Raising Little Tabby Jack Part Three

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Poor Tabby looked stricken, she’d never seen me as affected by anything as I had been by my fear for her life after finding out one of her rapists was still at large. She asked me, “Jack, what’s wrong?” I realized I was being a poor leader in not showing her a confident front. I gave her a long loving kiss and held her slim body to me possessively. “It’s nothing we can’t handle between the two of us, my love, my life, my soon to be wife! Get dressed, we’re moving out.” She smiled at me so damned prettily in relief I nearly took her back to bed right then, but my instincts were telling me to get the hell out of there. Following them has kept me alive through all sorts of shit, and I certainly was not going to ignore them with my darling Tabby’s life possibly at risk.
Before we left the room I told Tabby, “I have to ask you one vital question, my Darling, though most people would think you’re still a baby. Will you use a handgun on one of these murderers if they attack us? I have to know so I can know how best to react myself.” She bravely told me, “If I don’t ‘Bonnie’ will, Jack!”
I handed her a .357 Magnum revolver loaded with hollow points and some extra half moon clips, and told her, “That’s my love! We have a new house rule, Dear. Both of us will be within reach of a weapon at all times. Here’s yours. It works just like the revolver you shot so well today, except more so. We’ll practice with it later. Remember, tap, tap.”
She stuck the revolver into her new purse. It was an uncomplicated weapon. It had no safety to forget, and while it was exponentially more powerful than the .22 caliber she’d shot, with it she only had to make one good hit to incapacitate or kill someone. I drew my favored .45 semi-automatic from the shoulder holster and held it in my hand as I loaded the rest of our weapons and gear into the truck.
Twenty minutes later and halfway across town I pulled into a mall parking lot and used my cell phone to call John Kelly, the President of the police officer’s union. He answered giving his name and I told him, “John, Jack Wilson here.” He returned, “It’s good to hear from you, Jack, will you be at the funeral tomorrow?” I told him, “Not officially, John, but we will be there. Will you please accept Bob’s flag in Tabby’s behalf and hold it for her?”
Tabby was briskly nodding her head and crying beside me, and I reached a comforting hand to her. John told me he’d be honored to, and I gave him the bombshell, “Thanks, John. I hope you’re sitting down. Tabby told me it was four men who tortured and raped her and her mother and murdered her parents. Check the DNA tests when they come in.”
It took John only a moment to digest this, then I heard, “Oh, fuck!” I told him, “That was close to my own reaction when I realized what she’d told me. We moved immediately, and we’re both armed and dangerous. If we need backup we’ll give you a shout.” John came back with, “Anything you need to take care of her you call me. I mean that most sincerely. Oh, my God, that poor child! I’ll talk to the detectives in charge of the case now, and line up some mug shots of the suspects and any known accomplices of theirs.”
I told him, “Yes, I know, little Tabby has been through hell, and I’m training her to avoid that again in the future the best I know how.” Tabby held tighter to me. “You do that about the mugshots, John, I’d rather you be hunting him, than him possibly hunting us. We’ll get back to you soon.”
I was feeling better about Tabby’s chances for survival now. For one thing I’d considered myself invincible until my first day of combat, then I’d realized the keyword was dispensable. I’d survived many attempts on my life since, but where Tabby was concerned I’d go Kamikaze on anyone threatening her!
Under any other circumstances I would have had her a thousand miles away by daylight, but we owed it to her parents to attend their funeral and I knew it would help her in her grieving and recovery process. I resolved to make a run for it if we saw any signs we were being hunted though.
Before we left the parking lot I switched to another set of legal plates I had in the truck. Behind the truck seat I had one of those mechanic’s creepers on rollers used to work under vehicles, doesn’t everyone? I explained to Tabby what I was doing and why. This would be the furthest we’d been apart since the incident.
I kissed her and the darling thrust her own tongue into my mouth. Her youthful passion fired me up and we dueled with our tongues and lips. I moved my mouth to her shoulder and lightly bit her. “Oh Jack,”she pleaded, “I’m almost there!” I didn’t have the heart to leave my Darling on the verge of an orgasm. I laid her down in the truck seat, and pulled her britches and wet panties down. I had room then to spread her legs enough to lean toward her and lick her hot pink clit and pussy lips. I reached for her nipples and she began to moan, “Oh yes, thank you, Love! That’s so good, I’m cumming!” I tried my best to lap up all her sweet juices, but she was flooding me! She began to breathe easier then and I helped her to straighten her clothing.
My prick was so hard it hurt, but damn it, I’m supposed to be the one of us with discipline! I left her relaxing in the seat and slid under the truck on the creeper with a flashlight to inspect the undercarriage for radio tracking devices. Yes, I know it was a crazy thing to do. I believe I’ve mentioned before I’m paranoid, haven’t I? I’ve also outlived a number of saner people who were in the same situations I’ve been in. My raging cock barely cleared parts of the undercarriage of the truck.
We rode around town for a while watching carefully for anyone tailing us and didn’t detect anyone. I was schooling Tabby on some of the finer points of escape and evasion tactics and strategy as I drove. One I showed her was approaching traffic lights just before they changed, going through them, then watching to see if anyone ran through them to follow us. We also did that, then ducked down the next side street, and zig-zagged around to throw off anyone following us.
When we were satisfied we were clear we signed into another motel with parking that couldn’t be seen from the road, and settled in for the night. Tabby and I placed our weapons on our respective nightstands, and we got cozy again. I asked her, “Would you like some more of that loving I gave you earlier, Sweetheart?” She told me, “I thought you’d never ask, Jack, but when do I get to make you feel good?”
“I’ve been thinking, Sweetie, wait, don’t run away,” I joked, “we’ll go by the courthouse tomorrow after the funeral and get a marriage license. You know, Judge Thomas, of course, he played poker with your dad and me. We can see him and ask him to do the honors if it’s okay with you?” I could tell my Love was thinking, too. “Okay, if you can wait I can, but you have to give me lots of sweet kisses!” I was very happy to oblige my little darling. She’d learned a lot from her and Marcie’s kissing practices, and I think she was improving my own techniques.
I got a few hours of fitful sleep that night, but mostly I watched Tabby’s beautiful face as she slept and I worried. I spent the night with my shoulder holster on and pistol in it. I was ecstatic about holding her close to me, though. The Most Beautiful Creature in the Universe not only loved me, she’d been in love with me her entire life!
I woke her with gentle kisses at about 7:00 AM; we took a shower together and this time we both enjoyed scrubbing each other. I got a raging hard on, since I wasn’t thinking of her as a baby anymore. She asked me the Mae West question, “Is that a pistol in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?” I laughed crazily at that of course. She asked, “Would you like for me to take care of that thing for you?” I laughed and told her, “It’s taking all my will power to resist saying yes, Darling, but that “thing” can wait until you make an honorable man out of me by marrying me.”
I don’t think anyone will ever fully understand the depths of my love for this exquisite woman/child. Had she asked of me my love for her be the nonsexual love of a Knight/Priest she would have had it.
Tabby dressed in those hip hugger denims, tank top, and riding boots and I remarked her dangerous pointy things were sure hot looking in that snug tank top. With the vest and jacket on she made an adorable little biker broad. She wore her favorite beret and told me she’d switch to a scarf for the bike ride. She had me out of breath from laughing when she told me, “I like these boots, Jack. They make me look tall and statuesque!” She was still a slim little squirt, but she meant more to me than the rest of the world put together!
Tabby suggested we go by the diner for breakfast again, and told me, “I’m hungry for more of those anadolu yakası escort grilled cheese sandwiches like you shared with me.” I told her, “It sure is nice to be engaged to a beautiful woman who agrees with my tastes.”
She put her hands on her hips and informed me, “Jack, you’d better be on your best behavior around that waitress, I won’t marry a no-good, jive-ass, trifling man!” She’d gotten that term from Judge Hatchet, the out-spoken lady television judge we both loved. I ducked my head, shuffled my feet, and told her contritely, “Yes, ma’am, Judge!” We laughed, and once again I damned near cried at how beautiful she looked. I told her so and my Love gave me more sugars. I thought to myself I had only tasted her body and gotten kisses, but I was pussy whipped already!
I had the waitress add sliced avocados to our grilled cheese, bacon, tomato, and egg sandwiches, knowing my Love liked them as I did. We enjoyed our breakfasts, the waitress earned another good tip, and I didn’t get pinched a single time. That gave us a good start considering it was a potentially terrible day.
We made a detour past a clinic run by one of the international birth control organizations and they quickly fixed Tabby up with a prescription and a one-month sample of pills. I breathed a deep sigh of relief, which earned me another laugh from Tabby. I told her, “Seriously, Babe, none of this has been your fault or mine, and I know you are still in survival mode, but I don’t want to make you a mom while you’re still a baby yourself. You can talk to me about making more Baby Jacks when you’re eighteen or twenty years old and physically mature!”
Our next stop was a jewelry shop. My darling picked out her engagement and wedding rings and I was proud to pull out my cash card. Tabby insisted, “We will buy a ring for you, too, Jack. Pick one out. I want my territory marked!” We walked out with three rings, Tabby was wearing her engagement ring.
We drove on to the bike shop. Tina and Rex both oohed and awed over my pretty Tabby. She excitedly thanked them and shared the news of our engagement with them and showed them her rings. Tina gave us both hugs and congratulations. I got a handshake, a slap on the back, and good-natured ribbing from Rex about cradle robbers. He made me an offer of a loan to help pay for her diapers and formula. He knew the real situation well enough, though, to fill in the blanks about why we’d ever gotten intimate with her being so very young.
Rex had a cooler with a couple of cases of beer and some colas mixed into it. I stuffed a ten into the kitty jar, and asked Tabby her preference. Tabby had been raised the European way pertaining to alcohol and around her parent’s home or mine if she were thirsty for wine or a beer, she drank it. She asked for a soft drink this time and I opened one for her and a beer for myself.
Tina got down to business with her make up kit, and then held a coin to Tabby’s cheek while she circled it with her colored laundry pens. She added freehand details, and made it look shockingly like a tattoo on my darling’s adorable face! I told her, “Don’t you ever think of getting a real tattoo, Tabby Jack. I’m damned upset just looking at this fake one on my Darling!” I had never liked tattoos on women, their natural skin colors are attractive enough for me.
Several of the other regular shop customers came in, some with wives and girl friends, hanging out prior to the funeral run. I knew some of them and had a couple of friends among them. Tina was like a protective mother hen hovering over Tabby, telling the men loudly to give her her space and gaining her more sympathy and hugs and kisses from all the women. I could see it was doing Tabby good to socialize with them. Most of these folks were good hard working middle class people. All of them were patriotic and sympathetic toward the fallen police officer and his wife’s orphan.
I asked Tabby, “Do you feel comfortable enough for me to go check our ride, Sweetheart?” She hugged Tina, smiled, and told me, “I’m okay here with Tina protecting me, my Love, but don’t please don’t be gone too long.” This was a welcome change and much healthier than her clinging to me at the hospital, though I’d thoroughly understood it. I knew she had found her mother substitute, and it was more than obvious Tina had already adopted Tabby into her own heart!
I hugged Tabby, and kissed her passionately, which got a big reaction from everyone, and left us both breathing hard. I went to check the bike. Hell, I knew how erotic she looked French-kissing an older lover, but I wasn’t going to be bashful about showing my love for her. I was damned proud of her and becoming more so every day.
I kick started my Harley engine and it started easily and idled smoothly. The gas tank was nearly full, and the oil clean, so it looked like we were good to go. I rode it out of the shop and parked next to our truck in case Tabby wanted to transfer anything to the saddlebags.
She still seemed okay when I went back in and kissed her again. I told her loudly and dramatically enough for everyone to hear, “Sweetheart, I missed your sweet lips so much while I was gone from your side!” This brought moans and groans from some, but Tabby looked at me adoringly and smiled. I grinned, winked, and told her, “Don’t let anyone tease you, Lover, they’re just jealous of us.” That brought a cackle of laughter from Tabby, which made it well worth my effort. I hadn’t heard her laugh that loudly in days and it was worth more than millions to me.
Rex had done the coordinating with the Police Motorcycle Division, and he spoke up, “Okay, listen up! We move out in thirty minutes to meet up with the cycle cops at Police Headquarters. We’ll ride from there and we’ll be parked behind them at the city auditorium, and then be in the procession to the grave site after the services. Anyone needing gas, get it now, That means you, too, Maynard.” Maynard had run out of gas at a previous service.
My life, my love may have been feeling the increasing tension. I saw tears in her pretty eyes, and I thought I’d surely die, she is just that precious to me. I told her, “Darling, once we get through this I’ll do anything I have to to keep tears from your eyes. I’ll even put the icky bait on our hooks when we go fishing without arguing!” The little dear may have seen the distress on my face, she grabbed me, and kissed me then told me, “Jack, my darling, now I know your love is true!“ Have I mentioned she’s damned near as crazy as I am? I’d stopped her crying for a while at least.
The ride to Police Headquarters was pretty cool, despite the reason for it. It has always been my opinion there are few sweeter sounds than the rumble of a Harley. The more Harleys there are rumbling the better. My Tabby loved them, too, she’d been packing behind her dad and me on Harleys since she was big enough to reach the pegs.
Before that she’d ridden in those kangaroo or papoose things on our backs or chests you put babies in, or straddling a fat bob gas tank in front of us. I could remember a couple of runs during which we’d made her a bed in saddlebags, being certain they were properly ventilated, of course. Bob and I had also stuck our precious little critter into our jackets against our chests to keep her warm when she was an infant more times than once. She had looked more like a turtle without a shell then, instead of the elegant creature she’s grown into. We had loved her even then though.
I didn’t want her dwelling on the tragedy so when we got into position to wait I turned around on the bike seat and asked her, “Can you teach me to kiss like you and Marcie do, Love?” She laughed, and began instructing me in the fine art of good kissing.
A few minutes later she had my dick hard as a rock and I was nearly out of breath. “You are a fine Professor, my Love. You could make a fortune tutoring Kissing 101. I’ll give you all of my business!” That comment got me laughed at, slapped, then kissed again. “You’d better,” she told me, “remember, I’m armed and dangerous!”
My tutoring joke got her thinking about school, which was fine with me, as long as her mind was off the funeral. She asked me, “Could we look into home schooling for at least this next year, Jack? I’ve always made straight A+ in advanced classes and wouldn’t need much help. Every school kid in the country has heard about what was done to me. You know how cruel some adolescents can be and if they hurt me I’ll have to hurt them back. I’d also be terrified of the men teachers.”
I slapped my own face! “I hadn’t thought of the schooling you need several more years of, Love. There’s also the consideration I’d be in severe Tabby withdrawal after two hours without a fix of you. Everyone knows that can be fatal, first anadolu yakası gecelik escort your lips dry out from no sweet kisses.” I buried my face into both of my hands. “I can’t bear to even think about the other terrible symptoms! I’d say the chances are very good we will be home schooling you. With a good laptop with the right programs and a long-range wifi antenna it could also be done on cross-country bike rides and hunting and fishing trips. How does that sound to you, Dear?”
From the kisses she gave me I could tell she approved the plan! I knew Tabby soaked up knowledge like a sponge. Both her parents had had Mensa level IQs, as I do, but they’d been like I am about AA and alcoholism, they’d never bothered to join. She was a voracious reader and net surfer and curious as a kitten about everything. I was willing to bet my Harley title she could pass the GED and college entrance exams with flying colors already!
Rex made a walk through of our group. “Warm them up! We leave for the City Auditorium in five minutes!” That gave anyone with cold starting engines time to kick them over. Our “Bitch” as I’d named the bike, started on the first kick. Rex’s “wrench”, as a bike mechanic is called, had done a good job on the tune up.
When we rode out this time it sounded like a thunderstorm. Motorcycle police officers and bikers from at least three states were with us. I was seriously affected by this awesome respect shown for my friends. I’d stuffed two pockets of my leather jacket with handkerchiefs and packets of tissues. I gave some to my Tabby, who was hugging tightly to me. I knew she’d need them.
When we got to the designated place at the auditorium and parked Tina and Rex quickly found us. I felt like the cavalry had arrived when Tina hugged Tabby! Tabby returned her hugs just as fiercely and told her, “Tina dear, I am so glad you found us!” That’s how we made it through that service for her parents, with Tabby crying in Tina’s and my arms.
We rode in the procession to the gravesite then. Tina and Rex stayed beside us there, too. I was watching Tabby closely for signs of her collapsing, but she’d recovered somewhat in the wind on the ride out. There were several pauses for prayer, but I’ll just describe the most serious events. We formed up around the site and the military detachment fired a rifle salute and a bugler played Taps. The Pipers began their mournful bagpipe refrain. When the Lone Piper marched away from the rest and played a solo my poor Tabby wailed! I held my darling to me and kissed her knowing at any moment her legs might collapse! I mopped bitter tears from both her face and mine. The Police Department Dispatcher held a Last Call for Bob’s Unit, calling his unit number three times, with a dramatic pause between each call, then declared his Unit out of service over police radios all around the site. I doubt there was a dry eye in the crowd of several thousand people!
I’d seen Judge Thomas watching us from a group of city and state officials. His face looked as strained as my own must have. He held a handkerchief in his hand, as I did. Have I mentioned he’d been the Captain in charge of our Unit in Kuwait and Iraq? As soon as the ceremony was over he walked over to us. Tabby saw him approaching and shocked me for a moment by reaching for him, but then she’d known him since her birth, too. The big man put his arms around both of us and gave us his condolences. He told us he was glad to see we were there for each other and said he had known she was with me.
Tabby asked him, “Judge, would you please marry us if we can get a license? I love Jack and we want to do this today to honor mom and dad. They both died fighting trying to save me and Jack is protecting me now!” The Judge kissed her cheek and told her, “I would be honored to, Tabby Jack! You wrapped my heart around one of your little fingers years ago. Come to my office, I’ll call ahead and your license will be there waiting for you, or heads will roll! Jack, we’ll get ‘er done!” The Judge shook hands with all of us, kissed Tabby fondly again then left.
Rex and Tina were impressed we even knew the Judge, much less were such close friends with him. He’s sort of a living legend in our state. They offered to ride with us to his office and stand up with us. We gladly accepted their company. The ride into town helped to relax us from the overwhelming sadness of the services.
When we got to his office we found the Judge had written a special ceremony for us. It was long on love, honor, and respect and and short on legal crap. He was already in his black robe and made a very imposing figure. He told us he’d have his staff print a presentation style copy of the ceremony and send it to us, and asked if we were ready, and at our nods he said, “We’ll get ‘er done then!”
The Judge read the ceremony off smoothly, as Tabby clung tightly to me. We both answered “I do.” when he asked. I put her wedding ring on her finger, then she put mine on me. The Judge pronounced us man and wife and told me to kiss my bride! I kissed my gorgeous bride, and kissed her some more, then Judge Thomas kissed her, and Tina kissed her. The Judge probably broke some rules when he produced a bottle of champagne and glasses, poured, and made a toast to our future, but we knew no one in our state would dare tell him that!
We reminisced with the Judge about some of our poker games, with Tabby in everyone’s lap as she grew from toddler to teen. She’d charmed us all by demanding hugs and kisses, and played with everyone’s chips and cards. The Judge had made several fishing trips with us, too. I recalled his visits to me in the military hospital and appreciated them. I’d always hoped he didn’t feel any guilt for my wounds, he’d been one of the officers we’d liked and trusted. Before we left the Judge embraced us both and kissed the bride again. We thanked him profusely, of course. He told us, “If you need anything you call me!”
We walked out into the fresh air as man and wife, and I couldn’t resist hugging my child bride to me and whirling her around! I shouted, “I love you, Mrs. Wilson!” She was clutching me just as fiercely, she smiled up at me and said, “Let’s get a room and consummate this marriage for at least three days!” We thanked Rex and Tina for everything, and swore we’d get back with them soon. We rode our bike to the biggest hotel in town and reserved a honeymoon suite for three days.
We went to our suite, and I carried her across the threshold for good luck. I hung the “Do not disturb” sign on the door, and both of us left a trail of clothes to the bed. The one rational act I made was to toss my .45 and shoulder holster onto the bed. She shoved me onto the big bed and grabbed my dick with both of her little hands. She spoke to it, “Hello, Jack’s prick. I’m Mrs. Wilson, and we’re going to get to know each other much better now!” I groaned in ecstasy as she took me into her hot mouth! She looked up at me with her beautiful brown eyes, pulled me out of her mouth for a moment, and told me, “I’ve been owing you this one, Jack!” She inhaled me again!
What she was doing felt oh, so fine, but I knew the pleasure wouldn’t last but seconds more unless I had a diversion. I begged her, “Please, Baby, put your sweet pussy on my face!” I didn’t have to ask her twice. My little darling only relaxed her grip on my cock enough to allow her to swivel up over my face and plant that pussy right where I wanted it! I licked her from one end of her pretty slit to the other, then tongued her pink asshole!
She went crazy on my dick. I moved my mouth forward and found her clit, and worshiped it for a while by sucking on it and flicking it with my tongue. She seemed to like that just fine too, because she was near drowning me in her juices. I probed my tongue into her and tongue fucked her as deeply as I could for a about a minute, then licked and lapped toward her rear and inserted a finger in her pussy and began to rub her G-spot, so I could get some air. While I was there I licked her fine ass again, and she shifted by bowing her back to allow me better access to it. I gave her a rim job, then tongue fucked her ass as deeply as I could as I added another finger to her tight pussy.
I moved the hand I’d been holding one of her small boobs with. I shifted two fingers of it to her pussy and G-spot as I moved the hand that was wet to her ass and as gently as I could I inserted a finger into her ass I’d been lubricating with my tongue. That left my mouth free to seek out her lovely clit again, which I did. I wanted her first orgasm as my wife to be mind blowing and I knew it was coming as soon as I inserted another wet finger into that fine ass!
She had been busily giving my prick the best anadolu yakası sınırsız escort blowjob I’d ever had in my life, or maybe it only felt that way because I was so in love. She began moaning, then I think she was trying to scream around my cock, she let herself go! I felt it with my prick, my mouth, and my two hands I was making love to her with. My Love shook from her head to her toes. She violently slammed that sweet pussy into my mouth, I increased the fucking of her pussy and ass with both my hands and vowed to myself to hang onto her clit until she was finished cumming or I was dead, whichever came first! All this was such a total orgasmic turn on I came, too, Her mouth didn’t miss a drop of my cum, as far as I could tell. She was still sucking me when she passed out from the sensory overload.
I withdrew my fingers from her pussy and ass, and reached for her chest to be sure she was breathing properly. My dick went limp and plopped from between her lips so at least I knew that wasn’t obstructing her airway now. I shifted her off me and moved up beside her. I could see now with some relief her chest was rising and falling. I groped around until I found my pistol, then I reached to the other end of the big bed and pulled the spread up over us. I held my wife close and watched the beautiful face I adored as she slept.
I watched her sleep for about an hour before she stirred. She looked up at me with the most gorgeous eyes in the Universe and gave me a world class smile. I kissed her sweet lips. Have I mentioned I’m crazy about her? I whispered to her, “Hello, Sleepyhead, how are you feeling now?” I began to realize I’d created a monster when she shoved me over, moved atop me and said, “Your wife is horny again, Mr. Wilson. Perhaps you could do something about that?” With that she reached behind her and grasped my prick. She began stroking me, and within two strokes I was up to the task.
I was busy ogling her chest, and told her, “I’ll do anything, but please don’t poke me in the eye with those dangerous pointy things!” She did exactly what I’d wanted her to do. She thrust her little right breast at me, and just as predictably it went into my mouth. There is an advantage to a small breast; you can suck on damned near the entire thing, which I did my best to. I had her nipple up against my palate as I nursed on her. I was intently enjoying the erotic look on my darling’s face. Her eyes closed, then her eyelids fluttered as I began lashing her puffy nipple with my tongue. I thought with practice I should be able to get her off like that.
She popped that breast out of my mouth and poked the other at me. “Do this one too, Jack, please! That feels so good!” I began manipulating her right breast and nipple with my hand as I nursed on her left. I was thinking, cum for me, Baby, but of course couldn’t say anything. I knew if I touched her clit with my other hand she’d get off, but I wanted to see how close she’d get with me only using my hands and mouth on her breasts. She began slamming her pussy into my belly and I knew she was getting there! I flicked the nipple of her right breast with my fingers as I did the same to her left with my tongue. She was still smashing her pussy and clit into my belly. She had a squirting orgasm! Every muscle in her little body was quivering. She collapsed onto me, into the puddle she’d made and I held her to me in sheer delight!
“Mrs. Wilson,” I told her, then kissed her pretty mouth, “you are the hottest little fox in the world!” I’m a fast learner. This time I didn’t spend an hour watching her. I located my pistol, then pulled the spread over us, and did my best to ignore my raging hard on. I had a feeling it would get plenty of attention during the next few days, weeks, months, and years. I held my priceless object to me, and tried to rest until she woke me for more!
Wake me she did, with her exquisite mouth slurping on the head of my prick. She paid me back for my earlier question of her. She slipped me out of her mouth and asked, “Hello, Sleepyhead, how are you feeling now?” I answered her, “Mmm! Baby, I love your mouth, but my prick wants some of your pretty pussy’s sweet loving, too!” She clambered aboard me and rubbed the head of my cock on her pussy, then began lowering herself onto me as I entered my Heaven for the first time. “Oh, Baby!” I told her, “I am a convert, you are my one true religion!” Her pussy felt so damn hot, I couldn’t believe it. I was all the way in her now, and she rocked forward to kiss me. She moaned into my mouth as that increased the pressure on her clit.
“Sweet Love,” I told her, “if I’d known your pussy was that hot I’d have asked you to marry me ten years ago!” The thirteen-year old giggled at me, which did things I loved to my prick inside her. I spent the next few minutes making love to her and telling her silly jokes, which she’d laugh at, which shook her insides up around my hard cock! I told her, “Damn darling, we’ve invented Silly Sex!” Of course she laughed at that, too!
I looked around the room and saw a table that appeared to be an interesting height. I reached out and grabbed a big pillow off the bed. I handed it to her and asked her to hold it. I sat up and swiveled to the side of the bed, then stood and carried her to the table with her impaled on my prick. “Put the pillow on the table, Darling!” She did, and I laid her atop it to cushion her head and back. I put her legs on my shoulders, leaned forward, and drew partway out then rammed my prick inside her! She screamed, “Oh Jack!”
I told her, “Yeah, Baby! I was just poking fun at you a while ago. This is the real thing!” I pistoned in and out of her, and played with her nipples and breasts. She quickly learned to use the leverage of her strong legs on my shoulders to position her body to best advantage. She also learned to use her own hands on her clit, and a few minutes after that she began screaming again! She didn’t pass out this time though. I leaned forward and slowed my stroking while I kissed her. She returned my kisses and heated them up with her tongue. I asked her, “What do you want us to do now, Sweetheart?” She kept her request simple, “Fuck me, my darling Jack, fuck me!”
I began to think the reason she seemed so driven was she was celebrating life. If so I could relate to that! She felt so damned fine to me I was near desperate to cum inside her. I decided to see if I could time her next orgasm so we could have one together. I sped up my thrusts and increased their intensity until I was giving her everything I had! It wasn’t five minutes later she was rolling her head and screaming again. She surprised me when she screamed at me, “Cum in my ass, Jack!” Who was I to deny my bride anything?
I pulled out of that fine pussy, found her rosebud with my prick and slid it in! I thrust it into my Love’s tight ass as I began cumming, lubricating her bowels. I stroked in and out of her ass as she screamed! I damned near went to my knees, as her intense orgasm caused her to clench the muscles of her ass repeatedly. We were both huffing and puffing and near exhaustion. My Love had one zinger saved up for me. It was the understatement of the year! She brushed a stray strand of hair from her lovely face, laughed, and asked me, “Was it good for you, Jack?” I gasped for air and laughed!
Her ass made an audible popping sound as my limp cock slid out of her. We both laughed and I bent forward to passionately kiss her. It was a good ten minutes before I felt I had recovered the strength to carry her back to our bed. When I did I located my pistol again, and snuggled up to her with her head lying on my shoulder and her face turned to mine. I kissed her again, and she told me, “I love being your wife, Jack!” I told her in return, “I love being your husband, Tabby Jack!” We kissed each other adoringly until we both dozed off.
I woke up first the next time thinking there was something I needed to do. We had left most of Tabby’s clothes and my bag at the last motel we’d rented, and I needed to call and tell them to debit several more days of rent from my cash card until we returned. I found their card in my wallet and called them.
I explained to the man we had married and were in a hotel honeymoon suite and needed to add several more days to my card, until we got back there. He asked me, “You married that beautiful little girl you had with you? Why you son of a bitch! I thought she was your daughter!” He hung up on me.
Okay, so he wasn’t likely to listen to my explanation about Tabby pleading with me to overwrite her nightmare experiences of rape, torture, snuff sex. We could go get her clothes or blow them off. I decided to leave that up to Tabby. I kissed her, she woke up and I explained the situation. She was my wife now and she should be in on my making decisions. She told me, “Let’s go get them. It would be a chance to get in the wind on the bike again, and I’ll need some fresh clothes to change into.” We dressed, got the bike out of the hotel parking and went to get the truck.
To be continued Private Messages are welcomed

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Revenge. Chapter 1. (Revised)

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Carmen Fox was sitting in her dark bedroom with the laptop’s glow the only source of light. Her hip-length, straight, jet black hair was splayed around her and she knew her light blue eyes reflected the laptop’s light. She hadn’t been busy doing anything since Ross broke up with her. Now she spent the majority of her days doing this. Surfing the internet and visiting websites like Google, Facebook, and other various things. She was currently on Facebook.

Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt anything to visit his page? He wouldn’t be able to tell she was visiting his page, and it could only be this once. She decided on clicking on his name and casually browsing his wall. He never deleted her as a friend, so it was nothing she hadn’t see-.

What the hell is this? She thought. Her eyes were not deceiving her. His page said in a relationship with Sage Adkins. She couldn’t help herself. She clicked on her name and was relieved when her profile wasn’t private.

From what she could tell, this Sage bitch was a curly headed blonde with fake boobs and a perky personality. Ross hadn’t even broken up with her two days ago; which means he either left her for this bitch, or he was having an affair and chose the new girl. God dammit, she was younger too. That’s such a cliche. Carmen wasn’t old. She was only in her early thirties, but Ross was older than her and this new slut of his was twenty-six. Oh look. The little trend-follower was bi-sexual too.

This called for revenge.

The next night, Carmen put on a black v-neck t-shirt, so she wouldn’t be seen in the night, and dark denim shorts that would allow her to move her legs around when she went over to his house. There was no need in abandoning all of her fashion sense, so she put on some black, peep toe heels too. She planned on destroying his black Escalade that he loved so much. Nothing he can complain about to insurance, but enough to piss him off as much as he did her.

As she pulled up to her ex’s house, the lights coming from inside told her she’d have to be quiet. So she grabbed her bottle of white nail polish and slowly approached his black escalade. She doodled signs like middle fingers and cocks on all the other windows and some the doors, then she saved the best for last as she wrote “Jerk-mobile” in big letters on the back window and then went around to climb on the hood so she could write, “I like sluts, not women” so big that it covered the entire front window. She was too pissed to get creative.

She gracefully hoped off the hood and glanced in the window for safety and did a double take when she saw Ross on the white couch that he’d made out with her on so many times. He was in the same position, but this time it wasn’t her straddling him and kissing his lips. It was Sage.

She couldn’t help herself then. Curiosity pulled her to the window so she could look at the two of them better. She looked at him first out of longing. She could only see the back of him, but his brown hair was as soft and luscious as ever. She could tell just by looking at it. His muscular arms wrapped around her little, yellow sundress. She couldn’t make out specific features, but her blonde hair was curled and flowed down past her shoulders. She knew from Facebook that she had blue eyes and a foxy kind of face though.
She was sure now that he was having an affair. anadolu yakası escort No one is slutty enough to fuck on the first date if they’re looking for a relationship. Not at her age, anyway.

When Sage took a breather, she glanced up casually and Carmen dashes behind the wall and out of sight. However, as their voices grew louder and muffled sounds came from inside the house, she realized she hadn’t moved fast enough, so she started to run to her car for safety.

Heels were a bad idea tonight. She felt Ross’s muscular arms wrap around her waist and lift her into the air. She started to kick and fight him when she realized he was carrying her back into the house with his new slut trailing behind them.

She was plopped on the white, soft couch they were just making out on and he looked into her eyes with that brown, intense stare he got when he was angry and said, “You fucking bitch.”

She crossed her arms and gave him a sly look.

“What were you thinking, doing that to my car?” He demanded.

She didn’t answer. She just stared at him and made him guess. He must have known she wouldn’t just sit by and mope while he got constant sex though.

“Real mature, Carmen,” Ross said as he looked out the window to his precious car that probably meant more to him than both the girls in the room combined. “Sage is not a slut,” he claimed.

“Sure I am.”

They both turned their heads toward her in surprise. Sage smiled and walked in front of Carmen before she glared at her and said, “I knew he was in a relationship. I knew you were at work while he was fucking me. I’m a slut,” Sage leaned forward and put a hand on each of Carmen’s bare thighs and added with a suddenly husky voice, “And I can get real dirty.”

Pure wrath pulsed through Carmen and she slapped Sage across the face with as much force as she could possibly put into the blow.

Ross dashed behind the couch and held Carmen’s hands back, giving Sage full access. “What do you even miss about our relationship, huh?” she heard from behind her, “Working at different times? Living in different places? Having the same sex once every weekend?”

“I think it was the sex,” Sage chimed in. Sage moved forward and stuck her thumb in Carmen’s shorts and played with her lips. Sage giggled and said, “She’s already wet, just from me kneeling in front of her. Do you want to be pleasured, Carmen?”

Carmen kicked Sage in the chest and hesitated before saying, “Don’t say my name.” She was already wet from Ross touching her, not Sage. She needed sex bad.

Sage rubbed her chest with a disgruntled expression and said, “Ow, you kicked me with heels on! And that wasn’t a no.”

Carmen narrowed her eyes and said, “Sorry; wouldn’t wanna pop one of your implants. And I’m not a lesbian.”

“Ladies, ladies,” Ross said slowly and calmly,”Maybe we can work something out here.” He sounded really suspicious when he said that. So when Sage smiled, Carmen squirmed out of Ross’s arms and stated, “I’ve worked out all I want.” This was getting out of control and she didn’t want to be involved in it any longer. “I fucked up your car and now I’m leaving.”

Of course, why she ever thought it would be that easy was a mystery. Ross grabbed her before she could even lift herself off the couch and he held her down anadolu yakası anal yapan escort on the soft white sofa so that she was lying down. “Speaking of my car,” Ross said with a malicious grin, “I think you owe me.”

Carmen rolled her eyes and argued, “It’s just nail-polish, it’ll wash off; I don’t have to pay you anything.”

“Look at this house,” Sage said, bringing herself back into the conversation, “The type of car you trashed,” Carmen thought she was being an idiot, stating obvious things, but as Sage took off Carmen’s black heels slowly and stared her in the eye, whispering, “He doesn’t want money,” she saw where this was going.

Ross was hovering over her and she could see a bulge in his dark jeans. Sage was kneeling between her legs. Yes, she knew exactly what was on their mind. And she didn’t want any of it. She may be horny from no sex in the past few days, but she wasn’t about to release with her ex and her replacement.

