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Crackle. . zizz . . .psssst. Heather’s heart mimicked the rock candy explosions she ignited by emptying an entire packet of crystallized sugar into her mouth. “Ummy” she uttered, flaunting her stained tongue through untinted glass. Todd van Doren stood outside. Listening to gallons of gas roll into his truck and watching Heather cavort in the cab inspired the guilty satisfaction of a kid skipping school. It had been a slow afternoon at the air conditioning repair shop where they worked. Todd and Heather left abruptly giving little justification to Eric who casually consented to covering the phone.
Todd shook his head at Heather, pretending to be above her girlish antics; truthfully, he was still amazed they were dating. Well, he corrected himself, fooling around, anyway. Although happily married and easily fifteen years older, Todd reasoned no man could have resisted her pretentious moans that critical day when a flirtatious back rub went awry.
Considering ways to prolong their errand, Todd eyed the carwash. While removing magnetic company logos from the truck’s side panels, he made a mental note to do Eric a few favors when they returned. The owners’ active management of the shop made impulsive outings like this a rare treat. Back at the wheel, Todd drove behind the station. Feeling indulgent, he inserted bills for a “Level Gold Ultra Wash.” Many girls are not content playing mistress, but Heather thrived in the role’s urgency and wickedness. She was not set on capturing Todd, but rather continuing to short-circuit his brain and balls by enacting fantasies he never even knew he possessed. Just watching her bop along to pop radio made Todd feel young, carefree, and proud. Heather took a long drink from her straw, then winked at her lover and blew him a kiss.
A gangly blond high school kid engaged his hydraulic handgun, blasting the truck’s tires for the “High Pressure Hubcap Clean.” Heather gave him a wink as he circled round the vehicle dragging a heavy hose. Her impish smile and twenty-two-year-old tits drew the same stupefied reaction they elicited from men of all ages.
Brazenly, Heather’s pink polished fingernails traced up Todd’s thigh for a little squeeze. Although unfazed by her attention, Todd pursed his lips in a sly smirk. A light turned green, and their enlivened young spectator beckoned the truck onto a slow-moving track. Todd turned down the radio, settled back and draped his arm over Heather as if seated in a fiberglass swan entering the tunnel of love.
“Yep, it’s working,” Todd teased and adjusted the vent. He had recently enlightened Heather to several male employees’ joke about using her nipples to test air conditioners. Heather took the comments in stride, enjoyed the collective attention, and responded with appropriately encouraging slaps and squeals of dismay.
A cloudy curtain closed and turquoise blue belts began slapping water at the truck’s grill and hood. Eagerly, Heather reached inside a console compartment and withdrew her weapon. Todd shook his head. God Laurie would kill me, he thought as he laughed out loud. Heather twisted the top of his wife’s silver vibrator, its seductive hum barely audible below the lazy lapping of thick saturated strips.
Todd transported the toy daily, never knowing when Heather might have time for a quickie. He and Laurie hadn’t used it in years, but the vibrator’s disappearance would be hard to explain. “Since you like it so much, we’ve got to get you one of your own,” Todd said, knowing that, as brave as she was, Heather wouldn’t enter the local porn shop unless following his lead. Heather, however, ignored the comment. Deliberately, she propped her feet on the dash, bucked her hips up and began unbuttoning her shorts.
Beneath the mist of prepping sprayers, bristly brushes rotated in toward the truck and scraped along its sides. Heather looked cool, cihangir escort but expectation spun in her stomach. The frenzied air of excitement hit long before the oscillating appliance in her hand. Todd had introduced Heather to battery-powered paradise and delightfully observed her initial investigations. Good God, he thought now, growing steadily erect, I’ve created a monster.
Heather slid her combined shorts and panties down until taut denim and lace hobbled her elevated ankles. Ceremoniously, she slipped the shiny vibrator between her lips. Todd admired the line of her smooth legs, and his fingers yearned to traipse through her silky fine hairs. Without warning, foamy jets of soap splattered the windshield; Todd’s aching cock jerked to be free. His hand clamped immediately to the crotch of his uniform pants, and he inhaled deeply for self-control.
Heather, now physical engaged, appeared lost in sensuous meditation. Through Todd’s eyes she was fearless and in his presence that boldness swelled with no shame. Sure someone might see, but she let Todd worry about that. He was the one who faced trouble if caught. That fact took away any of her remaining inhibitions.
