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I live for the moment I hear that catch in her throat with our first kiss. Her breathing getting heavier with each tender touch and caress of her sensitive places, I wait for those three words she will not say… yet.
Catherine Chapter 19
Confessions — Diego
But it’s only a few minutes later with her coming into the kitchen to stand behind me, her arms slipping around my waist, her cheek snugly against my back, “Bobby… please be patient with me?” She ask.
“Catherine… I’m the most patient person you’ll ever know in your life!”
“Then turn around and kiss me… please?” She ask. And that’s exactly what I do.
Breaking from the kiss, turning back to finish what I had been doing, getting the coffee ready, only to stop what I started, and taking deep breath, “Catherine… Saturday night I fucked Sally.”
Her reaction to what I just told her is not what I expected. Instead it’s just a slight loosening of her arms around my waist.
“Catherine, about an hour after I left Alice’s, there was a knock on the door of my room; when I opened it, there was Sally standing just a little to the right of the door wearing her long winter coat; funny too, she had clog sandals on her feet. So letting her into the room asking if everything was alright and that’s when Sally showed me she was naked under that coat by letting it fall off onto the floor; Catherine, I had no idea she would do that!”
“It, ah, had ah, been a.. I won’t say a long time, but it had been… awhile… at least six months or so. Catherine I also told her right then, we shouldn’t be doing this, that I was seeing someone. You know what she said Catherine, — “Just tell her you fucked your ex-wife; I’m sure she’ll understand.”
“Sally and I quit having sex because Erin was noticing the interaction between her mother an I — Erin’s very observant. She had asked her mother if we were friends again; meaning Sally and me. Sally told her she and I were always friends.”
“Is that why you and daddy, “smoochy eye” at each other.” Erin had asked Sally.
“Catherine… Sally and I… we weren’t getting back together and that’s when seeing each together for sex stopped. She had been coming to my hotel room on weekends when I was down there. Sally even coming to the house when she was up here visiting her parents. It was like that part of our life never changed; it was I guess, safe for her. For me, nothing changed. I was still fucking her girlfriends, and the wife of our married friends. And I’m sure she knew; especially Ryan, who most likely would have told Sally. Which I admitted to Sally Saturday night during her phone call later.”
“Also Catherine, Sally was telling me about her own, “friend with benefits,” too. She’s been seeing him for the same reason she was there with me, and for some time; nothing serious she told me. She also told me its been more that just that guy too. Sally’s a beautiful, sexy woman, so having just one friend with, “benefits,” didn’t surprise me.”
“But what else she told was, she was going to be seeing him Sunday afternoon, for the same reason she and I just finished. I don’t know her motive behind her telling me other than her just being Sally. We both acknowledged the sex we just had was great as always; then she left and went back to her grandmother’s.”
“Oh, another thing Catherine, she knows about you!”
“Laying on the bed next to each other recovering from what just happened, Sally asked about my, “seeing someone.” I jokingly said, other then her two girl friends and Jennifer; yes. I also told her you were married; she was pretty testy hearing that, but later when she called me she apologized, and… well I told her some more about you.
“Catherine… I thought you should know because you’ve been so open telling me what you did when you visited your friends that Reserve weekend I was away. And maybe this week with… your other friends in DC, and perhaps the persistent one; Brian.”
Only mentioning, “Brian,” to see what reaction I would get back from her. An getting nothing I would have expected if she had like, some comment about my, “intuition.” But not expecting — is her kiss between my shoulder blades. Then taking her arms from around me, “You might want to turn that coffee maker on because you may want to have some when I get back,” she says, letting go of me, leaving the kitchen before I can ask why.
The coffee pot had finished brewing well before the time I expected her to be back. And the cup I’ve been drinking my coffee from now empty, my hands still clasped around it. But as I’m about to get up to check on her there she is, coming in from the great room wearing the shirt she must have been wearing when came here earlier this evening.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t back sooner,” she’s saying. “But just as picked up my phone I got a call, and it taking longer than… it was from a friend about this week coming up.” She’s telling me.
“That’s okay Catherine, I wasn’t going anywhere.” Along with a shrug of my shoulders as if it didn’t matter’; the comment about the call from a friend.
