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Robert couldn’t help remembering that weekend ten years earlier when he saw Mrs. Larson again. He was ten and his sister Lisa was eight when they went to stay with her. She was happy to see him and she even asked about Lisa who was just finishing her first year of college.
“Well I’m glad to hear she’s doing fine.” she said.
But Robert was nervous in front of her. He couldn’t help it. He remembered the spanking she had given him that weekend in the backyard of her house, how she had gripped him by the scruff of the neck and laid her hand across his backside. All because she had seen him throw a rock over the fence at some neighborhood kids. But the worst part was the following day when she made Lisa wear a diaper because she had wet the bed. He still recalled listening from outside the room as she put her in the diaper and how Lisa cried so hard and protested. Then how Mrs. Larson had emerged with Lisa’s clothes in her hand and walked past him with a self-righteous expression. He remembered looking in then and seeing his sister crying on the bed with her back to the door, dressed in only the diaper and plastic pants, her body heaving with sobs.
And now here Mrs. Larson was after all these years, talking to his mother like they were old friends! He wondered what would happen if he exposed her? Perhaps he could at least embarrass her by telling the story. Yes, that would be good! But then to his surprise she was the one who raised the topic.
“Do you remember that time I had to spank you for throwing rocks at the kids next door?” she mentioned casually.
He stood there and blushed for a moment.
“Oh yeah.” he replied, nodding with a sick expression.
“You never did that again!” Mrs. Larson boasted.
She and his mother shared a laugh.
“Robert was always a quick learner!” his mother chimed.
“Sure he was!” agreed Mrs. Larson.
Robert tried to excuse himself but he was invited to stay and chat.
“So what are you doing now, Robert?” Mrs. Larson asked.
“I’m working for a contractor.”
“Oh! He’s a big construction worker now!” she quipped as she and this mother shared a smile.
Robert felt like she was trying to diminish him again, the same way she had that day in her backyard in front of all the other kids.
“That’s right.” he replied flatly.
“Do you know anything about repairing holes in walls?” Mrs. Larson continued.
He felt insulted again.
“Yes.” he said, “Quite a bit.”
“Oh, well, that’s wonderful!” Mrs. Larson replied in an exaggerated way, “Could you come over and give me an estimate?”
Robert’s first reflex was to refuse, but then he felt like he had something to prove to her.
“Sure, I can have a look at it.” he finally agreed.
Two days later he arrived at her house and felt a chill go down his back when he rang the bell. He actually recalled its “Dong- Dong- Ding” chiming sound. The door swung open seconds later and there stood Mrs. Larson. She surveyed him briefly.
“Aww! Look, he’s brought all his tools!” she said looking down at his satchel.
“Yup!” he replied trying not to let the condescending comment piss him off.
“Okay, come this way.” she directed as she stepped aside and motioned towards the hallway.
When he entered her house the smell in the air sent him back in time. It was filled with the odor of roses and lemon scented wood wax. He stopped near the hall and let her lead him to the bathroom and on his way saw the spot where he had stood helplessly ten years earlier.
Once in the bathroom he saw that a section of tiles and sheetrock had been removed on one of the walls over the tub. He peered into the hole.
“Is the plumbing work all done?’ he asked.
“Well, actually they said they were going to put one more thing in.” she said.
Now he felt stupid for bringing his tools with him.
“Okay, well I’d wait until they finish.” he recommended.
“Oh yes, but what do you think it will cost to fix the wall?”
He thought for a moment and realized he really didn’t know.
“Depends.” he replied.
“Robert! Come now! I don’t have time for rhetorical games!” she suddenly scolded.
When she spoke to him in this tone he quickly lost all the confidence he had possessed on his walk up to the house. He became flustered.
“Depends on… you know… the materials.” he answered haltingly.
She put her hands on her hips then, stepped into him and directed her stern eyes up at his face.
“This is exactly what I wanted to avoid by bringing you here, Robert! The run around!”
“Mrs. Larson! I am not giving you the run around!” he shot back, although somewhat lamely, “It’s hard to say!”
“Are you raising your voice to me, Robert?!” she snapped.
“No ma’am!”
“Do you think just because you’re a big man of the world now that I can’t take you down a few pegs!”
“No ma’am!” he shot back again before realizing what his answer meant, “I mean, I wouldn’t do that.”
Mrs. Larson stepped away from him as her anger peaked. She stood there and shook slightly.
