Bachelorette Party

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“Hi Tracy,” I said as I answered the phone.

“Hi Gloria, are you available to do me a favor tomorrow night, it’ll be fun, I think,” she said.

“Doesn’t sound like a rousing endorsement for whatever you have in mind,” I said with a laugh.

“That’s because I’m not sure. A woman I work with, her friends are having a bachelorette party, she knows about it, and I was asked to go. They are going to a private strip club, all male dancers, all you can drink etc.”

“You’ve been to bachelorette party’s before with strippers, no big deal, so why the apprehension now?” I asked.

“Well they’re in their 20’s and early 30’s and I’ll feel like the old lady of the group, so I was hoping you would go with me, she said it would be okay if I brought a friend.”

“So you want another old lady to go with so you won’t be the only one?” I said laughing.

“Exactly and I paid for you already,” she answered.

Tracy and I are both in our mid 40’s and if I have to say so myself, we’re considered “hot.”

I have short blonde hair and she has long brunette hair. Her breasts are bigger than mine, but I’m not small. She has a better butt, but I have nicer legs. We’re both married to successful men, but we’re each successful in our own professions. I have two teenage kids and she has three. We’ve known each other forever and we both like to have fun!

“Okay I’ll go, what the heck,” I said.

“Wonderful, the dress is summer casual, it’s in the city and I’ll drive. I’ll pick you up at 7.”

Tracy picked me up at 7:30 which is pretty good for her, love her dearly, but she’s always late. She didn’t even have time to come inside and say hello to my husband. He knew where we were going and wanted to tease Tracy about it, but he’ll have to save his jokes for another day.

We got into the city without any delays and were able to find a parking lot only half a block away taksim escort from the club we were going to.

There was a line of ladies entering the door. There was no indication that it was a club, no signs anywhere just a regular steel door, with two guys checking tickets. It made sense, this was a by invitation club for parties only, no off the street business. There were just as many women our age as ones younger. I pointed this out to Tracy and asked if I should go home, we had a laugh.

When we got upstairs there was a sign saying all dancers, servers and patrons are 18 years old or older.

Tracy pointed at the sign saying at least we won’t run into any of our kids.

The room was large with a runway in the center of the room, standing cocktail tables around the outer walls and some tables and chairs scattered around. There were bars on either end of the room. It was a lot nicer than what I thought it might be this could be fun.

There had to be at least 50 other women already there milling around talking and having a drink. Tracy saw her group the same time they saw her and waved us over. I was introduced to the bride to be and the other friends. They were all very nice.

I went to the bar and ordered a drink for me and Tracy, I found out, it was an all inclusive party, so we didn’t have to pay for the drinks, but I did give the cutest bartender a tip. My husband was teasing me about bringing a lot of 5 and 10 dollar bills, he was kidding, but I brought plenty just incase.

Another 30 or so women arrived.

The lights dimmed and spotlights went on over the stage/runway. A deejay who I found in an elevated booth across the room from were we were standing welcomed us to a fun night. She said we should leave our inhibitions at the door and enjoy the party.

Music started to play and two handsome young men started etiler escort dancing on the stage, some women moved right up to it, but Tracy and I stayed back. Our bride was wearing a headpiece which I guess they gave to any bride that was here, because four other girls were wearing them. Nine or ten more dancers joined the two that were already on stage. They all wore the collar and cuffs made popular by the chip n dale dancers, no shirt, with black pants. They were all very attractive, stunning bodies and pretty good dancers. It was explained by the DJ that they will be dancing off the stage amongst us, which received cheers and catcalls.

They hopped off the stage to join us and the first stripper came out of a side door ran on stage and waved his batman cape at us.

As time moved on the place went crazy, the guys dancing around us had their cocks out, the women were stroking them and some were sucking them.

Tracy and I looked at each other in total disbelief, I was feeling very old. I was standing looking at a bride to be licking one of the guys balls when one of the other guys came up behind me and lifted my skirt up and gave my cheeks a squeeze, I was wearing a thong, I danced and shook my butt at him, I can see where you could get caught up in this. Tracy was laughing when we made eye contact while the guy was rubbing his dick on my butt. I just gave her a “what the hell shrug.” I turned around to see who the guy was, more like a boy, as it turned out he was a cute surfer looking kid. I took his cock in my hand and held it, gave it a few strokes and sent him on his way. They never stayed with one person too long, unless they were getting a blowjob.

There were bowls around the room with condoms in them. The guys would roll one on, let the girl suck him or rub it on their pussy then he would drop it and move on. There were a lot of condoms besiktaş escort on the floor!

I lost track of Tracy when I was playing with my surfer dude. I looked up on stage and saw her dancing with her shirt up with a tall oiled black dancer. He was wearing nothing but a fireman’s hat and a big smile, speaking of big, that wasn’t a fire hose Tracy was holding, Oh my God!

Between the drinking and all the cute guys roaming around, plus the stage dancers shaking their stuff, it seemed that some women were totally out of control, much to the delight of everyone else. Girls kissing girls, fucking and sucking everywhere, I never saw anything like it in my life.

I was standing holding my drink , feeling no pain, looking at a woman in her mid to late 30’s bent over with one of the boys doing her doggy style. I never realized I was such a voyeur, but it was fun to see. While I was watching them I could feel my top being lifted up from the rear and a set of hands sliding under my bra and holding my breasts, at the same time I could feel a penis rubbing on my ass. Ah the surfer dude had returned I thought. I turned around and didn’t move, either did the boy dancer.

“Johnny is that you?” I exclaimed.

“Holy shit Mrs. G, what are you doing her?” he said, as he pulled his hand out of my bra and stepped back.

“Johnny does your mother know you work here?” was all I could think to say, and at the same time looking at his erect cock.

“No, but I’m 18, but Jesus don’t tell her, please Mrs. G,” he pleaded

I took his hand and tried to find some privacy.

“I won’t tell anyone,” I said feeling a little calmer after the initial shock of seeing a kid my husband taught sailing to humping me.

“Thanks Mrs.G maybe we can talk later,” he said and moved off into the crowd.

I kept my eye on him for the short time that we had left in the party. Every time we tried to get together he was stopped by someone that was eager for his attention. Why was I feeling like he should be spending more time with me?

I was able to speak to him briefly as Tracy and I were leaving the party. I asked him to call me at home in a day or two, he smiled and said he would.

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