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I looked up and was greeted by the same group as before but like me they were all laying on their fronts so I had 8 feet and 8 round buttocks in view, but nothing more at this point. I twice had to reach under to rearrange myself as my erection was pressed awkwardly underneath me. Donna of course noticed and asked loudly if I was having problems and could she help as she giggled to herself. I said things were slowly going back to normal and she sighed a sad sigh, then giggled again as a mischievous cackle came out of her.
I was just feeling my erection start to go down when I felt warm slick hands on my back, followed shortly after by extra weight on my upper thighs. I looked back to see that Donna had straddled me just below my buttocks and that she was putting tanning oil on my back, the clear smell of coconut filling my nostrils. Donnas dainty fingers were feeling lovely on my back and she was deliberately doing it in a sensual way which of course meant me dick was soon fully engorged again. I thanked her for not allowing me to burn and she asked if that was all she was doing so I lied said yes. She clearly saw this as a challenge and I began to feel her body lean right over and rub against my back. This included her large tits squishing into me as she reached over to get my shoulders. She eventually lay right onto me and whispered into my ear. “How about now?”
I told Donna she knew what she was doing and she seemed pleased with herself. She then began to massage the oil into my buttocks which meant she’d need more oil. I flinched as a squirt hit me and I felt it running between my cheeks before she had time to replace the lid and collect the oil into her fingers and palms. Two fingers from one hand squeezed themselves between my buttocks to collect the excess bursa escort bayan oil and both fingers brushed by anus, again making me flinch and Donna laugh. She massaged both cheeks for a bit then jumped off and then lay next to me and said it was my turn to do her back. I explained that I would need a few minutes to maintain my dignity but Donna gave me a stern look and all but ordered me to do it now so that she didn’t burn. She told me nobody would notice and that I needed to start now as she shoved the coconut tanning oil into my hand. I was horny as hell and decided this was going to be enjoyable so get on with it and make the most of it.
As I was contemplating my move I saw the busty black woman in front of me flip onto her front and sit up with legs wide open. She grabbed a bottle of water and smiled right at me as she took a long drink. I had now paused waiting for her to divert her gaze elsewhere but Donna nudged me and called for me to hurry up; so I cautiously sat up doubled over trying not to look like I was showing myself to the woman in front of me.
Despite not being of porn star proportions my situation definitely didn’t go unnoticed by the woman in front of me as I shuffled over atop Donnas legs. As my bare buttocks came to rest on her soft calves I felt a jolt of electricity that strengthened my already iron erection. I was pointing my 6.5″ up to the sky; and on having a quick look around saw that a fair few people were looking our way but Donna was again demanding that I hurry it up. I poured oil into my hand and leant forward to hide my erection as I massaged the slick fluid into her perfect soft skin. Donna let out a light purr as I used a second application of oil on her back, my fingertips snagging on her bikini top as I reached inegöl escort the limits of garment. Having completed above the bikini strap I shuffled down a little to do below the strap which resulted in my erection pressing into the space between her buttocks as I again leant forward.
“You must be pleased to see me!” She said. My movements and position now making my hard-on rub up then down the space between these two perfect buttocks separated by a thin piece of fabric. I could feel the pressure was getting to me and I was going to have to be careful not to embarrass myself with a huge cum-shot over her back. I managed to finish her lower back, pleased I didn’t get told off. As when I reached around the sides I had brushed the exposed undersides of her tits from where her top had ridden up slightly; I felt I was taking advantage but nothing was said.
I was moving to get up when she just shouted out “LEGS!” I now had a throbbing erection but no longer cared and semi-stood to reposition to the side of her. She then opened her legs as wide as was comfortable and fully exposed her gusset to me. The shape of her pussy was clearly visible and stray red pubes were visible around the edges. One side had ridden up a bit and was doubled over across her buttock exposing a lot of extra cheek. Donna reached around feeling this and slid a finger under the fabric, sliding it along the stitches to straighten it; in doing so pulling away the fabric and giving me a short but perfect glimpse of her pussy lips. The view lasted but a second but it was like a glimpse of heaven in my eyes. I was now going to struggle for the rest of the day with my erection.
I oiled up each leg in turn down to her ankles and then back up as high as bursa merkez escort I dared to. With hindsight I think I might have got away with going ALL the way up and the occasion brush on the gusset but I didn’t dare. I finished up then lay back down onto my towel. Nikki started up a conversation with me about my home and work and other such nonsense that I cannot fully recall but it was a perfect way to relax me and help my erection calm down. I think Nikki had done this deliberately but I couldn’t be sure as my senses were frenzied and frazzled at the same time.
In front of me I watched as the group behind us started to pack up. They all dressed except the busty one who stayed naked as she packed up; bending over in front of me as she stuffed things into a bag. It felt like I had lucked out with this as the positioning was perfect and I could see her lovely pussy like I had earlier but she was now angled right at me, her legs wider apart this time and her bend was like she was showing off. I then realised she was teasing me as her head came around and she winked at me again with a huge smile. I smiled back at her and she gave a little wave before pulling her dress over her head and slipping on her shoes. They left and I saw many a man watching her curvy buttocks sway as she walked off the beach hand in hand with her soldier.
I asked Nikki about her work. She told me about her regular contracts and even some work I was familiar with from a major mobile phone network. She didn’t seem all that happy with her job and I commented that I’d expect that to be a great job. She said it was but then her tone went up a couple of octaves as she started to tell me of her pet projects. She told me of how much she really enjoyed doing photoshoots in her home studio of nudes and couples. I asked her to explain and she said she had a side project that she advertised on a specialist website; where ladies would book her to shoot their boyfriends and husbands naked, or as a couple in sexy positions or even having sex. The conversation went from normal to HOT in about 15 words!
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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32