“Well this is just the limit, Anadolu Yakası escort young man! Get into that room!” she seethed, pointing to the bedroom across the hall.
Robert couldn’t believe his ears, but he began to move anyway, toward the same room his sister had been diapered in.
“Get going!” she commanded.
As Robert moved out of the bathroom he wondered why he had even gone there. Why had he needed to prove anything to this woman? Or had that been the real reason at all?
When he got to the bedroom door he stopped and looked back at her.
“Open it!” she instructed angrily.
As he pushed the door open he felt all his strength drain away as the darkness of the room brought him back to that day ten years earlier. All the furniture was the same as he remembered with the only light source coming in from around the edges of the heavy curtains. He looked down at the single bed and then back at Mrs. Larson who had shut the door behind them.
“Sit!” she directed.
He did as he was told and took a seat on the bed, but then he was struck by the absurdity of the situation.
“Look, what is this all about?” he asked, “I didn’t mean to insult you! I’m not that experienced anyway…”
“Oh, now you come up with this excuse! Didn’t you learn anything the last time you were here?”
She spoke as if he had only been there a few months earlier. Robert began to tremble and get a knot in his throat.
“Look, this was all a mistake…” he started.
“A mistake?” she said, as she held her palm out, “Give me your shoes!”
“This is ridiculous!” he insisted as he began to rise to his feet.
But before he could stand she delivered a hard slap to the left side of his face and he went back down. He sat there dazed by the blow and felt all the old trepidation fill him again.
“You will not defy me, young man!” she ordered as she directed a condemning finger down towards his nose.
Robert felt a quivering in his lips now and the old fear and awe returning. He couldn’t divert his eyes from hers.
“Give me the shoes!” she told him again.
He took them off and handed them over.
“Now the pants!” she ordered again.
He stood slowly and dropped them to the floor. She gathered them and put them on a settee and returned. Then she took the thick leather belt off she was wearing in her jeans and folded it in two.
“Lay down on the bed!”
He did as she directed and laid down along the length of the bed.
“Feet together!” she told him before picking both his legs up by the heels and pulling them up and back.
His legs were now perpendicular to his body and bent slightly at the knees, exposing his tender rear end covered only in bikini briefs. He figured this was the position she must have put his sister in all those years ago. She had never told him what happened, but from what he heard outside the door, this must have been how she felt, trapped under this woman’s vindictive grip.
As she switched the belt into her right hand, his legs began to tremble and his breathing became halting and shallow. He looked up at her face with complete fear. Suddenly tears began to well up and stream down his temples as he began to fully appreciate the helplessness of his position.
“This is what happens to liars and cheaters!” she stated before swinging into him.
The first blow landed against his upper thighs and made him call out like a cowardly child.
“Owww! Oww! Oww!” he cried, his eyes registering shocked disbelief.
“Are you starting to rethink your career as a liar?” she asked.
But before he could answer she laid the belt into him again, this time squarely on his buttocks. He cried out louder with this strike and pushed against the grip she had on his heels.
“Do not resist me!” she threatened.
But she paused after this as she realized she had successfully pushed him into emotional regression. He began to bawl freely.
“Are you crying because you’re sorry?” she asked.
He nodded as he tried to wipe his teary eyes with his hands.
“That doesn’t sound very sincere to me.” she told him.
“I’m sorry!” he blurted with ill temper.
“Oh, that just sounds rude!” she said before hauling back and cracking the belt against his ass flesh again.
He bucked up from the stinging edge of the blow.
“Owww! Oowwww!” he yammered.
Strangely, as she held him there, never did it occur to him that he could break free of her hold with proper force. It was as if he was still in a state of awe at her power. As he began to sob heavily, Mrs. Larson paused again.
“I want to hear a sincere apology.” she told him.
He continued to bawl and sniffle for awhile so she waited.
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Larson.” Robert finally blubbered.
“So I don’t need to take off your underwear and spank your bare bottom?”
“I heard defiance in that ‘no’!”
“No!” he yelled again, “You don’t need to!”
“So what aren’t you ever going to do again?”
“Lie!” he said, still sniffling.
“That’s right! Because liars and Anadolu Yakası escort bayan bed-wetters get a one way ticket to the punishing room!”
“You’re not going to forget!”
“Okay, you can get up and put your pants back on.”
