Strip-Off – Chaos! Pt. 01

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Strip-Off: Chaos!

Part 1

Once again, a sizable crowd had gathered in the showroom. By now, of course, everyone had heard of the Strip-Off game show, where female contestants were forced to participate in humiliating and exposing challenges to keep their bodies covered throughout the show. It didn’t hurt that those girls were forced to wear the same suits they wore on the show at all times- many curious viewers had come to the showroom to see what exactly was going on to compel so many girls to walk around naked outside for weeks on end.

As before, spotlights shone upon Arrow Ace, the show’s gracious and charismatic androgynous host, as the theme music for the show played and a sexy-looking banner dropped from the ceiling. Arrow was wearing a white suit with a flamboyant top hat, a look completed by Arrow’s devious grin.

Arrow introduced the show: “Welcome, and for some of you, welcome back! This is… Strip-Off Season Two! I’m your host, Arrow Ace! Who’s ready for some more shameless perversion!?”

The crowd cheered in affirmation.

Arrow cleared their throat. “I’m they/them, by the way. I forgot to mention it last season. Completely slipped my mind. Anyways- let us introduce this season’s contestants…! As with last season, introduce yourself, and tell us why you’re here on this show. First up, a returning contestant! Lilith Nightowl!”

Another spotlight shone down on the stage, far to Arrow’s left. A young woman with fair skin, straight brown hair and glasses stepped forward, smiling and waving at the crowd. She was wearing a futuristic-looking, skin-tight suit that looked comfortable enough to walk around in all day. She blushed a bit at the applause, but showed no signs of being particularly shy about her small breasts or relatively modest body.

Arrow handed her their microphone. “I’m Lilith Nightowl, age 21, the most prudish contestant from the last season of Strip-Off. Thanks to the punishment I received for not exposing my body too much, I was forced to be here… but honestly, the punishment for being prudish was more fun than I thought, and after being exposed as a naughty kitty in public for a few weeks, I feel a lot more confident and sexy. Also,” she added, “I have to admit, the show was fun and the money is enticing. It’s an honor to be on the show again- can’t wait to see what challenges you have this time, Arrow!”

Arrow took back the mic. “Yes, of course. Thank you, Lilith, for joining us here! I do have to say, you’ve changed a LOT since the previous season. Now, next up is… Isabelle Grey!”

A spotlight shone on a tall, tan woman with black hair and toned muscles. One could make out a faint six-pack through her shirt. Her hair was done in a pixie cut, and her appearance was somewhat boyish, despite her C-cup boobs.

Arrow gave the mic to Isabelle, who seemed a bit nervous. “Hi. I’m Isabelle Grey, age 23. I do manual labor- stuff like moving things in a warehouse, and whatnot. I’m, uh… I’m Lilith’s butch girlfriend. I’m on the show because I wanted to otele gelen escort support her, as she has to participate due to the punishment from last season.”

Arrow took the mic. “Yes, you were supporting her quite well during the first part of her punishment. I recall you being very, very satisfied, seeing Lilith naked and begging like a cat…”

Isabelle replied: “Well, I don’t get many chances to be dominant in the bedroom. Even though I’m a butch, Lilith tends to… uh…” She blushed, trailing off gradually.

Lilith smirked at this. “You’re so cute,” she said, causing Isabelle to blush further.

Arrow rolled their eyes. “Great, we got a lovey-dovey lesbian couple. Enough flirting- next contestant! Maya Tauros!”

The spotlight shone on a third contestant, a fiery-looking, dark-skinned woman with red streaks in her hair and an ear piercing in her left ear. She was fairly curvy, her large breasts catching the attention of the audience. She grinned, putting her hands on her hips.

“I’m Maya Tauros, age 24, a florist. I’m here to piss off my sleazebag of an ex-boyfriend. The fucker was such a prude- didn’t want to have sex until marriage. I went along with it, ’cause I loved him, but he turns around and cheats on me, the bastard! AND now that I’ve broken up with him, he has the GALL to tell me to not have sex with anyone else! So, I’m here on an explicitly sexual show where I get the chance to show off my body to a buncha lesbians JUST to mess around with his religious, homophobic, possessive ego.”

Arrow raised an eyebrow. “Well, someone’s got sass! I like it! Just, don’t expose yourself on purpose as Shelley did. That made for a REALLY boring character.”

Maya nodded. “I want to humiliate my ex, not myself. I’ll be keeping this suit on my body as much as I can, thanks.”

Arrow breathed a sigh of relief. “THANK you. And, now, last but not least… uh. How do I pronounce this…?” Arrow looked at a notecard, sighing. “The only contestant on this show so far who has asked to be introduced by her internet persona username, Xx_PuppyGirlBitch_xX with dog emojis at both ends. Uh, let’s just shorten that to ‘Pup’ for the sake of our viewers.”

Pup was a bouncy, cheery, and energetic woman with black hair. Her skin was light brown. Her hair had dyed blond tips. She had decent boobs and curves on her, something the audience appreciated, and she spun around for the audience before introducing herself.

“Hiya, I’m Pup! My real name is a secret, and also, a lady NEVER tells her age. I’m an influencer! I’m everywhere on the internet- I’m an online streamer, a content creator, and a popular user on pretty much any social media platform you can think of. I’ve done voice acting, and even some real acting in some minor films! I’m on this show because I want the fame- I want everyone to hear my username and instantly know who that is!”

Arrow raised an eyebrow. “Goodness. I mean, fame is great, but do you really want to be famous for… er… rus escort this kind of thing?”

Pup giggled. “Of course, silly! Fame is fame! I’m thinking of acting for porn or doing some work as a camgirl once my name is associated with being naughty, rather than just streaming video games, acting like a cutie, and making tier lists. I want to be a part of EVERYTHING, and that includes the sex industry!”

The audience clapped for the four contestants, and they all bowed.

Arrow cleared their throat. “Ahem. Now that they have been introduced, I’d like to announce a few things. Firstly, there has been a change in the format. Having five contestants is a big hassle, logistics-wise, and our budget is a bit stretched this month, which is why there are only four contestants. If you want us to have more contestants on the show, please support us by buying our merch and donating to get VIP status- more information on our website. But, it’s not all bad. This time around, since we have an even number of players, we will be having pair games!”

The audience cheered at this. Pair games obviously meant explicitly sexual stuff would happen, at least on this kind of show.

Arrow explained. “Here is how it works. All of you who were watching last season know that the point of the show is that the contestants participate in sexy challenges, and that they lose clothes based on how well they do. Well, last time the challenges were individual, but THIS time, we will randomly have the contestants pair up for each challenge! One pair will win, and one pair will lose- the pair that loses will BOTH lose 2 pieces of their suits. In the event of a tie, everyone loses one piece of clothing. There are 5 challenges, and 5 pieces of the suit to lose- it’s been calculated so that in theory, all contestants can be naked and equally humiliated at the end of the game. Oh, and like last time, the girls have to wear their suits and nothing but their suits at ALL TIMES until this season ends. So if you catch a girl outside naked next month, that’s probably a contestant from this show!”

Lilith raised her hand. “Excuse me- are the two end-of-season punishments for the most prude and the most slutty contestant still going to be implemented?”

Arrow nodded. “Yes, they will be, so Lilith, you better act a bit sluttier than last time if you don’t want to be featured in Season 3! The audience will get tired of you!” The audience laughed a little, but they all knew that they would never tire of seeing Lilith’s naked body. “Oh, and also, if everyone is equally naked, and nobody has a ‘Special Punishment’ from having to strip off clothes they don’t have, we will be giving out a ‘Special Reward’ to all contestants, instead of having the audience vote on who to punish!”

Maya snorted. “Phooey. You think that contestants desperate enough to be on a sex show of all things would be willing to work together, without cheating ONCE, to get everyone equally naked for a special reward we know nothing about?” The other özbek escort girls seemed to agree, nodding.

Arrow shrugged. “I dunno, I just thought it would be like a cool ‘jackpot’ sort of feature to spice up the dynamics of the game. Any more questions?”

Pup raised her hand. “This one is a bit of a personal one. We don’t know you too well, Arrow!”

Arrow smiled. “Go ahead!”

Pup asked: “Why are you hosting a sex show if you’re asexual?”

Arrow Ace seemed confused. “Eh? I’m not asexual.”

The entire audience was stunned into silence. Arrow continued scratching their head. “What? I have a loving husband at home. I’m pansexual. Jeez, what about me makes me look asexual?”

Silence resonated through the hall.

Lilith finally spoke up. “…well, you’ve never shown any sign of arousal at any contestant, despite talking dirty about them every chance you get. Also, your name…”

Arrow threw up their hands. “It’s a perfectly normal name! I just stopped getting aroused for others once I had my deliciously hot husband to satisfy my sexual needs.”

Lilith shrugged. “Okay, fair, but that brings us back to the original question. If you have a husband and never get aroused for anyone else, why are you running a sex show?”

Arrow shook their head. “Well, let me ask you this, Lilith- would you stop appreciating fine art once you got married?”


“And do you ever become sexually attracted to fine art? Ever feel like cheating on your girlfriend with a beautiful statue hand-crafted by a great artist?”


“Really? You don’t even masturbate to nude statues and other lewd-related art?”

“No! That’s not the point of the art…”

Arrow smiled, as if to say that was the point. “You see, just like others appreciate art forms like music and paintings and sculpture, I appreciate the beauty and grace inherent in sex. I love watching sex of ALL kinds- BDSM, vanilla, lesbian, gay, anal, oral, and whatever other perversions humanity likes to partake in- not because it turns me on, but because it is BEAUTIFUL! Sex is the ultimate act of intimacy between humans, the culmination of love, and the most dramatic and emotionally-charged moment in someone’s life! I mean hell, there is even a part called a ‘climax!’ Sex is ART, and I am but a humble appreciator of it- how could I possibly ruin such masterful art by inserting myself into it? I only directly partake in it with my husband. That’s why I run this show- to create ART, to make situations where all sorts of people do all kinds of new, sexual things together, and to share it with the world! I wanted to have guys included on the show, but alas, thanks to rampant sexism, women are better for the ratings…”

The audience seemed genuinely moved by Arrow’s speech, and some of them even swore off masturbation.

Arrow added, “Oh, um, I didn’t mean that you CAN’T or SHOULDN’T masturbate to art. That’s just how I choose to enjoy my art. Please, go ahead and jerk off. Art is for your enjoyment after all- especially if that art is a bunch of hot, sexy ladies competing in sex games!”

The audience members immediately retracted their swearing off on masturbation, by masturbating to the hot women in skin-tight suits on stage.

“Much better,” Arrow said, straightening their top hat. “Now- let the games begin!”

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Starting from Scratch Ep. 020: FOUNTAIN DEW

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Double Penetration


Piper Cherry motioned to Josie McKellen from the hallway as her last class before lunch began departing. Waiting until the class filed out in front of her some of the boys started whistling in passing. Flaring her eyes at her wolves Piper said “Keep that up. Those too.” Sly winks at sizeable bulges in their jeans it was certain that they would.

Standing in the doorway Piper shared a devilish grin expecting to find her bestie Josie grouchy. After her run in with her first period festivities, joining Reese Teller in eating Josie out alongside Piper, the rest of her day remained uncertain. All she knew was Josie was not smiling like she had been.

“Step inside and shut the door. We need to talk.” Josie frowned acting edgy.

Piper switched expressions to instant worry, “Oh no! What’s wrong?” Shutting the door she shuffled barefoot over to Josie.

“Where are your shoes?”

“Carl’s holding them captive. He locked me out of our office.”


“So why the grimace?”

“I feel like I went too far.”

“With Buttercup?”

“No, not Reese. I’m so wanting that guy.” She holds a palm to her chest affectionately. “Piper? I masturbated in front of my other classes without them knowing. At least I don’t think they knew. It wasn’t easy not moaning.”

“Flash any more Seniors?”

“Those 18 yes. Quietly which only added to my need to touch myself. I know those boys won’t rat me out. What have you done to me?”

“Bride of Frankiestein.” Piper giggles with a Frankenstein walk toward her. Josie busted up. “I’m not making you do anything, outside of not wearing underwear.”

“No fair that you’re wearing some.”

“Am I?” She lifts her skirt to share in her abandonment. “Roger Dundee has them.” She flips her tongue out at her.

“Really? God he’s dreamy. I thought about trading Roman in for him.”

“Why? There’s more than one Hostess HoHo in the pack. I don’t mind sharing. I think I have a date with Roger on his houseboat Saturday. Mind babysitting Mace?”

“He doesn’t need any babysitter.” Josie shivers having seen his monster cock last night, “You told me to stay away from him so I’m going to.” She knew she might grow weak in the knees if she truly did spend time with the boy. It was safer that way.

“I know. Maybe the girls can keep him company. With my working now he’s going to be spending a lot of time by himself. Rotten doesn’t count. Did I tell you he asked to stay with me awhile? He likes it here. I can’t wait for my sister Mona to call and ask me to kick him out. With my niece Monet in North Carolina, Mace is all she had.”

“I can ask the girls to go watch a movie with him Saturday. I doubt they have any plans. This close to their birthdays Henry and I need to sit down and decide how best to celebrate with them. With their graduation in six months we’re saving our money for something nice once we figure out what.”

