Cindy Lou Moves to New York

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“Darn,” Cindy Lou said to herself. “This bus is taking forever to get to New York.” She had known that the trip from Birmingham would be a long one but feared flying too much to take an airplane and preferred the greater room and privacy the bus seats would provide. A train would have taken almost as long and would have been less comfortable because in the bus, she could snuggle into the cocoon of a seat and lose herself in her thoughts and memories of the life she was leaving behind.

The first of those memories included Bobby, her ex-husband of ten years, who had just divorced her. As a girl, Cindy Lou had been regarded by her parents and her large extended family as a “good girl,” meaning she did what she was told, just said “No” to drugs of any kind and avoided short skirts, loud music and other things her conservative relatives frowned on. Of course, as befits a “good girl”, she was a virgin when, at 18 and just graduated from high school, she married a handsome businessman ten years her senior.

Her virginity came to an end on her wedding night and Bobby was such an accomplished and considerate lover that it ended in a series of explosions as Cindy Lou enjoyed four orgasms, each more satisfying than the one before. Even a “good girl” can sometimes explore her pussy with her fingers but the results of those explorations paled in comparison to what Bobby did that night with his mouth and his cock. Whatever his failings, and however negative some of her feelings about him might be now, she would always have to admit he was an outstanding lover.

But now, in the darkened bus, she lay by herself on the back seat, covered with a blanket supplied by the bus company. As Cindy Lou remembered that night with Bobby, she smiled at the drastic change in her life it started. Reaching under the blanket, she unbuttoned her blue jeans and unzipped the fly to let her hand slip through the waistband of her panties and fondle her clit, which was swollen from the desires her thoughts were evoking. She had chosen to ride in the back seat of the bus so she would have more room to stretch out, either to sleep or for what she was just then starting to do. The somewhat rougher ride and swaying of the bus was an annoyance but one she was willing to endure.

The four orgasms on her wedding night had been the first of many thousands she had shared with Bobby and, after the honeymoon, with other men because he was a swinger and insisted his wife join him, newlywed and recently deflowered virgin or not. Reluctant at first, but obedient, Cindy Lou did so but after the first foursome, she was a willing, even eager companion. The second cock of her young life belonged to a business friend of her husband’s and was just as long and thick and hard as Bobby’s and gave her every bit as much of a thrill in her mouth and her pussy. His semen tasted as good too. She had such a great time that evening that she was eager to join the fun at every swinging party she could and, with her blonde good looks, plumply sexy figure and lack of inhibitions, she and Bobby were always welcome. Cindy Lou quickly lost count of the number of times men drove her to ecstatic orgasms as their cocks and their tongues pleasured her pussy, her mouth and even her ass.

She smiled even more and her fingers became more active on her pussy, wet by then from her own lubrication, as she remembered the first cock in her ass.

She remembered how, a little tipsy with wine, she had been lying on a mattress right after a somewhat disappointing coupling and wanting something better. A tall, good-looking man named Ben approached and Cindy Lou invited him to join her. He answered her invitation with alacrity but, even though her pussy was wet and ready, Ben was more enamored of her round, sexy ass and wanted to fuck her there. Never one to say “No” or to pass up a new experience, Cindy Lou got onto her hands and knees. Following his further instructions, she piled some pillows under herself and reached her hands back to spread her ass cheeks.

His fingers applying lubricant around and inside her virginal ass sent thrills through her body but they were nothing compared to what immediately followed. While she held her cheeks apart, Ben used his fingers to open the hole he wanted to fuck and placed the tip of his cock at the small orifice. With a firm push, he wedged the head into that opening, sending a great current of pleasure coursing through Cindy Lou’s body. In just the first second there was a very small amount of dull pain from the first stretching but that immediately evolved into pleasure, which grew in magnitude as Ben continued to enlarge the small opening and drive more and more deeply into her ass with every thrust of his cock.

“Does that hurt?” he asked when he heard her moaning.

“No. No, it feels wonderful. I’ve never felt anything like it, but I love it. Keep going.”