Carmen lost it and was now fighting for freedom as she screamed, “No! I’m not fucking either of you.”
Ross put on a faint smile as he grabbed the hem of her black v-neck t-shirt and started to force it off her. Sage simultaneously undid the button and zipper on her shorts, but she figured Ross was a greater threat, so she closed her legs to hinder Sage, but slapped and fought Ross as much as she could. To no avail.
Soon, her light skin showed against the white couch and her red bra that covered her natural D-cupped breasts and her matching thong were the main attraction.

She started to panic a little, but Ross held her down again while Sage peeled off her little sundress and kicked off her yellow strappy heels. She quickly undid the clasp of her lacy, strapless bra supporting her D-cups and the slut didn’t even have to worry about underwear, because she wasn’t wearing any.

She was unwise to fight Ross, because she now weakened herself and Sage held her down easily enough while Ross stripped. The bitch knew what she was doing too. She held both of Carmen’s wrists in one hand, while grabbing the back of her hair with the other. She had to support herself on her elbows, so her bare breasts were pressed against Carmen’s. She used this to taunt Carmen. Since she was bi-sexual, she rubbed their breasts together and made little moaning noises while staring Carmen in her light blue eyes. Allowing Ross all the time he needed to strip off his clothes.

She’d seen Ross naked before, though. She knew his prominent six-pack and matching pecs. She knew his dark hair was all over his body, but there wasn’t enough to make him look hairy, she definitely recognized his stiff 7 inches of cock when she saw it.

Now that they were both naked, Sage moved down and forced her red thong away from her body while she had no choice but to lay there while Ross approached her and undid her bra. Now that her voluptuous tits and clean shaven pussy were out for the world to see, what would she do, even if she had the chance to get away? She can’t go anywhere public, which cancel every place her car would take her.

Ross grabbed Carmen’s hair and put his dick in front of her face. She refused to suck him unwillingly. She pursed her lips and turned her head, despite the pain it caused from her hair. However, anadolu yakası otele gelen escort as Sage’s tongue flicked her clit unexpectedly, she let out a gasp and Ross took his opportunity to shove all seven inches into her mouth.

She never enjoyed it, but she was always good at deep-throating. Then again, while she didn’t like what Ross was doing, she couldn’t help but love having Sage eat her out. She wasn’t the slightest bit homosexual, but it did feel amazing. Just like if it was a man eating her out. That was the method she decided on using so as to deal with what was happening to her; because she was currently being raped.
Fortunately, as Ross’s balls pressed against her chin with each inward thrust, she could feel they were tightened. He was about to cum. This would be over soon.

Suddenly, Ross pulled out of her mouth and Sage noticed and stopped licking. “Move over here, C.” Ross commanded.

Out of curiosity, she obeyed. Ross pulled her up and put her on her knees in front of the couch. Sage sat in front of Carmen and spread her legs wide, letting it be known what was going to happen next.

Ross grabbed the back of her head in one hand and pushed her forward. She really didn’t want this. She didn’t care how horny she was, this wasn’t going to get her the release she needed. It didn’t matter, though. Ross kept pushing until her lips were against Sage’s bare vag. She gave up, thinking it would get this over with sooner.

Suddenly Ross pulled on her hips so that she was still forced to eat out Sage, but her bum was in the air and she knew where Ross was going with this. The tip of his penis touching her lips only confirmed her belief.

Carmen stopped licking when Ross pushed inside of her and started thrusting because a loud moan escaped her lips. Ross was right about having the same sex. She was always only comfortable with missionary, but this position didn’t seem to be that bad. Save the vagina in her mouth, of course.
Ross pumped like that until she could tell all three of them were close to climax. Sage came first and Carmen grimaced at the pussy juice as it rested on her chin. She used her hand that was previously keeping her up to wipe it off.

Then Ross pulled out unexpectedly and she looked back to see what was wrong. Something was very wrong. He only pulled out so he could line his dick up with her ass.

“Ross, stop!” she cried. She’d lick Sage’s pussy all night to avoid that. He didn’t listen though. He just pushed against her ass like it was as flexible as her vag, which it was proving not to be. She’d never had anal sex with anyone in her life. Until now.

Ross pushed inside and she felt a pop when he officially entered her. She screamed at the stinging pain as tears welled in her eyes. “Ross, please stop. Ow,” she was whimpering and begging now rather than demanding.

Apparently her agony was enough to make his horny ass listen because he pulled out of her and subtly rubbed her ass as if trying to relieve the pain.

“Hold her, will you, Babe?” Ross said before running upstairs naked. Sage didn’t hesitate to dominate her by holding her head back against her vag. Now that Ross couldn’t protect her, Carmen decided to fight. Naked or not, she was getting out of here.

Carmen bit down on Sage’s clit, causing her to scream and release her hold. She knew Sage’s scream would call Ross to come down faster, so she sprinted to the door so fast her legs burned.

Ross appeared at the bottom of the stairs right in front of Carmen and she bumped into his naked, muscular body. After that, she noticed the bottle of lube in his hand.

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Setting up Lucy-1

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Big Tits

“How do I get myself into these predicaments?” Lucy asked herself, as the young man rubbed his hardened cock across her face and lips. “And where is Howard?” She opened her lips slightly and the long thin penis slide between them. Her tongue flicked the head tasting the pre-cum that oozed from the tip. She felt one of the man’s hands working its way under her light print dress. His calloused fingers scraped against her naked thigh causing her to jump slightly. Opening her mouth a little more, she could feel the cock pushing its way into her mouth. “I wish Howard wouldn’t leave me alone like this, he knows I can’t control myself.” Her thoughts continued to run through her mind. She felt the man’s hand reach her panty covered pussy. She knew he could feel the dampness he had created.
His finger traced through the panties along the lips of her pulsating cunt. She hunched up to meet his ministrations. He now was pushing his cock in and out of her mouth in a steady rhythm that she knew would soon end in his white-hot sticky cum shooting into her throat. Her thoughts now weren’t about why this had happened or even where Howard was, only about the impending orgasm she felt. She couldn’t wait to taste his salty nectar shoot into the back of her throat. She brought her hand up between his legs and massaged his balls as he increased his tempo. She moaned as his finger slipped under the leg band of her panties and into her sopping pussy.
Now she was fucking onto his finger furiously, wishing she could tell him to use more fingers. The finger fucking was working though; he was tapping her clit with his thumb each time he pushed his finger in. “I’m cumming baby, I’m cumming.” He moaned and seconds later Lucy felt the first spurt of cum shoot deep into her throat. She came with him. Her own orgasm rushed through her body as the teenage young man shot squirt after squirt of his white cream into her mouth. Her experienced mouth didn’t lose a drop as finally he pulled his limp prick from her mouth. Her own orgasm subsided and in a dazed moment after the encounter the young man pulled her panties from her and stuck them in his pocket.
“As a momento, mam.” He said politely, then turned and left her laying in the back room of the Laundromat, her dress pushed up around her waist. Lying there a moment she gathered her thoughts and stood up, straightening her dress and walking back to the front of the deserted Laundromat.
She was folding the last of the clothes when Howard walked in, an odd grin on his face. “Howard where were you, you had me worried.” She scolded him as he picked up one of the baskets of clothes.
“Oh, I just went for a walk honey, why is something wrong, did something happen.”
“No, I was just worried about you, that’s all.”
They loaded the clothes in the back of the pick-up and drove back to the apartment they had just moved into. Howard glanced at his wife a couple of times and smiled to himself. It was great setting her up this way. He could just never get enough of someone else fucking his wife while he watched. Of course if Lucy ever found out he would really be in trouble so he wasn’t going to say anything. He was already thinking about the next time.

The doorbell rang for a second time, when Lucy opened it just enough to see who it was. “Excuse me mam, but we are conducting a survey and we wondered if you and your husband had a few minutes to answer some questions.” The two men at the door were dressed in suits, both of them in their early thirties.
“My husbands not at home right now, could you come back later or maybe tomorrow.”
“Oh darn, this is our last night, we were trying to finish up early, so we could get back home.”
“I’m sorry.” Lucy said.
“Listen, anadolu yakası sevgili tadında escort could you answer the questions for us and maybe add what you think your husband would say.”
“Well,” Lucy thought for a moment. “Ok.” She closed the door, taking the security chain off and opened it again. The two men thanked her, and walked into the small living room.
“Would you like a glass of tea or coffee?” Lucy asked as the two men sat down on the couch.
“Tea would be fine.” The one man that had been doing all of the talking said. Lucy turned and walked into the kitchen.
“What kind of survey are you taking?” She asked as she poured three glasses of iced tea.
“Its a lifestyles survey, kind of getting an idea of how people live in the nineties.”
“Oh that sounds interesting.” Lucy brought the tea into the living room then sat down in the chair across from the two men.
They sipped their tea and asked general questions, then waited for Lucy’s response. Lucy thought hard on a lot of them trying to give her best answers, then thinking about how Howard would answer them and answering for him too. Things were going along fine until the questions turned to sex. “How often do you and your husband have sex?”
“Oh, I guess about twice a week.” Lucy felt a little uncomfortable answering.
“And how often do you have sex?” The man grinned at her as he asked the question.
“Excuse me?” Lucy looked back at the man trying to decide whether he was just kidding or not.
“You are a hot looking lady, I can’t imagine twice a week being near enough sex for you.”
“I….a…..” Lucy felt herself blush slightly. The man who hadn’t said anything got up and walked around the chair Lucy was sitting in.
“I mean with a hot body like that you probably need lots of attention.” The man laid his clipboard down and stood up. Walking over to where Lucy was sitting he grinned down at her. “That warm soft mouth looks like it could suck a man dry in a minute. Don’t you think so Steve?” For the first time the other man spoke.
“Sure does Bill and look at those tits, bet you enjoy getting those nipples sucked on don’t you baby?” He put his hands on Lucy’s shoulders.
“I don’t think you guys should be doing this, I am a married woman, I love my husband.” Lucy tried to move but the man was too strong.
“But you like to fuck strangers don’t you? You like the feel of strange cock in your mouth, in your pussy, between you tits.” The man standing in front of Lucy reached down and pulled her blouse apart, buttons went everywhere, as Lucy’s bra covered breasts came into view.
She could feel the tell tale signs begin to overcome her. Her nipples hardened, her cunt began to throb. She knew she was going to fuck these men and she couldn’t stop herself. The man behind her slid his hands down the front of her unclasped her bra and pulled it back. Her large breasts sprang free. “Oh shit, those do look good enough to eat don’t they Bill.” The man behind her cupped her breasts and pushed them up. “Bet you can lick your own tits, can’t you baby.” Bill said. “Come on, show us you can lick your own tits.” He took the back of her head as he spoke and gently forced it down, Lucy flicked her tongue out across first one nipple then the other. The electric shocks the shot through her body made her shake.
“I tell you what why don’t you put on a little show for us, bet you could do that well too.” Steve let go of her tits and came around the chair. He and Bill stood in front of her; she could see the outline of their cocks through their suit pants. Lucy looked up at both of them, then grabbed her tits and pushed them back up so she could anadolu yakası oral yapan escort lick on them some more. Both men stepped back and watched as she sucked first one nipple, then the other.
Letting go of one tit, she reached between her legs and rubbed her cunt through her shorts. The two men stepped forward again this time reaching for her shorts. They grabbed her shorts and pulled them and her panties down to her ankles.
“Oh man, you are one hot little bitch.” Steve said, helping her pull her tattered blouse from her so she sat in the chair in front of them completely naked. Stepping back again, they watched as Lucy put one leg on one armrest the other on the other and spread her wide for them to see. She dipped a finger into her dripping cunt then brought it to her lips and licked it. After repeating the process again she then pushed two fingers in. Spreading her pussy lips with one hand, she pushed three of her long slender fingers in and began pumping them in and out. Her pussy ached for a cock but her fingers were doing all right.
“Go ahead baby, stick four of them in, lets see you take four fingers.” Lucy did as she was told. Pushing four fingers into her widely splayed cunt she once again began to fuck herself. She felt an orgasm begin to tremble through her body as she pumped herself with increased vigor. Closing her eyes she concentrated on the increased agitation she was bringing on to her burning love hole.
Faintly she heard one of the men urge her to push her thumb in to. She hadn’t tried it before. Pulling her fingers out of her cunt, she looked down then readjusted herself slightly on the chair, sliding down just a bit and trying to pull her legs higher on the armrests. Steve and Bill noticed her need for help and once again stepped forward. Each took an ankle and pulled her legs back until her pussy was nearly at an up and down angle to her body. Lucy laid her head back and looked at the two men above her and smiled. Both men had their cocks out and were pumping them with their free hands.
Sliding her hand back down to her pussy, she folded her thumb against the palm of her hand and rubbed it up and down her wet cunt, lubricating herself then began pushing her whole hand into her gaping hole. Pushing she shoved her hand into the second knuckle then looked at the two men and began fucking herself. “More baby, more, you can do it.” They urged her on.
“Oh, god,” she screamed, cramming her hand past the second knuckle, folding her fingers inside her into a fist, she began to fist fuck herself. Looking at the two men she moaned as an orgasm racked her body a moment later the two men erupted one after the other, sending their cum all over her face and chest. A second orgasm hit her immediately as the hot cream splattered her body.
The men let go of her ankles her hand popped from her stretched cunt and all three collapsed. Lucy licked the cum that had splattered her lips and chin. Her thighs ached from the stretching they had just gotten and her pussy gaped open from the fisting it had just taken. She glanced at the two men and wondered if that was all for the evening or they would try something else before they left.
From his perch just outside the window, Howard had just watched his wife put on a sex show for the two men he had set up to come to the house. He was still shaking after watching Lucy fist fuck herself then get drenched in the men’s cum. He didn’t know how Lucy had become this way or why he enjoyed so much for her to fuck other men, he just knew it was each of their little quirks. Sometimes he wondered if Lucy ever thought he was the one setting her up. She never let on that she knew or that anadolu yakası escort anything had happened.
He looked in on his wife and the two men as each began to stir. Lucy got up and gingerly walked down the hall to the bathroom as the two men got up and looked at each other, deciding they wasn’t finished with her yet. They sat quietly until Lucy came out of the bathroom; both got up and walked over to her again. Steve, the bigger of the two men got behind her and Bill, the smaller stood in front of her.
They began to rub their bodies on her and Lucy rubbed back. Her arms went around Bills neck and she kissed him deeply as his hands slid down her hips and pushed between them into her pussy. Standing sideways to the window, Howard had a good look as the two men felt his wife up. Steve was busy rubbing her ass while she kissed Bill, then turning around she kissed Steve, while Bill rubbed her ass. As they kissed Steve looped his hands under her thighs and picked her up. As he lifted her Howard could see his cock was hard again. Slowly he lowered her onto his cock and backed up until he was leaning against the wall.
Howard couldn’t take anymore, he unzipped his pants and pulled his cock from his pants slowly massaging it until it was hard, he then masturbated as he watched Steve fuck his big dick into Lucy’s pussy. Bill meanwhile watched for a few minutes then slowly walked up behind the two. Steve grinned at his friend and slid his hands to Lucy’s quivering ass. Spreading her, Howard knew Lucy was unaware of what was about to happen. Her head was buried in Steve’s shoulder as she pumped up and down on his cock.
Howard knew exactly when Bill’s cock first touched Lucy’s puckered asshole. She looked up into Steve’s eyes a glazed look in her own, then she laid her head sideways, so Howard had a good look at her lust filled face as Bill slowly pushed his cock into her ass. Howard was shaking so much he nearly lost his balance as he watched his pretty wife get double fucked. Steve didn’t move as Bill filled her back hole, then slowly, steadily began to fuck into her ass. Lucy had been fucked there before but never had she been double fucked. Howard could see the pain mixed with perverse pleasure on her face. She bit into Steve’s shoulder when Bill buried himself completely into her.
A few moments later as all three caught the rhythm, they began to fuck in a steady motion. Howard had a good view of his wife’s ass being obscenely stretched by the large cock and her pussy grasping the other. Through the window he could faintly here his wife urging both of them to fuck her harder. She pounded up and down on each cock, waiting for each to explode inside her.
Howard was ahead of the game, he felt his own cock twitch then begin to spurt cum, one shot so forceful it landed on the window he was watching through. Again he could hear his wife moaning loudly as both men now fucked into her hard. He could see her body tense and go limp as the men began to shoot their loads. As he finished, Bill stepped back away from the other two and Howard could see Lucy’s ass slowly close as cum seeped from her back hole. He couldn’t believe his cock was still hard as Steve pulled from her pussy and pushed Lucy down on her knees. Then jamming his cock into her mouth, two strokes later he unloaded into her waiting mouth.
Howard slowly crawled down from his perch went to his car and waited for the two men to leave. Ten minutes later he walked into the apartment. He could hear the shower running so he slowly stripped his clothes off as he walked down the hall. Opening the door to the bathroom, he said. “Honey I’m home.” Then pulled the shower curtain back and stepped into the shower with his wife. His cock was hard, he turned her around and slowly pushed his cock into her stretched asshole, knowing full well another man had shot his load into it only twenty minutes before. Lucy didn’t try to stop him or complain. Yet another orgasm hit her as her husband shot his own load deep into her butt. One day she would have to tell Howard what was going on in her life, but not tonight.

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Sasha´s birthday present_(0)

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*Warning: May contain kissing*

Cindy sighs. She’d been waiting for the inevitable, and her new boyfriend didn’t disappoint. Being a girl of short stature with relatively modest breasts, there is one particular feature of hers that tends to attract men more than any other. And much to her dismay, it isn’t her love of the arts and sciences, or her glasses that announce such things to the world. It is that which her mother gave her. Which, itself, does not refer to her penchant for emotional honesty, her taste for fantasy fiction or her appreciation of the scientific method, but instead to an anatomical property that is pleasing to the eye. Which, again, does not refer to her red hair or her green eyes, typical familial traits that are inherited in simple genetic patterns that can be mapped out by Punnett squares, but instead to a property that is only indirectly inherited through a complex interaction of genetics, lifestyle and…

It’s her ass. She’s got a big, round ass. You could call it a big, fat, round ass, if she wasn’t in earshot.

She doesn’t mind particularly that the men who chat her up with sex or even a relationship in mind probably sneaked a peak at her from behind (though the cat calls and the weird, random sexual solicitations she could do without), but she never made the connection between admiring her rear end and wanting to put it in her butt. Unquestionably, that was the elephant in the room, whenever she asked a boyfriend if there was anything they wanted to try. She couldn’t quite understand the logical leap from like a big, round rump to wanting access to option number two. Still, Cindy was willing to try anything once. Or a few times. With each boyfriend.

Well, while she’d led her current boyfriend to believe that she’d never done such a thing before, this wasn’t entirely the truth. Or, anything like the truth. The reason for the deception was two-fold: first, because she didn’t want her relatively vast experience with the practice to mislead someone into thinking she was unbreakable, and second, because she didn’t want to cultivate a reputation as the type of girl that takes it up the bum. It was inevitable that she be asked, after all, and she didn’t think it was very fair to say no, arbitrarily, as she was perfectly capable of doing it. Still, she never wanted to hear that one of her guy-friends saw “Cindy is an anal queen” on a bathroom wall and would she very much mind confirming or denying that she “took it in the arse?” So she didn’t exactly want to admit to just anyone that she’d actually done it more times than anyone could reasonably keep count.

And, yet again, her boyfriend of several months, who’d so far been the nicest and most patient man she’d ever been with, had brought up the issue in the roundabout fashion that men seem to mistake for subtlety.

“Isn’t it weird that anal sex is, you know, a thing?” he had said, one lazy early-summer evening, while the fan in the room hummed and she lay silently in his lap, browsing through e-books on her laptop. It was probably the most abrupt way anyone had ever brought up buttsex to her, and she had to hold back laughter when she finally put together what he’d said. He was idly stroking her hair at the time, and when she looked up at him, he was staring off into the upper corner of the room, a blush evident.

“Uhm… in what way?”

“Well.” he said, getting back on script, as if she’d just responded “who’s there” to “knock-knock.” “It’s just that, it’s totally doable, you know? And there’s no real evolutionary purpose for it, right?”

“It might be for male bonding,” she had said, trying to hide how amusing she found it to derail his tortured interest probe, “since pygmy chimpanzees do it for that and a bunch of other reasons, and historically, that’s how humans have used it, too. Bit of a chicken or egg, though, since the properties that make anal sex possible are basically just the properties of a functioning rectum.”

He had nodded, utterly defeated, and had gone back to stroking her hair without saying anything. Taking pity on him, she’d given him an opportunity to follow up.

“Why have you been thinking about it?”

“Oh! It’s just, you know how it is. Brain misfires… just random stuff. I’ve just been thinking about it for a while. Trying to model… human behavior and, uh, sexuality. In my head.”

“How’s that working out for you?” she had said, stroking his chin with her fingers.

“Could be better,” he’d said, deflating. “So… you don’t think that men and women should, uh, do it?”

“Anal? I mean, I don’t think what ‘nature intended’ should really factor into it.”
“Oh,” he had said, a bit relieved, “so, would you do it?” He didn’t get around to saying the “with me” part, probably because he wanted a generic theoretical answer, first.

“Me? I… haven’t thought about it, much.”


And that had been the end of it. Cindy now knew that her boyfriend wanted to fuck her butt, and had desperately wanted to ask her about it. Looking back on it, she sighs again. What else can she do?

They’d gotten to the “spare key” stage pretty early, so she was waiting in his place for him to get home. She had spent the day eating the food in his fridge and hiding from the midsummer heat, because she didn’t handle heat very well, her body not being designed for shedding it. That was the principle: tall and skinny, sheds heat well, short and plump, you come from the subarctic.

Still, though, she’s willing to make a sacrifice for him. She’s wearing her most formal jeans-and-tshirt combo, and a pair of heels that she’s certain she could last maybe three, four hours in. When she hears his key in the door,she positions herself in front of it, so that when he opens it, she hugs him around the neck and plants a kiss on his lips.

“Happy Birthday,” she says, while his eyes adjust to the darkness of the cave that she’s created for herself. He reaches over to the light-switch to turn it on.

“Hey, Cindy, I’ve been calling you all day. Is your cellphone dead again?”

“Uh… maybe.”

He sighs. “So, you want to go out tonight? It is my birthday,” he says, exaggerating it. He had told her previously that he didn’t particularly care about his birthday, and didn’t really expect to receive gifts from people.

“We could go out…” she says, still hugging close to him, her breath on his neck, “if you want to. I’ve got a restaurant picked out… your favorite… my treat. And after, we could go see that new Ricci brothers movie you’ve been so excited about. And then we could buy a loaf of bread, and sit by the bay feeding the ducks until the sun sets…”

Slightly distracted by her seductive demeanor, he doesn’t respond at first, but after a moment, he seems to agree.

“…or… we could stay inside, and you could fuck my ass.”

He freezes. He tries to read her expression for any sign of a “got ya!” but all he can notice is a faint, haughty smirk and a hint of anticipation. She suggested a romantic night out on the town, and he certainly wouldn’t mind going to his favorite restaurant, seeing the movie he’s been waiting to see for months, and then relaxing by the seaside… but… but… butt…

She doesn’t say anything to ease the tension. She watches his mind jumping through hoops. Watching him turn himself inside out was probably worth it. Had he heard her wrong? He suddenly becomes very aware of her weight sitting in his lap. His hands are on her back, but he could answer her anadolu yakası kendi evinde görüşen escort without saying anything… but what made her change her mind? Had she changed her mind? Is it a trap?

“We could… we could go to the movies…” he says, half-committed to his decision.

“We could… but don’t you want to stick it in my pooper?” she says, and he whimpers. “ I know you’ve been wanting to for… well, since you first told me, but I’m sure it’s been at least a little longer than that.”

He remains silent. Again, she watches the wheels turning. Just as he’s about to speak, she slips off of his lap and turns away towards the door. “Alright, movie it is,” she says, walking deliberately away from him. Before she has a chance to turn and see his reaction, his arms are around her, and he pulls her towards him with so much force that she’s nearly lifted off her feet.

“H-hey!” she admonishes, not wanting to lose control of the situation. He lessens his grip, somewhat, and starts to kiss at her neck, apparently under the impression that he should be doing his best to romance her. She appreciates the effort.

She bends over to touch her toes and is nearly knocked to the floor in thanks, as he nearly barrels her over in his excitement. “Let’s… ungh… go over to the bed,” she stammers out while he humps her from behind. He releases his hold on her, and blinks half-mindedly, as if recovering from a daze.

“Is this for real?” he says, though out of genuine incredulity or boyish glee she isn’t sure.

“No promises,” she says, draping her arms around his neck again, leaning up to kiss him, “but if you play your cards right,” she continues, turning around with her arms still embracing him.
“What do I have to do?” he says, and the way he says it makes her consider giving him a list of her enemies. She walks over to his bedroom door, and leans against the frame.

“Kiss me,” she says, with a bit more hesitance than she thought she would.

She expects him to bound over to her in a single step and smash his lips into hers, but he calmly, if deliberately, walks over to where she is, leans low and kisses her softly. She closes her eyes, and puts her hand on his chest.

“Not there,” she says, though with less of an edge than she thought she would, when they part. She’s not sure if it’s because he’s trying to “play his cards right,” as she’d suggested, but the way he’s acting is making it difficult for her to keep the breaks on.

Which is to his advantage, as the very next thing she knows, she’s face-up on the bed, and her shirt is off. So is his. She’s halfway between the headboard and the foot of the bed, and he is before her, pulling her legs up. She motions to unfasten her pants, but he’s already done it, and is now pulling at her pant legs, taking off her underwear simultaneously. He doesn’t even bother to remove her socks before she feels his breath on her sensitive parts. She absentmindedly places her hand on his head, urging him forward, and when his tongue makes first contact she grips at the sheets, having already worked herself up more than intended. Her heart is racing and her lips are trembling. She squeezes him with her thighs while he licks her up and down, soft and teasing at first, and then growing more and more insistent, pausing occasionally to try and thrust the tip up inside of her vagina. To his credit, he manages to keep his focus there, showing a greater level of self-restraint than she currently is, thrashing her petite upper body in ecstasy while her lower half keeps him pinned in place, her wet warmth robbing him of breath, while he ignores any and all discomfort in favor of continuing his pace, which stays steadily even as she grows more and more tense, ever more and more soaking. If he needs to come up for air, her thighs are ensuring that he can if and when she gets what she wants. And she does, as her body goes completely tense, and he feels her legs constrict around him once, twice, thrice, and she buries her face in a pillow and moans heavily, her first orgasm of the night a short, intense one.

Her eyes still adjusting to the post-orgasm world, she looks down at him between her legs, and remembers what it is she agreed to. Were it not his birthday, she would have little hesitation asking for another go, but instead, she rolls over onto her belly, and fishes through his nightstand for the tube of lube that she’d hidden there previously. If he notices this forethought, he doesn’t mention it, and instead rubs his face ungracefully against her backside, taking special care to kiss her beauty mark, which he’d already confessed was his favorite spot of hers. Having a conspicuous spot on the part of her that men were already particularly focused on made her self-conscious, as knowing she had a mark there was an embarrassing tidbit that always seemed to make its way through the grapevine, like it was the only important thing to talk about. Pushing that thought aside, she comes upon the lube, and hands it off back to him, and he accepts it.

A squirting noise, and then in short order, his hands are working between her cheeks, making her backside as sticky and lubricated as the front.

“Easy now,” she says, having regained her composure, and having previously learned the danger letting a lover get too excited prior to the actual buttsex.

She doesn’t feel him for a second, and turns to see what he’s doing. He’s hesitating.

“Do you… want to be on top? It might be easier, you know, if you can control it…”

“What? Oh… sure,” she says, flipping over, trying not to get lube on the sheets. He leans back, and she crawls over to him. He watches her hips sway side to side as she crawls, and she climbs on top of him, and sits on the base of his cock. Her cheeks are sticky, and she can feel him erect against her tailbone, but he hasn’t lubed himself yet.

“You need to lube yourself up, too,” she says, taking the bottle from him. She squeezes out a handful, reaches behind her, and grabs hold of his shaft, running her hand up and down it. He moans at the touch, and she notices that he’s harder than he’s ever been. She also makes a note that, despite her history, this will be the biggest one she’s done anal with. Most girls wouldn’t let him NEAR them with that thing if that was his intention, but here she is lubing up the full length of it. She hopes that he appreciates the effort, as well.

“Now, no sudden thrusting, okay?” she says, and waits for him to nod. Instead, he gets a funny look on his face.

“Have you… done this before?”

The question catches her off-guard, and she just sits in stunned silence for a second. He chuckles to himself, which breaks the tension, but her cheeks redden. He looks her up and down, as if deliberately “resizing” her, and so to steal back the reins, she pushes him over, and sits up, holding his cock underneath her.

“Here,” she says, emphasizing “here” by putting him up to her puckered anus, “I’ll show you how it’s done.” With that, she starts to lower her weight onto it, but the head is too large for immediate entry. She watches him watch her with intense interest, as she pushes the tip of his cock up against the entrance to paradise. He grabs hold of her waist, and for a brief, terrible instant she thinks he’s going to pull her down onto it, but instead, he seems to be making it easier for her to hold up her own weight. She smiles anadolu yakası eve gelen escort a clumsy smile of gratitude and keeps trying to get the tip in, relaxing her body and pushing out, but his big, stubborn dick refuses to go. In frustration, she presses harder than she knows she should, and she yelps with success as it pops into place, her anal sphincter simultaneously held open by and clasping onto his upper shaft. Her breath becomes erratic and she grunts a bit in discomfort as she gets used to the challenge of it, but he doesn’t take much notice in his reverie. She takes her hand off of it – her sphincter is doing a fine job holding it in place, and puts her hands on his chest, steadying herself at that height above him. She breathes in through her teeth, as does he, but for different reasons. When she finally does start to move, only a tiny bit, he lets out a loud moan of appreciation, and she smiles in spite of it.

She gradually uses the movement to open her up, so she can lower herself onto it. Because he’s holding her up partly, she’s having an easier time of the cowgirl position than she had in the past, since having to hold herself up and relax her muscles at the same time was nearly impossible. Still, his size is an obstacle, and she’s glad that he’s smart enough not to make fun of the face that she’s making while trying to get used to the overly-stuffed sensation of his oversized member. Still, she doesn’t like the way he seems to enjoy seeing her sweat and grit her way through it. He does find it a little funny, and a little cute, but he keeps that to himself. Instead, when she’s about halfway down, he whispers “I love you,” and she slaps him hard on the chest. He flinches, and in playful retaliation, he sits up, places a hand in the small of her back, and then slaps at her big, fat cheek with the other. She yips, more out of surprise than anything, because he didn’t really put any force behind it, but as revenge she bites gently into his shoulder. This proves to be a miscalculation, as the ante-raising doesn’t end there, and he slaps her again, more of a true spank now, and then again. She bites him less playfully, but doesn’t actually tell him to stop, and so he holds his hand a long way off to the side, and she watches as it disappears behind her, and feels the burning sting of it before she hears the thunderclap, and the jolt in her loins as she comes to discover something new about herself. She leaves teethmarks in his shoulder, more out of reflex than spite, and then releases him. He rubs at the bitemark, and sees that she her eyes are tearing up.

“Are you alright?” he says, concerned, not realizing that a combination of a shock, pain and little bit of cumming caused the tears, and not sadness or betrayal. Partly because she doesn’t want to have him feel bad about it, and partly because she’s a little drunk on lust, she responds in a wordless way that raises the stakes tremendously, as she puts her hands on her own cheeks (feeling the warmth on the left one), and starts to sink down on him. She looks at him between matted bangs, biting her lip and maintaining eye contact while she slides down over him, or while she takes him inside, depending on the perspective. She nearly takes the whole thing from half of it, and she knew it would be uncomfortable, as she grits her teeth and sucks in air and her rectum protests, but the pain is surprisingly invigorating, and the look on his face would be impossible otherwise. Her insides are churning, telling her to expel the intruder, who has much too much girth for a petite girl like her, and far too long for just about anyone, but what did her insides ever do for her, anyway? She looks down at him, breathing heavily, shaking a bit.

“Say it again,” she says, sweetly.

“I love you,” he says, straining a bit from the sensation, but still as sweetly as he can in kind.

“You mean that?” she says, starting to move, slightly, again, placing her hands on his chest again.

Without warning, he pulls her up by the hips, and they separate, him popping free of her ass with a comical finger-in-mouth noise, which embarrasses her a bit. The sudden exit makes her rings spasm, and she’s about to chastise him until she sees that his face is composed and certain.

“I love you,” he says, again, and pulls her onto his chest, holding her head against it.

“I love you too,” she says, and is about to fall deep into the moment until she remembers what they were doing. She pushes herself up, again, into her sitting position, and then lines his cock up with her entrance again. “Now, you don’t belong there,” she says, pushing his head back inside, and then rearing up. “You belong in here.”

She starts to ride up and down, longer strides now than she had before, and he grabs onto her waist again, but this time he takes a more active role. She knows that if they do this often enough, she’ll be able to fit snugly around him with only minor discomfort, and then they can really go wild, but for now, she’s still keeping him to an even, half-shaft pace. Still, he presses up against her walls with a force, as she’s too tight to accommodate how thick he is. Another girl might consider them mismatched lovers, what with his fat cock and her necessarily petite, taut options, but Cindy isn’t a quitter.

She wonders why she keeps acquiescing to these requests, aside from just her good nature and her desire to keep her partners satisfied in all the ways she can. Here she is, bouncing up and down on another stiff cock in her ass, when she could have just stuck to her guns and ignored it. Of course, while she doesn’t like to admit it, she knows the real reason why. She knows her body’s best feature, and she knows that she likes it when a guy goes crazy for it. Most of all, though, she knows that she likes the feeling of it disappearing up her chute, over and over again, or she wouldn’t be able to stand how big this one was. Or sit on it, for that matter.

He has her stop for a second, which leaves them in the awkward position of having him inside of her ass while she sits on him, still, while he fumbles around on the floor for something, which amuses her. He comes back up with a remote in hand, and uses it to turn on the stereo. He clicks it a few more times, and starts playing one of her favorite songs. Without saying another word, they resume their pace.

She thinks that it’s a sweet, romantic gesture… until she notices what he’s using the bass beat for… and then she has to admit that it’s kind of hot. She also likes the position, as from a doggy style position (which is what guys usually request), she has to stimulate herself, and from any reverse position, she can’t watch her boyfriend’s face while she’s coaxing it out of him. She also likes that he’s helping her do the work, which all in all, means that she’s enjoying it quite a bit. She can’t have the full sheet-ripping orgasms from before, but she feels herself building to something all the same.

Without thinking, she coos “right there…” to him a few times, and he responds by putting his hand underneath where she’s rubbing against him. Him touching her clit sets her off, and she sighs through a small, satisfying one, constricting around him involuntarily in the middle of it.

He’s smugger than before. “You like it in your ass, don’t you?” he says, reaching up to her face, and slipping a finger into her mouth. If it wasn’t his birthday, she’d anadolu yakası escort give him a piece of her mind, but instead, she just smiles coyly. She doesn’t want him getting too full of himself, but a little riding high was good for anybody. In the past, a few guys had played up the “you’re a little whore” angle too strongly, and she’d left them high and dry. Right now, though, she didn’t want to have a prideful temper tantrum, along the lines of standing up just as he’s about to finish, as if to say “I’m taking my butt and going home.”