“I can help you plan a party? I do have a pool.”

“That’s a start.” Josie winces, “No male strippers.”

“I wouldn’t do that. Now for you and I? DEFINITELY!”

Behind them at the door looking in knocked cute Art Teacher Mimi Alexander on her way to lunch. Seeing them she chose to interrupt. Waving her in Mimi joined them smiling. Josie dropped her jaw, “MIMI! You’re wearing a dress.” Unlike Piper, Josie had not seen the dress before now.

“I am, it’s strange.” Mimi blushed.

“You study the boys like I told you too?”

“Yes. I was beet red all morning.”

“Did they drool?”

“A few…maybe six.” She giggled, “I feel ashamed for tempting them.”

“DON’T YOU DARE!” Both Piper and Josie blurted as if twin sisters themselves on the same wavelength. Mimi flared her eyes then brightened up.

“Okay, I’ll try not to. Are we having lunch together?”

“Triple threat Cutiepie.” Piper paused, “Mimi? Would you like to join Josie and I for wine some night this week or next? I have a swimming pool we can lounge around by.”

“That sounds fun. Thank you for including me.”

“Three Amigas!” Piper playfully batted her eyes, “Does the cafeteria serve tacos?”

“I have your taco.” Josie whispered moving to stand beside Piper. “Plenty of salsa too.”

“Male stripper go well with our wine?” Piper whispers to Josie then looks slyly at Mimi without her overhearing.

Josie bulged her eyes, “Footsies?”

“Footsies.” She would call around even if she had to fly a foot long in.

“FRANKFURTHERS does sell footlongs at their food truck out front.” Mimi added hearing that much at least.

“Hot diggity doggy style. Lead the way Mimi Lou.” Piper and Josie followed the girl out. Josie sidestepping back to grab her purse. Hot dogs did sound good, especially to Josie. “The food vendors really called Frankfurthers?”

“Thiiiiiiiiiiis long.” Josie grinned.

Piper fanned her face, then used her tongue against her cheek while looking as if sucking a big dick. Josie thought of Reese. Piper thought of Roger. Mimi thought of pickle relish.


“I can’t believe even Principal eyüp escort Manley didn’t tell you to button up your blouse.” Andrea Beckett sat with Dakota McKellen outside in the grass. A free zone away from the school devoted to fresh air and relaxation. A large number of students preferred eating their lunches outdoors when weather permitted. A bright sunny day like today was pure bliss. So was Dakota…pure bliss that is.

Looking around her as she sat with Andrea and another close ally Sandy Martin she noticed an awful lot of eyes on her which made her secretively giddy. She wanted to be checked out. After years of hearing her classmates juvenile verses of, “Your mom is so hot.” She wanted a moment in the sun for herself. While last Friday wearing camisole’s alongside her sister Sable she had turned a few heads. Quite a number of heads even. In some cases two heads on one body. Hopefully Angus Furlong’s she thought. Even Mace Belmont admired her opened cleavage with interest earlier before leaving for school. Then there was her Father Henry, was it possible that even he was drooling over her? She wanted to believe that.

“Are you even listening to me Dakota?” Andrea fanned a palm in front of her friend’s eyes noting her lost to the world gaze.

“She’s long gone.” Sandy joined Andi in snapping her own fingers, finally Sandy threw a grape that she was eating at Dakota and it fell down her opened shirt. Even that didn’t faze the girl. “That was my last grape too.”

“I got it.” Andrea moved to her knees in the grass, daring to reach into Dakota’s shirt with her hand and search for the juicy oval morsel. Feeling a wrist brush her breast Dakota snapped out of her funk to lower her chin to observe Andi’s exploration.

“What are you doing?”

“Graping you…get it? Groping you?” Andi laughed then found the grape to show her, “Fess up! What’s really going on with you Miss might as well be topless? Not that I’m complaining, you know I like me some…”

“SHUT UP!” Dakota chuckled, “You’re so…”

“Gay? I like both sides of the groin…coin. Heads and tails.” Andi was on a roll, Sandy laughing her ass off. “Stop going off into lala land and tell us Bitch.”

“I’m just…” She notices her Mother walking with Piper and Mimi Alexander out of the school and crossing the yard via sidewalk. Piper not wearing shoes was dancing about under scalding hot concrete, finally using Josie and Mimi as crutches who could barely support her extra weight, especially tiny Mimi. It was hilarious to some, sexy to others. “That’s why.” Dakota points out her Mom. “Look at them. They’re beautiful and getting away with murder. I can see Piper’s butt.”

“Mmmm! Me too.” Andi bites her lower lip.

“Why is Mimi hanging with them?” Sandy questioned, “Helping her find her cats?”

“I’m pretty sure she’s their pet project.” Dakota frowned with a cute pawing motion for laughs, “Another few weeks I bet Mimi wears short dresses and no panties too.”

“They’re not wearing panties?” Sandy winced seeing Piper’s cheeks and presumed it to be a certain that she wasn’t.

“Niiiiiice! Yep I can see your Mom’s butt too.” Andi whistled a non existent whistle, merely air flow through puckered lips. She had never mastered whistling.

“Hey! That’s my Mom you’re blowing at.” Dakota swats Andrea. “Don’t you guys get it? We’re young adults, this is our school, they just teach here. It should be us getting the boys worked up.”

“Girls too.” Andi giggled, “I’m good that they get them warmed up and we reap the benefits.”

“My Mom is 34. Come on she’s too old for the boys here.”

“I thought she was tapping Coach Crandell.”

“What? Nooo! Shit! Is she really?” In her heart she knew but Dakota didn’t want to admit it.

“You can’t tell me you haven’t heard rumors.” Andi blasted back.

“I have, but I just never…okay I believed it but tried not to.”

“Does your Dad know?” Sandy ventured there.

“They fight a lot so probably. Yes…” Dakota caved knowing she and her Father had at minimally talked about her Mother’s antics. She loved her parents and just attempted to hide her thoughts on it being reality. So did her sister Sable. Brooding further she merely clammed up and watched the entire school yard of dining students pant over the Faculty. Was it weird that Dakota thought of the word Cult as part of faCULTy? It was as if Piper was recruiting.


“FUCK ME!” Piper belted out hopping in step on the concrete, “Even my ovaries are frying on this sidewalk.” Students laughed their asses off at her fun-loving verses. Josie enjoying her friends overly expressive humor, Mimi beet red but hanging in there.

“Where are your shoes?” Mimi hadn’t realized until they had made their way outdoors.

“Carl’s probably sucking the toes by now.”

“Ewww!” Mimi winced, “Why didn’t you stop and get them?”

“Proving to Carl I won’t interrupt him. If I give him space, he’ll do the same. Psychology 101.”

“Step in the grass it’s cooler.” Josie suggested.

“Why? şişli escort I like hopping about like I’m playing hopscotch. My boobies dance.”

“You want the students to see…? Oh my!” Mimi bulged her eyes.

“So should you Squirt.” Piper stuck her tongue out at the Art Teacher.

“My boobs are tiny.”

“REALLY?” Josie paused, “Same size Biotch. 34B’s right? Guys love my girls and I can make them dance too.” She began hopping as well, giggling as boys bit their knuckles in awe. Taking her own heels off and carrying them it became an asphalt ballet.

“I love you.” Piper hugged Josie for her efforts. “Your turn Artful Dodger.”

Mimi blushes then decides that she wanted to be a part of her new friend and lifts one leg after another to claim her own shoes. Once off Mimi realized just how hot the ground was.

“Doesn’t the school fountain look inviting?” Piper looked over to see students sitting on the large circular rim of a good sized fountain with the statue of Mister Dexter of Horton-Dexter in the center.

“Don’t you even.” Josie laughed, “My belly is growling I need a foot long.”

“Don’t we all.” Piper laughed.

“I can never eat more than half when I get one.” Mimi fidgeted in her step looking at the ground and trying to keep up.

“Sweetie? Hang with the big dogs and you’re gonna get an appetite.” Piper laughed stepping back to assist Mimi in keeping up. The bond was growing. Even shaking Mimi refused to grimace. Not that she was exactly sure what Piper meant.

“Line’s dimming down at Frank’s truck.” Josie pointed to two different food franchise trucks. One being the infamous Frank Logarth of the Tennessee Titan’s retired now doing what he loved doing, cooking for the masses. The other truck an Asian food truck called, Phillipino’s. The majority of the business at Frank’s mainly because he was cheaper.

“Phillipino’s? Wow!”

“Phillip Ngoho’s a sweetheart. He’s old but he makes a mean Adobo. Frank and LeAnne are…well…Grandfather and Granddaughter. He’s old too. Frank used to be a running back for the Titan’s until he just busted up every bone in his body except for the one that counts.” Josie relates as they approach Frank’s line. A few of the school’s football team as well as their basketball team were in line.

“There’s Buttercup.” Piper leans on Josie who had already noticed.

“God! I can feel my wetness trickling down my leg.” She whispered to Piper fearing Mimi being too straight at the moment to cope with their aggressive hormones.

“Get up there Squishy.” Piper nudges Josie toward Reese from behind, he being in the tail of the line. Brushing up against Reese he turned to see Josie and smirked.

“Hey Mrs. M!”

“Reese!” She beguiled him with sparkling eyes, “Treat me to something thick and yummy?”

“That’s tomorrow.” He smirked with ego and turned away. Josie felt jilted until she thought about it. Tapping his shoulder he turned again.

“Sure you wanna wait?”

“Nope! But, you’re going to.” He was evil. Overhearing her mumble, “Fuck!” He just said, “That’s the plan.” She wanted to rub her clit so bad it was obvious. Boys all around them saw how agonizing her behavior was. She let it go and pivoted into Piper to mouth the words, “OH MY GOD!” Piper giggled and Mimi just explored the possibilities as to what was going on. She was still unsure but had suspicions.

Football players Antoine Boss and Corey Samson paying for then collecting their food stepped from the line walking directly toward Piper before stopping cold. Both boy’s were already holding their footlong hot dogs and seemed to be ever so slowly lifting them as if erections brewing. Piper flared her eyes at them and said, “Are those for me?” Willingly they offered to let her have them until she merely pinched the tips of the dogs between her index fingers and thumbs, winking, “They’re soooo BIG!”

Both giants of young men puckered at one another and egotistically unified with a bragging version of, “DAMN STRAIGHT!”

“I don’t think I could even take all of that.” They grin at her playfulness until interrupted from behind. “Another day Plumper’s.” The boys chuckled and left, both looking back at Piper’s ass seeing lower cheekage, a faint breeze hiking her skirt slightly to reveal more. They nearly tripped walking backwards, both were definitely going to brag to the rest of their team.

“WHAT CAN I GET YOU LADIES?” The proprietor Frank chuckled at Piper’s mental seduction, the girls moving up closer to the side of Reese Teller. Josie and Mimi stepping in to order for Piper as well. Looking over at Reese Josie’s mouth watered at the huge dog in his hands.

“I think I want what he has.” Reese smiled but stepped away leaving her to express a fidget. She wasn’t used to being teased back without a quick outcome. Tomorrow would certainly prove interesting.

“Hi LeAnne.” Mimi waved at the girl around her age of 25, a cute petite young blond with a button nose and big blue eyes. Chesty even for such a petite young woman.

“Hey taksim escort Mimi. You’re wearing a dress.” LeAnne looked shocked then leans over the counter to check out her legs. “Need’s to be shorter.” Frank building dogs for the ladies frowned at his granddaughter, having already confessed his dissatisfaction for her very short, extremely tight denim shorts. He understood it was hot out but her shorts were distracting.

“That’s what I’ve been telling Squeaky.” Piper eases in winking at LeAnne. “See? Even she has your best interest in mind.”

“We went to school together.” LeAnne points out, “I’ve been telling her for years to grow up.”

“Take your beautiful friend’s advice Buttons.”

“That’s the name of one of my cats.” Mimi snickered.

“Of course it is. Try something without buttons for once.” Piper looks into the food truck to spot Tennessee Titans t-shirts pinned up. “LeAnne? Can I get 3 of those t-shirts?”

“Sports fan?” Frank opens up as Josie pays for her lunch.

“Atlanta Falcon’s.” She offers info.

“You look familiar.” He winces.

“I get it a lot. I mean I get that a lot. Both actually. You must be Big Frank. Linebacker I hear.”

“Used to be. Line cooker now.” He laughs.

“Love the name of your business here. FrankFurther’s. That’s original.”

“LeAnne’s idea. As in Frank’s further adventures.”

“So adorable. LeAnne too.” The girl blushes at Piper’s compliment having grabbed 3 shirts from a box.

“I have all sizes.” She admits sharing options.

“Extra large for all 3 of us.” She points to Josie, Mimi, then herself.

“Ummm? Why are we getting t-shirts?” Josie winced.

“You’ll see. Let’s wolf it down girls.” After Frank invents two more footlongs Piper pays for her and Mimi’s, including all three t-shirts. Josie had just gotten in a hurry. “Change for two hundred? Wait! You know what? Keep it.”

“You don’t have to tip that big Miss…”

“Cherry. Call me Piper.”

