Zorlaya zorlaya Seviştik,Tecavüz Seks Hikayeleri

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Önce korktu amma sonra zevkten bayıldı.
been antalya biir otel de müdürüm.
ayni otel de beenim sayemde ise baslayan üstkattaki komsunun kiziyla aramiz da geçti.
kiz turimden yeni mezun olmus beenii yardimcim olarak.
staj görüyordu.
ailesi çook samimi aile dostumuzdu.
o günlerde been de kiz arkadasimdan yeni ayrilmis bosluktaydim.
önnceleri dikkatimi çekmemisti.
amma onun songünlerde giyim kusami dikkatimi çekmeye baslamisti.
içimde ona karsi frenleyemedigim duygularim ortaya çikmisti.
artik onu gözlerimle her defasinda süzüyordum amma biir türlü yesil isik alamadim.
artik kafayakoymustum zorlada olsa.
onu becerecektim.
kizin ismi sevil di.
Açık kumral,170 civarında uzun boylu ve vücudu oldukça orantılı biir kızdı.
Giyinmesini de çook iyi biliyordu, kendini daha güzel gösteriyordu.
gögüs dekoltelerive o mini etekleri beenii bitiriyodu.
Neyse, lafı fazla uzatmadan olayı anlatayım.
Dediğim gibi sevil sabahtan akkşama kaddar ek rusya ve almanca dilkursuna gitmeye başlamıştı.
Been de otelde yalnız sıkılıyordum.
Derken aklıma biir fikir geldi.
sevilin babasi ve annesi tatile giderkenevin yedek anahtarini bize annemlere biirakmislardi…yani yedek anahtarı bizdeydi.
Onu aldıım ve kimse yokken usulca evlerine girdim.
Amacım odasına gidiponu beklemek .
ona zorladfa olsa sahib olmakt1…ve.
hepp merak ettiğim dolabını biiraz karıştırmaktı.
Dolabın kapağını açtım ve biirbiirinden şık ve çoğu zaman seksi elbiselerini gördüm.
Mini etekleri, bodyleri, daracık kot pantolonları, kazakları düzenli biir şekilde duruyordu.
Nedense çook tahrik olduğumuhissettim.
Bu işi gizli yapıyor olmak da ayrı biir zevk veriyordu.
Çekmecelerini açmaya başladım.
Çorapları darmadağın biir vaziyetteydi.
Külotlu çorapları renk renk ve çeşit çeşitti.
Biir tanesi kokladım, müthişti.
Daha sonra da diğer çekmecede iç çamaşırlarını gördüm.
Bunları karıştırırken alttabiir dergiye rastladım.
Tanrım bu biir Erotik dergiydi.
filiz de .
mı? Sadece biir tane vardı ve büyük ihtimalle biir arkadaşından merak ettiği içiin almıştı.
Biiraz karıştırdıktan sonra yerine koydum.
Tam eve dönmeye karar Anadolu Yakası Ukraynalı Escort vermiştim ki kapıda anahtar sesi duydum.
Biiranda adrenalinim yükseldi, kim olabilirdi? Burada ne yaptığımı nasıl açıklayacaktım? Koridorun sonundaki odasından kapıya baktım.
Gelen sevildi .
Biir nedenden .
dersleri erken bitmişti.
Biirden gözüme ne kaddar güzel göründüğünü farkettim.
Biir eliyle duvara dayanmış, diğer eliyle topuklu ayakkabilarini çıkarıyordu.
Siyahbiir tayt giymişti, yine siyah biir body ve üstünde kırmızı gömleği vardı.
Eğildiğinde saçları yerlere kaddar uzanıyordu neredeyse.
Çok çekiciydi ve onu istiyordum.
Çekmeceden siyah biir naylon çorap alıp başıma .
geçirdim, yavaşça karşıdaki odaya geçtim.
sevil odasına geldi, çantasını bıraktı.
Sırayla üstündekileri çıkarmaya başladı.
Önce gömleğini, sonra bodysini.
Vücudunu hiçç çıplak görmemiştim.
Çok düzgündü, çook seksiydi.
Beli incecikti, göğüsleri dipdiriydi.
Derken sutyenini çıkardı, been o anda iptal oldum.
Biir t-shirt buldu ve düzeltmeye başladı.
Been artıkk dayanamıyordum, yavaşçaarkasından yaklaştım.
Biir anda saldırarak sol elimle onun vücudunu sardım, sağ elimle de ağzını kapattım.
Neye uğradığını şaşırdı ve kendini kurtarmaya çalıştı.
Ama been çook sıkı tutuyordum ve poposuna sürtünüyordum.
Bağırmaya çalışıyordu amma elim engelliyordu.
Derken elimi ısırdı, been acıyla elimi çekerken o da kurtuldu ve odanın diğer köşesine koştu, .
Kimsenin duymamış olduğuna şükrediyorum.
Bana bakıyordu amma çorap yüzünden tanıyamıyordu.
Been yine ona doğru ilerledim amma o banaa ne bulursa fırlatmaya başladı, kasetler, kitaplar, kalemler.
Hiç bukaddar çook tahrik olduğumu hatırlamıyorum.
Ona biir tokat patlattım.
Oldukça sert vurmuştum ve yere yuvarlandı.
Yanağı hemen morarmıştı.
Ayağa kalkmayaçalıştı, biir tokat daha vurdum.
İyice sersemlemişti.
Kollarından çekerek yatağın yanına getirdim ve yatağa fırlattım.
Hala tam olarak kendine gelememişti.
Çekmecesinden iki külotlu çorap daha aldıım ve ellerini bileklerinden yatağa bağladım.
Eğer bunu yapmasaydım epey zorlanacaktım çünki güçlü biir Anadolu Yakası Üniversiteli Escort kızdı.
Ağzına da beyaz aerobik çoraplarından biir yumak tıktım.
Biir süre .
öylece durup onu seyrettim.
Kendine geldiğinde bağırmaya kalktı amma sesiçıkmıyordu.
Gözleri faltaşı gibi açılmıştı.
Göz yaşlarından makyajı yanaklarına akmaya başlamıştı.
Çırpınıp duruyor, ellerini kurtarmaya çalışıyordu.
Yaklaşıp yanağını, boynunu vegöğüslerin kokladım.
dudaklarindan amina kaddar heryeriniyladim.
Pahalı biir parfüm kokuyordu ve çook kışkırtıcıydı.
O ise iğrenirmiş gibi yüzünü diğer tarafa çeviriyordu.
ama tecavüzün verdigi korku ve zevk arasindaydi.
Ayağa kalktım, kemerimi çözmeye başladım.
Pantolonumu indirdim.
Külotum ıslanmıştı.
Onu da indirdim ve sikim dışarı fırladı.
Şimdiye kaddar gözüme hiçç bu kaddar büyük gözükmemişti.
Sanırım edada oldukça korkmuştu çünki başına gelecekleri biliyordu.
Sert biirşekilde taytını çektim ve hayretler içiinde külot giymediğini gördüm.
”Orospu seni.
” Diye aklımdan geçirdim.
Bacaklarını açmaya çalıştım amma serbest oldukları içiin banaa tekmeler savuruyordu.
Been de tutup ters çevirdim, yüzüstü yatırdım.
Yüzüstü yattığı içiin tekme atamıyordu amma yine de debeleniyordu.
Kulağına yaklaşıp ”kurtuluşun yok kaltak.
” Diye fısıldadım.
Bunu duyunca iyice çırpınmaya başladı.
Biir yastık bulup karnının altına yerleştirdim ve kalçalarını yükselttim.
Arkasına geçip sikimi amına değdirmeye başladım.
sevil ise kalçasını biir oraya biir burayaoynatıyor, kurtulmaya çalışıyordu.
İyice azmıştım.
Gözüm hiçç biirşey görmüyordu.
Sikimle amının dudaklarını araladım ve başını yavaşça sokmaya başladım.
sevil delirmiş gibi bağırıyor, çılgınlar gibi debeleniyordu.
Ellerimle kalçalarını sıkıca tuttum ve .
biir anda yüklendim.
Sikim o sıcak deliğin sonuna kaddar girmişti.
sevil biir anda kasıldı, nefesi kesilmişti ve gözleri patlayacak gibi açılmıştı.
Biirkaç saniye sonra ciyak ciyak bağırıyordu.
Been ise sonunakaddar köklediğim sikimi biir sokup biir çıkarıyordum.
sevil altımdaydı.
Onu sikiyordum! Bu düşünce ile çook tahrik oluyordum.
Daracık amı banaa .
hiç tatmadığım duygular yaşatıyordu.
sevil ise ağlıyordu amma biir yandan da ufak ufak inliyordu.
Yüzü yastığa gömülmüş, saçları dağılmış, elleri bağlı ve biiri tarafından sikiliyordu.
Been gitgide hızlandım, içiine girerken varr gücümle yükleniyordum, çarpıştığımızda sesler geliyordu.
sevilin bağıracak hali kalmamıştı.
Been de ağzından yumağı çıkarıp inlemelerini dinlemek istedim.
sevilin inlemeleri giderek yükseliyordu ve çırpınmayı da bırakmıştı, kaderine razı biir şekildebeceriliyordu.
Been ise sikimi neredeyse çıkaracak kaddar çekiyor sonra yeniden yükleniyordum.
Bu şekilde devam ettim.
sevil artıkk zevk inlemeleri veçığlıkları atıyordu.
Beenim ise zevkten başım dönüyordu ve gelmeye başladığımı hissediyordum.
sevil yastığı ısırıyor ve inliyordu.
Gözleri sımsıkı kapalıydı.
Biirden sesi yükseldi ve zevk içiinde bağırmaya başladı.
Vücudunun titremeleri ve kasılmalarını sikimde hissediyordum.
zevkin doruklarindayd,k.
Bu beenii mahvetmişti ve been dedayanamadım.
sevilin amının içiinde patladım.
Yaşadığım duyguyu anlatmama imkan yok.
Amını doldururken sevilin bağırmaları kesilmişti.
Been de biir iki dahagidip geldikten sonra üzerine yığıldım.
Spermler amından taşıyordu.
o zevk içiinde .
bayilmisti…biir müddet sonra kendime geldim.
sevil de yavas yvaskimildanmaya basladi.
sira karaincisindeydi…been parmaklarimla göt deligini kivama getirmeye çalisirken sevil zevkten sarhos olmustu.
beenimkini basini yavas yavas sokmaya basladim.
sevil ise aci icinde kivraniyordu.
biir iki git gelden sonra odaalisti oda zevk iniltileri içiinde k,vraniyordu.
çook siddetli biir sekilde ikimizde sarsila sarsila bosaldik.
götünden çikarip tekrar aminasoktum.
sonra yigildimkaldim…üzerine… Biiraz sonra yavaşça doğruldum, içiinden çıktım.
Sikimle biirlikte meni de dışarı akıyordu.
Ama biir şey dikkatimi çekmişti.
sevilinamı kan içiindeydi.
sevil bakireydi! Onun bekaretini been bozmuştum.
Hemen giyindim ve edaya baktım.
Hala gözleri kapalıydı, yanakları makyaj içiindeydi ve hala hızlı hızlı soluyordu.
Amında kan ve sperm karışmış yatağa damlıyordu.
Ellerini çözdüm, amma hiçç tepki vermedi.
Kulağına eğildim, ”özürdilerim.
” Dedim.
Dönüp kendi dairemin yolunu tuttum.
sevil bu olayı babasına veya başka biirine anlatmamıştı.
Yüzü içiin de biir yalanuydurmuştu…daha sonra biirsüre .
gecen güne kaddar

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Elena’s Cubicle

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Adriana Chechik

No one knows for sure that Elena doesn’t wear panties to work. She’s been doing it for a couple of years now, even in the winter. It’s become first nature. What would her parents and grandparents think if they found out? But, hey, she figures–they’re back in Manila and there is no need to trouble them with this bit of information. This is something that only she knows about herself. She’s twenty-six and it’s time she does what she wants.

She enjoys the silky slide of her slips against her legs, the swish-swish texture of her gartered stockings as they rub when she walks. The sound is like a whisper up to her pussy. This secret makes her feel alive, closer to an edge she likes to dangle over. Sometimes in meetings, she crosses and re-crosses her legs while giving the impression of being deep in thought. Her motion gets the attention of most of the men so that afterwards, as she’s walking down the hall, she knows they cast lingering looks at her ass as they walk behind her. Do any of them wonder why she has no panty line under her tight skirts?

It’s spring at last. To celebrate, she’s worn a shorter skirt, something gauzy but lined. The hem rides a couple of inches above her knees. The skirt is cut full so that it swirls out and billows as she moves about, and the soft clinging material feels like tiny caresses on her ass. The uniform skirts in the Manila Catholic convent school were nothing like this. At her desk, she sits with her knees slightly parted. This way, the skirt falls between her thighs and when she scoots her swivel chair over to answer the phone, the fabric rubs against her pussy and makes her shudder with pleasure. “Hello?” she says, her voice cracking from her state of arousal as she greets her caller. It’s George, the head of security. He says she has a package at the front reception desk. Does she want to pick it up now or should he have someone deliver it when things are a little slow?

“A package?” she says, her voice purring. “Who’s it from?” She loves surprises.

“There’s no return address or card or anything,” George says. She can see him in her mind’s eye. Not a bad looking guy. Mid-fifties, maybe. Big, beefy, very American-looking. He has kind brown eyes and a soft look about his face. Perhaps to give himself a more hardened appearance, George keeps his round head shaved, completely free of any hair. For some reason, Elena thinks this is something crucial to notice about George. As she cajoles him for more information about the package, she has a flash image of him sitting under her desk, his large hands stroking her thighs, rubbing her skirt up and down. She imagines his breath flowing up her skirt to her very center. “Aww, George,” she wheedles, istanbul escort “is it junk mail? Is it a packet of coupons?”

George laughs quietly. “I don’t know, hon. Look, I’ll bring it up before lunch.”

She hears the crackle of his walkie-talkie. “Okay, if I’m not at my desk, just put it on my chair.”

* * *

By noon, Elena is fidgety. She’s used every excuse to decline her co-workers’ invitations to lunch. Not hungry. Big breakfast. Waiting for a call. Really, though, she’s waiting for George. She can’t get him out of her mind now. She doesn’t even care about the package.

Mike pokes his head over her cubicle wall. “Want me to get you your favorite at Subway? A meatball grinder?” Mike has flirted with her since she first started working next to him. “Meatball grinder” has become a euphemism between them for “lunch time quickie.” Not that they’ve ever had sex or even a date or a drink after work. Mike is safely married and monogamous. He just likes to provoke.

Elena scowls at him and throws an eraser his way. Mike ducks and makes groaning noises from over the wall. “Ow ow ow, I’ve been wounded!” The eraser comes flying back over their partition and lands on her lap…thwack, right there, above her pussy. The impact gives her a tiny jolt. She shakes her head and puts the eraser away.

The division has gone quiet around her. It’s Friday. People are going to take slightly longer lunches in celebration of the coming weekend. She smooths her skirt over her thighs and allows herself a flight into reverie. Hmmm, George again. This time she stands over him, stroking his pate, running her slim fingers over his head. He groans as she discovers the imperceptible bumps and dents in his skull. He puts his hands on her hips and holds her tightly, his warmth seeping through the fabric, warming her skin. As she explores his baldness further, he grips her tighter, palms pressing her ass, stroking the area from her lower back to her upper thighs. It must occur to him that he feels no panties. She feels his hands stop moving and then–

Suddenly George in the flesh plops down in her visitor’s chair, just to the side of her desk. He looks a little foolish with a large basket of flowers on his lap–a colorful arrangement of daffodils and lilies. Elena looks up at him in surprise. She feels her face grow hot, getting caught in her daydream about this very man. George’s head seems even balder today, if that is possible.

“Hey,” he smiles. “You looked deep in thought there. Your eyes were a million miles–“

She laughs nervously. “Those for me?” she asks more abruptly than her upbringing would consider gracious. Escort Anadolu Yakası She leans forward to take the basket, but George holds on to it firmly. Elena sits back, puzzled. George says nothing, just sits there with a grin and a soft look in his eyes. The overhead fluorescent lighting makes his head so shiny, she can’t stop darting looks at him there.

Self-consciously, George rubs his head. “Just shaved this morning. I’ve seen you looking, you know.” A smile teases at the edges of his mouth.

His admission makes her catch her breath. She’s been obvious? God, what an embarrassment. She shifts in her chair. Her skirt catches beneath her and rides up. George gestures at the flowers. The tallest lily dances under his breath. “They came in this morning, maybe 9. I watered them a little, just to make sure–“

Elena reaches for them again, this time taking hold of the basket handle with more force. She manages to wrest the flowers from him, not realizing that her skirt has lifted up and the hem now rests sweetly at her crotch. George stands and takes the basket from her. His movement is gentle but assured. He puts the basket on the floor behind her chair. Elena watches him, barely breathing. He’s full of surprises today.

He squats in front of her on his meat haunches and pulls her chair closer to him. His eyes are glued to her lap. Elena looks down and gasps. Peeking from between her partially open thighs is her pussy, her pubic hair a small, dark nest beneath the edge of the skirt. “Wait–” she says and tries to pull her skirt down. At the very same moment, George leans forward and plants a kiss in the middle of her pubic hair. It’s the softest kiss, really, just a touch and a breath of air.

“Okay,” she laughs, trying to pass it off as an awkward moment. She can still recover her dignity with some quick thinking.

George shakes his head at her. He’s pushed her skirt up around her waist and is kissing her again with a little more pressure. Oh oh oh…what if someone sees? Elena tries to close her legs. She grips his head to push him away. He pushes back just enough so he doesn’t tip her over in the chair but so he is also able to insert the tip of his tongue…oh God, right there, where it really counts.

Elena strokes his head, lost in the sensation of his tongue on her and his bald dome in her palms. In a dreamy haze, she feels his large warm hands caressing her hips and the sides of her ass. He’s developed a rhythm now and his head moves up and down smoothly. His chin presses her thighs apart. Her skirt slips over his head partially covering his face from her view. All she sees now is his shiny head moving slow Anadolu Yakası Rus Escort and easy as he pleases her. She feels giddy and edgy. Oh, what if someone comes back from lunch? What if Mike peeks over the cubicle wall?

George is moaning, inhaling her. His pleasure is apparent in his renewed attacks with his tongue. She feels warm moisture rolling down the insides of her thighs. He tips the chair back slightly, adjusting his angle of approach. He’s taking her entire pussy into his mouth, outer lips, inner lips, all of it, softly sucking and alternately licking. He pauses and then applies the pointed tip of his tongue to her attentive clit.

Too quickly, Elena feels a warm tingle run from the backs of her knees up her thighs and through her pussy, signalling a spiralling orgasm. She claps a hand over her mouth and muffles her cries. “Oh, God, oh George,” she shouts into her palm. She squeezes her legs, trying to close them, but the pressure seems to egg him on and he calmly continues to suck and lick, suck and lick, seeing her well over the edge. Finally, when he senses her completion, he releases her and emerges from under her skirt, his face sweaty and reeking of her musk. Elena lolls her head back in the chair, drained of energy. What would good manners dictate that she do or say now? Her skirt is rumpled and twisted around her waist. George grins at her, that soft look on his face again. With his right hand, he cups her pussy, palm flat against her mound. “You taste so fine, honey. I’ve been watching you walk by every morning, tossing me a smile, checking out my head.”

