Self Slave Grading Do’s , Don’ts

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With the recent explosion of the local slave industry young women today have a greater opportunity than ever to get themselves graded. A slave grade can be a fantasy fulfilled, a ticket to a better boyfriend (Wear your “Prime-” tag as an earring on your next visit to a bar, ladies, if you want to see what I mean!) or even a ticket to a career as an actress or model.

Although not required most job applications and nearly all college applications have an available section where a female applicant can note her grade and whether or not the grade was official. Increasingly companies are requiring at least an unofficial grade to obtain auto insurance, establish credit, or rent or buy a home. Once controversial, this practice is now an accepted way of judging both financial stability (in the event of a bankruptcy induced enslavement procedure) and whether a young woman has the sort of “fun” personality that might make her want to fit in at a particular college or workplace. Indeed it is rumored that Oxford is giving more weight to slave grades than extracurricular activities for prestigious majors such as law and medicine.

Whether it’s for professional reasons, to please the man in your life, vanity, or just for fun, slave grading has turned from a fad to a trend to a rite of passage and an economic necessity.

But as the opportunities grading affords expand so do the questions a girl has to face? Official or unofficial? Where to get graded? What, if anything, should you wear? Although it’s a subject you could debate for days here are some dos-and-don’ts to consider before having yourself graded.


In many cases an unofficial grade can be had for as little as little as £20 and is perfectly acceptable for most commercial uses. The grading will typically done at any store or outlet that sells slaves or slave accessories, and involves the completion of a checklist examination by a licensed or a non licensed professional. Although the grade is “unofficial” in most cases the grading is quite close to an actual grading. Some people feel unofficial gradings are up to a ½ step higher, “Select” versus “Select-” for example although since official statistics are not maintained on unofficial grades it is impossible to be sure.

In truth the biggest differences between official versus unofficial grades are cost and time. Since official grades are used to protect buyers from shoddy merchandise an official grade will always include blood work, urine samples, and a more complete examination of the girl’s sexual responsiveness. Prior to an official grading girls will typically be left on a show floor or in an examination pen so that actual buyers can make bids on them, to verify the grader’s initial assessment.

Official gradings are done by licensed and bonded professionals, which is an excellent guarantee not only of quality but also financial protection. To be officially graded a girl will be devoiced and processed through the system from anywhere to 24 hours to a week, depending on the busyness of the facility and the personal discretion of her grader. The longer she is in the system, of course, the greater the risk of remaining in the system permanently. With a licensed slave grader your father or husband is guaranteed restitution for your full sales prices, whereas with an unofficial grading a girl’s family often get little more than a “finder’s fee” and a perfunctory, form letter apology.

Beware of “free gradings” which are limited to local residents only as these are often used as loss leaders to drive traffic through the store. “Yes, the grading was free,” Pamela P of Leeds confirmed, “but the place was packed and left me naked in the window for nearly three hours waiting for my grading, and now every guy I know has seen me naked. When they finally took me to the grading table it was in the center of the store where everyone could see me. I almost died when my boss and his friends walked in!”

Most young professional women opt for cheaper Onwin gradings, but for a certain social set only an “official grading” will do. “All my bridesmaids, all the girls at my health club, and all the girls I party with have official grades,” Pippa says. “It costs more, and is quite a bit more intrusive, but it’s worth every shilling if you want to BE somebody. Of course the pictures from our grading are on file, and they will be released on the Internet if we forget to pay our yearly “private registration” fee. I shudder at the thought of all the guys I know looking at pictures of me squatting and spreading my butt cheeks for the graders. It’s not the sort of fee a girl forgets to pay!”


Where you get a grading done is a matter of individual preference.

“Personally, I think amateur gradings from a larger store are more prestigious,” Stacy of London says. “Getting your grading done at Harrods or Debenhams is better, since when people see their logo on your certificate they take notice. The graders at these places are almost always licensed and certified, even for the amateur gradings, and a store that processes thousands of girls a month really knows what they’re doing.”

Jane of Beverly disagrees. “When I got graded I did it at the little store down at the pub. Jake, the shop owner, had known me for years and did a really great job. He did the grading in back, and it was a lot less cold and impersonal than one of those so huge meat markets.”