“That’s why you look familiar. Falcon’s…”

“FRANKLY…ANNE! Let’s keep that between us. I think you understand what I’m saying.” She grits her teeth, “Starting from scratch here.”

“Gotcha!” Frank nods, “Tough break.”

“Tougher than you know. Tootles Ballpark Frank. Bye LeAnne.” She waves then carries her shirts under her arm in order to eat. She was making a mess trying not to get food on her dress, going so far as to lean forward to be certain and condiments missed her cleavage. Her stance alone offered up wolf calls, her ass hanging out more than it had been. Even her boobs were dangling and crushed together due to keeping the shirts clenched under her armpits.

“Let’s sit on the fountain. The mist makes it cooler.” Josie posed the idea.

“Great behinds think alike. Come on Mimi.” They carry their burdens out through the grass and nudge in amongst a number of jocks sitting there chatting. Drooling began at Piper not even bothering to sit on her skirt leaving it to fan about. Josie hadn’t realized it or she might have done the same. Mimi? So proper. Shoes in the grass, shirts resting next to them they devoured their lunch. Guys loved watching their every bite, mouths swelling around their thick juicy meat. Strangely even observing Mimi found arousal at their interest.

“Look at the new Counsellor.” A jock named Danny Wendt pointed from the back side of the fountain through the gentle cascade of sprinkling water. His buddy Maynard Smooth mumbled a blistering current of, “Whoaaaa!” The breeze picking up on her skirt left nothing hidden, her crack visible with zero coverage about halfway up her cheeks in her seated position. Piper felt the freedom but did nothing to prevent it. Outside of showing off her hot dog sucking skills to some of their fellow athletes.

“So why did you buy those shirts?” Josie chewed and spoke at the same time, dabbing a napkin on her mouth.

“Ever notice Tennessee has the word See in it?”

“Where is this going?”

“TITS in TITanS? As in SEE TITS?”

“Oh crap! What are you planning?” Josie lowered her remaining lunch to her lap, her legs fanning wide a bit allowing boys to see that even she had no panties on. Whispering was a disease suddenly. From a distance Josie’s daughter Dakota realized it too. Andi pointing it out for the girl. Dakota rolling her eyes got up and went back inside she just couldn’t handle seeing her Mom make a fool of herself. At her age…she thought. Dakota was going to miss out on what would have sent her over the top.

“Mimi dear?” Piper leaned forward to look toward her new friend, her skirt riding higher thanks to the breeze. Guys were to the point of taking cell pictures and holding their groins beneath their jeans. There was going to be a whole lot of screensavers with Piper’s moon on them after today.

“Yes?” Mimi looked left.

“I’m going to do something that might embarrass you Sweetie. Just a heads up.” There were a whole lot of heads up right now as it were. Bending forward to snatch up a white 2X t-shirt sponsoring Nashville’s pride and joy the jocks behind her caught a clam and a sweet lil pucker as her skirt drifted in the breeze. Standing the skirt went back down as Piper stepped up on the brim of the fountain then down into the cool water. Her feet were thankful. So were the beasty boys all about them.

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Stolen Moments

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“Damn, I did it again,” I chided myself as I pulled a fast and probably illegal u-turn. I had forgotten the report I needed for the department meeting today in a folder on my bed. Starting a new job in a new city, I couldn’t look incompetent in my first week. I was in the middle of divorcing my wife because, after five years of trying, we found that we were really not compatible. She turned out to be one of those women who could do without sex more often than not. So to make things easier on the both of us I accepted a job in another city. My younger brother and his lovely wife had offered me the use of their spare bedroom until I found a place of my own. It was comfortable but small and most of my belongings were stored in their garage adding to the confusion and displacement in my new life.

When I arrived back at the house Jim’s car was gone. He was off to work just as I had been. Opening the door, I stepped in quietly as not to disturb my sister-in-law if she were still asleep. Turning down the hallway, I heard the sound of the shower running; the bathroom door was partially ajar. eve gelen escort Struck with curiosity and my pent up sexual desires, I glanced through the open door as I passed and could plainly see her naked body through the glass doors of the shower. Quickly, I made my way to the bedroom for the report, my head filled with the vision of her soaping up that beautiful body. A powerful and pleasant tingle ran through my groin igniting my sex-starved brain. It had been over two months since I had last been with a woman. I had to see more.

With nervous stealth and a rapid heartbeat, I made my way back down the hall. Ever so slowly, I crept closer to the partially open door. Holding my breath, I covertly peered around the corner. Susan was leaning against the shower wall with the hand-held directed between her legs. I could see that she was clean shaven, her rosy pink lips opening and closing from the pulsing water stream. My sister-in-law moved the wand in slow circular motions, letting the warm rush of water pelted her sex. With eyes closed, her mecidiyeköy escort mouth spoke silent words as the overpowering hydraulic sensations inflamed her building desire. A free hand massaged her soapy breasts stopping occasionally to squeeze an erect pink nipple before reaching down to press on her naked mound. Now and then her fingers would slip between those berry-colored lips and into her excited vagina. Holding them there, her head lolled back and her lips would utter unheard words.

I felt like a thief, a voyeur, a pervert, though I had to keep watching. I was mesmerized, frozen by the scene before me. The powerfully erotic vision stimulated my lonely juices; my own sex began to throb, demanding attention. My cock rose uncomfortably, constricted by clothing. I straightened my bowed member through the tight fabric, rubbing it’s turgid length as I remained bound to the show before me. I wanted nothing more than to burst through the door and take her right there in the shower. To feel her hot nakedness against me, her squeezing warmth surrounding my needful evi olan escort manhood.

Easing the zipper down, my swollen cock burst from its confines and I slid the palm of my hand over the fleshy head. It was already wet and very sensitive to my touch. Slippery juices issued from the head, spreading the length of the bloated appendage following my rhythmic motions. With closed eyes, my vivid and fertile imagination found my pulsing cock deep inside my brother’s wife as I skillfully manipulated the erogenous organ. My hand applied just the right pressure in just the right places as I imagined the feel of Susan’s vaginal muscles massaging me. Through my dream state, her audible moans now sounded over the splashing water enhancing my excitement as she began to orgasm loudly. I felt my own climax boil up from the depths, threatening to burst forth like a Yellowstone geyser. I could no longer contain myself. I bit my tongue to keep from vocalizing my own revelry. Hot white lava shot through the door’s narrow opening in great multiple spurts, coming to rest on the cold tile of the bathroom floor. But in my mind, I was filling Susan to overflowing as she squealed in delight. Finally, back in my own head, I quickly fastened my pants and stole down the hallway, out the front door and off to work…relieved but not satisfied. It would be difficult to see Susan in the same way again.

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Starting from Scratch Ep. 157: ENTERNET CONnection

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“I have a really cool idea.”

Dakota McKellen crept into the kitchen to rub shoulders with her sister Sable, whispering so that their father working in his nearby office couldn’t overhear them. Sable having made a turkey sandwich turned to listen as she took a bite, eyes bright with curiosity.

“Let’s borrow mom’s laptop and go online with Angus and mess with him.”

“How?” Sable spoke chewing but hiding her mouth with her right hand. Even now that her braces were long gone, she was often times insecure. That was one flaw in her switched personas with Dakota that she had to break, or someone might realize their ruse. Good thing she only wore here retainer here at home.

“I’ll get things rolling in my bedroom. I’ll strip and use mom’s vibrating wand for him, then go grab a drink. You take my place and masturbate for him. He’ll think it’s me.”

Swallowing her bite with a dramatic gulp Sable dropped her jaw at the suggestion. “He hasn’t figured out which of us he’s talking to even at school, let alone which of us is playing with him by your locker in small doses. That might be funny. I’m in.” Her hormones, like her sisters were reaching for the stars these days. With having Angus mistake her for Dakota numerous times and getting slyly intimate, Sable found anything to do with Angus Furlong alluring. Playing as her sister would still keep her in good standing with her boy… friend Travis Herbert. Greedy when it came to new experiences Sable wanted to keep her options open, but Travis on a leash.

“Awesome! Let me warn Daddy, I’m borrowing it to do a homework assignment and I’ll be right up.”

“Okay! I’ll finish eating and brush my teeth. Oh my God! I love how you share Angus with me even though you want him.”

“I want every guy out there.” Dakota snickered rolling her eyes, “He’s still with Robin so I’m free to make him think he has me too. Besides after Robin kissed me too, I’m just going along for the ride.”

“He does have you. You do whatever he wants you to do in the hall by your locker.”

“So do you.”

“Yes, but I’m just getting off making guys think I’m you. I really don’t want Angus.” That admission was iffy at best, “I like Trav… and Corey… and Mace…and Custer Martini…” So many more.

“Daddy.” Dakota razzed her.

“Not as much as you do. He still thinks I’m you when we tease sometimes.”

“Keep that up he’s really getting into us.” She giggled. “I love messing with Daddy. I say we just keep our act up for every guy out there, that way we both get to tease hard and have variety.”

“Yeah, but in the end they all will think it’s you.”

“True. Is that bad if you’re having fun being me?”

“No.” Sable chuckled, “I’ll just make sure that you’re the one that’s called a slut.”

“Works for me.” She taps her butt against her sisters then shuffles toward her father’s office. Knocking first knowing he didn’t want her to see his game play for Frisque, she waited as he downsized his monitor window.

“What do you need Punky?” He winced worried she was Sable until she passed by the door with her sandwich. Yep, covered her mouth with her hand, definitely Sable.

“Can I borrow mom’s laptop? I have a class assignment I need to research.” She steps in and leans on the corner of his desk, her shirt unbuttoned like nearly every day, no bra he saw skin straight down to her tummy. At least she had clothes on this time. That probably should have been his first clue as to her identity, of course Sable was getting bolder. Life!

“Just put it back when you’re done.” He tried not to look but it was becoming increasingly more difficult not to check her out now that he was suckered into teaching her how to be seductive with boys, mainly Angus. Having gone way too far more than once he was always on edge. Dakota was constantly flaunting it, ignoring his suggestion she behave. After everything she and Sable had done around or with him, he truly shouldn’t be bossy. He had albeit fucked his girls at this point, teaching Dakota everything a guy would want from her outside of the reality of actual penetration. Bad daddy! He was well aware and feeling the guilt.

Even though Dakota had sucker punched Henry with the help of Tessa Harper into thinking she was Tessa to do unmentionable things to her father without him knowing, he was still in denial of wanting her. Dakota just couldn’t comprehend that word behave, now that he had pretty much confirmed he wanted her. Once she lost her virginity to Angus, planned for her birthday she swore she would fuck her father any way she had to achieve it. Destiny would be up to her.

“I will. Let me know if you want me to give you a hand job.” Her own mind returned to her and Tessa’s underhanded trickery while her father was blindfolded. He had zero clue it was Dakota until it was all over. If she hadn’t been a virgin, she would have gone all the way and suffered his wrath afterwards. Too risky at the time.

“Not gonna happen. You need to stop trying Punky.” So did he!

“Not gonna happen.” She repeated his words then flipped her tongue out at him. “I want şişli escort bayan the experience for Angus so I’m going to keep trying. Live with it, Mister.”

“Uh huh! Go do your homework.”

“Okay!” She turned then took her shirt off flipping it over one shoulder to walk out topless. Henry just shook his head. Once gone he opened his monitor window to a scene, he was working on that had his doppelganger Mark kissing the chest of Dakota’s replica Montana. Even if he didn’t play along with Dakota’s desires, he still had the North by Northwest! Best way to act out his fantasies without the reality of incest. Sadly, a hand job did sound good. “I’ll incorporate one into the game.” Montana was all hands anyway. As if the image of Dakota being the actual hand maiden ever left his imagination.

Going upstairs she found Sable in her bedroom doorway still brushing her teeth, having changed out of her clothing to run around in only her lacy bright pink bra and panty set. Watching Dakota toss her shirt into her bedroom and step topless into their parent’s private chamber in order to locate Josie’s laptop briefcase, she brought it back into her bedroom. While setting up, Sable rinsed and joined her sister on her bed. Retainer begone!

“Okay! Let me text Angus and hopefully he’s at home.” Dakota’s first try went unnoticed so she just called him. Picking up on the third ring he mumbled, “Hey you.”

“Hey you back. Are you at home?”

“Yeah!” He sounded winded, “Just… laying… in bed.” If Dakota could have seen him directly at this moment, she would discover just how evil he truly was, not that she cared as long as she got what she wanted too.


“No. Thinking of… you.”

“Surrrrrre! Robin’s there isn’t she?” She giggled. “You know I’m over the competitive thing. I still think about when Robin kissed my nipple.”

“You liked that didn’t you?”

“Not at first but… yeah, I’d let her do it again. I might even kiss her nip nips too if she lets me.” She winked at Sable.

“Awesome! Yeah, she’s here.”

“Hi Dakota!” Robin called up from licking his balls. “My nips are yours Baby.”

“Maybe tomorrow.”

“Hey! I want in on that.” Another voice was heard.

“Was that Tina Wiles?” Dakota creased her brow smiling.

“Yeah! They stopped over together.”

“Are you three… all playing together?”

“Threesome! You should come over. Fourplay is even better.” Robin spoke after wagging her tongue up his foreskin to the crown. To his right Tina was naked and curled up to his side rubbing his chest and abs.