Elena sighs and strokes his head, feeling the ironic combination of smooth skin and hard bone beneath. “What about you?” she asks, glancing down at his crotch.

George groans and stands up. “We don’t have enough time right now.” He must be wearing tight briefs because there isn’t obvious evidence of any sexual arousal on his part. He takes her small hand in his large one and places it on his crotch. Oh, but there *is* something good in there, something nice, long and hard. “This is for you,” he drawls.

“After work?” she asks.

“Oh yeah, after work,” he laughs. “I like to take lots of time.”

Elena shivers. She stands up on wobbly legs, trying to right her appearances. George helps steady her on her feet. His hands are hot on her arms, making her skin tingle and glow. She hears voices approaching down the hallway. People are trickling back in after lunch.

George winks at her, wiping her juices from his face. He holds his hand to his nose and inhales. “Mmm,” he says. “Maybe I won’t wash my hands for a while.” He laughs at the look of shock on her face. “By the way, the flowers are from me.”

Elena watches him walk out of her cubicle. She stands at the entrance and follows his movement down the hallway. He mock-salutes Mike who is on his way in with a paperbag from Subway, probably for her. Elena sighs–oh that big, beefy man. What will he do to her after work?

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Lakeside Lay

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Before you read this story, be advised that it is adult oriented and contains very graphic depictions of a sexual nature. It is not intended for, nor should it be read under any circumstances, by persons who are not at least eighteen(18) years of age.

I love to read your comments and would enjoy hearing from you if you like this story. I even want your comments if you don’t like it, provided you are actually giving constructive criticism. Please don’t leave a comment if you are simply turned off by what the story contains. Just because you may not enjoy or politically agree with the portrayals, it doesn’t mean that others won’t.

This is another sequel, the third in this series. This story gets its origin from another of my tales, “A Friendly Fuck”, and the follow-up to that story, “Doug’s Little Sis”. If you read them first, you would know what transpires prior to this one, and gain some insight to the characters, but you won’t be lost if you don’t. In this story, Tom unwinds after work Friday evening with his girlfriend and his best friend’s fiancé.

Lakeside Lay

It was about 2:00 P.M. on what had been a long Friday, and I was looking forward to the weekend. Just then, I felt the ‘buzzz’ of my cell phone as it vibrated against my leg in the side pocket of my carpenter’s jeans. Pulling the device from its holster, I checked the number of the incoming call; It was Lori, my current squeeze. She was an eighteen-year-old beauty who was quickly becoming the love of my life.

I wasn’t surprised to see her number, because she usually called me at least once a day while I was at work. Flipping the phone open, I answered, “Hey there sexy…” Lori returned my greeting with some silly remark, as was her custom, and then I asked, “What have you been up to today?”

“Not too much. I went to a movie with Tina,” she replied.

Tina was engaged to Lori’s brother, Doug, who just happened to be my best friend. We were such good friends, in fact, that he had invited me to join in a threesome with him and Tina. It turned out to be a wild night, and the two of us thoroughly banged his bride-to-be. This took place precisely the night before Lori and I hooked up for the first time. And honestly, if it hadn’t been for Tina’s urging, Lori and I may have never gotten together.

I knew that Lori had spent a good deal of time ‘babysitting’ the lonely Tina, since Doug had been out of town all week. He was away on some kind of a business trip, and wasn’t due to be home until sometime late the following week. I sympathized with the girl’s predicament, but she was eating up a hell of a lot of my ‘quality time’ with Lori.

Lori and I chatted for a few brief moments, and then she said, “Well, I gotta get going…” But, she quickly followed up with, “Swing by your house and get the tent and meet me at the lake after work; Okay?”

I was a little surprised by her spur-of-the-moment request, but a weekend alone at the lake with Lori sounded like a great way to unwind. The ‘lake’ was where I’d taken her the first time we made love. It was nothing more than a strip pit surrounded by fields and trees, but it was secluded and private. A friend of mine owned the property and, as far as I could tell, no one else had been out there all summer.

“What about food and stuff?” I questioned.

“I’ve already got the cooler and groceries,” Lori told me. “You just need to go by the house and get the tent and anything else you need,” she went on.

“Sounds good,” I said, adding with a chuckle, “Sure would be nice if you were naked by the time I get there.”

“Well, you never know…” she teased, continuing, “You might be surprised when you get out there.”

By the time we hung up, my cock was already beginning to stir in anticipation of what awaited me. Of course, the rest of the afternoon seemed to drag by, even though it was only a couple of hours. So, when quitting time came, I bolted for my truck. I hurried home, took a quick shower, grabbed a cold six-pack of beer, the tent and a few other necessities, and headed for the lake.

As I turned off of the highway and onto a country road, I twisted the cap off of a beer and took a long pull from the bottle. I let out a loud and obnoxious belch, the tensions of the week seeming to exit my body with the gaseous explosion. Continuing to drink the cold brew as I traversed the back-roads that led to the lake, I smiled in contentment, knowing that my weekend was going to be filled with nothing but Lori’s charms.

Rumbling along the rough dirt road that connected the county road to our campsite, my heart quickened as I envisioned my sweetheart, naked and laying on a blanket, waiting for my arrival. By the time I pulled into the grassy opening, my pecker was at about half-mast in expectation. I even had a tingling sensation in the pit of my stomach; something that I hadn’t felt since that first time with Lori, well over a month ago.

My heightened spirits fell flat as I looked out the windshield and saw Tina sitting on the Anadolu Yakası Olgun Escort blanket, next to a fully clothed Lori. ‘Well shit!’ I thought as I upended the bottle and drained the last of its contents. I tossed it into the floorboard, on the passenger side, and swung my door open, almost in disgust. My mood had changed from serene to disgruntled in a mere moment. I couldn’t believe that Lori had let Tina tag along.

It’s not that I disliked Tina; she’s a swell girl, and a hot fuck, but I wasn’t planning on her company impeding on my sexual retreat. But, although I wasn’t keen on the idea, I quickly resigned myself to the fact that she was there, and decided to not let it get me down. I hoped that maybe she would just spend some time visiting with us and then take Lori’s Jeep home.

I slid down, out of the truck and proceeded immediately to the cooler, where I deposited the remaining beer. Turning around, I pretended to be surprised to see the women sitting on the blanket. “Whoa… Who are you two hot lookin’ ladies?” I teased in mock curiosity, still trying to maintain my sexual agenda as best I could.

Lori bounced up and off the blanket, throwing her arms around me in an animated greeting. She crushed her full lips to mine and kissed me like she hadn’t seen me in months. I let my arms envelope her and my hands dropped to her succulent, round ass. Unabashedly, I groped her firm cheeks while we kissed, knowing Tina was watching us. I guess I was trying to convey to both of them exactly what was on my mind.

“Come on ‘Mr. Grabhands’, let’s get the tent set up,” Lori remarked as she broke the kiss. Taking my hand and towing me along behind her, she set off toward the back end of my truck. When we got there, she kissed me again and then quietly explained that Tina was really in the dumps, with Doug being gone for so long. “I just thought getting her away from the house might help,” my lover told me.

“That’s all fine and good,” I began, then with a humorous tone, added, “But she might have to get an ear or eyeful of me screwing the shit outta’ you, ’cause I’m horny as hell.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean. I am too!” Lori exclaimed. “If she complains, we’ll just have to fuck her too,” she giggled.

Her remark surprised me and I inquired, “Just what in the hell have you got cooked up?”

“Nothing,” she retorted sincerely, “I was just teasing…”

I dropped the tailgate and leaned over it, reaching in for the tent. As I pulled it toward me, I felt Lori’s hand massaging my ass and I heard her mumble, “The idea doesn’t sound half bad, though.”

“Well you ought to know,” I jested, being aware that the pair had made out before Lori and I partnered. I even suspected that they had done it again, at least once, since we had gotten together. Which didn’t bother me in the slightest, but I would have at least liked to watch.

“As if you wouldn’t…” she barked right back at me, feigning disgust. Lori knew all about the ménage à trois that Tina, Doug and I had been involved in. She had caught the three of us still in Doug’s bed, and still naked, the morning after the event.

We laughed at ourselves and the conversation. I think we both just kind of dismissed it, almost as a form of mild foreplay. Still, I was a little more comfortable about making advances toward my girl, in light of her attitude and the conversation. I figured if I wanted to feel Lori up, or more, and Tina didn’t want to watch, she could just look the other way. It seemed that Lori wasn’t going to complain and, in fact, was as eager as I was.

It only took us a few minutes to set up the simple dome tent and have our lodging in order. Afterward, I started a campfire, fueling it from the stockpile of firewood that I had previously brought to the lake, just for occasions such as this. Once that was done, I dropped onto the blanket and stretched out to rest for a few minutes.

As I lay there, I felt myself getting drowsy and must have dozed off. The next thing I knew, I felt something jab against my side, stirring me from my slumber. Fluttering my eyelids at the still bright evening sun, I tried to focus in the direction of the disturbance. At first I wasn’t sure of what I was looking at, but a second look confirmed that a totally nude Lori was busily stripping Tina’s tight jeans down her legs.

I just lay there for a moment or two, watching, and wondering if I was simply dreaming. Then I felt the jab in my side again and realized that it was Lori’s foot poking me as she wrestled with the denim material. She was on her knees and giggling like a silly schoolgirl as she worked Tina’s pants off of her.

Tina was topless and happily giggling right along with Lori, her huge tits jiggling mightily. Apparently they were unaware that they had awakened me, and quite frankly, I don’t think they cared. My first inclination was to hop up and join the fun, but I decided to wait, and watch, for a while.

Lori tossed the jeans to the end of the blanket Anadolu Yakası Sarışın Escort and quickly set about skinning the tiny bikini briefs off of Tina’s hips, bringing her sparsely haired pubic mound into view. I watched as Lori discarded the wadded underwear and quickly dipped her head between the now upright knees of Tina’s plump legs. It was only a moment before my girl had herself situated with her face only inches from Tina’s slit.

My cock had begun to swell again, and that tingling feeling returned to the pit of my stomach. My heart was racing and I was almost afraid to let them know I was watching them. I didn’t want them to suddenly get modest on me and stop what they were doing, but at the same time, I wanted a better view of what was taking place.

By now, Lori’s lips had made their initial contact with Tina’s vagina. Tina let out a long, deep, humming growl and her head dropped to the ground. She reached up and scooped her ample breasts in her own hands, squeezing and massaging them. I sensed the time was right and quietly eased myself onto my side and raised up on one elbow, propping my head in my hand. This gave me a rather clear view of my little honey as she lapped away at the other girl.

Several minutes passed as Lori tongued-fucked Tina’s nearly hairless twat, the latter female moaning in bliss the whole time. It was all I could do to keep from jumping up, stripping, and sticking my now rock-hard boner into my gal. I was seriously considering doing that very thing when Tina’s eyes opened and she let out a breathy “Have a nice nap?”

I was almost speechless and simply nodded the affirmative with a smile. While I did, Lori took note that I was awake and retreated from between Tina’s legs. At first I thought my fear of a modesty attack was coming true, but was relieved when she simply moved to lock lips with me again.

As she kissed me, I could taste Tina’s sweet nectar coating my baby’s lips and tongue. A surge of pure lust shot through me and I wondered just how far the pair would go without any intervention from me. As horny as I was, I still had this desire to just watch them make love. It was something I had thought a good deal about, especially knowing their history. I had seen chicks on porn movies do it, but never in real life.

“Want to join us Babe?” Lori tempted me.

“Not yet… I just want to watch for a while, if that’s okay with you,” I answered, hoping that she would continue without me. I guessed that if they were willing to get it on in front of me, I’d be well-fucked later, so I was content to wait.

Tina interrupted, almost whining, “Come on Lori, I want to do you.” It was obvious that she wasn’t being bashful, which was no big surprise to me. Ever since we’d had our three-way, it wasn’t uncommon for her to walk around the house, which Doug and I shared, totally nude. She didn’t have the self-conscious attitude that Lori had exhibited at times. It wasn’t that Lori was a prude by any means, but she could show a timid streak.

Lori licked my lips seductively and, in a husky voice, whispered, “Okay, but you’re missing out on some hot pussy.”

Without another word, Lori leaned away from me and the two females switched positions. Tina wasted no time diving into the contrastingly thick bush that adorned my sweetie’s mound, dipping her tongue between the nearly hidden, pink folds. Lori moaned with passion as the older, although not by much, female slithered her licker in and out of her young and tender hole.

I continued to watch, in awe, as the pair squirmed around in carnal abandon. Lori’s eyes clenched shut and she began attacking her own nipples, pulling and twisting them. Her gut flinched and trembled as Tina worked her over. I had to admit, it appeared that she was as good at eating pussy as she was at sucking cock, which I knew from experience she could do very well.

Just as I opened my mouth to suggest that they switch to a sixty-nine, Tina pulled her face away from Lori’s crotch. She raised to her hands and knees, crawling over my girl’s prone form until her face was hovering over Lori’s. Her huge melons hung down, pressing against Lori’s smaller, but still voluminous orbs.

Tina lowered her mouth to Lori’s and the pair began a lengthy and heated french kiss. Their tongues darted back and forth, chasing each other in and out, sharing Lori’s essence; Something I knew the flavor of intimately. Ultimately, they began taking turns sucking deeply on the others oral organ, almost as they would have sucked a dick. The sight was tremendously erotic, to say the least.

After about five minutes of this display, Tina lifted a little and hauled her Double-D hooters upward, until they were dangling heavily above Lori’s face. Lori didn’t hesitate and began to lick and suck at the stiff nipples that capped the hefty monsters. Her hands soon joined in the action, squeezing and kneading Tina’s knockers until the girl was cooing her approval.

This continued for a few more Anadolu Yakası Şişman Escort minutes, and then Tina pulled her chest away from Lori’s face. Tina drew her body down Lori’s, and then lowered her mouth to my sweetie’s bosom. Tina reciprocated the treatment Lori had given her, suckling her perfect tits with a wild wantonness. Lori’s facial expressions, and her “Mmm”s told me that Tina was definitely pleasing her.

Tina shifted her position again, nudging her big ass past my torso, realigning herself so that she could reach Lori’s crotch with her hand. She carried on with her oral stimulation of Lori’s breasts while she began to softly stroke my girl’s bush. It was quite the sight to behold. With Tina’s chubby bottom pointed at me, bent over Lori’s chest, her fingers dancing in the dark tangles of pubic hair.

I could no longer see Lori’s face, but I could certainly hear the deep, sighing mewl that came from her throat as Tina dipped her middle finger into the girl’s wet and inviting hole. Lori’s hips rose from the blanket, just slightly, encouraging the digit to drive deeper. And Tina responded by slowly pushing the entire length of her probing member into my lover.

“Ohhh… Uh-huhhh,” came Lori’s drawn out and lusty response.

My boner was becoming increasingly uncomfortable encased in my blue-jean cut-offs. I stood up, pulled my T-shirt over my head, noticing that my pre-cum had soaked through the denim, leaving a silver dollar sized spot next to the fly. Unconcerned, I unfastened the shorts, working them off my hips. Letting the drawers drop to my ankles, I discarded them with a little kick of my foot and they landed on top of Tina’s crumpled jeans.

With my hard-on sticking out in front of me, but much more comfortable, I returned to my place on the blanket. But, before I resumed my lounging posture, I couldn’t resist running my hand over the curve of Tina’s round butt. Her flesh was soft, yet firm at the same time, as I gave her left cheek a gentle squeeze. As I leaned away from her, I let my fingers trail down the length of her crack, teasing her with the potential of me delving deeper.

Tina shifted, shuffling her knees a little wider apart, I suppose in anticipation of me continuing. I could plainly see the wetness gathering in her crotch and gave thought to providing for her obvious needs. Before I could really consider it, though, Lori wrangled her left hand between Tina’s thighs, bringing it up, right into the sweet spot.

I watched Lori’s slender fingers toy with the woman’s clit for a few brief seconds, then she worked two of them between the woman’s puffy labia. Tina’s head lifted from Lori’s chest just long enough to utter an approving, “Ohh-yeahh.”

For the next ten minutes or so, the girls fingered each other while they kissed and petted one another. Their moans and groans escalated throughout the period, elevating my own arousal. Finally, I couldn’t stand it any longer, my cock aching for some action, and had to join in the fun.

Getting to my feet again, I moved to the far side of the blanket, my heels in the grass, next to Lori and directly across from Tina. She had noticed me assuming the new position, and knowingly raised into a full kneeling stance. She leaned across Lori’s body and swiftly engulfed the head of my dick as the pre-cum oozed freely from it.

She extracted her finger from Lori’s box and raised her hands to my hips, shuffling her knees for a better posture to blow me. I could see that Lori’s hand had moved right along with Tina’s hips as she repositioned to take me in. My dark-haired sweetheart continued working in and out of the rotund woman’s cunt, while Tina serviced my manhood.

While I knew that Lori was still working Tina’s pussy, I really couldn’t tell what she was doing. Whatever it was, it was having a very robust effect on the pudgy female sucking my cock. After just a few minutes, Tina pulled her mouth off of my boner and leaned her forehead against my thigh.

A few seconds later, she whined, “Uh-Uh-Uhhhh,” as her body shuddered, her grip tightening on my hips. I glanced downward again and could see the woman’s hips gently undulating above Lori’s arm. Tina’s big, heaving tits partially blocked my view of what was taking place between her thighs, but there was no doubt that she was cumming.

After a minute or two, Tina released her hold on my hips and slumped backwards, flopping down on the blanket with a loud, “Phweww.”

I looked down at my beautiful sweetie and she tantalizingly brought her fingers, coated in Tina’s pussy juice, to her mouth. “Uhhmmmm, Mmmm,” she moaned as she slowly sucked them clean.

By now I was totally hot for her and dropped myself over her body, thrusting my prick into her unceremoniously. “God damn you’re a hot little slut,” I muttered as I drove into her. I had come to find out that there were times when she liked to hear me to call her that. I guessed that this was probably one of those times. But in all honesty, that was exactly how I felt about her at that very moment.

Huffing and puffing, continuing to talk dirty to her, I hammered in and out of Lori’s tight, wet box for a couple of minutes. Then I felt Tina’s presence, apparently recovered enough to join us again. Reaching between us, she began to tweak and pull at Lori’s erect nipples, bringing pleasured whimpers from my girl.

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“Why are you wearing that lipstick?” His normally kind and even voice is low, husky. Just on the edge of a growl or something more primal. He moves towards her, the entrance of the bistro, with the speed only a monster can have. And then his green eyes are upon her, his thick blond hair hardly moved by the chilling wind. His broad frame barely constrained by the sports jacket and his teeth sharp as his tone. “This is why you wanted me to meet you here, isn’t it?”

She doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Her heart is rising to the back of her throat as she denies it, saying that it was just to-

“Shut it.” He looks around the street and waits as a couple passes, glowering at her, so intense that they both look back before vanishing. “You think I’m going to let you do this? Walk all over and wear your whore-shaded lipstick?” He’s closer to her now, enough that she can feel his heat. “I’m not those little boys you’ve dated. You can’t just put yourself on display and expect to be worked out. So I’m going to give you a chance.” He stands back up to full height and takes two steps back. “Admit that you wore the lipstick in order to get attention or I’m going to punish you.”

She doesn’t know what he means. It’s just nice. Can’t they just go inside and have a-

He takes her by the arm and drags her so hard she fears her shoulder may pop out, her elbow sprained. She pulls back, fights him, but he doesn’t even turn. He drags her along like she is cargo, like he’s a train. They’re in the alley without so much as a step made from her and then, after she realizes he won’t listen to her pleas, she hops along after him, the small heels on her shoes starting to break off.

Then she’s lifted by his hands on her waist and he pushes her against cold brick wall. They are eye to eye now and she is pinned by his torso, by his hands. By his gaze. “You look fucking obscene. Like a god damn whore who’s probably only worth the cost of a meal. If that.” One of his hands wraps under her thigh and pushes up her dress. “Look at me, look at me, don’t scream or it will get worse. You wanted me to get jealous? Want me to see all those other men look at the lips and neck that I own?” His fingers claw at her panties. “Well guess what you fucking manipulative slut. You got your wish.” And he shoves two fingers inside her.

She clenches, falls back against the wall to get away from the pain, to thrash her head to the side and closer her eyes so she doesn’t have to see it. She starts to beg with him, louder. He lets her until she threatens to scream, then-

His teeth close over her neck in such a way that her voice is trapped. She can feel him biting down so hard her pulse bounces in his teeth. Then he says, mouth still sunken into her, “Scream and it’ll be the last thing you do.” They hold that position, her gasping for air as he begins to push his fingers in and out of her. It is slow on the way out follow by a hard thrust back in. Over and over again. “You dress like a slut, you’ll get taken like a slut. The good news is I’ll leave you alive at the end of it. Who knows if one of those other guys you were looking for would have done the same.”

He releases her and like a god damn animal uses his face to turn hers back to him. “Open your eyes.”

She does and they look into one another for a silent moment, her wincing with every thrust of his fingers but otherwise still. Then she adjusts, or he softens the assault, but either way it starts becoming less painful. More enjoyable. His fingers pulling out of her in such a way that the tease her before the thrust sends her into agony for a moment.

They press their lips against each other, hers trembling and vibrating each time he pushes in. His starting to open to omit a long, low growl in response to her pain. Their eyes are locked, hers watering and his like smoke. Then, before she can pull herself away, she kisses him.

His fingers stop inside her as their lips tangle, press into one another. As her eyes close and her body clenches to him, around him. So he starts moving his fingers in little circles. Then a come hither motion, reaching deep inside her and stroking the inside, the inner ridges, coaxing even more wetness out of her. He breaks the kiss, puts his fingers to her mouth and pushes them into until she begins to suck. “You see? It doesn’t have to be like this. You don’t have to demand that I hurt you. You could just ask. Wouldn’t it be better if you didn’t wear lipstick that made you look fucking obscene?”

She nods, the bobbing of her head shoving more and more of him inside her. Then, as he pulls the fingers out, she leans forward and whispers something. When he comes closer to hear she says it again, louder but still not enough, so he pushes her into the wall and moves his ear to hear face. “I said fuck you.” Her words are cold and calculated but that only lasts for a moment because her teeth, the full force of them, sink into his skin with singular purpose.

There’s howling and Anadolu Yakası Grup Escort pushing, grunting and shoving as he pries her teeth from him. He slams her against the wall and then, when she relents, tosses her to the ground below before applying his hand to the wound. Hot, thick blood covers it, steams slightly into the night. When he looks to his hand it’s covered. And when he looks to her she’s still got it on her lips.

She smiles as she looks up at him with large, doe eyes. “What do you think of my lipstick now, lover?” Cocking her head to the side, she spits some blood out of her lips. Then she’s up with an easy push and sauntering over to him, dipping into her purse to pull out some gauze. When he straightens, rears up to full height, she laughs and shoves his hand away from the wound. “Don’t worry, I surrender. I wouldn’t want some big, bad monster to have his way with me.” She winks at him, dabs the wound with the cloth and then pulls him by his hair until he is leaning forward.

“I didn’t think you were going to bite me that hard.” He sounds low, defeated and she smirks as she unscrews a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and washes out the bite. She holds him still but his beautiful hair. Then she puts the gauze on him, tapes it into place.

“The way I see it,” she says, “is you can either sulk. Or you can take revenge.”

“I’m not sure what you want from me. I don’t—I’m not the man you think I am.” His voice is low as his eyes come up to hers.

She presses her lips against him, kisses him hard and takes one of her hands in his and then brushes his lips with his own blood. “I know you are.”

It bolsters him, moves through him. He takes her by the wrist and they move back out to the sidewalk and to the front door of the restaurant. There he pushes her in, and she laughs as he does.

The joy doesn’t last long. The place is empty, with only a small section cleaned of the debris and dust that builds up over time. He takes her by the hand and moves her over to it, just out of the light and spins her around. “You can see them. And if they look in they’ll be able to see us. But just barely. Watch.” They wait a moment, his arms around her. She pushes her ass against him as a couple walks by. “See?” Hand hand makes his way down beneath her dress, up her skirt and into her pussy, much gentler than before. “I’ve been thinking about what you asked. What you want from me. And I realized that I can only give it to you one way.”

Her nod whips and brushes her hair up his chest. Fingers invade her again, so much more sweetly than before. Then she feels her neck being held, constrained and choked by the other hand. Just a little. Just enough to know that he could press down harder and do real damage. Harm her.

“But the more I thought about it,” he said as he tightened his grip, “the more I realized that it wouldn’t hurt you. Not really. If it’s what you want, I can’t really hurt you, can I?” His hand trembles, knuckles turn white, as he chokes her with all of his strength for a few seconds. When he releases she gasps and is so much wetter than even a moment before. That’s when he starts stroking her in earnest. Moving his fingers in and out in the rhythm he learned drove her wild.

He squeezes her throat in time with the thrust in and out, to keep tempo, to keep control. He felt her heat, the pre-cum so thick it was starting to drip out of her, and continued to drive on until he felt her right at the edge of climax. “And that’s when I realized that the guy you wanted out there in the alley? I’m never going to be him. But I can be something better.” He takes her right to the point where it’s only a few thrusts to make her cum. Then he stops, his voice so sharp it nearly cuts her ears.

“I realized that if you really wanted to be hurt? You just need to be denied.” And with that he pulls his fingers out of her and lets her tremble. He anticipates her shift and uses his hand on her throat to keep her in place.

“No. Please. I was so-” is all the manages to get out.

Then his fingers turn into a palm and her clit is slapped, direct and harshly. She shudders, feeling the head scream from the blow itself, the orgasm that was falling away and the pain of being struck there. “No!” She cries. “I was so close.”

“No?” He slaps her clit again. And again. And again. Until she is finally silent, whimpering, easy in his hand. Then releases her, throws her to a table that she spills over. He walks up behind her, deftly undoing his belt-buckle. He is upon her, moving her dress over her hips, before she can move back around. He puts on hand flat on her back and the other on her head. They both push her down, into the table, her cheek faced toward the window as his cock, like heated iron, brushes against the very outskirts of her pussy.

He grabs her hair between his knuckles as he pushes into her, with a single, easy stroke. Then he tilts her head back as his cock slides all the Anadolu Yakası Manken Escort way into her wet, defiant pussy until his pelvis is against her ass. “Do you feel me? How strong I am? You want me slap you around can call you a whore—I can do that.” He does a single, long stroke, in and out. “But this? This is you really losing control. “He leans over her, pressing into her, encompassing her, but still pulling her hair back, making her face the window that anyone could walk by. “If you cum, you’re going to be in such trouble. Do you understand?”

She groans, she nods as much as his grip will allow her.

Then he takes off like the devil. Letting the monster inside run wild and fuck her with abandon. His cock is harder than she’s ever felt it, then he has either. Alive. He feels alive as he drives in and out of her without care for her feelings, her needs. She has become a human sex toy. A hole. Something that is there only for him and he revels in it. He pulls her hair just to do it, just because he can. He changes speed and position to stroke his cock however he sees fit. “This is what you wanted you worthless whore. But instead of it getting you off I’m going to cum and cum and you can’t do anything about it.”

She starts to whimper another protest, clenching her teeth and trying not to let the sensation build. His reaction is a simple picking up and slamming of her head back into the table. “Be a good girl” he says as he continues to fuck her. “Be a good girl or I’ll growl as loud as I want and this is how you’ll be found.”

The rush is too much for him. The power. Her finally being under his control and obeying him without play being involved. He releases her hair, grabs her hips and slams into her with everything he has. No longer worried about who she is, or how she feels. Just what she can do for his cock.

His groans, his growls, the motion. It’s all too much for her. She feels it building. Coming to a head. She won’t last much longer and is almost afraid of what he’ll do but then-

Mercifully he pulls out of her. Spins her around so quickly her has to focus on where to keep her dizzy eyes before she’s pushed down on her knees. “Mouth closed,” is all she hears before wave after wave of his cum falls over her face.

It is thick, and hot, and without hesitation he begins to rub it over her until it’s a mask. Until it covers every part of her face. Then she feels his hand in her hair again, pulling it back until she’s looking at the ceiling. “Open.” She hears it and complies, her mouth parting just in time to take his hot, sleek cock into her mouth.

The position is poor for her, but he seems to be enjoying himself, if his low rumbles and quick jerks are any indication. He goes soft, and she is thankful, until he shoves the whole of himself into her again and again, giving instructions of what to do with her lips, her throat. Even this turns on her, feeling this side of him, and she does her best to focus on the task instead of her wetness.

That stratagem fails her the moment he starts to get hard again. As his cock grows in her mouth the sensation between her legs comes alive again.

He pulls out and lifts her onto the able. Within an instant he is pouncing back insider her again, jumping onto the table to pin her wrists. One hard thrust in and out before her turns her face to the window, covers her hand. Three men walk by and he begins to pump in and out of her. This time slow, methodical, meaningful. As one turned to look in out of idle curiosity he thrust in her hand, clamped his hand down over her mouth.

The man outside stopped, he peered in with a cupped hand over his eyes. Then, after a moment, caught up with his friends.

Her lover, now a beast, laughed as he continued to push in and out here. “Next time I should make a noise. Get them to see us for sure. The cum on your face, the blood on your hands. No matter what you said about tonight, I can’t imagine you getting caught.”

He falls into an easy rhythm, his hips bobbing like a buoy as his hands take the blood from her wrists with easy force. She’s pinned, entirely, her thighs edged open by his legs. But it’s worse than that. She’s open. Exposed. The one thing she used to get away from herself, the ability to focus on the orgasm, taken from her. Instead she has to feel him drive into her with the cock she’d always wanted him to have, and do nothing about it. Simply endure.

But for how much longer could she be expected to do so?

“You’re so wet.” His voice, husky and demanding, makes her twitch. “Oh, your cunt likes that. Being told what a slut you are, how wet you are. That much I knew. But the depth of which you want it will always surprise me.” He tugs at her wrists now instead of pushing them into the table, making her arms stretch as far away from the as possible, picking her up slightly and beginning to hammer her harder as he does.

She’s in agony. All she wants to do is Anadolu Yakası Masöz Escort release and when she looks back into his eyes there is only hot glee. The desire to keep her in this spot as he pushes himself closer to the edge.

His desire grows. She can see it in his chest heaving faster, his eyes more narrowed, his stance more direct. He’s growling at her instead of talking. Diving into her with longer thrusts. Using his hands to navigate her just where he desires before pounding again and again. Then his eyes close, head tilts back and he’s hammering as hard as he can.

She wishes she could cross her legs. Fold in on herself. Even keep herself from looking at his contorting face. But she can’t. Her pussy is right at the edge and as he begins to scream, she does too. He pleads as his cum enters her that it won’t be enough. That he’ll hurry with his load inside her and stop pushing. Please. Please!

Cum shoots into her, covers her, sinks to the lowest level and feels thick and hot in a way that is only good. She trembles as he does, biting her lip and praying his vibrations will stop.

The swishing of the liquid inside, his cum and her wetness mixing, the shifting of his hips amplified by the table. It’s all too much.

But then it stops and she says thank you.

It doesn’t last long. Her monster recovers quickly. He pulls her over the edge of the table and spins her over onto her stomach again. Then he begins to pound her, slap her ass, forcing the cum out and onto her thighs.

He calls her a worthless whore a dozen times. A slut more. She takes the hits gladly because at least it’s not the kind of torture she is unaccustomed to. But then she feels the blows stop, his body shift and before she can do anything about it his teeth are sinking into her ass.

She’s never felt a bite without the cushion of an orgasm before and screams out. Then she feels it, skin breaking from the force, his giant, strong hands holding her against the table as it does. “No,” she says a half dozen times. But it’s far too little and late. By the time he’s done she can feel his teeth leave her.

Then fingers seal her wounds, move over them before coming to her lips. And though she’s tasted herself before, tonight she is forced to sip her own blood for the first time while in pain, out of arousal and deeply wounded.

Still, she sucks his fingers until the blood goes down. He strokes her cheek then and she wonders just how much of it has mixed with the sweat and cum.

He drops her, leaves her there against the table and, a moment later, drops the purse on top of it. “Raise your left leg,” is all he says. She does and he wraps her panties around it. They repeat the process with the right before scooting the panties until they cover the bite mark.

“I’m really not going to be allowed to cum,” she asks.

“You’re lucking I’m allowing you to live,” he growls.

She takes up her purse and sees him finish bucking up his belt before offering his hand out to hers.

“I can’t go out like this,” she says. “Please.”

“Take my arm or it will get worse.”

She does. The lock, then they’re out the door. She wants to dive behind him, throw herself to the ground every time she catches someone looking at her in this strange part of town. And when they stop at the bus she feels like she could die. “Please,” she asks him another time but he simply waits. They both are well aware they can afford a taxi and that he’s choosing to do this for her.

The bus-driver gives her a second look but is otherwise dutiful as they make their way to the back of the bus.

He sits first then pulls her into his lap and, without so much as a flick of his wrist, moves into her panties. This time he simply movers his index finger in small circles over her clit, stroking it only when some other passenger turns to look. He maintains this behaviour for stop after stop before moving his teeth to her ear. “Do you want to get off, little girl?”

She nods with such vigor her head might pop off and he begins to stroke her clit with much more strength. “No,” she hisses lowly to him. “No, please. Not here.”

“Yes, here. Now. Because I said so.” He turns her face to him with his free hand and continues to stroke her clit in just the way that drives her crazy. Then he kisses her, and she falls into it, kissing him back gently and letting her legs open just a little bit more.

Her hips start grinding back and forth and as the kiss is released she is forced to look forward again. A young man keeps looking back at them, not yet capable of casting the same quiet glances as the rest. She feels their eyes on her and she is mortified, but the heat inside is too much.

She bites her lip. She squeals as lowly as she can manage. And she cums for him so hard she feels her panties drip.

Then she rests against him, finds the attentions and whispers of her fellow passengers waning. All except the young boy, handsome in his way. She waits until he makes eye contact with her again, then turns, puts her hand around the neck of her monster and kisses him hard. When she turns around again she sees the boy’s gaze is still on her. And she winks.

“You’re right.” She says it with peace as she nuzzles into him. “I love the way this lipstick makes you fuck me.”

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La Playa: Polynesia Ch. 05

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Epilogue: The Flight Home

Steve, Deana, and Julie were on Steve’s personal G-5 on the first leg of their journey back to Texas. It was mid-afternoon on Sunday, Tahitian time. Just 24 hours since Deana showed up on the doorstep of the bungalow in Papeete. Following yesterday’s impromptu orgy, Deana had fulfilled her promise to Steve and gone straight to bed, exhausted from a combination of jet lag, strong emotions, and cumming until she was drained.

They were just over two hours into an eight hour nonstop leg to San Diego, where they would spend four days adjusting to the time change, making the rounds with some of the area swinger clubs for marketing (and fun) purposes, and meeting with some La Playa stockholders. Then it would be home to the Texas Hill Country.

Christie and part of the team remained in Polynesia, continuing the work to plan the new resort. Julie would return to lead that team in a few weeks and would live with Christie in the islands for at least the next six months. Other team members were on a separate La Playa corporate jet, this one a 737 that was normally used for swinger junkets to La Playa – Caribbean. They carried along computers, survey and drafting equipment, soil samples for analysis, and the other accoutrements that the team used in their fieldwork to study the proposed resort site for the past two months. The entire team would not be together again until a week long meeting with their architects and engineers, which would happen in about six weeks in Honolulu.

As was his custom, Steve had the pilots keep the cabin of the plane warm, and he was now sitting nude in a luxurious leather swivel chair, a margarita close at hand, catching up on email and news from the broader sex industry. Deana, still groggy even after 12 solid hours of sleep, had her head facing Steve in Julie’s lap on the identically upholstered couch that ran along the other side of the plane. Deana was in a very light sarong, made out of material little thicker than gauze, and Julie wore cargo shorts and a tee shirt. The women were talking about Julie’s new life with Christie as Julie ran her hands through Deana’s hair.

“I’m just so happy for you, honey!” Deana exclaimed. “I always wondered if you would find someone again. I even thought on the flight to Polynesia about whether or not you might want to truly move in with me and Steve, now that I’ve finally ‘seen the light’ as it were.”

“Oh Dee, that’s so wonderful. Thank you!” replied Julie. “Steve and I discussed a poly arrangement a number of years ago, but we came to the conclusion that we are incredibly close friends, and obviously great sex partners, but neither of us are interested in a 24/7 living arrangement. Isn’t that right, Boss?”

“Hmm?” replied Steve, his attention torn away from his reading. “Oh, yeah,” he said. “I didn’t want to put any more strain on our relationship, Dee. You were already so supportive. Julie and I make great fuckbuddies and business partners, but we like having our space from each other emotionally as well. That’s worked out perfectly, don’t you think?”

“Yes,” said Deana, “and now that I fully understand the separation of deep emotion and sex it should be even easier. But Julie, how will your new relationship with Christie effect your partnership, both in business and in sex, with Steve?”

“Actually, I think the business part may be the biggest challenge,” replied Julie. “Christie is an experienced swinger, and actually leans more toward men than women, sexually. That makes me worry just a bit about a female-to-female relationship with her. But she and I have talked that out, and we know that we both have tastes and desires that can only be met with multiple playmates from both sexes, so we’ll have a completely open and honest relationship, just like you and Steve. On the business front though, Christie is also my employee. I think we’re going to address that by having her leave her job with the company and become a consultant to the Polynesia project. Is that ok with you, Steve?”

