escort savage expression well and realized he had gone too far, been too assertive. He had muscled in on Randy’s territory, tried to tell him how to act. He instinctively knew he would pay for that. Randy locked eyes with him for several seconds. Then, in a strange voice, he said to Darius, “Bob’s right, Darius. You’ve done well. You’ll make a great foreman. And you will get a reward. I have something special in mind. Make sure Pablo and the two guys are busy, then report to the basement room in twenty minutes.” “Yes, sir.” Darius left. “I’ve gotta go too,” Mark said. “I’m on duty in half an hour.” Randy looked at Bob. “You. Come with me.” ************** Down in the basement Randy stood glaring at Bob. “I’m sorry, sir,” Bob said. “You were way out of line, asshole,” Randy growled. “And it’s not just today. It started that night down here a week ago and ever since then you’ve been telling me what to do. You’ve forgotten who you are, who you belong to.” There was a heavy silence. “Strip down to your shorts.” Bob obeyed instantly, threw off his clothes and stood before his master, naked except for his white boxers. “Grip the chin bar above you.” Bob reached up, spread his arms and held on to the bar over his head. There was another silence as the two men looked each other in the eyes. Just then there was a tentative knock at the door and Darius came in. His eyes opened wide when he saw Bob there almost naked. “Oh, excuse me sir. I didn’t realize …” “Come for your reward, have you?” Darius stammered. “Well, sir. You did say … ” “Yes, I did, punk. And here it is.” “Excuse me?” Bob listened in humiliation, his muscular arms stretched upward to the chin bar, as the questions continued. “Darius, what is the most precious thing in the world to me? The young black man squirmed uncomfortably. “Come on, punk!” “Well, sir. I guess I’d have to say your friend, sir. Bob, sir.” “And what part of my `friend’?” “What part?” Darius gulped. “Well, sir. I … I guess you’d have to say … his ass, sir?” he mumbled timidly. “Speak up, boy.” Darius coughed. “I said, sir, that the most precious thing for you is Bob’s ass, sir.” “Bingo! And you know what? As this man seems to think you did such a great job today, his ass is yours. That’s your reward.” “His ass? … You mean you want me to … to fuck your lover’s ass, sir.” “You don’t want to?” “Well of course, I do, sir. Anyone would, sir. He’s a magnificent man, sir. And his ass, sir … well …” How long is your cock, punk?” “Eight inches soft, sir. Ten inches erect.” “And how is it now?” Darius looked down at the bulge in his pants. “Erect, sir.” “Then show us all ten glorious inches, Darius.” Darius unbuttoned his jeans and pulled out his raging black cock. It was truly enormous, ten inches of thick, hard, black meat that would be a challenge for any ass. Bob flinched at the sight. “Come round here.” Darius followed Randy behind Bob. “Feel this,” Randy ordered and ran his hands over the thin cotton covering the hard round globes of his lover’s ass. Darius did as commanded and cupped the glorious mounds of the ass in his hands. He gasped as his cock shuddered in anticipation. Bob winced at the humiliation. “You wanna see it?” Darius gulped. “Yes, sir. Please, sir.” “Here it is, then.” Randy ripped the back of the shorts and pulled the thin cotton apart, revealing the perfect ass underneath. He walked back round to face Bob and never took his eyes off him from that moment. That indescribable, intensely intimate look passed between them that even they did not truly understand. They just knew that they had entered their private world where master and slave became one. Their eyes spoke to each other. Randy was reasserting his total ownership of this beautiful muscle-god, insulting him, degrading him, and by doing so delivering him to a state of ecstasy where only Randy could lead him. Bob’s look was a mix of humiliation, hurt, gratitude and worship of a man he wanted to serve forever. A trace of a smile crossed Randy’s face. ************* “Pull yourself up,” Randy ordered. Bob took a breath and pulled up to the chin bar. “Now hold it.” Bob’s V-shaped back flared, his shoulder muscles and arms flexed and strained as he held the painful position. His ripped shorts hung around his waist. Randy gazed at him enraptured. A week ago Randy had been the slave, worshipping this magnificent man. Now, he looked in awe again at the sculpted, perfect body, the handsome face, but this time Randy was his unchallenged master. His veins standing out all over his body Bob held himself up to the bar interminably but his muscles finally weakened and he had to begin lowering himself, raising his knees a bit for relief. He was hallway down when his eyes widened in horror. He felt a pressure against his ass and realized he was sinking onto Darius’s rigid cock. He tried to stop but his muscles were giving way and his body slowly descended, his ass impaled on the huge pole sliding painfully into his hole. Bob’s moans became a scream as the thick shaft slid inside him, deeper and deeper, brushing past tender, sensitive spots that sent sparks through his whole body. He felt the head bruise his innermost gut and, with a supreme effort, he pulled up again off the cock, to ease the pain. But inevitably his muscles gave way and he was forced to lower himself again onto the massive pole. Randy watched spellbound as the glorious body pulled up and down. Incredibly Bob was fucking himself on the rigid cock behind him. Darius trembled as the big bodybuilder rose and fell over his dick, sending spasms throughout his body. Finally, exhausted, Bob sank down for the last time and remained still, his perfect body impaled on the monstrous shaft. Darius gasped. His dick had plunged all the way into the warm velvet ass and finally come to rest against some unexplored point deep inside the man’s body. Randy smiled into Bob’s eyes. He knew that his lover was feeling that exquisite mix of pain and pleasure, his ass filled with the pulsing cock pressing against the recesses of his gut. “Remember now who owns you?” “Yes, sir.” “And I can do anything to your ass?” “Yes, sir” “Even have a slaveboy push his huge black meat up it?” “Yes, sir.” “Fuck him, Darius. Fuck him hard. Fuck him deep.” Darius began to move his hips backward and forward, pulling his long dick almost completely clear of the hole and then plunging it back in, deeper each time. He cupped his hands over Bob’s solid round pecs, then moved them out and down the wide V of his lats, then stroked the hard eight-pack of his ripped abs. The body was magnificent, and he was fucking it! He knew he was not only bringing pain and pleasure to the big bodybuilder, he was also the instrument of his humiliation before the ultimate master. Darius pulled at his victim’s waist and pumped it back onto his raging cock. Randy saw this and placed his own hands over Darius’s, helping to push the tortured ass onto the black shaft. The fucking continued for a long time. Several times Darius’s cock pulled clear out of the hole, then plunged back through sphincter and into the furnace. Both Bob and Darius were shuddering with the wild sensation radiating through them and they desperately wanted to shoot their loads. Randy enjoyed making them suffer and wait. Bob’s eyes pleaded with him for release, but Randy merely smiled back. “You want me to let you shoot, don’t you asshole?” “Yes, sir. Please sir. I beg you sir. My ass is on fire. I can’t take much more.” “Why is this happening to you.” “You’re punishing me for being arrogant, sir. You’re making the beautiful black man push his huge cock in my ass. You’re humiliating me in front of him, sir.” “You know your place now, asshole?” “Yes, sir.” Randy smiled again. “Darius. You ready, punk?” `Yes, sir!” Darius shouted. “OK, let it go.” The heaving black body shuddered Erzurum Escort Bayan and Darius screamed as his orgasm erupted. He shot streams of hot liquid deep inside the bodybuilder’s ass. At the same moment Randy dropped to his knees. He took hold of Bob’s rigid cock and held it in front of his face. He opened his mouth just as the cock exploded. Hot, sweet creamy liquid spurted into Randy’s mouth and he gulped it down. Jets of liquid poured from the cock and Randy drank every drop of his lover’s juice. Finally he stood up as Darius slowly pulled his cock from Bob’s ass. “How’s that for a reward, punk?” Randy asked. Darius caught his breath. “Incredible, sir. Unbelievable.” “OK, leave us now. Go back to Pablo. Tell him your story.” “Yes, sir,” Darius said, buttoning his fly. “Thank you, sir.” As he walked in front of Bob he stammered, “And thank you, sir.” After he left, Randy said. “You. Come to bed.” In their room Randy stripped naked and fell into bed. Bob stood by the bed and Randy looked up at him. “Is your ass good and sore?” “Yes, sir. Very.” “Good, that’s the way I like it. Because now your master’s gonna fuck it … hard.” And Randy inflicted on his lover one of his most savage fucks, the kind with a little more pain than pleasure. Bob’s body bucked and heaved until finally his dick exploded again as he felt his master shoot inside him. When their heaving breaths calmed down Randy said, “Come here asshole. Your punishment’s over.” He wrapped his arms around the exhausted man. “I love you, man. You know that don’t you?” “Yes, sir. Thank you sir.” And as he fell asleep in his master’s arms Bob again had a satisfied smile on his face. ************* A few days later things had settled down. Darius was helping Randy with the job interviews and it would be a week before construction work began. Brigg had gone back to St. Louis and Miller was living alone in the basement of the new house. Randy had hired him but until work began he was at a loose end. He was in the garage watching Mark examining one of the Harleys. “That’s a fine machine, man,” he said tentatively. “A real beauty.” Mark smiled. “Sure is. Pablo’s been giving it a major tune up. He recommends that I take it for a long run to see how it performs now. You like bikes?” “They used to be my passion back home before I … well, you know … fucked up my life. I’d love to feel one under me again.” Mark looked at him. There was something about the young guy that moved the cop. The kid had apparently had a rough life and taken the wrong path. But he had changed, mellowed out. He certainly looked better than before … a real looker, as Darius had said, with his lean, newly buff, tan body and handsome, fresh, blond looks. And he seemed to be eager to prove himself. After a pause Mark suddenly spoke on impulse. “I’ve got a couple days off and I planned on taking a run up the coast. Wanna come?” Miller gaped. “You mean it? Me, on the back of that? Wow. Are you sure, man? I mean I don’t wanna crowd you or nuthin’, but gee, I’d love that.” “Then it’s a deal. You’ve worked hard. Do you good to take a few days’ break until Randy needs you to start work. I’ll clear it with him and if he gives the OK we’ll leave right away.” *********** An hour later, with Randy’s approval, they were all set. Los Angeles was once more blanketed by scorching heat so the two men were lightly dressed. Mark was in his usual jeans and boots, with one of his old black cop shirts (minus the badges) over a stretched white tank top. Miller was in jeans and sneakers, a faded, sleeveless denim shirt over a gray T-shirt. “Climb aboard,” Mark grinned. They strapped on their helmets, straddled the bike, and with a roar the Harley took off, with Miller’s arms tightly wrapped around the cop’s hard body. Soon they were clear of the city and speeding north on Pacific Coast Highway. The sun beat down, but the wind felt great as it cooled their faces. All their senses were alive as they felt the rush of speed, with the sparkling Pacific on the left and the Santa Monica Mountains rising on the right. An hour later they passed through Santa Barbara and then stopped at a hamburger stand off the highway. They talked as they ate and Mark had a chance to get the measure of the young man. “Hey,” Mark grinned. “I can’t keep calling you Miller. What’s your first name?” “Jamie.” “Jamie it is. Great ride. How’re you feeling? “Terrific, man. Hell, that machine between your legs sure makes me horny. Think we can score some ass later? I haven’t had a girl in weeks. I could do with some nice, wet pussy.” Mark winced slightly at the macho crudeness of his speech, but then smiled. “Sure we can. I’m guessing you have no trouble with the ladies.” Jamie preened. “Never have so far. They go crazy when I screw them. And look at you, man. With a face and a body like that you must have them crawling at your feet. You must be a god to them. You’re a fucking babe magnet.” “I’ve had my moments,” Mark said, thinking back to all the girls he had bedded in the past. “You ready to ride again?” ************* They were approaching the small town of Guadalupe, a collections of modest tract homes between the highway and the sea. Mark pulled off the road. “Ever see the Guadalupe dunes, Jamie?” “No, man. That how we get to the ocean? I’m sweating like a pig.” “Follow me.” Mark parked the bike securely and took off jogging over the extensive sand dunes that are a natural feature of the area. It was a slog over the deep, dry sand and both men were soaked with sweat, chests heaving when they finally came to the ocean and threw themselves down in the sand. “Jeez it’s hot,” Jamie said. “Can we go for a swim?” “Sure thing,” Mark said and stood up. He stripped off his shirt, kicked off his boots and towered over Jamie in just his jeans and tight tank. He reached down and pulled the young man up by the wrist. “Come on, kid. I’ll race you.” Jamie gazed in awe as the cop pulled off his tank top and jeans; his magnificent body was naked except for his boxers. The younger man followed suit and they both charged toward the sea. They raced into the water and spent the next half hour horsing around in the waves. Naturally competitive, they wrestled for supremacy, gasping and laughing. At one point Mark put his massive arms around Jamie, lifted and threw him bodily into the waves. As Jamie looked up at the laughing, near naked cop, flexed muscles streaming with water he was embarrassed to feel his cock getting hard. “Fuck that,” he said to himself and ran out of the water. Lying on his back in the dunes Jamie raised himself on his elbows and watched as Mark came out of the ocean. He took a sharp intake of breath at the sight of the bronzed bodybuilder striding ashore, his gleaming muscles streaming with water. His chiseled features were set in a dazzling smile, his body was pumped from all the exertion, and his wet shorts clung to his waist, the big cock clearly visible underneath. Jamie looked up at him as he approached. “Jesus, you are one hell of a man, you know that? I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a stud as you. You sure won’t have any trouble with the ladies.” “Somehow I don’t think you’ll need any help in that department yourself, young man.” ************ They spent a long time lounging in the dunes, cooling off periodically in the water, then decided it was time to eat. They toweled off, dressed and slogged back through the dunes. A short time later they had found a small, out-of-the-way bar and motel set back off the dunes. They sat at an outdoor table and ordered a meal of Mexican food. It was brought by a voluptuous, big-breasted young waitress, whose name tag identified her as Barbra. Jamie grinned and sailed right in. “Hey, Babs … what else is on the menu … what’s cooking? “You, obviously,” she smiled. “And listen, handsome, it’s not `Babs’, it’s Barbra … as in Streisand. And as for what else is on the menu, well …” She Escort Erzurum stood back and sized him up. “Well, time will tell.” “What time you get off.” “Couple of hours. And I have a room in the motel. You guys staying here?” Mark looked at the lustful eyes of his companion and smiled. “I guess we are now.” The waitress grinned. “I’m in Room 24. If either of you guys cares to drop by … or both of you, come to that … I’ll be there.” And she sashayed back to the kitchen. Jamie`s eyes were gleaming. “Did you get a load of those tits? Wouldn’t mind burying my face in them for a while.” He frowned. “What did she mean, `both of you?’ Jeez I could never do that. Not with another guy there. Too weird. Guess we’ll have to toss for her,” and he pulled out a coin.” “Nah,” Mark grinned. “I’m pretty bushed. And you’re the one who hasn’t got his rocks off for weeks and can’t stop talking about tits and ass. So you take her. She’s all yours, buddy.” They ate, drank a lot and talked. Jamie went on mostly about girls. Seemed to be an obsession of his, Mark thought. Finally they went and got a room. There was only one available in the motel. “Sorry, no doubles,” the clerk said. “Just a queen size.” “Makes no difference,” Jamie grinned. “I plan on spending most of the night in 24 anyway.” ************** In their room Jamie preened and cleaned himself up. He slicked back his hair as he appraised himself in the mirror. “What d’ya think, man?” “You can’t miss, kid. I’d lose the T-shirt, though. Just the shirt … open three buttons.” “Thanks, pal. You sure seem to know a lot about this. Not surprised, the way you look. Bet you don’t have to do a thing … just stand there and wait for them to fall at your feet.” “Get out of here,” Mark grinned. As Jamie took a last look in the mirror he glimpsed the reflection of Mark behind him preparing for bed. He pulled off his shirt and tank top, kicked off his boots and shook off his jeans. Stripped to his shorts he reached up and stretched, flexing his arms and yawning. Jamie realized again just how stunning the man was. And again he felt his cock growing in his jeans. “Hell,” he thought. “I’m hornier than I thought. Must be the thought of Barbra turning me on.” He left the room and Mark lay on the bed. In the continuing heat he lay on top of the sheets and was soon asleep. ************* He didn’t know how much later he heard the key in the door and Jamie came in, looking disheveled. Groggy with sleep Mark said, “You didn’t stay the night, then. How was Barbra?” Jamie didn’t reply. He threw himself into the only chair in the room. Mark opened one eye and realized Jamie was pouting. He pulled himself up on his elbows. “You OK, kid? What’s up?” “Not me, that’s for damn sure.” “Meaning?” “Just between you and me? “Sure.” Jamie growled. “I couldn’t fucking well get it up. Me, big stud Jamie! I was so fucking horny and there she was butt naked, and I couldn’t get a fucking erection! Shit!” and he slammed his fist on the chair.” “Hey, kid. Don’t beat yourself up. Happens to everyone sometimes. Must’ve been all that beer you drank earlier.” “Yeah. Yeah that’s it. Too fucking drunk to perform. It’s never happened to me before. My cock’s always rock hard. Hell, I’ve had a hard-on ever since leaving L.A.” Mark laughed. “That’s the bike throbbing between your legs. Come on, chalk it up to experience, kid. Go cleaned up and get into bed. We’ve got an early start tomorrow. Riding further north.” Mark fell back on the pillow and was soon asleep again on his back. Jamie stomped off to the bathroom, took a quick shower and as was drying himself he glanced through the partly open bathroom door. He gazed at Mark, lying on the bed naked except for his shorts. “Jeez,” Jamie thought once again. “The man is fucking gorgeous.” Still drying himself he couldn’t take his eyes of the sleeping cop. A bright moon shone through the louvered blinds casting a striped shadow over the muscular bodybuilder, his tanned skin shiny with a film of sweat. He tossed in his sleep, apparently dreaming. His right hand rested on his hard pecs. Then, in his sleep, it slid slowly downward, over his perfect eight-pack abs and finally rested on the waistband of his shorts. Jamie’s eyes widened as he saw that Mark’s cock was erect under his boxers. Must be having an erotic dream. The hand went lower and rested on the bulge in the shorts. In his sleep he lightly stroked the bulge and moaned softly. Then he lay silent in deep sleep, his hand resting on his still-hard cock. Jamie, still naked from the shower, was mesmerized as he watched this. He stood still, gazing at the god-like sleeping man. Branches waved lightly outside the window and cast a moving shadow over the naked body. Fixated on the image Jamie was unaware of what he did next. Instinctively his hand slid down to his own cock that was raging hard. He began stroking it. Hypnotized by the sight, rooted to the spot, he whispered, “Jesus, that’s incredible. He’s so fucking gorgeous. Look at that body, that face.” He was in a daze, focused intensely on the sleeping man. His hand continued to stroke his hard cock and he began to feel something he had never felt before … a warmth in his legs, a tingling almost, that made him tremble. The heat rose up higher, through his ass, past his stomach, over his chest and neck and into his face so it made his head spin. Jamie’s whole body was now on fire, a fire that became concentrated in his groin. His cock was trembling, burning, pulsing with the heat that consumed him. With his eyes fixed on the sleeping muscle god his young virile body started to spasm, his hand worked his cock feverishly and then suddenly … He threw his head back, stifling a scream, as his cock erupted, spurting long streams of hot, creamy liquid in the most incredible orgasm he had ever felt. He didn’t know where he was. He knew only that this magnificent man lying on the bed had caused him to shoot the biggest, hottest load of his life. His whole body was ripped with violent spasms as his sperm flooded the bathroom floor. For a long while he stood in a daze, his body heaving. Finally he came to his senses and reality hit him in the face. He was overcome with disgust and shame at what had happened. He looked down at the cum-soaked floor, grabbed a towel, fell to his knees and scrubbed the floor as if to expunge the memory of what had happened. His thoughts were racing as he wiped frantically with the towel. “Oh, shit. Holy shit. I gotta clean this up,” and he scrubbed harder. “I gotta get out of here. We gotta go home. This never happened. I was drunk. Oh Jesus. First thing tomorrow I’ll tell him we gotta go home.” When he had finished he tossed the towel out the bathroom window … got rid of the evidence. He crept back into the room and lay tentatively on the bed, as far to the side as he could, his back to Mark. He was relieved to see that Mark was still fast asleep. Hadn’t seen a thing, thank god. But Jamie couldn’t sleep. Finally he turned over and gazed at the sleeping god beside him. The sight of his face, incredibly, made his cock stir again. “This isn’t happening” he thought angrily. “I’m drunker than I thought. Gotta go home. I’ll tell him in the morning … first thing.” And he finally fell into a restless sleep. ************ In the morning Jamie woke and saw Mark stir. He would tell him now that they had to go back. Wouldn’t say why. They just had to head home. The handsome face turned and smiled at him. “Hi, there, kid. Sleep well? No bad dreams?” “I, er …” Jamie stammered. “Get ready, kid. We got a long day ahead of us. We’re gonna ride further north. You with me?” Jamie looked into the stunning blue eyes smiling at him and he could not believe what he heard himself say. “Sure thing, sir. Can’t wait. I’ll be holding onto you all the way. You’re the boss, sir.” Mark smiled to himself. Trained as a cop to observe, he caught a slight change in Jamie’s tone. And for the first time the young guy had addressed him as `sir.’ “Odd,” Mark thought to himself. Then, “Nah, probably nothing to it.” And in a few minutes they were both astride the Harley, speeding north. *********** TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength — Part 37”