“I can’t! I will sometime though. You guys are killing me.” She giggled, “I think I need to touch myself.”

“Go for it. I can put you on speaker.” Angus chuckled.

“I have a better idea. Do you have a laptop?”

“Yeah! Whoa! You want to skype?”

“Why not? Next best thing to being there, right?”

“You girls cool if we…?” He couldn’t even finish his sentence. Tina left him to cross his room to his desk and brought his laptop over to the bed. Dakota hearing him laugh made her smile. “Tina didn’t give me time to get in an okay. Hang on let me sign in. Are you on yours?”

“Yep! I was going to do homework, but I’ll make time.” It was Sable that generated Skype then slid it back to face Dakota. “What’s your email and sign on?”

[email protected].” He gave her time to add him to her contact list. “My log on is HIKEHIKE69.”

“69?” She giggled. “You should show me that when we get on screen together.” Hearing Tina and Robin whispering, “She’s so naïve.” did not settle well with Dakota until Tina spoke up with, “We were like her once.” that made both Dakota and Sable smile, the defensive comment prompting Robin to say, “I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I know that.”

“Definitely!” Angus overrode both mumbles, “Will you sluts just get it through your heads I dig Dakota?”

“We do too.” Robin spoke for she and Tina then leaned closer to his cell so that her voice was amplified, “HE’S YOURS DAKOTA… I’m just fucking him.” Uh huh, sure!

“I’m cool with that.” Dakota snickers, “He knows I’m taking my time concerning any relationship. If he really does care for me then he will prove it.”

“You should call Mace and have him come over too.” Tina barged into the conversation. “I want to see his huge cock again. Wait! Does Mace have a laptop?” Furlong frowned over her lust for Mace Belmont, Piper Cherry’s nephew. Tension among studs!

“No clue! Not going to ask him. I don’t want him thinking he can do me.” Dakota chuckled knowing she nearly did on movie night at Piper’s house. Hot waxed the following day where she teased him. Sable mouthed, “Yes you do.” and razzed her sister while laying on her arms at the side of the bed.

“Okay!” Dakota waves her sister away, “I’m messaging you now. Let me know if you get an invite.” A few minutes later Angus told her, “Got it!” Sable retreated out of sight so as not to let them know she was there. As far as everyone around her was concerned Sable was still the shy awkward sister who went by Miss Goody Two Shoes. escort bayan fatih Let them keep thinking that.

“THERE’S MY GIRL!” Angus and Dakota connected visually. “Topless already?”

“I’m comfy. You three look cozy too.” Robin and Tina snuggled next to Angus and waved. Maybe it was true… sluts don’t need rivals. Robin seemed genuinely happy to see Dakota. Both ladies being naked, this was Dakota’s first intimate closeup of them, not counting gym class showering. Technically she had never seen Angus completely nude either, just what she saw in brief instances in the hallways at school. He had seen Dakota nude already in some fashion, so it was finally time.

“Lose the pants and join us, Babe.” Tina suggested.

“Let me close my bedroom door in case my dad comes upstairs.”

“That cute guy I saw when I left Mace’s house the other day?” Tina asked.

“He would be the one. Even I think my dad is hot.” She giggled, “Be right back.” Scurrying from her bed she backed Sable out of the way and closed her door. With both inside the room now within safety the whispers began, telling Sable, “Let me get started and we’ll tag each other in and out. This is going to be hilarious. They have no idea.”

Giddy but clenching to keep from laughing Dakota shuffled back to her bed and stood up on her mattress to unzip her jeans. Slithering down her legs she makes their viewing pleasure on the other end appear as if riding out an earthquake, the laptop jostling about on her mattress until she had them off. Never wearing panties, she was down to her cute socks. Those came off after she sat down. Legs up over her head she patted her pussy in front of the trio of voyeurs.

“Beddy when you are.”

“Too awesome!” Angus chuckled, “I’m glad you’re so cool Dakota.”

“You know me… spontaneous.”

“Hey! We’re awesome too Buddy.” Robin snapped her teeth playfully at Angus then kissing his cheek.

“I already knew you skanks were.” He smirked, “This is the first time Dakota’s loosened up outside of school.”

“Only get looser.” Dakota spoke before realizing how that sounded. In hiding out of shot Sable groaned.

“So are you letting Angus here take your virginity Saturday?” Tina dared to ask.

“I don’t know…” She smiled sheepishly, “Does Angus want me that baaaaaaaaaaad?”

“FUCK YES, I DO!” He roared, Robin and Tina wiggling index fingers in their ears to hear again. “I mean… it would be my honor.”

“Aww! We’ll see.” It had already been discussed anyway.

“He’s never had a virgin.” Robin laughed, “I lost mine six months before he and I hooked up.”

“Same day Robin lost hers.” Tina confessed, “Side by side.”

“Wow!” Dakota and Sable both found that crazy.

“You and Sable should do it side by side like we did.” Tina added. “So much fun.”

“Personal question?” Dakota asked with a dreaded wince, “Did… you bleed a lot?” Sable listened closely to this reaction her own fears on that topic dreaded come Saturday.

“Not going to lie I was a stuck pig. The guy I was with had to throw his bedding away.” Robin contorted her expression to show her grossed out memory.

“I bled but it wasn’t as bad as Robin’s experience.” Tina offered while Dakota sat up to listen and absorb what was spooking her.

“Did it hurt?”

“Painful at first when the plug pushed through,” Robin ventured, “I screamed a lot, but he never stopped fucking once he got through my hymen. Word of advice… use a lot of lube.” That was meant for Angus next to her, “Big boy will be tough on her going in. The friction without lube is agitating. I learned the hard way.”

“Lube got it. My parents have plenty.” Dakota noted, Angus wanting to laugh over it knowing he had intentions of fucking Dakota’s mother without lube. She did not need to know that.

“I’ll bring some too. Just in case we… do it.” Angus feigned a blush. Damn straight he was hitting that cunt. Hell, or high water he told himself.

“Mine hurt on entry but felt incredible for the next three hours. Yes I fucked Reggie for three amazzzzzzzzzzzzing hours.” Reggie Corbin from Harvester-Kent High School, Home of the Huskies.

“Three? Wow!” Dakota looked stunned, “Can you go that long Angus?”

“Can I go three hours?” He rolled his eyes, “Tell her ladies.”

“Minute man!” Tina laughed, “Came inside me in under 45 seconds.”

“I did not. Fuck you Wiles.”

“No! My baby here… OUR baby here.” Robin pointed at Dakota. “The longest he’s fucked me was four hours I think.” She looked at him for confirmation.

“I can go longer.”

“Then we break your record.” Dakota giggled, “Oh, are you two coming to our birthday party?”

“No! I want you to have alone time with Angus. You two need to bond without me ruining your big moment together. I’ll be keeping busy.”

“Marquette guys.” Tina chimed in, “Four on two. Woohoo!”

“Four guys and the two of you? Whoa!” Sable was equally as blown away as her sister.

“We’ve done more.” Tina chuckled.

“I don’t know if I could ever do more than one guy at a time.” At least merter escort bayan not until she got a taste of how good sex could be. Her mind was opening up so now it was time for her legs to follow. “Let’s do this before I ruin the moment. All this first-time messy stuff is killing the mood.”

“That’s the spirit Beautiful.” Angus praised her then whispered to Robin and Tina as he laid back, “Give her a show that blows her mind.”

“Stop worrying Romeo.” Robin frowned, “You know we bitches get vicious.”


Tina hopped in, “You just do your part and make us scream.”

“Good thing my parents are gone.” He chuckled. Not that it mattered but Dakota didn’t need specifics on his crazy ass parents, mom Karla an in-home masseuse with a happy ending almost every single client, and father Glenn who often used Robin and Tina himself on the side. Family of freaks for sure.

Watching intently Dakota saw both girls teaming up to get him hard again. Just before Dakota called, they were just getting cozy but all the talk cooled things down. Now it was time to turn up the heat. Twin tongues began licking his gently erect dick, in seconds he was fully hard and ready to kick off all quarter on his back style, Angus being a Quarterback. His pun!

Sable was getting antsy she wanted to see what was going on, but the angle was horrible. If Dakota turned the laptop there was the chance, they would see both girls and the ruse would be pointless. Creeping closer and leering at the screen she dropped her jaw at the ravenous acts out of Robin Banks and Tina Wiles. The problem with getting too close was the fact Angus was looking at Dakota without waver as if inspiration. That was because Dakota had propped her pillows to settle back and rub her pussy and flirt with him. Kissy faces were shared between he and her and it was becoming boring fast for Sable.

Rolling her eyes and tempted to just walk out Dakota posed a finger toward Angus as if to be quiet and carefully crawled from her bed. Out of his sightline she whispered to her younger sister by three minutes. “Every few minutes we switch. I can’t cum for him though if I keep getting interrupted.”

“What if I wanted to cum for him?” Sable snickered.

“You can… just… me first. Go take my spot. Just watch don’t talk.” Sable started for the bed then found Dakota pulling her back, “Bitch, lose the undies.”

“Oh! Right!” Sable swiftly removed her bra and panties but both girls had overlooked the socks. Off to bed Sable stretched out and blew Angus a kiss to keep him interested. With Robin and Tina swapping cock spit in devouring his dick without a breath between visitations it was hard not to watch their work. Angus tried to keep focus on whom he thought was Dakota, luckily even nude the girls were identical, right down to their neatly kept pubes. He had no clue.

While Robin was deepthroating Angus, Tina snapped a good look at Dakota and caught on fast as she had in school. “Hey Socksy!” A wink made Sable bulge her eyes and wiggle her feet. Covering her tracks Sable as Dakota giggled, “My toes got cold.”

Surrrrrrre! Tina knew it was Sable but did not let on, she found it crazy hot that the Twin’s cared enough to trade places and share the wealth. Even though Tina had once told Sable to be herself she maintained their secret switches. It was the Horton-Dexter code to keep what goes on in Vegas stays at Dexter. You could ask anyone… whether they would admit that was the question.

“Better get busy over there.” Tina wagged her tongue, “I’ll come over and motivATE you.” She played her words to compliment her devilish tongue. Sable shivered thinking that Tina wanted to eat her pussy. Would that be all bad? Tawny Martin had, and it was awesome. Sable smiled so evidently not.

“Time to switch.” Tina winked then took over for a slobbering breathless Robin, Furlong’s cock vanishing down her throat. Following the hint given Sable waited until all eyes were diverted then tagged her sister back in. Giddy the two passed one another allowing Dakota to stretch back out and terrorize her clit. Gaze locked on Angus, his on hers the two explored their emotions. On the sidelines Sable rubbed herself standing up. It just wasn’t the same though, it was like she was playing for her sister at this angle. Funny Dakota got the Angus, Sable the angle. Still, us as a team though.

Dakota was becoming increasingly wet the longer she briskly maneuvered her clitoris. A single finger creasing down toward her hole sent a very fine mist of saturation outward upon contact. Seeing how the ladies were feasting over Angus, she envisioned herself doing it with them. Her turn had to be more enthusiastic which meant getting daddy’s help to perfect her blowjob talents. Just thinking of her father briefly she began fantasizing about him more than Angus. Toss up technically, but she was balancing them both in her brain.

Angus was nearing nut, sharing expressions of almost dread because it wasn’t over Dakota so much as his bitches taunting his hormones to no end. Sensing him close to detonation the girls eased away enough share in his delivery when it happened. Faces near but eying Dakota as they worked him over Robin jerked him while Tina kneaded his balls, tongues wagging at Dakota rather than Angus in his final throes. Snarling at their taunts Angus bellowed, “THIS IS FOR YOU DAKOTA.”

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Springtime, Appletinis , Nicole

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Margaret and I met at a bar a while back as you might recall. A lot of stuff has happened since then, but I gotta tell this particular story now. It’s too good. I had moved into the sorority house. Yeah, what can I say; other than I guess fucking the Pres’ boyfriend didn’t hurt my chances. Anyway, the house was deserted on a Saturday in late spring. Most of the girls went to the beach for the weekend. I had worked on the day in question, but was off until Tuesday. Margaret was letting me share her room until a single opened up. I was hoping somebody would get pregnant or flunk out. There were a couple of candidates I was rooting for.

I was on the little third floor balcony outside our room sipping an apple martini. You can only imagine how mellow I was feeling. I was wearing a large, cotton shirt, sleeves rolled up, and a pair of my favorite old, baggy, cotton khaki shorts. I would have preferred being naked, but I didn’t want to attract the campus cops. Up the street a guy was mowing a lawn. The faint aroma of newly mown grass and internal combustion fumes were in the air. I love that smell; it reminds me that it’s the best time of year.

I forget what I had on the stereo, probably something mellow.

Anyway I was thinking about what a dream it was living in the house. A lot of guys I have known would probably give 10 years off their life to be in my position. I’m not as obsessed with girls as are men. But when a girl strolls down the hall with her kimono loosely tied or wearing her camisole and bikini bottoms, I sometimes have to retire to my room and give my clit some loving attention. Trust me guys, and girls for that matter, it’s as good as you imagine. Sorry, getting a little away from the point of the story.