“I think that’s probably best,” said Steve. “And Dee,” he continued, “I think Christie could really benefit from talking with you about how you’ve handled all my hijinks through the course of our marriage. You’ve been absolutely a saint, and incredibly accepting and loving. That along with full and open honesty are the real keys to any successful relationship, even when your partner isn’t out screwing other people all the time.”

“Well, I don’t know how saintly I’ve been,” responded Deana. “I seem to recall a lot of tears and fighting, especially in the early years. But I’m happy I stuck it through, and now that I’m part of the lifestyle I think we’re just going to be happier. Christie asked me yesterday if we can talk, and I’ll be happy to share a bottle of wine with her sometime soon.”

“My love, I can’t imagine how I could possibly be happier than you make me every day, but I’m sure you’re right about our future!” Steve smiled.

“That’s Anadolu Yakası Fetiş Escort really why I’ve put up with him all this time, Julie,” said Dee. “He always says exactly the right thing at the right time. That and the Amex Black Card I get to carry by being married to him!”

The three lovers laughed at that, and Steve went back to his reading. Dee dozed off in Julie’s lap. Julie marveled yet again at how far Dee had come in the past few weeks, and continued to stroke her hair lovingly.

As Steve finished his email he turned to some of the swinger websites that he was a member of. Even though he was “in the industry” he still kept up with his many friends and playmates just as when swinging was more of a hobby than a vocation. As he scrolled through blog posts, calendar invitations, and party notices he realized that he needed to update all of his profiles to reflect Dee’s new found swinger status. Most of his profiles were as a married bi male, playing alone with a kitchen pass. Two were couples profiles that featured Julie as his partner. He’d have to talk things over with Dee, and also check in with Julie. He wanted to keep Julie as a very close playmate, but he also wanted to eliminate any possibilities of friction with Christie. As Frank Herbert wrote: “Beginnings are such delicate times.”

As he browsed the websites Steve unconsciously fell into his regular habit of self-stimulation and masturbation. A hand strayed to his nipples regularly, or he caressed his cock and balls. His shaft stiffened slightly.

Julie was using her iPad to cruise some of those same swinger sites as Deana dozed in her lap. She noticed Steve playing with himself across the plane, and thought to herself “why not?” She raised a hand to caress a nipple through the fabric of her shirt.

Deana rolled in her sleep so that her face was toward Julie’s belly. The sarong rode up her thighs and revealed her panty-less bottom to Steve. His mouth watered a bit. Julie took advantage of the movement to strip her tee shirt off, exposing her tanned breasts with their prominent nipples. Steve looked up and smiled wickedly at the sight, then returned to his reading.

The two lovers teased each other visually. Steve, having more freedom of movement, turned his chair directly toward Julie and spread his legs, then played with his cock, balls, perineum, and anus. Julie, still cradling the sleeping Deana, pulled and twisted her own nipples, sending little shocks into her belly. She also lewdly licked her lips and blew kisses to Steve.

After a while, Steve decided he wanted something more. Moving quietly so as to not disturb his wife, he went back to the plane’s bedroom and retrieved some toys and supplies. He reached into the fully stocked bath and brought along a couple of fluffy white towels. Spreading one of the towels to protect the leather of his seat, he sat down and raised his knees onto the arms of the chair, still fully facing Julie.

He took two small suction bulbs and applied them to his nipples, causing them to stretch into the glass and swell. Then he pulled his legs up and scooted down to reveal the rosebud of his anus. He used some lube to loosen the pucker up, then lubed a medium butt plug and inserted it into his ass. Then he lubed his cock and began to masturbate in earnest, but not so as to cum. He was edging, and sharing it with his lover.

This went on for some time longer. Julie continued to play with her own breasts and nipples, and enjoy the show Steve was putting on. Steve sent her to the occasional dirty IM via one of the websites so as not to wake up Dee, and kept himself as close to the edge of cumming as he could without going over the top.

“My, what a nice sight to wake up to,” Dee said with a yawn, looking up at Julie pulling on her bare nipples.

Dee yawned again and sat up, with her back still to Steve. She kissed Julie, and then lowered her mouth to Julie’s right nipple. She found the taste and feel on her tongue delightful.

“Mmmm, and hello, sleepy,” replied Julie, cradling Dee’s head and encouraging her to suck on the bud of the nipple. “Your horndog husband is being dirty again.”

Deana looked over her shoulder at Steve, who was now fucking the butt plug in and out of his anus, the two suction bulbs on his nipples bouncing. He gripped his cock tightly in his fist, and ran his thumb roughly back and forth across the bulging head. He grinned at his wife.

“God, he’s just insatiable!” exclaimed Dee. “I think I want both you and Christie to move in with us. I need all the help I can get!”

“Happy to oblige, my dear,” replied Julie. “I’ve just never been able to get enough of your husband’s cock. Thank you again for sharing with me.”

“And thank you for sharing yourself with me yesterday,” Deana said in a husky voice as she looked deeply into Julie’s eyes. “I’ve denied myself the pleasure of women for my whole life, and I was so Anadolu Yakası Gecelik Escort happy to let myself go with you. Thank you also for sharing Christie so freely with me!”

“Dee, it was genuinely my pleasure, and Christie’s too,” responded Julie. “I’ve always found you incredibly sexy, and I’m so glad we can finally play together. In fact, watching Steve masturbate has made me horny. May I eat you now?”

“No, honey, I don’t think so,” said Deana. “I’m going to be too busy eating you for a while!” Deana kissed Julie deeply and long.

With that Deana slid off the couch and began unbuttoning Julie’s shorts. Julie smiled and winked across the plane at Steve, and lifted her hips to shimmy out of the tight fitting clothing. She reached over and grabbed the other towel Steve brought out, and spread it below her to protect the fine leather. Deana, impatient to again eat pussy, sat back on her haunches with a hungry look in her eyes while Julie got things situated.

Julie leaned back, straightened her legs and spread them wide. Her hairless pussy was already swollen and pink, and she reached down and spread her outer labia to reveal the glistening wetness of her vulva. Deana licked her lips, and quickly dove between Julie’s outstretched legs.

Beginning with running her lips up and down Julie’s labia, Deana drank of Julie’s nectar, then extended her tongue into the folds. Julie’s musk was pungent, but Deana was surprised to find that she was acquiring a taste for pussy. She thought about how she used to push her husband’s tongue away from her sex, because she thought of the taste and smell as revolting. This was a result of her Catholic upbringing, and the abuse from the Sisters at her all-girls high school. She made a vow to herself now to never push Steve away again, and to continue to acquire new tastes in swinging.

Because of her inexperience, Deana was unsure of the best thing to do with Julie’s clit that was now standing up proudly. She decided that the best course would be to pretend that her tongue was a finger, and manipulate the bud as she did her own during masturbation. She also remembered that she liked indirect stimulation the best, so she avoided simply sucking Julie’s clit into her mouth like a little cock.

Julie moaned, and knowing something of Deana’s inexperience, offered some coaching. “Yes, Dee, like that! You can roll your tongue around my clit every so often too. Yes! That’s it. Now flatten your tongue out and lick my pussy from my vagina to my clit. Oh, yeah, that’s nice, honey!”

Deana was grateful for Julie’s coaching, and decided to try another move on her own volition. She inserted her index finger into Julie’s vagina, and made the “come here” motion that she had read about in her browsing of sex sites on the internet. She touched the spongy area on the roof of the Julie’s vagina, behind her pee hole, that felt like it had nubbins or little wrinkles in it, and rubbed her finger around in a circle.

“Ohhh, that’s nice! You’re a fast learner, and a naughty one!” Julie groaned. “You keep that up, and maybe add a second finger in a bit, and you’ll hit my G-spot. But fair warning, I can be a squirter some times!”

Dee pulled her face up and smiled at Julie. “I hope so! I squirted myself for the first time with Jeff and Penny a couple of months ago. It was fantastic, and I want to make you feel just as good, lover.”

With that she went back to devouring Julie’s hairless, perfectly smooth cunt. She licked and tickled Julie’s pee hole. She sucked on Julie’s labia. And she continued her gentle massage of Julie’s vagina.

Steve was grinning like a proud father whose son just scored his first touchdown in Pee Wee Football. The difference of course being that most fathers aren’t fucking themselves with a butt plug during league play. And he was indeed proud of his wife. She was overcoming so much. She had been so patient and supportive with him through the decades of their marriage. And he knew she had struggled with jealousy of the very woman whose pussy she was now eating with such gusto. He decided that it was time to join the ladies.

He slipped down onto the floor of the aircraft, and moved behind his wife. Her butt was still partially covered by the gauzy sarong. He looked for the knot of the garment, released it, and tossed the sarong onto the chair behind him. All three lovers were now fully nude. He straightened up and removed the suction bulbs, admiring the site of his wife’s head between Julie’s hips. His nipples stood out over a half-inch each. He flicked them with his fingers, then rolled them between his thumbs and forefingers. Julie did the same to her own. This kicked his horniness into high gear.

Steve massaged his wife’s back, both finding kinks in muscles and lightly caressing skin. He brushed his hard cock against her thighs and buttocks as he reached under her to grasp and lightly heft her hanging breasts. Deana Anadolu Yakası Genç Escort moaned quietly whenever he found a tight muscle, and this transferred vibrations through her lips and tongue to Julie’s pussy.

Steve reached between Deana’s legs and explored the folds of her sex. She was very wet, so much so that it was running down her thighs. Steve lined up his cock with her slit, took his shaft in his hand, and ran the head up and down her labia to lubricate it.

Deana had a naughty thought. She paused briefly from her feast on Julie’s sex and said “Not there. Fuck my ass, honey!”

This provided Steve with a very pleasant surprise. Anal play was by no means foreign to their lovemaking repertoire, but it most often took the form of Deana pegging Steve. Only very occasionally, and then largely fueled by alcohol consumption, did Deana consent to have her own orifice penetrated. Now here she was, completely sober, asking Steve for anal sex.

This set Steve to work. Whenever she agreed to anal penetration, Steve went out of his way to ensure that Deana felt as little discomfort and as much pleasure as possible. He rose up from the floor and moved back to the toy collection in a drawer in the tiny bedroom at the rear of the plane. From this he took a pair of latex surgical gloves, a thin, long butt plug, and a large tube of water-based lube. He returned to the main cabin just as Deana brought Julie to her first orgasm.

“Ugggh, Ugggh, Oh honey that is so great!” Julie enthused, her hips spasming rhythmically. “You are such a fast learner!” She said as she smiled and caressed Deana’s hair.

“Do you want me to stop?” Deana asked, unused to marathon sex sessions.

“God no!” replied Julie. “Unless you are getting tired, I don’t ever want you to stop! Though at some point I get to pleasure you, too, and bring you some of the same feelings, okay?”

Deana wordlessly plowed right back in between Julie’s thighs.

“Here, this will help,” Steve said, again briefly interrupting the pussy feast to double up the large towel and place it where Deana’s knees could be padded from the carpeted floor. In this position it would also catch any lube or pussy juice coming from his eminent assault on Deana’s ass.

Deana was a woman on a mission, and that was to bring Julie as much pleasure as possible. She was now intoxicated with Julie’s scent and taste. She extended her tongue between Julie’s folds, and nuzzled Julie’s clit with her nose. As she regained her position, she returned her weight to one hand on Julie’s thigh, and then put her other hand back at the entrance to Julie’s vagina. Julie moaned her agreement and bent her legs over Deana’s shoulders, using her heels to pull Deana’s face more firmly against her own mound. Julie also used a heel to press on the shoulder that was connected to Deana’s hand, pulling the fingers into the cleft to renew their massage of her G-spot area.

Steve snapped on the latex gloves and dropped back down behind his wife. She shifted her knees further apart to encourage his actions. He poured a large dollop of lube on his right hand, and rubbed his hands together to warm the liquid. Deana always appreciated that thoughtful gesture, whether in anal or vaginal sex.

Placing his left hand on Deana’s left buttock, Steve gently began to massage Deana’s rosebud with the index and middle fingers of his right hand. He used a circular motion to ensure thorough coverage, and then went back to the well for more lube, again warming it before applying it to Deana’s sphincter. She rotated her hips and moaned her pleasure at his actions.

Julie was pulling and twisting her own nipples as she luxuriated beneath Deana’s tongue. She made little mewling noises whenever Deana did something that brought particular pleasure, continuing a nonverbal coaching of her pupil in Sapphic love. But she meant what she said during her last orgasm. Deana truly was a fast learner, and was already eating Julie’s pussy better than most men and many women that Julie fucked. Julie hoped she would get more chances to coach Dee, and make her a truly skilled lesbian lover.

As Deana’s rear opening became used to his ministrations and he sensed some tenseness leave her thighs, Steve flattened his index finger against her anus and flexed just the tip toward her perineum. This was a move that skilled anal lovers used to great effect. Human sphincters relax when stimulated with this motion, and the tip of his finger slipped easily and painlessly past the ring of muscle. Steve gently pressed forward, slipping the finger in up to his knuckle then began a gentle and slow fucking motion.

Deana responded well to the anal stimulation. She had asked her husband to fuck her there because she wanted to continue her exploration of swinging, and knew from her internet browsing that anal sex was a particular obsession for many. She had dabbled in it with Steve in the past, and found the experience not unpleasant. Now she found that her pride in herself for bringing Julie off already and her ongoing eating of Julie’s pussy was combining with the naughty, forbidden aspects of anal sex to stimulate her libido. She remembered how Steve always said, “the biggest sex organ of all is our brain.” She was getting off on just the thoughts of anal sex and cunnilingus.

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Germany Confidential Pt. 02

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Non Nude


After Dez and Iris used Leo for a while as their sex slave and they even pimped him out to anybody that wanted to fuck a muscular, handsome, blond white boy.

Iris started dating Dez and they moved into Leo’s apartment and sent him to theirs, making him pay the rent on both. Summer went and winter came.

Some of Iris’ friends were quite shocked that she was dating a black man. Some of them acted like she had committed a heinous crime. When white men frowned at her, she didn’t even care. For her, German guys and white guys in general were history. She would never date them again. They could go fuck each other up the ass as far as she was concerned.

In Dez, she found a man who treated her good, appreciated her and found her beautiful the way she was, never saying, “Hey you should lose a few kilos or this and that” like white guys. Dez made her feel happy and safe. He was manly, a real man, and he had a back bone, he didn’t let anyone trample all over him, not even her. He was a thousand times more man and more human than any white guy she had ever dated. He wasn’t strange or weird in some funny way. And of course, he fucked her much better and much longer and simply much much nicer than any white guy she had ever fucked.

If things did not work out with Dez, Iris would date another black guy, but never a white guy. The only role they could play in her life was to suck her black lover’s cock, clean it in their mouths, like her ex boyfriend Leo did. Iris just did not need The Man anymore.

With Dez, she discovered that she loved and enjoyed sex much more than she had ever dared to imagine. Iris discovered new sides to her sexuality. Sex with Dez wasn’t stiff and boring as with Leo. First of all, sex with him was fun. They would laugh and play with each other. He was master of her body. He fucked her in so many ways and she got wild and started fucking him back in so many wild ways. She started watching loads of porn, to learn new stuff and tricks. She found out that porn with white guys just bored her, even when they had huge dicks, even bigger than Dez. However, porn with black guys fucking any type of women got her so wet and horny.

Dez seemed to know just how to pull out the slut in her. He had her doing things she had previously considered perverse and base. Never had she imagined she could be the one to spend three hours in a row, worshiping a guy’s body with her lips and tongue, sucking a guy’s dick, eating his balls and feasting on his ass, sucking and tonguing it, but that is what she was doing. And she simply loved him fucking using her body for his pleasure, fucking her face, pussy and her white ass with his big, black dick!

Iris was ready to do anything to keep Dez happy and satisfied. She wanted to belong to him, to be his. She wanted to be the most special woman in his life. She went and got a full body waxing. She enrolled in course to learn pole and strip dancing. And she threw away all her boring, old underwear and switched to sexy lace and thongs and g- and c-strings and half or quarter cup bras. Dez loved it and he fucked her good. In fact, whenever he caught her, she got it.

Dez returned home, on a chilly winter afternoon, Iris was waiting for him, with a surprise present. She was looking hot, her hair neatly combed her face made up like a sexy vamp. The busty blond was wearing a white blouse with billowy arms, like the Beer garden girls at the Oktoberfest. It was very low cut, revealing the tops of her generous cleavage. The blouse ended halfway down her belly, exposing her toned midriff.

Her curvy hips were clad in a flesh hugging, tight pair of brown leather shorts, held up by suspender belts. Knowing her African lover’s obsession with tiny thongs, Iris had the black straps of her brand new, skimpy tanga sitting high around her hips, disappearing tantalizingly into the tight shorts. The shorts cupped her juicy thighs. Her shapely legs were in knee high white socks, stuffed into black leather shoes.

Iris smiled at Dez, striking a sexy pose for him. She was in an excellent mood, and definitely aiming to have some fun.

“Hi darling. I thought I would show you a piece of Bavaria today,” she cooed in a sweet Bavarian accent, her voice laced with honey.

“Wow! You look hot baby!” Dez replied cheerfully. He had been thinking about her all day, the bulge in his pants could vouch that. His hand snaked around her hips, gave her ass a loud slap, then he cupped her butt cheeks, and pulled her against his hard crotch.

“Oh darling, its so good to see you again,” Iris mumbled as her glossy lips sought the black man’s full, thick lips.

Iris loved Dez’ firm ass, and so as she wrapped her arms around him and feasted on his mouth, her hands made straight for them cheeks. Dez grabbed the busty blond by the back of the neck and squashed her lips with his, as his hand toyed with the flimsy straps of her thong. They kissed liked two wild, greedy animals, grinding their crotches feverishly, hard African cock pressing into hot, soft German wetness. Dez soon Anadolu Yakası Öğrenci Escort had her suspenders down, and her leather pants riding halfway down her thighs. His palm slid under her thongs and his middle finger lodged into the warm, sensitive cleft between her butt cheeks. The German woman moaned into his mouth, her hips shuddering.

Dez grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her away from his face.

“Ouch!” Iris grimaced. “You wanna play rough today, huh?” One thing she liked about Dez was that he wasn’t a predictable lover. One time he was gentle and loving, the next he was aggressive and even brutal. Iris loved it all.

“Go down and suck my big black dick, you slut! Open your mouth!” Dez sneered at her, and then spat into her mouth. The German girl shuddered and nearly head butted her black lover, as she dove to kiss his mouth fiercely.

Then he pulled her down to her knees by her hair. Though she grimaced, the moment her face was level with his bulging crotch, her hands literary sprang to his jeans and she had them open in a second. Dez was not wearing any underpants, and his hard, black tool literary sprang into her face, slapping her cheek. Iris grabbed it with both her pale white hands, and she doubled fisted him lovingly.

“Oh Dez, I am so glad to see you again darling…” she purred happily, as she peeled the foreskin off his fat, bulging dick head. She inhaled his man smell and the Bavarian lady immediately went into cock worshiping mode, holding the big black dick up and licking it like a delicious Popsicle.