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Subject: A Trial Of Strength – Part 74 by Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH – PART 74 By Rob Williams IN THIS CHAPTER Zack, the muscular leatherman, throws the whip aside. “Now I want to make love to you, Bob … real love this time, no brutal fucking, no more whipping.” Meanwhile Randy is tense as he pictures Zack and Bob together, and he vents his anger on Pablo’s ass. Finally Mark takes command, making Randy perform a stunning sexual act. “You hurt Pablo, you insulted Jamie, and now you’re gonna pay,” the cop says. ************** As always, guys, I welcome your comments and suggestions. They can be very helpful. E-mail me at rw6789@aol. ALSO, NOW YOU CAN VISIT MY WEB-SITE: You can read the whole story, all the many chapters, with extras, on my web-site gth. Click on the Support tab, go to the Contact Us page and send me your comments and story ideas. Enjoy! ***************** A TRIAL OF STRENGTH – PART 74 At long last they were alone … Bob and Zack in the remote dunes behind the long deserted beach. The powerful black stud had finally taken possession of Bob’s willing ass and fucked it repeatedly all night. But then Zack had become obsessed by Bob’s beauty. So he had tied Bob to a door frame, spread-eagled, and whipped his writhing body. “It has to be like this, man. You’re too beautiful. It hurts me. Beauty like that I have to damage, make it suffer. Your body is too perfect. I have to spoil it. That’s the way it has to be.” But after their simultaneous orgasms Zack was racked with guilt. “Oh, man. What have I done? Please, please forgive me, man. I lost control. I never dreamed of hurting you like that. I’m in love with you man, with your body, your soul and your incredible beauty. Oh, God. What have I done?” Bob smiled despite his pain. “You’ve done exactly what I wanted you do, Zack. From the minute I saw you, and especially when I saw you that day in the basement in full leather, I knew that I wanted you to whip my body.” Zack gazed at him in disbelief. “You wanted that? You wanted it that hard, that brutally?” “Nothing less would do, man. And only you could do it.” Zack gazed down at him. Then he rewarded Bob with his wide gleaming smile. “Bob, you’re a sick fuck, you know that?” “I know. I do know that.” Soon they were rolling together in the surf, laughing with the pure joy of physical and emotional release, of the sharing of secret delights between two strong and beautiful males. Zack looked up at the sky and screamed “YES!” His eyes met Bob’s and he smiled. “We needed that, man. We had to do that, be that intense, before we could move on. Now I can relax. I’m not scared of your beauty any more. I tried to destroy it and learned to love it instead. I’m not afraid of loving you.” “That’s what I needed to hear, Zack. Beauty can be a curse, an inhibition, we both know that well. But we are both two glorious, magnificent men and we can finally share it without fear.” “Oh, man,” breathed Zack. “There’s so much I want to do with you. We have two glorious days ahead of us.” Bob grinned, “Then what are we waiting for? Let the games begin!” Zack looked down at him. “You still have the collar round your neck. Do you know that?” Bob smiled. “I know, sir. I do know that.” Zack stood up, but when Bob moved he grimaced with pain from his brutal whipping. He was still weak, his body covered with red welts from the lash. Immediately Zack bent down and amazingly scooped up the big bodybuilder in his arms. He looked into his soft brown eyes and said gently, “You’re mine now, man, and I’m gonna take care of you. I hurt you and now I’m gonna take care of you.” All the tension, all the pain drained away from Bob as he relaxed in the black man’s strong arms. He allowed himself to be carried up the beach, through the door of the shack and laid gently on the bed. He looked up and watched as Zack kicked off his boots, pulled off his leather pants and stood gloriously naked before him. Zack pulled the blinds down, and the sun shone through the slats, falling with soft stripes across the wounded body. Zack’s deep voice was gentle. “Jesus, you’re beautiful, man. You look incredible lying there. But your beauty doesn’t give me pain any more, only delight … and desire. If you’ll allow me to, I’d like to make love to you … real love this time, no brutal fucking, no more whipping.” Tears came to the black man’s eyes. “I want to show you how much I love you, man. Will you let me do that?” In reply Bob stretched his arms upward and Zack lowered himself into them. Their mouths came together, not voraciously as before, but softly, gently, exploring each other with the wonder of new discovery. And then Zack’s mouth moved and began to caress the face … up over the forehead, kissing the eyes, down over the chin, the neck and further down to the mounds of the chest. Bob closed his eyes and sighed, giving himself up to the exquisite sensation of the muscle-stud’s breath on his body. Zack was licking him, licking the wounds he himself had inflicted with the whip. His tongue traced the angry welts across the muscular chest, the shoulders and arms, the washboard abs, then down over the thighs, striped with the marks of the lash. He lapped hungrily, bringing balm to the wounded flesh. He had saved the best till last. Moving upward he buried his face in the damp pubic hair. Then he lightly kissed Bob’s cock, which rose up in a stiff response. The whip had earlier coiled round the massive shaft and, when it was ripped away, had made the cock erupt with a blast of semen. Now Zack caressed it, pressing his cheek against it, kissing, licking, exulting in his intimacy with the essence of Bob’s manhood. He brought his lips to the sensitive tip of the cock, and he couldn’t hold back. Gently he took the head between his lips and lowered his mouth down over the whole length of the trembling shaft. Bob looked down at the spectacular, sculpted black face moving up and down, the mouth clenching round the still-raw membrane of his cock. He moaned with pleasure. “Oh, man, that feels so good. God, I love you Zack. Oh, no, you’re gonna make me cum, man.” “Not yet!” the voice commanded as the mouth hastily withdrew and the cock sprang free. Gently Zack eased Bob over onto his stomach and gasped as he saw the damage the merciless whip had done to the muscles of the V-shaped back. “Oh, man,” he moaned, and again his tongue sought to bring comfort to every angry stripe across the tortured back. He progressed slowly down from the neck, over the lats and down to the waist. Then he pulled back and gazed in horror at the twin globes of the magnificent ass. They were an angry scarlet from their thrashing and Zack winced. He could almost feel the savage sting of the whip biting into the white flesh. He cupped the cheeks of the ass in his hands and licked them tenderly, groaning with shame at the pain he had caused. His tongue came near to the crack … and entered it. He smelt, tasted the musky dampness inside the beautiful ass and licked ravenously at the warm, velvet membrane. He was nearly in tears, brought on by the memory of his own brutality, and by the stunning beauty of the man’s ass. He whispered, “I have to have this again, man. I need to be inside you. I have to, buddy.” Bob answered by raising his ass higher, an invitation, a plea, for the long black club to enter him again. And so Zack did. He eased his naked body on top of Bob, lowered it gently and once more penetrated the ass of the man he loved. Bob had been fucked many times the night before but this was entirely different. Gone was the hunger, the desperate need for release. This was slow, tender … a whisper rather than a shout. It was a soft, loving affirmation of the ultimate union of two beautiful men. There were no screams at the climax. Zack breathed into Bob’s ear, “I’m gonna cum, buddy. I’m gonna pour my juice in your ass. Cum with me, man.” And they did. The climaxes were almost not like orgasms. There was no sound except for their soft breathing, no spasms, no shuddering bodies. Quietly, slowly, juice streamed from their cocks, a gentle baptism, a union of souls. Bob felt Zack’s semen pouring inside his ass and felt the sticky warmth of the cum flowing from his own cock up over the sheet beneath him. This time the two glorious men had truly made love … perfect love … for the first time. ***************** Minutes later they were lying in each other’s arms, the intertwined bodies, white and black, illuminated by the striped sunlight shining through the window blind. Zack was still licking the beautiful face, kissing the eyes, nibbling gently on the ears. He pulled back and gazed into Bob’s tear-stained eyes. “Never in my life have I been happier than this, buddy. You are sensational. I love you, man … love your face, your body and especially that incredible ass. I could live inside you, stay here all day.” Then he pushed himself back and leaned over Bob. “But … we gotta eat. We haven’t eaten since yesterday”… he grinned … “been too busy. You hungry?” Bob smiled up at him. “Now that you mention it … starved.” “Good. I’m taking my man out to eat … show him off … `Look but don’t touch, he’s mine’! But first we shower … together.” He leaned forward, unbuckled the leather belt from Bob’s neck and hung it on a nail on the wall. “We’ll leave that there,” he said. “For future use.” In the shack’s small, rustic shower Zack’s gentle nurturing continued. Soaping Erzincan Escort up to a rich lather he ran his hands over Bob’s wounded body. He fell to his knees and soaped the thighs and calves, then moved his hands back up to the ass. His breathing became heavy as he stood up behind Bob and pressed his rigid cock against his butt. “O, man, this is crazy. But I’ve got to do it again.” He pressed his body against Bob’s back, reached round and put his palms on Bob’s chest, gently teasing the hard nipples. With the thick lubrication of lather Zack’s cock slid easily inside the waiting ass. The two glorious bodies moved in rhythmic motion, with Bob pushing back against the huge rod, clenching his ass muscles round it each time he felt the pubic hair touch his ass. It was as if they were fucking each other. And this time when the two men shot their loads, the gushing white cream was lost in the heavy foam. ************* An hour later the two men were seated at a quiet table in what passed as the best restaurant in the modest little town of a Guadalupe. Although the table was somewhat secluded many heads turned to them, the last of the lunch crowd, residents and tourists, dropping their jaws at the sight of these two spectacular men, one white, one black. The men were cleaned up, both wearing jeans and T-shirts. Zack grinned at Bob. “See the effect you’re having, old buddy? They can’t get enough of you.” He chuckled. “Shit, if they could have seen you a couple of hours ago, spread-eagled naked in that door frame.” Bob grinned. “If they could have seen you! Big black leather stud whipping his naked white buddy almost senseless.” Zack frowned. “Ah shit, man, you have to remind me of that? I still feel bad about it. Not that the thought doesn’t make my dick hard, right here under the table.” “Any time you want a repeat performance, just give the order, sir.” Zack leaned forward and spoke softly. “You know, Bob. There’s something you gotta do.” “Yes, sir?” “Stop calling me `sir’. You’re an alpha male, big guy. There’s only one guy in the world you should ever call sir, and that’s Randy. He’s your master. I’m totally in love with you and I’m in hog heaven being here with you. But you and me, we’re buddies, equals. Oh, don’t get me wrong. I’m the top man … always will be. And I’m gonna fuck that sweet ass of yours, fuck your face and even whip your shackled body. Especially now I know it turns you on so much. But you’re not my slave. So, no more `sir’. We got a deal?” “Deal,” Bob grinned. “And since I’m your buddy, the one with the financial know-how, there’s something I want to talk over with you.” “Shoot.” “I’ve been going over the financial statements you gave me when you asked me for advice. And you know, Zack, you’ve got a shit load of money lying there … what with your savings and the pile you got from your wife’s life-insurance after her car accident. You gotta do something with it.” “Any suggestions?” “Of course.” “Thought so,” Zack grinned. “First … real estate. Buy a house. We’re near the bottom of the market right now, so it’s a great time to buy.” He paused and smiled at Zack. “And here’s the selfish bit on my