Watching as she pours and fixes her coffee. Then her coming over and slides onto the opposite bench seat of the nook.
“You didn’t have tell me you know,” she says, sitting down. “But still, thank you for your openness.” Then taking a few sips from the coffee cup she holds in her two hands before setting back down on the table.
“I was just being honest Catherine,” telling her. “Sally was always a great fuck… and like all of our other times, we both throughly enjoyed that one. That was, until she asked about that seeing anyone. Being honest in telling her, so what had been a great time, suddenly went down hill. Which got ironed out later when she called after she got back to her grandmother’s house. Also Catherine, about you telling me about that weekend, and what you did with your friends; I knew it would happen with you too. So you telling me about it just established what I already knew. Which, went pretty much right over my head. An knowing it didn’t change in anyway how I felt about you. In fact, it made me want you even more! Ending up with us fucking each other senseless, and we… loved it; right?”
“Of course, I always have with you!” She says, a knowing smile along with her slight easy twist of her body acknowledging what I said.
“Bobby… I’ve told you, I have some very… very strong… feelings for you too. And I’ve told you other times, I… don’t understand them, because I’ve never felt… felt like… this for… ANYONE.” The firmness in voice emphasizing the, “anyone,” before trailing off; her eyes shifting averting mine.
Why is she stammering.. and why can’t you look at me — Catherine?
“But…” she goes on. “I also have some strong feeling for… friends, close… friends… men… Bobby! Who… I see, for the same reasons you’ve been seeing Sally and your other girlfriends. Nothing serious, just… fun and great sex!”
Her laying out that last part of, fun and… great sex!
“Bobby…” Her going on. “I love the life I’ve been living. An I desperately want you in it with me.” she’s telling me.
“Desperately.” She said. What the hell does that mean Catherine?
“You.. Bob Swaggart, are a very… special… man, who has… created something very meaningful between… us, and I, don’t, want to… lose it!” she says.
Again her stammering; but why?
“That’s why I need to make myself clear so what I tell you more of might be difficult for you to hear… because of the way you feel about me. And… the way, I feel, about you too.”
“SHIT!” Her head suddenly turned away, that word hurled at the window.”
“Catherine… whats wrong?” My desperation wanting to know.
“YOU Swaggart! YOU, are what’s wrong!” She forcefully comes right back at me. “YOU… have, fucked, up, my, life!” Her eyes burning into mine as she said all that.
OMG… this went around the bend didn’t it; just like with Sally, explodes in my head.
“Bobby… I absolutely adore you!” Tears suddenly flooding her eyes.
“WHA… WHAT! Catherine…?”
Those words slamming me back into the seat, staring back across the table at her. But as I start to slide off the seat, “STAY, Right, There!” She shouts. “Don’t move! Just stay right where you are; there’s more,” she says. And… it maybe more than you want to hear.” Her throat moving as if she just swallowed that lump that must have been there.
“Bobby, what I’m going to tell you,” she says, after clearing her throat of that lump and wiping the wetness from her eyes.. “Because it affects what I just said about you. Because I’m going to tell you… about the others. Your honesty in telling me about what happened between you and Sally Saturday night, brought home what I haven’t been totally honest with you about; an I truly, truly apologize for that! So just listen and please, don’t… don’t interrupt!”
“First Catherine, you don’t need to tell me a damn thing about, “others.” Ignoring what she said; interrupting.
“I’m perfectly fine without knowing about, “others!” Telling her. “Because you are the only one I want to know. Oh, and thank you for admitting what I already knew about how you feel about me; the feeling is mutual; as I already… told you! Plus like I already said too, you are to charismatic, beautiful, exciting, intelligent, not to have other men in your life long before me.”
“Bobby, I need to get it off my chest…’
“An what a beautiful chest it is,” several buttons of her shirt left undone exposing a generous view of her delicious cleavage.” My stupidly breaking in; her look telling me exactly that.
“Bobby, I’m trying to be serious here,” her admonishing me. Pulling her shirt together after looking to see why I said what I said. The look I get back telling me not to interrupt again.
“I’m sorry Catherine, it won’t happen again. But… I bet your coffee’s cold, would you like some more, because I think I’m going to need it too.”
