Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
He had sold out his holdings in Hawaii. I’d disposed of my Florida live on sailboat. Those retirement homes had kept us apart in winters, while our fall doms topping women; femmes fatale controlled sissies; convincing portraits of subjugation nothing of any value at all, that is; a zero; a void being filled with the truth.
Despite the ear plugs, I can hear myself as I moan and beg for more. I am graced if he only touches the camel toe pussy he has bursa escort found a way for me to display. But he is far too gentle. I want him to be rougher, to play harder. I want more.
He admits all this is kinky, but insists that he is straight. He refuses out right to use his own hands or mouth on my penis, or put his into my ass. He did promises to obtain a functional ‘fuck machine’ device, with remote control. With me bursa escort bayan mounted on it, he said he’d manipulate the levels while watching from a ‘safe’ distance.
He never got around to that. Instead, it is always the same scene. He, in a velvet robe, me naked on my knees. His pipe passing, soft cock held in my hand. Then swelling & growing inside my mouth. If I throat him, I will go to heaven. He is hard bursa bayan escort & huge.
I face delirious choices. Engulf his whole ball sack, or try to inhale the length. Decisions! Strain to go all in. Failure 🙁 New efforts to please. Rewarded 🙂 I say, “Thank you, Mr.”
He grips my throat to tip my head back. Are we on the verge of something different? No. We only continue with the same old, same old. Unlike Max’s ass to mouth sluts, your bff’s rubberized bimbo dolly has to settle for oral only. Sorry about that.
He is coking. I am choking. He fills our lungs again. Sweet tendrils of smoke swirl. I am going now . . . once again and . . . gone. Sweet dreams of summer were made of this 🙂
(with credit and apologies to Miss Annie Lennox)
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32