A Matched Set of Boytoys Ch. 02

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After meeting Jay and Jack, hottie twin brothers from Southern California, I began working on my plan to intensify the existing sexual tension to an unbearable level for all involved. The idea of my matched set of boytoys took over my fantasy life; distracting me- be it at school, while I was driving or as I ran errands.

I’d be waiting in the checkout line at the grocery store, and would look up to see the dowdy teenage checker girl’s image replaced by Jay; wearing just a grocery store vest and that infectious smile. I could almost feel Jack coming up from behind me, sweeping my veggies and cereal off the conveyor belt and bending me over.

I was so distracted by my mental image that the checker girl had to tell me 3 times to hit the confirm button on the credit card machine before she finally penetrated the haze. I wanted, no needed, them both, and thus the plan was put in to motion.

I am a very easy going person; no drama and a quick wit. Combine that with a serious desire to please, tease and ultimately satisfy, and those poor boys never had a chance (I’m also quite modest, didn’t you notice?). I started coming over to Jay and Jack’s after ceramics class, generally toting some delicious baked treat, tasty beverage, or just some quality marijuana.

We’d all pile on the couch together, smoking and watching weird internet videos and just generally laughing our asses off. I shared my talent for massages one day when Jack was complaining of a strained neck and from there on out, one of boys would inevitably beg for a neck, shoulder or back massage.

Of course, I did not mind obliging. I do love giving massages, and it was a great way to show the boys how incredible I could make them feel, even with all of their clothes on. The recipient would sit on the ground, settling back between my legs as I worked on his neck while continuing whatever discussion we had going at the time. I would skilfully warm the muscles, and then build to deeper, more satisfying pressure.

Time and time again a twin would moan low in the back of his throat as I found a particularly tense knot and deftly released it. The brother not receiving the massage would invariably take this time as an opportunity to scoot closer to me; brush the hair behind my ear, or just lean against me. Anything to increase the physical contact. Whenever one of the twins suggested I get a massage though, I demurred. I wanted to keep them uncertain about how far this would go.

The weather was still warm, so I could get away with skirts, tank tops, and shorts. I left as much skin exposed as I could without crossing the line to blatantly slutty. I did not want the boys to think that they could just use me like the average college slut. I wanted more. However, the more bare skin available was also more skin they could touch and view, casually or ‘accidentally’. My legs were always shaved and moisturized to a supple smoothness, maximizing the feel of their skin against mine, and I always pretended not to notice their gaze wandering down to the rise of my cleavage.

Our topics of conversation were varied and without restriction. When the conversation would fall into a lull, I would turn to one of the twins and demand, “Ask me something! Anything.” After answering, I’d make them answer their own question, and then ask my own. At first, they were hesitant about some topics, but we gradually broke down the normal social barriers, and talked about religion, politics, family problems, and of course, sex.

The sex conversations were always most interesting when someone was getting a massage. I use my hands when I talk to punctuate what I’m saying, and speaking while giving a massage was no different. If it was an intense story, my massage would become deeper, targeting the muscles that needed the most pressure. If it was playful, my hands would switch it up, from massaging to dragging my nails lightly over the recipient’s skin, to light tapping motions with just my fingertips.

When I wanted a break, I would run my fingers through his hair, massaging the scalp or delicately scratching his head almost as if I forgot I was doing it. I felt the little hitches in breathing rhythm as I shifted technique, so I knew that the physical element to the already sexually charged conversations was heightening the experience.

It was Jay who removed the first piece of clothing. It was almost midnight, close to the time I normally left, and Jay had just settled in to get a massage. He was about to lean back into the couch (and between my legs), when he suddenly straightened and sat up.

“Uh, Mia, do you mind getting my lower back? I passed out on the couch last night and it’s been bothering me all day. I have some of that warming lotion stuff.” He didn’t even look at me while he asked, as if he was afraid I was just going to laugh.

“Sure Jay, not a problem. You know I don’t mind giving you guys massages, especially if you’re in pain.” I replied, secretly rejoicing. All umraniyekadin.com was going to plan. I wanted them to be unsure whether I would actually go through with anything right up until the last moment. Jay’s hesitance about suggesting this progression told me we were right on track. As Jay left the room, I looked over to Jack, who waggled his blond eyebrows at me suggestively. I laughed and pushed the clean-shaven twin, who just leaned in to it, pushing against me.