My reverie was interrupted by a knock on the door. I thought, oh fuck. It was locked. Another knock. “Hey Meg it’s me”, I recognized Margaret’s mother’s voice; she apparently didn’t know Margaret was at the beach. I opened the door, said hi and invited her in. Her name is Nicole, I told her of Margaret’s whereabouts.

She accepted my offer of a martini. Her face was slightly red and she was sweating; she must have been jogging or playing tennis- or fucking I suppose. She wore tight jogging shorts a tank top, and a bra. She is probably early 40’s and big like Margaret.

“This is a wonderful drink, but to really make my afternoon complete I need a shower.”

“I should be able to help, we’ve got the bathroom we share with our suitemates, but everybody’s out of town so go on in and shower.” She drained her glass, and handed it to me. “Another?” she nodded. “There’re clean towels in there.” I had to make a new batch of martinis, so while I was working on that she went in the bathroom and closed the door. I poured myself one…ahhhh. I decided to see if she wanted her drink now or wanted to wait. I asked through the mecidiyeköy escort bayan door.

“Bring it on in” I was a little startled when I opened the door, she had the shower curtain open and stood with her right foot on the tub edge shaving her thigh…up real high on her thigh. She looked at me and smiled, “put it there on the sink.” I followed instructions then left, and closed the door.

I was back out on the balcony when she came out of the bathroom. She poured another drink. She was wearing a short, silk robe, nothing on underneath and not fastened in front. At the time it was not clear whether she didn’t know I was watching or didn’t care. I took a sip now and then as I enjoyed observing her.

I find watching someone when they don’t know you are doing it, exciting. Even if they are only pretending not to know you are watching. Nicole was good at this little game. She had a lot of the exhibitionist in her. She didn’t acknowledge me and that’s what made the episode so erotic for me.

As I said she is a big woman in an attractive way; not fat, sort of muscular and athletic, nice tan, no tan lines. Hmm interesting. Light brown wavy hair, shoulder-length, apparently her natural color based on her pubic variety. Her hair was still wet, so she retrieved a hairdryer from her bag and stood in front of the dresser mirror combing and blowing her hair. She was facing away from me, but it was certainly possible she could see me in the mirror. I could see her face and breasts in the reflection. I guessed 36B, or so, large medium brown nipples, nice shape, not sagging yet. Her ass is still tight…nice shapely legs…I’d like to see her in heels. Finished drying her hair, she put the dryer back in her bag. I was thinking how much fun I was having, and so was my pussy.

Still standing in the middle of the room she placed a call on her cell phone. “Yan? Yeah hi, come on over, ok.” I wondered what the fuck was going on. She put her phone back in the bag. She walked to the door onto the balcony and said, “This person is coming over and we’re going to play, if you would like to watch that would really turn me on.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“Only one condition, they can’t know you’re watching, so you need to stay out of site.”

“Ok?” I nodded my head and smiled. She gave me a little kiss on the cheek, looked in my eyes then moved closer and brushed my lips with a gentle but hot kiss, then slipped her tongue in my mouth.

“Mmmm, thanks you’re sweet, enjoy.”

In about 5 minutes there was a knock at the door. Yan was a young asian woman, maybe 25, cute, long black hair. She wore a white t-shirt and cut-off jeans, and carried an Adidas bag.

Nicole gave her a kiss. Then she spread a large towel on the bed, dropped her robe, and lay on her back. Yan searched through her bag and removed a bottle of massage escort bayan taksim oil. Although only the screen was closed I couldn’t hear what was being said, only muffled voices. Nicole spoke, and the woman unzipped her pants, let them drop to the floor and kicked them out of the way, she pulled the t-shirt over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra, white bikini underwear. She had surprisingly large breasts for someone so thin. Like her hair her nipples were dark, her pubies were visible around the panties and were thick and dark.

To avoid detection I was peeking around the corner of the door jam. Since I was on the balcony, I had to keep my clothing on and not do any obvious stroking of my person. The urge to do so was compelling, however.

I took another sip of martini hoping to ease my tension. I read an article that claimed that alcohol increased testosterone levels in women, and that was why we were more likely to fuck when drunk. No mention of inhibitions. I have my doubts. Off the subject again excuse me, but I like to educate my audience as well as entertain :-D.

Yan began by pouring oil on her hands. Standing at the foot of the bed she applied the oil liberally to Nicole’s calves, ankles and feet. Using alternatively her fingers and palms, she massaged the muscles of Nicole’s calves and the soles of her feet. Yan had a sweet little ass. When she bent to work I had a great view; her breasts swung forward, her butt tensed, and her panties rode up to show more of her smooth little cheeks. She poured more oil onto her palms, and moved to the side now working on Nicole’s thighs. Nicole spread her legs so the woman had free access to her. I admired Nicole’s pussy. Her hips started to respond to the woman’s touch. She wanted Yan to massage her pussy, but she did not touch Nicole there yet. Teasing her a bit I think.

Next she poured oil directly on Nicole’s breasts, letting it flow over her shoulders, chest and tummy. She smoothed the oil over this area, saving the nipples for last. Yan first kneaded her shoulders and arms; working on them as she had the legs. When she had finished this, she massaged and tantalized Nicole’s breasts and nipples. Nicole was moving under her touch. Her lips parted, making some sweet little sounds I could barely hear.

Nicole rolled onto her stomach.

Yan oiled the backs of Nicole’s calves and thighs. Massaging them kneading the muscles to loosen and relax them. She did the same to her back and shoulders. Then she lightly brushed all of Nicole with her fingers. I would be a fucking puddle if it had been me. As it was I got incredibly horny.

Nicole turned onto her back, lying with her legs spread wide. I could hear her now. “Come on honey I need you.” Yan leaned to kiss her. A deep open mouth kiss. Wet and hot. Her hands were between Nicole’s thighs. She separated her labia, escort bayan beşiktaş carefully attending to each lip, massaged each one gently between her thumb and forefinger, and then slid her fingers slightly inside Nicole. Nicole’s ass tightened and rose to Yan’s touch. She couldn’t lay still.

“There sweetie is that where you want it? Ummm I thought so, oooh, you’re all wet I better clean up some of that juice with my tongue hadn’t I?” She helped Nicole sit up on the edge of the bed, and knelt between her legs. Nicole grabbed the woman’s head and pushed it close to her pussy. She ran her fingers through her hair, rolled her own head back. Yan was kissing, sucking, and licking Nicole’s pussy, then started massaging her clit with her tongue. Nicole now with her hands on her knees was grinding her hips as if fucking Yan’s mouth.

“Oh shit, oh fuck baby, please please, put your fingers inside me.”

“No I’ve got something better dear.” She rose, went to her bag and got a smooth cylindrical strap-on dildo. She showed it to Nicole who rolled back on the bed waiting for the plastic monster to slide into her cunt. First, Yan removed her panties and fastened the harness around her waist and between her legs. She found a bottle of lubricant in her bag, and while standing over Nicole smiling down at her, applied the liquid to the cock as if she were masturbating. Yan set the lubricant aside, climbed onto the bed between Nicole’s legs and pushed the monster unhurriedly inside her. Now gliding slowly in and out, she lowered her lips to Nicole’s left breast and circled the nipple with her tongue. Nicole’s hips rose and fell to meet Yan’s thrusts. She reached between her thighs to massage her clit. I could see the dildo between Yan’s legs. It was shiny with Nicole’s juices in the late afternoon sunlight. Yan’s ass and lips were wet too, presumably one due to excitement and the other due to sweat.

“I want to help you cum, I want it so intense…unbearable for you.” “Oh shit, oh baby do it…ahhhh oh god yes.” Nicole uttered a series of unintelligible moaning sounds and now screamed for mercy. “Ahhhhghhh goddamn bitch fuck me, fuck me…shiiiiiiiiiiiiit.” Yan was quiet, but the tension in her muscles and face betrayed the intensity of her own arousal. Her movements no longer graceful; desperate, the veins on her forehead stood out like she might explode. “Oh oh oh…..” Nicole was coming, her whole body taut not making a sound, but a silent scream. Yan embraced her roughly as they rocked, hugged, kissed frantically. At last she rolled off Nicole. She tore off the strap on and attacked her own pussy, and desperately stroked her clit. Nicole rolled toward her and fondled her nipples looking at Yan’s face to watch her reaction. Shortly Yan came in a more restrained, but nonetheless, intense display of passion.

The two women lying still, continued to embrace, side by side, sweat glistening on both their bodies. I could still hear the guy mowing the lawn, a dog barked; life goes on the world oblivious. I sat back on my chair out of sight, unzipped my shorts and examined my pussy for signs of arousal. Yep, uhuh, oooo my. Stay tuned.

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‘Sonja! Are you about ready yet?’

Our joke. Truthfully, I’m more apt to make us late than she is. I never had to worry that we were going to miss dinner reservations, or the movie, or the flight because she was fretting over red nail polish or redder. Myself, on the other hand, I’m almost never satisfied with how I look…probably some deep-seated confidence problem, as my wife always tells me I look handsome.

‘There you are.’

‘Sorry, I couldn’t find the necklace I’d wanted for a moment.’ Sonja looked simply ravishing tonight. A very sexy green silk blouse and a black skirt that was *just* long enough molded to her skin. Two inch heels, not really enough to be a fall hazard, but just enough to accent her nicely toned legs. And the aforementioned necklace, a golden braid that came to rest just above her cleavage, a subtle sign hinting at the treasures just below.

Her handbook struck my arm, lightly, but enough to bring me back to earth. ‘Stop drooling into your tie and come on.’ Sonja sauntered her gorgeous ass over to the door, then she stopped. Looking over her shoulder, she cocked her hip to the side. ‘Coming?’

I went.

We had reservations for the evening at a new Italian restaurant, one that was quickly becoming popular among the locals who could afford it. I did wince slightly at the prices, but put it out of my mind and decided just to enjoy the meal. We could afford to splurge now and again.

Sonja was catching me up on the gossip from our friends. ‘So you’ll never guess where Elisha and Zach went for their vacation.’ Zach was a coworker of hers, who along with Elisha had traded visits with us back and forth over the years.

‘Alright, I’ll bite. Where?’

‘Mmm. I can think of a couple of places I’d like you to bite.’

‘Later, promise.’

She gave a throaty chuckle. ‘I’ll hold you to that, mister. But really, the pair of them went off to the beach for the week…not just any beach though, a nude one.’

I raised an eyebrow at her. ‘Really? I could see Zach going…he’s eyüp escort a cheerful lech any day of the year. But Elisha?’

‘Yeah, it shocked me as well. You could have knocked me over with a feather. Never wearing anything less than a full one-piece bathing suit, always wears those dresses that make her look like an old-fashioned school teacher, and all of a sudden they go off and bare all at the beach for a week?’

‘Hmm. You sure Zach didn’t turn her into a Stepford Wife?’

‘Not completely sure. I can’t believe it though…and they really did strip down the whole time. From what Zach mentioned, she really got into the swing of things. I get the feeling, really, that there was more he wanted to tell me, but couldn’t bring himself to say.’ She stared off in the distance as she mused. ‘Now the wench has one-upped me. I can’t let that stand…’

We finished our meal, chatting over this and that throughout the evening. The portions were just right. Unlike other places that figured the more the better, the servings here left us feeling satisfied, but not bloated. I’d blame what happened next on the wine, except that neither of us normally drink unless we’re in the company of others.

I went off to go retrieve the car, while she went to the ladies’ room. As I pulled up, she stepped outside into the night. I thought I saw something different about her, but couldn’t figure it out. Then as she slid into the car, she tossed her handbag onto the console between us. What fell out? Oh, nothing other than her undies. A satisfied smirk crossed her face as I looked up at her.

‘Take us on a drive through town.’

I drove as ordered, and sensing what she was after, made sure I drove fairly slow and in the far right lane. Our city is very pedestrian friendly, and there was a lot of foot traffic passing us by. The usual street-side parking doesn’t exist here, except in certain spots, so if a passer-by really wanted to, they could reach a hand out and touch our car as we passed.

I şişli escort glanced over at Sonja after a few minutes, and out of the corner of my eye, I watched her rubbing her very nicely proportioned chest. She leaned forward suddenly, and popped open the glove compartment. In it, there was a very small pair of scissors…one of those ‘just in case’ items she leaves laying around on general purposes. I was startled when those scissors went to her blouse, and snipped off the top button!

Her finger snaked up into her exposed cleavage, and rubbed up and down. Soon enough, two more buttons went the way of the first. I was keeping a good eye on the traffic in front of me, and about this time we came to a red light, giving me a chance to watch her more closely.

If I was surprised earlier, I was about to get the shock of my life. Her hand dipped back down into her handbag, where all evening she had apparently been carrying around a slim purple vibe. Now she turned it on to a low setting, and ran it up and down her exposed flesh. I caught movement out of her window, and realized that a couple of guys walking by had stopped, and watched my wife. A thumbs-up flashed from one of the guys when he saw that I’d observed him.

The light turned green, and now I had to make sure I didn’t crash into the car in front of me, or someone trying to dash between cars. I now realized what Sonja was up to, and saw my chance to up the stakes a bit. I made sure I hit the lock button, and found one of those rare sidewalk parking spots. I left the car running, but threw it in park, then turned slightly in my seat to watch.