He was more than happy to keep going but once he became aware of Cindy Lou’s lack of experience, şişli escort Ben was gentler and stroked into her more slowly so she could become accustomed to it and to increase her pleasure. He succeeded admirably and by the time the entire length of his cock was buried in her ass, his dark pubic hair tickling the creamy skin of her buttocks, her body was writhing in front of him and fucking back to meet every thrust.

As Ben’s cock plunged over and over into Cindy Lou’s ass, her pleasure mounted, reaching heights she had never before achieved. Her whole body thrashed on the mattress and her loud moans let everybody at the party know what ecstasy she was in from the cock plowing in and out of her ass. Another man, and Cindy Lou never did see his face or know who he was, crawled under her and started to eat her pussy, flooding her body with pleasure from two sources.

The two men brought Cindy Lou to a screaming, fist-pounding orgasm as Ben rammed his cock all the way in and out of her no-longer virginal ass while the other man’s tongue laved her clit. After that, she was ready for anything and especially enjoyed being sandwiched between two men, cumming repeatedly as their cocks pistoned into her ass and pussy. If the sex party was a large one, with enough guys available, Cindy Lou liked to suck off a third man while getting those two holes pleasured.

But that happened years ago and now Cindy Lou lay on the bus seat, remembering that first fabulous orgasm from Ben and the other man. All the fingers of her right hand were active on her pussy, the longest one thrusting in and out of where she wished there were a big, hard cock. It felt good but it wasn’t enough.

After ten years, those days had come to an abrupt end. Bobby, seeing a golden business opportunity, demanded a divorce so that he could marry Charity Higgins, the spinster daughter of the richest man in the small Alabama town where they lived. Cindy Lou was fond of her husband and enjoyed their life together, not just the sexual part but all of it, and didn’t want to break up. She told Bobby she was having too much fun to want a divorce. However, his offer of a big cash settlement and regular alimony, paid mostly by his father-in-law to be, changed her mind. He told her the alternative would be going through with the divorce, with the likelihood that everybody in town would learn all about their lifestyle. Bowing to pressure from her family, Cindy Lou did not contest the quickie divorce. While going through the formalities of the divorce, she lived with her parents, who established strict house rules for her.

Once the proceedings reached the point where it was just a matter of time before the divorce became effective, her parents and other members of her family started trying to persuade Cindy Lou to leave town. They had long ago heard rumors about the lifestyle she and Bobby had been leading and wanted to avoid any more embarrassment. A job was arranged in New York City in the office of a company owned by a distant relative. She would be doing work similar to what she did in her home town and her salary, combined with her alimony payments, was expected be enough to allow her to live comfortably. She would stay with the relative and his family until she could make her own living arrangements.

Cindy Lou didn’t want to leave town. She had lived there all her life and all her family was there. It would mean missing her high school reunion for the first time and she enjoyed her job and the people at work. She also had a circle of friends, some of them women she had known for twenty years or more. “Why can’t I just stay here and start over?” she asked.

Asking for neither confirmation nor denial, older members of her family described the rumors they had been hearing, and pointed out that the gossip would continue as long as she stayed in town. Because of the divorce, her straight-laced boss would probably fire her, especially if he heard those same rumors. Most of her classmates no longer attended the reunions and she hadn’t seen some of her friends in over a year. Besides that, most of those so-called friends, because of her divorce, good looks and reputation, would dump her in a minute, fearing for the sanctity of their own marriages. Mainly though, as her parents emphasized, her reputation would reflect badly on the whole family if she continued to live in the same town as they did but if she moved far away, the gossip would eventually die down.

Cindy Lou had to admit that her parents were at least partly right. She had noticed considerable cooling in some of her friendships and her coworkers seemed to be shunning her lately too. The reputation of her parents was also a strong consideration; she was concerned with what people thought about them and her. Another big factor, one that she didn’t share with anybody, was that there would be millions of men in New York, and she was sure that many of them would be interested taksim escort in some hot sex with a pretty, unattached blonde from The South. She gave in and agreed to leave.