Jay walked back in to the room carrying the bottle of lotion, and handed it to me with the briefest electrical shock of eye contact, before shucking off his shirt and plopping down between my legs again. I can still picture the wide, muscled expanse of his tanned back fully exposed to me for the first time.

I’ve always had a weakness for nice backs, and this one was the nicest I’d ever seen on a 20 year old. Years of playing waterpolo and surfing in Southern California with his brother had given him large shoulders and a well defined, tapering back. Reminding myself that there were TWO of these sexy, sexy backs for me made my pussy tighten.

Jack continued his story, about a particularly hot art teacher him and Jay had in high school. Just as I guessed, they used their identical looks to cause no end of mischief, including constantly getting this poor young teacher so confused about who was doing what piece of (very similar) art that she just ended up giving them both A’s even though each only did half the work. The other half of the time was spent ogling the teacher, who Jack described as having, “an ass for the decades.”

As Jack shared, I was wholly absorbed in the beautiful vista of flesh in front of me. I poured a generous amount of lotion into my hands, rubbing them together to warm the still-cool lotion. I started in the middle of his back, running my hands up and down on each side of his spine, feeling for the tense spots.

Jay let out a low rush of air as my hands glided over his skin, gradually working to the small of his back. I had to lean forward to do so, and I knew my shirt was riding up in the back, exposing the small of my own back to Jack. I glanced to the side and sure enough, his eyes were focused on the curve of my spine, tracing down to the top of my ass.

A pause developed, and lengthened, as I rubbed Jay and Jack watched me. Speaking in a low voice, I started sharing about a hot teacher I had, one of my first ever college professors. It was sociology, and he always seemed to spend a lot of time talking about dating and mating habit for different cultures. The class was full of hot chicks that hung on his ever word, hoping that the reason he was giving us such graphic details about Mogwai mating rituals was because he planned on having a hands-on final.

I had a hard time believing Jay heard anything about my story. From what I could see of his face, he was in bliss. From what I could see from the bulge in his pants, he was in agony. Jack reached out, and with the lightest touch, began tracing patterns on my lower back with his fingertips.

I kept talking, just to keep sounds in the room. The cd had stopped a while ago, and if I stopped talking, it would be glaringly obvious that we three were just sitting in a room, touching each other to make each other feel good. I didn’t want to give them that upper hand just yet. As I felt my words drying up and my panties getting wetter, I knew we were done for the night. It was time to bring out the big guns.

Rubbing in the last of the lotion in to Jay’s back, I sat back and said, “Ok guys, I better get home before I get any more sleepy!” The boys groaned theatrically, but I continued, “I don’t want to drive when I’m tired. But I wanted to know what you guys are doing this Friday night. I have to develop a 3 course meal for food preparation class, and I wanted to try it out on you guys. Whaddya think?”

“Hmm, a beautiful woman coming over to make us a tasty meal? Well Jay, do you think we can deal with the stress?” Jack queried his twin, stroking his chin as if seriously considering declining.

“I don’t know Jack, we were supposed to work on homework and eat leftovers, but I guess we can deal with this instead,” Jay responded, laying his head back in my lap to look at his brother.

“Aww, you guys are so sweet to make such sacrifices for me. I don’t know how I can ever repay you,” I quipped back, laying my hand on the side of Jay’s face in a pleading manner. “But I really should go. G’night guys!” Jay reluctantly moved to allow me to get up, and both of the boys stood to hug me goodbye.

Our hugs had progressively gotten more intimate, lasting quite a bit longer than hugs between friends normally do. Jack got to me first, swooping me up in his strong arms so I was pressed full length against him while I squeaked with surprise. He lowered me down gently, laughing at my girlish sounds.

Jay stepped up and caught my face, looking me in the eye as he said, “Thank you so much for getting my lower back. I didn’t know how I was going to sleep with it hurting like that.” I smiled back at him and he slid his hands around my waist, with several fingers resting on bare skin; holding me close. I could feel the length and heat of his hard-on pressed against my stomach as I breathed in his scent.