For some girls the question is less size than location, as Barbara S of Eastfield explains. “When my mom & sister got done, the store owner kept them on all fours in the window all day, with a bit in their teeth and the legs spread nice-and-wide so all the punters in the pub next door could get a good view. Father never heard the end of it. I’m waiting for our family vacation on the coast to get my grading.”

Elise K tells a similar story. “I had already stripped off and put the collar on when the manager “suddenly remembered” the grader had gone to lunch! I asked for my clothes back but he laughed and said the grader had the locker keys and I didn’t need clothes since ‘grading slaves are inventory until their graded.'”

“The manager took me out onto the showroom floor and sat me down on a wooden bar stool with a round seat, only he made me keep my feet up on the seat so I’m TOTALLY exposed, and says, “Give me a big smile!” I did then he clicks the magnetic lock on so I can’t move my feet or hands or close my legs and I got this idiotic “slave grin” on my face, like I love being squat and spread.”

“Things got worse fast. My son’s high school lets the 18-year-olds off campus, so wouldn’t you know it a bunch of my son’s friends wandered in to “check out the fresh pussy” which today was me. I was their favorite MILF so they couldn’t believe their luck when they saw me naked and spread wide on my little slave stool. There were about a dozen new girls but I got all their attention, and all I can do is wiggle my toes and whimper with this huge toothy smile plastered on my mug while they explored every inch of me with their grubby little fingers. I had been driving these little brats to baseball games and buying them ice cream after soccer practices for years, but now all I’m frozen, grinning and letting out these stupid little squeaks as the little bastards took turns fingering me and bring me to slave-gasms and taking selfies with me for their Facebook pages. All this because I wanted to save a few minutes of driving and get graded local. The good news is that when the grader came back I got points for being ‘slave hot, & extra juicy.'”


What, if anything, should you wear to your slave grading? It is well known that a girl can boost her “compliance,” “submission”, and “slave fire” scores considerably if she shows up at the grading nude. Note however the girl will get little-or-no credit if her companion has a bag that may contain her clothes or a purse, or if she Onwin Giriş is wearing simply a slutty dress or even something that might protect her in some ways, like shoes.

“If you wanna show yer’ slave hot, git’ yer’ ass slave naked,” one store manager from Kent told me. “Don’t be stripping off 5 seconds before you strut into my store thinking you can fool me; I DEDUCT points for that. If you come in with flip flops and your husband or girlfriend haulin’ yer’ gear like they’re the slave, yer’ SELECT before ya’ start.”

This creates a quandary for many women as that short walk from your car to the mall or slave grading center can seem like an eternity, especially when you begin to encounter friends, neighbors, coworkers, and countless people you know. If you think it won’t happen to you because you are being graded at an off time you are mistaken; inevitably you will encounter at least three people you DO NOT want to see you naked. It is not surprising that many women drive for hours to get graded or get a quick grade when on an out of town business trip rather than risk running into their relatives, father’s friends, or colleagues stark naked.

If you are getting yourself graded naked the question of where you might put the car key that will give you access to your precious clothes and identification becomes critical. Carrying it with you is fool hearty as it will doubtlessly be either lost or taken from you during the grading process.

One popular solution is to stash your car key using a magnetic “key locker” underneath your car. But this requires some degree of stealth. “A naked girl draws a lot of attention,” Randy R of Birmingham says. “I didn’t see those college boys watching me as I stashed my key, but they sure saw me. When I got back to my car they were waiting for me, and I had to blow each one of them to get my bloody key back!”

“Be careful no one sees you,” Andrea N of Nottingham concurs, “or you may be helping the homeless in ways you never expected.”


One solution to the key problem is to bring a companion. “I get a lot of moms taking their daughters to get graded, or women taking their little sisters in as an 18th birthday present,” says Mr. Watcher, who runs one of the largest slave emporiums in Cork. “What they don’t realize is that if the mom or sister is hot, the women will typically get a higher grade if they are graded together.”

Not surprisingly sometimes Watcher will find himself doing a group grading with a Mother and several daughters, with a few aunts and cousins thrown in. “It’s a win-win; the women get higher grades since very often buyers prefer to purchase sisters or mother/daughter combos,” he explains. “Plus I’ll usually charge half for the second girl.”