After its frothing peak, the carwash proceeded through the motions again: heavy soaking streamers teasing the truck with each abrupt smack and then slow soothing stroke. While Heather quivered and probed, Todd relished the thrill. This gorgeous vixen was performing for him. Light stripes interrupted her tan hips and eased his imagination to a tempting bikini and them on the beach. The surrounding sensation, a hypnotic fwap, fwap, fwap, transported Todd to a surreal dimension far from work, carwash workers, and all other complications.
Heather rolled her head back and licked her lips. Giving in to her pleasure, she got into the act. She held the vibrator to her clit causing tickling ripples to rush through her thighs. Then swooping it down she plunged the metallic shaft deep in her hole, coating its length with glistening glaze. Finally she rocked the tip back up to inflict the whole span of her cunt with an epidemic of shivers. All warm inside, she too relaxed somewhere else.
After more spinning scrubbers, a torrent of rinse water pounded down creating a fluid glass wall. Todd’s vehicle slowly penetrated the pane. He imagined a shower flowing into the cab. Hot rain beat Heather’s chest and splattered down slender legs to pool around that tropical flower: her tight little pussy trembling away. He had been face to face with her perfect round pearl and he knew the exotic dance it was doing pressed beneath the rumbling rod.
“Oh god, that’s good!” Heather moaned nearing her crest. Todd stroked his cock through steely gray cotton; aching desire jarred him with each of the truck’s wall-to-wall quakes. He wanted immensely to touch her, to take her and replace the cold apparatus with his own throbbing heat. Yet she mesmerized him, and he dared not interrupt her display.
“You are so fucking hot,” he whispered huskily into her ear. Heather convulsed with a wave of giggles. Todd loved how her cheeks tightened into flushed little knots. A delicate hand shielded her from his gaze, although sparkling eyes peaked through her fingers. “Yeah right, you’re embarrassed. You little slut,” he teased. The vibrator roared at full speed now, and his lusty words floored her internal engine.
The last carwash stage was the dry: a flared box lowered down and commenced its staggering blow. Thunder overwhelmed the passengers as warm rivulets lurched off the glass. In Heather’s mind the drops were pulled, attraction immediately dominating her world. Hundreds of powerful straws sucked streams off the truck. Sucking she loved: Todd on her clit or when she took his whole cock. Heather pictured the dryer’s hot wind colliding with her air-conditioned fulya escort surroundings. The toy in her hand charged the unstable front at the entrance to her swollen slit. It was sucking her now, drawing out pleasure from the constraint of youthful modesty.
But the timing was tight. Oh God, I’m so close, was her agonizing thought. Oh please, oh please, now. Please let me cum. Heather prayed silently; her hand possessed with desperate mania. She was perched on a cliff, but her stubborn body refused to jump. The exit curtain inched near and tiny gasps filled the cab as she willed spasms to fill her torturous void.
Todd surrendered, amused. So someone might see his princess frigging herself, what the hell else could happen today? And just as daylight flooded their aquatic sanctuary, Heather grabbed up her shorts with the wand stuffed in her cunt. Breathless pouting gave way to bashful giggles, and the truck re-emerged into an ordinary afternoon they had both long forgotten.
Two more gas-station boys caught their sly Heather smiles and promptly jumped up ready for duty. Their arms circled vigorously, wiping up drips. Heather hid her open fly with one hand and brought the other to her face in a gesture of shyness, slightly too late. Her legs clenched together on the seat as internal pulsations sent sweat through her skin. Todd could see the tips of her tits through her taut tank top. She flipped out her hair, moist at her neck. “Boy, is it hot,” she sighed casually, her own inside joke.
Todd leaned to the right. His fingers swiped the swell of her breast, “Enjoy yourself, Babe?” He knew only too well. She laughed, a deep spicy echo for such a sweet girl. Todd held his own concealing, crunched pose. “I bet they have a security camera,” he said, prodding her side. Heather’s breath stuttered; her brows rose at the thought. “I’m sure these guys liked your show.” Todd nodded outside, and the boys’ faces displayed confused embarrassment. Heather closed her eyes dreamily, and Todd searched the horizon. They were definitely not going back to work yet.
He pulled into the parking lot of a nearby school, abandoned for the summer. They both paused in the hasty transition from amazed exhaustion to avid expectation. Heather would have sworn she could hear the small quivering motor, still lodged tightly in her passage. Its vibrations were slightly less potent now, but she was far from satisfied.
“You like showing off,” Todd asked rhetorically while stroking her face with tenderness and a kinky sense of pride. She nodded her head yes but kept her eyes down. “I like when you do,” he paused, taking hold of her upper arm and pulling her to his lap. Her innocence and raw sexuality were an intoxicating mix.