Dez’ pants dropped down to his feet and his t-shirt soon joined them, leaving the athletic black man’s dark alluring muscles exposed. Dez leaned back against the wall, parting his powerful thighs, watching the German lady gobble his man meat. “Mmmmm,” Iris groaned with delight, as she swiveled her tongue around the sensitive tip, and grazed it lightly with her teeth.

Dez had unleashed a carnal hunger for flesh in her that she had never known with another man. She simply loved licking him, sucking him, eating him, any part of his body she could grab and hold on to.

Her pussy was getting so wet as she bobbed her head, sucking and slurping away loudly as she sent his thick, dark shaft in and out of her pretty mouth, all the way to the back of her mouth.

“Ah yes, that’s it Iris! Suck that black dick like you love it. Show me how much you can take,” the black man grunted, stroking the long, smooth hair. Iris bore down on him feverishly and took it all down her throat. Then she fucked him nice and slow, getting him rock hard.

“Das gefällt dir was? (You like that huh?)” she teased, and spat on his fat dick head.

She gobbled it up again and slowly pulled her sucking lips off it with a loud plop. This blond temptress definitely now knew how to give a wet, sordid blow job. Dez knew his black cock was a tool in the hands of an aspiring champion.

Iris pushed the fat cock against his belly, and tended to his big, hairy black balls. She licked them, bathing them in her drool. Then she sucked them into her mouth, one after the other, rolling them in her hot, warm cavern, stroking them with her tongue.

Dez’ hips danced her horny ministrations. He grabbed her by the forehead and pulled her into his flesh and moaned as she sucked and slurped his balls. Then he turned around and thrust his ass in her face.

“Mmmmm!” Iris groaned, starting to drool copious as she gazed at the firm, dark ass that was beckoning to her, pulling her mouth like a magnet. She grabbed his ass cheeks, sinking her pale, dainty, manicured white fingers into the firm, dark flesh. She pulled them apart, exposing the dark crack. A musky male aroma, laced with sweat, hit her nostrils, and excited her so. She dove in there, face first.

Iris had his hips shaking as she chewed on the small of his back. Then she bore down on his crack, plating him, swiping him all the way up and down, like she wanted to clean him up real good. She reached between his legs, grabbed the big, dangling black cock and tugged on it, shook it, and wanked it as she ate his ass. She teased his hole with the tip of her tongue, then she poked it inside and tongued his hole. Her hungry lips clamped onto his puckered hole like a suction cup, and she literary sucked the shit out of him.

“Uuuuuuu!” she grunted like a hungry, carnal beast.

“Fuck yeah, lick my ass good bitch!” Dez grunted deeply and pushed his ass back at her, loving the shit.

Finally though, he was so horny and so hard that he needed to cum instantly. He turned around and pushed his dick in her face. Iris grabbed it eagerly and gobbled it up instantly, one dainty hand stroking his six pack belly, whilst the other cupped his huge, hairy balls.

“Yeah thats it bitch, suck that big black cock…” Dez groaned, grabbing her forehead in his big hand and pumping her back and forth. Iris moaned for she loved it when he did that, grabbing her face and stuffing it full of his dick as he was doing now. Anadolu Yakası Çıtır Escort She sucked him greedily, producing loud squelchy noises in her throat as she juggled with his balls. Dez felt his orgasm rapidly approaching.

“Oh ja. Ja!!! Blas mir einen. Leck meinen schwarzen Schwanz du geiles Miststück! (Suck me off you bitch! Lick my cock you piece of shit!)” he growled like a beast.

Iris was only too eager to oblige.

Dez grabbed her face on both sides and held her in place as he started hammering away into her mouth, using her for his pleasure, fucking the taste out of her mouth. Iris gazed up at him with sparkling eyes as she sucked him so good and so hard, like she wanted to take the skin off his cock.

He pressed his cock against the back of her throat, and pushed. She gagged for a second, then she bore down on him and he felt the opening of her throat give. His cock head was engulfed into a hot, tight slippery wetness. Then iris fucked him with her throat, pushing down until she had his entire, impressive cock buried in her windpipe. She fucked him like that, smiling around his cock, her eyes twinkling up at him as she saw his face turn into an intense mask of arousal as his cock grew harder and bigger and fatter.

Then finally, Dez gave her one last mighty stab and then his balls erupted. He held her in place, looking down into her eyes, as he shot a thick wad of cum into her throat. Iris pushed him back and took the rest into her mouth, moaning, sucking ans swallowing. As his cock finally stopped twitching he, she eased back and pulled her lips off him, smiling sweetly, with her lips smeared, and gaping and panting for breath. She scooped up the cum trickling down her chin and licked it off her fingers, moaning..

“Oh fuck! Bist du zum Tier mutiert, du schwarzer Ficker (You have you mutated to a beast, you black fucker)!” she chuckled, slapping his subsiding erection. She was happy as a kid on Christmas.

“Das war nur der Anfang, du geile Schlampe! (that was just the beginning, you bitch!)”

Dez liked dirty talking white women, calling them names. They seemed to enjoy it so much. He grabbed her by the hair, pulled her to her feet and slapped her ass. He pushed her to the the living room and made her climb on a couch, and bend over, admiring the sight of her thick, round ass globes, split by the flimsy thongs. And the leather the pants hanging halfway down her thighs were such a turn on. Dez gave her ass a slap and she wagged it back at him like a happy little puppy.

He fished her thong out of the crack and hooked it around a thick ass cheek. Her shaved pussy lips grinned a vertical smile back at him, looking all wet and puffed up. Dez sank finger into her slit and Iris moaned. She tried to part her legs wider, but the pants held them together.

“Lass mich die Rosen ausziehen (Lemme take off the pants)”

“No, fuck that, just bend that fine white ass over. Hold on firmly, coz you are gonna get rutted!”

Dez dropped onto his knees bringing his face on level with her genitals. He grabbed her ass cheeks like a prize, and pulled them apart. The lusty African groaned as he inhaled the essence of her feminine pinkness.

“Fuck! I gotta taste that!”

“Ja Dez mach schon. Leck mich baby!” Iris moaned with expectation.

Dez did not keep her waiting. The black man dove into the white pussy and plated it like a hungry beast. His tongue was all over her pink wetness, swiping her lips, licking all the way up and down her crack. He chewed and nibbled and sucked on her engorged, bursting, tasty, dripping twat with carnal greed. Iris cried out, cumming almost at the first contact. She acted like she was trying to climb up the sofa, but Dez simply dug his fingers deep into her hips and held her in place for the thorough cleaning.

He wriggled into her and fucked her wet, slimy hole with his tongue and Iris moaned and writhed and shuddered, looking like she was going crazy. As he started rubbing her fat, excited clit, she leaped and bounced so much he had to smack that ass. Dez slid his thumb into her hole and hooked his fingers over her clit. He worked her pussy as his other hand smacked her ass, grabbed a cheeky and spread her crack. Then he went down and ate her ass, like he loved it. He bit into her buttocks and Iris shuddered and cried. Then he lapped up her crack and plated it and she melted and cried and shuddered.

“Oh ja!!!! Ich wird verrückt! Leck meine Muschi! Ja! Ja!”

Iris threw her ass back at him and Dez ate it and tongued it, making her cum continuously, moaning and gobbling like a Turkey.

Dez then stood up and shoved his now rearing erection all the way up her pussy in one swift, hard movement.

“Ouch!” Iris gasped at the sudden intrusion. Dez stood behind her, pulling her ass cheeks against his hips, letting her get used to his cock.

“Oh Dez darling,” she moaned sweetly. “I have never felt so full of cock baby!”

“I am gonna pump you even fuller baby!” Dez chuckled as he gave Anadolu Yakası Elit Escort both ass cheeks a hard, loud slap, then he dug his fingers into her hips and started fucking her. Dez pulled her bodily onto his cock, slamming himself deep into the white, tight, smoldering femininity. Iris cried out, and tried to pull away from him. This was the way she liked it. She needed a real man to subdue her, and pull her onto his manhood, ravishing and dicking her, and this is what Dez did.

The fact that her legs were pressed together gave them both extra friction which was driving them wild. Dez was soon galloping away into her cunt and Iris was throwing her ass at him, rearing like a wild stallion, face contorted, eyes bursting, her hair flying wildly.

Dez reached deeper around her hips and raised her knees off the couch. Iris supported herself on her arms as she felt her body thrown back and forth like a rag doll. This was what she had been missing, what her white boyfriends before Dez could not give her, a thorough, animal fuck! She got fucked so good and she came so much that she lost all sense of time and place. She felt like Dez was fucking every individual cell in her, and her whole body was just one big pussy.

“Oh Scheisse Dez! Ich komme schon wieder! Ich schwöre es dir! Fick mich baby! Fick mich mit deinen grossen schwarzen Schwanz! Gib ihn mir! (I am cumming again, I swear. Fuck me with that big, black cock!)”

Dez was glad to oblige. Once in a while, he paused, holding her up, marveling at the sight of his entire black length all swallowed up in her pink, shaved glory. Then he would get back to pumping, body slamming her, his hips slapping loudly into her cunt till he had her cumming again.

“Yeah bitch! Fucking take that! Take that big black cock! I am gonna shoot you full of cumm!”

Dez roared at the ceiling like a beast as his balls suddenly erupted like a violent volcano, his cum pouring like hot lava into her pussy. He kept fucking her throughout his orgasm, his cock leaping deep inside her pussy. As she felt his hot fluid pouring into her cunt, Iris came again. Her arms gave away weakly and she fell face first onto the seat of the couch. Dez pulled out of her, scooped her up in his arms and kissed her. She only gasped and mumbled something, like she didn’t even know who or where she was. As he kissed her lips though, she kissed him back sucking and suckling.

Finally, when she had recovered enough to start playing with his cock, he gave her ass a slap.

“I need a drink. Plus I’m starving.

“Hold on daddy,” Iris kissed him and slowly raised herself, smiling blissfully. She staggered off to the kitchen on unsteady feet, not bothering to pull up her pants because she knew her African lover liked to see her big ass in thongs, and he would be fucking her pretty soon anyway.

Iris brought a glass of Multivitamin juice, and some tasty sandwiches.

“Here baby, stock up those Vitamins coz you are gonna need them,” she said with a happy grin. Iris lit up a joint and snuggled up to Dez He fed her a couple of morsels of food as they chatted and smoked.

Iris wasn’t hungry for food. She had another type of hunger, as if trying to make up for years of bad sex with white guys. As the handsome, black male wolfed the food down hungrily, she was soon sitting between his dark, powerful thighs, sucking his cock back to life.

Dez never ceased to marvel at German women’s voracious appetite for black cock. It was like, once you gave them a taste, they just could not get enough.

As Dez finished the last sandwich, Iris reached under his thighs and pushed them up. Dez liked the adjustable leather couch. It was quite practical. He laid way back as Iris placed her palms on the backs of his dark thighs and went deep sea diving between them. She nuzzled his balls, groaning.

“Fuck Dez, don’t you know I am a vegetarian, tempting me with all this delicious meat?”

Iris licked and sucked on the big black balls, groaning and moaning with relish.

“Yeah Iris, eat that black ass. Gorge yourself on it. Show me how tasty you find it!” he groaned. Iris needed no second bidding. She dipped her face between his firm, dark ass cheeks, her palms sinking into them, and pulling them apart for her tongue…

“Mmmm,” she moaned as she ate him.

Dez sipped his vitamin fruit cocktail, groaning and moaning with pleasure as Iris feasted on his ass. She licked his ass crack thoroughly, like she was on a mission to clean him up. She pressed her lips to his hole and tongue fucked his hole thoroughly, her head bobbing feverishly.

“Ah yes. Lick the hole baby! Thats it!” Dez grunted, as he grabbed her by the hair, and pulled her face into his crack.

His cock was rearing like a stiff mast now. Iris grabbed it, and wanked it hard as she performed annilingus on the black man. Dez almost wished he had a second woman there, sucking on his cock whilst his ass got licked.

Chapter 2

Iris had other wishes however. The busty, hot white German chick dropped her shorts and climbed astride Dez, with one wicked intention. She grabbed his rearing stiffness and wanked him as she pulled her gusset off her shaved pink pussy. She gave her cunt a couple of frigs, her fingers slipping in her wetness, then she brought the cock to her opening and simply sat don on it, sending it hurtling deep into her insides.

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The Secretary and Finance Director

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People always used to tell me that I was wasted as a secretary, ‘you have the capacity for so much more’ they’d insist. Perhaps, but it suited me. I was far from the stereotypical shy and retiring secretary though, a troubled childhood conditioned me to stand up for myself less be trampled all over.

As such I built my career on working for some of the toughest bosses in London, all of whom had broken my predecessors at record speed. By the time I came along the HR department would be ripping their hair out and so desperate that negotiating a salary far higher than they had previously considered was childsplay.

To break in in a new boss I utilised variations of the same formula I’d honed over the years. Firstly I’d let them see how good I am and sort out what ever shit hot mess the secretary before me had left behind. Then after a couple of weeks I’d get them to open up, usually interrupting them mid-flow whilst they were reeling off the tasks of the day, ‘you don’t seem yourself today are you OK?’. It worked wonders and never failed to catch them off guard, snippets of their personal woes would follow, never in too much depth but enough for step three, the tailored response.

This required a little creative thinking on my part. One boss told me that he was in the midsts of a divorce which had left him stressed and exhausted. The following day I bought a steamer into work and made him a steamed salmon and spinach salad. It certainly wasn’t in my job spec to cook or even arrange for my boss’ lunch and he’d never asked me to do it for him before so he was surprised when I waltzed into his office unannounced and placed the dish on his desk.

Visibly unnerved that I’d witnessed his surprise and therefore his vulnerability, he snapped ‘I don’t like fish’. I calmly looked him directly in the eyes and replied softly but firmly ‘eat it, it will help with your energy levels’. I turned on my heels and left. He was not used to being told what to do, less so by a secretary.

I returned after half an hour to clear his plate away and it was licked clean. He didn’t look up at me or say thank you but the subtle softening in his body language indicated that I’d have him eating out of my hand in no time.

They always try to test you after this and Mr Steamed Salmon was no different. The following Sunday morning at 3am he rang me on my mobile. I didn’t wait for him to speak and chastised him severely. How dare he wake me up in the middle of the night, I didn’t care if the office was burning down, weekends are my time and he had no right to expect me to work for him 24/7. I heard him stuttering on the other end of the line but hung up before he’d had the chance to assimilate his conflicting internal reactions to my outburst into a coherent response. Bosses like him aren’t used to being told off and the telling off is the final phase. They’re putty thereafter.

Stop. On reading the above what type of lover do you think I am, or to be more accurate what type of lover to you think I dream of being? If your answer involves me wanting to be in charge, you’re wrong. Unfortunately this is how my confident personality is interpreted time and again and I end up being bitterly disappointed with lovers who want me to take control. On the same token why should I temper my character in order to find the lover I so desperately need, if I wasn’t myself the sex would be just as bad.

If you were hoping that what follows would feature me and Mr Steamed Salmon in a state of undress, I’m sorry, I’m not turned on by bullies. However he was the one who toppled the first domino in a chain of events that would see me at the grand old age of thirty finally achieving sexual satisfaction. If only he knew, he’d probably choke on his spinach.

The Monday after I’d chastised my boss was the day of the monthly Board meeting, a day long affair which was beyond boring and for which I was required to take the minutes. Seven board members, all male, and myself. I dressed as I always did on Board days, ensuring that my summer dress revealed slightly more of my cleavage than was strictly professional. Honestly this show was more for my amusement than any sexual gratification, I knew full well that bar Mr Steamed Salmon the other Board members found the meeting just as dull as I did and my tits punctuated the boredom.

They all openly ogled except for the Finance Director, the consummate professional, quiet, unassuming. I never took much notice of him really. That morning as everybody took their usual seats, Mr Steamed Salmon stood over the Finance Director and said ‘my Secretary sits there from now on’. The seat was at the business end of the table and the Finance Director was being demoted in front of the entire Board, there was an uncomfortable silence in the room as we switched seats. I was expecting the Finance Director to react but there was no visible signs that the snub had angered or upset him.

Mr Steamed Salmon was a predictable bully. There was a joke amongst the other Board members that he played Anadolu Yakası Esmer Escort scapegoat roulette, focusing an entire meeting, usually unfoundedly, on his perceived failings of one of the Board members. There were no prizes for guessing who was getting it this month.

Indeed, no sooner had we started on the first item of the day when Mr Steamed Salmon let rip, throwing one thing after another at the Finance Director. Why hadn’t he done this? What the hell do you call that? The Finance Director remained calm throughout, a six hour grilling and he didn’t even break a sweat. He knew he was the best accountant the company had ever had as did the rest of the Board, he never made mistakes and always did what was asked.

Mr Steamed Salmon, accustomed to reducing grown men to tears, was visibly frustrated, he was obviously seeking an extreme reaction which he was not going to get. His desperation amused me and I stifled a smile. Was I imagining it or did the Finance Director just smirk when he thought nobody was looking?

As I said before, I hardly took any notice of the Finance Director before. But as we all filed out of the meeting room I started to think, does he play mind games like I do to control people? I was intrigued. He could just as easily be the type who keeps all of his feelings inside and could be deeply upset by his public lashing. I chose to base my following actions on the latter, I do not like to witness people being bullied and I was going to find out if the Finance Director was OK.

I went to the kitchen and brewed a cup of tea, Mr Steamed Salmon always liked a brew straight after the Board meetings. I made it exactly how he liked it in his favourite mug. I walked up to his office with the mug of tea in my grasp, straight past his open door and into the adjacent office where the Finance Director was seated. He didn’t look up as I walked around to his desk with the mug of tea, so I placed it on his desk and started to walk out. ‘On a coaster’ he said quietly. I walked back up to his desk, and found a coaster underneath an old mug, I switched them. I then looked directly at the Finance Director and said ‘he’s a Cunt you know, he shouldn’t have spoken to you like that’.

He looked up at me and held my gaze for a good ten seconds, I couldn’t tell if he was happy, amuzed, angry. I was trying so hard to figure him out that I didn’t notice until I felt a sharp slap on my pussy that he’d put his hand up my skirt. ‘That’s a Cunt’ he said, ‘and don’t swear’. Just as discretely as he’d put his hand up my skirt he had removed it and was taking a sip from the mug. ‘I don’t like my tea like that’ he said. Not with any malice, just matter-of-factly.

I left the room in no doubt that the Finance Director, like me, knew how to work minds. I was wearing a tiny thong and it wasn’t large enough to contain my excitement. As I walked into Mr Steamed Salmon’s office and presented him with the now cold mug of tea that the Finance Director had rejected, a dribble of my juices escaped my thong and dribbled down my leg beyond the cover of my dress.

I wanted the Finance Director.

The following day the Finance Director wasn’t in the office. I couldn’t stand it, I wanted to see him, I wanted him to slap my pussy again, I wanted him to bend me over and take me. Where was he? He wasn’t in the following day either or for the rest of the week.