part. There’s a house for sale right across the street from ours. The woman is underwater on her loan, close to foreclosure and wants to go live up north with her daughter. So the house is going for a song.” Bob was enthusiastic, warming to his subject. “It’s perfect for you … two bedrooms … and a basement,” he grinned. “It’s on a hillside so no pool but you can always run across the street and use our pool.” Bob smiled broadly. “I don’t imagine any of the guys objecting. Come to that, you can always run across the street when you need anything … anything at all. Anyway, I know the realtor so I could set things in motion when we get back. What do you think?” “Sounds perfect … especially that `running-across-the-street’ deal. There could be a lot of that,” and Zack rubbed Bob’s thigh under the table. “OK. Now, second … investments. You’ll still have a fair amount left over.” “Stop right there, buddy,” Zack said. “That’s taken care of … if you approve. I spoke to Randy last week, told him I was looking to invest in a growing company, in a business I knew something about, could even help to grow. Something like you guys’ construction outfit. He was all for it. Even mentioned taking me on as a partner. But he said we’d have to consult you and Mark first.” A huge grin spread over Bob’s face. “Consider me consulted, and I vote yes! And I know Mark … he’ll be in favor too. After all, who can refuse an infusion of capital … and such a macho stud partner?” “Talking of stud partners, you can help me out with another problem I have.” “What’s that?” Zack smiled. “My cock is hard as steel under the table. You’re the cause and you could be the solution. So eat fast. I’m taking you back to the shack. Remember that collar hanging on the wall?” Bob smiled. “Yes, sir … oops … sorry, man.” *************** If the tension in the dunes was dissolving into easy, if sometimes frenzied, action, back at the house the situation was the reverse … the tension was building. And, of course, Randy set the tone. He was a bear … morose, silent, his anger flaring up out of nowhere. Mark and the boys were staying out of his way. Randy was sitting at the table by the pool, slightly drunk, nursing a beer. “Shit!” he breathed to himself. He hadn’t realized this would be so hard, hadn’t foreseen how depressed he would feel as his mind fixated on Bob and Zack. Not that he regretted his decision. He had encouraged Zack to take Bob up there and finally do what they had both been straining to do since they met. Randy had spent his own time alone with Zack at the lake in the forest. There they had tested each other’s toughness, had fought savagely, competed for supremacy until they realized they were equals, in strength, dominance … and masculine beauty. So Zack was worthy of Bob and Randy had offered him what he prized most … Bob’s ass. And now Randy knew that ass was getting fucked, again and again, savagely, tenderly … all the ways Randy fucked Bob. Randy and Zack were so alike that Randy knew what was happening in the deserted dunes. Shit, he had even given Zack the big leather bag, containing the leather outfit, the collar … and the whip. Randy banged his fist on the table. He knew that his lover would be tied up, probably spread-eagled and whipped. Zack had mentioned to Randy his obsession about beauty, how he found extreme beauty painful and had to spoil it. They didn’t come more beautiful than Bob, so Randy had a fair idea what was happening to him. Still, Randy knew that Bob wanted this, needed it, so he didn’t resent it. It was just the thought of it, the man he loved more than his life being used, fucked, whipped … loved … by the magnificent black stud. If only he could be there, at least, see what was going on. Just then his troubled thoughts were interrupted by a young voice. “Excuse me, sir.” Pablo had walked silently up and stood behind his master. He cleared his throat nervously. “I didn’t want to interrupt but … is there anything I can do, sir? Anything to help?” Without turning round Randy growled. “Not a thing, kid. Get lost.” With a sigh Pablo touched Randy lightly on the shoulder and turned to leave. But the touch made Randy turn round and he watched the kid walking away. He was barefoot in an old tank top and cargo shorts that showed off his glorious ass to perfection. “Wait! Get your ass back here.” Pablo walked quickly back and stood almost at attention. “Takes some nerve you coming up to me when I’m in this mood. You not scared of me like the others?” “Yes I am, sir. But I love you and I thought I might be able to help.” Once again, like many times in the past, Randy looked at the brave young kid and his heart went out to him. He was his boy, his adopted son and Randy’s attitude softened as he looked at him, standing nervously at attention. “You’ve got guts, kiddo, I’ll say that for you. But there’s nothing you can do. My mind’s on Bob, thinking what’s happening to him. Jesus, I wish to God he were here right now and it was me fucking him. I’d give anything to be inside that ass. There was a strange moment of silence. Then Pablo did something surprising. He quickly pulled off his tank top, unbuttoned his shorts and let them drop. He stepped out of them and stood naked before his master, legs apart, hands behind his back. Randy gasped. “Jesus, kid, you really are my boy, aren’t you? Incredible. OK, show me.” Pablo turned round, his back toward Randy, and clenched the muscles of the perfect round globes of his ass. He heard Randy’s sharp intake of breath. The voice was deep. “In the hammock. Now!” Pablo walked over to the hammock, fell backwards into it, his butt hanging over the end, and he reached up and grabbed the two top corners of the webbing. He lay there, spread-eagled, gazing up at his master. “You know how I feel, kid. I’m angry, tense, resentful. When I get like that I get vicious. You’ve seen that in the past. Now are you scared?” “I am, sir. But I belong to you, sir. My ass belongs to you. I know you want Bob’s ass, but maybe you can pretend mine is his.” It was not only the pent up anger that drove Randy now. It was love of this beautiful, plucky young kid. Love … and pure animal lust. Randy was shirtless in jeans Erzincan Escort Bayan and boots. He ripped open his pants and as they dropped round his knees his huge beer-can cock sprang out, rock hard. He grabbed his boy’s ankles and pushed his legs backward, exposing the stunning, vulnerable ass. “You know I’m gonna hurt you, don’t you.” “Yes, sir.” “Like this!” And with one powerful thrust Randy plunged his huge rod deep inside the young man’s ass. He saw with satisfaction the dark, exotic face spring backwards, saw the eyes open wide and the mouth open in a scream that rang round the surrounding hills. But Randy had no mercy. He was a machine, powered by pent-up tension, anger, and a need to show off his power, his total dominance. He imagined Bob submitting to Zack at that moment and Randy needed to exert control, to hurt, to take possession … to prove that he was the master. The big construction-worker’s tension often found expression in sexual release. And this time Pablo was the helpless target of his intense need. Pablo could usually grit his teeth and endure whatever Randy did to him, but this time was truly intense. He couldn’t hold back his screams as he felt himself impaled on the hug cock, felt the steel shaft pierce deep inside his tortured gut. He looked up and saw the blazing eyes of the wild animal, the dark demon, venting his fury on his boy’s ass. Randy was in another world, a delirium of vivid imaginings. He became Zack, fucking Bob. He had to be as tough as Zack, had to fuck the ass just as brutally as the black man. “That’s it fucker,” he growled. “Feel that fucking dick in your ass, boy. That’s your master’s cock, and your ass belongs to me. I am the boss. You think he fucks hard? Well feel this, man.” And the assault became even more brutal, worse than Pablo had ever felt. His terrified eyes streamed with tears, sweat poured off his tortured muscles as he watched the huge body plunge down on him, again and again. He felt the iron rod piston inside him, ripping his ass, sending him into a vortex of pain and ecstasy. His vision became blurred and he knew he would soon pass out, when he heard his master’s voice again. “That’s it, fucker. Feel that? Feel your master’s cock, boy. It’s gonna shoot in your ass. Here it comes. Now you know, asshole. I am king!” The last words were a scream as his whole body shook and his cock erupted inside his boy’s agonized ass, stream after stream of hot cum, the explosion of all the juice of his pent-up fury and pain. Only semi-conscious, Pablo had shot his own huge orgasm, drenching his beautiful young body in his own semen. He dimly felt the cock being yanked out of his ass … and then stillness and silence. Randy pulled up his pants, strode over to the table, sat down and stared into space, lost in thought, his body heaving and streaming with sweat. Slowly Pablo came to his senses and painfully began to ease himself off the hammock. His ass was burning, the pain throbbing deep inside him. He crawled across the lawn, grabbed his discarded tank top and shorts and pulled himself unsteadily to his feet. But he had taken only a few steps when he stumbled and fell back to the ground, moaning feebly. It was at that moment that Randy became aware of the boy, aware of his weakness and pain. Randy sprang to his feet with a wounded cry and ran over to the fallen figure. “Oh, God,” he moaned. “Here, kiddo. I’m here. Just relax.” The big construction-worker leaned down and scooped up the limp body in his powerful arms. He carried his boy over to the deep shade of the trees and gently laid him in the long grass. He fell down beside him and put his arm round him. He gazed at the beautiful face and began to lick the tears from his eyes and cheeks. He kissed his mouth gently, kissed his neck, then laid his cheek against him. “Oh, man. Pablo, I really hurt you that time didn’t I? I was really brutal. Jesus, what an incredible fuck! But I lost control … used your ass to get rid of my anger.” Pablo grinned up at him weakly. “Did it work, sir?” Randy smiled. “You little punk. Of course it worked. You were incredible, kid, the way you took that punishment, took away all my tension and anger. God, I’m sorry I had to hurt you, kiddo.” “I’m not, sir. I needed to feel the pain, sir. I loved it. I wanted to prove that I was your boy … that I could help Randy squeezed the muscular young body. “Of course you’re my boy kiddo. I made you my son. I love you, Pablo. I’ll never let anyone hurt you like that.” “Except maybe you, sir. Any time you want, sir.” And he smiled his crooked grin that always melted the big man’s heart. “Seriously, kid. Are you OK? No real damage?” “I’m great, sir. Better than ever. A bit tired maybe.” “Then come here. I’ve got you now, kiddo.” Randy wrapped his arms around him and they fell asleep in the long grass. *************** Meanwhile Darius was feeling his own agitation … for a different reason. He was obsessed. He could not take his mind off the black muscle-stud he had worked next to for two weeks. He remembered every word Zack had said to him… “It’s been great working with you these past two weeks, kid. I really respect you … like you a lot. But even though we won’t be working together now, no reason we can’t get together often …” Zack had laughed as he talked about his upcoming trip to the dunes. “Maybe I’ll even tell you about it when we get back … one of those evenings you and I will have together. Give you something else to jerk off to, eh kid?” God, if only Darius had a master like that. He would give anything to be accepted as his boy. Still vivid in his mind was the image of Zack, stripped to the waist, lounging back in a chair and displaying his stunning physique to the awestruck boy. Darius had shot a huge load all over his magnificent chest and then watched all day as Zack worked with the construction crew, the cum drying on his chest. He remembered the private smiles Zack had shot in his direction, secrets between the two of them. As Darius lay daydreaming on his bed the images were too much. He was already pumping his huge dick and it was as if the picture of the shirtless black muscle-god came to life before him. He imagined Zack standing over him, saw him kneel down and prepare to fuck his ass. “Oh, sir. Please fuck me, sir. Please let me shoot my load again. I need to be near you. Please, sir, let me be your boy. I love you, master …” And his orgasm exploded, spraying upward onto his face, over his chest and stomach. His cock was still erupting as he heard Randy’s angry voice shouting from below, where he was sitting at the table with Mark. “Where the fuck are you, punk? Stop playing with yourself and get your ass down here, now! We’re waiting for dinner.” Darius grabbed a T-shirt, wiped as much as he could of the cum from his face and chest, and ran down to join the other two boys in the kitchen. Pablo looked up, stared, and grinned. “Dude! No need to ask what you’ve been doing, judging by the jism all over you. Fantasizing about Zack, uh?” “Shit, you know me so well, man. You think Zack will ever let me be his boy?” “I’d bet my shorts on it, dude. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. Don’t worry, that big black dick will be inside your ass within a week. Now for God’s sake help us with dinner. Randy is in a foul mood again.” That last part was true, at least. After his scene with Pablo Randy’s tense frustration had diminished � for a while. But his thoughts were still on Bob and Zack in the dunes. He had fucked Pablo hard, imagined it was Bob he was showing who was boss. But it wasn’t enough. He needed something else. And so his restlessness and his anger lingered. It flared up now as Jamie brought out beers for Randy and Mark. Randy grabbed one, and his eyes blazed at the nervous Jamie. “What the fuck’s this? Warm beer?! What’d you do, put it in the oven, asshole? Beer is served cold, you shithead. This is crap!” And with a mighty heave Randy hurled the full bottle over the hillside into the distant scrub. Jamie flinched and looked desperately at Mark. Mark had had enough. He sprang to his feet and barked to Randy, “You, in the basement. Now!” It was the commanding voice the cop used when he told a suspect to “Freeze!” Randy responded by getting up and walking sullenly toward the house. Mark grabbed Jamie’s shoulder and smiled at him. “Sorry about that kid. You’re my boy and nobody talks to you like that. I’ll make it up to you later tonight, OK?” “OK, sir,” Jamie grinned, his dick getting stiff in his shorts. Mark strode to the house and went down the basement stairs. Randy was sitting on the side of the bed, his head in his hands. The cop’s body was heaving as he confronted him. “You were way out of line there, man. Nobody talks to my boy like that and gets away with it.” He raised his voice to a shout. “Look at me, asshole!” Randy looked up in time to see Mark raise his arm. He felt the back of the cop’s hand smash across his face and he went sprawling across the bed. He shook his head to clear it and sprang to his feet, eyes blazing.” “You want more, asshole?” Mark yelled. “Come on then.” He pulled off his T-shirt and stood shirtless, his arms wide apart. “OK, mother-fucker. Here I am. Bring it on. Give it your best shot.” Randy’s reflex was to rise to the challenge, but as he looked at his buddy his face crumpled and his knees buckled. He slumped back onto Escort Erzincan the bed and buried his face in his hands. Mark sat beside him and put his arm round him. “Oh, man,” Randy groaned. “You know I would never hurt Jamie. I’m sorry man. You think you can make it up to him?” He looked at Mark’s gorgeous face and grinned weakly. “Of course you can, big guy. Just look at you.” Mark just let him talk. “It’s just so fucking tough, buddy. I wanted Zack and Bob to go off together, told Zack he could do what he liked. But now I think about what they’re doing, I’m not sure I can take it. I fucked Pablo … gave the kid a real hard time … and imagined I was fucking Bob, so I could know what Zack’s feeling. But … I dunno … I guess I need to feel what Bob’s feeling. Zack’s hurting his body, I know it. I told him he could. But I need to feel the pain too. Does that make any sense to you, man?” Mark looked into the big man’s troubled eyes. “Knowing you as I do, buddy, it makes perfect sense. And you’ve come to the right guy. On your feet, asshole!” ****************** A few minutes later the scene was set for what Mark called Randy’s therapy. The big construction–worker was standing naked, his arms stretched upward, wrists tied to the gym’s chin bar. Before him was Mark, shirtless in just his jeans. “OK, asshole. I’ve had enough of you and your moods. I saw from my window what you did to Pablo … that was way out of line.” Randy bristled. “The kid’s my boy and I’ll do what I like with him.” “Shut up!” Mark yelled. “I’m in charge now. Then you barreled in on Jamie … on my boy! OK, asshole, you say you want to know what Bob is feeling. Do you think Zack has whipped him?” “I’m sure of it.” “Did it feel like this?” Mark quickly slid his belt from his jeans, raised his arm and brought the belt smashing across Randy’s muscular chest. “You think that’s how Zack began with your lover? The guy’s real strong. He must have really thrashed your man … like this!” As Randy’s body bucked and flexed his howls of pain urged Mark on to a brutal lashing. The whipped cracked cross the construction-worker’s chest, his flexed abs, his thighs, and curled round the back to slash at the cheeks of his ass. All the time the cop kept taunting the suffering bodybuilder. “You feel that, stud? That’s just what your lover felt … that’s just how Zack whipped your lover. Feel good, man? Bet it felt good to Bob. Bet he begged for more, pleaded with Zack to hurt him. Let me hear you beg, man, just like he did.” “OK, man. Whip my body … harder, man. OK, I’m begging … thrash me, hurt me, make me feel what he feels. Please, sir. I need to feel the pain. I need you to thrash me, Zack.” In a delirium of physical and mental agony Randy began to imagine it was Zack wielding the whip, imagined what he had done to the man Randy loved. He needed to purge his mind of the image, needed to absorb Bob’s pain by submitting his own body to the lash. His mind was a blur, losing touch with reality. And then the whipping stopped … As his shuddering body finally became still Randy saw through his curtain of pain the image of the shirtless cop, and heard his voice. “What else is he doing to your man, buddy? You think he’s fucking his ass? You think that huge black dick is impaling that beautiful ass, the ass you own? Jesus, that long, thick rod must be agony for your lover, deep inside him. You want to know how that feels, man?” “Yes!” yelled Randy. “I need it. I need to feel it. I need to get fucked. I need to feel Zack’s dick in my ass. Please, sir. I beg you. Please, fuck my ass sir.” Randy was sobbing in a frenzy of mental anguish. But Mark stepped back. “No, man. I’m not gonna fuck you. You deserve to inflict the pain on yourself. You hurt Pablo, you insulted Jamie, and now you’re gonna pay. You’re gonna fuck yourself, man.” ************* It didn’t take long. Mark had lengthened the ropes binding Randy’s wrists to the chin bar, creating more slack. Then he pulled the bed underneath him and Randy stood on it facing the full-length mirror. With the ropes now slack his arms were stretched loosely out to the side. Standing in front of him Mark quickly stripped off his jeans and slid naked on his back underneath him, between his legs. He lay on the bed gazing up at the beautiful, tortured construction-worker, his sweat pouring down onto Mark’s naked body. The stunning man never failed to give Mark an erection, and now was no exception. His huge cock stood rigid, pointing straight up at the construction-worker’s ass. “OK, man,” Mark ordered, pull yourself up to the bar. Randy grabbed the top of the ropes and flexed, pulling his body up so it hung directly over Mark, his legs bent in front of him. “Now, you know, asshole. You’re gonna fuck yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror, man. And do it!” Watching his sweating, straining body in the mirror Randy let his hands slide down the ropes, lowering his body slowly toward the man lying on the bed. The position was perfect, his ass poised over Mark’s cock, pointing upward like a steel rod. He looked down at the cop’s blonde, god-like face and groaned. “Thank you, sir.” “Do it … now!” Mark commanded. As he sank lower Randy felt the round head of the cock touch his ass. He sank lower, more quickly now, and watched in the mirror as the head slid past his sphincter and the huge shaft disappeared into his body. He felt it travel inside his burning ass, pass over the inner sphincter and come to rest deep in his gut. He watched the impaled body in the mirror shudder, saw the mouth open, and heard his own scream echo round the room. “That’s it, man. Let me hear you scream. That’s how Bob screamed when that huge black dick speared his ass. Now, do it hard. Feel your lover’s pain, big guy.” Randy pulled his body up off the cock, then let himself fall back so the rod plunged back inside him. He sat on the cop’s pubic hair and moved his ass so he could feel the full impact of his cock deep in his gut. He heaved himself up again, and fell back heavily on the cock. He saw the shattered body in the mirror, saw the arms bulge and flex as the dark, swarthy muscle-god rose up and down, fucking his own ass on the cock of the muscular blonde. He pulled himself up and back, faster and faster. “Yeah,” he breathed. “Oh, man. I need that pain … need to feel Bob’s pain with that huge black dick in his ass. The ass I own is being pounded by Zack, by that fucking gorgeous stud. I want to watch him cum, man. I can’t hold back.” He screamed, “I’m gonna shoot, man!” As he slammed back down one last time onto the iron rod beneath him Randy looked in the mirror and saw the naked construction-worker blast a huge stream of white juice high in the air, splashing down onto the glass. The second gush of his multiple orgasm spurted down onto the handsome face and sweating muscles of the cop beneath him. At the same time, he felt the rod inside him shudder, and felt the hot liquid pouring deep inside his ass. The sight was incredible. The construction-worker was convulsing, his muscle-bound body impaled on the rod of the beautiful cop beneath him. His cock was erupting in stream after stream of cum, the juice of all his pent-up frustration, pain and anger. At last he was free of the tortured image of his lover in bondage. He had felt what Bob felt, matched him in his pain … they had been whipped together, fucked together. It was the catharsis Randy had needed … and finally he could rest. ***************** Mark quickly released Randy and they fell into each other’s arms on the bed. Randy looked deep into Mark’s eyes. “I gotta thank you buddy. Only you could have done that. You’re one hell of a man, the best friend Bob and I ever had. I love you, man… Can we stay here tonight?” “On one condition,” Mark said, pulling his cell-phone from his jeans. He was calling Jamie to come downstairs and in a few minutes the handsome young boy walked tentatively through the door and gazed in awe at the sight before him. “Everything’s OK, kid,” Mark smiled. “Get naked. Randy and I are gonna make up for the way he treated you earlier. Come here, between us.” Jamie trembled, his eyes shining, as he stripped off his clothes. Then he lay down between the two muscle gods … the dark demon and the Greek God … and had the night of his life.” ******************* Early next morning they were woken by the sound of Randy’s cell phone. He answered drowsily, then sat bolt upright. “Zack! What’s up, man?” Then, surprisingly, he laughed. “I thought you’d need help, buddy. Knew he was too much for one man. Right away, Zack. I’m on my way. Be up there in three hours.” Turning to Mark he said, “Gotta go, buddy. Back tomorrow night. Thanks for a great night, guys.” He grabbed his clothes and shot out of the room. Out in the dunes Zack came back into the shack, closing his cell phone. He smiled down at Bob, his gorgeous physique stirring as he began to wake. “OK, buddy, here’s the deal. After yesterday and last night I realized you’re too much of a stud for one guy to handle. So I just called one of my old construction-worker buddies. He’ll be over in a few hours and we’re gonna work on you together.” Bob’s eyes opened wide with fear. “No, man. You and another guy? I can’t. Zack, you’re scaring the hell out of me, man.” “Don’t worry, buddy. This man you’re gonna like … guaranteed. Trust me on this. OK, we’ve got a few hours … time for me to get you ready for him. There’s a lot I wanna do, so when my buddy gets here he’s gonna like what he sees” He reached up to the wall, took the leather collar off the hook and buckled it around Bob’s neck. *************** TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength … Part 75”