“Alrighty guys, I will see you Friday then! Oh, and I would appreciate having some clean pots and pans to cook with when I come over by the way. Have a good night!” I called cheerily as I walked out. As I reached the sidewalk, I looked and saw both boys, side by side silhouetted against the window curtains, watching me leave.


The dinner went exactly as planned. I did most of the prep work before I came over, so I was able to spend a good amount of time talking, teasing, and laughing with the boys. I wore my little yellow jean shorts and a short sleeved white button up with a deep V front. Over this I wore my favorite vintage-looking red and yellow apron and my yellow wedges to finish the look. My hair was worn in a casual curly ponytail that laid on my left shoulder, out of the way while I cooked.

The boys stayed with me in the kitchen, keeping me company and getting in my way. The seemed quite skilled at being right in the place where I needed to be, so I had to squeeze by them, brushing my ass against their pants or leaning in to a twin while I stirred. They also playfully competed to see who could be more helpful, and as a result, dinner was done in record time.

For our appetizer, we had classic Italian bruschetta, and I opened a bottle of creamy and rich chardonnay to pair it with. I let the boys finish most of the first bottle. I wanted their inhibitions lowered enough to make a difference, and they needed to relax. For the main course I unveiled a beautifully honey glazed lemon roast chicken and opened a new bottle of a choice syrah, which I definitely took part of. For dessert, I made a decadent dark chocolate mousse and sprinkled it with some fresh blueberries and served it with a small bottle of my favorite moscato.

As we sat there, scraping the last of the delicious mousse from the bowls, I sensed the twins were inebriated and horny enough to be honest. Time to take this to another level. Picking up my wine glass with one hand, I asked casually, “So I was always curious, do guys fantasize the same way that girls do?”

“I know we sure as hell fantasize, but what do you mean… the same way?” Jack answered, a slight blush showing on his tanned face. I wondered exactly what recent fantasy Jack was thinking about that made him blush; my outgoing, unflappable Jack.

“Well, girls are all about the set up. They can picture exact scenarios, down to little details, and it’s more about the tease. I know I spend way more time then I should, lost in my own sexual fantasies!” I laughed, keeping my tone casual. “But seriously, do you guys have the same kind of elaborate set ups and scenarios, or do you just imagine some hole your pounding in to?” I finished with an entirely unnecessary hand gesture to punctuate the pounding idea, eliciting laughter around the table.

“Oh yeah, sure,” Jay replied. “I don’t think we’re as detailed as you ladies, but we do have our own little scenes we’d like to play out.”

“Well, what’s your most common one? You don’t have to share, if you don’t want to,” I said coyly, although I had little doubt they would share their dick size in inches if I asked them to. Jack and Jay looked at each other, then after a pause Jack spoke up.

“I think we both agree that one of our favorites is to see a girl get off for us. Our girlfriends have always been so shy about that, like they didn’t want to admit they get themselves off too. It’s bullshit,” Jack finished, a mite bitterly, as if this particular dream had been shot down again and again.

“That’s just plain silly. You probably walked in on a girlfriend getting herself off before and you didn’t even know it. That’s one nice thing about being a girl, there’s nothing to hide! I can just say, ‘Oh, my thong was riding up sooo bad!’ and you would never know the difference,” I said with a wink.

Jack and Jay looked absolutely stricken at this idea, and I couldn’t help but giggle. Why any woman wouldn’t want to get off for one (or both) of these hotties was completely beyond me. They were probably just too shy, or thought their pussy was funny looking or something. Poor girls. But all the better for me! Now if only one of them would…

“What about you Mia, what’s one of your fantasies?” Jack asked, gripping the wine glass tightly and he stared me down with those beautiful sea-green eyes. Yes, yes! Good job Jack, I knew I could count on you and your inability to keep your mouth shut.

“Hmmm….” I said, tapping my dessert spoon to my lips as I pretended to contemplate. “I guess I’ve always wanted to experience dual erotic massage, being held down and teased like that. It’s the element of vulnerability that makes it so hot. However, I’ve never felt that comfortable enough with two people at the same time, let alone THEM actually getting along. It would take a lot of trust, ya know? Especially as a woman, there are so few guys I feel like I can actually trust… So unfortunately, it’ll probably just remain a fantasy.” Finishing my little speech, I got up and picked up my dessert dish.