I was feeling restless, I couldn’t concentrate, for the first time in my career I made a massive mistake with a task Mr Steamed Salmon had set me. I don’t make mistakes. When Mr Steamed Salmon summoned me into his office I uncharacteristically let him berate me and before I knew what was happening tears were rolling uncontrollably down my face.

The prospect of breaking another Secretary obviously thrilled him, my god I swear he had a boner as he stood up aggressively over me and told me to ‘get the fuck out of his office’. I wanted to scream out that it wasn’t him who was breaking me, it was the Finance director. I didn’t. I turned and left.

I normally wouldn’t have gone to work on the Monday feeling as poorly as I did, but longing to see the Finance Director I dragged myself out of bed and into the office. My heart sank as I realised he wasn’t there and I set about trying to make sense of my workload.

At 11am I went outside for a cigarette. It was cold and as I took my first deep inhalation of the smoke I felt a gust of breeze travel up my skirt and awaken my sex. Relief. As I exhaled I let out an audible moan of pleasure. What was I doing?

I continued in this manner, feeling more and more aroused, resisting the urge to touch myself in public. I couldn’t. I took my final inhalation and turned to go back into the office. He was stood there behind me, the Finance Director. I simultaneously exhaled and let out a cry of pleasure as I did so, my body shuddered and there was no mistaking what had just happened.

I looked down at my feet in shame, did he realise, Anadolu Yakası Eve Gelen Escort did he know that it was him who had done this to me? He walked towards me and gently tugged my panties off, putting them in his pocket. He turned round and I followed him into the office. We entered the lift and ascended in silence, I waited for him to speak but he didn’t, I wanted him to take me in his arms but he didn’t. As we entered the office he said softly ‘follow me’, I blindly followed him and was surprised to find myself standing in Mr Steamed Salmon’s office.

He cleared his throat and Mr Steamed Salmon looked up, ‘she’s taken a funny turn’ he said. Mr Steamed Salmon looked back down at his papers and spitted ‘you look like shit, go home’. Furious that my idiot boss had spoken to me so disrespectfully and angry at myself for not having the energy to put him in his place I walked out of his office, grabbed my bag and coat and went to leave. Just as I opened the door the Finance Director pressed a note into my hand. Startled I asked him ‘what’s this’. No response, no reaction. I looked down at the piece of paper and back up to him, but he’d gone.

I waited until I was in the lift and opened the piece of paper, there was an address on it. No explanation, no instructions, just an address. Was it his? Was this where he lived? At the train station I didn’t get on my usual train. An hour and a half later I was outside a house in Surrey.

Why hadn’t I thought of it before? I didn’t have a key, how was I going to get in? I rang on the bell fruitlessly and waited, I knew there wasn’t going to be an answer and there wasn’t. I looked around for a key and found one underneath the doormat.

I put it in the door and turned, it worked, of course it worked. I opened the door and entered. I went up a flight of stairs and found myself in a living room, his living room? It was immaculately tidy, should I sit down and wait?

I looked round and saw another flight of stairs, tentatively I walked up them and reached a landing with four doors, one of which was ajar. I peered in half expecting to see him there, he wasn’t, the room was empty, the whole house was empty. On the bed I saw a bathrobe and a note. I ran to it and opened it feverishly. It was his handwriting. ‘Make yourself at home and have a bath, the bathrobe is yours. I will be home at 6:15pm’.

At that moment I wanted nothing more than to soak in a hot bath, in his hot bath. As I felt the hot water envelop my naked form and the tingle of the bubbles bursting against my skin I found myself wishing that he’d walk in. I soaked for an hour, dried myself off and walked naked into his bedroom.

Had he bought the robe for me? I sat on the bed and wrapped it around me lying back as I did so, I reached down and placed my fingers on the soft folds of my pussy and stroked myself, but exhaustion won out and before I knew it I’d fallen fast asleep.

I woke up to find him sitting next to me fully clothed. My robe was open exposing my full nakedness. Had he opened it? Had I shifted in my sleep and inadvertently knocked it open myself? He was looking at me but not reacting. How could he not react. With desire, with disgust, any reaction was better than nothing. He handed me a cup of tea. ‘This is how I like it’, he said, ‘remember’. I looked at the tea, it was weak with very little milk, not how I liked it at all. I thanked him and took a sip, making no effort to close my robe. React, I willed him, take me.

He gently took the half finished mug from me and said ‘follow me, you won’t need the robe’. I wasn’t used to taking instructions from men, but I felt compelled to do so and I let the robe drop to the floor as I followed him downstairs and into his dining room. He beckoned me over to the table and before I reached him stepped out towards me taking me by the waist and lifting me onto the table. Is he going to fuck me here? I thought. I felt sure he was as he positioned me on all fours, spreading my legs apart affording him an explicit view of my pussy and arse. I felt him looking at me. I wanted him to look at me. I wanted him to fuck me but he didn’t. ‘You’re shaved,’ he said, ‘I prefer waxed’.

‘I think I want you to be mine’, he said softly, ‘but first I need to carry out checks to ensure that you’re of the right …calibre. You will look directly in front of you at all times’, he continued, ‘you won’t like everything that is going to happen to you but it is important that you accept it and don’t speak unless you’re spoken to’. He picked up a pad of paper and a pen and walked across to the ‘business end’ of the table.

His next question could have easily been ‘what football club’ do you support given his gentle tones, instead he asked me ‘how many men have fucked your cunt?’ I was surprised at how quickly and honestly I answered him ‘I don’t know’. Spank. I felt his hand hit my pussy with considerable force, I fell forward and squeezed my vaginal muscles in an attempt to ease the Anadolu Yakası Evi Olan Escort pain.

In the same voice he repeated his question ‘how many men have fucked your cunt?’, hesitant but determined to be honest with him I said again ‘I don’t know’. The next spank was harder still, I felt a smarting pain shoot across my pussy lips lingering there before gradually reducing in intensity.

‘Are you a virgin?’ he asked. ‘No’. ‘Have you slept with more than ten men?’ ‘Yes’. ‘Have you slept with more than twenty men?’ ‘Yes’. ‘Have you slept with more than thirty men?’ ‘Yes’. Have you slept with more than forty men?’ ‘No’. He scribbled on his note pad.

‘How many men have fucked your arse?’ he went on. Embarrassed I whispered ‘one’. ‘Did you like it?’ ‘No’. He wrote something on his notepad and then I swear I heard him crossing it out furiously.

‘When did you have your breasts enhanced?”When I was 21.’ ‘Why did you do it?’ because I wanted to control all aspects of my life including my physical appearance.’ I hadn’t realised until that moment that my decision to go under the surgeons knife was more deep seated than plain and simple vanity. More jotting on his notepad.

He left the room. I didn’t want to disobey him and move from the table but I desperately wanted to know where he was. I listened out for clues. He was upstairs, was that water I could hear? Was he having a shower? Did I just hear him moan? What was he doing?

Eventually I heard his footsteps coming down the stairs, he entered the room and sat down again by my exposed rear. Behind me I heard a slapping noise, was that fluid? I felt his hand rub something wet into the folds of my labia and into the entrance of my pussy. Yes it was fluid. It was lube.

I heard another noise and I couldn’t place it, but as I felt it cold and hard pushing against the entrance to my lubed cunt, slowly inserted then twisted, when I heard the clunk as he opened it I knew that he had just inserted a speculum inside me. He was examining me!

Was that the sound of a torch? It was definitely the sound of a camera. I felt my pussy pulsating, I was more turned on than I’d ever been and I was getting very wet indeed. Could he see how turned on I was? Did I really hear that? Did he just let out a moan of pleasure. Please let it be so. I needed affirmation that he was enjoying what he was seeing. I felt so exposed and without his affirmation I felt vulnerable. Once again he was scribbling frantically on his notepad. What had he written?

Leaving the speculum in place I heard the now familiar sound of him squeezing the bottle of lube onto his fingers. I felt him rub the lube in to my tight anus, pushing firmly against the opening. No, no, no, no, not there I willed him silently, please not there.

I felt something large and alien being pushed gently into my anus, I wanted to please him but all I could remember was the pain of the last time I’d allowed a man to go there and I tensed and resisted. He drew one arm around me and lightly touched my waist kissing the small of my back as he said ‘this is for your own good, relax, for me.’

He’d kissed me at last! My body trembled, all I could focus on was his kiss, his soft lips. He sensed me relaxing and in one deft move with a satisfying suction sound he pushed the object into place. ‘Good girl’, he whispered.

Even there on all fours, completely naked with a speculum in my pussy and something else in my anus I felt proud of myself. I had pleased him. He was pleased with me. I only wanted to please him. I heard the camera again and then nothing as he left the room.

I wanted to scream out, don’t leave me again, please just fuck me, just fuck me. But he hadn’t given me permission to talk and so I remained in silence determined that if I gave him what he wanted that he would in turn give me what I needed. He must have been gone for half an hour, it felt like half a year and yet I stayed exactly where he’d left me knowing that ultimately he would return and resume his checks.

I smelt his arrival before I heard or saw him. He’d been cooking. Was that lasagne? He placed what I guessed was a plate of food at my feet and walked up to my head, reminding me as he did that I wasn’t to look at him. ‘Open your mouth’, he said. His voice was so soft, why did I feel compelled to do what he was telling me? I opened my mouth, of course I did, and he inserted a carrot before returning to his plate of food.

The sound of him eating his dinner was punctuated by occasional silences, my imagination was running riot, was that his warm breath I could feel on my pussy? I wasn’t sure but the thought alone made my clit tingle and a trickle of my excitement slowly traced its way down my inner thigh. I felt it, could he see it? I heard the sound of clattering cutlery as he finished his meal and cleared his plate away.

He walked round to the side of me and took my head and shoulder into his chest in a one handed embrace taking hold of the carrot with his other hand. ‘Eat’, his soft voice again. In this position I could see the outline of his crotch through his trousers, he was erect and as I munched down on the carrot I longed for him to unzip his flies and let me drink him. I thought I’d finished his carrot, but he held out the green leaves and repeated ‘Eat’ and I ate every last scrap of those bitter leaves.

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Jerry becomes Jill Pt. 04a: Doctor

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Jerry becomes Jill: Part 4a: Summer – School

This is the fourth part of my story about how I became Jill. Summer school continues with female hormones being introduced and a trip to the Doctor. Jill is looking forward to the month long break coming up at the end of the summer.

Spring quarter ended with a short break, we started into the summer quarter. Not much changed in our routine, but we were both looking forward to the nearly month long break that would happen at the end of the summer quarter. Mistress kept dropping hints about the break that kept me wondering what she had planned.

At breakfast on Saturday Mistress Rikki puts four unlabeled bottles of pills and the table and says, “A doctor friend of mine recommended that I have you start taking these pills. She assured me that they are perfectly safe for you. You will meet her in the near future. The pills will help feminize your body. You know I wouldn’t do anything to permanently harm you. Are you OK with taking these?”

I think about this as I eat a little bit of my breakfast before responding, “Mistress, yes I trust you and I am enjoying you leading our relationship. If this is what you think we should do, then I will do as you wish.”

“Thank you Jerry. Dr. Brown said that you should take two of each pill twice a day with food for the first week and then cut back to one of each pill twice a day after that. Dr. Brown will want to see you in a couple of weeks and I will make that appointment for us. Why don’t you take the first eight pills now?” responded Mistress.

I take the pills and get on with my daily routine. I would learn latter that the two of the pills were to increase the female hormones in my body; one would reduce the testosterone and the fourth would stimulate breast development.

Our routine is pretty normal for the next three weeks although I think I am seeing some subtle changes in my body. At dinner, on Thursday night three weeks after starting the pills Mistress Rikki tells me that I have an appointment with Dr. Brown on Friday at 3:00. She goes on to say, “Your last class tomorrow is out at noon. Hurry home and get a shower and make sure your body is hairless. I will leave an outfit for you to wear on my bed. I will pick you up at 2:15 to go to the appointment.”

I reply, “Yes Mistress I am looking forward to meeting Dr. Brown.”

I get up the next morning and shave really well to save time after class. Class seems to drag by slowly, but it is finally time to go home and get ready. When I get home I strip off my clothes and jump in the shower and wash, making sure I am free of hair below my neck and then shave my face real close. I get out of the shower and rub my body with lotion before going into Mistress’s room to get my outfit.

I return to my room and get dressed. First I slip into the pink thong panties Mistress left. For some reason this time my cock and balls seem to fit into the panty better. Next was a match A-cup bra. This is the first time she has had me wear a bra and I have trouble putting it on. Finally I hook it in front, spin it around my body and slip my arms in the straps.

This is followed by a pair of light pink sheer to the waist panty hose and hot pink lacy anklets. It is obvious Mistress is going for a very feminine look. Next came the sheer white blouse I wore home form the store several weeks ago, a pair of white capris pants and the pink heeled sandals. In one of the sandals was a note that read, “Use one of my perfumes and make sure you smell nice and comb your hair in a feminine style. I will be in to help with your make up when I get home.” I followed Mistress’s instructs and sat down to wait for here to get home.

Mistress Rikki got home and had a few minutes to adjust my looks. She styled my hair a little bit and then worked on my eye brows and added eye shadow and lipstick before saying, “Let’s go.” With that we walked out of the apartment and headed to the car. Fortunately being the middle of the afternoon there were not many people around. We walked by a couple of older women and they commented Anadolu Yakası Anal Escort on my bra that was visible through the blouse and the bulge in the front of my tight capris pants.

The drive to Dr. Brown’s office took about 15 minutes. Rikki was driving and pulled up in front of the office and we walked into the waiting room. Mistress Rikki went to the reception desk and checked us in with the nurse who was working there. After about five minutes the nurse came out and invited us back to an observation room. Once in the room she indicated for me to sit on the table as she looked me up and down and said, “Dr. Brown will be with you in a few minutes.” We waited quietly waiting for Dr. Brown.

After a short wait Dr. Brown and the nurse came in and greetings were exchanged. Dr. Brown turned to the nurse and said, “Betty you can go ahead and go home for the day. Please make sure to lock the door on your way out.” With that Betty turned and left and Dr. Brown turned back to me and said, “Jerry, I have an MD and I am also a trained psychologist and sex therapist. I specialize in sexual reassignment, feminization and female lead relationships. The pills you have been taking will soften your skin, feminize your figure, help with breast development, reduce hair growth, and reduce the size of your testicles among a few other minor issues. I will be monitoring your throughout this process. Today we will get some base line numbers including physical measurements and blood chemistry readings. Shall we get started? Please remove all of your clothes.”

I stand up and start undressing. As soon as I am naked Dr. Brown has me get on the scale and gets my weight. She then starts to get numerous measurements of my body such as the circumference of my calves, thighs, forearms, testicles and others. She then draws a number of vials of blood for testing. She then turns to Rikki and says now we need to measure his clit both soft and erect and asks her to help.

Rikki hold holds my soft cock straight out so Dr. Brown can get its length and circumference. Dr. Brown then says, “Jerry get up on the exam table and lay back and put your feet in the stir-ups. Rikki there is some warm oil on the counter would you mind getting Jerry hard.” With that Rikki pours some oil on my cock and starts stroking it. It takes a little longer than normal for me to get hard, I wonder if that is an effect of the pills. Once Dr. Brown gets the measurement of my erect cock I am told to clean-up, get dressed and then come down the hall to Dr. Brown’s office.

When I finish dressing I go find the office and Dr. Brown and Rikki are talking. After I take a seat Dr. Brown continues, “I think Jerry’s changes are progressing nicely. I would suggest that you get electrolysis started to help with hair issues. He should massage his breasts manually 2 or 3 times a day for 10 minutes as I showed you earlier, Rikki. Then he should use the hydro-suction therapy machine twice a day for 30 minutes as well. You do the other things that I suggested as you see fit. Call on Monday and make an appointment for about 4 weeks so I can check on Jerry’s progress.”

She then adds, “I have a couple of other things before you go. Rikki have you decided on a feminine name for Jerry?”

“Yes,” replies Mistress Rikki, “I thought I would go with Jill, what do you think, Sarah?”

“I think that is a great choice,” responds Dr. Brown adding, “I think you should start using that name whenever you are out in public and Jill is dressed as a female and all the time in the home. It will help her get used to it and help reinforce her feminine side.”

Mistress Rikki adds, “Yes Sarah, I think that is a good idea, what about you Jill?”

It takes me a short time before it registers that Mistress is talking to me. When it catches up to me I respond, “Yes, Mistress, I like that name, I hope I make you happy as Jill.”

Dr. Brown, then interjects, “That is great. But now I have a surprise for the two of you.” With that she reaches in the bottom drawer of her desk and Anadolu Yakası Yaşlı Escort pulls out a small pink box. Dr. Brown calls to come get the box and go open it in front of Mistress Rikki.

I retrieve the box and get on my knees in front of Mistress Rikki and proceed to open the box. Inside it is a plastic male chastity device kit. The kit contains several rings for around the base of the cock and two sleeves, one very short and the other longer. The sleeves have a number of threaded holes around the diameter and length. There is a plastic bag with about a dozen sharply pointed set screws and a wrench for them.

Mistress pulls out one of the tubes and looks at it as Dr. Brown says, “If you will have Jill bring it up here I will show you how to put it on. I know you said you do not have a problem with Jill playing with her clitty but this way you know she can’t and beside it reinforces you control over all sexual activities.”

Mistress Rikki hands the device to me and I go up to Dr. Brown who says, “Jill, slide your pants, hose and panties down so I can have access to your clitty. The set screws can be used to increase the punishment level, but we will not use them this time.” After pulling everything down Dr. Brown takes my cock and feeds my balls through one the ring followed by my cock. She then slips the shorter control piece over my cock and locks it in place. It is obvious to me that any attempt at an erection will be painful. Dr. Brown then adds the plastic lock. As I pull my panties, hose and capris back up I realize am sealed in for I have no idea how long.

After thanking Dr. Brown for her help with the devise we stand and say our good byes. With the device in place there is an obvious bulge in the front of my capris pants. Looking at this Mistress walks over close beside me and stats rubbing my ass. As she does this she whispers in my ear, “At least with your cock trapped in the device the bulge in the front of your pants can’t get any bigger!”

We get in the car, but instead of heading towards home we head in a different direction. As we go, Mistress reaches over and strokes my leg. After doing this for a few minutes she reaches up and unbuttons her blouse exposing her bra encasing her beautiful breasts before she reaches over and starts rubbing my leg again. My cock starts to harden trapped in its little cage and it starts to become painful.

“Mistress,” I say, “What you are doing is making me get an erection and it is very uncomfortable.”

She replies, “I know.” “I am enjoying it,” she says as she pulls into a parking lot next to a restaurant, with a sign that says, “Bitches Grill.” She turns to me and says, “Come on, Jill. Let’s have some dinner.”

We get out of the car and walk into the restaurant. The hostess greats Mistress by name and takes us to a table. I look around the restaurant and quickly realize that most of the customers are females or TV/TS. After we order Mistress excuses herself to go to the restroom.