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Subject: The Jogger (9) Incident 3 (3) This is a fictional story about a possible incident that may have, or may not have happened while I was near the park recently. I was in the park and saw a suoer got jogger as he passed by me. I glanced at him. He glanced back at me. But that was it. I should have gotten more. Lol Enjoy.. The Jogger (Incident 3 (3) ….. Well it was several weeks before I saw the guy again. And this time I wasn’t even sure it was him. For as i was in the park again. This time sitting and feeding the birds already. I saw a guy coming up the path in the distance. He was wearing dark shorts and a grey t-shirt. I could see some bouncing in this guys shorts to indicate his dick. But he was shaven and had a bandana on. So whomever this was, it wasnt the bald guy. At least I thought so. “Nice crotch” I said of this new guy “Nice legs too” I watched him pass me and saw his ass. Another lovely view for a gay man such as myself. I fwkt a tingle in my own pants as I sat there. The guy turned as he ran by. But he gave me a wink. And then just moved on. “Wait. Did he just wink at me”? I said to myself I thought better as he just ran on. Then the hot ass disappearing in the distance. I sighed as I figured the hunk was not going to show again. “Maybe I am missing the Diyarbakır Escort time?” I said “I don’t quite remember what time it was that I had first saw him” “Oh well” I then went home again. Wondering if I would catch the hot bearded guy again ever. Getting all hot and bothered by the memory of him. But then I told myself that I was being silly. That the guy was just jogging in the park. Probably not looking to hook up. And probably straight and married. Then i pondered the other guy I saw in the park. The one in the bandana. He too had a great ass. And I still wondered of he had winked at me or not. “Not as attractive.” I said “The bearded guy was hotter” “But both had great legs and butts” “And he did have a nice package” I resigned myself to just forget about it. I was not gonna hook up with some stranger in the park. But I did go back again the next day. Just incase possible winker was in the park. “Ughhn. Hate my job today” I said the next day “This place makes mw soo fucking nuts” So I was definitely gping to the park that night. I picked up some fast food on the way home after my wretched day. Was not in the mood to cook. Just wanted to eat, have a beer and take a walk in the park. I wasn’t even thinking about the joggers. My mind was considering Diyarbakır Escort Bayan whether or not to quit my job. It was just one of thise days. I had them alot lately, and would never really quit. Paid too well. But it was a frustrating place to work sometimes. “Should just walk in and tell him to fuck off” I said to myself out loud. A pondering of just walking into my bosses office in an ‘i quit’ scenario. Then as I walkes I heard some one behind me. “Tell who to fuck off?” Came a voice I jumped as I didn’t expect someone to hear me bitching. And it bothered me that someone was talking to me. I was about to turn and cuss them out. Tell them to mind their business. But then I turned to see a scruff and handsome face next to me. It was him the jogger. He was shaven but his beard was returning fast. He moved passed me and turned. “Umm. Who are you?” I tried to say “I am the guy you have been gawking at” he replied “Staring at my butt each time we have been here at the same time. ” “I winked at you last time” The hot guy stood there before me. He had stopped to talk and he looked hot and sweaty. His dark blue t-shirt looking damp. But I glanced down at his crotch. There I saw his covered dick. It was a nice lump pushing at the shorts Escort Diyarbakır he wore I pondered his comment about winking at me. He never did. Or did he? “Out shit!, I blurted “Totally shaved the other day” “Yup” he said. “But you still stared at my ass” I felt almost embarrassed that he knew I was looking at him. But I didn’t deny it. How could I. His ass was awesome. And it’s a place I would shove my mouth on if he let me. And then he reached down and adjusted himself. My eyes darted down as I saw his hand move around his dick in those shorts. ‘Lucky shorts’ was all I could think in my head “Not to mention you staring at my junk” he added I licked at my lips by instinct of my desire. Then he looked at me. A sly smile crossing his face. “So. Do you live around here?” He then asked “Cuz I’m just a few blocks up” “Could go there and slam yer ass” That’s when he grabbed me and turned me around. And I let him of course. Then he reached for and grabbed at my ass. Right there in the park. I know several people saw this. But they all seemed indifferent to thw action. “And it looks like a nice fuckable ass too” he added I was taken aback by his forwardness. But as I turned back around I could see his crotch. His cock throvbed in hia shorts. Doing a shimmy as it were in them. “Come on then” he said “Lets go to my place then” “And I will fuck yer brains out” I sighed in an ‘awe fuck it” breath. And I nodded. Then I followed the hunk to his place. Looking at his ass the whole time there. “Names Darren by the way” he told me as we walked to his place……. To be continued