“Yes… please!” She says. “I will definitely need it too!”
It’s only a few minutes that I’m back at the table with two fresh cups of coffee, to see her doing what appeared to be a text message she either sent or replying to. Setting her phone on the table, where I follow it by setting her coffee cup down in front of her. Then returning to the bench seat on the opposite side of the table to take several sips from my coffee cup waiting to hear what ever comes next from her.
“I’m not sure where to start she says,” setting her cup back on the table after taking a few long sips from it.
“Catherine wait! You don’t have start anywhere. I told you it doesn’t matter; okay? We both have a history, so you wanting to talk about yours and what ever happened before us, is something I don’t need to know.”
Not the truth, I do want to know, because I want to know everything about her!
“But I feel so terrible about… miss leading you,” she says. “Bobby, what I meant when told you I wasn’t, her finger quotes now, “promiscuous.” What I meant was, I wasn’t… an easy one night stand, or quickie hook-up… or… what ever; like some women I know who are. But I did meet some men I felt attracted enough to, that over time what was just a acquaintances, became a friend, then some… more than friends, those special, kind, of friends, where it became sexual during times and places our paths crossed.” She admits, looking back to me.
“So now it’s time you know more about the woman you tell me your in love with Bobby,” she says. “There are several men I’ve had a sexual relationship with over the last ten years, and it’s not including Jon, or the, “minute man,” or the college boyfriend rapist,” she’s telling me. Her voice trailing off after the, ‘college boyfriend,” like she suddenly remembered something more about it.
“The first…” she says. “coming back from, I assume a flash back?
I know how that is; flash backs. A word, a phrase, a time, a place, a loud noise, almost anything I’ve learned can put me back in some time or place I could still walk away from. I know the trauma Catherine, without saying it to her.
“The first, was a man I was introduced to at a reception at the home of Jon’s parents,” she picks up with. “His parents knew him from a project they did for him in California. Jon’s family business usually doesn’t get in involved with building homes. But this was a request they couldn’t turn down do to the fame and notoriety of this man. Bobby, that man is a world renown concert pianist who performs in the most prestiges concert halls in the world. He only tours six months of the year now, so getting tickets to his concerts, is like hitting the lottery for people who follow him. His touring for the season ended with his last concert here. After which everyone assumed, he would return to his home in Spain; which goes back many, many generations I would learn too.”
“I was infatuated with him the first time he kissed my hand is when Jon introduced me to him; yes, he’s a smoothie! An his reputation with women is well earned too; as I would find out. The seduction started when Jon, and this man sat down at the piano in the music room,” she says.
“I told you Jon’s passion is the piano, golf, tennis and the family business. It was after they played a duet of several classical pieces Jon, for some reason, wants me to come and sit with them. Now I can play the piano, but compared to what Jon and this man can play… I’m like the piano player in a old Western movie, plinking out some tune at the keyboard.”
Catherine saying that, “plinking out some tune,” finally brings a smile to both our faces. It will be awhile in her narrative before that smile returns
“For the rest of the evening..” She goes on. “I never left that man’s side. He led me around as he was talking with other guest, people he knew, as well as Jon’s family knew, which I didn’t know anything about many of them. I had been to receptions and parties where names were familiar, or who I met at another time. But these people were not like the business people I was familiar with from meeting those who were in the business world of Jon’s family. If I say I was overwhelmed, it would be a understatement!” She says.
“Bobby, I was twenty-four then. An married into a world and social environment that was so far out of my background and with a learning curve I was constantly climbing. This was the period between dropping out of college a couple of years before to take care of my mom. To meeting Gina, to meeting Jon, to marrying Jon, to being a lady of leisure, like the other wives in Jon’s family and completely bored. So I had restarted school until meeting that Vice President from IIG. An that’s when my life started again that’s led to you,” She’s telling me.
“But way before then,” she says. “I had easily been seduced by that concert playing, “Latin Lover.” And that came about when Jon agreed to build another house for him; this one on the coast of Rhode Island for that man; who I would fuck the first time in his new Rhode Island house.” Her looking straight across the table at me as she’s saying it.
