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Dillon was in heaven. His latest installment on his the porn company website founded with the owner of the strip club he bounced at had been a huge success. The college bimbo he had victimized had been a viral sensation. The buzz for his little company was starting to build. He was getting offers from promoters and venue owners to stage his next shoot at their event or location. The opportunity to draw a crowd of rowdy beer guzzling perverts was very attractive to the right clientele. A couple more successful events and if the subscription numbers to his porn site keep growing at the pace they are now and Dillon and his partner Rich would be able to pay off the loan they had taken from the Brazillian drug dealers Rich got his party supplies from. Dillon had a long history with the amoral brothers. The faster Dillon could get the Rio de Janeiro gangsters out of his life the better.
Dillon and the Brothers had a common enemy in the past. The three of them had been hospitalized by one of Dillon’s high school classmates in fights. That related to the other piece of news that Dillon had received that had him feeling so happy. Julio “Julie” Duran the bane of his high school experience had been declared missing. Police had given up the search and Julie was presumed deceased based on the blood found in his abandoned car. Julie had become a bounty hunter after school and had run afoul of some underworld types and had been the presumed victim of a mob hit. He was probably gator food his body probably dumped in some swamp. Julie had left behind a wife and daughter. Dillon loved thinking about Julie’s grieving wife. He hoped she would have to resort to stripping to feed her daughter. Dillon would love to see Julie’s widow’s tits again.
Dillon skimmed through his emails and found a perfect venue for his next shoot. The Brew Buster Theme Park. A local craft brewing company had hit it big and bought a local amusement park. They had moved the brewery to an adjacent property and were planning on a beer serving adult experience with sports bars and German beer wenches. The large spring fed lake would supply the brewery and serve as the location for a water stunt show with bikini-clad water skiing babes. The owner had a business plan based on sex appeal. The brewery and amusement park weren’t near any school churches or playgrounds. The plan was to build up the surrounding area with strip clubs, massage parlors, flee bag motels, and porn shops. He was looking to build a perverts paradise vacation spot. The first step was to build up the reputation of his park. Aside from the bikini water skiers and beer garden waitresses he was looking to build up his centerpiece ride into an attraction. The tallest ride in the park was the log flume. The boats had been made up to look like beer barrels and would drop almost straight down the waterfall track. The riders would pass the main beer garden floor on one level to a viewing area beneath where spectators could gather and get splashed by the passing boat. A camera would record the fall and snap a picture as the ride went past.
The owner was looking for two things to happen. He wanted the flumes to get a reputation as a place for girls to flash their tits for the şişli bayan escort camera’s and for the beer garden patrons. The other thing he wanted was for the splash zone to attract women to get wet. They would sell white t-shirts for girls as souvenirs that said splash under the breasts. The owner wanted the tits out on the ride all day so he wanted to establish a tradition of guys pulling up unsuspecting female riders tops for the camera and beer hall, not just girls who choose to flash their goodies. The owner had every intention of selling souvenir photos at the end of the ride. The would offer poster sizes and even print the picks on a t-shirt if patrons wanted. The owner knew Flash Falls would become an internet sensation and guys would flock to witness the phenomenon. The owner wanted Rich to supply girls who were willing to flash their breasts or get wetted down in public but he wanted to set up a model for the inaugural run. This unsuspecting girl would wear the beer wench costume and get her tits pulled out by Buster the Brewmaster the company’s mascot. The owner wanted the wenches honest reaction as the crowds gather around the photo display area and start printing out photos of her naked tits.
Rich and Dillon had searched the local talent agencies for the right model for the shoot. Of course, they were looking for a busty blond. They were not going to shy away from copying the St. Pauli girl template. If it’s not broke don’t fix it after all. Rich and Dillon had differing opinions on the final choice. Rich liked this girl Lisa, of course, she was a busty blond. Lisa walked into the interview and gave off an air of contempt for Rich and Dillon. Rich gave off the greasy, sweaty, vibe you would expect from a strip club owner. He came off like a sleaze bag. Dillon felt like a creepy date rapist frat boy. He came across like a guy who had different flavors of roofies for mixing in different beverages. Lisa was creeped out by the pair and her disdain was obvious. Rich really wanted to humiliate her in reaction to her contempt for the two businessmen. Dillon preferred Monica. Monica was an adorable sweet girl who came across as quite innocent. She was excited about getting the day off from school for the shoot. Dillon felt a stirring in his half-dead genitals when he thought of Monica having to return to school and face her college classmates after being exposed on the internet. Monica corrected him that she was still in high school. Monica revealed her age to be only eighteen and Dillon actually got half hard without the need of the scrotal injections he usually needed to get an erection after his injury. The thing that put Monica over the top was that she asked if her mom could attend the shoot. The idea of a mom witnessing her daughters humiliation in person was making Dillon almost hard enough for actual sex.
Monica was chosen after Dillon refused to relent. When the big day arrived and Rich saw Monica in her beer girl costume he agreed Monica was a great choice. As much as Rich would have loved to cut Lisa’s ego down to size the innocent Monica was the right choice. Plus her hot MILFy mom was hanging around in the background. Monica had clearly gotten her big firm bayan escort tits from her mom’s side of the gene pool. Mommy Monica was running around in cut off shorts and a light pink tank top that was showing off an unbelievable amount of cleavage. Gravity had an effect on her four-decade-old chest, and the wobbly motion when she walked made it hard to take your eyes off her tits.