By now Sonja had snipped off all the buttons on her blouse, and the emerald silk was gaping open across her torso. She had pulled out a small bottle of massage oil from somewhere and was using her vibe to spread it all over her chest, making it glisten in the lamplight.

By now I didn’t care who saw her, I wanted the world to see this exceedingly sexy woman. I pointedly did not look out the window, taksim escort instead giving all my attention to her. She shrugged her blouse open all the way, exposing her cherry red nipples to her audience. First one, then the other was graced with her vibe, and she used her free hand to trace up and down her shapely legs.

Soon enough, that hand dipped out of sight underneath her skirt, then reappeared a moment later, the fingertips glistening. Without a word, she drew them out and brought them up to my lips. I inhaled her musky scent for a moment, then used my tongue to lick off her fingertips.

I expected her to repeat the motion, but instead they brushed the side of her leg, then curled into a pointing gesture at her side. I was confused momentarily, then realize what she wanted. I reached out across her, then unzipped her skirt completely. I drew back momentarily, but she made no move to uncover herself.

I smiled to myself as I caught her intent, then plucked the fabric with my fingers, and pulled it across her lap, leaving her naked and open to the night. All this time, her vibe had been running over her breasts, pausing every so often at her nipples, then wandering around some more. Now, she took it and went straight down, pointing it at her bare mound. Her fingers splayed her nether lips open, and very sensually, the purple toy disappeared within her. Once it was fully inside, however, all sense of decorum left, and she started to thrust it in and out of her, over and over again. Her arousal scented the air, and I knew that every time I got into the car for the next week, that I’d be reminded of tonight.

Her free hand was now rubbing back and forth on her clit over and over again, and all of a sudden I saw her bite her lip and her muscles spasm as her orgasm rolled over her. Sonja’s body glistened with a light sheen of sweat, and a low, lazy smile crossed her face as she settled into the afterglow.

I gently kissed her lips, and as we drove off into the night, she rolled down her window, just enough to toss her skirt and blouse out onto the sidewalk.

‘Make sure you drop me off at the corner before our house…I feel like taking a stroll in the moonlight.’ Who was I to argue?


Thanks for reading…leave a comment if you’d like.

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Sneak Show on the Beach

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I was asked by a friend if I would donate some time to a local charity.

I was at a meeting at a woman’s home who was the chair of the committee. We had several meetings prior to this and basically all of the planning was finished.

This particular get together was more of a congratulation party prior to the fund raising event.

Some of the women I’ve know for years and others I just met. I’m always glad to make new friends.

One of my new friends was a woman in her mid thirty’s; she’s a high school teacher in a neighboring town from my own. She was attractive, but in a rather inconspicuous way. Not much make up, plain clothing, long hair, just worn straight. She needed a makeover or something.

Actually she looked like what you would think a spinster school teacher would look like, but she was married and had a child. I found her to be very friendly and out going, once you got to know her you forgot about her plain appearance.

Dawn was someone I would like to keep in touch with so we exchanged email and phone number information.

The small group of ladies I was chatting with that afternoon got on the subject of how bad the sun is on your skin. Just to get a rise out of them I told them I love the sun and go to nude beaches whenever possible for that all over tan. Most thought I was joking and laughed. We went on to other topics and it wasn’t mentioned again.

Two weeks later after our fund drive, which proved to be very successful. I received a phone call from Dawn. She said she was hesitant to call to ask me something, but decide to take a chance and just do. I told her just ask, which she did.

She wanted to know if I was joking or do I really go to nude beaches.

I thought it curious that she would want to know. I told her I don’t go often, but I do go a few times during the summer. She asked where I go and told her I go to the one that’s in our state about an hours drive from me. I had to ask why all the interest and she said she thought it would be fun to try something new and daring. However she added that she’s not daring enough to go alone. We both laughed and I asked her why she wouldn’t she go with her husband. She said he wouldn’t be interested, but didn’t elaborate as to why. I told her my husband doesn’t go because he hates sitting on the beach, clothing optional or not. I told her I would love to go with her.

I said we should set a date sometime and we would go. She said lets go Saturday June 13th. I was surprised that she had a otele gelen escort date already planned, but I agreed that day would be fine. I told her we should talk few days prior and I would fill her in on what she might need. I volunteered to drive and I gave her my home address so she could meet me here.

I told my husband about the call and how surprised I was that she of all people wanted to go to a nude beach. He asked if she knows I’m bisexual, thinking she’s trying to get in my pants or vise versa. Men can be so crude. I told him the topic was never discussed.

Dawn called me the Thursday prior, the weather reports were good, so nothing would stand in our way. I suggested what she should wear and what she might want to pack. She sounded excited about going and I liked the idea that I was going with a first timer.

She was at my home bright and early. When you go to this beach you have to get there early for better parking.

I was surprised when I first saw her, she was wearing a tee-shirt, jean shorts, sandals and a crushed cowboy hat, and she looked absolutely adorable. She even wore make up. If I had seen her on the street I wouldn’t have recognized her in a million years!

I introduced her to my son who was getting ready to go to his part time job; my husband and daughter were still sleeping. My son was staring at her so much I had to give him a slap on the back of the head and told him to stick his tongue back in his mouth, Dawn laughed, but he was pissed.

We packed my car, my husband always questions me why I pack for a nude beach, and we headed for the beach.

We found a parking spot without much trouble and grabbed our beach bags and chairs from the trunk and walked out to the clothing optional section of the beach.

We selected a spot and set out our blanket and chairs.

Dawn looked at me with a what’s next look. I smiled and pulled my top off over my head and she followed suit.

We both removed our shorts and were naked, we looked each other over, she did it shyly, me I just looked.

Dawn had a body to die for. She had full round breasts with dark nipples, her pussy was completely shaved with slightly protruding lips. My breasts were about the same size as hers, but I had a small landing strip on my pussy. She had a better butt!

We both started applying sunscreen, I offered to rub some on her back and she said sure. I took the opportunity to get a quick feel and rubbed some lotion rus escort on her butt. When she did me she rubbed my butt also.

We finally sat down and looked around at the people already there and at the stream of people still arriving.

“Gloria this is so cool, I can’t believe I got to go to a nude beach.”

“In a little while we can walk around check out the sights,” I said laughing.

We talked for awhile and I told her that I was kind of surprised when I first saw her in the morning because she looked so hot, then to see her nude, she’s a knock out.

“I think you’re surprised by my appearance today, because I don’t look so dowdy, right?” she asked.

“Well, yes you do tend to cover up how hot you really are,”I said.

She explained that when she first started teaching the boy’s in her classroom were always distracted from their studies. An older teacher told her their hormones are taking over because she dressed too sexy for a classroom. She said she really didn’t think she did, but she bought a more conservative wardrobe and skipped the hairstyling and makeup for the classroom.

I noticed Dawn was looking around a lot. At first I thought it might be just to check out the beach, but I was beginning to think she was looking for someone in particular.

We walked up and down the beach a few times and weaved our way through the beach blankets, just to look at people and strut our stuff.

Dawn had large very stylish sunglasses on and with her cowboy hat you could hardly see her face. I figure she did that so she could stare at people without looking like a pervert. That’s why I wear sunglasses!

I noticed Dawn did a quick double take and then led me right past a group of 6 high school or college kids. She stopped right in front of them acting like she was looking for a certain blanket, the boys just stared at us, I loved it. A minute or two later Dawn and I walked on and sat down on our chairs.

“What was that all about?” I asked her.

“What do you mean?” she said.

“Dawn you stopped right in front of those boys like you were looking for something, which I know you weren’t. If you want to turn the boys on, I’m cool with that,” I told her.

“Gloria, they’re my students,” she said.

“Do you want to leave,” I asked, thinking we had a problem.

“I knew they were going to be here today, that’s why I suggest today as the day we could come here,” she said.

“Dawn, fill me in, this is sounding good,” özbek escort I said with a big grin.

“I heard them talking about going to the nude beach as a last fling as seniors before graduation next week. I told you why I try to look plain in school, but I do miss the attention. I thought it would be sexy, at least for me, if they saw me naked, even though they didn’t know it was me. Just imagine being in class on Monday, knowing they saw me nude,” she said.

“Sounds silly, now that I say it out loud,” She added.

“Dawn I love to tease guys so it makes perfect sense to me,” I said laughing.

“Just now when we stumbled upon them, I know they saw me, but I was hoping for more time for them to look,” She said.

“I think we might be in luck,” I said pointing towards the waters edge where the 6 boys were standing.

“Dawn how old are they?” I asked out of curiosity.

“Oh they’re 18,” she said.

“Okay let’s go up by the water and I’ll start a conversation and your sweet naked body will be standing right in the middle of your class. How does that sound?” I asked.

“Gloria let’s do it,” she said, while getting out of the beach chair.

It’s not very difficult to start a conversation with guys when you’re naked. I think we just said hello and asked if they were enjoying themselves and we became instantly the center of their attention.

Dawn was loving every minute of it, standing nude with her student’s, and oops her breast would touch one of them or I would step too close and a cock would touch me.

We were talking and playing our little game for about 15 minutes when I had to bring it to an end. The boys were getting some magnificent erections and as much has I liked them, you just can’t have a bunch of guys in that condition on this clothing optional beach. The rangers could kick you off.. I told the boys that and suggested they jump in the water. They asked us to join them, but we begged off saying the water was too cold. In reality, we couldn’t have Dawn’s hat and sunglasses come off in the water. We told them were we are sitting if they wanted to stop by later.

Once we were back at our chairs I looked over at Dawn and she looked at me and we cracked up laughing.

“Gloria that was every bit as sexy as I imagined it would be,” She said, waving her hand like a fan showing how hot it was.

I said” Who is that one guy with the curly black hair? Oh my God is he ever cute.”

Dawn filled me in on each of the boys. I could tell that there was a couple she favored just by how much she seemed to know about them.

While we were talking the boys came up to our chairs with there towels and asked if it would be alright if they joined us.

“That would be great,” Dawn said has she spread her legs a little to give a better view.

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Slut – I Want To Be a Slut Wife Ch. 03

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I stood outside our hotel room, looking at the door, butterflies fluttering madly in my stomach. I was dressed in thigh length boots, tiny tight mini skirt which was showing the lower part on my naked buttocks with a tight corset top barely containing my ample breasts. To cap it all I had thick strands of cum on my thigh length boots, glistening in the subdued lighting. I knew my sex life and my relationship had with my husband had now changed, but would it be for the good or would it be bad?

I slid the electronic key card in the slot as the light turned green, allowing me access into the room.

I stepped inside and nervously closed the door behind me.

“What the fuck!” My husband said in a raised voice, but not in an angry tone.

I looked at him as his eyes wandered up and down my body, focusing on the globules of thick white cum on black leather boots.

“Someone has been a very naughty slut!” Steve smiled, beckoning me toward him.

A smile broke across his face, letting me know I had his seal of approval.

“I’ve been a very naughty slut wife! I’ve even been a filthy whore!” I smiled teasingly.

Steve pulled me close to him, his hands around my corseted waist as he kissed me passionately.

He moaned into my mouth as he tasted my lips and breath, still possessing the aromatic scent and taste of cock. Breaking our kiss he looked down at my cum drenched boot and whispered.

“I want to watch you scoop that up and swallow it!”

I smiled as I made myself comfortable on the bed. Raising my left leg up, I scrapped the come on to the fingers of my left hand. I tilted my head back and let the spunk slide off my fingers into my open mouth. My legs were parted, showing Steve my wet shaved unfaithful pussy. I grazed my lips with the fingertips of cum drenched hand, using the spunk like a lip gloss. Steve was naked watching my little show, his erect cock thrusting from his groin as I licked clean my fingers.

I looked into my husbands eyes with a smouldering grin and whispered.

“Fuck me babe and I’ll tell you all about it!”

Steve knelt between my open legs and positioned the head of his cock at my wet pulsating opening. eve gelen escort His cock separated my labia and slid delightfully deep inside me. I groaned with pure lust, taking my third cock of the day inside my slut pussy. Hubby began a slow fucking rhythm, watching his cock slide in and out, pleasuring his slut hot wife.

He moved down to my head and kissed my lips delicately. The taste of the cum was fresh on my lips as he nibbled and licked my burning lips. His panting and moaning as he kissed and tasted the cum of my client, sent me over the edge and a wild orgasm burst through me. I was riding his cock relentlessly, panting ferociously with each thrust.

“Fuck me babe! Fuck me!” I groaned “I’ve been a dirty slut fucking other men!”

Hubby continued thrusting, stabbing my cunt with his cock as I continued my verbal confession.

“I’ve sucked their cocks, let them use me and I let one fuck my ass!” I purred.

This last statement drove Steve over the edge, as he began to flood my pussy with his hot virile seed.

Gritting his teeth he snarled his way through his orgasm, emptying every single drop of his spunk deep inside me.

I held his head and kissed him gently as our orgasms began to wane. His cock was depleting, but still rubbing back in forth inside my incredibly wet pussy. He withdrew from my pussy and rolled over beside me onto his back. I moved down to his cock and licked every drop of both of our orgasms off his cock. I cleaned his balls, licking and sucking them gently and cleaned his cock, slurping up and down his length as I maintained eye contact with him throughout.