Turning my head to the window, disgustingly thinking, should I start a mental stroke sheet. When suddenly mentally slapping myself; you’re a fucking jerk Swaggart, to be even thinking.. something like that.
“Should I go on?” Her voice calling me back. “I won’t,” she says. “If it makes you uncomfortable.” Maybe noticing my distraction.
“No Catherine, it doesn’t make me uncomfortable hearing it. I want to know.. because it’s you, that amazing, fascinating woman. Also I think, where was I along that time line. Only to have it collide with yours by total accident. An now with our time lines running parallel. I want to know Catherine… what’s led us to here.”
Now its my sliding off the bench to her startled question, “Bobby Where Are You Going?”
“I have a feeling Catherine, I’m going to need something stronger than coffee,” looking back at her. “That sideboard in there Catherine…” looking toward what for Sally and I became a formal dining room. “One side of it is a liqueur cabinet with some bottles of bitter lemon and a bottle of vodka; among others. And in the refrigerator, some ice; do you want some too?”
She laughs!
“You think it’s going to be that bad,” she’s asking.
“What do you think,” asking in reply.
Her staring back at me, for what seems a long time, but really not. “I think I will,” she finally says.
“Good! So it must mean it’s going to be pretty intense; right?”
“They have been,” she replies.
The girl doesn’t pull her punches, I’ll concede that, as I make my way to get the vodka and bitter lemon. Then back a couple minutes later to set her short glass containing the liquid courage on ice in front of her, and me back to sliding onto the bench seat, “Locked and loaded Catherine? So fire when ready.” My glass held out and up as if in a toast to her.
“Keep your head down Swaggart; the one on your shoulders,” grinning as she says it. “You’re going to hear some specifics!”
“I’ll keep that in mind Catherine. But remember… I’ve been shot at… and they, missed.”
Laughing, she looks out the window into the darkness, “Well…” she’s saying turning back. “Lets see if my shots miss.”
Sounds a bit smug to me. My thought.
“But I hope none will be to painful,” she says, looking back at me.
“Me too Catherine!”
“But before you go on Catherine, did any of them stick their middle finger up your ass when they masturbated you?” My firing the first shot.
“Why you FUCKING PIG!” She curses at me, at the same time looking around the table top, picking up the salt shaker, then acts like she’s going to throw it at me. Then laughing as she sets it back down.
“Alright smart owlic,” she says. “If thats the way it’s going to be with you, then yes; some have. And with one, even his cock too! So hows that mister smart ass?’
“I knew it anyway Catherine, I just wanted you to confirm it; so thank you.”
“God I hate you,” her laughing with it.
The tension broken now she begins. “The music between, “Mister Concert Pianist,” her finger quotes around that, and me began with the construction of that house in Rhode Island.”
“Jon took me along when he went to do the survey, I didn’t want to go because I would have to take time away from school, but he insisted. An from now, I’ll refer to “that man,” as ‘Diego,’ James in Spanish, not his real name, ” she tells me.
“Diego met us at the airport and drove us to the site for his new house there in Rhode Island; the site, a cliff side overlook with a great view of the ocean and the beach below; with a wooden stair step walkway leading down to the beach. As soon as Jon was out of the car, I could almost see his mind at work, leaving Diego and me alone as Jon wondered around, writing notes in his note book he always carries with him and taking pictures with his cell phone. Thirty minutes we were there, and I think Jon already had multiple ideas of house size, placement, and landscaping; Jon’s mind is amazing!” She tells me. All Jon needed was Diego’s ideas as input to Jon’s thoughts.
“But in that thirty minutes Bobby, ” she says. “Diego had already asked me to come visit his new house that was only Jon’s visions, notes, and cell phone pictures. From there Diego treated us to lunch where he and Jon discussed house size and placement, floor plans, and a list of others, all the time Jon’s writing in his note book, making rough sketches, not only in his notebook, but on napkins to show Diego his ideas. It’s amazing watching Jon’s mind at work.”
“We flew back that evening, and as soon as we were in the house, Jon was in his office, transcribing his notes, rough sketches, the napkin drawings some were on, along with the cellphone pictures were entered into one of his design computers. I went up and took a long hot bath,” she laughs looking at me.
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