Buster the Brewmaster was a white haired guy who looked just like Geppetto in the Pinocchio cartoons. The guy they got to play the part was a filthy old man who was quite handsy as he posed for pictures with the beer wenches and the stripper Rich and Dillon had gotten to get wet and flash on the rides later. He had pinched mommy Monica’s ass twice already. He was looking forward to getting his hands on Monica’s barely legal boobs.
Once again Ashley was playing the role of local news reporter covering the maiden launch of the new “Buster Falls” ride. Monica’s mother was visibly uncomfortable when Ashley commented that Monica might have them change the name to “Busty Falls”. She didn’t like the idea of her daughter being blatantly sexualized. She knew it was a fact of life in modeling but she was still very protective of her daughter. The Mascot actor had rubbed her the wrong way too. He was clearly a dirty old man. And something seemed off about all these pretty girls around the shoot. They had a tough edge that was setting off alarm bells in the mothers head.
Monica had finished posing with Buster and was on her way to the top Busters peaks to get on the ride. A large crowd had gathered on the platform below to look up Monica’s dress through the grated walkway above. Monica’s mother was very upset about the naughty group of frat boys who were getting a peak of Monica’s panties.
The owner agreed that it was highly inappropriate and moved the crowd to the beer hall for a better viewing experience. Not wanting to be around the nasty boys who had just invaded her daughter’s privacy the mom went to watch from the Splash zone with Ashley and her Cameraman’s waterproof camera.
Ashley was questioning the mom on camera getting a kick at how upset she was at the group of guys seeing her daughters underwear. She complained right up until Buster and Monica’s beer barrel boat reached the top of the ride. Monica was seated first with Buster crammed into the seat behind her. The teen could feel the old man’s erection press into her back. She didn’t appreciate working with the old pervert but she was going to enjoy her time in the spotlight. She was enjoying being the center of attention. Monica raised her hands in excitement at the impending plunge. The innocent teen was beaming the brightest smile.
Monica’s mother thought she was seeing things as Buster’s hands snaked up her daughter’s chest. She was furious that the park had hired a sex predator to work with the public. The mom watched in horror as Buster slipped his gross fingers inside her daughters top. The mom was furious as the mascot yanked the dress material from her teenage daughter’s tits. The beer garden erupted in cheers and she realized the packed hall was witnessing her daughters exposure. The thought of those creepy guys taksim bayan escort from before now seeing her daughters bare breasts made her ill.
Monica was horrified when she felt Buster’s fingers in her top. She had only let one boyfriend touch her breasts and she had made him date her for months before she let him go to second base above the bra. Now this man who could have been her grandpa was touching her. All of a sudden she could feel the air on her breasts. Shock set in as she realized her boobs were out in the open. She looked up a bit and saw a crowd of people watching her from the beer hall across the way. She heard the excited reaction from the hall and realized it was for her tits. A bright flash went off and Monica remembered the camera on the ride. The ride plunged down and Monica saw her angry mother on the lower level standing next to the news reporter and cameraman. Monica was devastated to realized the ordeal was taped.
The wall of water the ride made as it hit the pool at the bottom washed over the mom on the viewing level. The mom was freeking out at her daughter’s assault. She was unaware of how transparent her light pink top had become when it got wet. The mother’s lacy bra was clearly visible through the wet cloth. The camera zoomed in and was clearly able to make out the outline of her dark red areolas that capped her big knockers. The mom looked over the edge and saw that Buster had not freed his hands from Monica’s dress and her perky breasts were still bared for everyone at the base of the ride.
The mom had every intention of stomping the old pervert for victimizing her daughter the way he had as she rushed downstairs. Ashley and her Cameraman were right behind as the mom rushed downstairs to Monica.
Monica was unable to reach behind and free her dress from Buster’s grasp. Her tits were out in the open as the ride slowly circled on its track. Rowdy boozed-up men were whooping it up as she passed topless. Finally, the ride stopped and the young guys operating the ride freed Monica from the lap restraint. Monica pulled her top up at last. She went to attack Buster but paused as she saw her topless image on the screen. A large group of guys was crowded under it. Monica realized in horror that the guys were purchasing copies of her naked breasts as a souvenir. There were multiple stations printing off pictures of Monica. The idea of all these guys having photos of her puffy little nipples horrified her. Her boyfriend was going to be so jealous.
Monica’s mother reached the bottom of the stairs to see her daughter frantically trying to retrieve something from a large college age jock. She saw Buster moving in the opposite direction and had to decide between pursuing Buster or helping her daughter. The mother shook her head in denial as she realized her daughter was fighting to retrieve a topless picture from the large young man. Her daughter’s large topless image was on the screen behind the struggling duo. The mom realized guys were printing off topless pics of her daughter all around them. The mom flipped out. She launched into a screaming fit at everyone around her. It finally subsided and The mom realized cellphone cameras were pointed at her from all around. She looked down and realized her wet t-shirt was now the center of attention. The cold air and anger had hardened her nipples to diamond-hard pebbles sticking out of her shirt.
And that was the Buster Falls became better known as Flash Falls.
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