As he rose off the bed, red welts were clearly visible below his underwear line. He wiped his wet eyes and took small steps to his pants. After he had left her house he had to ruminate on what had just happened. Had it all been a misunderstanding or was Mrs. Larson just a closet sadist? He debated it until he remembered that she had been wearing the belt she used on him all along. Was that a coincidence? He didn’t think so.
Later that week when Lisa came home from school, Robert had to tell her about seeing Mrs. Larson again. He had no plans to tell her about the spanking part until they started talking.
“Guess who came by earlier this week?” he announced.
“Oh, that old, evil Mrs. Larson! Mom told me.”
“Yeah, and you’ll never believe this! She bragged about spanking me when we stayed with her ten years ago!”
“What a witch!”
“And mom thought it was funny!”
“She doesn’t know her!”
“I know.”
Lisa paused and thought for a moment.
“What else did Mrs. Larson say?”
“Well, she asked me to fix a wall in her bathroom.”
“Oh really. Anything about me?”
Robert knew what Lisa was thinking about. She was wondering if Mrs. Larson had blabbed about putting her in diapers. She had managed to keep it a secret all these years, that is, except from him. But she didn’t want her mom to know.
“No, she just asked how you were doing.”
“And what about this wall repair? Did she pay you?”
“No, I didn’t do it.”
“Why not?”
“I told her I couldn’t give her an exact estimate.”
“Oh? Then what happened?”
Robert paused and expelled a long breath.
“Ah, she got a little weird on me.”
“Like how?”
“You know, she has this authoritarian streak…”
“Yeah! And?”
Robert looked around and realized they needed to take this conversation to a more private location.
“Let’s go to your room.” he told her.
After they were safe behind a closed door, Robert continued.
“Well… she started calling me a thief and a liar!”
“Yeah! Because I didn’t know what it would take to fix it.”
“Oh dude! What did she do?!”
“Well… she…”
“She ordered me into The Room!”
Lisa’s eyes became saucers.
“The room?”
“Yeah, do you remember? The time we stayed there?”
Lisa was lost in thought now. She pushed a strand of her long, blonde hair behind her ear.
“A little.” she said.
Robert didn’t believe this answer, but he continued.
“Do you remember the room she put you in? She calls it The Punishing Room?”
Lisa’s face filled with a mix of confusion and wonder.
“Oh my god! Maybe.”
“Well, she ordered me into this room. And then she… spanked me.”
“What!” Lisa exclaimed as she covered her mouth, “You let her spank you!”
“No! She just did it. Don’t you remember how she was?”
“But why didn’t you just tell her to fuck off?”
“I don’t know. It’s just the way she commands you…”
This was when Robert realized something else about his motivations in going there. After all, Lisa was right. Why would he put himself in that situation knowing this lady the way he did?
“Okay so tell me what she did?”
“Uh, she made me take my pants off and lay down on the bed.”
When Robert told her this her eyes glazed over. She traveled back in time to those days he and she had spent there, to that one particular day when Mrs. Larson had pulled her into that room after finding her bed peed in.
“Yes, and then?” she said in a far away voice.
“She took off her belt and smacked me with it!”
“Oh my god!” she replied, gazing off into space again.
Now Lisa was back in that room ten years earlier. She saw herself kicking and crying as the diaper was fitted around her, and how Mrs. Larson’s face shone with glee, and how she held her there afterwards until she cried herself to sleep. Her next memory was of waking up with the diaper wet around her and Mrs. Larson carrying her through the house in it. She had even made tea with her on her hip the whole while.
“Lisa? Are you listening?” Robert’s voice broke in.
“Yes!” she said flinching as she sprang back to the present.
“And the weirdest part about it was… I cried!”
“You cried!”
“Yes! I couldn’t help it! Do you remember that room now?”
Lisa drifted away again and felt a deep surge of excitement well up in her. She finally understood a long repressed part of her sexuality.
“Yeah.” she said as something released in her, “I’ll be right back.”
She got up and left the bedroom and then Robert heard the bathroom door close. Had he been wrong to bring this up again? No, he decided. They both needed to confront this thing now! He decided he needed to talk to her immediately!
He escort bayan got up and walked out to the bathroom and spoke to her through the door.
“Lisa?” he said in a semi-whisper.
Inside the bathroom Lisa was sitting on the toilet rubbing herself with her eyes closed.
“What!” she replied with an annoyed tone.