Instead, seeing that he’s quickly approaching his limit, and is trying to stammer out that he’s about to fire off like a geyser, she has a different ending in mind. He dutifully gave hers, without hesitation or complaint, and so she’s more than willing to return the favor, a final birthday gift that he won’t soon forget. At the height of his stroke, nearly slipping free, she sits down, or perhaps more accurately slides down, burying him in all the way, nearly sitting on his sack while he’s suddenly now pushing open twelve inches of her protesting rectum that are definitely going to feel it in the morning. Her soft weight is resting down on him, and while normally she’d be a bit self-conscious about it, in that state, with him lodged in her most vulnerable place, she looks down on his face, covered in sweat and contorted in ecstasy, and has a quiet moment of triumph all to herself. She squeezes her sphincter around his base, and his eyes nearly roll up into his head. She enjoys knowing that with just a quick few squeezes, she could squeeze it out of him like toothpaste. Or lube. She considers saying “yes, I like it in my ass. Don’t you?” but decides to save that for another time. Instead, she rears up, all of her weight supported on her big round tush, pressing it down on his pole, and feigns concern. “What’s the matter?” she says, shaking her hips and butt a bit, knowing that he’s in absolutely no position to answer. She stretches and turns to look back at where he’s penetrating her, and she can see that his cock is pulsing at the base. A twin pair of devil and angel appear on her bare shoulders and tell her both to stand immediately and to sit still for a belly-filling moment longer, and she’s not even sure which is which. It’s quickly a moot point, however, as though the pair of figures remain nearly perfectly still, he groans, and she can see it on his face a second before she can actually feel him erupt in her ass, a sudden impact, and then building pressure, as he fills her now-sticky bowels with a desperate deluge of thick, teased-out sludge. She suddenly finds it difficult to breath, and she realizes that in his excitement, he’s squeezing her waist so tightly that she’s locked in place. She feels a little twinge of embarrassment at his eagerness, and a little bit of pride, and more than a little bit of excitement, herself, knowing that she’d have no choice in the matter if she had decided differently. Then again, she’d already made her choice, and once it was made, he didn’t have a chance to pick out an alternate ending. She thinks to warn him that he’s hurting her, but he relents before she does, and pulls her down from her position on high, bringing her face close to his.

She pulls her face away from him, and he kisses her neck in unconscious desire. “You want to kiss my face while you’re shooting in my ass?” He grabs her by the nape of the neck and pulls her into a kiss that she barely fights before returning it in earnest, knowing full-well the sorts of names he’s picking out for her in his head as he frenches her while nutting in her butt. Still, his kiss is affectionate, and she can’t fault a boy for wanting to think of her in that way while literally further in her than a thermometer. She wouldn’t let him see her blush, though.

When the twitching stops, and he’s filled her up as much as she can, to the point where she can feel it sloshing around, she kisses him again. “Did you like it?” she says, knowing that anyone would have a hard time giving him a better experience with anal.

“When can we do it again?” he says, eyes lightning up, and she grabs his chin and shakes his head.

“Now you’ll have something to look forward to your next birthday for,” she says, eyes narrowing, and she can see his terror. “Maybe Christmas, if you’re good.”

“But… I thought… did you not like it?”

She sighs. “I’m kidding. Yeah, I liked it… just don’t get any ideas. I only let gentleman fuck my ass.”

He smiles. “My lady, you will find that I am of the highest order of gentleman,” he says, and then reaches behind her to slap her ass again. “Sometimes.”

“That’s fine,” she says, running her finger along his chest until it touches his hand, “you’ll find that I am of the highest order of lady,” she says, taking his finger into her mouth, and sucking the tip, “sometimes.”

“I… yeah,” he says, still shellshocked.

She looks behind her again, and then back at him. “You ready to come out?”


She leans forward, and pulls him out slowly. The head pops free like a champagne cork, and she resists the urge to let his copious gift follow. It will take her a bit to get back to a less open state, and as it is, she’s glad she didn’t have a big lunch. Like clockwork, and just like all the others, he eagerly requests to see his handiwork. She pushes aside the thought that he resembles a fresh-faced young boy who had a new toy to play with, noting that she’d probably have to admonish him after all was said and done that her puckered anus is, in fact, not a toy. A bit indignant, as is her usual demeanor directly before, during and after a rump-roast, she spins around on him, reversing the position, which she liked to think of as “slutty cowgirl.” She sat on his abdomen, which was hard, with her backside, which was soft, and she had to admit that the odd skin-on-skin contact was pleasant. She knew he was running his eyes up and down her body, or at least, up to the small of her back. Looking over her shoulder, she confirms her suspicion, as he makes no attempt to look up at her face. She rubs her bottom on him, and he finally meets her eyes.

“This is what you want to see, right?” she says, rolling her eyes, before leaning forward, grabbing onto his ankles, hiking her rear-end up in the process. She shakes it in his face, and swears she can feel him release more cum onto her stomach as a result. He gets an eyeful of the full, naked moon that he’d been denied viewing while they were actually going at it, as well as a proper view of the place where he’d left behind a few billion sperm. Her anus gapes slightly, looking every bit as indignant as its owner, and for a brief flash imitates the amount it was forced open when he was inside of it. Having satisfied his request, Cindy dismounts abruptly, before he has a chance to stick his finger inside. She thinks that his tool can’t be much smaller than a fist, but she’d rather not bet her ass on it. When she starts to walk over toward the bathroom, he lunges after her, hugging his face to her rear. Before he has a chance to motorboat it, like some kind of moron, she spins to face him, and instead he grabs around hips (his hands, of course, finding their way to her cheeks) and holds onto her. She pats his head, half-affectionately, half-impatiently, and he eventually relinquishes his bear-hug. Her legs wobbly, her knees slightly knocked, she marches ungracefully to the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She could hear him half-heartedly complaining that she wasn’t being very romantic, and she muttered to herself that if he put it in her front, their lovemaking wouldn’t conclude with a passionate trip to sit on the toilet and drop his load a second time. She feels his sperm swimming around in her belly, getting anxious, so she takes a seat, and waits for his birthday present to finish its journey.

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She’s My Best Friends Girl

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


She’s my best friends girl.

OK, a little background:
My name is David, I’m 27 yrs old single and I continue to play the field. My best friend is Brad he is also 27 yrs old and his wife is Cindy, she is 26.
Brad and I have known each other since high school so we go back at least 10 yrs and did the usual like hang out, drink, and chase girls. The girl chasing continued right on until about 5 yrs ago for Brad.
Brad was dating Cindy then he decided to make it permanent and the were married about 3 yrs ago. We both knew Cindy from high school when her and Brad dated off and on. They split a few times back in the day but kept in loose contact for a few years then it got cranked up again and led to marriage.
We all go back many years and know each other very well. I have went out with some of Cindy’s friends back in school and since then. I had been dating Amy, a friend of Cindy’s, and we were serious until recently. We all get together at one house or the other or go out, etc but that has slowed down some especially since Cindy is pregnant.
Brad is a territorial manager and travels one week out of the month and Cindy works at a doctors office.
I do inside sales for an equipment and parts distributor.

I got a call Saturday around noon from Cindy. Brad is traveling and their air conditioner has quit and being July it didn’t take long to get miserable. They know my experience with these things and didn’t want to call just any repair contractor so she asked if I would mind checking it out.
We help each other all the time, that’s what friends are for so of course I head over there to see what I can do.

Let me describe Cindy, she is about 5’9″ and typically about 120 lbs with straight blond hair that reaches halfway down her back and she has crisp blue eyes and she has always been slender and lean. Oh yes, she is pretty. .
She is about 6 months pregnant now (and may be 130 lbs now) so her belly is rounded out, her breasts and ass have increased in size. Not in a bad way either because as far as I’m concerned she looks a bit better and more defined to me. She always kept in shape, not that she works out but she is just a naturally slender woman and she watches what she eats so it’s not like she has gained weight all over. She is a slender woman with a rounded belly. She has fresh clear smooth skin and needs no make up.
Cindy answers the door and here she stands before me in her condition, drenched with sweat, a thin white top with small straps to hold it up and its clinging to her body, a pair of thin shorts and her long hair pulled back and fastened.

Given her features I don’t think a condition exists where she wouldn’t still look good.
“Thanks for coming”, she said.
“Not a problem”, I said .
I looked her up and down in a fashion like I was “checking her out” and I made sure she saw me doing it.
“I look a mess”, she said, putting one hand on her belly and the other wiping sweat from her brow.
“I think your HOT”, I said with a straight face.
“Your just being kind………. Oh DUH I got it”, she said rolling her eyes up and laughing.
We laughed then gave each other the obligatory hug.
“Please fix the air”, she said.

I went about diagnosing the problem, I was back and forth between the outside and inside unit. I traced the problem and began working when Cindy came around offering me something to drink. It was hot so it didn’t take long for me to be drenched in sweat and I was struggling to remove the motor given the tight conditions where it was placed.
She insisted I come to the kitchen and take a break. She had a fan going so we sat at the table to cool off and I drank some tea. She expressed how much she appreciated me coming over and we talked how Brad wasn’t very handy when it comes to things like this or even doing general things around the house even if he was here.
It was true, he asked me to come over and fix a light, a switch, a door, or whatever.
As we sat at the table and talked she asked me if I could look at the ceiling fan in their bedroom because it was making a noise. Being the jokester I am I tried to lighten things up.

“Doesn’t the fan block the view from the mirrors you guys have on the ceiling”, I said with a smile.
“Well you would know since you would have been the one to install the mirrors”, she said.
“Nah, I put myself in a pinhole camera when I was in the attic a couple months back”, I said.
“Well you haven’t seen much action then”, she said.
“Don’t shit me, you don’t get pregnant by shaking hands”, I responded.
“Yeah, well maybe he doesn’t find me attractive anymore”, she said.
“Unless he turned gay and blind I don’t think so”, I said.

She looked down and just shook her head slightly and our amusement stopped. Something was wrong and she had a hard time hiding it. We all have always threw out the sexual inuendos and inquiries. I mean since we all have known each other there wasn’t a conversation that wasn’t laced with sexual overtures but I seemed to have hit a nerve then figured maybe it’s hormones or something, I know moods can change during pregnancy.
I asked if she was OK and I apologized if I crossed a line. She said it’s fine then simply said that her and Brad hadn’t been “close” lately.
She still looked more away than at me as we continued to talk.
We finished our drinks and I went back to work on the air. Finally freeing the motor I took it to where I worked to find a replacement.
While I was on the way Brad called and I gave him the rundown of what happened and what I found and that I also found a small leak in their unit and I would fix that while I was there.
He expressed the usual gratitude and said he would be back tomorrow afternoon and we would get together at some point, etc.
I obtained what I needed and went back to their house to fix everything. While I worked Cindy would come by with a drink for me and check how things were going. I certainly didn’t mind because I got to sneak in some looks at her. I’m the type that does plenty of looking, and wondering.
I mean if a woman is HOT she just is, doesn’t matter if she’s your friends wife, girlfriend or your own girlfriends sister or her friends or whatever. I LOOK and wonder “what would it be like”, you know ?. Maybe your not supposed to look and think those things but I do and I suspect more do then don’t or they wouldn’t even admit it to themselves.
Cindy is very pretty and there is a hotness to SOME pregnant woman and she was one of them. Her pregnancy didn’t diminish her attractivness and it even enhanced certain things.

I finished up the motor installation, repaired the leak and finally cranked it up and ran through the checks. I went to the kitchen to sit in front of the fan and let the unit run so I could make sure it would operate fine. Being evening and the work was done Cindy offered me a beer and after a little bit we could start to feel the house cooling down.
She was incredibly appreciative, saying I did a lot of work and she wanted to feed me so she ordered a pizza.
While waiting for the pizza we went into the bedroom to check out the ceiling fan and I found the blades were just a little loose.
While I was on the ladder tightening loose fan blades we began to joke around and the inuendos started up again.

“So where is the camera you installed”, she asked.
“Above your side of the bed”, I said.
“You wouldn’t want to look at me much lately”, she said.
I was finishing up the last of the blades and tightening a few other things and even replaced one of the light bulbs in the globe and I was about to come down the ladder.
“How much are we going to owe you”, she asked.
“Ah, we’ll just take it out in trade”, I said looking down at her while holding a laugh.
“Hell, I would be owing you”, she said. She feigned half a smile as she said that and looked straight out like she had something on her mind.

I have to admit, just the thought of it was getting me hard. I mean with all the inuendos thrown out among various people and groups there is always an element of want, need or desire in them. Hell, how naughty would that be anyway, your best friends wife, she’s pregnant and gorgeous, he is out of town…………… I mean they make movies on those woman’s channels about stuff like this.

The doorbell rang and we knew the pizza was here. She headed out to answer the door and I finished up, got my tools and put the ladder back in their garage and I cleaned up a bit in their washout sink since their laundry room is where you enter the garage.
I got back to the kitchen, she had the pizza on the table and another beer waiting for me.
“What were you doing out there”, she said.
“Oh, I was just changing the tape in the camera”, I said with a big smile.
She rolled her eyes and with a slight smile, “you will be bored to tears”, she said.
“That’s what you think” I said.
We ate pizza and she seemed to be looking off in the distance and thinking. When she did start talking it was about her friend Amy, who I was in a relationship with until recently.
It had been a month since Amy and I split, well since Amy decided to split.
She said that her and Amy “talked” and she hoped I wouldn’t be mad about anything shared and wondered if I was OK. I acknowledged that it was a tender subject for me but I told her I know woman talk and that since I treated Amy good and that she never had any complaints I knew about so whatever they shared it didn’t bother me.

“Well she isn’t going to make it long with the guy she’s with, but he’s “the bad boy”, said Cindy as she shook her head in wonder.
“I guess I’m just a nice guy, to nice huh”, I asked.
“There is nothing wrong with that, don’t change a thing, she knows what a wonderful guy your are”, she said.
“Yeah, a lot of good it’s done me, she still left me”, I said.

We talked about how all woman seem to want the bad boy then regret it afterwords and correlated that to how some men have strict criteria for the type of woman they want. The conversation melded into how people are superficial and what is the basis for attraction and is love real………..the conversation became very philosophical.
Cindy said that Amy told her we had conversations like that but her and Brad didn’t and she wished they did. She also affirmed that Amy had NO complaints, in any department of our relationship.
I was washed with a flood of emotions as Cindy told me this. I sat there looking back on what once was along with the thought of rejection stemming from things that were just fine by most standards.
Cindy noticed the change in my face and tone, she could tell I was hurt and she apologized but she was actually hoping to make me feel better by telling me it wasn’t anything I did or didn’t do, etc.

In an attempt to alleviate any guilt she may have for bringing up the subject I said, “It’s all right, I just think about it sometimes and I miss her and……things”. I glanced at her, figuring she would get what I was referring to.
It had been a month since I had sex so sitting here thinking of and talking about Amy made me long for “attention”. The sexual inuendos helps confirm that you are still wanted, needed, attractive, viril, sexy, etc. I appreciated Cindy’s sensitivity and the confirmation that I did things right in my relationship with Amy.
These anadolu yakası rus escort confirmations are not just a woman’s domain, we all need it.

Cindy looked at me, “I get what your saying, I understand BELIEVE ME”, she said.
“Things haven’t been good”, I asked.
“I don’t think he loves me anymore”, she said as her eyes watered.
I told her that was far from the truth and I assured her that Brad loves her and expressed how good of a person she is. I listed all her personality attributes. She retorted that all those things are great and the way it should be but that it means nothing to Brad. She feels that the physical attributes seemed to be more important to him and that Brad hasn’t touched her since she just started to show and she feels he is repulsed by her.
I know how he is and I expect she certainly does as well since I know there is some validity to what she feels. Brad has always liked his woman slender from head to toe and he is very explicit in his criteria.
I wouldn’t admit it to Cindy rather I tried to allay her fears and talked about other aspects concerning Brad. She countered that she wouldn’t expect me to say anything different and that I was being a good friend by trying to back him up.
She laid out the list of girls and woman he dated and she was right, there was no variation in the type. He ALWAYS went with slender, blond, blue eyes and between 5’7″ and 5’9″.

On the other hand she listed all the girls and woman I went out with over the years and it was incredibly diverse in comparison. Be they tall, petite, blond, brunette, red head, slender, a little chunky, etc. She said either I was about the individual rather than hooked on one body type or I’m just not very discriminating and an opportunist.
I told her I find beauty in many female forms and my interest is in conjunction with their character. I am a typical red blooded guy as well but I’m not a hound dog either. She said she knew that about me but had to throw jab at me but I did concede that opportunity is a somewhat of a factor but she knows I don’t just poke and run.

“I think Brad loves me but not ME”, she said she said jabbing a finger at her heart.
“Cindy, there are plenty of woman who fit the “criteria” but he married YOU”, I said trying to make a point.
“I know and your right but on the physical part I don’t fit the mold anymore and so I feel he doesn’t love me inside”, she said.
She was getting emotional and I was somewhat uncomfortable with her confiding in me. I didn’t know if she was spilling her guts in an attempt to have me validate her concerns or convince her she was wrong about it all. I thought to myself that I need to inject some levity into the situation and try to sway the conversation elsewhere.
“Cindy, I’m not a woman or a licensed bartender, you sure you want to discuss this with me”, I said with a smile.
She smiled and reached over and grab my hand and gave it a squeeze.
“Your a friend and I know how easy you are to talk to”, she said.
I looked down as she withdrew her hand. It felt good, she had soft hands plus I haven’t talked to anyone since Amy and I split and she understood. She knows me and she know Amy but there is something to sitting in front of and talking with a pretty woman that just warms things up. I was thinking crazy things in my head right now. I am hurt, lonely, and horny. I don’t need to be in this state in this situation, I didn’t need this aggravation.

“We’re kind of in the same boat”, she said.
I nodded my head slightly to affirm what she said.
“I know it was more than that with you and Amy but…..it’s been awhile huh”, she asked.
I drew in a breath and, “Yeah”, I said as I looked down at the table.
“Maybe we can help each other out”, she said.
My eyes immediately went from the table to her. She didn’t have a smile on her face rather she looked at me and shrugged her shoulder as to express “why not”. I didn’t need this, I figured she would bust out laughing at any time but the continued silence along with the straight look on her face and my cock began to harden.
I had thoughts racing through my head as I tried to interpret what she meant by that. Perhaps she means we can help my talking to each other about our issues or that she wants me to talk with Brad and she talk to Amy.
I’m sure she doesn’t mean her and I, me and her, that we should…………… NAHHHHH.
I decided it was time to lighten things up again so a little inuendo as a retort would be appropriate given my nature, that way I don’t look stupid and presumptuous. Then I can get through this, go home and clean up then pound one off to clear my mind.

“MMM baby, what did you have in mind”, I said with a smile.
“SEX”, she said, still keeping that straight face.
“Your not serious”, I said as I continued my smile.
She kept her straight face and didn’t flinch. Either she had restraint she never had before when we joked around like this or she was dead serious. I was resigned to give in because the frustration was just to much for me.
“Alright, what do you mean sex, sex with who”, I asked with a smirk on my face instead of a smile.
“Each other”, she said, still no smile.
I just looked at her with the same smirk as I explored her eyes, what I saw made the smirk disappear. Her eyes had the look of seriousness. I still thought that either she is throwing my inuendos back at me to teach me a lesson or something but either way I was ready to concede defeat. My need was desperate and this wasn’t funny to me anymore.
I drew in a breath, let it out and shook my head slightly as I spoke, “Cindy, don’t play with me like that”, I said.
“Look, I need to have sex BAD. Brad hasn’t so much as touched me in 3 months and I doubt he is going without”, she said.

I wanted to argue with her about whatever Brad may or may not be doing while at the same time I had empathy for her. I know Brad has his strict criteria but this is his wife and even though she is not the slender woman she was a few months back she is still a pretty and sensuous woman. I sat there amazed and thought how could he keep his hands off of her.
I had thoughts in my head which I knew were driven by the lack of sex, the fact I always thought Cindy was HOT, that he is gone, that she needs it and to top it off this would be sooooo naughty and wrong.
I wanted to have sex with her, I wanted it really bad and here is the opportunity. I knew I had to restrain myself but there is only so much a guy can take given certain situations. I didn’t want to do the wrong thing but I was so weak and overcome with desire, I needed to have my cock buried in a warm wet pussy and I was willing to justify anything to satisfy that need.
Still trying to remain calm and restrained I intended to ask her a series of questions to interpret her full desire and be ahead of any resulting fallout afterwords.

“You really want to do this”, I asked.
“Yes. It doesn’t have to mean anything, it can be just sex”, she said.

Now I have never been the one to just bang a woman and go nor have I been with a woman that is like that. The female body is like a work of art to me. Each one is different but share common elements that come together in may different forms and can be appreciated individually. I derive pleasure from exploring their bodies and when sex is between two people that really know each other then it seems to be more than just sex and this is a case in point. We have known each other a long time and as woman talk to each other about their “experiences” they have more information.
Cindy has talked with Amy and I bet she has shared certain details plus Cindy seems to be a bit of an opportunist as well. I imagine she is justifying things in her mind being that she is blind with need just as I am…………here I am justifying a wrong in my mind as I stared at her.

“So what do you say, help each other out”, she said, her eye brows raised in question.
“One condition….No regrets”, I said.
I wanted it to be true and hoped it would be true but the potential for regret is obviously HUGE, we knew it. By satisfying a mutual need and not getting “attached” then perhaps regret can be averted but it’s amazing what can flood into ones mind the instant after gratification.
We figured if we can hold on to the appreciation of satisfying each other and kept as a secret between friends then we could have a fond memory for years to come.

Without a word we each pushed back our chairs and stood up. I followed her to their guest bedroom. I walked through the door and stepped to the side of the bed and turned, she stood at the door looking at me then slowly closed it. There was still plenty of daylight outside and with the window blind down and closed the room was still bathed in light that filtered through the slats. She walked to the window and pulled the drapes closed in an attempt to darken the room some.
She turned to look at me and said, “I’m a little modest”, as she put a hand on her stomach.
“You don’t need to be”, I said.
She smiled and looked down then walked to the other side of the bed, turned and sat on the edge.
“David, I really appreciate this”, she said.

I didn’t know how to respond I mean what do you say “no problem, it’s OK, think nothing of it”, WHAT ?.

I continued to stand as I began to take my shirt off as. She pulled her top off and removed her bra. I kept an eye on her to watch her movements to spot any hesitation that wasn’t the result of modesty in leiu of a sudden change of mind. I removed my pants but kept my boxers on “just in case”.
As she remained seated she turned her head slightly to look in my direction then she removed her shorts and panties in one motion without standing up.
“I’m shy”, she said.
“You don’t need to be”, I said.
She kept her back to me then turned her head and body enough to look back at me. Her eyes went from mine to my boxers then back to my eyes.
“Your shy”, she said.
“Nope”, I said as I pulled down my boxers while I bent over then stood back up.
Her eyes went wide as she looked at my cock then said, “oh my god”.

We looked at each other for several more seconds then I said, “you still want to do this”.
She nodded her head yes and I crawled up onto the middle of the bed and rested on my knees. She scooted back then laid down and turned on her side facing me and began to lean her head in towards me while reaching to grab my cock with her hand.
“You don’t have to do that”, I said.
“I want to”, she said.
I leaned over, moving my cock closer to her mouth and she took me in. She didn’t just take me in she eagerly pulled me into her mouth trying to take as much as she could. I supported myself on one arm as I leaned over her head while I took my other hand and grabbed her hair.
This cause her to take my in even more. She wanted me to force my cock into her mouth so I tightened my grip on her hair and pulled her head onto me as I thrust my hips to fuck her mouth. She loved the fact that I was like “forcing her” onto me, she wanted and needed to know that she could please.
There was no doubt she was pleasing me as I let out an, OHHHHHHHH CINDY, IT FEELS GOOD, SUCK MY DICK. She was pent up with need and desire and made little, “mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm,” noises as anadolu yakası sevişen escort she worked hard to take on my dick.

After a few minutes I just began to get that feeling and I didn’t want to come, not yet anyway. I wanted her pussy, her pregnant pussy. I wanted to get as deep in her as I possibly could. I eased the grip on her hair as a signal that I was ready to proceed.
She didn’t stop at all, I was in heaven from the pleasure she was giving me as well as me looking down and seeing her pretty face as my dick stretched her sweet mouth. Her eyes were closed and she had no plan to stop.
The cum started to rise towards it’s exit as my breathing picked up. My eyes closed as I tried to concentrate on not cumming but my minds eye only contained the last thing I saw which was Cindy’s sweet mouth stretched over my dick and all I could imagine was the cum spurting from into her mouth.
“UH, UH, UH, UH, UH, CINDY YOUR GONNA MAKE ME CUM BABY. She increased the suction on my dick and began to let her tongue glide along the bottom of my shaft as she worked.
I resigned to the fact that she wasn’t going to stop until she made me cum. I grabbed her hair again and now concentrated on relieving my own pent up need.
If she wanted me to cum in her mouth then that’s what I was going to give her, as much as she could handle.
My cum had risen all the way up my shaft now and I could feel some precum leak out as I squeezed my muscles closed. If I was going to cum then I wanted to cum big and hard with force.
I let the pressure build as she continued to work. The more pressure that built the tighter I gripped her hair, the tighter my eyes closed.
I was at the bursting point, “OHHHHHH”, I moaned out as I began to lean my head back and I squeezed my muscles even tighter. I couldn’t contain it anymore, I had to cum, I was about to cum in my friends wifes sweet mouth. Her expert sucking, her sweet face, the wrongness of it all was all I could take, “I’M CUMMMMMING”, I roared.
I relaxed my muscles and let out a loud, “UH”, as an initial small squirt splashed into her mouth. Behind that initial spurt came a torrent of cum shooting from my dick, “UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”, I painfully shouted out. That huge flow of cum hurt just a little as It worked it way out.
Now my cock muscles began to convulse as I moaned painful and relieving, “UHHH, UHHH, UHHH, UHHH as stream after stream of boiling hot pent up cum shot from my peehole and into Cindy’s sweet mouth.
Each time I shot into her mouth Cindy moaned, MMM, MMM, MMM, MMM as she tasted and swallowed my cum. I was almost in a trance as I just kept my grip on her hair with my eyes closed tight as she worked my shaft with her mouth. I snapped back to and released my rip when she pulled back and tongued my sensitive head.
She pulled off and with her hand wrapped around my cock she applied pressure to her thumb and ran it under my shaft as she pulled her hand up my cock in an attempt to extract more cum. As she pulled my dick a glob of sticky cum bubbled up at my peehole. She place her mouth over my head to suck and tongue. She liked what she tasted as she loudly went, “MMMMMMM”, as she extracted what was left.
I was looking down at her and as she finished she pulled off of my dick and looked at me. I stroked her hair and looked at her while shaking my head and she spoke first.

“I needed to do that and when we do it I want it to last”, she said.
I looked up and down her body as she laid there.
“Your not turned off by my stomach”, she asked.
NO, your beautiful”, I said.
She smiled big, rolled over and oriented her body to the length of the bed. I moved over and laid down next to her. She truly did look beautiful. I laid on my side behind her but not scooting my body up to hers, there was a little bit of space between us.
Not able to curb my natural tendencies I reached out and put my hand on her shoulder and ran down her arm and onto her side following the curve of her waist, hip and butt.
I almost anticipated her to recoil as I did this because she may interpret my affection as attachment. She was my friend, she was my friends wife and I was not going to get attached but I do appreciate a woman’s body and to ignore them after a session is just not in my nature.
As I ran my hand along her butt, side and back she seemed relaxed and almost purred with a barely audible, “mmmmmmmmmm”.

She was receptive, I scooted up closer so I could feel her body against mine which allowed me to expand my reach. I wanted to feel her all over. I ran my hand over her waist then forward as I followed the curve of her pregnant belly.
I was a bit surprised as she relaxed even more by letting out a breath, pushing her back against me and stretching her arm out in front of her. I moved my hand up to her breasts taking one in my hand and gently squeezing then continued to let my hand roam all over her smooth body .
“oh my god this feels good………I don’t get this”, she very softly said.
Now I had a little worry about attachment from her. I don’t have a clue what kind of attention Brad gives her even when she wasn’t pregnant but I couldn’t help it, she has a terrific body and her pregnancy didn’t diminish a thing.
“You mean you don’t get this lately”, I said.
“NO, I mean I have NEVER gotten this”, she said.
“WHAT, I can’t believe that”, I said.
“I’m telling you the truth”, she said.

I laid there thinking what the fuck is wrong with Brad, his wife is blazing hot and she has an all around pleasant personality. We laid there and talked and I could tell she didn’t want to go on and on harping about her husband so I didn’t inquire anymore but she talked about some things that Amy had told her and she acknowledged that she is experiencing things that Amy told her about me, everything from aggression to the size of my cock to the affection.
I knew woman talked but Amy contributed more detail than what I thought but still wasn’t sure how much. The talk of Amy, plus Cindy’s hot body in front of me, the terrible wrong and secrecy of this whole thing plus what we had yet to do was getting me excited, again.
As I laid there snugged up to Cindy my cock grew and it was applying pressure against her butt.
With all my rubbing of her body I hadn’t even touched her pussy. I ran my hand over her belly and down to her snatch. I couldn’t get access like that so I ran my hand over her butt and into her crack. I followed it to her pussy and ran a finger in her slit.

She was moist, but not enough. She pulled her legs up a little as I rubbed her slit and alternated by running a finger into her hole. She was TIGHT. I wanted my cock in that tight hole of hers so bad but I had to work it a little more. She leaned her back towards mine as her breathing picked while I continued to work then she let out a soft, “uhhhhhh” as her warm fluid greased my finger.
I pushed myself up to my knees as she rolled over and got onto her knees and I positioned myself behind her.
“Take your pick”, she said. That let me know for sure that Amy told her everything.
“How about some of each”, I responded.
“OH YESSSS”, She said.
I was really worked up now. As wrong as this whole thing is I figured we can’t compound a wrong and if we’re going to do it then let’s really do it.
With one hand holding my tool and the other on her hip I began to aimed my throbbing meat at her wet pregnant pussy.
“Easy, it’s been awhile and your huge”, she said.
The excitement of it had increased my heart rate and blurred my mind. All I wanted to do was shove it in and fuck her sweet little snatch but I had to control myself.
I gently guided myself to her hole, my soft squishy head deformed as I applied a little pressure. She picked her head up and held a breath as her cunt lips parted with a creamy smacking sound and the flare of my head brushed past and was squeezed by the tightness of her neglected hole, I was IN and it was exquisite. She let out a breath.
“Oh My God, Your So Tight”, I moaned.
I wanted to continue but as I pushed she tensed up, “EASY”, she grunted.
“Sorry”, I said.
“It’s OK, it’s been a while”, she said.

I pulled out slightly and started to gently go in and out to make sure her entry and my cock was being coated with her jizz then I pushed in to half my length and she let out a loud, “UH, UH, OHHHH”, as I continued to saw in and out to half my length.
After a few more strokes I pushed some more in which cause her to moan, “UHHH, UHHH, UHHH, DO IT DAVID, GIVE IT TO ME.
I pulled back then pushed my entire length into her that caused her to let out a loud grunting “UHHHH” as I moaned out “OHHHHHH” in pleasure.
I had a grip on her slender hips and begain to really fuck her pregnant pussy, her married pregnant pussy, my best friends wifes pregnant pussy, a hot tight pussy he has been neglecting.
She moved with me and rocked her hips as I fucked into her. she moved while making grunting noises, she did need this, she wanted this, she loved this
I pounded into her without any other thought than how dam hot and passionate she was being. I was going to satisfy her and myself. I was giving her what he should have been getting, what she needed and at this point I didn’t feel the least bit bad about it.

She was on all fours now with her head back and her belly hanging, “OH DAVID, THIS FEELS SOOO GOOD. I was fully enjoying this, her pussy was wet and tight and she had a need that I was going to satisfy.
I had plenty of energy and thanks to her sucking the cum from my dick I wasn’t going to blow anytime to soon. I ran a hand up and down her arched back as she breathed then panted as her cum flooded my hardened steel dick which was like a piston going in and out of her dripping hot cunt.
I was fucking her hard and the muscles in my back and upper legs burned with fatigue. I wasn’t about to quit or slow down, the burning in my muscles couldn’t over come the pleasure my dick had from Cindy’s hot,tight, married pussy nor could it stop the advance of the cum boiling out of my balls and rising like mercury up my shaft.

I began to moan as I felt myself building to an eruption, “OH, OH, OH, OH, OH”.
Cindy started to grunt as she pushed back at me and rocked herself back and forth, she knew I was getting really close.
I was there but holding it, I intended to shoot hard and deep inside her. I was pounding away, my face was contorted with pleasure and pain, pain from holding back so much pressure, pain form my burning muscles and pleasure from the feel of her cunt gripping my shaft.
It felt like my cock was swelling and if I didn’t release soon it would bust wide open.
With a final push I held deep inside her and “OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I’M CUMMING INSIDE YOUUUUUUU”, I roared as a blast of molten white hot lava burned her insides

“I HAVE TO CUM, UH, UH, UH……..OW !”, she screamed out.
As I pumped her I felt my cock washed in her scorching hot liquid then I shoved in deep, “AHHHHHHHHH”, I yelled out, as another wave of boiling semen coated her insides.
I was breathing heavily now from all the fucking and the climax as well as the tension of from every muscle in my body.
I anadolu yakası escort fucked in and out a few more strokes and pushed with an, “UHHHHHHHHHH”, as another blast rocketed out of my dick, shooting deep inside her precious body
I felt the pressure of our cum build inside her an it began to leak back out from around my cock. I pumped in and out a few strokes and my cum soaked cock made squishy noises as I worked. I was squeezing my muscles to expel any cum I had left.
“OH CINDY, OH MY GOD, YOUR SO HOT, I NEVER CUM SO MUCH IN MY LIFE”, I said as I huffed and puffed while trying catch my breath.
I pulled out of her cum filled cunt and collapsed onto the bed. She slowly lowered herself down and onto her side facing me. We laid there in silence for a couple minutes breathing in the nice cool air.

“That was amazing David, Amy didn’t exaggerate”, she said.
I looked over at her, smiled then turned my head to look back up.
“You two talked plenty I take it”, I said.
“OH YEAH we did. .
I looked over at her and our eyes met.
“David, I needed this, I really did. I thought I would go crazy without getting any, I was afraid of what I would do”, she said
I know the urge for sex can be very powerful and in pregnancy perhaps the urge increases, I don’t know, but either way just doing without and/or being ignored can make people do things they normally wouldn’t ?.
“No regrets”, I asked.
I expected her to think about it but her response was immediate.
“NONE….and you”, she asked, looking at me with raised eye brows.
“NOPE, I should feel bad…………I feel bad for NOT feeling bad”, I said with a smile on my face.
We laughed then she looked away and I did as well.