For over a month, during the divorce proceedings, her family had kept a close watch on her and insisted she adhere to the early curfew they established. They didn’t want to add to the rumors already circulating. If she expected to stay in their house, she would have to obey their rules. Having nowhere else to live until after the divorce, Cindy Lou reluctantly agreed. Her parents’ stringent rules, which they vigilantly enforced, kept her away from men, meaning that neither her pussy, nor her ass nor her mouth had experienced a tongue or a cock for that long and these pleasures were sorely missed.

In reversion to her days as a virgin, she used her fingers but, even supported by one or two dildos, they were a poor substitute for what men could have done. Even on those occasions when she was able to cum, she couldn’t help knowing how much better it would have been with a man or men instead of her fingers and some plastic cocks. When I get to New York,” she quietly vowed to herself once the decision was made, “the first thing I’m going to do is suck someone off and get my ass and my pussy good and thoroughly fucked.”

She packed two large suitcases, which would go in the bus’s cargo hold, and a trunk that would be shipped after she had gotten settled. After a suitable sendoff, with well-wishing by her relatives, an uncle drove her to the Birmingham bus station where she boarded the bus to New York, carrying a small bag with her makeup and a clean bra and panties.

Four hours later, while making a meal stop, Cindy Lou had covertly looked over the limited number of male passengers. Being men, they were aware of the attractive young blonde with the peaches-and-cream complexion even though, for comfort on the trip, she was wearing a bulky jacket and loose fitting jeans, effectively concealing her figure. At least three of them, she thought, would make reasonably welcome sex partners, one at a time or all at once. One man in particular, a young southerner was quite handsome and she liked the smell of his cologne. Except for those three, the male passengers were too old or unattractive or both. She briefly thought of inviting the young man or one of the other two to join her on the back seat but never seriously considered it. It would not be worth the risk; she had already waited a long time and she could wait a few more hours. It would be better to wait until she reached New York and got settled in a little.

But that was still in the future and all she had just then was her hand and it was not even close to being enough, especially since, because of hurried packing, her dildos were in one of the suitcases and unavailable. Cindy Lou’s entire right hand was wet with her juices by that time, with two fingers going in and out of her pussy, trying unsuccessfully to replace a cock while her thumb was massaging her clit. It felt good, but she knew she would not cum from it.

Until then she had been lying back with her eyes closed, but suddenly she had the clear sensation of being watched. Her eyes opened and she was aware that a man, just across the aisle and only few feet away was staring at her. The blanket had slipped to the floor and, by the small light on the corner of the seat in front of her, he could see the wide open front of her blue jeans and her hand moving frantically under her panties.

Before embarrassment could overcome Cindy Lou, the man spoke. “It seems a shame that a pretty girl like you should have to play with herself. I’d love to eat your pussy and we’d both have a lot more fun.”

Although taken by surprise, she knew immediately what she wanted to do. There weren’t many other passengers on the bus and they all seemed to be asleep. The man who had been watching her was the young southerner she had earlier placed at the top of the list of potential sex partners and the provocative aroma of his cologne still lingered. Besides that, he was 100% right. Her fingers weren’t getting the job done and his mouth and, hopefully, his cock could.

Without speaking, the horny young woman rose up slightly from her seat to pull her jeans down and around her ass. She pushed the pants down her legs and lifted her feet to remove them and her sneakers and leave them on the floor. She rose up again and her panties made the same journey and ended in the same heap. Naked below the waist except for her socks, Cindy Lou leaned back with her legs raised and spread, hoping the man would live up to his offer and even do a lot more.