“Would you let those boys watch?” his guilty grin gave him away. “Let them watch you play with yourself?” Heather shrugged her shoulders then snuggled into Todd, kissing him on the lips for the first time that day. “I know you would. You like driving us wild.” Todd reached across, pushed down her shorts and took hold of the vibrator’s end. “I love how you look when you pleasure yourself,” Todd pulled it out and teased her clit once again. Oh, Baby, he thought. He was ready to fuck her hard now. “But do you know what I like, more than anything else?”
“What do you like?” she asked, eager to please.
“I like fucking you.”
“Ooh,” She gasped, feigning surprise. And then Heather whispered the words he so longed to hear. “I want you right now.”
His lips took control, kissing her deeply after he grabbed her hair, pulling her mouth to his own. Todd’s hand smashed her tit possessively, and she felt the grip of each fingertip. Now violently empty, back arched and hips thrust into the air, Heather sprawled horizontally on the truck’s shallow bench seat. She felt a desperate florya escort longing, a need to be filled: filled by a man, this man, filled up right now!
Heather kicked off her shoes. Her hands quickly removed all clothing waist down. Todd’s rock-hard prick throbbed as he moved the seat back. “Get over here, Bitch,” he said with a smile. Heather liked him to be rough. She scrambled to his lap and gorged herself on his glorious cock. She savored a rising fullness and the warm rich friction absent during her previous mechanical tryst.
Hands poised at his hips, Todd was ready catch her perfect tight ass on its decline. “Ughhh.” A moan of relief escaped from his lips. His dick celebrated its new surroundings and his palms got a taste of her silky smooth skin. Heather willfully navigated the length of his shaft while Todd relaxed his head back in profound enjoyment.
Contracting her cunt like an angry up-raised fist, Heather resumed concentration with continued intensity. This time however, her motivating goal was pleasure for Todd. He made her incredible; she was free from the past, from boys her own age. Their mutual exchange blurred all sensations into a ravenous haze.
When her thighs started to burn, Heather steadied herself on the steering wheel, careful, to avoid blasting the horn. Sensing Todd’s crescendo, she stared blindly through the immaculate windshield and relived their trip with the enhanced delight of acute penetration accenting each stroke.
“Let your boys see you, now. . .” he uttered gruffly as his hand snaked around to make contact with the skin of her fully-clothed breast. “. . .how you like to be fucked.” Todd’s jaw was clenched tightly; he had little time left. Every slick squeeze left him feeling brilliant, but the ecstasy was overwhelming.
“You do it so good.” Heather said in her own ragged voice between shallow panting breaths. She wiggled around to get maximum impact. “I love how you feel.”
Todd’s thoughts commanded the boys, watch and learn. This girl wants ME. This right here, he squeezed her tit and exposed his teeth on her neck in an unrestrained expression of desire, is how you treat a woman. As if snapping his fingers, Todd twisted her nipple in time with their thrusts.
Heather relished the exquisite pain and automatically twiddled her clit. She welcomed the flutters, and her obvious enjoyment advanced Todd’s ultimate gratification. “Don’t. You. Ever. Forget . . .” But before he could finish the punctuated threat, a loud grunting moan accompanied Todd’s long-awaited release. He shot her full and then impossibly full again; hot semen spears stabbed deeper inside as her gulping canal swallowed his cum.
“Yes, Baby, yes,” she half-whimpered, half-shrieked as waves came crashing home. The previous suspense had stocked an armory of orgasmic fits that now shattered forth in a spectacular assault of sheer bliss. Heather’s limbs collapsed as her contracting pelvis commenced a spasmodic siege. Her shocks met his spurts, and Todd wrapped his arms around her torso for the last of the tremors. In speechless wonder, allowing the relatively cool air to rejuvenate all other senses, they sat silently for a moment to breathe.
Todd’s hand affectionately slithered down her belly. His third finger tickled her clit to bring her down slow. Heather relaxed back on his chest. After a few moments she tipped her head, and they engaged in a sluggish, sloppy kiss. He stroked her tan thighs with the back of his hand, embedded cock growing limp. “You feel good?” Heather asked.
“Oh yes” he replied exhaustedly and put a finger to her lips. After all the day’s racy exhibitionism, Todd cherished this time: quiet and alone with his girl. Sticky Heather reached for her diluted soda. As the empty cup echoed from her straw’s final suck, Todd recognized another sound.
“Listen” he said and chuckled at her adorable yet vacuous expression. He reached under his seat and retrieved the still buzzing vibrator. “You, Missy,” he said, shaking it at her like a disciplining finger, “are going to need some new batteries soon.” Heather erupted into giggles again. It was going to be a good summer.
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