We laid there in silence for a little bit as our thoughts caught up then Cindy started to talk about Amy. She told me some of the details she divulged and various other things they discussed.
I was somewhat annoyed at the level of detail that Amy conveyed. No that any of it was bad actually it was all positive but just the thought she may blab her mouth to someone else, I guess it was just the principle of the thing.
I didn’t mind she was so detailed with Cindy but hoped she is a bit more discreet going forward.
Cindy asked if the things Amy told her plus what we have done (and still yet to do) would change things between all of us.
I felt it was time for some more levity so told her I’ve been removing her clothes with my eyes for years anyway so I won’t look at her any differently plus I had wondered what it would be like to have sex with her and now my curiosity is filled.
We laughed but of course there was some seriousness to her question.
I told her that I won’t be able to help but think back on this and plan to have fond memories. When we are around each other it will be like it always has been.
I told her she is my best friends wife and we needed each other and this is strictly between her and me forever, PERIOD !.
I looked directly in her eyes for confirmation, worried she may feel compelled to use this has an axe on Brad sometime in the future.
She promised that it would remain our secret to infinity and planned to think back on this in a positive fashion and that her curiosities are now satisfied as well, we both laughed.
We both agreed there are no attachments but of course there is an attraction, hell there always has been but of course you don’t normally do anything about it.

“Listen, we can’t right a wrong that has been done so there is no harm in…………. expanding on it a little more, is there”, she asked.
“What do you have in mind”, I asked.
“Something that Amy told me about”, she said.
I laid there thinking for a minute. Amy told her so many things then it hit me.
“OHHHH, you mean……..”, I said as I picked my head up with raised eyes brows as I looked over her hip to her butt.
“Uh Huh, I love it “back there” but hardly ever get it”, she said.
She was right, we can’t undo a wrong already committed and this was “just sex” for both of us. We wanted and needed satisfaction and we were prepared to get it. I think both of us could justify about anything in our minds right now. I was getting ready to speak but she beat me to it.
“David, we’re way past the point of return, I want to experience………..EVERYTHING”, she said.
“You and me both”,I said

We laid there for few minutes and I was wondering how she may “want it”, given her condition. As tight as her pussy is as compared to the size of my cock she was going to have a hard time taking it in her ass.
I have been in a situations where one woman really wanted to and others who “allowed” it. Cindy was willing, very willing in fact, and that helps a lot. This was going to be good, I wanted to fuck her tight ass as much as I did her pregnant pussy, her married pregnant pussy.
She rolled over with her back to me and I instantly scooted up behind her.

“It’s easier for me when I lay on my side, as big as you are I’ll need everything easy I can get”, she said.
We laid snuggled up for several minutes as I explored her body. I squeezed her tits, ran my hand over her belly, over her hip and squeezed her butt. I wanted to relax her, which it did but I also wanted to feel her precious body. She raised a leg up as I rubbed down her butt and began to finger her cunt.
“Put it in my pussy first, OK”, she asked.

I guided my cock to her waiting cunt and slid in, she was very wet with jizz and goo from our previous session. She was tight and my large cock was stretching her causing her to catch a breath as I buried myself inside her.
After a couple minutes of fucking her cunt I pulled out. I fingered her a bit then rubbed some of our mixture onto her to lube things up as best as possible. I grabbed my shaft and positioned myself.
“Cindy, you ready”, I asked.
“YES”, she said.
She didn’t seem nervous at. I held my cock firm in my hand and pressed into her little puckered brown hole, she instinctively tensed up. With my tool firmly in my grip and my other hand on her shoulder I pushed the head in and stopped as her anus snapped tight.
After a few seconds I pushed and her reflex held me out, I wasn’t making any ground and I desperately wanted as much cock in her as fast as I could get it in. I hadn’t worked any at all but the excitement and anticipation caused my breathing to be labored.
I gripped her shoulder tighter and held my shaft as I applied more pressure. My cock began to spread her tight hole open, making sticky smack type noises as it pushed it’s way through.
She really tensed up from the intrusion, she arched her back out and pulled her hips in a little and she moved her arm back and put a hand on my hip pushing against me.
I let go of my cock since I was in and I put it on her hip to hold her in position and increased the force.

“easy David, easy, easy”, she said in a breathless voice.
I stopped pushing for a few seconds then began an in and out motion. Every time I pushed in she tensed and pulled her hips forward. I was getting very excited and began to speed up a little.
I tightened the grip on her shoulder and hip again and began to fuck a little harder and push more cock into her tight brownie hole. I was breathing harder now from the stimulation and she grunted under her breath as I continued to assault her asshole.
As I worked in and out for a minute there was a rhythm and she relaxed. I was almost halfway in and she was enjoying it as she breathlessly kept going, “oh, oh, oh, uh huh, uh huh.
I was getting crazy, as good as this felt I wanted to be balls deep into her. As I fucked in and out I heaved and pushed in to half my length, “UHHHHHH, OH MY GOD”, she screamed as she tightened up.
“It’s alright, relax just relax”, I said as I rubbed her back.
“How much to you have in me”, she asked.
“Just half”, I said.
JESUS CHRIST THAT’S ALL, feels like you have the whole thing in me”,she said.

I continued to fuck her incredibly tight brown hole while it was squeezing my dick so hard I thought she would choke off my blood supply. Our breathing was labored now, mine from working and stimulation and hers from tensed muscles and from her own excitement. Things began to loosen up as I moved in and out of her and she relaxed some more and just when I thought this would be all there is I was surprised by what she said next.
“Give it to me David, give it all to me”, she said.
I gripped her hip and ran my other hand back up to her shoulder and picked up the pace. After a few strokes I pushed and she let out a short scream. I continued to fuck her hot little ass and again heaved in as I buried a little more cock into her butt.
With a final push she screamed “OH, OH, OH, OHHHHHH MYYY GODDDDDD”.
I was in, I was finally in and I was in total heaven. I fucked her sweet tight little ass with the full length of my hardened cock. I was breathing heavily and she was moaning loudly then I felt her jizz gush from her pussy and run around her leg and onto mine. I wanted to keep fucking her ass however, I was already holding a load that was constantly trying to force it’s way out of the only opening it had.
I pounded into her to get all of this sweet ass I had to give it up as she moaned out, “OHHHHH DAVID”, which brought me on. I held deep as I let loose the muscles that held back a flood and with an, OH, OH, OH, AHHHHHHHH CINDYYYYYYY”, a powerful stream of sticky spunk shot deep into her guts.
All I could do was hold deep inside her and with an, OH BABY, OH BABY, OHHHH, BABYYYYY”, another blast spewed from my peehole soaking her insides.
I breathed hard and held it in as I tensed for more eruptions, “UHHHH, UHHHH, UHHHH”, I moaned out as my cock convulsed and I expelled three more healthy squirts into her now quivering body.
Tired and completely spent I reluctantly pulled my cock out of her butt and rolled onto my back, out of breath. She stayed on her side and slumped as she eased the tension of her muscles and breathed in and out.

After several minutes Cindy rolled back a little and I rolled onto my side and ran my hand up and down her side. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

“David, I never been fucked like this, oh my god I needed this, all of this so bad”, she said.
I didn’t say anything, I wasn’t sure what to say plus I didn’t feel like she was totally finished with everything she wanted to say then she continued.
“I want to thank you for this, I really didn’t know ALL this was going to happen. I needed to be fucked and we have known each other so long. When I saw your dick and everything Amy told me plus I haven’t had the opportunity to please a man in a few months…..I wanted to……be a woman, you did that for me”, she said.

I knew she was done, she needed me to understand her. This was out of desperation, hurt, loneliness and need.
We each knew it wasn’t an excuse nor would it justify what has been done here but we each had a reason, right or wrong, good or bad, it was the reason. It is what it is.

“Cindy, I understand and I needed to for all the same reasons, except the “to be a woman part”, I said.

We laughed and felt comfortable we were on the same page.

“You still feel alright about all this”, she asked
“OH YEAH”, I said.
I knew I would be pounding one off now and then while imagining I was fucking her. We had our time and I resigned myself to the fact that this was it.

“David ?”, she said.
“Yeah”, I responded.


We looked at each other and smiled.

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Two College Friends have a Sleepover.

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I had just taken my “before bed” shower, and, like usual, I hadn’t dried off. I laid in bed, the cool air from the AC rushing over my bare naked body. My skin began to get cold, goosebumps were everywhere, but best yet, my cock was in a direct path of the air. My balls scrunched up nearer to my body, oh how I was going to love pulling them back down, my cock, at first, started to do the same, but was now getting stiff with every dirty thought that pulsed through my mind.

Allow me to explain… I love the feeling of cold air hitting my skin and it turns me on, a lot. I once even cummed just from the AC. But, anyway, about close to six months ago I had gotten over my break-up with my boyfriend. And in a desperate craze of hormones and desires, I decided to masturbate everyday, 365 days, an entire year. I usually will do this right before bed, sometimes in the morning, and sometimes more than once a day.

So, as I watched my dick grow at a continuous rate, I was reminded of why I’m doing this. And that was all I needed, knowing that I was so close to six months. I grabbed my cock, my cold hands made it twitch and retract. But as soon as I began to stroke it, it popped back to life.

As my one hand worked on my cock, stroking down to the shaft, being sure to catch the head along the way, my other hand took hold of my balls and began massaging and tugging at them. Within minutes, my hands had had my balls to their original low hanging state, and I was ready to go deep… as I began to suck on my fingers my cock twitched, almost like it knew what was coming. When I was ready, I trailed my finger down my nipples, past my throbbing cock, and right into my ass. As soon as my finger popped in, my body twitched and was ready for more already. I inserted a second finger, and banged away. I could feel myself widening, but this was almost like elementary school… last night I was up to three fingers, with ease. I released my hand from my cock, and reached over to the nightstand.

As I squirted lube onto my asshole, with fingers still in, I felt pleasure like no other, the cold lube, the cold air, my warm ass warming my fingers, and the suction on the fingers and asshole as the lube was sucked into my hole. I was ready for four fingers, and without even thinking, I inserted two more. Within seconds the pleasure was unbearable, I could feel my asshole widening like last night, and after a few dick twitches, some precum, and a minute, I was ready to cum. I began to go faster, pounding my ass with my four fingers, and grabbing my dick with my other hand. I jerked off hard. I could feel my bed smacking against the wall, I only hoped that no one would hear/care. As my ass pounding hand grew tired, I could feel the surge coming. It was glorious, almost as if destined to be, my fingers hit my p-spot and, at the same time, my cum came spurting out. Hot streams of glorious white goo. By the end of it, my whole body was covered in semen.

Last night was a small rodeo compared to what had just happened. So much in fact, I had to ask Alexa to turn the lights on and when they came on… I swear I had another boner! My hand was covered and, like I had assumed, my chest. I took my hand to my mouth and got some off and then tried to get some off my chest but the rest was definitely too much to handle, so I got my handy rag from underneath my bed, and wiped everything else away.

When I awoke, I was greeted to the smell of bacon and sausage. I got up and was about to open my door, when I realised that I was still naked from the night before. I quickly put a shirt and gym sweats on, although I had to stop when I saw my rag from last night… it still had that sweet smell, and ran downstairs.

As I got down stairs, I saw my parents at the table, they were surrounded by the newspaper, two
laptops, and breakfast. I sat down, said my “good mornings”, which got no attention, and ate my breakfast. The rest of my day went normal, I went to school, hung with my friends, watched TV, showered, and masturbated.

It wasn’t until a week after that my troubles really started. I was sitting in class and one of my closest friends and only friend in that class, Max, leaned over to talk to me.

“Hey, so I’m gonna get to the point.” said Max. “My fucking apartment is flooded! And my asshole of a landlord won’t front the bill for a hotel or even motel. And being in college, well, you know how it is… I can barely afford to pay the rent on the apartment. I mean can you believe my fucking luck??”

I looked at Max with a concerned look… but I knew what he really wanted, I saw it in his face, in his eyes, Max was asking if he could stay with me. “You know Max… I haven’t had a sleepover since 9th grade…” I said half wittedly.

“Yeah… but don’t think of it like a sleepover… think of it like… a… a slumber party!”

“Fuck off!” I said laughing. As Max finished laughing too, he looked at me searching for an answer. “Max, do you want to have a slumber party with me?”

“Hell yeah! But hell no…” said Max.

Max and I laughed and we made plans to meet in the nearby Starbucks after classes.

I walked into the Starbucks, ordered my usual, a secret menu item, and sat down in the back. Max walked in shortly after and he immediately went to a table near the front without looking around. I decided to walk over to him instead of going through the hassle of getting his attention. As I walked through the crowd I got a really good look at him. Almost gave me a boner, right there.

I guess this would be a good time to describe Max… heck, I haven’t even described me. Max and I, like I said are good friends. We went to the same high school, became buds in 10th grade, and now went to the same college as Freshman. He was always the jock, he didn’t get all the girls though, in fact, he never dated any and never really talked about that, besides a joke here and there, one of the reasons why we became so close, he didn’t care I was gay, and I didn’t have to pretend to like talking about straight sex with him, because he didn’t talk about it. Max had a styled look, his blonde hair was always up, and he never went anywhere without his designer shoes, tight skinny jeans, and muscle shirt. We had gym class together our 11th grade year, and I was able to see that he had a semi-six pack, visible, but not defined. And a very sizeable bulge for that age. I guess that’s why his nickname was Maximum Max. Now, as a freshman in college, Max had a six pack, stood at around 6 foot, and just had an amazing body in general.

I, a freshman in college, have dark reddish hair, defined upper chest, and a modest 8.5 inch Jr. at my waist. And if you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m a cummer, on an average day, I can fill up a measuring cup to about the ? mark. I remember my first time cumming. It wasn’t as much as now, but I remember how I thought that something was wrong because I was still cumming even after the guy in the porno I was watching was done. Like I said, I had a boyfriend, and he was my first, but I’m definitely no virgin. I usually prefer to top, but I do love a cock up the ass every now and then… or in my case, fingers. My crush on Max developed, not after I saw his bulge in 11th grade, but around the summer after graduation. We went on a hiking/camping trip. It was Max, my ex-boyfriend, another friend named Grace, and I. I had caught Max doing an early morning bathe in the lake… the way he was glistening in the sun, his tan skin against it, that ass. I literally ran back to the tent, trying to hide my bulging erection. When my ex saw it, he gave me a blowjob, and, to be honest it had to be one of the best, not because of him, but because I imagined Max, with his soft lips, wrapped around my cock. I blew a load that was by far stronger than last weeks. It was like all my feelings had come up with that cum.

And as I walked towards him, I was really good at keeping my boners away by now, I smiled and said hey.

“Hey, you ready to go” said Max.
“Uh, yeah… if you’re not gonna get anything to drink, then we’ll go to your place and get your stuff and be on our way to my place.”
“Actually, half my stuff is wet/ruined, and the water management guys won’t let me into the apartment to get the other half, I tried going there during my free period.”
“What the fuck?… I feel like that’s not legal…” I said, knowing full well what I was going to have to do next, which at the time made me mad, but was going to give me a big ole’ boner. “I guess you can borrow some of my clothes and we have extra toothbrushes and stuff so, I’ve got you covered.”
“Thanks so much, bro! I’ll never be able to repay you!”
“No problem, now, let’s go have that slumber party!” I said in a high voice.
“Oh, do fuck off, will you?” said Max, annoyed, “It was a little joke.”
“I’m not letting this go until you leave.” I said, not knowing I’d forget about the joke by the next day.

As we walked into my house, I said “hi” to my Dad, who was sitting on the couch, texting on his phone, TV on the news channel, and the radio was playing some soft jazz. He made a faint grunt and I explained that Max was gonna be staying with us until his apartment isn’t so wet. He slightly scrunched his face, started texting faster, and then murmured an almost inaudible “Fine by me. Fine by your mom.” We passed him by, grabbed soda out of the fridge, and went upstairs to my room.

“Damn dude,” Max said clearly waiting for me to shut the door and opening the soda “your parents are still robots?”
“Ha, you should see them at breakfast. They don’t talk at all, they read, eat, and text. It’s insane, but at least I get peace and quiet to do what I please.” I said before taking a sip of my soda.
Max looked at me, smirk on his face, and winked.
I immediately put the can down. “Not like that…” he stared harder and with a bigger smirk as he drank his soda “…only sometimes…” I lied, not even thinking about what day today was.

Max quickly proceeded to walk around my room, he commented on the dirty clothes on the floor, the unmade bed, and the bottles by my computer. Even after I explained to him that I hadn’t expected company, he thought that it wasn’t acceptable. So, after I reminded him of the unpacked boxes that cluttered his soaking apartment, he let up and asked if I still had the basketball hoop.

We finished our drinks, threw them in the trash as Max insisted, and went outside and shot hoops. Then we went rummaging through the garage, only to find a frisbee, so, like all college students, we threw it around. By the time we came inside, we were sweating like we had just wrestled to the death and, wouldn’t you know it, my parents were nowhere in sight.

“Yo, guest gets to shower first?” Max said.
I looked at the clock, 7:35, I usually take my shower around 11:00. So I happily said “Yes, yes you may… will the guest be needed anything else?”
“Only a towel, a toothbrush, some soap, shampoo, mouthwash, a rag, you know, the basic necessities.”
“Yeah, sure…” I said looking at him, thinking that he might not be getting that mouthwash or his own personal shampoo.

We went up stairs and he went into the bathroom. I looked at him and asked if he wanted the stuff he requested, but he asked that I deliver it to him, he’ll “keep the door open” he said. I grabbed what I could, toothbrush, soap, and a rag. As I went towards the bathroom, I saw the door was open a smidge and the steam was rushing out. I knocked on the door and told him that the stuff was outside the door. He simple replied to “leave it on the toilet and to take his dirty clothes”.

I hesitated for a second. I had to tell myself to go in, don’t look at the clear glass shower door, and get the fuck out with the clothes. I entered. Good thing Max liked it hot, and no wonder why he was okay with me coming in… it was steamy as fuck in there. Almost as if someone let a smoke grenade loose. I told him I’d be downstairs and I bolted out of there with his clothes, only barely hearing him say something, but not wanting to go back I continued down the hall.

I threw the clothes into my dirty basket and proceeded to go downstairs. I found my phone on the dining room table, turned it on, and saw the text from my mom.
Decided to go on business trip. You and Max have fun. Key to cabinet is with us.
-Best regards,
I didn’t know whether to be pissed off or not, this bitch had just script texted me… probably didn’t even write it herself. I told myself that this was nothing new, and that a good round or two of Black Ops Zombies would cool some steam anadolu yakası rus escort off. When I had just found a good lobby and we were at round 25 on Moon, I heard the shuffling of feet on the stairs, followed by the black screen of my TV. I turned to see Max standing at the outlet, with the plug in his hand. I would’ve flipped my shit… if it wasn’t for the fact that Max was standing there completely naked, except for the rag he was using to cover his cock. But, clearly it wasn’t any good. He might have just left it back in the bathroom. The rag was awkwardly placed to begin with and wet. Through the wet fabric, an outline of his head was half visible, his hands were covering the other half. The top part of his shaft, a patch of blonde hair, and a trail could be seen. It was obvious that with one hand, he held his balls and the other was trying to hold the wet rag. His chest was, as expected, boasting a proud six pack and very clean shaven, except for his happy trail and blonde patch. Everything else was shaved from his armpits to his leg hair.

If I wasn’t pissed, I would’ve gotten a boner, and probably collapsed on my feet begging to suck it, even just lick it. Instead, I listened to him as he said in pure grief, not anger:

“What the fucking fuck, dude? I was calling you for almost 20 fucking minutes! You forgot the fucking towel and a change of fucking clothes!”
I looked at him in the eyes with laughter now teetering on the edge of my lips as I said “Sorry dude, I honestly didn’t think about the clothes, but I assumed there was a towel in the bathroom already.” I said, not wanting to tell him I forgot the towel because I usually never use one… I’ve got the A/C!
“Well there wasn’t.” At this point Max had to have realised that he was standing here, with only a small rag to cover his manhood, and said “Just get me a damn change of clothes.”
“Alright, follow me.” I said, still trying to keep the laughter in.

We got to my room and I opened my closet and handed him a tank top, cargo shorts, and some socks.

“Well, they may not be your usual, but they’ll do?”
“Bro…” Max said in a slightly annoyed voice “…the underwear?”
“Oh…” I paused as I realised what this means. Max would be wearing my underwear, my anger from before went away as I quickly tried to give him a pair before my semi got any harder. “…yeah, forgot that too.”

I handed him a pair of red boxers, and he turned around to change in the bathroom. He had already left the rag in my dirty clothes bin, but as he left, I got a nice view of his fat ass or I guess they call it a badonk? It’s definitely super close to one. It was nice and round. A real bubble butt, probably as tight as a virgin asshole could be, too. My mind jumped to a thought of me grabbing his ass and rimming it… maybe even getting to shove my throbbing cock inside, with that, I was super tempted to just rub one out real quick before he came back. But then I remembered… Today was the sixth month anniversary of my 365 masturbationathon. Shit I thought to myself. How was I gonna manage to jerk off with Max here. And I definitely couldn’t do it my normal way, I was probably gonna have to do it during my shower… but then it wouldn’t have been that special. And a milestone like that, had to be special.

Max was walking back to my room and just then an idea popped into my head, as a huge grin developed on my face, I realised how I was gonna make tonight special.

The rest of the day, so about 4 hours by now, went pretty normal, we watched TV, I joked some more about how he had to come down here naked, he got shy and mad at the same time. When I finally hit a nerve, he challenged me to a wrestle, which I surprisingly won. And then we went to watching more TV.

When I looked at my phone, it was 10:24. I told Max that I was gonna grab my shower and get ready for bed. He said okay, and that he’ll meet me up there at 11, when the show ended. I grabbed a towel and went through my shower fast, but only because I had to get ready. I douched myself and then I dried off and got out of the shower. As I looked at my clock, it said 10:57, so I threw my towel into the dirty hamper and turned to grab the tightest pair of underwear that I could find and a white shirt. Just then, I hear Max walk in and say:

“Damn, How I Met Your Mother gets better and better everytime I rewatch it I can’t…”

Max paused as I stared at him and he stared at me. When I saw his eye wonder down under, I quickly said:

“Max, just cause I saw you naked, doesn’t mean you can try and see me naked!” I said, jokingly, but nervously at fear that I was going to get a boner.
“Sorry dude!” Max said fast, then he said jokingly “But it’s only fair.”
“Yeah, but you had a rag.”
“And you had a shirt and underwear… not my fault you didn’t use them. Now put that shit away, I’ve never seen anyone more proud of a one incher.”

I took my hand off my crouch and hit him in the shoulder. I put on my shirt and underwear, and I just stared at him, him staring back at me. Until we both broke out in laughter.

“Anyway, we gonna hit the hay?”
“Yeah, le…t…s…” I paused and turned to Max, “Hey, you don’t happen to carry a sleeping bag with you, do you?”
Max looked at me, “Damn!… Damn, Damn!”
“Well…” I didn’t want to say it, my plans had been made with him sleeping on the floor. I couldn’t possible do what I wanted to do now. “…if you’re okay with it, you can sleep in bed with me. It’s a Queen, got plenty of room, and I have pillows we can use for a wall.”
Max looked super hesitant, almost like he was gonna have a panic attack if he said yes, but he caved in and said, “Okay, we’ll put a pillow in the middle. I guess this is the next step in our friendship…”
“Ha, guess we broke two barriers today.”

Max stared at me, now the look of hesitation super obvious in his eyes, but he took his pants off, his bulge popping out and jiggling back and forth as he climbed into bed. I too got in, took my foot pillow and set it in between us, and then told Alexa to turn off the lights.

“One of the best slumber parties I’ve ever been to, goodnight!”
“Max… don’t make this any more awkward.” We laughed and soon enough, I heard Max snoring.

The clock said 11:29, I was surprised at how fast he fell asleep, but that was extremely good. Originally, I had planned that Max would be on the floor, so I could get my game on. But he hadn’t brought a damn sleeping bag! If he had, it would’ve been one of the sexiest moments of my life. I had bought a dildo, my first one, for the six month anniversary. My plan was to get it out, and put it right next to Max’s face, slowly working it in his mouth. If he awoke, even though he’s a slight heavy sleeper, I’d just say I was trying to tickle him or get him to sneeze or something, but once the tip would be in his mouth and it was nicely wet, I’d’ve stuck it far into my asshole. Leaving it there for awhile, letting “Max” inside while I play with my cock. Eventually, I’d start fucking my ass, and jerking off. All while making sure not to make any noise. When I was close to finishing, I’d get over the edge of the bed, put a towel on top of Max, and fire away. Letting each stream of white cum hit the towel. Then, I’d get down and start licking it off him/the towel. It would’ve been great. And totally innocent. But now, now he was in bed with me and the realisation of what even more sexiness could go down hit me. I’m not passing this opportunity up.

I ran my hand down to my underwear, my cock was already hard from thinking of my previous plan. But now, I was making a new one. I was gonna cum right on him. My only problem, the pillow. I put that problem behind me and just began to slowly stroke, trying to beat my meat and midnight deadline, the dildo was going to wait for another day. Just thinking about being next to him, jerking off, made me horny as hell. But it was time, I slowly turned myself so I was facing the pillow. It was a pretty big one, and round. So I pretended as though I was gonna use it to “cuddle” with, and I wrapped my hands around it, turned back towards the side of the bed, and let go. It fell to the floor, with its slight noise, I could feel the excitement in my cock and the precum leaking.

I turned back around, and almost had a heart attack. I couldn’t have seen this because of the pillow, but, when I turned, I found Max’s face staring back at me. He was lightly breathing and producing a snore every so often. I guess he turned while I was jerking and I hadn’t realised. This was even better! I just planned on jerking and cumming on to his ass crack, but now I was gonna cum onto his bulge, maybe even a squeeze? I jerked super slowly. But it was more than enough, I could feel the cum coming with the second jerk. I slowly shimmied my underwear down my legs, my cock popped out, hitting Max’s bulge, and a single stream of cum shot out. Max moved a bit, almost like he was gonna roll over, but just stayed where he was. I picked up the blanket, and saw why he had moved, my hot cum had shot onto his six pack and was trickling down into his bellybutton and onto the bed. This made me super horny and I could tell that my next few strokes were gonna push me over the edge.

I inched closer to Max, my cock was now poking his bulge and I had to move it before he woke. I rested my cock on top of his bulge and began to stoke the base of my cock. It took a few more strokes, only because I wasn’t jerking the full thing, but within 20 small, short strokes, I was cumming like a racehorse. It was the camping trip all over again. Stream after stream, I was literally twitching, not my cock, my body. I opened my mouth and let out an impulsive moan. If Max wasn’t a slight heavy sleeper, he would’ve woken up at the moan, I’m sure the neighbors did. For obvious reasons, my cock didn’t stay atop his bulge, as each stream came out, and I moved, my dick moved down his bulge, poking it and spraying my sweet white cum at him. After what felt like 10 minutes,was probably 5 minutes, but was really 2 minutes, I could feel myself just dripping a few last drips and was now leaking on myself. I peeked under the covers. What I saw was holier than any Pope.

Max’s entire front of his underwear was clearly soaked, even in the dark you could see how the bright red underwear was now a dark red. It looked almost like he peed himself. The bed cover underneath him was wet aswell, though not as much, but still visibly wet. And my cock looked exhausted. It was slumped over, my tiny bush was definitely sticky from cum. But my cock, it looked smaller than normal, but yet there was still cum, probably clear, dripping down the sides. I reached for my phone next to me, I wasn’t gonna let this go. I turned the flashlight on, and opened the camera app. It was clear now that my cock was dripping clear cum. I was completely drained. I took a few pics of my exhausted cock, and turned to take pics of Max. The light illuminated the full extent of what happened. You could see that the top of his bulge was soaked, so much so that there was still cum there, it hadn’t soaked into the fabric yet. The front of his underwear was as expected, soaked through and through. And the bed covers weren’t as soaked as originally thought, but you could see a stain there. I snapped more pics. I must of took hundreds. When Max flinched again, I quickly turned the flashlight off, and turned the other way.

I looked at the clock, it was 12:13. I considered that I definitely had cum before 12. And I started to look at my pics again. I wasn’t getting hard, kind of a disappointment, but I still looked on. As I got to the pics of Max, I started to look past the cum, and what I saw was amazing! It had to have been the 30ish pic I took, out of 50ish. But it was clear as day. Max had a semi! I could see it growing in the pics. And as I went back, just to make sure I wasn’t seeing things, I could feel my cock grow, just a tad, and my balls were scrunching up. Wild thoughts ran through my mind! What should I do? Should I get him off? That way I’d be able to blame the cum on him if it didn’t dry. Then I thought of our cum being mixed… my dick grew a little more. Could I somehow give him a blowjob? Would he wake up? My cock grew a tad more. What about…

Just as I thought about if I could somehow get a fuck in, Max shifted. Fear set in, did he just fucking wake up? But I also felt something poking my back. Was he trying to wake me up? I reached behind me, fully intent on squeezing the life out of his fingers so I could act anadolu yakası sevişen escort like he really did wake me up and I was pissed at him for it. He was still poking me as I was reaching back, poke after poke. I just went for it. My hand shot down to my back, found what was poking me and I squeezed. I was about to squeeze harder, when three things happened. One, Max made a faint, but obvious moan. Two, I felt something wet on my back now. Three, that was way, way too soft, squishy, and warm to be a finger, not to mention the girth was wrong. If felt like two fists. As soon as these all came together, I realised that I was 100% touching Max’s cock!

His fucking cock! I quickly, but slowly and carefully, turned around and faced him. His eyes were closed, his mouth half open, and as I looked down, I saw that his erection was right up against me. Holy Mother of Fucking Fucks! His cock was gorgeous! I threw the blanket off of him, just to see this fucker unobstructed. In fact, I’ll give you a couple fucking paragraphs just explaining this fucker!

I got my phone and shined the flashlight onto his cock… I could now see why my back was wet, his cock was dripping precum, and he must have been rocking back and forth and was poking me in the back. What puzzled me was why it was out of his underwear. Upon closer examination, I saw that it had left through the top, and that Max has a curved as hell cock! My brain suddenly asked me why I was worried about this… I was finally staring at my friends monster cock that I had been dying to see for almost a year. Like I said, this fucker was curved, almost like a banana. Not only that, but it was wide as fuck! From my experience from squeezing it, my whole hand barely fit around it. His head was what we called a mushroom, at least kind of. It wasn’t too big, but you could see that there was a lip, that is to say that the head extended past the shaft. Oh my, I left out the veins. This shit was veiny. It looked like he worked this thing out every damn day, his veins were all but bulging out. They were super defined, and probably felt like a ribbed condom.

His balls were hidden beneath the underwear. I looked right at Max, he looked fast asleep. I shimmied down to his cocks level for a better look as I slid his soaked underwear down. And you’ll never believe it. More fucking shaft popped out. It hit me square in the face. I moved my face, but I could clearly smell the sweet cum and his precum had splashed a tad on my face. He was so drenched in cum that its smell on his dick was highly present. Any way, I looked at his cock… It had to have been way more than fucking 9 inches. After taking lots of pics, I held my phone up to his shaft… it didn’t even measure up half way, his fucking cock is more than twice the size of my phone! After I overcame the pure shock of his unimaginable and unbelievable length, I looked at his balls. Damn! This guys was surely adopted and he was actually birthed to some God of Sex! They had to be the size of a clementine or maybe a kiwi, it was hard to tell, but they were big as fuck! I only could imagine the loads that came out of this monstrosity!

As I lay here, staring at his enormous, hard cock, I felt my own start to shudder with pure ecstasy. Could I somehow sneak a lick or suck? Just as I thought this and I slowly reached my hand out, Max started to move. My hand had just barely squeezed his cock and my tongue was almost about to touch it. But as he turned over, so he was facing upright, his cock rubbed right up against my tongue and I got his sweet taste… or was it my taste? Anywho, the cock was amazing! Within seconds of me tasting him and almost getting hit by his cock again, he just began thrusting. If I wasn’t in full amazement at this, I probably would’ve tried to waken him. I just stared at his beautiful cock, thrusting up and down in the air. His balls were slapping against each other and his skin. His cock began to twitch and his balls, slightly, scrunched up. I could see it now, hot white streams covering the entire bed. I stared completely mesmerized and astonished at how hard he was pumping now. All his workouts had to have been for this. He was fucking the air widely. Just as he moaned something that I couldn’t register at the moment, huge streams came bellowing out of his mushroom head. And I mean HUGE! Ungodly huge, stream after stream, there was no stopping this guy. And the force of his shots were strong, stronger than I. He had to have been a cummer too. Two of his streams managed to hit me. One right on the chest. The other, on the face. Max calmed down his pounding of the air, and his cock was now twitching and dripping. I turned the flashlight on and saw some of the whitest streaks of cum I’ve ever seen. As I looked around the bed, I saw at least 10 streaks. 2 were on me, 4 on the bed, and the rest were covering Max like a blanket in itself. Maybe he didn’t cum as much as I had thought, I definitely had cum harder than this less than 30 minutes ago. But it was the sheer force of his thrusting and shots that had to of made me think he was shooting 20 streaks per second. Just as I reached my hand up to my face to devour his cum, Max said something that shocked me to the bone.

“Fuck, Trevor…” he breathed heavily “… I fucking love your ass…” he said, barely audible, but since I was so close, I could catch most of it.

I was shocked! I thought back to before, Max had muttered something just before he had cum… I thought back to that moment, and before long, I could’ve sworn that I heard Max say

“I’m fucking cumming, Trev. Lemme fucking cum in your ass!”

I didn’t know if my mind was making it up or not. Maybe he knew another Trevor… no, that was impossible, I knew most of his friends. But that meant that… that… Max was having a wet dream about fucking… fucking me. I just lay there, not knowing what to do, what to feel, if I should lick this cum off me. I started to lick the cum off me, and when I tasted it, all other worries no longer mattered. I knew Max ate healthy, but I didn’t know that he ate THAT healthy. His cum tasted like the nectar of the gods. It was super sweet, barely salty, and smelled like cinnamon. Right as I was licking the second streak off my chest, Max started rustling, like a lot. He was waking up, for sure. And as I realised how bad this fucking looked, I panicked. Max was lying there with his cock, now just barely a semi but still fucking huge, sticking out. His body having cum on it, his underwear completely soaked. And I, I was lying there with my underwear at the edge of the bed and that blanket that was over us… it was now on the floor. So there was no hiding it. In my desperation, I flipped over as quietly as I could and I just waited.

“What the fuck?” I heard Max say, very quietly. “Why am I… oh, shit! I hope he didn’t see…” There was silence as, I assumed, he looked at me. “Okay, he seems to be asl…” Max didn’t finish the sentence. I immediately assumed that he saw I was naked or maybe saw my underwear. “What…” Max said slowly. “…the…” I felt a small squeeze on my ass as the last word was uttered. “…fuck.”

Max had just squeezed my ass! And minutes ago he had just cummed to a dream about fucking my ass! I had to make up my mind! Did I want to loose this opportunity? Fuck no! But why was this happening? He never had shown signs of being gay! He was straight!… Well, he actually never said he was straight… but he never said he was gay, so I just assumed he was straight. As I felt a second squeeze, this one slightly harder than the last, and a clear attempt to pull my ass cheek away to see my asshole, I made my mind up. I made a slight moan, like I was waking up, and directed a hand down to my ass, trying to shoo away his hand. As I started to slowly turn around to face him, I felt the bed shift and his heavy breathing, I could only but assume that Max was now struggling to pull his underwear up, when I heard fucking shit I assumed that he had seen/felt the drenched underwear. I got to my side, and started to open my eyes and smack my lips, making it seem as though I just woke up.