“I know what happened!… I was outside the door of the room! I heard you crying and I saw what she did to you! It’s okay!” he insisted.
He put his ear to the door but he could only hear the faucet running.
She was inserting two fingers into herself now and then bringing the fingers out wet and working them back and forth over her clitoris.
“What!!” she answered again with peeved aggression.
“It wasn’t your fault! Please, don’t be upset!”
“Okay! Go away!”
Robert retreated then.
After a few more minutes she rejoined him back in the room. She flopped down on the bed with a look of bored frustration.
“Why did you go over to that woman’s house?”
“I told you!” he reiterated, “To fix her wall!”
“No, why did you really go?”
Robert was the one annoyed now.
“I don’t know, Miss College, why don’t you tell me!”
Lisa turned towards him and propped her head up with her arm.
“I think you wanted to get spanked again. It’s not that hard to see.”
“Yeah right! What do you take me for? A weirdo!”
“No, but when I heard your story it was obvious that the idea excited you. And then I felt excited too.”
“You did?”
“Yes, the idea of being controlled like that… it makes me excited.”
Robert was feeling strange about all this sudden candor, but he couldn’t deny its truth.
“Okay, so?”
Lisa rolled back flat again.
“What if these things she did to us… what if they’ve changed us?”
“What do you mean?”
“What if they’ve planted ideas that we can’t get away from?”
“Such as…”
“Such as getting spanked and getting put into diapers by a dominant person.”
Robert went silent.
“The psychological term is paraphilia. It’s when people develop fetishes for certain objects or actions. Like a guy who gets excited by a woman’s dirty underwear or a woman who gets turned on being tied up.”
Robert blushed.
“What?” Lisa asked, “Are you one of those dirty underwear guys!”
“Yeah right!” Robert protested as he continued to blush.
“You better not steal any of mine!”
“Okay, can we continue with the psychological discussion, please!” Robert pleaded.
“Anyway, I think we both developed fetishes that were started or reinforced by or experiences with her.”
“You think so?”
“Yes. For instance, what was the first thing you did when you got home after Mrs. Larson spanked you?”
Robert blushed again.
“Did you jerk off?”
His eyes went down.
“Come on! Stop denying it!” she challenged.
Finally he smiled.
“I’ve always fantasied about wearing diapers. Usually I imagine myself being forced to wear them by a pregnant woman.”
“For some reason she always has big boobs that are sticking straight out like cannons.”
“So maybe you have a big boob fetish, too.” he suggested.
Robert couldn’t believe what a week this turning out to be! With all these wild revelations! He never knew Lisa had all these sophisticated ideas about sex.
“Hey, did she leave marks on you?” Lisa asked.
“Hell yes!”
“Let me see!”
Robert stood up and pulled his pants down enough to show her the red lines across the backs of his thighs. Lisa got up and went over to where he was standing and inspected them.
“Damn!” she said before soundly smacking his ass.
“Hey!” he shouted.
“So when are you going back?” she asked.
“Going back! Never happened, she’s crazy!”
“Come on, Robert, you can’t kid me! You’re going to keep going back to her!”
“Hell no!”
“She’s got you and she knows it!”
“Oh yeah!”
Robert walked to the bed and sat down. He winced slightly as he planted himself.
“Now every time you sit on that whipped ass of yours you’ll be thinking of her!”
Robert squirmed with discomfort. He knew she was right.
“Why don’t you get mom to put you in a diaper! She’s got big boobs!”
“Fuck you!”
Lisa got up then and started looking around her room.
“What are you doing?”
“Looking for something to beat you with!”
Robert rose and put his arms out to show he didn’t want any part of her anger, even though he was several inches taller and forty pounds heavier than her. Lisa finally located a ping pong paddle and started towards him. He backed away fearfully.
“Come on now! Take it easy!” he pleaded.
But Lisa’s face seemed possessed.
“Get those pants down!” she said pointing.
“Get them down!” she ordered as she swung the paddle and hit him on the hip with it.
“Okay! Okay!” he replied in a panicky voice.
He unbuttoned himself and let his pants fall to his ankles. She reached down and yanked them away from him one leg at a time.
“Okay, on the bed!”
“Sure! Sure!” he said scurrying forward.
When he moved past her she grabbed the hair on the back of his head and twisted it.
“Ahhh!” he called out as she guided him down face first to the mattress.
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