“So are you going to tell me how it all went, fucking two different guys only minutes apart?” He smiled, his cock coming back to life.

“I’ll have even more to tell you later as I’m going to pop out and fuck the hotel manager soon!”

Steve looked at me somewhat startled and laughed.

“Make sure he fucks your ass and see if you can work out a deal for hotel rooms!” He winked.

I smiled placing my hand on Steve’s erect cock.

“I plan to as we both seem to like our new arrangement. I’ll be coming mecidiyeköy escort back here to fuck guys in the future, even if it means I’ve to let the manager fuck me now and again!” I smiled.

“Will I be involved in any of this?” Steve enquired.

“Sometimes. But there will be times when I’ll pick a guy up in the mall or when I’m on a night out. It will be nice to know I have somewhere comfortable where I can be a slut!” I laughed, still stroking Steve’s cock.

“Sounds OK to me! Now lets hear your story and I’ll show you some pics and videos I made watching you get fucked by two different guys!”

I smiled at Steve, continued to stroke his cock and began to regale my tale.

“I left here and went to Simons room. He greeted me naked except for a shirt, which was open revealing his hard cock. It was the first hard cock I’d seen since we married and it had my pussy tingling immediately. His cock was much bigger than I anticipated and I couldn’t wait to have him inside me!”

Steve’s cock actually grew as he listened intently to my account of my infidelity.

“We placed a chair in front of the window and I straddled his magnificent cock! I looked over here and saw you watching me being a slut for another man!”

I have some pics of that moment!” Steve said reaching for the camera “Here you are, cock hungry and wanting to fucked!” He smiled showing me the photographs.

I looked at the pics and felt my pussy tingle at the memory of Simons beautiful cock. I looked a complete slut whore in the photographs, actually shocked at how short my tight mini skirt was and how much of my ass it showed.

“I came a couple of times as he fucked me and knew he was going to cum. I said to him to cum on the window and I would lick it all off. I did this as I knew you were watching and I thought it would be a very slutty thing to do!” I giggled stroking Steves cock.

“I licked all of his spunk off the window then asked him if he wanted to tie me up and fuck me!” I smiled suggestively.

“He used the white rope to good effect, using me like a kinky slut!” I grinned.

“I know!” Steve smiled “I have photographs of that also!”

He evi olan escort showed me the photograph and I smiled remembering the moment.

“Simon fucked me, telling me how much of a slut and whore I was, which I absolutely loved and actively encouraged!” I smiled “He told me to suck his cock and swallow his load, which I did obediently. Once he’d finished coming we swapped cell phone numbers as I want to fuck him again, then I left his room!”

“There’s more to tell!” Steve grinned.

I got in the elevator and there was a really hot guy in the car when I got in. He cheekily implied I was a hooker, which instead of offending me, it turned me on!” I giggled “He invited me back to his room, so I took him up on the offer. The elevator went to the ground floor and the Manager got in with us. We went back to the top floor, the guy fingering me all the way behind the managers back!”

Steve listened intently as I regaled the sexual antics I had just enjoyed.

“I texted you from his bathroom then went into the room. He gave me three hundred which I slipped in my bag and then took out his cock. He was as big if not bigger than Simon, it must be my lucky day. Cheating on my husband with two huge cocks!” I giggled, teasing my husband with a tinge of humiliation regarding the bigger cocks.

“He made me come a couple of times, then fucked me up the ass, which made me come again. Eventually he pulled out and sprayed his load all over my boots, for me to walk through the lobby back to here!” I smouldered stroking my husbands cock a little faster “He gave me his business card as he wants to fuck me again, then I left his room!”

Steve groaned at the thought of his wife returning to the guys room to perform as a hooker.

“As I walked through the lobby, loads of guys were checking in and checking me out. My ass was almost on display and when I reached the elevators I blew them all a kiss!” I giggled, feeling my husbands cock twitch indicating he was ready to come.

“When I got in the elevator, the Manager was in there. I gave him a deep tongue kiss and rubbed his cock over his trousers. He gave me his business card and I told him I would ring him in an hour!” I said just as spunk began to pour and spurt out of Steve’s cock. His come was running down my hand as I continued to stroke his exploding cock.

As his cock began to recede, I smiled at him and winked.

“Shall I give the manager a ring, then get changed into something slutty!”

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Sister in Law Fantasy Ch. 02

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Chapter Two

The quest begins

Summer lunch time

It was my wife’s birthday and Sil had arranged a surprise lunch to give her cards and presents; we usually all get together at some point around birthdays. It was a really hot summers day and we sat in the garden to each a buffet lunch; unfortunately or rather fortunate for me there were not enough chairs to go around, so sister in law went to fetch the car blanket from the back of the pickup.

I sat in one of the chairs as Sil insisted that as host she would sit on the lawn and as she had on a short straight denim skirt and a white blouse, who was I to argue with her? We sat around chatting and watching the cards and gifts being opened Sil sat quite relaxed, she had one leg flat to the ground and the other crooked up and was leaning backwards on one elbow: you get the picture, I am sure.

I could not see very much as she was sideways on to me, luckily the sun was behind her and I could see the outline of her breasts through the flimsy material of her blouse, she did have on a bra although it must have been quite thin as I could see her nipples jutting out which was quite erotic; I could make out the curve of her upturned little titties. Inevitably I thought to myself there that there would be a good view, if only I could get myself end on, so to speak, but how to sneak a peek.

I made my excuses and got up for a drink, offering my chair as I went but şişli escort bayan this was declined as I had hoped. I was still chatting away as I passed slowly, so looking down was not suspicious at all. I was right about the view; as I made my way round I could see she had on white panties with a floral lace panel at the front. My heart started the usual racing as I walked into the kitchen. I stood at the window; this afforded me a good view of the lawn area, and nothing suspicious as this was where I could get some water from the filter. This was the more than I had hoped for, the perfect position to look straight up her skirt and see what delights were on offer.

She still had one leg up and one down and as usual was rocking one leg to the side whilst talking; I drank about three glasses of water and also filled the filter from the tap and stood waiting for it to work through. I could see every detail of her panties and the dark shadow of her pubic mound. As I stood waiting I took out my mobile phone and pretended to see if I had a signal but was actually trying to get a picture of her up-skirt panties; I took a few snaps and enjoyed the view, my trouser snake began to stir down below and I wondered if I could keep him under control; I ventured into the bathroom to get a bit more comfortable and to look at my pictures.

I have always been one of those boring people that think a mobile phone should be just that, but on this occasion I was pleased that the onboard camera did the trick for me. I had a couple of long range shots to set the scene and the some zoomed into her crotch area to see those white panties; I was convinced that she had a camel toe, or maybe it escort bayan fatih was just the shadow. I knew that I could get the pictures onto my pc to look later and couldn’t wait. When we got home later on in the day I made some excuse to go to the computer in the study to transfer my pictures, They were as good as had I hoped and yes there definitely was a crease in here cunty area and this tipped me over the edge and I had to go to the bathroom and beat one off really quickly, as my spunk shot from the end of little python I pictured that pussy, clad in those white panties and my mind was set; I had to get my hands on her undies for a better look.

The first time I got to actually touch her panties was even more exciting, we were asked to baby sit for her young son, I thought I would take along my camera, just in case I got another chance and could maybe get a picture as a souvenir; no one ever questioned me having a camera in my hand as I was always taking photographs. We got settled in, when we had eaten my wife took the boy for a bath so I had chance to move around downstairs quite freely. I had noticed earlier that the washing machine was loaded but not yet running. I opened the washer door and pulled out two or three items and then I saw my goal, two pairs of soiled and silky pants waiting to be cleaned. I got so excited I nearly fainted. My priority was to retain some memory of this so I quickly got out my camera; I had already put a separate card in my bag just in case I got the chance. I managed to get several pictures from different points of view, one from the front and then with the legs open looking down into the pussy stained area.

When I had taken merter escort bayan the shots I put the camera to one side and made an in depth inspection of the objects of my fantasy: one pair had a definite creamy pussy shaped stain in the gusset and I realised that this was the closest I might ever get to her cunt. I stroked it, smelt it and viewed the panties up towards the light, holding them open from the top so that I could imagine exactly where they would sit on her hips and where the cunty stain would be. Then my nerve gave out, I had another quick sniff of the panties and Oh yes they smelt divine. Her cunt came to life under my nose. I quickly put them back into the washer, thinking next time I will actually take a pair to keep. Oh yes I knew that would be a next time.

I got home and waited for everyone to go to bed then I got out the camera and reloaded the special card and viewed my efforts, wow! They were perfect. I had taken the pictures on top of the washer, as it was just under the window the light was great. I could see every crease and stain and I could remember the smell too. I compared the pictures to the one I had from my phone, the ones with the camel toe, so I could work out exactly where her cunt would sit in her undies.

This called for some manual stimulation, I imagined all the time the smell of the panties, and I even thought it was still on my nose it smelt so strong. I had to get a pair for real; so started thinking of ways to make it happen. All the thoughts going through my head meant that I didn’t have to rub my throbbing cock for very long before a stream of warm spunk shot from the end and I slumped back in the chair with a satisfied smile on my face. I thought perhaps I could build up quite a portfolio of pictures maybe she had different styles; maybe some were lacy whilst others were silky and soft, shimmering in the light, maybe not just pictures, perhaps I could collect a few trophy pairs. My fantasy would soon become a reality.

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Showing-Off Sharon Ch. 01

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My wife, Sharon, has always been a beautiful woman. Her golden-brown hair is resplendent with natural curls. At 5’1″ she was slender and petite, which complemented her strong but elfin face. In her thirties now, she had grown into her looks even more.

She had always known my fetish for her wearing sheer or see-through tops without a bra. This was strictly within our home and when we have sex I’d love for her to ride me so that I could see all of her and watch her peel the top off mid coitus. Her beautiful breasts were perfect, just more than a handful, accentuated by her slender ribs and waist. Her nipples were exquisite in size and shape and were eminently suckable when hard; they protruded perfectly under the sheer, tight tops I would buy for her. What Sharon didn’t know, however, was that I harboured a desire to show her off outside the house like this, preferably in a situation where her stunning tits were unavoidable to the glances of other men.

Sharon’s upbringing was strict, which had left her with a fairly inhibited attitude to many things. However, underneath this, her natural adventurous side was still apparent to anyone who got to know her. Knowing this, I had no issue telling her how unbelievably horny it made me to see her in these tops, and she’d wear them often, and sometimes send me pictures of her wearing them when I’d least expect it. I’d choose tight fitting vest tops in white or pale blue, ensuring that the shape and skin of her tits were clearly visible through the thin fabric, along with every detail of her incredible nipples.

After a few years of us becoming parents, and both of us holding down high-pressure jobs, stress and tiredness took an inevitable toll on our sex life. It was then that I decided I needed to take the plunge and tell her of my fantasy. Even if she didn’t want to do it, and I strongly suspected it would be a step too far for her, I reasoned that perhaps fantasising about it might give us the spark back or encourage her to open up about her own fantasies.

One evening, at the end of another exhausting day, we were on the sofa together watching a movie.

“Sharon” I said, still looking at the screen.

“Uh huh” she replied, also not diverting her gaze.

“You know how I love to see you in those tops…”

She fixed me with her stunning blue eyes and smiled.

“You mean the ones that you can see my tits through?” She teased, knowingly.

“Those are the ones” I quipped.

My heart started pounding in my chest, a strange mixture of arousal and nervousness. I had thought about this for years, and it was now or never.

“Well,” I caught my breath and she looked at me quizzically.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Well,” I continued “I think it would be really fucking sexy if you wore them outside the house sometimes.”

Sharon looked at me shocked, eyebrows raised, but I was heartened to see that she did not appear angry or even dismissive. She furrowed her brow and simply said:


At this point I should have told her that her beauty and sexuality were so overpowering that it would turn me on to see the effect of that on other men who could not have her. That to see her embrace how I see her when I lust after her, and for her to use that for her enjoyment and mine; to see the desire for her in the faces of others, would absolutely floor me. I should have told her that all of my pleasure from this would come solely from her wanting to do that, completely unforced. I wanted to bask in her making other men desire her and for her to enjoy doing it. What I actually said was:

“Because it would really turn me on.”

She gave this insipid answer the nanosecond of consideration that it deserved.

“You would be turned on by me going out dressed in a way that I would be practically topless?”

Just hearing her say those word made my cock grow stiff, and she noticed.

“Oh my god” she exclaimed, pointing at the bulge in my trousers. “You really would!”

I had to think fast; I had not brought my A-game to this conversation, and I was at risk of blowing it.

“OK” I said, “we’ll come back to my little fantasy. What’s yours?”

“Oh no…” she giggled. But then her tone softened, and she glanced downwards, shyly, but then met my gaze with clear intent “we should keep talking about how you want other men to get a good look at my tits.”

Something had shifted in the mood. Could this really be happening? Was my shy wife engaging with me on this? I was expecting to either be laughed at or given a flat “no”. Had I put an idea in her head that she was open to? Or had I awakened an exhibitionist streak in her that had been repressed? Or was she just taking the piss? My heart was in overdrive and my cock was straining against the fabric of my jeans.