My eyes opened and I saw Max… still tugging at his underwear. It was stuck on his cock head. I tilted my head like I had no idea why his underwear was down.

“What the fuck you doing” I said to Max in a pretend sleepy voice.
Max turned his head and stared in bewilderment as he saw I was staring at his cock, fully visible and right below his clearly soaked underwear. “Um…”
I broke the silence and said in a fake questiony/angry voice “You fucking jerking off in my bed?”
“No… Um… Fuck no… I just… I…”
Once again I butted in. “Fuck you, Max. I can clearly see that you’ve soaked MY underwear completely, you yourself have got cum on you, and the bed is wet around you. So unless you spilled milk on you or some shit, you fucking jerked off in my bed.”
“I… I… I didn’t mean too!” Max said in a defeated voice that made it clear he thought he really had soaked the underwear and that I was asleep for the whole thing.
At the sight of his squirming, I was ready to go in for the kill. “And did you grab my ass?”
Max’s face just went totally pale. It had to have been completely white, and he looked so defeated. “Fuck…” he whispered “Um… yes, yes I did.”
I was surprised he had admitted to it and I was now curious, “Why?”
Max just stared at me. “Trev, I’ve got something to admit. I swear I was gonna tell you… in fact, I’ve tried to tell you every single day. Every goddamn day!”

I stared intently into Max’s eyes as he stared right back into mine, his brown eyes were super mesmerising and, if I was mad at him for real, I would’ve been saddened. His eyes told the same story he was about to tell me.

“Look, Trev… You remember that camping trip that we went on? The one right before college?” I nodded my head. “Well, I was walking back to my tent one morning, after I had just taken a quick bathe in the pond… and, well… I passed your tent and I heard something. It was loud moaning, heavy breathing, and super loud slurps.” I stared at him as I realised he was talking about the blowjob that my ex gave me. “Well… I was intrigued. I looked in the screen at the top of the tent… I saw that Devon was giving you a BJ… I saw that you were looking right up, eyes closed… I stared with pure amazement. Until finally, you moaned that you were cumming. I could’ve sworn I saw you mouth my name… almost like you wanted to say ‘I’m fucking cumming, Max’. But then I saw your eyes open and I ducked in fear of you seeing me. But I heard every moan and groan that you guys uttered. I heard what sounded like Devon choking, and you all but screaming.”
I looked at Max, his eyes were almost leaking with tears. “Max, what are you saying?”
“Damn it, this is so hard! Trevor, I’m trying to say that… what I’ve always wanted to say to you… since the moment I met you… It just took that moment for me to realise that I was… Trevor… I’m…” the hesitation was apparent and I was about to tell him he didn’t have to if he didn’t want to tell me, but Max bursted out in a scream like manner “I’m fucking bi and I’m in love with you! I close my eyes and all I can think about is you!”

Even though I could’ve guessed that’s where he was going, I was still shocked! Bi… in love with me… think about you Max had just said most of the words that I’ve dreamed him saying to me. I had to act carefully, I looked over at Max… He looked super nervous and I knew I had to come clean too.
“Max, I too have something I’ve wanted to tell you… I saw you that day, during your bath. Infact…” I took a long breath. “That’s why my ex gave me the BJ. I had gotten such a boner seeing your naked ass that I got to the tent harder than I had been in a while.”

Max, who was looking down, now looked up and had a slight glimmering smile.
“Really?” Max said. “So… what does this mean?” Max said after a long breath.
“Well…” I said, staring at him intently. “It means that we’ve both been crushing on each other for awhile now…” I paused and bit my lip, Max must have noticed because he too bit his lip. “…maybe we should see where this goes?”
Max took a long moment before he finally nodded his head and said “Sure.”

Max started to move his head towards me, I didn’t think he’d take it this far, but I sure had hoped. I moved my head too. In seconds, our faces had met, our lips had touched, and our fates had been sealed. It’s almost like fireworks had gone off. His soft lips caressed mine. After a little while, I felt his tongue break anadolu yakası escort through. I knew this was it… As his tongue came into my mouth to play, so did mine. Our tongues danced in our mouths. I was able to get some nibble action on his lower lip, at which he quivered. After a minute, our mouths departed, but I wasn’t done. My mouth trailed along Max’s cheekbones. Down to his neck, up to his earlobes. My tongue was dancing along his skin and my teeth were nibbling wherever they could. Max was moaning like a horse and had already begged me to continue. When I was had felt that the sexiness had dwindled, I let up and looked at Max.

“You’re a great kisser.” I said curiously “Almost like you’ve done it before.”
Max stared at me. “Well… don’t hate me, but I’ve been secretly hooking up with guys, girls, and even couples on dating websites.”
I stared at Max, unbelieved that this innocent asshole was hooking up, when I was here all along. “Wow.” Was all I could muster.
“Yeah… they’ve told me I was good at things, like kissing…” Max looked at me seductively “… and other things, you know, like blowjobs.” He looked me right in the eye.
“Oh, yeah?” I said, biting my lip “I’d be interested to test that out.” Max nodded and he leaned in to kiss me.

Max had some of the softest lips and they had just been all over mine, but currently they were heading down my chest. His lips and tongue were forging a path, devouring everything in its path. My nipples stood no chance, they had been licked, nibbled, and aroused in seconds. And yet, he still carried on. As his tongue penetrated my belly button, I moaned for Max to stop teasing. This only made Max stay here longer. His hands had now moved up to play with my nipples. When his tongue had finally moved, he moved it down my happy trail. That’s when his hands stopped playing with my nipples. He now shifted his body down to the end of the bed. His hands were hovering over my cock, the warmth radiating off. Max’s tongue was at the base of my cock. I couldn’t really see, but I could feel that my cock was standing at attention, his teasing was pushing me over the limit, and I was definetely feeling precum drip down my cock. He looked up and said:

“Well, maybe you aren’t an incher…” he smirked at me.
“Just suck my dick already.” I said to him.

He happily complied. Max’s hand gripped the base of my cock. It twitched in excitement. It twitched once more when Max had spit on my head. His hand at the base was now moving upward, and his other hand was placed on my head. Both moved towards each other. It was a weird feeling, but one I could get used to. Max spit on my cock a few more times, until finally… penetration. His warm mouth had surrounded my head and his tongue was now flicking at the sensitive areas. As his mouth worked on my head, his right hand had gone down to fondle my balls, and this left hand had gone down to the base of the shaft. Just like before, as Max’s left hand came up the shaft, his mouth went down the shaft. His saliva was now covering a good portion of my cock shaft and his tongue was working wonders. I stared at him as his head bobbed up and down, slurp after slurp. His hand had picked up speed and was now jerking the base of my shaft, almost what I had done earlier. His right hand had stopped playing with my balls, in fact, I couldn’t even feel my balls really, or when I was gonna cum. All I knew was that Max was now deepthroating. His warm mouth went past my head and down to the rim of his left hand.

I heard his choking on my cock, he let up just a little and then rammed down again. I felt my cock hit something in his mouth, and I could feel hot saliva running down my cock, and his tongue, trying to lap at the full length of my shaft. He came up for a breath. I almost thought he had passed out, but he was ready for more. He went down and started sucking my cock, again, but in a different way. Almost as though my cock was a lollipop. He was sucking it from the sides, and every so often, he would lick up and down, his tongue fiddling around with my cocks head. His tongue would also move down to my balls, which I could only feel when he was sucking at them, and, only a few times, he licked the area in between the balls and the anus. During those moments, I could swear that I was cumming. Every time, I felt my cock pulsing, my balls tensing, but everytime, Max would just start sucking my cock again, and I would feel a sharp pleasure in my head as he did this.

As the violent slurps kicked me back into reality, I realised that he had to have been finishing up. His head bobbed up and down, and was periodically stopping at the base of my shaft, only to choke on the full length. I once again felt that sharp pleasure in my head, and a couple soulful sucks, and I mean sucks, later Max lifted his head up and looked at me with lust in his eyes.

“Damn! It honestly felt like I’ve cummed three times… but… I couldn’t have. You aren’t covered in cum.”
Max looked at me. “No, you didn’t, technique I learned from a couple I met. Gets your load super big, and it’s sexy as fuck once you do shoot. And…” Max looked at me, one more time with lustful eyes. “I want you to fuck my ass, you got lube?”
I stared at him with wide eyes! I’ve been wanting to do that since that one summer. “Fuck yeah. It’s over here.”

I leaned over to the drawer and got my lube out. When I turned back to the bed, Max had already gotten into a decent position. Max had removed his underwear and had stuck his ass out at me. I went closer to his ass and could smell the cum. My cock got rock hard! I grabbed the lube and squirted it onto my cock. Max was looking back and saw me trying to jerk the lube around my dick and get alot into his ass.

“Here, let me help you.” said Max

His hand reached behind him and started to stroke me. My cock in his hand felt amazing! As his hands jerked me, I decided that I was gonna mix it up. I spread his cheeks and started to stroke his asshole. It twitched and I, almost savagely, dug my face right in. I felt my face trying to burrow through his badonk. I had finally gotten through and was now rimming his asshole. When my tongue touched his hole, his hands gave my cock a slight squeeze and his moans became apparent. I swirled my tongue around and around, until finally he was relaxed enough. My tongue had plunged in. It’s my warm saliva made the sphincter tighten around my tongue, but I was able to flicker around in his ass and pull out just in time to stick it back in, deeper, and flicker around even more. I don’t know when, but it was clear that Max had douched too, and he had used something that made the flavour much different.

Max was clearly ready for some real action from the intensity of his moans and how he almost stopped jerking me off. I got the lube and spread his cheeks. The lube squirted out and was pooled around his asshole. I put more lube on my cock and began to finger Max. I was able to get two fingers easy and once the third went in, well he was ready. I shuffled Max from his current position of ass being straight up in the air, to him being on the edge of the bed. His legs were now down on the floor and I got off the bed to kneel down in front of him. When we were in position, my cock was lined up with his asshole. I leaned forward and told Max that I was gonna fuck him. He shook his head and I moved in closer. My cock was really solid and didn’t need much guiding. It easily found Max’s asshole through the cheeks and within seconds, my head was entering. Max’s face was of ecstasy as my head made it through. Then was the shaft, it was getting a bit difficult, but as I slowly pushed, coming back out every so often, I made more progress. Slow, careful thrust after thrust, Max was moaning with pleasure and I was finally in!

I pumped at his ass a little harder, and when Max said a few seconds later to go harder, I couldn’t refuse. I pumped at his ass. My balls were now slapping against his badonk cheeks. I couldn’t have been happier. Except I forgot one thing, Max’s horse dick. There it was, right in front of me, bouncing with every thrust I took, and growing with every bounce. Within a minute, His cock was now fully erect and I was staring right at it. I collapsed onto Max, Max looked up and was wondering what I was doing, especially since I was still pumping away. That’s when I started licking. It had to have tasted like a popsicle, cinnamon. As my cock pounded away at his ass, my balls slapping against his badonk. His cock was being fiercely devoured, as much as possible, and his balls were slapping against my chest.

Since I hadn’t learned Max’s technique, within 5 minutes of me sucking his cock like a lollipop, he moaned that he was about to cum. I prepared as his cock twitched under me, my intent was to pound his ass into tomorrow, but as his cock began to fire, I had to stop. The cum was shooting just underneath my head. I stuck my tongue out and blocked the firing just in time to get two shots. It still tasted like cinnamon. Max looked at me, I had stopped fucking him and now was licking all the cum off his chest.

“Come over here.” Max said “And don’t swallow.”

I had an idea of what was gonna happen. I came over to him and he embraced me in a passionate kiss. My hard cock was throbbing against his semi as his tongue explored my mouth and swept away some globs of cum. When we broke away, I could tell Max liked it from the way he was licking his lips. Max stared at me for a second and then he grabbed my cock and started to jerk it. He tugged at my cock, forcing me to full get on the bed. Max laid on his back, and pivoted his hips, I knew what position he wanted, so I came over and, in a kneeling position, started to rub my cock against his asshole. Until finally, I thrusted inside. Max had a look of pain and pleasure, although it soon turned to only pleasure. I began to thrust at the same pace that I had before. Max was in pure bliss. And as each thrust made me come closer into contact with Max, I truly began to feel my cock. It might be weird to say, but I could feel the blood pulsing, his ass tightening around my shaft. My head all but bursting from the pressure, and my balls getting super tense. I completely zoned out, but as Max would later tell me, I went almost animal.

Max described my face as complete ecstasy. And that as I thrusted away into his ass, I gave him a kiss that he would never forget. And as I neared closer to cumming, I wouldn’t let go of his lips to moan out that I was, so I moaned into his mouth, the vibrations traveling into his. Max felt my thrusting getting faster, and I think I can remember my toes curling. But, as Max described, I didn’t let go of that kiss until I had just about cum. My mouth ripped away from his, a popping sound could’ve been heard. I began to grunt and moan that my cum was here, that it was cumming and that I felt like my dick was gonna explode. Well a few poundings later and voila. Max described what sounded like fireworks. My thrusting intensified and Max could feel my head twitching and contracting. Then he felt my shaft grow in girth. His asshole widened as I pounded him and my cum went through me. When Max felt the first thrust followed by a cum, he knew he was in for it. Apparently, I had thrusted harder with each shot. Max had counted at least 20 thrusts in totally and if he didn’t feel the cum inside him, he wouldn’t of believed it.

I woke up from the sound of moaning. I looked over, wearily, at Max and saw that he was now spread out on the bed. His leg was over my body and he was stroking his cock. When I really woke up I saw that Max’s hole had been widened, and was literally soaking out cum. As in, the area around him was soaked and his hole was still filled with cum.

“Hey, babe!” Max cried out in pleasure when he saw I had awoken.

I just stared at him. Max, however, continued. He jerked his amazing rod off until he was ready to cum. But where he cummed was unexpected. He got onto his knees and, holding his cock like a gun, aimed it right at my face. I felt that force that I saw earlier as each stream hit my face. Some got into my hair, some into my mouth, but mostly it got on my face. When he was finished stroking out the last of his cum, I looked at him and asked:

“What the fuck was that for?”
“What do you mean? That was for going all animal on me!” He paused almost like he was thinking about other things “And for filling me up like I’m some breeding horse!”
I chuckled at that and since I didn’t remember anything, I just let him have his way. “Well, I guess we should clean ourselves up.”
“Yeah, probably.”

I started to lick the cum off of me while Max went into the bathroom to, expel, my man seed. I actually got off on the idea of Max’s ass being full of my hot goo. They call that a creampie? I rolled over to the right side of the bed and, even feeling the wetness underneath me, still fell asleep.

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Training of his wife

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My name is John McGuire. I am a crew boss for a construction crew that does all of the town’s maintenance needs. I was awarded the position due to my PI on all government levels. I am 24 years old and single. I am wealthy and need not work, but it keeps me busy and I like the work. I control a group of five to eight men and two women. The women were appointed by the town’s councilpersons. They are the daughters of two of the councilpersons; both of the women are 18, maybe. Their assignment is flag persons. They are unskilled and are not required to do any construction work. The girls are very friendly and are not easily offended. They get along well with the crew and both are well built. The males range in age from 18 to 38. They are all good workers although sometime I have to motivate them. They treat me well and are constantly trying to kiss ass. I am in charge of who and how much time they work. I try to be fair. Another thing is on some jobs certain guys can do the work and others can’t. I try to give them all an opportunity to train in different areas, but the deadlines come first. I can’t keep the main road closed for more then a full day; it kills the business economy. So on critical jobs we bust ass and on non-critical jobs we slack off a little. I give the estimates and I am seldom questioned. On occasion the mayor will ask me to see if I can get it done sooner, due to his political needs. I usually comply; after all he is a supporter of mine. So every one appears to be happy. We have very few complaints. We are even, on occasion, helping out some of the citizens with their problems. We are a very close community.

I was sitting in the mobile trailer office, when Mike Votey knocked on the door and asked if he could speak with me.

“Sure Mike come on it.”

“John, Mine if I eat in here, it’s really hot outside. The guys said if it’s all right with you, we will eat in shifts, as long as you don’t mine the company. We would like to eat in here?”

This was a common practice when it was hot outside. It worked in everyone’s favor. I had a crew working all of the time and they got to eat in my office, on the road, in air-conditioned comfort.

“Sure no problem.” I said. “So how is marriage treating you?”

Mike was recently married, well a year or more.

“Well, some things could be better.” Mike said.

“Really? Not getting enough?” I joked.

“No, getting enough, but not all that I want.”

I didn’t respond. I figured if he wanted to talk, I’d let him. He had a beautiful wife. She had a perfect figure and a smile to kill for. I’d give a weeks pay to have her for a night.
Karen knocked.

“Come in Karen. What’s the problem?” I asked.

“I need batteries.” She said.

“You know where they are. Help yourself.”

She went over to the cabinets and knelt and got the batteries out of the bottom draw. Mike was staring at her. She got the batteries and gave me the old one. She then left the office.

When the door closed. Mike said. “Man, I would love to slip my cock between her lips. She has the sexiest lips I’ve ever seen.”

I smiled. His wife had sexier lips. “I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.” I chuckled.

“What? You don’t like her lips?” Mike asked.

“Mike, I like all girls lips, especially on my dick.” I said.
“I guess all guys do.” Mike stated.

“Girls don’t seem to mind it either.” I smiled.

“Some do! Some don’t even like to be eaten out.” Mike said.

“I never met a girl that didn’t like a guy licking her snatch.” I said.

“Yes you have, you just didn’t know it.” Mike came back.

So that was what he meant, his wife was not into oral. I figured I would bust his chops so I said. “If a woman won’t do a guy or let him do her, there is something wrong with the guy, not the girl! “

“Yeah, right!” He said.

“Oh, sorry Mike. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“Nah, your probably right.”

I said nothing.

“So how do you get a girl that is reluctant to do it to do it?” Mike asked.

“Hell, I’m not gonna tell you so you can get Karen to do it and be unfaithful to Carrie.” I said.

“Oh, no. Not for Karen, Carrie won’t do it.” Mike said.

“Oh.” I said with regret in my voice.

“So how can I get Carrie to do it?” Mike asked.

“I don’t know Carrie that well, Mike. If she is like most women, she will love it once she gets started. You have to figure out a way to get her started. Usually a good way is to bring her close to finishing and then stop or move to something else with her.” I said.

Mike thought for a while.

“She can outlast me anytime. If she wants to come she can with or without me.”

“Mike do you really want to talk about this with me?” I asked somewhat reluctantly.

“John, I really need help. If I don’t get help, I’m gonna wind up trying to get Karen.”

“That would be suicide for your marriage and your job!”

“Yeah, but if I don’t get a BJ soon, I’m gonna divorce Carrie. I need oral.” Mike said.

Mike had a big problem. I’ve heard of marriages breaking up because the couple was sexually incompatible. That is what usually led to swapping spouses. “Can’t you hold yourself from coming until she needs to climax and then withdraw. You have to make her beg for completion. When she is really hot and ready, she will do anything to finish. All people have a point of no return. You just have to control yourself.”

“What guy can control himself? I never heard of one.” Mike said.

I smiled now it was my turn. “As you said to me before, you have met one but didn’t know about it. I can control myself completely. I can finish in two minutes or two hours, depending upon when I want to finish.”

“No way! No guy can do that!”

“Yes way, I can.”

“So if I set you up with Carrie, you could get her to blow you and let you eat her out?” Mike said.

“Whoa! I didn’t say that!” I said.

“Could you?”

“Well, I probably could. Obviously there are never guarantees. But if Carrie likes sex, Yes I could get her to do it to me and let me do it to her. But how the hell could you set it up? She is not a slut.”

“No, but she does have a weakness.”

“Mike think about what you’re saying.” I said.

“I have. I would do almost anything to get Carrie to allow and do oral. If I can set it up, will you try?”

“Ok.” I said reluctantly.

“Can you really control yourself that well?”


“I have an idea. Let me see if I can set it up. You don’t mind proving your control, do you?”

“Depends on who I’m proving it to and with.” I said.

“Ok, let me see if I can arrange it. I’ll talk to you later this week.”

“Ok, if you really think it will help you.” I thought to myself, I will be happy to have sex with your wife.

Mike went back to work and the guys alternated their lunches in the mobile home office.

On Thursday, Mike came to my office early. “John, I think I have it setup, if you agree to the terms of the agreement?”

“Ok, Mike shoot.”

“Carrie’s sister, Ashley has been divorced for a year now and has not been with a man in over a year. She is sexy as hell, and really needs a man. She is very pretty and Carrie wants to help her. So, I told Carrie that you could control your orgasms and she didn’t believe it. I told her that I was willing to bet you that you couldn’t. She suggested that we allow you and Ashley to get together to prove it. I asked her how could we prove it? She said that I should get together with Ashley and you and she suggested a way to prove it.” Mike smiled.

“Ok.” I said warily, waiting for him to continue.

“She said that I go first with Ashley. She suggested oral. Then since she knew I would come almost immediately, that you have to beat me and come faster then I did. Then I would fuck Ashley and you would fuck her and have to last longer then I did. Ashley would be the timer.”

“I see no problem yet?” I said.

“The bet is this if you lose your owe me $400.00. I then asked her what happens if you win? She thought for a second and said we owe you four hundred dollars. I said to her, you don’t need money. How about you spend the weekend with him. You’re using me to be part of the bet, you should have to be part of it too.” I said.
“What did she say?”

“After about two hours of talking, I got her to agree.”

“I have to hear this from both Ashley and Carrie for me to believe this.”

“I told her she would have to be there for the meeting and to verify what the rules and prizes were. They both agreed.”

“Ok, when?” I asked.

“Tomorrow night. I can’t lose. I get a BJ from Ashley and hopefully you get Carrie to change her ways.” Smiled Mike.

“I hope you can handle my being with Carrie.” I said.

“If she changes, It will be no problem. In fact, if she likes it, I may allow her to be with you when she wants to be. Ashley may also want to be at your disposal, if you impress her.”

“We’ll see.” I said.

Mike left and went to the locker room and changed into his work clothes and picked up his work gear.

The next day at noon, I told the guys that if they finished this part of the road, we could get a jump on the three-day weekend. It was Memorial Day weekend.

The guys finished at around two and I let them off for the rest of the day. This allowed the construction site to be cleared and the return of the normal traffic flow for the holiday.

I went home and when I got there, Mike called and said that they would be over at around eight o’clock. I changed the bedding in the master bedroom and laid out an abundant amount of clean towels and robes. I put some KY Jelly on the nightstand and made sure the maid service had cleaned the bathrooms and the kitchen was clean. The refrigerator was full of different kinds of drinks and luncheon meats. The house was in tiptop shape. I had dinner and put the dishes into the dishwasher and cleaned up after myself. I sat down to relax until around seven then I showered and changed into some comfortable casual clothes.

At eight O’clock, almost on the minute, the doorbell sounded. I went to the door and opened it.

Mike said. “This is my wife Carrie and this is Ashley my sister in law.”

“Please come in, welcome to my home.” I could see the girls checking the place out and they were both impressed with my home. While they checked the house out I checked them out. Carrie had beautiful shiny black hair. Her eyes sparkled and her mouth was sensual and when she smiled she lit up the room. No one touch of makeup on her face, except for a light reddish-pink lip-gloss. Ashley had blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She smile was attractive, but when she smiled her upper lip folded in showing her upper gums and teeth. It was nice but not my favorite type of smile. From what I could see they were both very sexily built. Carrie was trimmer, taller and a little bigger in the chest. I was going to be happy to fuck them both silly.

“Oh what a beautiful home.” Said Carrie.

“Yes,” Agreed Ashley, “This is magnificent.”

“Thank you ladies. I always appreciate compliments on my home. My decorator would love to hear your praises. I’m sure she would thank you as well.”

I escorted them into the living room and they sat down.

“Mr. McGuire do you live here all alone?” Asked Carrie.

“Please, call me John. I think under the circumstances, a first name basis is more appropriate, don’t you?” I smiled.

“I guess. This is unbelievable. I can’t believe that this is real yet.” Smiled Carrie blushing.

“Yes I do live here alone.” I said.

“I guess you’re never lonely with all of this?” Said Ashley.

“As much as everyone else. But I also have my privacy when I want it.” I smiled.

Both girls nodded.

“So, I find this offer very interesting. If I understand the terms of the agreement, if I win the bet, I have three days with you, Carrie. If I lose, I still have had some very special time with you Ashley. How can I lose?”

“You can lose four hundred dollars.” Said Carrie.

“Without trying to degrade Ashley, she is worth a lot more then four hundred dollars. It is a bargain, for me.” I smiled.

“No offense taken. I am more than happy to spend time with you, whenever you may feel the need to.” Smiled Ashley.

“Thank you, Ashley. I will take you up on that offer I assure you. Both of you are very beautiful. Are you sure your sisters?” I asked.

“Why?” Asked Carrie.

“Well, blonde and jet black, tanned and light skinned, tall and shorter, big breasted and smaller breasted, everything any man could want. I can see nothing wrong with either of you. I assure you, If I win, I will be one of the luckiest men alive. Mike I envy you.” I smiled.

“Well, Mike has never been with Ashley, I don’t believe.” Said Carrie.

“But she is the only one I trust to be fair and honest. I know after today if she needs help she will ask me before she ever does anything with Mike.”

“You can count on that Carrie.” Said Ashley.

“So the rules of the bet are?” I asked.

“Ashley will determine what method to use to cause you to have an orgasm. She will use the same method on both of you. The first time John, you must complete in less time then Mike does. The second time you must complete in more time then Mike does. It is that simple. Ashley will be the timekeeper. Her decision is final, since she will know when either of you completes.” Said Carrie. “We came in one car. I will leave and when you have finished, beep me and I will return. Either, I will be staying and Mike and Ashley leaving or all three of us will leave four hundred dollars richer. If I stay, Mike will pick me up at eight o’clock on Monday evening. Agreed?” Said Carrie.

“I just want it stated that if you stay, what are my limitations, if any?”

“The only limit is that you will force nothing on me and there will be no pain or markings of my body, outside of the normal love making.” Said Carrie.

“You will allow me to touch you and enter your body correct?”

“Yes, but there will be limits there.” Said Carrie.

“I can not accept those terms. If you decide that any orifice or all are off limits, then I gain nothing from you. I expect to make use of any orifice that I may believe that you want used.” I said.

“I trust you to use good manners and judgement and will honor any reasonable objection. May I ask why you are concerned?”

“Well, I am rather well hung. You may think that you are unable to handle what I have. I assure you that you can and will like it. Please, excuse my directness, but I have had no women, that were unable to handle what I offer.” I said.

“If Ashley can handle it, then I will handle it.” Said Carrie.

“Ok, then we are in agreement. I hope to see you later for a few days.” I smiled.

Carrie blushed. “Good bye for now. Good luck, Mike! Have fun Ashley. Good bye John.” Saying that I escorted her to the door.

I walked back to Mike and Ashley and showed them to the Master Bedroom and the bathrooms. Ashley came out in a robe and Mike was also in a robe. I went into the bathroom and came out in a robe.

“Whenever you are both ready. There is a stopwatch clock on the night table. Please ignore me.” I said.

Mike went to Ashley and started to hug her and kiss her.
She hugged Mike and kissed him back. After a few minutes Mike removed his robe and she remover hers. They were both naked. Ashley kissed her way down Mike’s body and engulfed his cock when she got to it. Two minutes later, Mike came. She stopped the clock at two minutes and forty-five seconds. She went to the bathroom and used a mouthwash and returned.

Mike put his robe on and went and sat in the chair.

When Ashley came out she sat down in the bed and asked for a minute to compose herself. Her legs were spread enough to allow me to fantasize. By the time she was ready I was almost there.

“Ready John?” She asked.

“Sure Ashley.” I went over to her and she hit the clock.

I started to kiss her and removed her robe in one motion. She released my belt and started to hug me. She felt my cock press into her tummy. Her eyes shot open and looked down. She dropped to her knees. “Oh, my god!” She managed before she gulped my cock into her mouth and started to play with my balls. Thirty seconds of this and she was rewarded with more cum in her mouth then she could swallow. But she tried.

When she hit the clock it was one minute and forty-three seconds and she was about 20 seconds late.

She explained to Mike. “It was my fault that I hit the clock late, he actually did it in about one minute and twenty-three seconds.”

Mike tried to hide his pleasure, but smiled. “Ok, we trust you Ashley.” Then trying to look disappointed.

Ashley came back and was still caressing my cock. After she got a rise out of me she remembered that there was more to follow and she went to the bathroom again.

She came out and lay on the bed. “Mike let me know what you want to do, but the clock starts when you enter me, ok?”

Mike went over to the bed and started to lick her pussy.
“I need to get you wet.” Mike explained.

After five minute and forty-one seconds on the clock, Mike finished.

Ashley came once. She went to the bathroom and cleaned herself well. She came out and said. “I’m ready whenever you are John.”

“Mike, do me a favor and get her ready for me please.”
Mike looked at me then went down on her again. I went to the head of the bed and presented my cock to her mouth. She greedily took it into her mouth. When I was fully erect I told Mike,
“Mike please move. If you want more go to her mouth, please.”
Mike did.

I started to enter her pussy slowly an inch at a time. I was fully in her after about five minutes. She started the clock. She came at least twelve times before I finished. I took her first in missionary position, and then I turned her on her side and entered her from the rear side. I moved her onto all fours. I entered her in doggie position and thumbed her asshole. Mike came three more times in her mouth. As I changed positions Mike followed her mouth. After about an hour of slow steady fucking I increased my pace and came. She just lay there, not moving. I told Mike. Take her ass. He did. I went and showered.

After Mike finished in her ass, she came back to the living. She climaxed with Mike in her ass. Then Mike and Ashley took showers and Mike called Carrie.

All I heard Mike say on the phone was for Carrie to bring a change of clothes and an overnight bag.

Twenty minutes later there was a knock on my door. I answered it and escorted Carrie to the living room.

“Are you ok?” Carrie asked Ashley.

“Oh my god, Yes. Thanks Sis. I didn’t know how much I missed being anadolu yakası sevgili tadında escort with a man.” Ashley said.

“Well, I guess you won fair and square. Here are the car keys, Mike. See you on Monday.” Carrie said as she kissed him good bye. From her reaction, she tasted her sister on Mike’s lips.

“Tastes like you had a good time.” Carrie said making a face.
Mike blushed.

Mike helped Ashley to her feet and escorted her out of the house.

I was alone with Carrie. She was nervous and was shy.

I showed her to the master bedroom, which I had stripped of the bedding and put new bedding on the bed.

“We will be sleeping here this weekend. Please make the bed so that you will feel comfortable in it.” I smiled. “Relax, I am not a monster. I will be kind and gentle with you. You are to beautiful to be treated badly.”

She smiled and went into the bedroom and closed the door. I waited for her to come out. An hour later the door opened and she came out in a very sexy negligee.

I smiled. “Very nice, beauty and class. Thank you.”

She smiled shyly.

“Please come sit with me.” I said.

She sat next to me, but nothing of hers touched me.

I moved a little closer to her and my PJ covered legs touched against her negligee. She stiffened.

“Was Mike your one and only?” I asked.

“Yes, we were high school sweethearts.”

“I think that you will find that being with a different male will be a very enjoyable experience. My body is different then Mike’s and you will experience new and enjoyable feeling that your body is not used to feeling. You will be stretched and feel sensations in parts of your body that have never been touched. I am sure that you will enjoy it. Be patient and try to enjoy this opportunity.”

“Thanks, John. I’ll try.”

I started to caress her smooth black hair and brought it to my nose and smelled it. “I love the smell and touch of your hair. These senses are all new to me and very exciting.”

Her breathing began to increase in depth and frequency. I picked up her hand and brought it to my lips and kissed it. Caressing her fingers with mine.

“Your hand is so petite and soft, even your hand is sexy. I can’t wait to feel it caressing my manhood.”

She took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh.

“Do you prefer word like breasts as opposed to tits?” I asked.

“What ever you like, I like either.” She said.

“Good. The old saying about wanting a proper woman for a wife with company and a slut in bed is true. Are you as slut in bed for your husband?” I asked.

“I try to be, but it is so difficult. I love him so much.”

“What you and I are going to be doing is not love, but sex. You can try whatever you want with me. I will only think better of you for it. I am sure that Mike would want you to be a slut for him to, when you are having sex, not love.”

“Do you think so?”

“Oh, yes. You have a pussy between your legs. Most men want to touch it with all of their body and want you to touch them with all of your body. I don’t love you, but I would gladly lick your asshole, pussy, feet or any other part of you that you want licked. It is pure sex and lust. You should feel the same. My body is flesh and blood just like yours. My cock in your cunt was made to be together. Any cock in your cunt should feel right. Sex is not love.”

“So even a ten year-old boy should feel good then?”

“That’s right. Any stimulation there should feel good.”

“I don’t believe that.”

“Remember the last time you doubted me?”

“Yeah, that’s why I’m here.”

“Still doubt me?” I asked.

“Yeah about a young boy. I do.”

“Think about it. I have to go to the bathroom.” I went to the bathroom and called Mike. Then my nephew Donald, he was ten. I asked him to come to my house tomorrow, with Mike’s permission.

When I came out I sat next to Carrie. I kissed Carrie a very polite kiss no open mouth or tongue. I kissed her a few times this way trying to get her to open her mouth and start to become the aggressor. After a few minutes, she started to open her mouth a little, still waiting for me to lead her. I didn’t. I could feel the heat of her body against me and she started to breathe deeper again. I moved my face away from her and brushed her lips with my index finger. She closed her eyes and kissed my finger. I reach down my PJ’s and got the fluid off of the tip of my cock on the finger and coated her lips with it. Her eyes open to the smell.

“What was that?” She asked.

I said. “What was what?”

“That smell?”

“I don’t smell anything.”

She licked her lips and shrugged.

I smelled her neck and shook my head and shrugged.

She unconsciously continued to lick her lips.

I returned my index finger to her lips and she opened her mouth a little and licked my finger. I pressed my finger gentle into her mouth and she played with it with her tongue. I kissed her neck and her ear as she sucked on my finger.

I whispered into her ear softly. “Let yourself go. I won’t be telling Mike what we do together. Do anything that you’ve always wanted to try. This may be your last chance to make Mike happy. He is doing all of this for you. He is madly in love with you, and I think he believes you need some help in learning.”

She sighed around my finger. She put her hand in my hair and turned my face to hers and showed she wanted to kiss me. I removed my finger and leaned into her lips. Her mouth opened and she started to kiss me. I played with my tongue on her lips and she responded by brining her tongue into play with my tongue and lips. Her arms went around my shoulders and she pressed her tits against my chest. I placed my hands on her side and cheated up under her arms, with my thumb making contact with the sides of both tits. She turned a little to one side so that my thumb went moving toward her nipple. Her one hand came up behind my head and caressed my hair as she pressed my mouth down on her mouth. Holding the kiss I stood and brought her to her feet with me. I pressed my right leg between her legs and my one hand slide down to her ass. I press my now erect cock against her tummy. When she felt me hard against her, her eyes opened wide. I whispered, relax. I won’t hurt you. She gulped. I smiled. I started to caress her back and ass holding her close to me as I continued to kiss her. She began to get excited as I guided her hip so that her pussy slid against my thigh. With the negligee on her body, her pussy slid over the silk and created friction against her pussy and she really started to get into her sliding motion. I found the button to her Negligee and unbuttoned it. I guided it off of her shoulders and it slid to the floor. She had a matching black bra and panties. They were totally transparent. They appeared to be made of a lace pattern that allowed one to see right through to the flesh in some places. Her pink nipples show teasingly through the bra. I went for the bra hooks and unhooked the bra. I moved the straps off of her shoulders, but the bra remained in place. Her tits pressing against my chest held it in place.