The other advantage in this approach is safety in numbers. “Dad drove us to the Slave Superstore”, Pattie H of Liverpool explains, “and I felt a lot safer walking across the parking lot naked with my mom, sister, and Cousin Debbie. Plus I KNOW I got a higher grade and a better price with the three of them on the grading tables next to me.”

Typically if a young woman is taken in for a slave grading by an attractive friend the dealer will offer the friend some sort of “2-4-1” deal. Although such deals are attractive, remember that the dealer’s generosity is always inspired by the hope that an amateur grading might lead to a permanent change in a girl’s status. Most reputable dealers take care to prevent accidental enslavements since repeated violations can lead to a license suspension. But when you and your comely friend are both naked, devoiced, and hanging on a slave rack awaiting customer “inspection” you might find the security you felt walking into the store vanish.

“I was already devoiced by the time Emma agreed to strip off her kit,” Katie S of London explained. “I just about peed myself when they put us up on the table and graded us together. We were only “inventory” for about 4 hours but I was sweating Onwin Güncel Giriş bullets the whole time! The old bitty behind the counter was no help either, joking about how we had been misclassified and leading all the gawkers coming in for a quick feel straight to us. It all turned out okay in the end and I even got a Prime- grade, but it was the longest afternoon of my life.”

Many women prefer the security of being taken to a slave grader by their father, husband, or boyfriend, or simply a close male friend. But consider the degree of exposure, and the fact that it might be difficult for that male to see you as anything but a slave ever again. “My husband took me down for a lark,” Chris J of Yorkshire explains. “But he saw a girl there that took his fancy. Before I knew it he arranged for a swap with the slave dealer. She went home. I did not.”


Often large dealerships use tracking collars to keep their inventory sorted. You might feel a sudden wave of anxiety or a sudden rush of excitement when you feel a slave collar lock around your throat. This is normal. Remember the collar is there to protect you and separate you from the non-salable inventory. Once collared, a girl is under the store’s protection, and indeed you are safer with a collar than without.

In most cases the dealer will use a pink “grading” collar to quickly distinguish grading inventory from to goods-for-sale. If at all possible, request a pink or better yet a temporary plastic collar which can be removed with a pair of shears if the key is misplaced.

If the store is busy they may do a catch-and-release where they collar you and then release you to wander about until they are ready. A small electrical “training jolt” will signal you that it is time to report for grading. Feel free to window shop or simply go for a walk. Most collars have a range limit that will prevent you from going too far, so you definitely want to make sure you use the bathroom before you get collared as naked slave girls are not allowed to use public toilets. Many a collared girl has gotten the surprise of her life when she realized she had to release her water in a litter box at the store or at a dog run, where laughing spectators could watch as she did her business!

Even as ungraded stock the store is your legal owner until the collar is released. Although this might seem unnerving, it is in fact excellent protection that prevents a stranger from collaring and claiming you.

Remember that whether you are collared or not when you are naked the slave code applies and you will be expected to speak to free people with deference and respect, avoid direct eye contact, impertinent answers, or ANY sort of confrontation! As a slave you are always in the wrong. Don’t be surprised if you get a few flicks of the crop or a good slap across your bottom if you are in anyway impertinent. Get to wear your going, keep your head down, and never forget you are a slave.


Remember that you will be devoiced during the grading process, so you should discuss all of the options with whoever is bringing you to market before your processing begins.

Do you want a complimentary slave branding?

What price would your sponsor sell you for? It’s better not to rely on “I’d never sell you” and make sure that a firm price is established to prevent a sudden sale in the excitement of the moment.

Are you willing to be placed in inventory and allow customers to make assessments and bids in order to improve your grade?

Would you consider an overnight or weekend stay?

May the grader use the whip or crop, or are you to be disciplined with a shock collar only? (Note discipline limits may negatively impact your grade.)

Review the basics of the slave code prior to stripping. The recent government issued pamphlet “I AM A SLAVE; NOW WHAT?” is available online and provides an excellent summary of the proper code of content.

Is your slave dealer reputable and licensed?

With proper planning and preparation, and a few simple tips, you’ll get a grade you can be proud of and an experience that will last a lifetime. But high or low, your grade is yours, and something you should be proud of. See you on the grading table, girls!

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