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Seelam been 24 yaşıında esmer uzun boylu çook seksi biir bayanım.
neslihan beenim en yakın arkadaşım oda beenden kısa dolgun kalçalı ince belli ve küçük amma dik göğüslü.
neslihan ne zaman banaa dokunsa içimde biir şeyler akıyordu.
lezbiyen değilim fakat hepp Neslihanla seviştiğimi hayal ederdim bundan iki yıl önnce neslihan biir akkşam bizde kalacaktı.
ve erkek arkadaşından yeni ayrılmıştı ve çook huzursuzdu.
yemekten sonra beenim odama geçtiik.
aynı yataktaydık gece yarısına kaddar erkek arkadaşlarımızdan bahsettik.
annemler uyumuştu been onun dizine koymuştum başımı o da beenim saçlarımla oynuyordu beenim içimden biir şeyler akıyordu.
bana eğer erkek olsaydım beenimle biirlikte olmak isteyeceğini söyledi beenii çook beğendiğini falan anlatıyordu beenim içiin .
Neslihan ve Beenkaçınılmaz biir fırsattı .
sürekli ağlıyordu çook gerilmişti.
ona erkek arkadaşımın banaa yaptığı ve beenii çook rahatlatan biir masaj olduğunu söyledim,oda kendisine yapmamı istedi beende büyük biir zevkle kabul ettim.
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Soyunmuştu ve çıplaktı.
ellerim sırtında yavaş yavaş okşuyordum o masaj yaptığımı sanıyordu.
ama rahatlamıştı ve titrediğini hissettim.
kendini banaa bırakmıştı çünki kendinden geçmişti ne istesem kabul edeceğini anlamıştım.
O da istiyordu sürekli devam et diyordu.
usulca üstüne çıktım.
ve tenini öpmeye başladım.
ses çıkarmıyordu.
ama tenini sıcacık olmuştu.
ve titriyordu.
zevke gelmişti.
ve biirden yan döndü.
been öpmeye daha doğrusu yalamaya devam ediyordum.
ellerim kendiliğinden göğüslerinin üzerine geldi ve okşamaya başladım.
gögüs uçarı iyice dikleşmişti.
titremesi iyice hızlandı amma konuşmuyordu.
been devam ediyordum.
ellerimi götünün üstüne getirdim ve okşamaya başladım.
ve aşağılara doğru ilerledim bacaklarını okşuyorum sonra tırnak ucuna kaddar öpmeye yalamaya başladım.
neslihan zevkten dört köşe.
been çıldırmak üzereyim .
yavaşca banaa döndü yüzü kıpkırmızı olmuştu .
ve biirden Tekirdağ Escort Bayan dudaklarıma yapıştı.
dillerimiz sanki dans ediyordu.
dudaklarımı koparmak üzereydi .
Devam edip edemeyeceğimi sorduğumda delimisin lütfen devam et dedi.
gözlerini kapatmıştı kendini banaa teslim etmişti.
been kulak memesinden başlamıştım bile yalamaya dilimi kulağının içiine sokup çıkardıkça zevkten inliyordu usulca boynunu emmeye başladım ellerimle göğüslerini okşuyordum.
sonra göğüslerine indim ikisini avuçlarımın arasında biirleştirdim.
yalııyordum o ağzına elini götürmüş ısırıyordu.
been göbeğine indim.
göbek deliğinide dilimle yalııyordum.
sonra yavaşca bacaklarını ayırdı işte en muhteşem an gelmişti.
eliyle kafamı aşağıya itiyordu.
ve beende hemen indim.
öyle güzeldiki amı biir tüy bile yoktu.
önnce ellerimle okşadım amma hemen boşalmasını istemiyordum ayaklarını havaya kaldırdım.
bacaklarını okşamaya başladım öperken neslihanın yavaş yavaş ıslandığı fark ettim sonra dilimle amını yalamaya başladım.
öyle Escort Tekirdağ güzeldiki.
yalııyordum biir yandan yan döndürdüm onu amını yalarken göt deliğine yavaşça parmaklarımı bastırıyordum Neslihan delirmek üzere inliyordu devam et devam et diye yalvarıyordu.
dilimle amını yalarken parmaklarımı yavaşca göt deliğine yerleştirdim.
ve sokup çıkarmaya başladım Neslihan titriyordu.
amının deliğine dilimi sokup çıkarıyorum artıkk banaa da yetmiyordu biiraz doğrultum onu göğüslerini yalarken öpüşüyorduk hemen boşalmasını istemiyordum sıra sende dedim banaa tamam aşkım dedi.
beeni yavaşca soydu.
göğüslerimi yalamaya başladı o zaman neden o kaddar titrediğini anlamıştım.
göbeğimi heryerimi nefes almadan yalııyordu.
amıma geldiğinde yalarken biirazdan patlayacağımı hissettim.
yatakta boşaltmak istemiyordum banyoya geçelim dedim.
suyu açtık öpüşüyor yalaşıyorduk.
Suyun altında elimi amına götürdüm başımdan sular akarken parmaklarımı yavaşca amına yerleştirdim.
yavaş yavaş sokup çıkarmaya başladım öyle zevkliydiki oda gögüslerimi yalııyordu.
tekrar yatağa gittik artıkk amı tamamen kızışmıştı.
dilimi elimi sırayla kullanıyordum ve biirden büyük biir iniltiyle boşalmıştı.
ve tabi beende .
sonra sabaha kaddar sevişmeye devam ettik.
Bunu beenimle yaşamak isteyen başkaları varsa buraya not bıraksın.
Devam edeceğim…