Seconds later, the young southerner was kneeling on her pile of clothing with his face buried right where Cindy Lou wanted it while her legs were draped his shoulders. The first sensation she had was the soft lapping noise and the feel of his tongue sluicing up the juices that had trickled mecidiyeköy escort from her pussy down her legs. The soft, sensitive skin of her upper thighs reveled in the feel of a man’s tongue after the long wait, and it got even better when he started licking below and beside her pussy. Back and forth and left and right on her bare ass she rocked, with her head tossing from side to side on the back of the seat. Cindy Lou moaned in pleasure and her hands were clenching and opening as the young man slowly licked his way up one of her engorged pussy lips. Several times she had tried stroking herself there with fingertips dipped in baby oil but nothing felt as good as a real tongue slowly and wetly working its way along that very sensitive place. The young man was immensely enjoying himself too. As soon as he started, he knew that this was the hottest pussy he had ever known. The pretty blonde, who was so willing, had a sexy ass and legs, with soft, creamy skin and her plentiful juices were the most delicious he had ever smelled or tasted. Besides her juices, the spongy texture of the woman’s swollen pussy lips was better than anything his tongue had known. However much fun the young man was having, Cindy Lou was having more as she felt him slowly licking her inner lips. “Oh, my God, how I’ve missed this!” she told herself. She had missed having a man’s tongue caress her pussy and the feel of his breath on her wetness. Pleasure poured from wherever his mouth roamed, cascading throughout her entire body and bringing her closer to what she knew would be her best orgasm in over a month. She was writhing on the seat and moaning in pleasure while her pussy unashamedly fucked into the man’s face.

“My God, that’s good,” she whispered. “Now suck my clit. I wanna cum.” Cindy Lou felt the man’s fingers peeling her protective hood out of the way and his tongue lightly stroking her swollen clit. “Ooooh. Ooooh,” she whimpered. “Right there. That’s it!”

For almost a minute his tongue swirled around on her sweetest spot of all, sending waves of pleasure crashing through her body, while her pussy fucked even stronger into the man’s face. For just a second his tongue was withdrawn before her clit was engulfed by a pair of lips that clamped on to its engorged base. The pleasuring tongue resumed caressing the swollen sides and top of her clit while the man sucked gently. Cindy Lou fucked against his face so hard that her ass was almost jumping off the seat.

“Yes! Yes!” she whispered. “Suck my clit!”

After less than a minute of what she had been yearning for, Cindy Lou started cumming. Her arms flailed against the seat and her legs squeezed the man’s head, keeping his face tightly against her pussy. From side to side and back and forth she rocked on her seat, yanking his head around while his mouth continued sucking and licking her clit. Cindy Lou thoroughly enjoyed every second of her cumming until she climaxed, her first truly pleasurable orgasm in over a month, bracing her arms on the seat, arching her back and jamming her pussy one last time into the face of the man whose mouth had given her such immense pleasure.

Her upper body relaxed and she breathed a relieved sigh but Cindy Lou hoped they weren’t through yet. Her thighs still held the man’s head and he seemed to like being a prisoner. “That was wonderful,” she panted. “Can you do it some more?”

“Uh huh,” he answered, unable to speak clearly with his mouth pressed against her wet pussy.

Taking the young man’s answer as a “yes”, she loosened the grip of her thighs so her legs rested loosely on his shoulders again. She was correct; he had no wish to leave and started to lick the fresh juices from her thighs and all around her pussy. Cindy Lou smiled happily and leaned back to enjoy the wonderful things that were once again happening, wanting to cum again.

After licking off all the nectar the young man’s tongue started caressing the other pussy lip, the one that he hadn’t licked before. He thought of himself as being incredibly lucky, to have a chance to eat out this extremely hot woman and he hoped she would squeeze his head again, and cum and then want to fuck. Although he didn’t even know her name, he didn’t need to; all he wanted to do was eat her pussy and fuck. After her first orgasm, the swelling of her labia and clit had decreased slightly but as the young man’s tongue caressed her pussy lips, Cindy Lou could feel them once more becoming engorged. She loved the exquisite feeling of her pleasure mounting again and her body showed it, writhing on her seat and fucking into the man’s face. Her voice showed it too, moaning as his tongue stroked repeatedly across the top of her clit hood, sending jolts of pleasure through her body, before starting down her other pussy lip. In the back of her mind was the fear that she might wake up the other passengers with her moans and whimpers but she was too enraptured with the wonderful things the stranger’s tongue was doing to her pussy to care very much.

She looked between her legs and, by the light on the corner of the seat, she could see his eyes and the bridge of his nose, bobbing up and down as his mouth stayed with her erotic movements. “You are so wonderful,” she whispered. “I love the way you’re eating my pussy.”

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