“Remove my top” I said. She reached down and pulled it over my head, as she did her bra fell to the floor. She quickly pressed into my chest again.

I slid my hands inside of her lace panties and held each ass cheek in my hands. Caressing and squeezing them. I whispered.

“Your breasts feel wonderful against my chest. I can feel your nipples standing out hard against me. Your ass is so smooth and firm. You are really in very excellent shape. I want to see your pussy now, is that all right with you?” I asked.

“Oh, yes.” she whispered into my ear. “Please, I want you to see me naked.”

I released her and dropped to my knees. I put my thumbs inside of her panty waistband and looked up into her eyes. Her eyes were half-closed in passion. Her mouth was open, as she sighed and breathed heavily. I guided her panties down her legs to the knees and then released them. They descended to her feet unassisted. She stepped out of them by holding on to my shoulders. My eyes never left her face. She licked her lips. I brought my head down and stared directly at her cunt. I leaned in and kissed her mound. Her body moved as if confused. Both pulling away and pressing forward at the same time. She was afraid, but her body liked what it felt. I stood up and kissed her again. She pressed her hip into mine and kissed me passionately.

“Now it’s your turn. Please remove my bottoms and don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you.” I whispered.

She looked me in the eyes. Her eyes looked up into my eyes and she smiled. “Ok.”

“Remember, if you want to do something, just do it.” I smiled.

She bent down on to her knees and unsnapped the pj bottoms. She could see the outline of my cock. She guided the pj’s down my legs, but her eyes never left my cock as her mouth opened in surprise at what she saw. I stepped out of the pj’s and she stared at my cock. Her hands went to my thighs to support her balance. I placed my one hand on the side of her face. This distracted her and she looked up.

“Don’t worry. It is there for your pleasure, not pain. I will take it slow and easy, giving you plenty of time to adjust. Trust me, you will like it.” I smiled as I caressed her cheek.

She stood up and pressed into me. She felt my cock, come in direct contact with her mound and she shivered at the contact.

“Wow! That is huge!” She said looking into my eyes.

I smiled. “Just remember, slow and easy in the beginning. After you get used to it, you will really enjoy its size. Remember Ashley handled it without any problems.”

“Ok.” She smiled.

“What a beautiful face you have.” I kissed her again and her passion rekindled. This woman had some very oral tendencies. She loved to be kissed and sucked on. She apparently also liked to kiss and suck on her mate, as well. I think that once she has tried it, she will be extremely oral with Mike.

I walked her to the bedroom. She lay down in the middle of the bed on her back. I lay at her side. My left hand went to her soft black hair on her head and caressed it. I traced my finger over her face, her forehead to her eyes, her eyes to her nose, her nose to her lips. I caressed her cheeks and moved to her ears and neck. I looked down her body from her neck to her feet and back up again.

“What a magnificent body you have. I would love to kiss and lick every inch of your body.” I said returning to her face.

She did a full body blush. “Thank you.”

“No, thank you.”

My hand went from her neck down to her tits. I circled the tit, where the swelling ended on her chest. I play a figure eight with her tits with my index finger. She started to close her eyes again in excitement. Her chest arched into my fingers.

“I love you hair. The softness and smoothness of it and the smell, they are enough to excite me. If you were the test person, rather then your sister, I may have lost this bet.” I smiled. “Any man to have you, is indeed one of the luckiest men alive.”
She just smiled and blushed.

I continued to circle her tits and began to slowly close on her nipple with my finger. I kissed her forehead and followed the route that my finger had previously taken, stopping at her neck. By now my finger had reached the edge of her nipple. I stuck my finger into her mouth and she sucked on it. I removed my finger and returned to her nipple. I spread her saliva around one nipple and gradually got to the middle. I squeezed her nipple between my index finger and thumb and pulled it away from her and allowed it to slip through my fingers. As her nipple snapped back her tit vibrated. I smiled and did it a few more times. Her eyes were focused on her nipple and the manipulations I was doing with them.

Her hand slowly crept down her body to come into contact with my cock. On first contact, I jerked and smiled, closing my eyes. Her eyes shot to my face and then she wrapped her hand around my cock. Her hand could not close on both sides of my cock. She slowly started to move the foreskin up and down. Her eyes focused on what she was doing as I continued to manipulate her tits. I leaned in and started to lick her belly up to her breasts. I circled her alveoli with my tongue and then licked her nipples. Her grip tightened on me as she arched her chest into my mouth. I licked her nipples for a few minutes, then covered her right nipple with my mouth as my hand compressed her tit that I was sucking on. She started to moan and undulated her hip. Her hand on my cock was becoming sporadic in her pumping of me. She was becoming very excited. I continued working her tits. Her hand came to my head and gently pushed my head down.
Well, I thought. It looks like she might be ready to be licked between her legs. I reversed position with my head down toward her feet as I let my finger continue down her body to her belly button. I started to lick her belly button, then over her ovaries. My fingers went to her thighs and pressed them out. She spread her legs in a wide beaver. I ran a finger up and down her slit from as far between her legs as I could reach then back to her clit. Her hip lifted to try to get my finger inside of her. I was on my side, as I looked up at her. My cock was about a foot from her mouth. She was studying it with her eyes and hands. I pulled her ass cheek causing her to lie on her side facing me. I lifted her one leg and again got her to spread her legs with one leg with her foot near her but and her knee straight up. I traced her pussy and then concentrated on her clit. My head was inched from her cunt. I stared to finger her cunt. As my finger slide into her, she moaned and released her grip on my cock. I slide my hip forward a few inches. I wasn’t sure whether I should go down on her first or try to get her to start kissing or licking my cock first. I know if I got to lick her first, she would be lost to sucking on me, but if I let her go first, she may not be ready for it yet. So I started to finger fuck her and figured I’d play it by ear. Her hand returned to my cock and I started to thrust into her hand. Every once in a while the tip of my cock brushed her lips. She didn’t retreat. I slide a little closer to her face. Now almost every thrust touched her lips. Her lips were becoming covered with my pre-cum. A few more thrusts and I felt her tongue as she licked her lips. I pressed forward and her lips opened and held my cock between her lips. I eased about four inches into her mouth and she started to explore my cock with her mouth. Success! I thought. She started to bob her head and play with my balls. I figured she did it once, she would do it again. She seemed really into it. I placed my mouth over her mound, as I fingered her cunt. My tongue gently touched her clit every so often. She had three orgasms on my tongue.

I was close to coming. “Carrie, I am coming, swallow what comes out!” I said.

She grabbed my cock with both hands and pressed as much of my cock into her mouth as she could. She didn’t gag; it slid down her throat as I came. She didn’t miss a drop. She continued to suck even after I was done.

“Ok, Carrie. Let me finish you now.” I said.

“You have three times.” She said.

“I know, but my turn to help you finish big.”

I repositioned myself between her legs and started to eat her out, the way she deserved to be satisfied. When I concentrated on her, she was multi-orgasmic. She just built higher with each climax. After about ten minutes of licking her she passed out.
I rested in the bed with her; she cuddled up next to me as she slept.
A warm feeling around the head of my cock awakened me. Carrie had my cock in her mouth and was looking at my face when I woke up. I smiled.

“I guess you have decided that you like doing that?” I asked.

She shook her head, not taking her mouth off of my cock.
“Come for me, please.” Carrie said. Returning to my cock.

After a few minutes of looking at her beautiful face full of my cock, I came. She swallowed every drop.

She crawled up my body and lay on me. Her thighs were on either side of mine. She rested her head on my chest. “John, you are so easy to be with, I don’t even feel guilty.”

“No need to feel guilty. Mike knows what we are doing and he is all right with it. As long as you go back to him when it’s over.”

“Oh, I will. I love Mike. But as you explained, this is pure sex between us. I have always wanted to give a guy a BJ, but I was afraid that Mike would think less of me for it.”

“He won’t. He loves you and anything that you want he will do to you or for you. Talk to him about what you want or need. He is a good husband.” I said.

“Is your cock really going to fit in my pussy?” She asked.

“Easily, after you adjust. Just don’t use things this big unless your spouse has one this big. You will stretch after a while of constant use.”

“What is too much.”

“Each couple differs, depends on both the guy and the girl.”

“Oh, more experimenting?” She smiled.
“I have never heard a report being specific on this subject.” I laughed.

“Thanks for saying all of those nice things about me, it made it a lot easier for me.”

“I meant every word of it. You are beautiful and extremely sexy and fit. As I have said, thank you. So far, you have been one of the best woman that I have ever been with.”

She kissed me. “Are you going to take my only virgin hole?”

“If you like.” I will gladly do it for you.”

“We’ll see. I’m a little nervous about that one.”

“I will not do anything that you don’t want done. Please don’t stop me from taking your cunt though. I have dreamed of that one.”

“Never! I am dying to try to fit you into me.” She giggled.

We got up and had breakfast nude.

After cleaning up, there was a knock on the door. Carrie ran to the bedroom and I donned my robe.

I answered the door and my nephew Donald was there. “Come on in Donald. You just follow my lead. Don’t say anything about why you’re here.”

“K Uncle.”

We went and sat down by the TV and he turned on some cartoons.

“I went into the bedroom and told Carrie that my nephew was here. I asked Mike if I could bring him over when you’re here and he said that I could.”

“Why John?” Carrie asked.

“Well, Donald is a very experienced kid, actually. I usually use him to take my girlfriends ass virginity. He is the right size and loves it. When he is done with you, I can take you. He is very young, but very grown up for his age. He is very discrete. It’s up to you though.” I said.

“Mike is all right with this?”

“Yes, I spoke to Mike about it and he said whatever I thought was best, as long as you agreed.”

“Will anadolu yakası oral yapan escort Mike know about him coming here?”

“Mike dropped him off. But he need not know whether Donald took part or not. That is up to you.”

“Can I think about it?” Carrie asked.

“Of course, come out and meet him. You’ll like him.” I said.

“How should I dress?” Carrie asked.

“From naked to fully clothed. He is used to seeing my girlfriend naked.”

“Ok, give me a few minutes.”

I went outside and invited Donald to have some breakfast. We sat in the kitchen and Carrie came out there after a while. She was dressed in a robe and pj’s.

When she walked into the kitchen, Donald said. “Wow! You are beautiful.”

“Why thank you.” Said Carrie impressed.

“Carrie this is Donald, Donald this is Carrie.”

They shook hands.

“So what grade are you in Donald?” Carrie asked.

“Sixth grade.” Said Donald.

“And how old are you?”

“Ten, almost eleven.”

“Have you got any girlfriends?”

“I don’t have a girlfriend yet, but I have been with girls.”

“Oh, a little man already?”

“In some things, yes. In others, waiting for the opportunity.”

“In what things are you a little man?” Carrie asked.

Donald looked at me for a hint.

“If you ask him a question the answer might surprise you.” I said.

“So, surprise me. I’ve learned a lot this weekend, so far. Nothing would shock me now, and I am going to learn as much as I can this weekend.”

“Tell her, Donald.”

“I have fully service three grown women over 25 years old, for three days. Anything they wanted I did for them and they did to me. I loved it. They loved it and I look forward to helping other women that may need it. I go to the doctors every month and I am healthy. I do it for fun, not money.”

Carrie’s mouth hung open.

“Don’t be so surprised. We have girls the same age in this town doing their fathers, mothers and their friends. We have everything a big city has. Still sure you want to learn this weekend?” I said.

“I do want to learn, I’m just not sure I could do it.” Said Carrie.

“Remember what I told you. Your body doesn’t care who is doing what to you as far as sex is concerned. You will not love Donald and he will not love you. It is just plain sex. What form of sex excites you the most?” I asked.

Carrie hesitated. “I guess kissing and being fingered.” She blushed.

“Carrie kiss Donald.” I suggested.

She looked nervous.

“Just kiss him. Donald, take it very slow, ok?”

Donald looked at Carrie and smiled. “She is so pretty, it will be hard, uncle.”

Carrie smiled.

“Carrie go sit on the couch, Donald go brush your teeth.”

Carrie went and sat on the couch. I followed her. “Trust me.”
Donald returned in a few minutes. He went to the couch and kneeled next to Carrie on the couch. He breathed softly on her face.

Carrie smiled, his breath smelled great and she could smell his body was clean.

Donald sniffed and he smiled. “I love the smell of your hair.” He ran his hands through it and smiled. “It is so soft and clean. There are no tangles in it.” He cocked his head as he continued to run his hands through her hair.

I saw Carrie relax a bit.

He placed his small hands on her cheeks and turned her face to him. He explored her face with his eyes, cocking his head to the side to get a better look at her face. She smiled at him and he smiled back.

Carrie couldn’t believe that this young boy was starting to cause her body to begin reacting to his mannerisms. He hugged her. She hugged him back.

“You are so beautiful.” He whispered.

Carrie sighed. Carrie felt her nipples against his chest and they were reacting to the contact. He pulled his face back and looked into her eyes and kissed her nose. As she smiled, he put his lips to her mouth. She felt his lips brush against her teeth. She opened her mouth to avoid hurting his lips on her teeth. She felt his tongue touch her teeth. She reacted by touching his tongue with hers. Her eyes closed and she began to enjoy the small mouth on hers. Her hands went to his small ass and pressed his hip into her.

She wanted to see what this little boy had in his pants.
The kiss broke and Donald moved away from her. Her eyes dropped to his shorts and she saw the shorts were tented, but she could see the size of him.

“So, what do you think? Do you think he could excite you?” I asked.

“He already has.” Carrie giggled. “So do you have something worked out, or is each case different?” Carrie asked.

“No two people are ever the same, it is always different. I want you to finish him first, so he will not be so quick when he actually enters your ass. You can bring him off any way that you want to do it. It’s your choice. But let’s go to the bedroom for this. I have trained him in hygiene and his body is totally clean. You can suck or lick any part of his body if you want to do it.”

When we got into the bedroom Donald stood by the bed.

“You have to tell him what to do, like strip, undress me, lie on the bed, bend over and hold your feet, whatever you want. You control how you wish to bring him off.” I told Carrie.

“Any suggestions?” Carrie asked.

“Sure, Donald remove your sneakers and socks then go stand by Carrie.” I said.

I whispered some things to Carrie and she smiled and said. “Ok, that sounds reasonable.”

After removing his shoes and socks, Donald went and stood in front of Carrie. He removed his shirt and undershirt. She stripped his shorts off and then removed his under shorts. His cock was just starting to rise. She ran her hands over his body and was actually enjoying the experience.

“Please lie on the bed, Donald.”
He did as instructed. She took hold of his cock and said. “Wow. You are quite impressive.” She stroked it for about a minute then leaned in and took it into her mouth. Her hands went under his knees and put his legs over her shoulders. His asshole came into view. She was busy sucking his cock.

“Please lick my balls!” Donald requested.

Carrie released his cock and started to lick and suck his balls. She then slid her tongue into his asshole and jerked his cock faster. His hip lifted off of the bed and she then covered his cock with her mouth and sucked him the rest of the way through his orgasm. She was surprised when he unloaded a small amount of cum into her mouth. She savored it in her mouth before swallowing it.

“Wow, you can cum?” I didn’t realize that.”

“Wow, that was my first time. You are really hot!” Said Donald.

Carrie went back and started to suck his cock again.

“Sorry Carrie, maybe later. He has to prepare you for your anal event.” I said.

Donald was in no rush, so I let her continue. I removed her clothes as she continued to suck Donald off again.

“Wow. I can see why women like young boys. It really different then with men, not better, but different.” Said Carrie.

“Do you have any other surprises for me?”

“I don’t discuss your session with me in front of others. That stays between only you me and the other participants.” I said.

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know.” Carrie said.

I smiled. “Be patient.”

“Please lie on your back.” Instructed Donald.

Carrie looked at me then Donald and she did as instructed.
Her hands covered her pussy.

Donald smiled. “You do realize that when I take your ass virginity, you will be on all fours. I will see your pussy, ass and tits hanging between your legs. So there is no need to hide anything from me. Relax.” He said with a smile. “You are beautiful all over.”

“He is very comforting.” Carrie said.

“I know, that is why he is here.” I said. “Wise beyond his years.”

“Now I get to explore your body.” Donald said. He straddled her chest and bent to kiss her. He kissed her for a minute the slid up and placed his cock and balls between her tits and massaged himself between her tits.

She looked down interested in this new sensation. He was very good with what he did. Her nipples responded immediately and she was already getting wet between her legs. His cock was four inches long and about two inches around. Hs balls were tight against his body with very little hang. They could both be cupped in her one hand, without spillover. After about two minutes, Donald slid down her body so he could suck on her tits. This put his cock at the top of her pussy slit. He pressed the head of his cock between her pussy lips as he spent five minutes sucking on her tits. Her hips were moving against his cock, but due to the angle all she could do was rub off on his cock. When he finished with her tits he slid down and started to lick her cunt. Her hands went to his head and she came a few times.

“Ok, Carrie up in all fours, please.” Donald said.
Carrie was totally ready to cum. She moved onto all fours very slowly. Donald positioned himself behind her and applied the KY jelly that I had handed to him. He caressed her ass cheeks for a minute, while working one then two fingers into her ass hole. He grabbed his cock and entered her pussy and humped that for about two minutes then pulled out and positioned his cock at her ass hole. He pressed forward and entered her ass hole to the balls. His balls slapped against her clit. He fucked her for five minutes. She climaxed twice. His fingers worked her clit the whole time that he was in her ass.

He pulled out and headed for the bathroom to clean up. Carrie just lay there groaning.

“My god I never thought that I could possible enjoy that. He was great.”

“I keep telling you to trust me. I know what is the best for you.” I said.

Donald came out in twenty minutes and came over to the bed and kissed Carrie. “Thank you, that was one of the best times that I have ever had. If you need my services, ask my uncle. Ok?”

“Thank you Donald. I really enjoyed myself too. If I need you, I will contact your uncle. Thanks for everything. Bye.”

Donald left. I had called a cab for him and it had pulled up as he finished kissing Carrie.

“Now, What other surprises do you have in store for me?”

“The other surprises, I will not clear with Mike. You can if you wish. I will not. If you don’t want Mike to know, then you have to tell him, not me. Understood?”

“But first, I need some relief and your pussy needs some real man cock.”

“Ok, let me shower.’

She showered and returned to the bed that I had finished refreshing the bedding on.

“Can I take a nap for a few hours?” Carrie asked.

“Sure, I’ll wait in the living room for you.”

Three hours later, Carrie came out of the bedroom.

“Hi John are you ready for me?” Carrie asked.

“Always.” I smiled.

“Now what are some of the other surprises? Before we begin?” She asked.

“I told you before. Do you have any thing you would like to try?
Old men, young, teen or old women, rape, gangbang, dogs, blacks, S&M or B&D. I can provide all that you want. Think about it while we enjoy ourselves.”

“How old are the young girls?”

“I currently have between 8 to11 available, for females.” I said.

“Do you have incest?”

“Yes, mother/son, father/daughter, brother/sister and other variations.”

“Wow, I would have to think about that.”

“Remember, this is your only opportunity to experience some of these. You and your husband have agreed to allow me complete control.” I said.

“Ok, I understand.”

She came over and kissed me.

We started to touch and kiss each other. She was becoming bolder and trying to do things that she was reluctant to do before. She surprised me when she rimmed me. I didn’t think she was into that, but evidently she enjoyed it with Donald so she wanted to see if she would like it with older guys. It really seemed to turn her on. I of course, returned the favor and she really like doing and receiving. Under the disguise of a very shy and nervous woman was a slut just waiting to break out? She was becoming what every husband wanted a shy, modest, conservative wife in public and slut in bed. Lucky Mike!
Eventually I was poised between her legs with my cock in hand. I pressed the head of my cock against her pussy lips and I saw them separate and the head of my cock entered between her lips. I saw the ring around her pussy open and allow the tip of my cock to enter her hole. The orifice seemed to squeeze the tip of my cock. She was well lubricated and the rest of the head slipped easily inside of her. I pressed four inches into her and then stopped as she showed signs of needing time to adjust. I move back out and slowly back in. Her feet wrapped behind my butt and pulled me into her. I let seven inches into her, then withdrew again. On my next entry into her she took all ten inches and my balls bounced off of her ass.

“I think I can taste your cock!” She said with a smile and giggle.

“Please John do me! I need it all inside of me.”

The first real thrust I made, I could feel the tip of my cock hit her cervix. It seemed to enter the mouth of her womb. I fucked her cunt for about twenty minutes, before she passed out. After five minutes of fucking her she was one big orgasm. I could not distinguish if she ever stopped, until she passed out. I pulled out and figured that she would be here for a while, no need for me to cum every time. I’m not a female. I have limits. I lay there with her and just held her and kissed her. She was hot and very beautiful. Best of all she was becoming very receptive to anything.

She awoke after about fifteen minutes and her body was already excited. She grabbed my cock and guided it into her cunt and she rode me this time. I came with her third orgasm. I liked this position with her because I could see my cock enter her and I could play with her tits and ass. I could also, see her facial expressions, they were super.

She rolled off of me and held my arm against her. She loved the physical contact and security.

After she got her breath she asked. “Old men? How old?”
“Forties, fifties, sixties and older if you like.” I said.

“Really? Can they still get hard, the older ones I mean?”

“Not as hard as teens, but they can last forever and have better techniques.”

“What about the difference with girls?”

“Younger receive better and you can enjoy their lack of knowledge, teens you can lick all day, older give and receive, better. They are adjustable, if you want to receive more they are willing. I know three lesbians, but they will try to make you theirs.”


“Yes. You can suck them and/or jerk them. They can fuck you in the cunt, ass or mouth. They can’t get you pregnant. They come in all sizes. The first few times you should use a handler. He/she controls the dog.”
“Some women like blacks, because they treat white women as sluts and degraded them. Not all are that way. They are very proud of their size, usually. They are usually very big.”

“You said rape and gang bang?”

“Yes, with rape you are completely under their control. They can do anything that they want with you. Usually, they don’t scar or mark your body permanently. They can have any of the above mentioned combinations to use or abuse you. Sometimes there is only one rapist. Gang-bang is a group of people; you chose age, sex, color and any other special groups. You dictate the methods and holes they can use. This is a very controlled form of rape, with rules. When you are done, you will be well fucked and won’t do anything for a week. One other group falls into this, sort of. If you want all three holes used at the same time by different people, animals and possible both hands. Then they switch positions the one in one place moves to another place. This is a more controlled method of a gang-bang.”

“People actually do these things?”

I smiled. “More often then you can imagine.” I smiled.

“Wow! It all sounds so tempting, but scary. I might like to try some of the safer ones.”


“Old men, girls, maybe a small dog and a controlled gang-bang. Can my face be hidden?”

“Sure. Anyway you want it. I can set it up so you can blow a group of guys and they would see your face. Or they can fuck your ass and pussy without seeing your face. But of course this will take me some time.”

“Which one can you set up for this weekend?”

“Old men, girls and dogs. I may be able to take you to a porn place and you can service guys through a hole cut in the wall.”


“Cunt, mouth or ass.”

“She got an evil grin on her face. I always wanted to try that. Can we do that today?”

“Tonight if you like.”


“Can you get an old man and a young girl?”

“I can get and old man and his grand daughter. She is very young.
I spoke to him and he said his granddaughter wants to learn about sex.”

“Really? And she wants to?”

“She said she would like to have someone lick her pussy.”

“She doesn’t care whether it is a boy or girl?”

“I don’t think so. If she wants, I’ll do it for her.”

“Ok cool.”

I made the call and they came over right away. The girl was eleven. The grandfather was sixty-three.
I let them in and showed them to the living room. I knew the old guy for years. He liked young girls. I sometimes used him in the gang-bang scenes.

“So who is first?” I asked.

Jennie said. “Me please, that way you can all watch.”

“Who would you like to do it for your Jennie?” I asked.

“Her, she is very pretty.”

“Ok, let’s go inside then.” I said.

“Have you bathed recently Jennie?”

“Yes, just before I came here. I washed myself really well.”


Jennie had a cotton dress on that came to her knees. She had the beginning of breasts and was a very pretty girl. She was a blond hair, blue eyed girl.

“Jennie, my name is Carrie. Sit in the bed, please.”

“Ok.” Jennie said as she sat on the bed.

Carrie was in a dress that came to her knees as well. But she didn’t have panties on.

Carrie removed Jennie’s shoes and socks. Lifted Jennie’s dress and slid her panties off. I took them and noticed that they were wet already. I smiled. I gave then to grandpa and he sniffed them and licked them.

“Jennie please stand up.” Carrie said.
Jennie stood and Carrie removed her dress. Jennie stood there in front of us naked.

Grandpa and I complimented her pretty body and cute little tits and cunt. Carrie ran her hands up and down Jennie’s body tweaking her nipples as she did.

Jennie smiled and twisted away from the tweaks. “That feels funny.”

Carrie positioned Jennie in the middle anadolu yakası escort of the bed and had Jennie shoot us a beaver. The blond hair on her pussy, hide nothing from our eyes. Carrie spread Jennie’s pussy lips with her fingers and made contact with Jennie’s clit with her tongue. Jennie’s legs flopped open like a frog, ready for dissecting. Her mouth hung open and her eyes stared of into the distance. Her tongue stuck out the side of her mouth in total relaxation. Carrie licked her from her ass hole to her clit and Jennie just lay there. I lifted Carrie’s dress exposing her pussy to grandpa.

Grandpa kneeled between Carrie’s leg and began to lick her cunt.
I took out my cock and walked to Jennie’s face and brushed my cock across her lips. She opened her mouth and took the head of my cock between her lips and sucked and worked her tongue on my cock. Now Jennie started to arch her hip into Carrie’s
face trying to guide Carrie’s tongue to the good spot. I didn’t move my cock in Jennie’s mouth, for this was her time. Jennie was enjoying my cock in her mouth as she began to smile up at me as I feigned pleasure. That isn’t to say that it didn’t feel good, but I acted it up a little for Jennie.

Grandpa got to his knees and was about to position himself to enter Carrie, but I shook him off. I gestured to him letting him know, not to enter Carrie, but to rub her pussy lips with the head of his cock. He got the message and smiled. Grandpa grabbed his cock and began rubbing it between the cunt lips of Carrie. She moaned into Jennie’s pussy, which caused Jennie to moan onto my cock. It was a chain reaction, but no one got hurt, we all smiled.

I saw that Jennie was starting to climax, so I removed my cock from her mouth and knelt close to her face and whispered to her.

“This is going to feel a little strange, sweetheart, but after you adjust to it, it will feel great and you will love it.”

She turned her face to mine and smiled, a little unsure. I kissed her face all over trying to help her into her first orgasm. It worked as she kissed me back. I kissed my way down to her nipples and played with them as I spoke to her.

“Enjoy it Jennie. Let yourself go. Feel the pleasure of Carrie’s mouth on your body. Let your body do what it wants to do.” Her hip pressed into Carrie’s face and her hands went into Carrie’s hair pressing Carrie’s head into her cunt.

“Do you like Carrie’s tongue licking your sweet wet cunt?”

“Oh, yes! It feels so good with Carrie’s tongue inside of my cunt! Oh, Yes! Deeper, please! Yes, yes, yes, yes., yes!” Exclaimed Jennie.

Her first orgasm took control of her and her hip lifted Carrie’s head as she pressed her cunt into Carrie’s mouth. I pulled Jennie away from Carrie and nodded to grandpa. He entered Carrie swiftly, but gently.

I went down on Jennie, as I positioned her hip at the side of the bed and placed her legs over my shoulders. I licked her ass and pussy going from one to the other. Her hands went to my head and pressed my head into her sweet little cunt. My hand went between her legs and played with her cunt and asshole. She came again on my tongue. When Jennie came down a little, I pressed the head of my cock just inside of her cunt, it slide in rather easily, she was very excited and I was sure she had used either a hairbrush or dildo before. She was not as innocent as Grandpa believed her to be.

“Who has been in our pussy before?” I asked her.

“No one just my mom’s fake dick. It’s big and black.” Jennie said.

“I think she misses dad, a lot.”

“Well, maybe we can help her, what do you think?”

“Um, she doesn’t know grandpa wants to fuck her. Maybe we can talk mom into it?”

I smiled. “Maybe?” I said. I didn’t try to enter her any further, she was still very tight. I circled my hip keeping my entry into her at a minimum. The hip action was stretching her, so entry into her would be easy, but she needed a smaller cock inside of her for her first time. Too bad that Donald had left. Oh well, I thought another day, will have to suffice.

After Jennie came on my cock again, I pulled out and we watched Grandpa and Carrie for a while, then I took Jennie down and we had some lunch. Grandpa came down an hour later and sat with us and had something to eat. Carrie was napping again.

“So Grandpa, I understand that your daughter is in need of some cock, what’s the story?”

Grandpa looked at Jennie, then me. “Since when?” He asked.

“Grandpa, since daddy is on the road all of the time, she is using a fake, cock to fuck herself. I peeked at her and she is making believe it is you doing it to her.”

“Why didn’t she ask?” Grandpa said.

“I don’t know? I asked you when I wanted help.” Said Jennie.
“I guess, but you’re a young girl. Older girls have more hang ups then younger ones.” Smiled Grandpa. “I take care of it, Jennie.”

We all showered downstairs and Jennie and her grandpa left.
Carrie woke about two hours later and came downstairs for something to eat. I sat with her and asked her. “So how do you like grandpas.”

She gave me a great big smile. “Better then the hurry up way that younger men rush through sex. I loved it. I think all women should have a grandpa lover once a week and a teen once a week. They should also have a young girl join them once a week with a guy, either young or old.”

“I’m very happy to see that you are a healthy woman and really enjoy having sex. I hope you’re ready for tonight?”

“I am! I bet every woman alive has dreamed of this. Why don’t more women try it?” She asked.

“Fear. Most woman would love to try it, but who can they trust.” I said.

“I guess that I am lucky to have Mike and a friend like you.” Carrie said.

“Thank you. I hate to blow my own horn, but you are correct.”

“Leave your horn alone, I blow it for you?”

I smiled. “Anytime, as long as Mike doesn’t mind.”

“Oh, I meant that I will pass the word to my friends, but I will gladly blow your physical horn any time that you want me to do it.” She giggled.

“Guess, I was thinking of how well you do it. But yes on both counts, I would appreciate it.”
Carrie bathed and we got ready to leave. I had her wear sweat pants and brought a change of clothes and two towels, one to kneel on and one to clean up. I also had her bring baby wipes and tissues. Most booths in a porn place have tissues and a waste paper basket in the booths, but I wanted to be sure. Some of those places can be messy. I called ahead and asked a friend of mine that ran the place to secure a booth and clean it well before I got there. He knew what I was up to. He told me to see him when I arrived. He would assure the anonymity of my guest. I requested a booth near the back entrance with a booth on both sides with sliding panels, that way if she wanted she could suck and be fucked at the same time. My friend arranged it.
We left for the Porn Palace at around eight o’clock. I parked around back and told her to lock the doors. I had a van with shaded windows, no one could see inside of it. I went in the front door and Frank was there. He handed me two keys, one for the back entrance and one for the locked booth. I smiled and went out the front door and went to the back. I told Carrie that when I waved her in she should get out and head for the booth. Go into the both and lock the door. I would join her in a few minutes. I told her that I have the key to the booth. Relax, no one could get in with her. I opened the rear entrance and then the booth. I checked around then went to the rear and waved her in. She ran to the booth and locked it. I went out the back, locked my van, reentered the rear of the Palace. Locked the rear door. I went to the front and gave Frank the nod. He smiled and close the one side so all traffic came to our side. A red light over our booth door indicated it was occupied. This would attract guys looking for help with getting relief.
I went into the booth and joined Carrie. She was a bit nervous so I had her sit in my lap and relax. We heard the door on the booth to our right open and close. I waited a few minutes then had her slide the door between the booths open. A cock and balls appeared through the opening. It was average size and clean looking, it had a soapy smell. I nodded to Carrie and she went for it with gusto. Within a minute, she was rewarded with a cum mouthwash. She swallowed it all. The guy withdrew and then the booth on the left was occupied. Carrie turned and opened the sliding door. Another average cock and balls came through the hole in the booth. She immediately began to suck on it. The booth on the right became occupied. I opened the sliding door. I turned Carrie’s hip toward this door took her hand between her legs and pulled her pants and panties to her feet. I guided her hand to the cock and she pressed it into her cunt. She had one in her mouth and one in her cunt. I massaged her tits for her. She was fucked twice in her cunt and three times in her ass. She blew ten guys. I rejected three with no action for hygiene.
She closed the last door and said. “That’s it for me for now.” I turned the occupied light out. I left locked the door and checked the area, when clear I escorted her to the van. I returned inside and gave Frank the keys.

“Thanks John. She was great.”

“Hope you enjoyed it.”

“Oh, I did twice.”

I left by the front door and returned to the van.
She was talking non-stop all the way home about how great it was and how she had always wanted to do something like that.
I drove her back to my house and she headed for the bathroom to clean up. She went directly to bed. She was worn out from the evening’s fun.

I was up at around 8:00 o’clock. I was expecting one of my contacts to come with her three dogs. She did this service gratis for me since it usually provided a client for her and her service. I went to the door when I heard the knock.
I opened the door and Lynne and her three dogs were there. I invited them in and she put the dogs in the cellar. It was cooler there and more comfortable for her pets. We sat down and had some coffee and donuts. She usually brought donuts when she came. We talked about the prospective client and she seemed impressed with my progress with her over just two days.

“Do you think that she really wants to do it with dogs?” Lynne asked.

“It’s a tough call. That will depend on her hubby. She will be willing to try it. I think if your boys do a good job, she might be able to get hubby interested. If you’re not opposed to being licked or sucking the hubby, you may be able to convince her and hubby. Depends on pleasing hubby. I’m sure the boys will please her.” I said.

Lynne got a gleam in her eyes. “Sounds good to me. Please my boys and myself in one shoot. You say the wife is hot looking?”

“Very beautiful. I bet very photogenic as well. But save that for another time. I don’t need the hubby mad at me. Got it?”

“Of course John. I never screw with my contacts, unless they want it.” She smiled.

“No thank you. I’m doing this as a favor to the both of them. I’m not really in the business of procurement.” I smiled.

“Picky, picky!” Lynne smiled.

Lynne had a pretty face and a small set of tits. She had an hourglass figure, thin, but very attractive body. If she were not involved with bestiality, I might have given her a ride. But I, myself, am not into cross species.

Carrie had awakened and I heard the bathroom shower running and the flushing of the commode. I went into the room and told her that we had female company and that she had brought her canines with her.

“Great, do I need to dress any particular way?”

“I suggest a short cotton dress with nothing on underneath. Come out when you’re ready.”

“I’m famished, could you cook me some eggs, bacon and toast, please?”

“Sure, it will be waiting for you.”

I went out and invited Lynne into the kitchen. “Lynne want something to eat?” I asked.