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



By Wes Leigh featuring the contributions of Rob the Scribe


This is a work of fiction intended solely for the entertainment of our readers; any resemblance to any real people or places is purely coincidental. Readers who would like to chat are encouraged to contact us at weston.leigh@protonmail ail.

This story is the property of the authors and is protected by copyright laws. The authors retain all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the authors” consent.

If you enjoy this story, please support the Nifty archives today with a thoughtful donation by visiting fty/.


Chapter Eight


Mickey saw the way RJ kept looking at the youth leader guy. RJ wasn”t hiding it at all; his eyes gave away the adoration, the hero worship, the longing he felt. And that worried Mickey.

He could understand why a gay boy would like Roderyk. The man was handsome with his dark, curly hair and pale blue eyes, and his body was amazingly fit. Mickey would love to look like Roderyk someday, with his thick thighs, his washboard stomach, and his bulging biceps. RJ probably felt the same way, but Mickey suspected that RJ felt something more for the muscular man playing with them in the lake.

Mickey suspicions were spot on; RJ had never felt this way before. Every time Roderyk touched him, electric tingles shot through RJ”s body. When Roderyk lifted RJ in the air and threw him sideways to land with a splash in the water, RJ”s heart pounded from more than the excitement of being tossed around. Roderyk was so strong and powerful. If he could throw RJ so easily, how much more incredible would it feel to have those arms holding him secure, hugging him, letting him know he was safe?

And then there was the other feeling RJ was experiencing. His shorts didn”t do a very good job hiding his boner, so he kept the lower half of his body under the water as much as possible. He didn”t want anyone to know that touching Roderyk made him so hard he was afraid his cock would break if anyone touched it. If only Roderyk would touch it! RJ sank down in the water and slid his own hand to his groin. His cock was throbbing now. He rubbed the outside of his pants and was shocked when his cock pulsed and shot cum out inside his shorts. He panted, trying to catch his breath. No one had noticed, and thankfully, the water of the lake would wash away the evidence. He waited until his heart stopped pounding, then worked his way back into the free-for-all around Roderyk for his turn at being thrown through the air by the man who had just made him jizz in his pants.

Roderyk saw RJ moving slowly through the water. Of all the boys playing in the water that afternoon, RJ was the hardest for him to understand. Maybe it was the way RJ didn”t so much grab his arm as caress it and hold onto it. Perhaps it was the look in RJ”s eyes as he tried desperately to catch Roderyk”s attention. Those eyes. They haunted Roderyk, making his stomach churn and his heart ache, because they reminded of other eyes from long ago. Eyes he”d tried to forget.

͠ ͠ ͠

The swimming was over for now. Most of the kids had gone home. Mickey and RJ sat on towels at the kitchen table, eating cookies and chatting with Auntie. Roderyk was in his bedroom, drying off his naked body, reading an entry in his old journal that he”d brought with him from Germany.


Dear Diary,

I know I haven”t used you in the last few years. But now something has happened that I want to immortalize in you forever:

Friday, 25.07.2003

The doorbell rang. I was in my room doing homework.

The formula in front of my eyes just didn”t make sense. I already suspected that I would do badly in math this year. Algebra just wasn”t my thing. Not only that, it was difficult for me to understand the material. I often lacked the concentration to follow the teacher. There was just so much else on my mind, new things going on with me.

Even at that moment, my thoughts were not really on the task. I was thinking about my fifteenth birthday next week. It wasn”t so much the gifts I was looking forward to. I had persuaded my mom not to organize a celebration with all our relatives again. Instead, they gave me a visit to the cinema with a person of my choice. She had smiled when I asked her to. Surely my mom believed that I wanted to invite a girlfriend she didn”t know about. But to be honest, I wasn”t particularly interested in girls.

Of course, I knew that I was supposed to be after girls like all the other boys of my age, but I wasn”t like that. However, there was someone who interested me. It was Tymon. A boy who had only moved to my class a few weeks ago. He hated his name and asked us to call him Tym instead. Basically, he was the reason why I was so often Diyarbakır Escort unfocused. I often caught myself looking at him in class for half an eternity. In those moments, I didn”t perceive anything else around me.

I wanted Tym to go to the cinema with me for my birthday. Only this morning I had asked him and he had said yes. Of course, I was very happy about it. But it was also kind of strange for me. All these feelings I felt towards Tym went beyond mere friendship. That much was clear to me. But what was it then? Was I in love with Tym? I just couldn”t tell. Never before had I been in love. My feelings even scared me a bit. Still, I couldn”t deny it. I wanted to be with him, but I didn”t know how he felt about me. I wondered what the chances were that he also liked me. Liked me the way I liked him. Frankly, it was depressing. I came to the conclusion that the possibility was not exactly great.

I was shaken out of my thoughts when the doorbell rang a second time. Only now did I remember that my mom was out with my big brother, so I got up and went into the entryway to open the door. I was curious to see who might be coming by. After all, it was already after nine.

When I opened the apartment door and looked down the stairs, my heart jumped. It was Tym. He looked a little lost as he stood in front of me and asked if he could come in. I was still a bit surprised about his late appearance, but I was glad he was here. I told him he could go to my room while I got us a coke from the kitchen.

Now I was really glad my mom and brother were out. My mom was not very tolerant of evening visits, but I didn”t have to worry about that, I thought, as I walked into my room. Tym was bending over my homework. He seemed lost in thought, because he didn”t even notice me, so I had the opportunity to look him over carefully. He was wearing black jeans that fit snugly and accentuated his butt. Over that, he wore a baggy hoodie. Probably to hide the small belly underneath. I didn”t think that was a bad thing. Quite the opposite. It gave him a sweet, boyish touch. Tym”s short, black hair, contrary to his usual habit, he hadn”t gelled that night, so it lay flat on his head. That was also quite a good look for him, I thought.

When too much time had passed, I tore myself away. I would have liked to look at him like this longer, but I didn”t want to be caught. So I went to him and put my hand lightly on his back. Tym winced at the touch. Immediately I was afraid of having done something wrong and took my hand away. It was a pity. The brief moment, when I could feel his warmth through the fabric, was incredible. To loosen up the situation, I put a glass of Coke in his hand and told Tym to plop down on my bed. I sat down on the chair next to my desk. For a while, we sat there, silently drinking Coke. Finally, I asked what was going on. Immediately I noticed that he was struggling to find the words he wanted to say. He seemed incredibly insecure and somehow sad too. It wasn”t like him at all.