When she returns it is obvious she has removed he bra as her nipples are plainly visible poking through her blouse. She slides in the booth over next to me and starts stroking my leg. As I look at her I notice that her blouse is still unbuttoned and she has it bunched open so I can see one of her incredibly beautiful breasts. With all this stimulation my cock is trying to get hard again and I start squirming.

“You going to need to learn to better control that little thing of yours or we will need to put the screws in,” says Mistress Rikki with a chuckle.

After finishing the meal we head for home. As soon as we get there Mistress tells me to go to my room and remove my blouse and capris and then return to the living room. When I get back to the living room, Mistress has removed all of her clothes and is sitting in one of the chairs. Her legs are spread wide and one hand is on her left breast twisting and pulling on her nipple while her other hand is playing with her obviously wet pussy.

Mistress Rikki looks up and seeing me standing Anadolu Yakası Zenci Escort there starring at her says, “Jill I need your face buried in my pussy. I need some relief!”

I hurry over to Mistress and crawl between her widely spread legs and start liking up some of her sweet juices from her thighs and the lips of her pussy. Then I go to light tongue strokes on her pussy which is raising her frustration level. Rikki grabs the back of my head with both hands, pulling my face into her pussy while saying, “Quit teasing me and make me come!”

I start to lick, suck and nip at her clit and bring her to her first orgasm in a few minutes. She reaches and holds my head there as I keep working on her pussy and she has another orgasm a short time later. All the time I am doing this I am suffering with my cock trying to get hard in its little plastic cage. After worshiping her pussy for more than ninety minutes and bringing Mistress to several orgasms, she pushes me away.

She looks at me and says, “Thank you Jill, that was enjoyable. Now go to bed and do your breast exercises and I will see you in the morning.”

This is the first time I have gotten Mistress the relief she needed and she has not reciprocated. I go to bed frustrated and do my breast exercises. Unable to get to sleep I tried to get some relief, but there is no way to get the required stimulation in my chastity devise. Finally after midnight I fall asleep.

I get up Saturday morning and get to work on my choirs. Mistress gets up mid-morning and comes out in a sexy night gown. She looks at me as I vacuum the living room and says, “Jill, you did a very good job yesterday and last night but now things are back to normal. I am going to spend the day studying here in the apartment. Do what you need to do.”

I respond, “Thank you Mistress, but I could use some relief.”

Mistress replies, “I am sure you could and we will see about that later, but for now I would like some bacon and French toast for breakfast.”

“Very good Mistress,” I say turning off the vacuum and heading into the kitchen. After taking care of breakfast I return to my cleaning followed by some studying. Mistress finishes breakfast and goes to her bedroom. When she emerges a few minute later she is fully made up with her hair pulled into a ponytail. She has black high heels on with black sheer-to-the-waist panty hose and a black sheer bra. She returns to studying while visually teasing me throughout the day.

After dinner that evening we settle down to watch a movie. This one is about a female dominating a sissy and introducing him to anal sex play. After the movie Mistress has me provide her with an orgasm orally. When I finish she says go to your room and take your clothes off and I will be in shortly.

I am sitting on the edge of the bed when Mistress comes in and removes the chastity device. She sends me to the shower with instructions not to play with myself. When I come out Mistress has me lay on the bed and secures my hands together to the headboard and my ankles spread-eagle to the corners at the foot of the bed.

She then sits down next to me and puts some oil on my cock and starts to stroke it slowly bring me close to the relief I want and need. But just as she gets close she stops and lets me calm down, before starting again. She does this once, twice, three … she finally quits after bringing me to the edge for the seventh time and stands up to leave.

I beg, “Mistress please let me come, I need it so bad. Please, please I beg of you!”

Mistress turns and looks at me saying, “Jill, I know you want to cum but not to night. Consider this part of your training. Call me when that thing shrivels up and I can get the device back on you.” She then leaves me with my erection standing in the air.

About an hour later my cock finally softens and I call Mistress. She locks me back in chastity and releases me from the bed, giving me a hug and a kiss in the process.

Life pretty much goes back to normal, school during the week, house chores on Saturday morning and a movie Saturday evening followed by a sex session. That first week she leaves me locked up until the next Saturday before I get any relief, although she lets me out to wash every other day. The movies are tending to get a little kinkier with some including anal play and two that introduced sissy-sissy bisexuality.

To be continued…

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The Punishing Room

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Robert couldn’t help remembering that weekend ten years earlier when he saw Mrs. Larson again. He was ten and his sister Lisa was eight when they went to stay with her. She was happy to see him and she even asked about Lisa who was just finishing her first year of college.

“Well I’m glad to hear she’s doing fine.” she said.

But Robert was nervous in front of her. He couldn’t help it. He remembered the spanking she had given him that weekend in the backyard of her house, how she had gripped him by the scruff of the neck and laid her hand across his backside. All because she had seen him throw a rock over the fence at some neighborhood kids. But the worst part was the following day when she made Lisa wear a diaper because she had wet the bed. He still recalled listening from outside the room as she put her in the diaper and how Lisa cried so hard and protested. Then how Mrs. Larson had emerged with Lisa’s clothes in her hand and walked past him with a self-righteous expression. He remembered looking in then and seeing his sister crying on the bed with her back to the door, dressed in only the diaper and plastic pants, her body heaving with sobs.

And now here Mrs. Larson was after all these years, talking to his mother like they were old friends! He wondered what would happen if he exposed her? Perhaps he could at least embarrass her by telling the story. Yes, that would be good! But then to his surprise she was the one who raised the topic.

“Do you remember that time I had to spank you for throwing rocks at the kids next door?” she mentioned casually.

He stood there and blushed for a moment.

“Oh yeah.” he replied, nodding with a sick expression.

“You never did that again!” Mrs. Larson boasted.


She and his mother shared a laugh.

“Robert was always a quick learner!” his mother chimed.

“Sure he was!” agreed Mrs. Larson.

Robert tried to excuse himself but he was invited to stay and chat.

“So what are you doing now, Robert?” Mrs. Larson asked.

“I’m working for a contractor.”

“Oh! He’s a big construction worker now!” she quipped as she and this mother shared a smile.

Robert felt like she was trying to diminish him again, the same way she had that day in her backyard in front of all the other kids.

“That’s right.” he replied flatly.

“Do you know anything about repairing holes in walls?” Mrs. Larson continued.

He felt insulted again.

“Yes.” he said, “Quite a bit.”

“Oh, well, that’s wonderful!” Mrs. Larson replied in an exaggerated way, “Could you come over and give me an estimate?”

Robert’s first reflex was to refuse, but then he felt like he had something to prove to her.

“Sure, I can have a look at it.” he finally agreed.

Two days later he arrived at her house and felt a chill go down his back when he rang the bell. He actually recalled its “Dong- Dong- Ding” chiming sound. The door swung open seconds later and there stood Mrs. Larson. She surveyed him briefly.

“Aww! Look, he’s brought all his tools!” she said looking down at his satchel.

“Yup!” he replied trying not to let the condescending comment piss him off.

“Okay, come this way.” she directed as she stepped aside and motioned towards the hallway.

When he entered her house the smell in the air sent him back in time. It was filled with the odor of roses and lemon scented wood wax. He stopped near the hall and let her lead him to the bathroom and on his way saw the spot where he had stood helplessly ten years earlier.

Once in the bathroom he saw that a section of tiles and sheetrock had been removed on one of the walls over the tub. He peered into the hole.

“Is the plumbing work all done?’ he asked.

“Well, actually they said they were going to put one more thing in.” she said.

Now he felt stupid for bringing his tools with him.

“Okay, well I’d wait until they finish.” he recommended.

“Oh yes, but what do you think it will cost to fix the wall?”

He thought for a moment and realized he really didn’t know.

“Depends.” he replied.

“Robert! Come now! I don’t have time for rhetorical games!” she suddenly scolded.

When she spoke to him in this tone he quickly lost all the confidence he had possessed on his walk up to the house. He became flustered.

“Depends on… you know… the materials.” he answered haltingly.

She put her hands on her hips then, stepped into him and directed her stern eyes up at his face.

“This is exactly what I wanted to avoid by bringing you here, Robert! The run around!”

“Mrs. Larson! I am not giving you the run around!” he shot back, although somewhat lamely, “It’s hard to say!”

“Are you raising your voice to me, Robert?!” she snapped.

“No ma’am!”

“Do you think just because you’re a big man of the world now that I can’t take you down a few pegs!”

“No ma’am!” he shot back again before realizing what his answer meant, “I mean, I wouldn’t do that.”

Mrs. Larson stepped away from him as her anger peaked. She stood there and shook slightly.

“Well this is just the limit, Anadolu Yakası escort young man! Get into that room!” she seethed, pointing to the bedroom across the hall.

Robert couldn’t believe his ears, but he began to move anyway, toward the same room his sister had been diapered in.


“Get going!” she commanded.

As Robert moved out of the bathroom he wondered why he had even gone there. Why had he needed to prove anything to this woman? Or had that been the real reason at all?

When he got to the bedroom door he stopped and looked back at her.

“Open it!” she instructed angrily.

As he pushed the door open he felt all his strength drain away as the darkness of the room brought him back to that day ten years earlier. All the furniture was the same as he remembered with the only light source coming in from around the edges of the heavy curtains. He looked down at the single bed and then back at Mrs. Larson who had shut the door behind them.

“Sit!” she directed.

He did as he was told and took a seat on the bed, but then he was struck by the absurdity of the situation.

“Look, what is this all about?” he asked, “I didn’t mean to insult you! I’m not that experienced anyway…”

“Oh, now you come up with this excuse! Didn’t you learn anything the last time you were here?”

She spoke as if he had only been there a few months earlier. Robert began to tremble and get a knot in his throat.

“Look, this was all a mistake…” he started.

“A mistake?” she said, as she held her palm out, “Give me your shoes!”

“This is ridiculous!” he insisted as he began to rise to his feet.

But before he could stand she delivered a hard slap to the left side of his face and he went back down. He sat there dazed by the blow and felt all the old trepidation fill him again.

“You will not defy me, young man!” she ordered as she directed a condemning finger down towards his nose.

Robert felt a quivering in his lips now and the old fear and awe returning. He couldn’t divert his eyes from hers.

“Give me the shoes!” she told him again.

He took them off and handed them over.

“Now the pants!” she ordered again.

He stood slowly and dropped them to the floor. She gathered them and put them on a settee and returned. Then she took the thick leather belt off she was wearing in her jeans and folded it in two.

“Lay down on the bed!”

He did as she directed and laid down along the length of the bed.

“Feet together!” she told him before picking both his legs up by the heels and pulling them up and back.

His legs were now perpendicular to his body and bent slightly at the knees, exposing his tender rear end covered only in bikini briefs. He figured this was the position she must have put his sister in all those years ago. She had never told him what happened, but from what he heard outside the door, this must have been how she felt, trapped under this woman’s vindictive grip.

As she switched the belt into her right hand, his legs began to tremble and his breathing became halting and shallow. He looked up at her face with complete fear. Suddenly tears began to well up and stream down his temples as he began to fully appreciate the helplessness of his position.

“This is what happens to liars and cheaters!” she stated before swinging into him.

The first blow landed against his upper thighs and made him call out like a cowardly child.

“Owww! Oww! Oww!” he cried, his eyes registering shocked disbelief.

“Are you starting to rethink your career as a liar?” she asked.

But before he could answer she laid the belt into him again, this time squarely on his buttocks. He cried out louder with this strike and pushed against the grip she had on his heels.

“Do not resist me!” she threatened.

But she paused after this as she realized she had successfully pushed him into emotional regression. He began to bawl freely.

“Are you crying because you’re sorry?” she asked.

He nodded as he tried to wipe his teary eyes with his hands.

“That doesn’t sound very sincere to me.” she told him.

“I’m sorry!” he blurted with ill temper.

“Oh, that just sounds rude!” she said before hauling back and cracking the belt against his ass flesh again.

He bucked up from the stinging edge of the blow.

“Owww! Oowwww!” he yammered.

Strangely, as she held him there, never did it occur to him that he could break free of her hold with proper force. It was as if he was still in a state of awe at her power. As he began to sob heavily, Mrs. Larson paused again.

“I want to hear a sincere apology.” she told him.

He continued to bawl and sniffle for awhile so she waited.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Larson.” Robert finally blubbered.

“So I don’t need to take off your underwear and spank your bare bottom?”


“I heard defiance in that ‘no’!”

“No!” he yelled again, “You don’t need to!”

“So what aren’t you ever going to do again?”

“Lie!” he said, still sniffling.

“That’s right! Because liars and Anadolu Yakası escort bayan bed-wetters get a one way ticket to the punishing room!”


“You’re not going to forget!”


“Okay, you can get up and put your pants back on.”

As he rose off the bed, red welts were clearly visible below his underwear line. He wiped his wet eyes and took small steps to his pants. After he had left her house he had to ruminate on what had just happened. Had it all been a misunderstanding or was Mrs. Larson just a closet sadist? He debated it until he remembered that she had been wearing the belt she used on him all along. Was that a coincidence? He didn’t think so.

Later that week when Lisa came home from school, Robert had to tell her about seeing Mrs. Larson again. He had no plans to tell her about the spanking part until they started talking.

“Guess who came by earlier this week?” he announced.

“Oh, that old, evil Mrs. Larson! Mom told me.”

“Yeah, and you’ll never believe this! She bragged about spanking me when we stayed with her ten years ago!”

“What a witch!”

“And mom thought it was funny!”

“She doesn’t know her!”

“I know.”

Lisa paused and thought for a moment.

“What else did Mrs. Larson say?”

“Well, she asked me to fix a wall in her bathroom.”

“Oh really. Anything about me?”

Robert knew what Lisa was thinking about. She was wondering if Mrs. Larson had blabbed about putting her in diapers. She had managed to keep it a secret all these years, that is, except from him. But she didn’t want her mom to know.

“No, she just asked how you were doing.”

“And what about this wall repair? Did she pay you?”

“No, I didn’t do it.”

“Why not?”

“I told her I couldn’t give her an exact estimate.”

“Oh? Then what happened?”

Robert paused and expelled a long breath.

“Ah, she got a little weird on me.”

“Like how?”

“You know, she has this authoritarian streak…”

“Yeah! And?”

Robert looked around and realized they needed to take this conversation to a more private location.

“Let’s go to your room.” he told her.

After they were safe behind a closed door, Robert continued.

“Well… she started calling me a thief and a liar!”


“Yeah! Because I didn’t know what it would take to fix it.”

“Oh dude! What did she do?!”

“Well… she…”


“She ordered me into The Room!”

Lisa’s eyes became saucers.

“The room?”

“Yeah, do you remember? The time we stayed there?”

Lisa was lost in thought now. She pushed a strand of her long, blonde hair behind her ear.

“A little.” she said.

Robert didn’t believe this answer, but he continued.

“Do you remember the room she put you in? She calls it The Punishing Room?”

Lisa’s face filled with a mix of confusion and wonder.

“Oh my god! Maybe.”

“Well, she ordered me into this room. And then she… spanked me.”

“What!” Lisa exclaimed as she covered her mouth, “You let her spank you!”

“No! She just did it. Don’t you remember how she was?”

“But why didn’t you just tell her to fuck off?”

“I don’t know. It’s just the way she commands you…”

This was when Robert realized something else about his motivations in going there. After all, Lisa was right. Why would he put himself in that situation knowing this lady the way he did?

“Okay so tell me what she did?”

“Uh, she made me take my pants off and lay down on the bed.”

When Robert told her this her eyes glazed over. She traveled back in time to those days he and she had spent there, to that one particular day when Mrs. Larson had pulled her into that room after finding her bed peed in.

“Yes, and then?” she said in a far away voice.

“She took off her belt and smacked me with it!”

“Oh my god!” she replied, gazing off into space again.

Now Lisa was back in that room ten years earlier. She saw herself kicking and crying as the diaper was fitted around her, and how Mrs. Larson’s face shone with glee, and how she held her there afterwards until she cried herself to sleep. Her next memory was of waking up with the diaper wet around her and Mrs. Larson carrying her through the house in it. She had even made tea with her on her hip the whole while.

“Lisa? Are you listening?” Robert’s voice broke in.

“Yes!” she said flinching as she sprang back to the present.

“And the weirdest part about it was… I cried!”

“You cried!”

“Yes! I couldn’t help it! Do you remember that room now?”

Lisa drifted away again and felt a deep surge of excitement well up in her. She finally understood a long repressed part of her sexuality.

“Yeah.” she said as something released in her, “I’ll be right back.”

She got up and left the bedroom and then Robert heard the bathroom door close. Had he been wrong to bring this up again? No, he decided. They both needed to confront this thing now! He decided he needed to talk to her immediately!

He escort bayan got up and walked out to the bathroom and spoke to her through the door.

“Lisa?” he said in a semi-whisper.

Inside the bathroom Lisa was sitting on the toilet rubbing herself with her eyes closed.

“What!” she replied with an annoyed tone.

“I know what happened!… I was outside the door of the room! I heard you crying and I saw what she did to you! It’s okay!” he insisted.

He put his ear to the door but he could only hear the faucet running.


She was inserting two fingers into herself now and then bringing the fingers out wet and working them back and forth over her clitoris.

“What!!” she answered again with peeved aggression.

“It wasn’t your fault! Please, don’t be upset!”

“Okay! Go away!”

Robert retreated then.

After a few more minutes she rejoined him back in the room. She flopped down on the bed with a look of bored frustration.



“Why did you go over to that woman’s house?”

“I told you!” he reiterated, “To fix her wall!”

“No, why did you really go?”

Robert was the one annoyed now.

“I don’t know, Miss College, why don’t you tell me!”

Lisa turned towards him and propped her head up with her arm.

“I think you wanted to get spanked again. It’s not that hard to see.”

“Yeah right! What do you take me for? A weirdo!”

“No, but when I heard your story it was obvious that the idea excited you. And then I felt excited too.”

“You did?”

“Yes, the idea of being controlled like that… it makes me excited.”

Robert was feeling strange about all this sudden candor, but he couldn’t deny its truth.

“Okay, so?”

Lisa rolled back flat again.

“What if these things she did to us… what if they’ve changed us?”

“What do you mean?”

“What if they’ve planted ideas that we can’t get away from?”

“Such as…”

“Such as getting spanked and getting put into diapers by a dominant person.”

Robert went silent.

“The psychological term is paraphilia. It’s when people develop fetishes for certain objects or actions. Like a guy who gets excited by a woman’s dirty underwear or a woman who gets turned on being tied up.”

Robert blushed.

“What?” Lisa asked, “Are you one of those dirty underwear guys!”

“Yeah right!” Robert protested as he continued to blush.

“You better not steal any of mine!”

“Okay, can we continue with the psychological discussion, please!” Robert pleaded.

“Anyway, I think we both developed fetishes that were started or reinforced by or experiences with her.”

“You think so?”

“Yes. For instance, what was the first thing you did when you got home after Mrs. Larson spanked you?”

Robert blushed again.

“Did you jerk off?”

His eyes went down.

“Come on! Stop denying it!” she challenged.