“Ok, how about some eggs, bacon and toast?”

“Coming right up. ” I responded.

“I could get used to this real easily.”

“Well, I don’t mind it. Actually, I usually do my own cooking.”

“Sort of like a bed and breakfast.” Lynne smiled.

I acknowledged her pun with a smirk.

Carrie came down just as I set the both plates out for the ladies to eat. “Carrie this is Lynne, Lynne this is Carrie.”

“Wow John you are correct she is very beautiful.” Said Lynne.

“Thank you John and you also Lynne.” Blushed Carrie.

“Sit and eat, while it’s hot.” I said.

The both ladies dug in to the meal and scarified it down like two starving women.

“That was delicious, John. If you ever open up a house for wayward girls, let me know!” Said Lynne.

‘She’s right John. This is great. I admit it is only breakfast, but it is perfect.” Carrie added.

“Thank you ladies. I try to do everything as well as I can.”

I went to the guest bathroom and provided Lynne with a toothbrush and told her where the bathroom supplies were.
Both of the ladies made use of the bathrooms and returned to the Kitchen. I had just finished eating and told Lynne, “While I clean up, why don’t you introduce Carrie to the boys.”

“Good Idea John. If you’re ready Carrie?” Lynne asked.

“I guess. Might as well see if I like it.”

I headed for the master Bathroom and took care of myself. When I finished, I went to the cellar and Carrie was sitting on a sofa with a set of towels under her ass and her dress hiked up above her waist and a very small dog licking between her legs. Her eyes were rolled back into her head. Her hip was lifted off of the couch and trying to get the doggie tongue deeper into her snatch. I just stayed out of the way. It looked like Lynne had the situation well under control. Needless to say all three dogs got their rocks off and Carrie became a three-hole bitch. She still hadn’t had three holes at one time. That was the finally for tonight, a controlled gang bang.

When Lynne finished with Carrie, they exchanged phone numbers and Lynne left with her three pets. Carrie proceeded to the bathroom and cleaned up.

When she came out, she was tired and just lay around on the sofa watching the TV.

After lunch, Carrie asked me. “What was next!”

“Only one other thing that I have planned for you. I have eight gentlemen arriving at around two o’clock. They are here to fulfill your gang bang fantasy. You will have all three holes and both hands full of cocks this afternoon. They are between the ages of 15 and 64. They will use every hole that you have as often as they want to. You have no say in which they use or how often they use it. Understood?” I explained.

“You will be here correct?” Carrie asked.

“Of course, no one will hurt you. All of the guys are from out of town so you will not know them and they will not know you. Do not give any of them your personal information. I stress this. They may try to set something up with you, I strongly advise against it. I know that they can be trusted and all are healthy, but any male would like a second chance with you. Don’t do it!”

“Ok, John. I promise.”

“If you need something of this nature again, speak with Mike. If he agrees, I can set it up for the both of you. Don’t jeopardize your marriage.”

“Understood, and I agree with you.” Carrie said.

The guys arrived at between 1:30 and 2:00, as instructed. I required them to shower and don terrycloth bathrobes. I kept Carrie in the master bedroom. The guys had done similar things for me before, so they knew the rules. There were two young teen boys, they of course would use her back door before the other, so she could begin to adjust to the double entry more easily. When everyone arrived. I brought both of the teens in first. One went down on her and she sucked the other one. After a few minutes, they switched positions. When I felt she was ready, I applied some KY to her ass hole and had the bigger guys lay on his back as she sat on his cock. She leaned forward and kissed the boy as the second entered her ass. They started to service her. I went out and brought the other six men into the room. I pointed at one and he dropped the robe and went to her face. She saw the cock and engulfed it with her mouth. The next two guys I directed to each of her hands. She now was servicing five cocks at once. The boys came and the other guys replaced them. The guys started to switch positions. Carrie was climaxing continuously. One would stop and another would start. After each guy came one time they each took her individually. No one was allowed to enter her ass and then her cunt, until they washed their cocks off thoroughly.

Carrie handled it like a pro. After about four hours of constant fucking, the guys went and showered as they finished. The teens were the last to leave. Carrie lay there for ten minutes, before she got up and showered. She cupped her cunt and ass as she went to the bathroom to prevent dripping all the way to the bathroom. She came out a half and hour later. Mike was due in about an hour to pick her up. I hope he didn’t expect any tonight. Although, knowing Mike, he was with Ashley all weekend. Carrie was totally wasted. To move was and effort.

“So Carrie, how was it?” I asked.

“Oh my god, I have never felt anything quite like it. It was great! I have a feeling that Mike and I may be needing your services again.” Carrie smiled.

“You have to go through Mike. I will not do anything for either of you without the others consent.” I said.

“I really enjoyed the teens. They are so hard and never seem to tire. The real old guys are great too. They aren’t as hard, but they sure know how to use what they have and it just keeps building with them. One of the reasons that I like the teens is because they never stop cumming. I can drink their cum all day and never get enough.” Carrie said.

“Is all of your stuff packed?” I asked Carrie.

“Yes, thanks John. This was one of the best weekends of my life. I hope that you had some fun?”

“I had all the fun that I needed. This wasn’t for my benefit, but I did enjoy a lot of it with you. Thank you for the opportunity to be with you.”

At eight o’clock on the button there was a knock on my door. I answered it and Mike came in with Ashley. “So John, how was everything?” Mike asked.

“I believe that you have awakened a monster in your wife. I hope you can handle it?” I smiled.

“Thank you John. I brought Ashley, because I figured that Carrie may need some help.”

“Good call. I think Carrie will sleep tonight.”

Ashley and Mike walked in and went over to Carrie.

“So Sis, Are you very tired?” Ashley asked.

“More then I thought was possible without passing out.” Said Carrie. “I hope you have satisfied Mike for tonight. I couldn’t possible do anything more tonight.”

“I’ll stay the night if you like. That way you can get some rest.” Ashley smiled.

“Great, but tomorrow, I think Mike may not make it to work on Wednesday.” Carrie smiled.

The three picked up Carrie’s overnight and headed out. I went and cleaned up the house and bundled the laundry for the service and went to bed.

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Three Can Keep a Secret if Two are…Servicing the Plan

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Big Tits

Kim and I drove in silence the 15 minutes it took to get to north Aurora. I was disappointed to see street lights illuminating this rural street where we planned to crash Rachel’s car. But, there was nothing to be done about it. There was only a sliver of a moon, so even with the street lights, it was still pretty dark. Maybe the light would actually delay notice of the fire. I could hope. My stomach didn’t think anything was going right at all. My brain was starting to agree. I was beginning to think furiously about how to get out of this mess.

It all started about a week ago, after my-ex wife’s sister’s 21st birthday party. We, meaning Rachel (ex wife), Kim (sister) and three of Kim’s friends went clubbing. Afterwards I ended up in Kim’s bed. It was one of the best nights of my life.

The next morning, after I had gone out, I returned to find the sisters, bound, naked, and telling a tale of a Russian mobster out to kill them. The apparently unarmed mobster had fled when he heard me pull up, but promised to be back. He was under the impression that Rachel, who was dating another Russian gangster, had stolen a large sum of money from him. Rachel said it was her ex-boyfriend, who was now on the run, but leaving her to take the blame.

The ladies concocted a plan to make Rachel disappear, by having her seem to die in a car accident. We, the sisters, plus Kim’s best friend, the luscious red-head, Tasha, had stolen a body, taken dental x-rays, and covered the theft via fraudulent paperwork and a cremation. It had been one hell of a busy week.

When I wasn’t committing some felony, Kim (very willingly), Rachel (not so much), and Tasha (surprisingly) had been screwing me to the point of exhaustion. I have had more sex in the last week, than I did in the last two years of my marriage. I’m surprised I can still get an erection at this point.

Well, not at this particular point in time. I know why at this point in time my cock has crawled up inside, and is hiding. Sex was the last thing on my mind as I put my car in park and got out. Rachel had done the same in her car. Kim got out of the passenger side of my car. Rachel’s passenger did nothing. She was already dead and would be standing in for Rachel in a few moments.

“This is it.” I said and paused for effect “This is our last chance to call it quits”

“We’ve come too far to quit now.” Said Kim

“Yes, lets get to this, so I can start my new life.” echoed Rachel.

I swallowed nervously. I had hoped one of them was going to rescue me. But, that was not to be.

I opened the car door and drug Dead Rachel out.

“Give me a hand” I said and both sisters came forth.

We eased her into the driver’s seat and I could feel that Dead Rachel had on a bra. The sisters had dressed the corpse in Rachel’s cloths earlier this evening and for some reason the bra struck me as funny.

“You guys but a bra on her?”

Rachel answered with no humor

‘I always said I wouldn’t be caught dead in public without a bra. Now you know I meant it.”

I shook my head as I walked back to my car to retrieve the gas cans. I was really apprehensive about this next part. As a matter of fact this was clearly in the stupid category. I took the small gallon gas can, put in on the floor in the back of Rachel’s car and tipped it over. I tossed the lid in beside it.

The smell of the gas hit me, and I was even more worried. I took the five gallon can and began to saturated Dead Rachel and the entire back seat and floor. I left about a gallon in it and put it back in my car.

“OK” I started “Let’s go over this one more time”

I expected groans, as we had gone over this many times before we had all tried to get some sleep.

“We get in your car and drive down to the tree and park after the turn.” started Kim

“After the car crashes, I grab the gas can and the lighter and head over to the wreck.”
followed Rachel

“If you aren’t already out of the car, I help you get out” said Kim

“I douse your empty seat with the rest of the gasoline and light it” continued Rachel

“Then we all get into your car and get the hell out of here” said Kim and Rachel together

“What if my door won’t open?” I asked.

“I break the glass with the tire iron” said Kim holding it up

“What if I’m hurt and unconscious?’ I grilled

“We drag you out of the car and worry about the injuries later?’

“What if the car catches itself on fire and I can’t get out?”

“I shoot you.” said Rachel in a flat emotional tone, but holding her father’s pistol.

“But that won’t happen.” said Kim, who was trying to be brave. “Those cars bursting into flames every time they hit a wall or something; that’s all Hollywood nonsense.”

“Yeah, but the five gallons of gas in there isn’t. Have the gun ready. I don’t want to burn to death.”

The ladies were silent

“Rachel if this works and I don’t die; I expect sex from you every time I see you.” I said with a grin

“Fine” she said with a smile “I’ll just make sure I never see you again.”

Rachel and I had a stormy marriage of five years. It ended in divorce less than a year ago. One of the big reasons was that she hated sex. She’s do it, but it took a lot of begging or bribing. Her hating sex was such a tragedy, because Rachel is stunning. She has leading lady good looks. I’m OK looking, but strictly B-list material. The biggest thrill I got out of our marriage was seeing the look on other men’s faces when they realized she was with me.

Kim walked over and gave me a deep, slow, wet kiss.

“We can finish that, when we get home” she announced with her eyes getting misty.

Kim is attractive in her own right, but she pales in comparison to Rachel. I mean Kim is very pretty and never lacked for male attention. But, Rachel shines. Still when you started to compare ‘parts’ you wonder why Kim would finish second. She had nicer legs, firmer breasts, and a bitchy innocence to her that drives me crazy.

I nodded and shooed them off.

“Get down there and get ready.” I said

They got into my car and I got into the passenger side of Rachel’s machine. I turned on the ignition, and the car surged to life. I half expected an explosion. The smell of gas was overpowering. I thought about rolling down a window, but in the cold night air, I thought that might look suspicious when the accident investigator arrived.

I looked up and watched as my car made the turn a quarter mile down the road, and stopped about 20 yards past the bend in the road. The lights went out. They were ready.

My heart was beating about a million beats per second and my head was swimming because of the gasoline. I buckled myself in. Can’t forget that, and God bless the man that invented airbags. I was counting on the one in front of me to save me from injury.

This afternoon I had fashioned a stick that I would use to wedge the gas pedal to the floor. I had brought it out with me from my car, and I now used it to apply the brake pedal, so I could take the car out of gear. It was harder than I thought and I got gas all over my shoulder as I used it for leverage against Dead Rachel. This was not starting out well.

The car shifter jumped, and lurched backwards as I got it into reverse. I quickly shifted to drive, and we began to move forward. I took a deep, but much polluted breath and worked the Acceleration Stick onto the pedal and pushed it down. The car jumped as the fuel injectors did their job. The car was picking up speed faster than I expected.

I was trying to steer, wedge the stick into the seat, and not get anymore gas on me all at the same time.

Faster and faster went the car. I got the stick situated and relaxed a bit. The car speedometer was at 30, and rising.

I looped the leather strap of the acceleration stick around my right wrist as I focused on keeping this missile pointed towards the tree that guarded the angle of the turn ahead. I was starting to get very lightheaded. I had really underestimated how powerful the gasoline smell would be. I briefly wondered if there was enough oxygen.

The car was doing 40 and the tree was starting to loom large.

I was all of a sudden thankful for the streetlights. I was thinking I could not spot the tree without the light they were giving off.

45 MPH and I noticed my vision was blurry. The tree was very big and very fuzzy.

I remember exactly two things before I blacked out. I remembered yanking the Acceleration Stick out of place and I remember thinking

“Why haven’t we heard from the Russians lately?”

Then it was dark.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhh” I groaned out. “My fucking head is killing me.”

“Thank God!” someone familiar said, but I was not awake enough to put a face to the voice. My eyes were no help, because I had not opened them yet.

“We were starting to get worried!” I heard the voice say.

The fog started to clear and with her next words I realized that it was Rachel in the room with me.

“Kim! Come here! Ron’s awake!”

I heard the sound of running feet as I tried to get into a sitting position. A rush of pain filled my forehead and I felt like I was going to throw up. I let Rachel ease me back down to the bed.

“Easy, Ron. You’re got a nice bump on your head” Rachel said as I saw Kim appear at the door.

Kim’s face was a mixture of hope and worry. I saw relief take over her face when she looked over at me.

“Oh, Ron! I thought we were going to have to call an ambulance!”

“Ow” I groaned out as I touched my forehead. “What happened? Didn’t the airbag work?”

Even before the words were out, I could tell by the snide tone in Rachel’s voice that she was going to say something derogatory.

“Oh, yeah. It opened fine. But, you were so loopy from the gasoline fumes that you knocked yourself out on the door jam getting out of the car”

The reality flooded back in and my heart skipped a beat

“The car! What happened? Did I hit the tree? Did it catch fire? Did anyone see us?”

“Slow down!” said Kim with genuine worry. “I think everything is fine. You hit that tree at what looked like 100 mph. I was sure you were dead. We went rushing over to you and like Rachel said, you hit your head hard when you opened the door and tried to get out fast. You collapsed. Rachel poured the rest of the gas on your side, not like it needed it, she lit a match and there was a huge whoosh! We half dragged you to the car and got out of there. I didn’t see anyone, but man we were so pumped on adrenaline; I think we were lucky to remember to get you.”

All of that came out so fast, I was sure I was going to throw up from the sheer speed of her story. I managed to eek out a question.

“How long was I out?”

“It’s 3 AM now, so two hours.” said Rachel “Much more and we were going to make something up and get you to the doctor!”

I might have a concussion I thought. My head damn sure hurt.

“We need to relocate to your place.” I said trying to get up again.

“No, Ron! Don’t get up!” said Kim

“The cops are going to show up at the address on Rachel’s driver’s license. That isn’t here. Kim, you have to play the part of the clueless and then grieving sister, when they show up. At 3 AM good boys and girls are sound asleep at home.”

“What about me?” said Rachel. I shouldn’t be there, right? I’m supposed to be dead.”

“Where ever you are, you have to stay hidden until we can get you up to your uncle’s cabin. I guess the less you are out in public the better. So, yeah, you should stay here.”

I said finally getting into a sitting position. I felt a little better.

“Yeah, well you aren’t supposed to be there” said Kim sternly. “And you’re in no shape to go bouncing around the city”

My head hurt too much to argue. So I didn’t. But, I did get to my feet.

“Fine. But, I have something for you.” I said as I walked to the master bathroom.

I was in and out in five seconds. If my bladder was signaling anything, the pounding in my head was drowning it out. I produced a gallon Ziploc bag with a toothbrush and hairbrush.

The sisters looked at each other and then looked at me.

“I used these on the dead body. The police might ask for something to get DNA from. Give them these. Don’t give them any cloths. Tell them all the laundry was just done, so there is nothing dirty. ”

Kim took the bag from my hand.

“And as soon as you get home, take these out of the bag and put them in Rachel’s bathroom. If you give them to them in a Ziploc bag, they might wonder why you had them ready.”

“Anything else?” Kim asked with full attention.

“Yeah. Change in to PJs and go to bed. It won’t look good if you’re waiting up for them. They will likely ask you if you know where Rachel is. Tell them just like we worked out. Rachel told you she was going to go out clubbing with friends and she was not home yet. Make them tell you what happened, so you don’t accidently blurt out something that will get us in trouble. Ask them, “Why, what’s wrong?” Those exact words. OK?”

“OK” she echoed

“Then you are on your own with the emotional stuff. Crying works really well. Let them do as much talking as possible. They won’t want to stay any longer than they have to, but they won’t leave until they know you are all right. They might offer a grief councilor. Just ignore that and tell them you need to call me, as I am her ex-husband. I’ll offer to come over and you tell the police I am on my way. They should leave either shortly thereafter, or they might wait until I actually get there.”

“How’s my bump?” I asked Rachel. “Does it show?”

“No, but you smell like gas.”

“OK. Shower for me. Stuff the cloths in a bag and well get rid of them. Kim, you need to get going.” I ordered.

I leaned in and kissed Kim.

“Good luck” I said. She half grinned and then turned and walked out.

I went into the bathroom and got out of my smelly cloths. Rachel came in and took them from me. I figured she would strip the bed where I was lying and wash a load of clothes.

I turned on the shower and got in. The hot water felt good, but it hurt to have it hammering on my head. I eased myself into the flow of the water and the pain gradually dulled to throb. I relaxed and started to feel somewhat better.

With the pain not fighting so hard for my attention, thoughts of what I had just done and what was to come started to creep in. Fuck! I wonder how bad the fire was. I was starting to think that I used way too much gasoline and that there was no way anyone would think it an accident. Even the story we cooked up that Rachel was getting gas for the lawn mower, to explain gasoline in the car, was sounding lame.

I don’t know long I was in the shower, but it was starting to turn cold and then Rachel knocked at the door.

“Are you OK?” she called through the closed door.

“Yeah. I’m coming out”

I turned off the water, toweled off, and walked out to the bedroom.

I took some cloths out of the hamper and Rachel scrunched up her nose at me.

“How’s it going to look if I go over to your place in fresh cloths and freshly showered? I’m not even going to comb my hair. The messier the better.”

Rachel nodded and then asked

“Now what?”

“We wait for Kim to call and pray that everything goes OK over there. I have to say that I’m more than a little worried. Kim is all by herself.”

“Kim’s tough. I’m not worried about her at all” Rachel said plainly

Her certitude anadolu yakası kendi evinde görüşen escort surprised me, but I did not argue. Instead I went downstairs and turned on the TV. Might as well get comfortable.

The sound of my phone woke me and I nearly screamed.

I swallowed by heart and stopped myself from picking up after the first ring. Better if I was fumbling in the dark, being awaken from a sound sleep.

I picked up on third ring.

“Hello?” I answered thickly

“The cops just left! I hope I didn’t screw it up!”

“Why?!” I asked in a panic “What did you say!?”

“Nothing.! Easy, OK. I just don’t know if I’m a good enough actress! Christ! My stomach is in a fucking knot!”

I swallowed and counted to three.

“So what did they say?”

Rachel was by my side, leaning in to listen.

“It went about like you said it would. They asked if Rachel was home. I told them she went out clubbing and wasn’t home. Then they asked if Rachel owned a Toyota with a particular license number. I didn’t know Rachel license number, but I told them she drove a red Toyota Celica. Then I asked why”

“That’s good. What did they say?”

“They said there had been an accident and that Rachel’s car was involved. I asked if Rachel was OK and they said that the driver had been killed. I burst into tears and asked them if they were sure it was Rachel.”

“And?” I interrupted

“They said they didn’t know” Kim paused


“I stopped crying and looked at them. They said there had been a fire and that the body was badly burned. I started crying again. They gave me a few seconds and asked if I would be OK. I nodded my head”

“Then what?” I asked almost about to wet myself.

“They said I should call someone to be with me and when I nodded my head again, they left”

I let out an audible breath that Kim misunderstood for a sound of disapproval.

“What?! What did I do wrong?! she screamed out

“Nothing! Nothing! You were great! I’m just so relieved!”

“So I did good?” Kim said sounding very relieved herself

“Did you shed real tears” I asked


“Then you………”

I never finished the sentence, because in the next instant I was throwing up all over the floor.

“Ron! Ron!” I could hear in the distance.

Rachel took the phone from me.

“Ron’s thowing up!” she said excitedly.

I found my voice.

“I’m OK” I tried to sound confident, but I was not sure how all right I was. I was sure I had a concussion.

“Kim said she’s coming over”

“NO!” I shouted. Which was a mistake. My stomach lurched again, but nothing came out. “She needs to stay put.”

Rachel relayed that to Kim and sisters went back and forth. Rachel argued for me as the nausea passed and I once again found the ability to speak.

“Rachel, tell Kim to stay put. You and I will hole up here. Ask her what she thinks about calling Tasha to come to stay with her.”

Rachel relayed my information and the two girls went back and forth. It sounded like Kim was reluctant to call Tasha at this hour. But, when Rachel suggested it would sound perfectly normal if she (Rachel) had really been killed, Kim agreed. I wondered if Tasha would be so amiable.

Rachel hung up and gave me my phone. She went to the bathroom and I heard water running. She came back and began to clean up my mess. I was going to object, but I didn’t think I could bend over to clean it up.

“You didn’t take this good of care of me when we were married.” I said by way of an apology.

“You should try to get some rest. As soon as I’m done here, I’m going to bed.” she answered

I looked at my watch. It was almost 6 AM. I decided Rachel was right, but I had a phone call to make. I had to let Dr Syygo know what had happened and that I would not be in. My turn to act.

I found his contact and made the call. It went as well as could be hoped. My headache and lack of sleep undoubtedly helped with my acting skills. It was a short call. The doc did not even ask for any details. That kind of surprised me. I knew Dr. Syygo carried a torch for my ex-wife. I figured he would be very interested in the details. But, truth be told, I was super relieved when I was able to quickly get the conversation over with. His last words were “Take all the time you need”. I hung up the phone.

“Ron. Let me use your phone. I hate that you made me leave my purse and everything in my car. What difference does it make?”

“Shhhhhhhhhhh” I said “My head is killing me. And you can’t call anyone. You’re dead.”

“I just want to check Facebook.” Rachel replied with a tone that said ‘What do you think I am, stupid?’

“No Facebook either. You have to start living as Rachel Leah Jackson; that new name you and Petrov came up with.” I said

Petrov was the Russian mobster that got us into this mess. He was the one who stole money from the Russian mob, and let Rachel take the blame for it. But, he had also gotten Rachel fake papers so they could start a new life together. That was before he double-crossed her and took the money.

Rachel looked at me funny for a second, then turned and walked away to go back to bead. My head really did hurt. I decided I would pop some ibuprofen and do the same.

The combination of my concussion and the limited sleep had me out pretty quick. The next thing I knew I was hearing sounds from downstairs. I was still groggy and really out of it, but I was sure these sounds were not normal. I got up to investigate.

I listened as I walked, taking care to make as little noise as possible. For some reason, I thought it important not to let whoever was downstairs know I was awake. As I approached my own bedroom doorjamb I heard a voice, clear, and speaking evenly.

“We’re sorry.” Said the voice that I thought sounded like Kim.

What the hell was Kim doing here? She was supposed to be at her house. She could inadvertently lead the police to Rachel and spoil everything.

I took a few more cautious steps, entering the hall and selecting a path towards the stairs.

“Yeah. We’re sorry.” Said a voice I was positive was my ex-wife.

Rachel had said she was going to bed. And who the hell are they talking to? Part of an answer came with the next voice.

“Sorry does not matter. What matter is what you do.” The ‘what’ came out like ‘vhat’. This male voice was speaking in a Russian accent!

‘Russian!’ I thought. ‘We’re all dead!’

I had stopped when the man had spoken, and I found myself at the head of the stairs. I did not know what I was going to do, but the girls were with a Russian and that could not be good news.

‘You whores need to stay with the plan.” Continued the Russian in an even voice.

“We know.” Said Kim like she was acknowledging that it was raining.

‘What the fuck?’ I thought. ‘Kim doesn’t sound like she is in trouble. What the hell is going on?’

I reluctantly and slowly started down the stairs. I descended four steps without noise. These stairs always creaked and it would take a miracle for the Russian not to hear me. But, I had to see what was going on. My very next step was answered with a loud groan from the stair tread and I frozen waiting to see if I had been heard.

“We’ll do better.” Said Rachel

Good. No one heard me. I took another step and the stairs groaned again. The Russian was in mid-sentence when the stair had groaned and I frozen again; expecting him to stop and listen. But, he never missed a beat.

“Yes. You will do better. And we will see how you do better, right now.”

Embolden, I took another step, which was mercifully silent. And then another. I was better than half way down. I could kneel down from here and look through the ballister to see into the living room. I decided to do that, as the Russian was continuing his speech.

“Kim, get on your knees and service me. You aren’t particular fond of cock sucking”

I finished squatting down and could now see what was going on. I expected to see some Russian mobster. I did not expect to recognize him, but I did! After Rachel and I divorced we did not keep in contact. Once, a few weeks after the papers had been signed, I saw a Rachel with a lawyer-looking guy. We didn’t meet or anything. I just remember thinking that I felt sorry for him. Now, as I looked at his face once again, I wasn’t sure who to feel sorry for.

I shifted my gaze. Kim and Rachel were standing side by side in the middle of the living room, looking at the Russian who was standing about three feet in front of them. They were wearing identical black tube tops, which made their skin look pale. Their lower halves where clad in only small black panties. Both sisters were in black high heels. Neither lady looked to be distressed or worried. Their posture was like they were talking to the school principle.

The Russian, as well as the girls were in profile, and he was dressed in black as well. Head to toe black. He had on a black suit that fit him well. A black shirt, with a black tie. Black loafers hid what I presumed to be black socks. The only change of color was his flesh tone face and hands.

Kim was in the act of kneeling so I guessed I was going to find out if he had black underwear, too. Kim spoke as she moved.

“No. I don’t like to give blow jobs. I prefer to eat pussy. I’ll do it to make you happy.”

“Yes, you will, whore.” he answered.

I watched as Kim’s breasts rose and fell more frequently, her breathing quickened in anticipation. She was leaning back onto her tanned and shapely legs as she reached towards the Russian’s fly, to obediently extract the Russian’s cock. In an effortless motion he slapped her hands away.

“Put your hands behind your back, whore.”

Kim looked at him with surprise and concern competing for dominance of her face. Maybe it was fear. But, she moved both hands to the small of her back and interlocked her fingers.

The Russian took one long step towards Rachel, reached behind her head and grabbed a handful of her blond locks. He pulled her violently towards him and Rachel stumbled forward without crying out. He pulled her in close and kissed her hard. Rachel struggled ever so slightly, but then relented and accepted his tongue into her mouth and began to kiss him back.

With a pull of her hair the Russian broke their kiss and looked at her with an evil glare.

“You, Rachel, dislike having your tits sucked. Is that not true?’

“Y..yes. I….”

Her sentence was interrupted as the Russian ripped her tube top completely off.

“Petrov!” she gasped

Rachel’s arms flew up to cover herself. The Russian only smiled a confident and naughty smile.

“Help your sister. Take my cock out, so she can get to work.” said the Russian with menace in his voice.

So this was Petrov. This was the guy who had caused all this trouble. But, what was he doing here? And why did the girls not seem to be afraid?

Rachel leaned over to comply. Her two hands shook as she undid his belt and then unfastened his pants. The pants and his underwear were down to mid thigh in the next moment. The Russian’s member jutted out, and seemed to take up the whole room. It was large; in the neighborhood of 10 inches and as think as Kim’s wrist. The organ was unnaturally dark, like it had been dyed or used to belong to a black man.

I looked over at Kim for a reaction and I saw her eyes go wide with worry and fear. I was no where near this large and judging from her face, Kim was thinking the same thing.

The Russian had not released Rachel hair and he pulled her back to a full standing position. He slapped her arms away from her C cup breasts and Rachel’s arms dropped to her side.

Rachel’s breasts are perfect. They are milky white, with a hint of tan lines. The areolas are brown-pink and normally the size of a quarter. Both breasts pouted upward, seemingly asking to be sucked. Both globes glistened with sweat and her nipples were scrounged up into the tightest knots I had ever seen. Her tits had never looked this enticing.

I was hard as a rock. Seeing Rachel’s tits usually did that for me, but seeing them in this state of arousal was more than Bruno could take, even given the situation. . I watched as Petrov looked down on Kim. She was just staring at his large cock. She looked frightened.

“Suck, bitch” Pertrov commanded

“Please, Petrov. Go easy. It..it’s so big.” She said in a meek voice that I was unaccustomed to hearing.

“The plan is big, whore! If you are not up to it, then should not have taken it on. Now put it in you mouth and get to work”

My little Kim is not prone to taking orders in any circumstances, but she immediately opened her mouth and took Petrov’s erection into her mouth. She slowly moved her head back and forth, sucking and slurping audibly. This did nothing to help my hard on and I watched as a good part of the Russian’s member disappeared and reappeared as Kim bobbed obediently.

Kim was only taking about half of Petrov’s organ and his patients quickly wore thin.

“All of it, whore! You will take all of it!” he roared

With that he grabbed her by that back of head and pulled her in closer, jamming another couple of inches of his cock into Kim. Kim looked panicky for a second, choking on the meat in her throat, but she relaxed and began bobbing again.

“That’s better” Petrov said his face shifted to a satisfied smirk and the enraptured look on his face told me he was now much happier with Kim. He closed his eyes, and took a few seconds to enjoy the attention his organ was receiving.

Kim was trying to maintain as much control as possible. But, her hands were behind her back and the Russian’s hair hold gave him complete control of the tempo. All Kim could do was try to take more and more of the Russian and keep him from burying his rod to the hilt in frustration.

With each stroke Kim was taking more and more meat into her throat. I looked into her eyes and saw that fear had been replaced by determination. I had no doubt she would swallow his entire cock soon.

Suddenly the Russian’s eyes flew open, like something had broken the spell holding him to his cloud in heaven. He his head whipped towards Rachel.

“Bring those tits to me, bitch.” Petrov ordered.

Rachel stepped closer, stopped, and waited for him to bend down. Petrov was a foot or so taller, so Rachel’s luscious orbs were a full two feet below his waiting mouth. To both our surprise Petrov reached behind Rachel, grabbed her underwear and lifted her off her feet by them.

“Owww!” she screamed as her panties dug into her soft tissues.

Rachel writhed in pain and began to beat Petrov with her fists. Her blows, landing on his neck and shoulders, had the effect of a mosquito on a bear.

“Petrov! No! Please! Put me down! That hurts! Please! she screamed as she continued to struggle and fight.

Petrov ignored her pleas of pain and her harmless attack. The instant Rachel’s breast was near he inhaled the cherry into his mouth. Rachel screamed again as he bit down on her breast meat.

“ Owwwwwwww! Petrov, please!”

His only response was to pull her in tightly to him, mashing her breast into his face.

Rachel now placed both hands on his broad shoulders and used them to take as much weight was she could off of the wedgie trying to split her in two.

Petrov alternated quickly between biting and sucking. anadolu yakası eve gelen escort He had a look of pure pleasure on his face, lost completely in the feeling of the breast in his mouth, and the mouth around his cock.

“Ow! Ow!” came the softer but, still heartfelt pleas from Rachel “Please Petrov! This really hurts!”

Petrov released his prize to attack the other and managed to grunt out

“You knew the plan would be painful. You accepted that eagerly.”

He latched onto her other breast again and shook it like a dog with his hungry mouth.

“Owwwwww!” Came the plea that was nearly smothered by a wet sob.

Kim was not watching the show above her. It was mostly blocked, but she had her own difficulties. Her mouth was distorted both by the package inside it, and her own efforts to conform to it. This made it was hard to tell if Kim was worried or determined. Her wide eyes were closed, trying to blot out what was happening. They remained that way for only another second.

They jerked open as Petrov spoke.

“More, bitch!’

Kim had not yet achieved full deep throat and knew immediately that she was about to, regardless of her own desires or abilities.

I was sure I knew what was coming, but Petrov added a twist. With his firm hairhold in the back of Kim’s head, he anchored Kim’s body and pushed the entire length of his penis deep down Kim’s throat.

He had begun this intrusion when Kim had pulled most of the way out and he began an almost agonizingly slow pace of violating Kim. As each inch entered her mouth, I could see her throat swell with the intrusion. I was amazed that Kim was not fighting this tooth and nail. Contrary to that notion she was doing her best to accept this and continue to be Petrov’s fuck toy.

“Ahhhhhhh! Yes! That’s a good little whore!” he said as he completed the stroke and ground his crotch into Kim’s face.

With that he appeared to focus all efforts on enjoying the sisters’ bodies. He began to aggressively face-fuck Kim, while both biting and sucking on Rachel’s breasts.

“No! Please! Owwww! came another cry of pain. He moved from one to the other, first sucking on a nipple, then biting it. He would tire of one globe and move to the next.

Kim for her part was trying not to panic, but I could see the shadow of it appear on her face. A couple of tears escaped and ran down her cheeks as Petrov’ face fucking continued. Petrov would take his organ half way out and then push it back down Kim’s throat with no thought. Only his animalistic desire was to be considered at this point.

At once he opened his mouth wide and clamped on to Rachel’s breast and sucked deeply and I saw Rachel’s eye’s go wide in pain. Petrov pulled Kim back and she made a small smacking sound as his cock left her mouth.

Kim took a long, life enhancing breath as she looked up at the big Russian. Petrov held his cock like he was going to relieve himself and then shot a massive load of his seed onto Kim’s face. Kim jumped in shocked and squealed


His capacity was like nothing I had ever seen. His spurts exceeded an entire second in length and came one after the other. Kim quickly had white ooze all over face, chest, and hair in seconds.

Petrov finished, released Rachel’s nipple and she began to relax as he let her slowly down to floor, almost as an afterthought.

“You did well, whore.” He said looking a Kim. He looked at Rachel who was pulling her underwear down in to a normal position.

“You clean your sister up.” Petrov said with menace in his voice.

Rachel took one step towards the bathroom and Petrov added three words to his sentence.

“with your tongue”

Rachel’s head jerked to look at Petrov.

“Please not that!” she begged

“You knew the plan would not be pleasant. You knew you would have to do unpleasant things”

Rachel did not say another word. She walked over and bent at the waist to begin licking Petrov’s cum from her sister. Kim knelt there laconically and spent. She displayed no emotion, as she accepted her tongue bath.

Petrov moved behind Rachel and grabbed a handful of one exposed ass cheek.

“This is fine! You do not like your ass fucked, whore.” He said as a statement.

“No, Petrov! Please!” Rachel said pleadingly. But, the raw emotion accompanying her three words told me she knew what was to come.