Sure enough, I could count on Jay to jump on the opportunity. “You know you can trust us though, right Mia?” I flicked my eyes to their pants as I walked slowly around the table, picking up dessert dishes and keeping my face solemn. The laughter was gone from the room and everything seemed deathly serious.

I could see both of their cocks lengthening against their thighs, and I give a little anticipatory shiver. I’ve seen them hard before from our little talks, but knowing I was soon going to be seeing them, tasting them, being fucked by them, brought fresh warmth to my pussy.

Coming around the small round table, I came in between them to pick up their dishes, smeared with a few remnants of the chocolate mousse. I leaned in, piling the last of the dessert dishes in the center of the table with a generous, and wholly unnecessary, bend at the hip, then turn around, barely sitting on the edge of the table. The boys sat with their knees angled towards me, exposed from the table.

Eyeing first Jay, then Jack, I replied in all seriousness, “To all my knowledge, my trust in you has always been repaid. But it’s so different when you’re naked, don’t you think? If you had me pinned underneath you in just some little panties, it would be hard just to tease, to stop at just a massage, right? Not that I doubt you’d stop, mind you. And of course, you’d have to deal with your brother being there,” I said as I gestured to each twin. “You might not like what you see; get angry at each other.” As I finished my little speech with downcast eyes, I slid my ass off the table and settled on Jay’s lap, my back still against the table.

This time, it’s Jack that responded, leaning forward with a brightness in his eyes. “You don’t know the bond of twins, Mia. We’ve never kept things from each other, so jealousy never came up between us. You’re underestimating us.”

After a brief delay, Jay’s hand has came to the small of my back and lightly settled there, and then started stroking the soft skin at the base of my spine. Soft electric jolts were making my breathing tighten, and I had to remind myself to focus and put on a slightly disbelieving tone.

“So does that mean you imagine you’re up to the challenge of giving me my ideal dual massage? You really think you guys can satisfy my desire?” I leaned forward, challengingly closer to Jack’s face while exposing more of my back into Jay’s hand.

I knew they’re thinking of my other desires they’d want to satisfy, but they definitely don’t just get to jump to the whole pie. Just like our meal, you have to start with appetizers before you indulge completely on the good stuff.

“You should just let us show you. That way you don’t have to take our word for it.” Jack said quietly. The brightness in his eyes turned to a slow burn. I felt myself getting the first hints of moisture on my pussy lips as Jack slowly slid his fingers higher and higher up my back. Jay continued, “Yeah. Come lay down on my bed and we’ll show you. Anytime you want us to, you just say stop. You deserve to be spoiled after that amazing dinner.”

I nibbled on my lower lip, acting like I was considering their offer. After an achingly long pause, I replied, “Ok. I will give you guys a trial run. At the least, I can give you guys some pointers, so you know how to spoil the next lucky girl who needs a massage. Now, don’t think I’ll take it easy on you, just ’cause you’re cute! I want a real massage.” I mocked sternly, as I popped back up on my feet, untying my apron and tossing it on the table before heading out of the kitchen.

Jay and Jack laughed as they followed me down the hall to Jay’s room. “Oh, we’d never think you’d take it easy on us, Mia.”


Jay’s room was surprisingly clean, which confirmed my suspicions that he was planning on getting me back here one way or another. Jack slipped back to his room to grab some normal lotion, as I kicked off my shoes and turned to Jay, walking up so I was merely inches away from his chest, looking upward. “Mmm, it will be nice to be the one getting a massage for once,” I said, taking a finger and running it up Jay’s chest, over his turquoise t-shirt that intensified the color of his eyes. “I’m so used to be the one spoiling you guys!”

“All the more reason why you need one,” Jay replied, sliding the tip of his tongue over his lower lip as he watched me. Without warning, he reached down, picked me up, and threw me on his extra large, California king sized bed. As I squeaked in surprise, Jay laughed and said, “Now get ready to be spoiled, woman.”

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