Finally he smiled.

“I’ve always fantasied about wearing diapers. Usually I imagine myself being forced to wear them by a pregnant woman.”


“For some reason she always has big boobs that are sticking straight out like cannons.”

“So maybe you have a big boob fetish, too.” he suggested.


Robert couldn’t believe what a week this turning out to be! With all these wild revelations! He never knew Lisa had all these sophisticated ideas about sex.

“Hey, did she leave marks on you?” Lisa asked.

“Hell yes!”

“Let me see!”

Robert stood up and pulled his pants down enough to show her the red lines across the backs of his thighs. Lisa got up and went over to where he was standing and inspected them.

“Damn!” she said before soundly smacking his ass.

“Hey!” he shouted.

“So when are you going back?” she asked.

“Going back! Never happened, she’s crazy!”

“Come on, Robert, you can’t kid me! You’re going to keep going back to her!”

“Hell no!”

“She’s got you and she knows it!”

“Oh yeah!”


Robert walked to the bed and sat down. He winced slightly as he planted himself.

“Now every time you sit on that whipped ass of yours you’ll be thinking of her!”

Robert squirmed with discomfort. He knew she was right.

“Why don’t you get mom to put you in a diaper! She’s got big boobs!”

“Fuck you!”

Lisa got up then and started looking around her room.

“What are you doing?”

“Looking for something to beat you with!”

Robert rose and put his arms out to show he didn’t want any part of her anger, even though he was several inches taller and forty pounds heavier than her. Lisa finally located a ping pong paddle and started towards him. He backed away fearfully.

“Come on now! Take it easy!” he pleaded.

But Lisa’s face seemed possessed.

“Get those pants down!” she said pointing.


“Get them down!” she ordered as she swung the paddle and hit him on the hip with it.

“Okay! Okay!” he replied in a panicky voice.

He unbuttoned himself and let his pants fall to his ankles. She reached down and yanked them away from him one leg at a time.

“Okay, on the bed!”

“Sure! Sure!” he said scurrying forward.

When he moved past her she grabbed the hair on the back of his head and twisted it.

“Ahhh!” he called out as she guided him down face first to the mattress.

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The Punishing Room

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Robert couldn’t help remembering that weekend ten years earlier when he saw Mrs. Larson again. He was ten and his sister Lisa was eight when they went to stay with her. She was happy to see him and she even asked about Lisa who was just finishing her first year of college.

“Well I’m glad to hear she’s doing fine.” she said.

But Robert was nervous in front of her. He couldn’t help it. He remembered the spanking she had given him that weekend in the backyard of her house, how she had gripped him by the scruff of the neck and laid her hand across his backside. All because she had seen him throw a rock over the fence at some neighborhood kids. But the worst part was the following day when she made Lisa wear a diaper because she had wet the bed. He still recalled listening from outside the room as she put her in the diaper and how Lisa cried so hard and protested. Then how Mrs. Larson had emerged with Lisa’s clothes in her hand and walked past him with a self-righteous expression. He remembered looking in then and seeing his sister crying on the bed with her back to the door, dressed in only the diaper and plastic pants, her body heaving with sobs.

And now here Mrs. Larson was after all these years, talking to his mother like they were old friends! He wondered what would happen if he exposed her? Perhaps he could at least embarrass her by telling the story. Yes, that would be good! But then to his surprise she was the one who raised the topic.

“Do you remember that time I had to spank you for throwing rocks at the kids next door?” she mentioned casually.

He stood there and blushed for a moment.

“Oh yeah.” he replied, nodding with a sick expression.

“You never did that again!” Mrs. Larson boasted.


She and his mother shared a laugh.

“Robert was always a quick learner!” his mother chimed.

“Sure he was!” agreed Mrs. Larson.

Robert tried to excuse himself but he was invited to stay and chat.

“So what are you doing now, Robert?” Mrs. Larson asked.

“I’m working for a contractor.”

“Oh! He’s a big construction worker now!” she quipped as she and this mother shared a smile.

Robert felt like she was trying to diminish him again, the same way she had that day in her backyard in front of all the other kids.

“That’s right.” he replied flatly.

“Do you know anything about repairing holes in walls?” Mrs. Larson continued.

He felt insulted again.

“Yes.” he said, “Quite a bit.”

“Oh, well, that’s wonderful!” Mrs. Larson replied in an exaggerated way, “Could you come over and give me an estimate?”

Robert’s first reflex was to refuse, but then he felt like he had something to prove to her.

“Sure, I can have a look at it.” he finally agreed.

Two days later he arrived at her house and felt a chill go down his back when he rang the bell. He actually recalled its “Dong- Dong- Ding” chiming sound. The door swung open seconds later and there stood Mrs. Larson. She surveyed him briefly.

“Aww! Look, he’s brought all his tools!” she said looking down at his satchel.

“Yup!” he replied trying not to let the condescending comment piss him off.

“Okay, come this way.” she directed as she stepped aside and motioned towards the hallway.

When he entered her house the smell in the air sent him back in time. It was filled with the odor of roses and lemon scented wood wax. He stopped near the hall and let her lead him to the bathroom and on his way saw the spot where he had stood helplessly ten years earlier.

Once in the bathroom he saw that a section of tiles and sheetrock had been removed on one of the walls over the tub. He peered into the hole.

“Is the plumbing work all done?’ he asked.

“Well, actually they said they were going to put one more thing in.” she said.

Now he felt stupid for bringing his tools with him.

“Okay, well I’d wait until they finish.” he recommended.

“Oh yes, but what do you think it will cost to fix the wall?”

He thought for a moment and realized he really didn’t know.

“Depends.” he replied.

“Robert! Come now! I don’t have time for rhetorical games!” she suddenly scolded.

When she spoke to him in this tone he quickly lost all the confidence he had possessed on his walk up to the house. He became flustered.

“Depends on… you know… the materials.” he answered haltingly.

She put her hands on her hips then, stepped into him and directed her stern eyes up at his face.

“This is exactly what I wanted to avoid by bringing you here, Robert! The run around!”

“Mrs. Larson! I am not giving you the run around!” he shot back, although somewhat lamely, “It’s hard to say!”

“Are you raising your voice to me, Robert?!” she snapped.

“No ma’am!”

“Do you think just because you’re a big man of the world now that I can’t take you down a few pegs!”

“No ma’am!” he shot back again before realizing what his answer meant, “I mean, I wouldn’t do that.”

Mrs. Larson stepped away from him as her anger peaked. She stood there and shook slightly.

“Well this is just the limit, Anadolu Yakası escort young man! Get into that room!” she seethed, pointing to the bedroom across the hall.

Robert couldn’t believe his ears, but he began to move anyway, toward the same room his sister had been diapered in.


“Get going!” she commanded.

As Robert moved out of the bathroom he wondered why he had even gone there. Why had he needed to prove anything to this woman? Or had that been the real reason at all?

When he got to the bedroom door he stopped and looked back at her.

“Open it!” she instructed angrily.

As he pushed the door open he felt all his strength drain away as the darkness of the room brought him back to that day ten years earlier. All the furniture was the same as he remembered with the only light source coming in from around the edges of the heavy curtains. He looked down at the single bed and then back at Mrs. Larson who had shut the door behind them.

“Sit!” she directed.

He did as he was told and took a seat on the bed, but then he was struck by the absurdity of the situation.

“Look, what is this all about?” he asked, “I didn’t mean to insult you! I’m not that experienced anyway…”

“Oh, now you come up with this excuse! Didn’t you learn anything the last time you were here?”

She spoke as if he had only been there a few months earlier. Robert began to tremble and get a knot in his throat.

“Look, this was all a mistake…” he started.

“A mistake?” she said, as she held her palm out, “Give me your shoes!”

“This is ridiculous!” he insisted as he began to rise to his feet.

But before he could stand she delivered a hard slap to the left side of his face and he went back down. He sat there dazed by the blow and felt all the old trepidation fill him again.

“You will not defy me, young man!” she ordered as she directed a condemning finger down towards his nose.

Robert felt a quivering in his lips now and the old fear and awe returning. He couldn’t divert his eyes from hers.

“Give me the shoes!” she told him again.

He took them off and handed them over.

“Now the pants!” she ordered again.

He stood slowly and dropped them to the floor. She gathered them and put them on a settee and returned. Then she took the thick leather belt off she was wearing in her jeans and folded it in two.

“Lay down on the bed!”

He did as she directed and laid down along the length of the bed.

“Feet together!” she told him before picking both his legs up by the heels and pulling them up and back.

His legs were now perpendicular to his body and bent slightly at the knees, exposing his tender rear end covered only in bikini briefs. He figured this was the position she must have put his sister in all those years ago. She had never told him what happened, but from what he heard outside the door, this must have been how she felt, trapped under this woman’s vindictive grip.

As she switched the belt into her right hand, his legs began to tremble and his breathing became halting and shallow. He looked up at her face with complete fear. Suddenly tears began to well up and stream down his temples as he began to fully appreciate the helplessness of his position.

“This is what happens to liars and cheaters!” she stated before swinging into him.

The first blow landed against his upper thighs and made him call out like a cowardly child.

“Owww! Oww! Oww!” he cried, his eyes registering shocked disbelief.

“Are you starting to rethink your career as a liar?” she asked.

But before he could answer she laid the belt into him again, this time squarely on his buttocks. He cried out louder with this strike and pushed against the grip she had on his heels.

“Do not resist me!” she threatened.

But she paused after this as she realized she had successfully pushed him into emotional regression. He began to bawl freely.

“Are you crying because you’re sorry?” she asked.

He nodded as he tried to wipe his teary eyes with his hands.

“That doesn’t sound very sincere to me.” she told him.

“I’m sorry!” he blurted with ill temper.

“Oh, that just sounds rude!” she said before hauling back and cracking the belt against his ass flesh again.

He bucked up from the stinging edge of the blow.

“Owww! Oowwww!” he yammered.

Strangely, as she held him there, never did it occur to him that he could break free of her hold with proper force. It was as if he was still in a state of awe at her power. As he began to sob heavily, Mrs. Larson paused again.

“I want to hear a sincere apology.” she told him.

He continued to bawl and sniffle for awhile so she waited.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Larson.” Robert finally blubbered.

“So I don’t need to take off your underwear and spank your bare bottom?”


“I heard defiance in that ‘no’!”

“No!” he yelled again, “You don’t need to!”

“So what aren’t you ever going to do again?”

“Lie!” he said, still sniffling.

“That’s right! Because liars and Anadolu Yakası escort bayan bed-wetters get a one way ticket to the punishing room!”


“You’re not going to forget!”


“Okay, you can get up and put your pants back on.”

As he rose off the bed, red welts were clearly visible below his underwear line. He wiped his wet eyes and took small steps to his pants. After he had left her house he had to ruminate on what had just happened. Had it all been a misunderstanding or was Mrs. Larson just a closet sadist? He debated it until he remembered that she had been wearing the belt she used on him all along. Was that a coincidence? He didn’t think so.

Later that week when Lisa came home from school, Robert had to tell her about seeing Mrs. Larson again. He had no plans to tell her about the spanking part until they started talking.

“Guess who came by earlier this week?” he announced.

“Oh, that old, evil Mrs. Larson! Mom told me.”

“Yeah, and you’ll never believe this! She bragged about spanking me when we stayed with her ten years ago!”

“What a witch!”

“And mom thought it was funny!”

“She doesn’t know her!”

“I know.”

Lisa paused and thought for a moment.

“What else did Mrs. Larson say?”

“Well, she asked me to fix a wall in her bathroom.”

“Oh really. Anything about me?”

Robert knew what Lisa was thinking about. She was wondering if Mrs. Larson had blabbed about putting her in diapers. She had managed to keep it a secret all these years, that is, except from him. But she didn’t want her mom to know.

“No, she just asked how you were doing.”

“And what about this wall repair? Did she pay you?”

“No, I didn’t do it.”

“Why not?”

“I told her I couldn’t give her an exact estimate.”

“Oh? Then what happened?”

Robert paused and expelled a long breath.

“Ah, she got a little weird on me.”

“Like how?”

“You know, she has this authoritarian streak…”

“Yeah! And?”

Robert looked around and realized they needed to take this conversation to a more private location.

“Let’s go to your room.” he told her.

After they were safe behind a closed door, Robert continued.

“Well… she started calling me a thief and a liar!”


“Yeah! Because I didn’t know what it would take to fix it.”

“Oh dude! What did she do?!”

“Well… she…”


“She ordered me into The Room!”

Lisa’s eyes became saucers.

“The room?”

“Yeah, do you remember? The time we stayed there?”

Lisa was lost in thought now. She pushed a strand of her long, blonde hair behind her ear.

“A little.” she said.

Robert didn’t believe this answer, but he continued.

“Do you remember the room she put you in? She calls it The Punishing Room?”

Lisa’s face filled with a mix of confusion and wonder.

“Oh my god! Maybe.”

“Well, she ordered me into this room. And then she… spanked me.”

“What!” Lisa exclaimed as she covered her mouth, “You let her spank you!”

“No! She just did it. Don’t you remember how she was?”

“But why didn’t you just tell her to fuck off?”

“I don’t know. It’s just the way she commands you…”

This was when Robert realized something else about his motivations in going there. After all, Lisa was right. Why would he put himself in that situation knowing this lady the way he did?

“Okay so tell me what she did?”

“Uh, she made me take my pants off and lay down on the bed.”

When Robert told her this her eyes glazed over. She traveled back in time to those days he and she had spent there, to that one particular day when Mrs. Larson had pulled her into that room after finding her bed peed in.

“Yes, and then?” she said in a far away voice.

“She took off her belt and smacked me with it!”

“Oh my god!” she replied, gazing off into space again.

Now Lisa was back in that room ten years earlier. She saw herself kicking and crying as the diaper was fitted around her, and how Mrs. Larson’s face shone with glee, and how she held her there afterwards until she cried herself to sleep. Her next memory was of waking up with the diaper wet around her and Mrs. Larson carrying her through the house in it. She had even made tea with her on her hip the whole while.

“Lisa? Are you listening?” Robert’s voice broke in.

“Yes!” she said flinching as she sprang back to the present.

“And the weirdest part about it was… I cried!”

“You cried!”

“Yes! I couldn’t help it! Do you remember that room now?”

Lisa drifted away again and felt a deep surge of excitement well up in her. She finally understood a long repressed part of her sexuality.

“Yeah.” she said as something released in her, “I’ll be right back.”

She got up and left the bedroom and then Robert heard the bathroom door close. Had he been wrong to bring this up again? No, he decided. They both needed to confront this thing now! He decided he needed to talk to her immediately!

He escort bayan got up and walked out to the bathroom and spoke to her through the door.

“Lisa?” he said in a semi-whisper.

Inside the bathroom Lisa was sitting on the toilet rubbing herself with her eyes closed.

“What!” she replied with an annoyed tone.

“I know what happened!… I was outside the door of the room! I heard you crying and I saw what she did to you! It’s okay!” he insisted.

He put his ear to the door but he could only hear the faucet running.


She was inserting two fingers into herself now and then bringing the fingers out wet and working them back and forth over her clitoris.

“What!!” she answered again with peeved aggression.

“It wasn’t your fault! Please, don’t be upset!”

“Okay! Go away!”

Robert retreated then.

After a few more minutes she rejoined him back in the room. She flopped down on the bed with a look of bored frustration.



“Why did you go over to that woman’s house?”

“I told you!” he reiterated, “To fix her wall!”

“No, why did you really go?”

Robert was the one annoyed now.

“I don’t know, Miss College, why don’t you tell me!”

Lisa turned towards him and propped her head up with her arm.

“I think you wanted to get spanked again. It’s not that hard to see.”

“Yeah right! What do you take me for? A weirdo!”

“No, but when I heard your story it was obvious that the idea excited you. And then I felt excited too.”

“You did?”

“Yes, the idea of being controlled like that… it makes me excited.”

Robert was feeling strange about all this sudden candor, but he couldn’t deny its truth.

“Okay, so?”

Lisa rolled back flat again.

“What if these things she did to us… what if they’ve changed us?”

“What do you mean?”

“What if they’ve planted ideas that we can’t get away from?”

“Such as…”

“Such as getting spanked and getting put into diapers by a dominant person.”

Robert went silent.

“The psychological term is paraphilia. It’s when people develop fetishes for certain objects or actions. Like a guy who gets excited by a woman’s dirty underwear or a woman who gets turned on being tied up.”

Robert blushed.

“What?” Lisa asked, “Are you one of those dirty underwear guys!”

“Yeah right!” Robert protested as he continued to blush.

“You better not steal any of mine!”

“Okay, can we continue with the psychological discussion, please!” Robert pleaded.

“Anyway, I think we both developed fetishes that were started or reinforced by or experiences with her.”

“You think so?”

“Yes. For instance, what was the first thing you did when you got home after Mrs. Larson spanked you?”

Robert blushed again.

“Did you jerk off?”

His eyes went down.

“Come on! Stop denying it!” she challenged.

Finally he smiled.

“I’ve always fantasied about wearing diapers. Usually I imagine myself being forced to wear them by a pregnant woman.”


“For some reason she always has big boobs that are sticking straight out like cannons.”

“So maybe you have a big boob fetish, too.” he suggested.


Robert couldn’t believe what a week this turning out to be! With all these wild revelations! He never knew Lisa had all these sophisticated ideas about sex.

“Hey, did she leave marks on you?” Lisa asked.

“Hell yes!”

“Let me see!”

Robert stood up and pulled his pants down enough to show her the red lines across the backs of his thighs. Lisa got up and went over to where he was standing and inspected them.

“Damn!” she said before soundly smacking his ass.

“Hey!” he shouted.

“So when are you going back?” she asked.

“Going back! Never happened, she’s crazy!”

“Come on, Robert, you can’t kid me! You’re going to keep going back to her!”

“Hell no!”

“She’s got you and she knows it!”

“Oh yeah!”


Robert walked to the bed and sat down. He winced slightly as he planted himself.

“Now every time you sit on that whipped ass of yours you’ll be thinking of her!”

Robert squirmed with discomfort. He knew she was right.

“Why don’t you get mom to put you in a diaper! She’s got big boobs!”

“Fuck you!”

Lisa got up then and started looking around her room.

“What are you doing?”

“Looking for something to beat you with!”

Robert rose and put his arms out to show he didn’t want any part of her anger, even though he was several inches taller and forty pounds heavier than her. Lisa finally located a ping pong paddle and started towards him. He backed away fearfully.

“Come on now! Take it easy!” he pleaded.

But Lisa’s face seemed possessed.

“Get those pants down!” she said pointing.


“Get them down!” she ordered as she swung the paddle and hit him on the hip with it.

“Okay! Okay!” he replied in a panicky voice.

He unbuttoned himself and let his pants fall to his ankles. She reached down and yanked them away from him one leg at a time.

“Okay, on the bed!”

“Sure! Sure!” he said scurrying forward.

When he moved past her she grabbed the hair on the back of his head and twisted it.

“Ahhh!” he called out as she guided him down face first to the mattress.

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