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My wife Stepahnie and I were married 15 years ago. She is my best friend and we still love hanging out and doing things together. This goes for sex too, we have a great sex life although two jobs, two kids, two dogs, two mortgage payments, two car payments… you get the picture… does mean we don’t spend as much time as we’d like on our sex life. But when we do have sex it is still pretty amazing.
On our 10th anniversary we decided that we would have an “adult vacation” of some sort. No kids, no worries, just enjoying each other… and admittedly having some really great sex. We succeeded beyond our wildest dreams and our annual anniversary trip is now something we look forward to each year. I am not sure what we actually thought we were going to do when we planned that first trip, however our plan become pretty clear about two weeks before we left.
I am the VP of Customer Support at a technology company in Chicago. Luckily my job doesn’t require a lot of travel, but perhaps once a quarter or so I need to go visit a customer or help a sales rep close a deal. My wife knows that the sales reps love to have a good time on the road and that the activities often include a strip club. She has always gotten something of a thrill hearing the stories about what goes on.
Just before our first trip to Vegas I had been on one of these trips. As usual we ended up at a strip club and my stories of lap dances and topless dancers gave my wife ample opportunity to tease me for several days. A few days after returning I wandered into our bedroom after the kids went to sleep to find my wife buried under a pile of clothes in the master closet. bayan escort çapa She was going through old clothes deciding what to keep and what to give away. I started reading a magazine while she worked.
After about 20 minutes she came out in her robe, I figured at this point she was done and getting ready for bed. But in a teasing voice she says “Guess what I found honey?” Without letting me answer she drops her robe and is standing there in the lingerie she wore on our wedding day. The last time I had seen it was our wedding night, apparently, she had packed it away some place and forgotten about it.
In my eyes, my wife is the sexiest woman alive no matter what she is wearing, but in this she was absolutely amazing. The bra was one of those that have a half cup, so her areola were peeking out over the top, although the sheer light grey fabric left nothing to the imagination. Her 36D breasts were a bit bigger than when we were married but the bra still fit well and looked amazing. Her nipples were already hard little points. The panties were a matching sheer boy short style. I asked where the garters and stockings were. She laughed … “You would remember that, wouldn’t you? The stockings are long gone and they were a total pain to put on.”
“You look like I remember from our wedding night.”, I said.
She replied, “Do you not remember the other difference from that night… don’t you remember I shaved my pussy for you?”
I smiled as I recalled helping her take of her wedding gown and noticing through the sheer material of her panties that she had shaved. I remember seeing the wetness that had escorts girl istanbul started to form, the lips of her pussy starting to enlarge as she was turned on by the thought of us having sex on our wedding night. She didn’t leave it that way long and I am not complaining now, she keeps it neatly trimmed. But that night when I slid my fingers inside those panties and felt that perfectly smooth pussy… that is a sensation I won’t forget.
By this time she had climbed onto the chair facing me, one leg on either side. “Is this how the strippers at that club dressed?” she asked.
While straddling me, she started to play with her nipples. “And did they play with their nipples like this?”
“Yes” was about all I could manage as I was in a pleasant state of shock and this fortunate turn of events.
She leaned in close to me, whispering in my ear, “And did they grind their pussies against your hard cock like this?”
While she said this, she started to slowly grind against me. My wife was definitely giving me a very high friction lap dance. “You are doing much better than any I had” was my response.
I went to start to play with her tits because I know she loves this, but she slapped my hand. You can’t touch, only watch. I quickly pulled my hands away, who was I to complain.
“Tonight you are getting a lap dance from me so no touching. I know you like to cum this way.”
Indeed she was right. For two months prior to our wedding she put us on a no sex plan. The idea, so she said was to make sure that the sex on our wedding night was something amazing. Of course, two bayan escort beşiktaş months is a long time and by the third night we were almost ready to give the whole idea up. That was until I ended up cumming in my pants while we were making out and dry humping. She laughed and admitted she already had an orgasm that way as well. And for the next two months, our no sex plan was modified slightly. She decided that as long as there was no direct touching of her tits or pussy or my cock… then if we had an orgasm while making out, there was really nothing we could have done about it. Silly justification we laugh at now, but I went along with it and we got really good at it, but that is for another story.
So here we are in the chair in our room, my wife giving me an amazing lap dance. I knew I wasn’t going to last long. I let her know how good it felt, “This is amazing baby, we haven’t cum by dry humping in so long, I kind of miss it.”
She leaned forward again and whispered in my ear. “Maybe you haven’t, but last week when you were on your trip, I was thinking about you getting a lap dance. I don’t know what got into me but I rolled my pillow up, straddled it like I am doing you now, and slowly ground my pussy against it until I came.”
The thought of this was enough to get me very close to my own orgasm. She then added “Just like I used to do in high school.”
That was just about sensory overload, and I was pretty much toast when she added the last comment “And when we are in Vegas I want to go to a strip club so I can get a real lap dance too.”
It was at that point that I had one of the most amazing orgasms I have had in a long time. As I was cumming Stephanie had an orgasm of her own. When we recovered I looked at her and asked, “Do I get to get a lap dance too.” Her response, “Don’t press your luck.” was said in a way that made me confident our trip to Vegas was going to be a lot of fun.
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