In one motion Petrov ripped Rachel’s panties from her body, exposing her private orifices. Except for the Fuck-Me- Pumps, which greatly accentuated Rachel’s ass, she was completely naked. And bend over like she was, completely vulnerable. Petrov took a single step towards Rachel, with his right hand guiding his cock to Rachel’s exposed little starfish.

In five years of marriage, I had never gotten inside Rachel’s backdoor. She hated anal sex. She thought it was dirty and that it would hurt. Over the last week she had put that conviction aside and had allowed me much access to this coveted pleasure. But, I was not nearly as large as Petrov and certainly not as thick. I was thinking that he was going to rip Rachel’s apart. That thought was foremost in Rachel’s mind as well.

“P..p.please, Petrov. You’re too big for me there. You’ll send me to the hospital” Rachel was pleading. She should have been in tears, but was actually pretty calm, despite her stutter.

“You’re whore sister swallowed me easily. I think you do not know what you are capable of.” Petrov said matter-of-factly. His next sentence was in his command voice.

“Now, spread your ass.”

“Please. I’m begging you. Please make me wet. Please don’t do me dry”

Whack! The sound of Petrov’s large hand on Rachel’s bare ass echoed through out the room.

“Bitch. You expect me to tongue your filthy hole!”

Rachel winced from the pain, but quickly answered

“No! I only…”

“You stupid slut. You are to service the plan! The plan does not service you!” Petrov roared as he slapped Rachel’s ass again.

Rachel jumped in pain, but was silent this time.

I marveled as Rachel’s cream skin turned red and Petrov’s fingers appeared as pink apparitions, one on each side. They seemed to spread Rachel’s cheeks themselves.

Kim crawled out from underneath her sister, still mostly covered in Petrov’s cum.

“Let me, Petrov. It’s not against the plan if I help my sister, right? We work together to service the plan.” Kim said almost brightly, and certainly with conviction.

Petrov was silent as Kim eased between Rachel and Petrov and stuck her face into Rachel’s ass. Rachel was in heels, bend at an awkward angle, and she fell forward, catching herself with her outstretched arms, ass still pointed skyward, as if a magnet pulled it to the sky.

Kim was lapping and probing with her tongue at a hurried pace. To my eyes Kim looked to be enjoying having her tongue in her sister’s ass. Rachel’s eyes were big with the pleasurable sensation as Kim’s tongue wormed its way deeper and deeper.

“Ahhhhhhh” Rachel gasped out as she eased herself onto all fours, dog-like in both her position and the way she her breaths began to come in pants and gasps.

Kim used Rachel’s hips as levers and pulled her face tightly into her sister’s welcoming ass.

“Oh, God, Kim!’ Rachel exclaimed

Kim relentless lapped and swirled and flicked her tongue into her sister’s gradually relaxing sphincter. I watched as Rachel began to push back, trying to help Kim’s tongue find its way deeper into her tight little hole.

“Ah! Ah! Ah!” came the sound of Rachel’s approaching orgasm.

Without warning, Petrov grabbed Kim by the hair, threw her aside and grunted out


In one motion that belied all that should have been possible, Petrov used one hand to gather Rachel into a hunched over, rag-doll limp position, with her shapely and now red ass at cock level. His other hand quickly guided his cock into position and he thrust into Rachel


Rachel screamed as her tight bunghole was violated with no additional warning. She instantly transformed from ragdoll limp to rigid, as if she were being electrocuted.

My orientation shifted and I could see that Petrov’s cock had found home and was buried about one third of the way into Rachel’s butthole. That tiny orifice was painfully stretched and distorted. It was a shock to see something so large in that hole. Rachel was squirming and fighting to disgorge the rod spreading her painfully apart.

“Oh, yes, whore! That feels good! You are going to make this work aren’t you?”

Rachel was had her mouth open in a silent scream and her eyes were both wide and wet with tears.

“Answer me, whore!’ Petrov said as he pushed himself a few inches deeper.

“OWWWWWWW! Yes! Yes! I’m going to make it work! Oh, please Petrov, enough! Enough! Take it out! You’re splitting me apart!”

“You knew the price, whore.”

Petrov released his cock, and grabbed Rachel by her hips and instead of thrusting, pulled her into him. I could see Petrov’s dark cock disappear into Rachel’s perfect, white ass; the contrast in colors suggesting evil violating good.

“Owwwww!” Please! No more! Petrov! You’re too big!’ Rachel chocked out, her own sobs of pain fighting with her pleas for mercy.

Petrov continued to sink deeper into Rachel. It seemed like it took 10, 20, 30 seconds for the entire length to bury itself fully in Rachel’s bowl. Rachel fought to relax, but it was like trying to fight the tide coming in. The pain seemed to come from everywhere and Rachel was overwhelmed by it.

“No! Stop! Please! Please! There is a limit, Petrov! There is a limit!’

Petrov completely ignored her as her began to withdraw. Kim crawled quickly to her sister’s front and lay on the floor beside her. Kim wormed underneath Rachel so they were face to face.

“It will be fine, Rachel! I’m here! It will be fine!” she said with as much reassurance as she could muster.

With that the sisters began to kiss passionately, and very enthusiastically. For a moment it was if the assault on Rachel’s ass was not happening.

Petrov began to push back into Rachel

“You’re a good whore! “You knew the price!”

Petrov said as he pushed back into Rachel, his fingers white with the force he used to dig them into Rachel’s hips.

Rachel’s eyes that had been closed under the kissing influence of her sister, jerked open in pain, once again.

“OWWWWW! Too big! Please take it out!”

‘This isn’t real’ I thought ‘This can’t be real.”

The sisters began kissing frantically. The slurping and smacking sounds growing louder and louder as the girls’ animal instincts began to take command.

Petrov was buried balls deep in Rachel’s distended ass much quicker this time and the look on his face suggested his pleasure matched Rachel’s pain.

“Bitch, you are so tight! This is why the plan will work!”

The Russian pulled back again and then pushed in, harder this time. He shivered as he began to bottom out, and I noticed I was rubbing my own very hard erection.

Rachel relaxed some, her ass becoming used to the girth inside her. But, she was still in obvious pain, wincing each time Petrov pushed in and the bottomed out.

“Ohhhhhhh, yes, whore! This feels so good! Do you like have a Russian cock up you ass?”

“Ow. Please, Petrov. Hurry! It hurts!” came her answer

“Hurry?! Came the Russian’s grunted out reply. He was still enjoyed the feeling of Rachel’s ass squeezing his large cock.

Rachel sensing she had said something wrong

“I want you to cum, Petrov!” she moaned out, her pain removing all signs of attempted solicitude from her works.

“Yes, whore. Cum, I will” he said groaning it out as he ground his hips into Rachel’s ass, trying to drive his member just a little father into her bowels.

Rachel jumped in pain, but said nothing, fearing her words would provoke more pain.

Petrov turned himself loose now, pistoning in and out a pace that should not have been possible. Rachel just grunted now, as their hips would meet. They made an unusually loud slapping sound and Petrov began a mantra, timed to the motions of the fucking he was giving Rachel’s backdoor.


“You knew the cost!”


“You knew the cost!


Faster and faster he began to thrust. Rachel was now doing her best to lose herself in the kisses of her sister and the raw passion they were creating, but the pain was evident. Rachel’s eyes stayed open now and each time Petrov bottomed out I could see a cry of pain in her blue, wet, orbs.

My own ass started to burn in sympathy. Each thrust of Petrov’s caused me a jolt of pain and Rachel’s eyes would bug out for an instant.

“This isn’t real!” I thought “It isn’t real!’

“It isn’t real” echoed a voice nearby “It isn’t real, Ron! “Come on!’

The voice sounded familiar and my mind began to pull away from the scene below me.

“Ron! It’s not real! Wake up!’ said the voice more urgently.

Fog seemed to lift and I realized the voice belonged to Tasha.

“Ron! It’s just a dream! Wake up!”

Tasha said with much more concern that I was thinking was necessary. I was OK after all. It was Kim and Rachel who were being raped.

“Wake up!” she said again and a little light popped in my head. I was dreaming!

My eyes flew open and were filled with the sight of Tasha’s flaming red hair and bottle-green eyes.

She let out a gasp of relief, leaned in, and enveloped me in a hug. This lasted just a moment, then she was above me again, anger in her face and voice.

“Don’t you ever do that to me, again!” she said as her eyes began to tear up

“Wha…Huh, Do? Do w.what?” I said trying to shake the cobwebs out of my mind and get fully into this world.

“Scare me like that!” came the reply with much more emotion that I thought a dream should deserve.

“You’ve been out for almost a 1 ½ days! And now you were thrashing about, like you were having a seizure. You started yelling out about whores and a plan. You were dreaming! Having a nightmare! But, you wouldn’t wake up!


I said very confused. The whores and the plan were from the dream, but why was Tasha here?

“A day and a half?” I was able to get out.

“Yeah! I’ve been fighting with Kim and Rachel to get you to the doctor, but they said ‘No’. They insisted that you wouldn’t want to screw up the plan.”

‘Yeah.’ I thought ‘That sounds right. We have to service the plan’

“Why was I out for so long?” I asked still trying to get fully back from the Sandman’s world.

“Because you’re fucking head isn’t as hard as I thought it was.” she said angrily.

Oh, yeah. That made sense. I hit my head when we staged the accident. I hit it hard. What was the last thing I remembered? I tried to get my mind working and slowly the gears started to turn.

“Facebook.” I said

“Huh?” Tasha said, looking more confused than I felt.

“The last thing that I remember is arguing with Rachel about Facebook.”

Tasha looked on, waiting for me to continue.

“Then I went to bed, I think. Have I been out since then?

“Rachel didn’t say anything about Facebook. She said after you guys got back from crashing Rachel’s car, you talked to Kim, called your boss, threw up, and went to bed.”

That sounded right.

“You know you have a fucking concussion, asshole!”

That turned my thoughts to anadolu yakası escort my head. I was expecting that thought to open the door for pain to enter and the throbbing to begin again. To my relief and surprise, my head did not throb. It hurt some, but all in all, I felt OK.

“My head doesn’t hurt any more.” I said a bit weakly, not wanting to challenge her, but trying to offer a little reassurance. It seemed to deflate her anger.

“That’s a good sign. Let me see your eyes.”

Tasha leaned in very close to look at my eyes. I could see only her beautiful face and those stunning eyes. I began to study them and could see little flecks of gold that I had never noticed before.

“You have beautiful eyes.”

Tasha pulled back and with a grin

“If you’re able to flirt with me, then you’re fine. If you have a hard on, then I’m sure of it.”

She reached down, cupped my Johnson, and I jumped.

“Erection. Check. Reflexes are good and your pupils are the same size. I think the danger is probably passed.”

I looked at her and my mind drifted back to my dream. What the fuck was that all about? Petrov and some plan? The girls not afraid of him? The girls willingly letting him abuse them? I felt my headache tick up, and shook the thoughts from my head.

“Where’s Rachel? I asked changing the subject in my head.

“She and Kim went grocery shopping”

“What!” I shouted “Rachel..”

“Easy! Easy! I know. I tired to talk them out of it. But, Rachel was going stir crazy. She’s wearing an ugly brown wig, sunglasses, baggy cloths, and they are going up to Brighton to shop.”

The adrenaline surge passed and my heart rate slowed.

“It’s still not smart. We need to get Rachel up into the mountains, to her uncle’s cabin.”

Tasha just nodded. I was fully awake now and started to notice Tasha. She was in a loose blouse, and as she was bent over me, my eyes drifted that way. She caught me.

“Didn’t you get enough of these the other day?” Tasha said standing up and grinning.

“Nope. Those are truly spectacular. I could never get tired of them.”

The dream I just had was fading, but the erection that it had caused was not.

An impish grin spread across her face as she reached down and lifted her blouse up, over, and off in one deliberate motion.

“I kind of liked the way you test drove them. Maybe you would like them for another spin?”

I was wondering if I was still dreaming as Tasha reached behind her back and began to unfasten her white bra.

My doorbell rang. We both looked at each other with the same panic in our eyes and question on our lips. I just shook my head at the unasked question. Tasha hurriedly put her blouse back on, as I looked out the window. It was a guy dressed in a cheap, well broken in suit. I shrugged at Tasha and headed out the door and down stairs. She did not follow.

I got to the door, pulled it open, and looked out at the man on my stoop.

“Good afternoon, sir. Are you Ron?

“Yeah” I answered warily

“My name is Detective Reynolds and I would like to talk to you about your ex-wife, Rachel.”

I put a quizzical look on my face, opened the door, and an invited him in. We sat and the detective did not waste any time with pleasantries.

“You know about Rachel, correct?”

When I nodded he continued.

“What do you know about the night Rachel died?”

I was caught a little off guard. I hadn’t had time to rehearse my story in my head. I took a deep breath and gave him a non-committal answer.

“Only what I heard from Kim.”

He didn’t give me much time to regroup as he immediately followed up, really not even allowing me time to go on, had I not been stalling.

“Which is?”

“Rachel was involved in some sort of car accident. There was a fire and……”

I let my voice trail off, feigning a painful visual, but really just not wanting to say something incriminating.

“When did you last see Rachel?”

Man, he was pushing hard. This was not a good sign. I fought with myself as panic made an appearance in the back of my mind.

I hesitated just a moment before replying. I had anticipated this question, but did not want to blurt out my answer.

“It was at Kim’s birthday party. Kim, Rachel’s sister, turned 21 two Saturdays ago. We were all out at Club Regina to celebrate.”

“That was the last time?”

“We’re divorced, detective. Before that it had been several weeks, and then it was just to see her across the street with some guy.”

“You don’t know who he was?”

“No, I don’t.”

“Rachel was your ex-wife, correct?

“Yeah, I just said that” letting annoyance creep into my voice. I was trying to push back in a passive-aggressive way. It seemed to work a little, as the next question was a bit softer.

“How did the divorce go?”

“Detective, what the hell does that matter?” I said, angrily. I needed to get this guy to give me some information, so I added one of my own

“Why all the questions?”

“Rachel’s accident was suspicious, in my opinion.”

Interesting choice of words I thought.

“Suspicious, how?”

“There was an accelerant used in the vehicle.”

“An accelerant?” I asked

“That’s a substance used to make sure a fire gets going and consumes more of the surroundings?”

“Detective, I work with Dr. Syygo over at the Aurora morgue. I know what an accelerant is. What was used?”

“Gasoline. A lot of it.”

I did a mental gulp. I knew I had used too much.

“Detective, what do you mean an accelerant was used? I thought Rachel crashed her car.”

“Yeah, there was definitely a crash. But, the car was really burnt up” he answered, a bit defensively. He went on with his questioning.

“I’ve talked to Kim, and she says that Rachel was in the habit of carrying gas for the lawn mower in the car.”

That choice of phrasing, “in the habit” was also interesting. Either Kim had a made a mistake with the story or the detective was fishing.

“Habit?” I asked surprised “When we were married, I always got the gas for the lawn mower.

“And you used to carry it in the car?”

“How else to you get it from the gas station to home?” I said allowing a little additional anger to creep in. This guy was definitely fishing, trying to make me angry so I would blurt out something stupid. I was maintaining calm, but he needed to think he was getting to me.

“You misunderstand me. Where in the car did you carry it?”

I don’t think there was any misunderstanding. He was hoping I would mention the backseat.

“Well” I said in a tone that suggested he was asking what two plus two was, “in the trunk, where else?”

“We found an open gas can in the back seat”

“Listen, detective. Rachel wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, but there is no way she would carry an open container of gas in the back seat. She would be too worried about the smell.”

“The smell?

I chuckled

“Rachel understands that gasoline burns, but she would have been much more concerned that it would have made her car smell”

“So, you don’t think there was any way she would carry gas in her backseat?”

I was about to tread on dangerous ground. The smart thing to say was No, and let the story progress to the Russians. But, I still held on to the possibility that maybe this could be written off as an accident

“Well, if the trunk was full, or if there was something in it she didn’t want to risk getting smelly, she might put it in the back seat.”

“Like what?”

“Detective, I spent five years trying to figure out the way Rachel’s mind works and then we called it quits. I’m giving you the best I got.”

That steered the conversation back the way I thought the detective had wanted to go earlier.

“You never answered my question about the divorce”

“I wasn’t happy about it, and Rachel made it pretty difficult”

“How so?”

“I had to pay her for full equity in our house, make her car payment, keep the life insurance active for a year, and pay off her credit card. And then she drug the whole thing out for months with petty nonsense. They whole thing pisses me off when I think of it.”

Damn! I thought. He had gotten to me. The divorce did piss me off and I had just given him a nice motive to kill Rachel.

“So you’re not too broken up that she is gone?” he said with the half smile of man who likely had his own divorce story.

“I loved Rachel at one time. She was vain and obtuse, but I didn’t wish her any harm.”

“So where were you at 1 AM on Monday morning”

“Up in bed” I chin cocked

He looked like he was finishing up.

“Detective? You didn’t tell me which department you work for. Remember, I’m one of the good guys, too?

“Homicide” he said with an odd twist in his voice.

“It’s been ruled a homicide? How’s a car crash end up a homicide?”

I was on shaky ground again. I have experience in the flow of paperwork on this sort of thing, so knowing about a “ruling” needing to be determined was OK. But, I’m not an investigator. So throwing out my thoughts on car crash and homicide, were at least approaching the line.

“Dr Syygo has not made that call. I actually came on the scene of the accident while I was off duty. I’m not officially on the case.”

A couple of things went quickly through my mind, but I need to establish something fast.

“Dr. Syygo is making the call!” I said excitedly

Kim had made sure that the crash happened in a place where the body would end up with Dr. Syygo. But, I was not supposed to know that. I was walking the line here.

“You didn’t know?”

“I talked to the doc very early Monday morning, when I heard. I called to give him the news about Rachel and let him know I wouldn’t be in. I’m fighting off some bug and I was out of it all day yesterday. I only just got out of bed a little while ago”

I said all of this with a sense of excitement that I hoped sounded real.

“Look, detective. I need to call the doc and find out what’s going on.”

“This is a murder investigation, Ron. You don’t need to be poking your nose in. You’re involved on a personal level”

My heart skipped a beat when he said “involved”, but then I realized he only meant that I was close to the case because she was my ex-wife.

“I thought you said it hadn’t been ruled a homicide.”

He said nothing, so I pressed.

“Then what has your back up, detective?”

“It just feels funny to me. The car was definitely moving fast when it crashed into the tree. But the amount of damage done to the body and the car. It just looked like a torch job to me.”

“You don’t have tox or anything else back, yet?” referring to the testing done to see if there was alcohol or drugs in her system, or any other forensic test to help determine what had happened.

“No. just all the damage and the gas can in back.”

I just gave him a half nod, and looked at him to make the next move.

“One more question. Was Rachel seeing anyone?”

“I’m not sure. I had mentioned to Kim that I saw Rachel with that guy I told you about a minute ago. When I described him, she said it was probably Petrov.”


“Some Russian guy, I guess. That’s all she said”

“Would you recognize him?”

“Maybe” I said not knowing what else to say. I was not even sure I had even seen Petrov. The guy I had seen Rachel with, I had only assumed it was Petrov. This was before we had cooked up this plan. The sisters and I had not compared notes or synchronized stories on this. It was easy to see how hard it was to get away with murder, or like what we were doing. You just had so many lies to keep straight.

The detective pulled out a 4 x 6 photo from a pocket and showed it to me.

The sight of this guy shot my pulse through the roof and I felt my face flush. It was the guy in my dream. The girls had called him Petrov in the dream. And he was the lawyer-like guy I had seen with Rachel. Seeing a photo of him, made it real and got me weak kneed.

“That’s him!” I said a little more excitedly that I had tried for.

“Petrov Simkova. He’s Russian mafia.” He said flatly “Did you know your ex-wife was involved with the Russian mafia?”

“Involved?” I said shocked “You make it sound like she was some sort of gangster herself. I’m sure that if Rachel was with this guy, it was because he had money. Rachel likes the finer things in life. It was a big reason why we aren’t together anymore”

He looked at me strangely for a second. Then he spoke.

“I gotta ask. You’re OK lookin’, better than me”

I knew where this was going. I had gotten the question dozens of times. You see people seem to pair up with those on the same attractiveness scale as them. So if you see a girl that is an 8, you can bet her boyfriend will be no less than a 7. Or at least they would have started out like that. Old married couples can start out at 7 and 7, but he goes downhill faster and you end up with 6 and 3. But, Rachel was a 10 and I was probably a 7, which likely meant I was a 6 ½. At least the fact that he was asking me this said he was comfortable with me. Maybe he’s not as suspicious as I thought.

“Kim showed my some pictures of Rachel. She’s a frigging knock out. How did you ever end up with a girl that looked like her?”

“Detective, I’m not in the mood to give you the smart ass answers I have come with throughout the years. Rachel fell in love with me. I have no idea why or how. I enjoyed seeing the look on the faces of guys like you while we were together. That alone probably kept me married an extra two years.”

He half grinned, probably thinking he had overstepped a little. He got up, shook my hand, and we exchanged our good-byes. Then he was gone.

‘Fuck’ I thought “I’m glad that is over.”

“You did good” I heard a voice from behind me.

I jumped and yelled. It was Tasha. I had completely forgotten she was here.

“Dammit!” I snapped at her “Don’t do that!”

Tasha just grinned.

“Well, it is assuring to know that you are on edge, just like the rest of us. You acted like you had ice water in your veins.”

“It sounded OK to you?” I asked calming down

“Yeah, it did. Kimmy and I talked on the night you guys crashed the car and it sounds like you guys are on the same page. But, Kimmy didn’t say Rachel was always carrying around gas. It sounded like that guy made that up.”

“Did Kim tell the cops about Rachel dating Petrov?”

“Yeah, I wasn’t there, but when the cops came over the second time, she said she told them about Rachel dating a Russian guy”

“Second time?” I said before I remembered the detective had said he spoke to Kim.

“Yeah, Kim said a detective came to see her yesterday. Must have been this guy. I got the impression that it went OK.”

“I hope she didn’t get into too much detail”

Tasha shrugged her shoulders and then I watched as her blouse once again came up, over, and off. This time there was no bra and Tasha’s luscious D cups danced and jiggled from Tasha’s arm machinations. The tight knots that used to be her areolas pointed at me and called me in. They were asking for me to suck on them. Those melons needed to be handled. My hard on leaped back into my pants as I heard Tasha say.

“Now where were we?”

I closed the distance with both eyes on Tasha’s chest. The subtle rise and fall of her breasts barely registered. My only thought was feeling the weight of them in my hands and of having my tongue caress one of her little cherry gumdrops.

The sound of my garage door opener activating, broke the spell. I looked up as Tasha turned to find her bra and shirt.

This had to be the girls returning from shopping. Tasha’s luscious boobs would have to wait. It was time to get back on the same page and begin to service the plan.

To be continued……

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The Twilight Saga :New Moon : Bella gets raped.

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“Aww do you really have to leave Edward”? “Yes apparently the whole family has to go.
Edward and the family were going away for the weekend to Translyvania, because another vampire family like them, had a sick child and they were going to help. “I wish I could go with you”. I said and gave him a sad face.

“Aww it’s only for two days, besides I believe I can trust you till then.” He kissed me for a too short second and before I could open my eyes he was gone. I went back in the house and Charlie asked “Is he gone?” “Yes” i sadly replied.

Later that evening I was feeling lonely and needed some attention and so I decided to go down to La Push to see Jacob. Although Jacobs my friend, ive been attracted to him. Even before he got his gigantically huge muscles ive still liked him. I arrived at La Push and I am really tired so I decided I should lay down and be rested from that tiring walk I had. I laid down and before I know it Ive quickly fallen asleep.

I woke up to this room where chains and strings are hanging down from the cieling. ”Hello where am I”? I then relize that I am naked and chained to a bed “Spread Eagle”. This made me afraid and I scream as hard as I can when suddenlly Smack. A slap lands across my face. I turn around to see that it was Paul who did it. “Jeez shut the fuck up slut”. I am shocked to hear Paul calling me a slut. “Aye Paul shes quite a screamer isnt she ?” I turn around to see that Embry said that. “Please please let me go you cant keep me here like this”. Smack another hit across my face. I start to cry. I am not use anadolu yakası escort to people hitting me why ive never even had a spanking a day in my life. I turn around in the room and see that Paul Embry and Jared are there but no one else. “Shut up crying bitch unless you want another hit and want us to gag you!” I quickly lower my cries. “Wow Jacob wasnt lieing when he said this bitch had quite a body on her.” I was wondering how jacob knew that. “Now be a good girl and dont say a word.” Paul said. I was terrified of Paul ever since he and Jacob had got in that fight in the woods.

They then start to untie me and they had me get on my knees. “What are you gonna do to me?” I said. “Oh I think you know”. Paul said. They then start to undress themselves. I then scream “If you dont let me go ill get Edward or Jacob on you guys!” Paul then comes over and slaps me then says “Oh and how are you gonna do that Jacobs in a meeting unable to leave and Edward is gone with his family to Transylvania.” I was shocked to know that they knew that Edward had left. Had they planned this? As they were finishing undressing my eyes went to total shock. All of their cocks had to be atleast 8 inches with a 2 and 1/2 inch width except for Paul whose looked to be 10 inches with a 3 inch width. Jared must have noticed my starring and said “like what you see Bella?” I could feel my start to redden. They noticed this and started to laugh coldly.

“Here suck on my cock whore!” Paul said and brought it up to my lips. I turned my head I was wondering how I could anadolu yakası anal yapan escort fit it in my mouth without it tearing my throat to shreds. Paul slapped me hard again on my face and said “I said suck on my cock whore if you know whats good for you!”. And I open my lips a little bit and he thrusted his cock in there at full force causing me to gag uncontrolabaly. They laughed. As Paul was face fucking me I saw Embry and Jareed furiously jerking on their fat cocks. Jared then got behind me and Started to finger fuck my shaved slit. He then pushed two in my cunt. He saw me start to enjoy it and was now going faster and faster. I couldnt help it but to moan on Pauls cock making a slight vibrating noise. He must have to have enjoyed this because he started to push my head back more force fully than before. After a while my orgasm hit me making me moan harder on Pauls cock which sent him over the edge causing tons of cum shooting down my throat. I almost passed out right there becuase of all the cum that was going so fast in my throat.

“Now lets have a turn at that cunt shall we”. Paul said. “no please dont im a virgin!”. “What? that bloodsucker hasnt poped it yet?, well im gonna pop it for him!” “No please!”. I begged him. But my pleas were falling on deaf ears. Paul got in front of me and made me lay down. He started to rub his cock against my slit which was driving me crazy. I wanted him in me now. All of a sudden he pushed himself all the way in me hard, making me scream loud causing anadolu yakası otele gelen escort me to pass out from the pain. I was only back for 3 seconds when Jared came over and told me to suck his cock while Paul was still brutally fucking me. While I sucked him off, Embry was rubbing my tits and fingering my clit which was driving me even more crazy.

I had multiple orgasms while my pussy was tightening up on Pauls cock driving him insane he came deep inside my cunt. While i was sucking Jared I sucked in my jaws to create my pleasure around his cock. And after Paul came he came inside my mouth too. Paul then moved me so i was on top of him and my face was turned against him. He placed himself at my ass. Not wanting to get any more pain I told him to go slowly. Of course he didnt listen, but after awhile it didnt hurt as much and the pain was replaced with pleasure. Jared came over and got in my pussy, while Embry replaced his spot at my mouth. They were all now fucking me in unison pulling out slowly and then pushing back in harder and faster. And they came inside me too in unison. First Paul then Jared then Embry. They kept fucking me in diffrent positions for hours. When they looked like they were done I said “Thanks guys I really needed that”. All of a sudden the door busted open and Jacob came in naked and said with a devilish smile “Oh im not done with you yet.”

I was starring hugely at Jacobs cock. It had to be about 12 inches long with a 5 inch width. Thats when I woke up. Just a dream? I slipped my hand down into my panties and sure enough my pussy was soaking wet. I started to finger fuck myself when I heard a human like howl and turned around to see Paul, Jared, and Embry. “Well it looks like the vampire girl really likes to play with her pussy”. Paul said. I thought to myself, time to make my dream come true, and I laughed. 🙂

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The Sorority Sister

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This story is based on true events, although altered some to improve the story telling as well as filling some of the memory gaps. The names have been change to protect the not so innocent. I hope you enjoy it.

The 3 hour drive down from my small southern university to an even smaller one where my girlfriend Susan attended seemed even longer and more boring the usual. It was the first time I had ever headed down to see her unexpectedly, but her birthday was the following week and I wanted to do something to surprise her over the weekend. As I got close to town, I stopped and got a room for the next two nights at a cheap motel, then headed on to campus. It was close to dinner time and I figured she was out to eat and drink a bit with the girls, but was sure one of her sorority sisters would be around to help me find her.
I pulled into the dorm parking lot and noticed that her car was there. “Cool” I thought, grateful that I wasn’t going to have to look for her. I walked in to the dorm lobby and was pleased to see one of the sorority sisters that I knew working the front desk. I smiled and greeted her as I approached the desk. The color went out of her face and she asked “uh…did Susan know you were coming?”

“No, just thought I’d surprise her for her birthday” I replied.

“Just a second” she said as she dialed the phone. “Tim’s here to see Susan” I heard her say to whoever was on the other end.

In no time at all, another of the sisters was down stairs. Donna was smoking hot: tall with a nice ass and tits that seemed to be way too large for her otherwise slim frame. We had been flirting with each other since we first met. You could feel the heat between us every time we were together, but never acted on it at all and Susan found some sort of warped amusement out of my obvious discomfort around her. “Tommy honey, we need to talk…”

Turns out she was out on a date. Considering I personally was fucking several other girls at my own school, and that I had just kind of showed up unannounced, I have no idea why it never crossed my mind that she might be doing the same sort of things. Donna made a bit of a face then said “I could call over to his place to let her know you’re here, but they left a couple hours ago, so anadolu yakası escort I figure he’s been fucking her for about an hour and a half by now. Seems kinda pointless, don’t you think?”

“Yea, I guess it does at that. I really shouldn’t be surprised. It’s not like I’m a saint just pining away for her when she’s not with me either. “

“I really am sorry Tommy. What are you going to do now?”

“Well I don’t really want to drive home tonight, and I’ve already paid for a motel, so I guess I get a bite to eat and maybe head back home tomorrow morning” I answered. “What about you? You want to get a bite to eat with me, or do you already have plans?”

“Well, I guess I could. I was just going out with the girls later tonight, but I hate for you to have to eat alone. Wanna grab a pizza or something? Have a couple beers maybe?”
“Sounds like a plan to me”

“Well come on up to my room a second. I need to change shirts and put on some shoes” she told me. It was the first time I had noticed she was barefoot. I followed her to the stairs and admired her ass as she walked up in front of me.

Once in the room, she pulled off her shirt like I wasn’t there and I turned my back to her to try to be polite. “Really, you’ve seen my in a teeny tiny bikini and you act like you are embarrassed to see me in a bra!” she said as she giggled at me. Laughing with her I turned back around and said “well feel free to take off whatever you want to then!” Her cleavage bounced sexily as she laughed and I hoped she didn’t notice the slight bulge developing in my jeans. She pulled on another shirt and stuck her feet in a pair of flip-flops and we headed out the door.

The pizza place served a decent pie, and by the time we were halfway through the first pitcher of beer we had slipped easily back into our normal flirty routine. By the bottom of that pitcher the flirting had become a little more aggressive and we found ourselves with our hands on each other’s knees as we talked and often leaned up against each other when we laughed and some of the silly parts of the conversation. We ordered another pitcher and continued to enjoy each other’s company as we drank it.

I looked up and clock said it was almost ten anadolu yakası gecelik escort o’clock. “Well” I said, “I guess if you want to join the others I can drop you off wherever you want before I head to the motel. I should probably get on in if I’m heading home in the morning”.

“That’s sweet” she answered, “But I may call it a night too. I can get drunk and hit on by the usual crowd tomorrow just as well as I could have tonight, and I’m really not in the mood for that anymore anyway”
We headed out to the car, and before I unlocked the door for her, I looked at her and said “I just have to know something before I take you home…” I pulled her to me and kissed her. Surprisingly, instead of resistance, she pulled me closer and kissed me deeply.

“Uh…if that was the question, I think you have the answer. Damn, do you always kiss like that?” Her somewhat breathless reply was almost as sexy as the kiss. “I know you always have a bottle of tequila in the car. What do you say I go back to the motel and help you empty it? I’m pretty sure I can make it worth the trouble”

I kissed her again, for what seemed like forever, and let her in the car. By the time we got back to the motel, you could feel the sex in the air. I let her in the door in front of me and she pulled me in roughly the shoved me back into the door as it closed then pinned me to it as kissed me hard and deep. “I’ve wanted you since the first time we met” she practically growled at me.

We were pawing each other like animals by time we made it to the bed, tearing at each other’s clothes as we continued to kiss, lick and bite at whatever bit of flesh we exposed next. As I sucked a beautiful nipple deeply into my mouth and slid my hand between her legs I heard her groan out “oh god that’s good” and felt her teeth bite into my shoulder. I drug my tongue between her large breasts and slowly down to her already wet pussy and she shivered. “Shit!” was all she said as I began to work on her with my tongue. Her first orgasm came quickly and the second not long after as I massaged her g-spot while working her clit with my tongue and began to massage her asshole with a finger, occasionally slipping it in a little.
“Please….please anadolu yakası sınırsız escort fuck me” she begged through the ragged breaths from the violence of the last orgasm. I eased my way up here body with my tongue, stopping to suck on the incredible tits for a bit before kissing her hard as I slid my painfully hard cock back in forth in her soaking wet slit. “God dammit!” was the last thing I heard before she shoved me to off to one side then pinned me to the bed as she sank balls deep onto me. The fucking she gave me as ground onto me, thrusting and twisting, was almost violent. It wasn’t long before I began to spurt into her in vicious spasms. Before I was done, she came again too. Once I was spent, she stayed on top of me, buried to the hilt, and continued to spasm for what seemed like several minutes. She finally collapsed on to me and slid off slowly as I began to soften a bit.

As we lay there recovering, Donna began to doze off just about the time that my dick began to want to go again. I began to rub on her breasts and nibble on her neck and shoulders as I roller her a bit forward so her has was backed up into me. “Really…again?” she half giggled. I pulled her ass cheeks apart and began to rub my cock across her cum soaked pussy and up to her ass and back down. Each time I got back to her pussy, I’d slide the head in just a bit then do the same thing when I was at her asshole. Then, just as I was about to pull the tip of the head out of her ass, she reached back and grabbed my cock and held it there. I pushed in a bit and Donna groaned loudly. Within a few strokes, I was fully in and beginning to fuck her harder. Her ass was so tight and felt so good, I was ready to cum far sooner that I wanted to, but was unable to control it and for the last few minutes I pounded her ass wildly before shoving into her as hard as I could and dumping a much bigger load in her ass that I had expected.

By daylight, we had stopped to shower twice and drink a little tequila before saying we had to get some sleep. Each time, one of us managed to wind up coaxing the other into another round. Around noon we finally managed to get a shower and get dressed. We were both starved and dehydrated. We headed out to get some breakfast together and enjoyed comfortable conversation as we ate far too much food and drank way too much coffee. As we got ready to leave the restaurant, Donna looked at me and smiled. Leaning across the table she kissed me gently. “Did you say you had this room for one night or two….”

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