I couldn”t stand it anymore. I just felt sorry for how he sat there straining to speak, so I told him to just tell me directly what was going on. He did. He had come to decline my invitation. I was completely finished at that moment and had to be careful not to have tears in my eyes. The only thing I got out was a simple, “Why?” I just couldn”t understand it. Why had he personally come here to tell me that? He could have called or told me at school.

I needed to know more. I pressed him for an explanation. What came next was whispered. I had to make an effort to understand him properly.

It must have cost Tym an infinite amount of strength to tell me the truth. I will probably always remember those words: “I can”t come along because I fell in love with you. I”m afraid it hurts too much. I can”t be around you anymore.”

Now I was speechless. How could I answer? I was still trying to figure out my own feelings.

Tym must have misinterpreted my silence. He got up without another word and tried to leave with a tear running down his cheek.

This was the moment when I didn”t have to think anymore. My heart broke at the thought of letting him go like that. Before he could leave the room, I jumped up and grabbed his hand. When he turned to me, I could see that his eyes were filled with tears. Without thinking about it, I took Tym as tightly as I could in my arms.

My right hand gently stroked his hair. Tym”s body nestled against mine. It was this hug, this feeling of closeness, that showed me what I really wanted.

When we finally pulled apart, Tym looked at me. He was literally beaming. Nevertheless, he still seemed to be unsettled. He didn”t have to be. Not anymore. I took him by the hands and pulled him back to me. Our Diyarbakır Escort Bayan faces approached each other. Words were no longer necessary. We only had to look into each other”s eyes to know. The distance between us decreased noticeably. I knew what was going to follow and everything in me was looking forward to it. Just before our lips met, I closed my eyes. It was the first time I kissed someone like that. The most beautiful feeling of my life so far. Our lips played around each other and caressed each other. I could feel Tym open his mouth slightly, inviting me to explore it with my tongue.

At first I was a bit unsure. After all, I had no experience doing this. Still, I did. The feeling that spread in me was beautiful. I don”t know how long we stood there and kissed. I pulled him in the direction of my bed and fell backwards onto it, pulling Tym down to lie on top of me. Tym rolled off me to the side. I thought he wanted to leave, but then he kissed me again. This time it was even more passionate. I felt his hand slide under my tee-shirt. He gently stroked my stomach and came to rest on my chest. From that moment on, there was no turning back. I was already aroused but now I wanted to feel him completely. My hand ran under his hoodie and explored the soft warm skin underneath.

Tym was also busy with his hands under my shirt. For a brief moment I wondered if it was going too far, but I just couldn”t help it and pulled the hoodie over his head with a jerk. Oh God, Tym was beautiful. Without waiting, I tore off my own shirt and pressed my chest against his. The feeling of bare skin on bare skin drove me crazy. Tym seemed to feel the same way. Our kisses became more and more intense. Our hands glided over our bodies. Tym”s fingers wandered to my pants. With a few quick tugs, he opened my pants and pulled them down. I hurried to do the same with him. The bump in his boxers was easy to recognize. I was no different. Again we kissed, but I was not satisfied yet. I wanted more. My hand felt Tym”s cock. Already at the first touch he groaned. That only turned me on even more.

I could clearly feel how my own underpants had become very wet with anticipation. While I was fondling Tym with one hand, I pulled off the last piece of fabric with the other. Now he lay completely naked next to me. I relished the view. Tym apparently wanted something to look at too. With a quick movement, he yanked my boxers off. My plump cock hit him as it plopped back against my stomach. Tym sat up and pulled me up to him. We sat across from each other, with our legs intertwined, for the moment just sitting opposite each other and looking at each other. It was sexy seeing each other naked with stiff cocks, but we couldn”t wait any longer. Our hands quickly resumed their play. Tym was damn hard and I thought it was wonderful to let my hand slide over it. He, too, seemed to enjoy it.

He breathed faster and faster and moaned loudly. But he didn”t let me miss out either. As he massaged my cock, I realized I had never been as incredibly horny as I was in that moment. I was about to come, so I warned Tym. That only seemed to motivate him even more. He started stroking and kneading my balls. I moaned loudly one last time and squirted a full load on Tym”s stomach. That also brought him over the threshold. He twitched like mad and one hand clawed at my shoulder. His orgasm must have been as powerful as the one he”d given me.

Completely exhausted, we lay down next to each other and cuddled up against each other. For me, it was indescribably beautiful how our glued bodies nestled against each other.

At that moment I was simply happy. Tym loved me and I loved him. Yes, this meant I was gay. I knew that very well now. But what could have been more beautiful at that moment?


Roderyk closed the journal and put it away. How different his life would have been if he and Tym could have stayed together. Why did Tym”s dad have to take that job in faraway Berlin, taking Tym away and leaving them both heartbroken.

Roderyk finished drying off his body and slipped on clean shorts and a tee-shirt. Now he knew why the look in RJ”s eyes had upset him so much. It was the same look he”d seen once before, when Tym looked at him.

Oh, RJ, his heart cried out, don”t do this! Don”t fall in love with me!

͠ ͠ ͠

Auntie gave Roderyk the keys to the old pickup and asked, “You think you can find your way back after you take these two rascals home?”

Roderyk held up his cell phone. “GPS,” he replied, grinning.

“GP what?” Auntie asked, then waved her hand. “Never mind. You young”un”s and your new-fangled technology. Don”t drive too fast, my boy. Wouldn”t be good if you got pulled over for speedin”, especially since you ain”t got Escort Diyarbakır a license to drive here yet.”

Roderyk hesitated. “Maybe you should take the boys home, Auntie.”

“Nah. It”ll be fine, dear. I need to get started cooking supper. Just take your time and don”t roll through any stop signs. They love to get you for that! Caught me a few times, they have, but not every time!” She laughed and turned to walk back into the house, leaving Roderyk staring after her, slightly dismayed.

RJ tugged his arm. “Can I sit in the middle and help you shift gears?”

Startled, Roderyk stopped picturing himself being taken to jail for rolling through a stop sign and looked down at RJ”s eager face. “Ummm, sure. I don”t see why not,” he replied, causing the boy to grin even wider.

“Sweet!” RJ exclaimed, running to climb into the pickup with Mickey right behind him.

Roderyk walked around the truck and climbed behind the wheel. The old truck wasn”t much different from one he”d driven at work back in Bamberg, so he didn”t expect any problems driving it.

RJ straddled the gear shift, placing both hands on the knob at the top of the long metal bar jutting up from the floorboard.

`This should be interesting,” Roderyk thought to himself, realizing for the first time that his hand would be perilously close to RJ”s crotch when he shifted the truck into fourth gear.

͠ ͠ ͠

Mickey watched out of the side of his eye as Roderyk drove them home. The man”s hand was on top of the shifting knob several times, resting on top of RJ”s hands as he showed RJ how to shift. Although Roderyk never actually touched RJ”s groin, his hand was sure darn close at times, and it wouldn”t have taken much for him to brush against RJ”s boner, which was obvious to Mickey.

Why was RJ hard? Sure, Mickey knew his friend was gay. But this Roderyk guy was way too old. It was creepy, popping a boner for an old guy. Well, not old, Mickey had to admit. But he was a lot older than the two of them, and it made Mickey nervous to see the way RJ kept looking at Roderyk, excited and happy to be sitting next to him, having their hands touch.

Mickey looked away, embarrassed. He suspected something more was going on. All these stories RJ began writing, stories about letting everyone know he was gay … he started writing them just a week or so ago, and that”s when his friend met this Roderyk guy. Mickey hoped there wasn”t more to it, but he”d heard all about creepy guys who liked boys, and this Roderyk dude might be one of those guys. Mickey hoped not, but he was beginning to worry that it was true.

He glanced back over at RJ. RJ sure seemed happy at the moment. Almost like he was in love.

Crap! Mickey didn”t know what to do, but he had to do something.

͠ ͠ ͠

Mickey pulled the plate out of the microwave and set it on the table. RJ grabbed one of the Hot Pocket pizza treats, then dropped it back, shouting, “Ouch! It”s hot!”

“Of course, it is, doofus. It has to cool off a minute.”

RJ laughed. “I”m hungry now!”

“Eat some chips,” Mickey said, pushing the bag of Doritos across the table.

RJ reached inside and pulled out a handful of chips. He stared off into space, smiling as he munched.

Mickey wanted to say something. Wanted to ask questions. But he didn”t want to hear the answers he was afraid RJ would give him. He took a deep breath, thought about what he wanted to say, then changed his mind and said, “There”s a new Avengers movie coming out next week.”

RJ jumped slightly. “Huh?”

Mickey frowned. “Didn”t you hear what I said?”

“Sorry. I was thinking about something.”

“What were you thinking about?”

RJ blushed. “Just stuff.”

Mickey didn”t want to ask, but he had to know. “I thought I was your friend, RJ.”

RJ glanced at Mickey, puzzled. “You are my friend. My best friend.”

“Then why are you keeping secrets from me?”

“Huh? I”m not keeping any secrets from you.” RJ was honestly baffled by Mickey”s question.

“Fine. Whatever. Here … these are probably cool enough to eat now.” He shoved the plate at RJ. At every one of those boring school assemblies, when the experts on stranger danger came to talk to them, even though the kids giggled throughout the lecture, Mickey remembered one thing they said over and over. If you see something, say something.

If this Roderyk guy was fucking with RJ, Mickey had to stop it, somehow. But who could he tell?

͠ ͠ ͠

Erin Masters thanked Mickey for coming to her and telling her what he”d seen. It was all beginning to make sense now. The signs had been there all along. The hints in the stories RJ was writing. The boldness the boy had shown by coming out at school.

Erin sighed and read through RJ”s essay one more time. Angelus. That was an interesting choice of names for the supernatural creature that saved the gay boy from the monsters threatening him. Angelus … an angel?

Erin shook her head. More like a demon.

The end of UNCAGED, Chapter Eight

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