I’d clearly been in my daze too long, and she bailed me out from having to respond in a coherent manner.

“Fair enough” she said in response to my hesitation. “I’ll tell you my fantasy. I want to go out deep into a forest. Find a tree for you to lean me up against, and fuck like animals outside in nature.” She laughed, and added, “far away from prying eyes!”

Of course, that sounded amazing to me too. But it also gave me an mecidiyeköy escort bayan idea.

“I would love to do that” I said, “perhaps you could wear a tight, see-through, vest on the walk into the forest? You could wear a jacket so that you can cover up whenever you want, but perhaps if we see other people out walking you could choose some of them to be lucky enough to get a look at you?”

She ran her hand up my thigh and grabbed my throbbing cock through my jeans.

“Perhaps I could”, she said softly as she leant in to kiss me.

My head was spinning as our lips met and her warm tongue entered my mouth.

The living room door opened, abruptly, and our young daughter entered, yawning. Sharon and I jumped apart.

“I can’t sleep,” said our daughter.

I looked breathlessly at my wife.

“We need a weekend away,” I said.

Sharon stood up and took our child by the hand and lead her out of the room. She turned to look at me as she exited.

“Yes, we do” she smiled.

That night we had sex for the first time in weeks. It wasn’t the routine sex we had fallen into the trap of, either. It was fucking with the same passion and intensity we had when we first met. But it was more than that, there was a new connection and excitement to it that made me realise something had definitely changed between us for the better.

By 10am the next morning I had arranged for our daughter to stay with my parents the following weekend, which was a three-day Bank Holiday, and I booked a holiday cottage surrounded by vast woodland. I was not letting this opportunity pass me by.

By 11am I had purchased a selection of the thinnest, sheerest, tight vest tops I could find online. Websites that had reviews for each product were especially useful, as often women who had bought that garment would advise that how thin the fabric was, and that it couldn’t be worn without a bra. Of course, these were the ones to go for, definitely with a view to it being worn on its own. I bought four different ones, all in white. Three were in a smooth fabric, and one had fine ribbing in the material. Whilst the ribbing takes away a small amount of the opaqueness, it causes the fabric to cling to the nipple, and in Sharon’s case this would accentuate her perky nips beautifully, hopefully for all to see.

The next day they arrived, and I could not wait for Sharon to try them on, which thankfully she agreed to do straight away. She could see that I was excited, but I tried to rein it in. The fetish was heightened ten-fold with the prospect of soon, possibly, getting to add an exhibitionist and voyeuristic element to it.

We went upstairs and I lay on the bed, Sharon stood by it and took off her t-shirt. Her hair lifted with the shirt and then fell back down and rested on her dainty, bare shoulders. She reached behind and unfastened her bra. She paused to smile at my anticipation for the breasts I’d seen a thousand times before, and then dropped the bra to the floor.

Her tits stood out stunningly from her small frame and I immediately noticed how hard her nipples were.

“It must be cold in here” she said, blushing.

It wasn’t.

“Which one do you want me to try on first?” she said, changing the subject.

I handed her the ribbed vest, making sure I didn’t reach out too far so that I could watch her boobs hanging forward as she bent to take it. She put the vest top over her head and pulled it down until it seamlessly hugged her body. The ribbing on the vest emphasised the curve of her breasts, enhancing the shape and size of them, and her nipples pushed through the fabric in a stunningly obvious fashion. She looked irresistible.

“You like?” She said playfully.

“I love” I replied, honestly.

“I think it’s flattering” she said.

I sensed that slowly she was warming to the idea, and I needed to make sure I was gentle with her and not push too hard, too soon. I wanted her to be completely onboard if this was going to happen.

“It’s more than flattering, you look stunning. Check yourself out in the mirror” I suggested.

She turned to the full-length mirror and took in her reflection. She turned to the side, and I recognised that she was doing what I love to do when looking at her like this: admiring her beautiful hard nipples in profile. She turned back to me, smiling.

“Shall we try another one?”

“Yes please” I replied.

She took off the ribbed vest and dropped it on the bed. Like a goddess she stood over me, topless, her erect nipples jutting upwards. I passed her the sheerest top I had purchased; I couldn’t wait any longer to see her in it.

The vest was made of an unbelievably thin fabric; smooth, almost shiny, and had thin shoulder straps. Sharon looked at it, and then back me to me, with an expression of incredulity.

She laughed, which caused her bare breasts to wobble, making her even more endearing.

“I might as well just wear water”, she joked, observing the fabric.

“That’s not a bad plan” I agreed.

“Yeah, silly me” she smiled, “I better not give you any more ideas”.

She slid on the top and my mind exploded with the possibilities. It looked like it had been sprayed on to her. escort bayan taksim The sheer white fabric was so tight and transparent that you could see the skin tone of her tits underneath it. Her pink-brown nipples were clearly visible, and the fabric clung to every contour of them. You could clearly see the detail of her areola and the surface of her hard nipples that protruded over a centimetre from them. More than that, it accentuated the curves of her ribs and the muscles of her abdomen. She was the hottest thing I had ever seen; my cock was rigid, and my heart was in overdrive. My mind raced, not just at how fucking hot she looked, but at the possibility of her teasing other men like this.

“My god” I stuttered.

She turned once more to the mirror and saw what I saw.

“That’s the one” I said.

“This definitely has the qualities you enjoy” she joked.

“I think plenty of other people would like it too.”

She knew exactly what I was referring to.

“There is no way I could go out in public in this” she protested; although I noticed she was still smiling. She looked hot, and she knew it.

“Not really public, baby. I wasn’t suggesting the supermarket! Just an opportune moment to let someone else see how fucking sexy you are, the way I do.”

She blushed slightly.

“Put your hands in your hair, darling” I requested. She slid her hands, fingers splayed, up the sides of her head and grasped at her gorgeous curls.

“Now look in the mirror” I instructed.

As she did so, she hitched her hip to one side and inhaled, expanding her chest against the straining fabric even further. She dropped her hair down and turned to me.

“You are stunning” I said, “and it drives me mad to think of you teasing someone else before I get to fuck you.”

“I’m not sure I’m confident enough to wear this in front of anyone but you” she said bashfully. “There’s two parts to this” she continued “you have a fetish for this look, and I get it, then there’s the fantasy of other men seeing me – and that’s something I’m not sure I’m brave enough for.”

“I’ll never ask you to do anything you don’t want to” I reassured her. “I only get off on this from you wanting to show them. It won’t do anything for me otherwise.”

“That makes me feel more comfortable” she said, “I want to be adventurous, and who knows what will happen?”

I knew when to stop pushing, and frankly I just wanted to enjoy her all to myself for now.

The weekend arrived and I hadn’t been able to get the possibilities it might bring out of my head. With childcare sorted we had arrived at our holiday cottage on Saturday morning. We had an early lunch in the cottage, washed down with a couple of beers each.

Sharon was clearly relaxing into our weekend of no responsibilities, and so was I.

“The weather is gorgeous out today” she said.

“Sure is.”

“Fancy taking me out into the woods for a fuck?” she said, with a glint in her gorgeous blue eyes.

Obviously, I replied enthusiastically in the affirmative, but stopped myself short of mentioning my hopes for her attire. I’d pushed this more in the last week than I had the last 10 years, so wanted this to be only about what she wanted. That said, I was a little disappointed when she later came downstairs in a black Queens of the Stone Age t-shirt; but she looked gorgeous anyway, and I couldn’t wait to enjoy her company in the woods and to fuck her al fresco.

“You ready?” she asked.

“You bet” I said, doing up the laces on my walking boots.

We set off from the old stone cottage and were immediately on a trail that led into the forest. Shards of summer sunlight penetrated through the trees, and the air was warm with a soft breeze. We initially chatted about how nice it was to be away from all the stress and responsibility, but that was quickly left behind as conversation turned to our interests and aspirations. For the first time in ages, we were relaxed.

We only passed a few other people on the hike. Although the trail was wide, this appeared to be a remote part of the forest.

After a while Sharon looked at me earnestly.

“Do you really want other men to see my tits?”

“If you want to allow some to be that lucky, then I definitely do” I replied with all honesty.

She became slightly coy.

“After you explained to me why you want that, it got me thinking” she said.

I didn’t interrupt her, I wanted her to say exactly what she intended. She continued.

“If I could be brave enough, it could be kind of exciting.”

“It would be exciting for everyone involved,” I agreed. “Just the thought of it is making me hard.”

She slapped me on the chest and we both laughed.

“Save it mister” she joked “I’ve got plans for you today.”

We rounded a bend on the trail which opened up into a long straight. In the distance two other hikers were approaching us.

“That’s two blokes, right?” asked Sharon.

“Looks like it”.

“How old would you say they are?”

“Hard to tell from here, but I’d say late twenties. Why?”

“Because it’s hot today.”

With that she whipped off her t-shirt to reveal the ultra-sheer vest top I had bought her underneath.

“And escort bayan beşiktaş if I’m going to show my tits to men I don’t know, I’d rather it be some hot twenty-somethings.”

I couldn’t believe this was happening. The vest top, if it were possible, looked even more transparent than it had in our bedroom, perhaps in the overhead summer sun, or perhaps from her glistening skin from hiking in the heat. Either way, the roundness of her breasts strained against the translucent fabric, revealing them completely, before clinging to her slender ribs. Her nipples jutted forcefully through the material clearly displaying their stunning colour and texture.

“Is this what you want, honey?” she asked breathlessly.

I just nodded.

“Good” she replied, “because it’s happening.”

As we got nearer to the two hikers, I was relieved to see that they were indeed two attractive guys in their late twenties or early thirties. One of them in particular was the kind of guy Sharon would find attractive, not unlike a young Robert Plant with long blonde hair; and the other guy was a bit more rugged with short hair, and also attractive by anyone’s standards.

They were still too far away to see that Sharon was practically topless save for a miniscule layer of fabric, but that would soon change. It was at this point that an unforeseen element of this fantasy revealed itself – I had to try and hide my raging hard-on as I walked!

My heart was pounding as they drew closer to us. Sharon took my hand, and I looked down at her. Her nipples, which had previously not been as erect due to the heat of the day, were now like bullets. My cock throbbed at the knowledge that my wife was aroused at exposing her gorgeous tits to the fast-approaching men.

Within seconds I could see the whites of the eyes of the two men, which meant they could definitely now see my wife’s perfect breasts. My head was swimming from the knowledge that she was a willing exhibitionist, her sexual beauty alone providing us all this moment of voyeuristic pleasure.

I looked at her elfin face, flushed slightly, but surprisingly relaxed now, and her tits moving rhythmically with her walking pace. I glanced up to the men just as the long haired one tried to discretely nudge his companion. They were about 30 feet away from us now, and both kept stealing glances directly at Sharon’s chest. This was perfect, they were keen and willing participants, but were clearly intent on not being overtly obvious, and being respectful.

As we met on the trail, despite their best intentions, they could not take their eyes off her. I could not blame them, and Sharon was beaming a smile at them, not that they were looking that high up. We all said “hi” to each other as we passed, and I savoured every last moment of them revelling in the sight of my wife’s tits. We three men were captivated by her, but I for many more reasons.

It was when they had passed behind us that this incredible woman really blew my mind.

Sharon stopped and turned around towards the two men.

“Excuse me” she called after them.

The two men looked back, clearly beaming at getting a second viewing of her beautiful breasts.

“Yes?” the long-haired blonde guy replied.

“Could you show me where we are on a map, please? If you have one?”

Both men hurriedly scrambled in the long pockets of their cargo trousers, and both rushed over to her with their maps.

With her shoulders back, Sharon stood proudly in front of them as they flustered, pointing at the maps, and doing a bad job of hiding the regularity with which they were stealing glances at her boobs now that they were right in front of them.

I positioned myself to the side of the three of them, so I could watch my petite wife in profile, her nipples rock hard and completely visible, arousing these two men so obviously.

Sharon thanked the guys, who enthusiastically gushed that it was their pleasure, and she turned around, reached out for my hand, and we walked away from them.

There were no words that I could find to express to her how overwhelmed I was by the experience she had given us. So, I remained quiet for a moment. Sharon spoke first.

“You said that would only turn you on if I enjoyed doing it,” she said, softly.

I nodded. Not daring to ruin this moment with the wrong words.

“Then you should know that my pussy is soaking, and I need you to fuck me right now”.

We immediately left the trail and rushed into the forest. Beyond the first few lines of trees the forest opened into a clearing in the middle of which was a huge and ancient oak tree. Sharon hurried to it, put her palms against its trunk and dropped her head between her arms, bent at the waist, expectantly. She was wearing a long skirt which I immediately hitched up and unbuttoned my flies to release my throbbing, dripping cock. Guiding it towards her pussy I could feel that she was gushing. My cock slid straight in to her warm, wet hole. Despite being so aroused by her and what she had done, I knew that I owed it to her not to come too soon. I also sensed that she wanted to be fucked hard. I pounded her from behind, grabbing at her tits through the thin fabric of her top. Within minutes I felt the beautiful warm rush of fluid from her pussy, and the ecstatic moans of her orgasm filled the forest. I came with the intensity of a man who had just been gifted his fantasy, and with the knowledge that Sharon had enjoyed doing it as much as I had watching her.

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